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tv   The Big Saturday Show  FOX News  April 15, 2023 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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(woman) yes! (vo) close in a matter of days. start with an all cash offer at opendoor dot com densify from crest pro-health. like bones, your teeth lose density over time. but, crest has you covered. crest densify actively rebuilds tooth density to extend the life of teeth. the #1 toothpaste brand in america. crest. ♪ hello, i am griff jenkins along with tammy, nicole and guy benson and welcome to the big saturday show. the big story tonight? present president biden at his home in rehobeth beach delaware after a taxpayer from the trip to ireland where he celebrated irish roots. just before he left, talked
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about a couple big issues here at home. first, pentagon pflueger who posted with the defense department because sensitive highly classified material in a chat room popular with video gamers. >> i was checking to make sure they get to the root of why he had axis in the first place number one and number two the focus extensively on the extent to which it all occurred and that's going on right now. i have nothing to report beyond what's already reported. >> a new report in the washington post reviewing leaked secret documents detail the u.s. was aware of the 24 china spy balloons in addition to the one u.s. shot down in february. meantime not only was biden ready to talk about the leaker, he weighed in on planes for 2024 but again keeping it vague. >> we've already made that calculus will announce it relatively soon. >> you made a decision? >> i told you my plan is to run
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again. >> short of an announcement we will get to that. first, we have so much to talk about particularly this leaked document washington post, new york times gives us more and more. i want to show you the washington post writing leaked secret documents detail up to four additional spy balloons. tammy, it seems we are starting to pull back the layers of the onion here of what's out there and this is troubling on the face of it yet all the other things we know. >> is scared enough with what we know and see, we see the top of the iceberg and that's always concerning. the problem is what you don't see and the presumption is if there's a top of an iceberg, there's a giant one under the water and we don't see those. that's always the danger and every dynamic is what you don't know. with the most in danger september 10. we didn't know what was coming on the 11th. most in danger before we know covid is moving around so you
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got an administration with biden where they are unforced errors were choices have been made in you look at afghanistan was the very first, it wasn't noise, it was a signal about this administration that if they did with that which was predictable and we knew the elements, he was the president if he did it with that what else are they doing that is kind of monsters. one of the not acting on? what choices are being made? it reminds us it was affecting our lives right now that are very serious and could have been stopped in some fashion with different is the main that expose incompetence but the culpability in this administration. >> what we are learning is this 21-year-old is not terribly unusual of 1 million people that have access to the top security clearance, 70% of the marine corps is under 30 so young people are involved yet in this system which is where this stuff
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exists, there's clearly a problem so i got to ask you if there is a comparison in protecting medical information particularly sensitive information. >> when it comes to healthcare data from 2009, 2022 you had over 500 healthcare data breaches to over 382 million patient records were exposed yet there's millions of not billions but into all the spyware programs not only by national people getting to get the data but international foes getting tapped into our system and blackmailing healthcare industries but the united states has a priority problem and i myself as a physician who works in the hospital, i'm not able to access my own mri, i'm not legally able to look at my own images but this 21-year-old man
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who hasn't been able to vote for more than a handful of months, he has access to top-secret security that would put our national security at risk and we know national security has never been that strong for the biden administration and his approval rating is about 43% according to cnn, would he talks about more is removing electric cars, i screamed but i don't hear him coming out taking a strong stance on national security and if he is going to run in 2024, i think americans, it's going to be at the forefront. how will you protect our nation? >> what did you make of biden's answer when asked about the beaker? >> at first he was responding he wasn't concerned and then kind of updated and said i'm concerned it happened but it's older stuff not contemporaneous. i'm not sure that's the right response from the commander-in-chief. he's had classified material issues himself but this is a horse of a different color and i think the appropriate think would be to say is an ongoing investigation and we are taking it seriously and that's basically it's their questions
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about over classification, i think we should have that conversation, i think there are concerns about over dissemination. why do certain people have access to things like this? what strikes me as frustrating about this particular circumstance, previous leaks talking about this before the show, previous leaks that were damaging, it was someone making a conscious decision to betray the country for some sort of reason. ideological, greed, you go down the list, this seemed to be basically a kid being stupid trying to impress people on the internet and even though it's a different category, the result is the same and it needs to be taken seriously. i don't know how you guard against that. >> fascinating to see if this becomes part of the conversation on the campaign trail in 2024. as you saw in our introductory died, the president sounded frustrated i already told you i'm going to run, just not ready to announce and maybe he was referring to the fact that his
