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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  April 12, 2023 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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why are you so chagrin by me? >> dana: i think it's weird. >> geraldo: that i show people? i started scrapping. >> dana: you think can you do anything for your one more thing. >> geraldo: self-made. >> dana: who isn't at this table? >> judge jeanine: that's it for us everyone. "special report" suspect next. hey, greg, happy to hear one person talk, bret. >> bret: thank you, judge. good evening you, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. damage control for the biden administration as more sensitive data is released from the leaked pentagon intel files. so what's next? we will talk live with the french finance minister about the recent comments of the french president when it documents china and the u.s. and our ai series continues tonight. how could artificial intelligence affect your healthcare? ♪ but, first, breaking tonight, president biden's trip took him to ireland today a security
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scare today after word that local police lost documents with sensitive security information. the trip is meant to celebrate the president's irish roots and the anniversary of historic peace agreement. the president's insistence on pushing green energy, specifically electric vehicles is causing some problems back home. white house correspondent jacqui heinrich is in dublin, ireland tonight 2r58ing with the president. good evening, jacqui. >> good evening to you, bret. never mind the cost of an electric vehicle is more than $61,000 today on average, which is more, by the way, than the average salary per year of the average american. but critics are saying this proposal has some practical limitations that could make it impossible. >> my name is joe biden and i'm a car guy. >> but maybe not so much a combustion engine car guy anymore despite his love for his
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corvette with the e.p.a. promoting sweeps cuts two thirds of cars and trucks sold by 2032 to be electric. >> wrote don't have a problem with tail pipe emissions in the united states. it's a war on the car. >> e.p.a. says the rules would cut 9 billion tons of co-2 emission through 2055. but critics point to problems with the country's electric grid as seen during last year's winter storm in texas and california's summer blackouts. and they warn it will deliver huge profits to china which controls the rare earth mineral market needed for ev batteries. >> administration the other day put in rules make lithium mine proposal moot in this country. >> climate goals while also moving forward on its other goal of reducing reliance on china. >> this proposal doesn't kick in until model year 2027. in the meanwhile, when you look at the benefits of this proposal, from an energy security standpoint, this will reduce our dependency on foreign
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oil imports. >> country's largest automotive trade group alliance for automotive innovation. automakers 91 evs on the market this proposal exceeds the biden administration target to meet 50% electrification by 2030. charging infrastructure. supply chain, resiliency and critical availability of minerals and low carbon fuels will determine whether this plan is even achievable. >> don't come up with a solution until you have an infrastructure to be able to take care of your solution. >> so this proposal is likely to face legal challenges about government overreach because it would require such heavy investment in electric vehicles from automakers that would essentially spell the end of the combustion engine, which revolutionized industrial manufacturing and put the u.s. economy on top of the world,
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bret. >> bret: and, jacqui, we are learning more about this sensitive security document lost during the president's trip. >> that's right, bret. we know it was irish police that apparently lost this paperwork in the street. it was turned in by a local resident here. it included names of irish police and also postings but did not have any information that pertained to biden's ongoing security operations here, bret. >> bret: okay, jacqui, thank you. back here at home consumer inflation eased in march, rising just one tenth of a percentage point from february. that's down from four tenths during the january to february period. prices were up 5% from last martha. is down from february 6% year over year figure. all of that sent stocks down in a choppy trading session today. the dow lost 38. the s&p 500 fell 17. the nasdaq was off 103. the biden administration meantime is engaged in full-on damage control tonight following the leak of those classified documents from the pentagon and
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the intelligence community. harmful information is already out in the pluck. and more is expected to drop soon. let's get an update now on the investigation from chief national security correspondent jennifer griffin. flush. >> senior u.s. officials have been working overtime reaching out to u.s. allies to make amends for the untimely breach as the chinese government uses the leak to embarrass the u.s. and fuel distrust among u.s. allies. >> the leaked military documents clearly show that the u.s. is deeply involved in the ukraine crisis and that the u.s. has long used its technological to eaves cropping and spying on countries in the world including allies. >> one of the leaked documents allies how many u.s. troops are in ukraine, 14. mostly to provide v.i.p. security at the u.s. ambassador. >> there is a small u.s. military presence at the embassy in conjunction with the defense attache's office to help us work on accountability of the