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wife in africa already told us his plans. >> see it till you believe it. >> he says he's not done. he's not finished what he started and that's what's important. >> he's not done. of course, you knew who he was running. >> you can do whatever it is he's been doing which is not being president somewhere else so i don't know what she's referring to. he's not done ruining the country? is not done laughing at? get shot up and making jokes? i don't know what they think is happening and if the american people are aware because we are. that also was a strange and vague way of addressing it. you either say you're running or you're not. it seems to be a control, they are donors. if anybody else is going to start to lineup, what you do about kamala? gavin newsom? what you do about these individuals? it seems like whoever it is running the country, has an
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interesting maintaining that but they can only continue to do it if biden is in front. the moment he says he's not running that evaporates and everybody else climbs up. we know the world on fire, the nation has major problems but that's their focus and what makes this so dangerous. >> is there a chance that he's not getting younger, there's a stumble almost weekly if not daily of cognitive issues discussed about but is he possibly holding out until the last minute with health con concerns? >> it's possible. i think i said 21-year-old has only been overbuilt to vote a couple of months, clearly i met a couple of years, i know the voting age in america. first of all, that -- [laughter] cnn poll referenced said a third of americans say he deserves to be reelected and they cited
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possibly because of his mental practice and he's still not able to the way we see him physically and mentally seems to be on the decline and that's not critical of the president, it's just facts. the older you get, you start climbing and he's greater than life expectancy and maybe he should enjoy retirement at this time, i personally would. >> politicians everyday on your radio show, both lessons? >> he's had this placeholder answer for months which is i intend and plan to run, this holding pattern. fine, i get it, maybe they have a certain date for strategic reasons, i don't know. there are a number of things they are doing that would suggest he's running and democrats i. pat: believe he's going to run for reelection. the only thing i would say to play devils advocate, if he weren't planning to run again, would he do anything different?
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he wouldn't want to make himself a lame-duck to early. i'm not running too early. if he wants to run the election, he hasn't announced it yet so if you look at some of the vagueness, that might be strategic if they are looking for an exit but they do want to tip the hand. i'm just saying. odds are he's running again but if not, pay attention to the words they your using and not using and it will become too late in the game sometime. what's going on? you been intending for a long time. >> last thing i would ask you, hunter biden was on the trip. he's got an investigation co coming. >> i think for obvious reasons, they feel they can do whatever they want, the new teflon don get hunter when you're admitted crackhead son has to clarify questions from children during that trip and that's what transpired, you know the country has a problem because the world was watching that entire
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framework but relied on his son a great deal and continues and while the hunter biden story is interesting, it's not about just biden, it's about joe biden. >> i saw we are worried about him, we don't want him talking to anybody, we are going to keep him close so we can control what's going on, they want control, they want him close to make sure he doesn't get into trouble. >> hunter is a pretty good handle are so i would imagine perhaps hunter biden will get a million dollar a month irish handling job here. >> very interesting. meanwhile straight ahead, elon musk has a chilling warning about artificial intelligence that may have you thinking twice about using that technology. stick with us. ♪
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welcome back to the big saturday show. robocop to the rescue. democrat run san francisco and hundreds of fewer police officers in the city did in 2019, business owners and locals think ai -based surveillance to detect potential criminal threats using cameras sensors. the system manned by live guards who contact police but elon musk a new warning about ai and coming up monday he's going to sit down with tucker carlson, here is a preview of that. >> ai is more dangerous than mismanaged aircraft design or production maintenance or that car production in the sense that it has the potential and that but non- trivial with the potential of civilization destruction. >> that will be a fascinating conversation. tammy, you got the law enforcement component were talking about, what you make of this? i start to get nervous thinking about ai at the threshold where
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ai is smarter and better than we are and i feel that is coming rapidly. >> as it is now and it could change exponentially as it exists day today, it relies on what humans have done in the past when it comes to information but that becomes a bridge crossed is what happens when it's deciding, its own information is created becomes its back and then the people as we found programming it or have the influence suddenly we realized it has a weird leftist attitude which is not natural, not a natural attitude. every living creature wants to be free and wants to be it's own guide for the future it's not helping someone else will tell it what to do, i don't care what kind of animal you are or what you are in nature, it's unnatural to think there's no better than you or others should
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take control of your life, it's not natural so when ai spews that, it's an influence from humanity. there's a story when computers were first or maybe even bill gates talking to his mother and he said these are going to be in everybody's homes and she said why would you need it? whose -- why would you need a computer in your house? well, we adapt and that's my other concern is if we adapt to artificial intelligence, what becomes of the drive for human beings? that's what elon musk is talking about i think and he's going to help save humanity because of his understanding and willingness to speak about it. >> there's always a fear of the unknown and technology from the extreme of being all the way up to just some low-key worries we whisper about but also it arrives and unfathomable technology quickly becomes almost vital you can't imagine without it. >> we have a supercomputer in our hands now.
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>> exactly. this is from goldman sachs, their projection of what might be coming down the pike in terms of ai. hundreds of millions of jobs lost, majority of jobs at least partially automated whether an overstatement or understatement, we don't know yet but a good possibility because a significant amount of social economic a people ahead in this. >> when you talk about ai, you can break it down into two umbrellas, the human job loss and when you look at the polling, you see united states the biggest thing people want to talk about our jobs and the economy so if you're talking about pushing board ai, knowing the maybe devastating consequences in terms of fewer jobs, it will be a problem. ai is not intended to replace the human brain and we need to make sure it stays clear. it is supposed to be to enhance and help the human brain and expertise to have better technology, not to replace them
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and that's where it's a slippery slope but the other component is what elon musk is talking about. i robot, westworld, all of these other movies where ai essentially takes over civilization, it's a potential security threat and when you have the biden administration saying don't worry, we are going to audit ai and make sure it's safe for everyone, first of all, i do not have any confidence in their ability to audit, to be able to audit ai. if you have the technology at this time to tell me who's safe and not why are there so many criminals on the street? so many people leave the prison system to commit another violent crime if they are so good at telling us what's safe and what's not. >> not intended to do xy or z and then were like what could go wrong? we seen this movie before and that's why there is angst and anxiety among people and you mentioned the administration national security advisor, a
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national security official talking about the future and how the government keep an eye on it so don't worry. >> our initiative will help the ecosystem of ai assessments and the tools that will help assure businesses and the public ai systems can be trusted. >> fair enough and someone probably needs to have some oversight and there might be some need for regulation but is the federal government in the position to do this remotely well? why would we trust them to be smart on this? they are bad and slow and clunky and incompetent on most things. >> let me ask chat gpt. elon musk having civilization destruction, that's not a light thing and i don't trust that guy whoever that dude was, i'm not on board with him. elon is trying to warn us of the potential problems in my biggest fear is this clip is going to
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end up being katie couric and brian in this nation going w wide web, what would we do with that? that's not this. >> the silence are watching this and laughing at us already. >> you are talking about putting major decisions and trusting the computers for which we don't know the outcome and when i was watching a piece with jonathan turley, chat gpt think that said sexually harassed someone in there was a story about it and it was totally made up, ai totally made it up in those legitimate concerns. elon musk who's smarter than i am, he reinvented the way we think about cars and he's able to look into the future and has wisdom for why we should be nervous. >> another major issue when decisions are made, we have a system where decider can be punished, there can be repercussions you can know what
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to change. if we move into a dynamic where the politicians can go to the machine and we are all screwed. >> there's the question of distorting reality and can't distinguish the difference between reality and not an does it spin beyond our control? that is another component as a little creepy. >> artificial intelligence made its way into my profession as a radiologist and there are benefits to working with it but i can tell you in conjunction with my experience and expertise is where you are going to see working together because you have the ai pick up a lot of things if we see everything ai except and you will have false positives so it has to be in conjunction with the human brain. >> is the instinct, as a doctor knowing your patient? >> i would say a lot of upside. we talk about the downside mostly, there is an upside. it's a conversation will have for years i suspect. with media has a message for right wing moms and dads.