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material that is going in and out of ukraine. >> defense secretary lloyd austin met today at the pentagon with ukraine's prime minister. he ignored shouted questions about the classified leaks, which included withering battlefield assessments that many fear could harm ukraine's spring offensive. >> thank you, press. lee now. no questions. thank you leaving now. thank you. >> the hunt is on for the person or group who put these 53 classified documents on the internet. the culprit left enough seemingly am moreish clues at the intelligence community and justice department hope to narrow the pool quickly and bring charges. >> we don't know who did this and for what reason and what else this individual or individuals might have and might still release. >> pentagon officials remain frustrated. the leak is creating another distraction while the u.s. tries to counter china and russia in taiwan and ukraine. discord, the website where the classified documents were first posted, told us in a statement
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that they are cooperating with law enforcement involved in the investigation. bret? >> bret: jennifer griffin live at the pentagon. jennifer, thank you. a vigil began a short time ago to honor the victims and survivors of monday's shootings at a louisville bank. the family of the attacker says he struggled with depression. tonight, we're hearing a 911 call from the shooter's mother the day of the assault. correspondent garrett tenney is live tonight in louisville with the latest. good evening, garrett. >> yeah, bret. the gunman's mother called 911 monday morning to try to warn police that her son said he was suicidal and was heading to old national bank with a gun. >> my son might be [inaudible] has a gun and heading toward the old national at main street in louisville. >> main street old national? >> yes. i think as his mother i don't know what to do. i need your help. i think he has never hurt anyone. >> is he a good kid. >> you said he was heading to the old national bank did he say
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what he was going to do there. >> i don't know. i don't know anything. but we don't even know guns. i don't know where he would have gotten a gun. >> at the end of that call, the mother finds out she is too late and that just minutes earlier her son had killed several of his co-workers. in other 911 calls released today, you can hear the desperation of folks inside the bank, including one woman who was hiding in a closet as the suspect carried out his rampage last name is. [gunfire. >> stay quiet. we have got everybody coming. okay? >> how long before they get here? >> they're already on the way. >> i know, but how long? how far away are they? >> i'm not sure where they are coming from. but we have got everybody coming. >> okay. >> as for the gunman's mental health issue the tells local affiliate in louisville he was in active treatment working with both a psychiatrist and a counselor for depression and
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anxiety. and until monday morning, there hadn't been any indication that something like this could happen. bret? >> bret: garrett tenney live in louisville, thank you. wretedth. >> bret: south carolina republican senator tim scott is a step closer to running for president. scott is officially launching an exploratory committee today as he travels to iowa, new hampshire, and south carolina. senior national correspondent rich edson has details. >> i will never back down in defense of the conservative values that make america exceptional. and that's why i'm announcing my exploratory committee for president of the united states. >> with that, south carolina senator tim scott moves just short of an official campaign for president. in a video announcement from fort sumter, the site of the opening shots of the civil war 162 years to the day. scott highlighted his upbringing, raised in the charleston area by a single
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mother in poverty. he says he knows america is a land of opportunity not of oppression because he says he has lived it. when asked how he can beat a former president in a primary, scott turned to the other party. >> the field of play is focusing on president biden's failures. what americans want to see is a contrast between the radical left and the blueprint to ruin america and why our policies actually work. >> launching an exploratory committee allows scott to directly raise money for a 2024 campaign. he appears ready to join former president trump, former arkansas governor asa hutchinson. tech entrepreneur vivek ramaswamy and fellow south south carolinians and fellow governor who first appointed him to his senate seat nikki haley on a g.o.p. debate stage. there is finally one on the calendar august in milwaukee on fox news. rnc chairwoman ronna mcdaniel says she is going to ask the candidates to agree to support the eventual nominee. >> it's about beating what is happening in this country right now. we can only do that united.