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children are not your property. another attack on parental rights. that's next. ♪ 's 's
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i think that might be the theme song for the left these days. welcome back to the big seller shall. a new target for the leftist media? parents who want to take care of their own children. new york magazine delivering a message to who they call right wing parents with an article titled children are not property. a portion of the piece reads like any piece of property, a child has value to conservative activists, they are key to future conservative wants to wind. parental rights are merely one
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pass to the total capture of state power and the imposition of authoritarian hierarchy on all of us so it's no surprise children have been a fixation for the right wing. we heard this before, i argue this was started with hillary with this message of it takes a village and americans realize -- it takes family, not a village. not just for america, historically when we think of hitler, mussolini, the entire fascist framework has always been about excising children from families. i think opening statement kind of exposed that, wouldn't you think? they are thinking politically but yes, children are the future and when we raise our children it's about our values, a personal relationship, they are thinking politics. what you think? >> are we sure this wasn't written by ai? it was pretty revealing and almost a caricature of what some
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of the hard left view as the role of society and the state versus parents and families and it was striking as you are reading through is like wow, there's a lot of projection going on. i understand yes, children of the future biggest cliché in the book, to some extent it takes a village and all that and we are in communities but ultimately no, kids are not property, they are human beings but yes, they do belong to their parents lease until they are 18 unless something goes wrong and there's intervention and the extent to which you have a lot of people absolutely committed to trying to break down that bond on a seemingly daily basis i think is a bit chilling, revealing and something little conservatives yes, are paying attention to for good reason. we're not looking around and making this up, it's something we are noticing. >> it's everywhere. another element in this article,
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children earned private property for public responsibility to expand our democratic project to children is to grant security, the right c6 to deny them. education, healthcare, shelter and food. isn't that interesting, isn't that what parents are providing, what they are arguing is a shift not to send kids into the forest on their own but to simply give them to other adults who navy wouldn't raise them as conservatives but indoctrinate them into being something else. >> 'you talked about caught my eye because they are saying it's the public's responsibility to care for these children and all of those education healthcare shelter and food but the big difference between republicans and democrats is republicans believe the family if you choose to have children then it is your responsibility to make sure they have basic necessities and with that comes instilling values. what a child grows up to be will
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be on them but zero to 18 as a mother of three i'm doing everything i can to make sure they are able to grow up strong individuals, educated, healthy and able to make choices on their own when they are of age and that's why there is informed consent, not old enough until they are 18 but hard work, discipline and fear of god. that's what we like to instill into our children. that can give them the tools they need to have successful lives. i don't like to bring politics into parenting but let me tell you something because you know i love data and research, there's been many studies most recently 2020 talking about psychology today showing conservative children grow up and conservative households have better physical and mental health. why is that? the parents are intimately involved in their upbringing focusing on many things that has longer life. >> you have a personal interest is supposed to be lifelong.
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you expect your bill for children to be there when you're in the walker and they help you. you got buildup of children. it's a lifelong commitment with those particular people. if it is society, there's no direct interest in what happens to those people from ten years on. >> no major invested interest. let me thank you, my parents who sacrificed the only economically but a time perspective and in some cases from a career perspective, my mom stayed home and took care of me, she didn't get into the workforce and i'm 52 so that was when women were starting to carve out time, she stated to make me the person i am. i live up to the role they thought i would live up to be and i try to instill that to my kids. this article might have been entitled i hate glenn youngkin because he tapped into something that matters to many americans in the country if i wouldn't be
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so far to say all americans which is you care about your children, do what you can for them and care -- they don't belong to me, i'm fortunate to have them but i am responsible for them. >> the left seems obsessed with separating that child parent bond. that's not going to work. do you google instead of going to the doctor? everyone is a doctor now, right? you are not alone. talk about it, straight ahead. ♪
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in ♪ welcome back to the big saturday show. let's go to the doctor's office. more and more people are suffering with health ailments. they are going to a doctor, their paging doctor google. a poll finding 40% of people rely on the internet about their health over a doctors opinion.
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where shall we begin this discussion? i can't believe i'm going to ask this, is it a good idea? >> sure, the internet is full of a lot of great information but when i got a christmas gift a few years ago for says don't confuse my medical degree with doctor google and a reason they're talking about ai, it should be used in conjunction with human brain so yes you could get information off the computer but even with chat gpt and the internet, most people are not black and white and every individual is different and i'd love to say with the classic textbook symptoms each ailment they come in for but they don't so when you google symptoms which you may not know what is important and what's not, you make it sound completely different and sending people to get a second opinion, you like what i say, go to another doctor and get a second and third opinion and now we find people google they decided
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what's going on and they will just continue to find a doctor or nurse practitioner until they tell them what they feel. >> not that i'm an expert but it says right here you are wrong so disregard everything you said. >> people come in and say you know, i was googling in a says probably this so you think it's that, right? >> i will say a couple of things that irritate me and it's not patients but the intrusion of electronics when it comes to the doctor and patient relationship to the federal law that recently passed in the last year where patients get their biopsy results immediately and that's part of it, they get the alert even before i do and they get their results and they google results and by the time i call them, they've already given themselves a death sentence and it's a different conversation than if i had given them information and discuss it so it is problematic. >> another part of the pole, self diagnosing on google found
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that among the people they talk to they did four times in the past year so let me ask you, have you ever self diagnosed on google? >> the fastest way to catastrophize and spiral is to google symptoms like brings you to the worst possible conclusion though i used to do it a little bit, i was always skeptical because it's the internet, huge chunk and and close friends with a colleague and dr. whose phone number i have and i have perhaps text her more often that i should for totally free medical advice so thank you to the totally anonymous person. [laughter] >> i do it. injuries that maybe -- you've got a knee problem something. >> another problem covid and the measures that we were doing virtual meetings with doctor and encouraged to go to the tele doctor for the phone or nurse with the insurance company, it
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involved technology and sometimes it involved the box to tell you to go to this link it sounds like you need this and that's what we got trained in a lot of ways to forget about imperative value of human connection especially with doctors, especially with people, there is something important to instinct to having a person who knows your history and family history and understand what's going on, even emotional history like tammy is overreacting but let me look seriously and that alone calms a person down, having that professional so -- it's helpful especially rural areas and etc. but going to the doctor is an important relationship. >> so don't google medical problems, we will give you doctor safire's phone number and she will give you better advice. [laughter] coming up on the you know the bud light backlash? budweiser is anna hiner bush
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breaking its apology but sort of not really. that's next. ♪ should together we provide nutrients to support immune, muscle, bone, and heart health. yaaay! woo hoo! ensure with 25 vitamins and minerals and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ need relief for tired, achy feet? or the energy to keep working? there's a dr. scholl's for that. dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles have patented gel waves that absorb shock to hard-working muscles and joints, for all-day energy.
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♪ welcome back to the baseline ratio. the same day and a hammer push broke silence over partnership with trans activists dylan with mullaney, budweiser posted this ad. >> this is a story bigger than beer. this is the story of the american spirit. >> meanwhile the ceo releasing a statement that reads in part, we never intended to be part of a discussion that divides people. we are in the business of bringing people together over a beer. the apology falling flat, the new york post covered today because it apology like.
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tammy, he said he didn't want to get into anything that divides people or controversial but when i think about this and you are talking about massive marketing campaign for a well-known beer, why do we make controversial moves to cater to such a microcosm of our population? if you want to reach the masses, wouldn't you keep it more generic like i don't know, the horse in the american background? >> it shows you there are some people, that many who get into positions and major corporations who have come out of college maybe in their 20s and who are woke in the friends of the same, it's groupthink. that's one thing you can look up and trust is the nature of everyone thinking the same, kind of pushed along, all the people they know this way and they forget the american people are out there and we matter. when they do think of us if they are woke on the left, they think they are teacher, parent,
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terrorists trump terrorists and semi- fascist and we become irrelevant. they found that quickly america is larger than how the left is portraying us americans don't want to be lectured and it is about -- they want to show their social justice virtue, they can be trusted by the left because there are campaigns by leftist organizations pushing corporations specifically to do these kinds of things to get rankings and a good citizen company and they begin to lose sight of the fact that it's the american consumer who's the b boss. >> to be specific about the person they decided to use his mullaney, this isn't just the face of the lgbtq movement, it's a controversial character in general. >> and i think some people reached out by her performance of girlhood is the term she used for a while before that was disturbing enough she moved on to womanhood.