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so we want every candidate to pledge that heading into this. >> at the democratic national committee, confirmation the party has cut ties with controversial election attorney marc elias. he has served as general counsel to the clinton campaign and funded research that became the discredited steel dossier, bret. >> bret: debate in august should be something. >> it will. >> bret: all right, rich. thanks. up next we talk with france's economic and finance minister about his president's comments concerning the united states, taiwan and china. later our series on the rise of artificial intelligence looks at ai's impact impact on the futurt of your healthcare. ♪ ♪ go for a run . go for ten runs. run a marathon. instead, start small with nicorette, which will lead to something big. ♪ ♪ - why are these so bad? - if i would've used kayak to book our car,
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>> if you are set to lose your sovereignty. it means if you accept to depend on you put yourself in a situation not to decide for yourself. defending sovereignty doesn't mean to shy away from our lives it. means we must be able to choose our partners and shape our own destiny. >> bret: french president macron has sparked controversy here in the u.s. and on capitol hill by indicating the taiwan china situation is really not europe's
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problem. suggesting the continent take an independent stance from the u.s. over that subject and perhaps others. joining us tonight is french economic and finance minister bruno lumiere. thank you, mr. minister, for coming in. >> thank you, good evening. >> bret: you were on that trip to bay jake. some of the comments from it have, you know, sparked some concern from u.s. officials here that you all are not kind of standing with with the u.s. in supporting taiwan against china. how do you respond to that? >> of course we stand with the u.s. and let's avoid any misunderstanding. we are a close allies to the united states of america. i would say strong allies. reliable allies. i participated to the state visit of emmanuel macron to washington. it was a great success for both president biden and president macron decor winning this for europe. more independence.
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more serenity. i would think this is in the u.s. of the u.s. and u.s. citizen to have a stronger europe. when you have a europe investing more in defense, it means more spending from the citizen for their own defense and less spending for the u.s. taxpayers. so this is good news for the u.s. to have a stronger europe and a more independent europe. >> bret: i think it was just interpreted differently. here is the "wall street journal" editorial board suggesting that president macron blunders on ukraine. he wants to ride to europe's rescue against russian aggression but apparently take a vow of neutrality against chinese aggression in the pacific. thanks a lot, mate. his unhelpful comments will undermine u.s. and japanese deterrence against china in the western pacific while encouraging u.s. politicians who want to reduce u.s. commitments in europe to better resist china. can you see that linkage, you know, where they look to russia moving in on ukraine.
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>> we think this is it's in your backyard, obviously. >> we think it is the wrong interpretation. once again, we are close allies to the u.s. vis-a-vis china, the european strategy is quite clear. we don't want decoupling from china we think this is an allusion but we want to derisk from china, being more independent means building our own electric batteries, factory, means being less dependent on raw materials coming from china. building a common strategy between europe and strategy to get access to critical minerals. so let's avoid any misunderstanding and as as far as ukraine is concerned of course we stand on the same line as does the u.s. we strongly con determined the aggression ukraine from russia. we are supporting ukraine and supporting the people of ukraine. we are providing weapons to the people of ukraine so that they can defend itself against this
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illegal aggression from russia so wins again less avoid misinterpretation on those topics. >> you were in beijing. >> yes. >> days after you left china had big military presence around taiwan, its biggest yet. do you get the impression that china has aggressive motives when it comes to taiwan that may bubble up soon or are you saying that this is an allusion from your perspective? >> you know, i participated to visit of macron to china all participated to all the meetings with president xi i can assure to you that president macron made it very clear to president xi that china has to avoid any escalation on taiwan. so i wouldn't want to avoid that kind of misinterpretation of the visit of macron to china. he made it very clear to president xi that china has to
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avoid any military escalation on taiwan. we stand for a peaceful settlement of this situation. >> bret: president reagan once said peace through strength. and had the u.s., perhaps, provided weapons to ukraine in bigger numbers early maybe it would have prevented russia from going into ukraine. had the u.s. and europe provided weapons to taiwan, do you think that will prevent china moving on taiwan? >> i think we need to avoid any military escalation. you are speaking to the member of the government to a member of the nation which has decided for a long term for invest much more money on defense the devil of defense spending under finance minister 2.5% of the french g.d.p. we are the nation of all european nations that is putting
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the most public funding for its defense which means also for the european defense. we are fully aware that if you want to bring peace and if we want to preserve peace, you need also to invest in weapons and invest in your defense. >> bret: that spending has increased in recent years. you are right to say that i want to ask you one more thing. your neighbor, germany, in europe, switching off the last remaining nuclear plants at a time when many western countries are ramping up nuclear power around transition to greener energy sources. europe's biggest economy resolutely sticking to its plans though not everybody is in agreement. what do you think about that move, turning off these nuclear plants at this time when europe is facing such an energy crisis because of russia and ukraine. >> that's exactly why we made a totally different move. i don't want to german decisions because everybody is tree to make its own decision and germany is a sovereign country. but we, as far as france is
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concerned, we strongly believe that nuclear plants are a key solution for 00 next century. and if you want to reduce your co-2 emissions you have to rely on the nuclear plants. that's the choice that's been made by president macron and we strongly support the idea of building new nuclear plants. six new nuclear plants will be built until 2055 in france. >> bret: leave you as this the u.s.-france relation as strong as ever. >> stronger i would say, stronger than ever. >> bret: mr. minister, thank you for your time. >> thank you so much. >> bret: up next, the federal investigation into a northern virginia school district over how it handled a pair of high profile sexual assault cases and the growing concern over the nationwide crime crisis and police staffing shortage. >> we have to have safety and we have to deal with the homelessness issue. and the fentanyl on the street
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and open air drug dealing. those things are unacceptable. ♪ >> woman: why did we choose safelite? we're always working on a project. while loading up our suv, one extra push and... crack! so, we scheduled at we were able to track our technician and knew exactly when he'd arrive. we can keep working! ♪ synth music ♪ >> woman: safelite came to us. >> tech: hi, i'm kendrick. >> woman: replaced our windshield, and installed new wipers to protect our new glass. that's service on our time. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ there are some things that go better... together. burger and fries... soup and salad. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial choices together can help you make smarter decisions. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, ♪ ♪ but i manage it well. ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell. ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance, ♪
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liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. with the money we saved, we tried electric unicycles. i think i've got it!
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doggy-paddle! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> bret: former house speaker nancy pelosi suggesting sexism may play a part in calls for senator dianne feinstein to resign. she has missed considerable time dealing with health issues recently and she has missed many votes, including judicial nominations. california democratic congressman ro khanna tweeted today feinstein can no longer fulfill her duties. pelosi responds feinstein should be allowed to get well and return and that she has never seen a male senator treated that way. high level new york police source tells fox news a threatening letter containing white powder was sent today to the manhattan alvin bragg. the source says the joint terrorism task force is investigating that it is at least the second such incident.
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bragg's investigation into the business dealings of former president donald trump has resulted in a 34-counted felony indictment. speak of the former president. he is suing his former lawyer michael cohen for more than $500 million. he alleges a breach of the attorney-client relationship. the former president's legal team filed the more than 30 page federal lawsuit in federal court in southern florida today. the education department is investigating a northern virginia school district over allegations its leaders failed to properly address a pair of sexual assault cases in 2021. correspondent david spunt has details tonight. >> the loudoun county school district now under federal investigation by the u.s. education department. almost two years after a district parent said his daughter was sexually assaulted on school grounds and officials looked the other way. >> it's all coming true. how many investigations do we need to show, you know, what
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happened? we all know what happened. >> police say scott smith's teenage daughter was raped by a biological boy wearing a skirt in a girl's bathroom in may 2021. a month later smith was arrested at a school board meeting after he accused officials of covering up the crime. then superintendent scott zeigler was charged by a grand jury with lying at that meeting. police say the same student sexually assaulted another girl in the district. the education department received a formal complaint earlier this year from america first legal foundation a conservative group arguing the district did not properly respond to victims' claims of sexual assault as required by title ix. a federal law. >> foundation of title ix is protecting students and, i think that, you know, we have laid out certainly the evidence that should give the department of education a road map on where to start looking. >> education department acknowledged the investigation but declined to comment further. the school district in a statement to fox news wrote the
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staff and administration of lcpps remain committed to making student safety and welfare the division's highest priority. state division opened up a second investigation last december a special grand jury came back and said the school district, quote: failed at every juncture. bret? >> bret: david, thank you. ♪ >> there are growing concerns about crime and police staffing shortages. the closing of a whole foods flagship store in san francisco that had just opened up last year over crime concerns is drawing new attention to the subject there. fox business correspondent kelly o'grady has that story tonight. good evening, kelly. >> good evening, bret. the closing of that whole foods is just one example of the impact crime and police shortages are having in cities across the nation. between january of 2020 and 2022 the number of officers across the country decreased 3.5%. and during the defund the police
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movement resignations spiked 32.7%. while police shortages are a challenge nationwide, san francisco's police force of roughly 1900 is under staffed by a whopping 541 officers. some democratic lawmakers are even changing course. once a proponent of defunding the police, san francisco mayor london breed now tells fox business we need to continue ramping up our recruitment and retention efforts to ensure we have the police staffing necessary to have more officers in our neighborhoods. some locals fear it's too late. once a tourist and business hub, san francisco faces soaring property theft and homelessness. the city has seen a number of high profile attacks in recent weeks. walk down the street and drug usage occurs in broad daylight. local businesses say the lack of law enforcement is hurting their economy. >> the safety is paramount and if we provide safety it comes by more policing and more effective policing. not just more numbers but, you