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the video she put up on bud light rubs some people the wrong way. he might say this controversy has been maybe overblown but it's hitting anaheim or bush clearly. the statement that's gibberish, not an apology, it's a word salad of please like us, don't be offended and bud light in particular has had right at campaigns, perhaps my favorite. if they are trying to figure out how to extricate themselves from this, i think perhaps the only solution is a lucrative endorsement deal for me so if they are watching, i am willing to generously contribute. >> they will drink a beer and realized the diversity of that particular community. >> i endorse it, i might consider drinking bud light but bud light put out the end of the week because clearly it was a long week essentially saying
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tgif, question? can we get over this? they've had incredible ads in the past. co- controversial, what about spuds? i love that dog. >> a window of opportunity, bring it back, a dog you see in the 80s, much better place for bud light and dylan. here's the deal, people who know me know i drink beer, i don't drink wine or blues, margaritas, i drink beer and i literally don't want to think about transgender politics. i just wanted to drink beer. it's an escape, relax and they grossly misread the audience. they turned to clydesdales because i was looking back today at the ads and i remembered how touched i was the first budweiser ad of the super bowl in 2002 after 9/11 for the clydesdales where they go in march in a small town in the get
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a bluff overlooking new york city, so in touch with their audience, if you needed any proof you misread your audience, what? went in the backyard and destroyed three cases of bud light. >> that's a waste of money. a little over the top. >> americans don't want this, disconnect when it comes to who's making decisions if they become vice president and then you get disconnected from what's going on, america is still saying we are the same people and to stop being manipulated by what little hirings. >> i seen them and they are breathtaking. i vote for bringing them back. keep them around. please stick around. take saturday flops are coming up next. ♪
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and welcome back to "the big saturday show". it is time now for our big saturday flops. our picks for the biggest veils of the week and i am going first for the private school in ithaca, new york is reportedly forsaken students to mask up outdoors and kids are not allowed to speak during lunch. this is three years after the kobe pandemic began. this infuriates me on many levels. first of all you have k-8
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school. children have to eat mask indoors, they mask outdoors they sit at lunch and are not allowed to speak the want to speak they have to put you speak. this is complete behavior. not to mention cornell ivy league is just on the road they are not wearing masks. but i'm sure at this elementary school does much better, i'm sure they do. >> antiscience abuse. meanwhile let's talk about sports just briefly. this is it philadelphia, surprise surprise. phillies fans not liking the dollar dogs at citizens bank park this week as the team losing to the marlins the fans started tossing hotdogs onto the field. so philadelphia fans have thrown snowballs at santa maria they have thrown a batteries that visiting players they had jail in a courtroom inside their football stadium for years. now they are tossing hotdogs at each other it onto the field. i cannot prove this but i am convinced and radiate the mascot for the flyers was somehow behind this. look at this big bucks the
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mascots just watching it happen. >> they're going to take away the right to have any sort of concessions at these games if they cannot behave themselves. that's we do have kids and they misbehave you take them away. >> there we go the hate mail now. >> i have a story of the e-mail sent police on a wild 20-mile chase her tent to see town nobody soaring anything at them. rent up to 40 miles an hour. his owner said the bird hopped a 7-foot fence and escape the family farm after being spooked by workers he was running through the town the owner put him up on the social media people were reported where he was. ultimately neighbors were watching him go 20 miles an hour he was not hurt in this. he was captured. must wrangle to the back of a truck but is now at home the fence is now out 90 feet high and everyone is fine. krasinski buried the lead did you say that in you can go 40? next 40 miles an art run emu r run. i will go last a challenging commute to work this after on
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the streets right outside of fox news was closed for a scottish heritage and culture parade and look who i spotted celebrating and filming this on my phone. mayor eric adams he is not too concerned the flooding issues plaguing his city including crime according to the "new york times" story today one third of all shoplifting arrests are been reporting on repeatedly in new york city last year involve the same hundred 27 people. now the video i yelled at mr. mayor, mr. mayor he did not talk to me. i don't blame them being in a parade all mayors go to parade you can see them circle. said mr. mayor come over i wanted to ask about the story. helping of three to 27 people coming thousands of shoplifting crimes and yet they cannot get there in a 20 control requesting the ai can tell him this people should be behind bars because they are criminals and that's where they belong. >> a chat tbt will solve your problems get ready for spuds
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mckenzie are going to be the face of bud light you do not want to miss that. was going to be your slogan by the weight customer quotes workshop that a little bit. by the way on the parade congratulations to all who elevate the four consecutive hours of bag piping was a bit much from the hotel too. >> my ears are still reading that doesn't force will see you back here at 5:00 p.m. eastern for the big sunday show the fox report with jon scott starts right now protects the pentagon is tightening access to top-secret material. this after massachusetts guardsmen allegedly leaked stacks of classified documents to an online chat site. good evening i am jon scott and this ox report. ♪ we are learning new details about 21-year-old jack is now facing charges for retaining a disturbing classified national defense information he is accused of leaking hundreds of u.s. classifie


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