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know, more effectiveness. every city needs to do this because we know we are not alone in this. >> the bay area council tells fox business they are so fed up with crime they now fund their own advertisements to recruit law enforcement. it under scores how serious businesses are about turning the economy around. bret? >> bret: kelly, thank you. many of this country's most recognizable countries are being pressured by the progressive left community tonight. it's over something called the corporate equality index score. a ratings of cooperation with progressive movements and causes. fox business correspondent madison alworth explains tonight from new york. good evening, madison. >> good evening, bret. bud light has been facing growing criticism for its partnership with transgender dylan mulvaney. anheuser busch stock has decreased 5%. that's a loss of 5 billion in market cap but bud light isn't the only company launching such
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partnership. nike, olay and indicate spade few brands being called out for critics call woke advertising in order to boost their cei score. the scorpt equality index score card grades companies based own inclusivity. run human rights campaign arguably the most powerful lgbtq lobby in the world and equipped with millions in funding from george soros' open society foundation. the goal is to get a perfect 100 score on the index. all of these categories on your screen go into calculating the score. it's a trend that presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy says is growing. >> many companies in their board rooms now ceos are compensated on shareholder max immigration goals but also on esg goals and s stands for social. the corporate equality index is one of the quantitative inputs into that social scores. >> according to reporting from fox business' charlie gasparino.
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executives at bud light's parent company were not made aware of the decision to partner with mulvaney in a statement. anheuser busch says they work with hundreds of influencers across their brands as one of many ways to authentically authh audiences. >> how will artificial intelligence affect your healthcare. our series on the rise of apartment i takes a look. first, here is what some of our fox affiliates are covering tonight. fox 13 in memphis as the shelby county commission votes to reinstate justin pearson to the state house. he was one of two democrats kicked out for their role in anti-gun demonstration on the state house floor following the nashville school shootings. the other justin jones has also been reinstated. fox 59 in indianapolis. as firefighters work on a large industrial blaze in richmond, indiana, authorities say most of the 14-acre property has burned. crews worked overnight to contain that fire. nearby residents were told to evacuate thousands of them.
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officials say toxic fumes may persist for days. and this is a live look at st. louis from fox 2, our affiliate there. one of the big stories there tonight, the animal activist group pete protests outside the anheuser busch brewery. demonstrators are upset over the budweiser clydesdale. the company secretly severs the horse's tailbones no. comment from the brewery. they have had a tough week on the protest front. that's tonight's live look from "special report." we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ singing whiskey for my man ♪ beer for my horses ♪ ♪ raaar!!!! courageous performance. discover a new world of possibilities in the lexus rx. never lose your edge. ♪
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>> bret: jim jordan has subpoenaed the chairwoman of the federal trade commission for documents related to the agency's recent actions against twitter. house republicans have accused the ftc of harassing twitter in the wake of its acquisition by elon musk. they are demanding the identities of the journalists with whom the agency was engaging can and all communications relating to musk. ♪ >> tonight we continue our series on the rise of artificial
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intention by looking at ai's role in the future of your healthcare. here is correspondent mark meredith. >> it can't wear a lab coat but artificial intelligence is already debuting at hospitals, clinics and doctors' offices nationwide. >> we started developing with essentially an ai co-pilot for doctors. >> eli joseph is the co-founder and ceo of regard an ai tech company operating within 30 hospitals. he says with regard, doctors can input a patient's symptoms and the ai will pop out a diagnosis. >> we like to say it's almost like having an ai medicine student or ai medical resident that helps the doctors with their day-to-day. >> going to do cat scan. >> ai medical abilities limitless auto drafting doctor's notes reading x-rays even to assisting in surgery. getting people to trust ai with their care remains challenging a pugh research survey finding 60% of people would be uncomfortable if their provider relied on ai
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for care. dr. matter in carry says ai has limits. >> patients don't trust a machine over a human being but they're welcoming of a machine to assist a surgeon or a physician. >> while some experts believe ai can cut cost for providers and patients, the tech can make mistakes. leading others to warn safeguards are needed to make sure humans call the shots. >> reason for catastrophe as the ai systems get more powerful we don't know how to control them reliably. so they could potentially go off the rails. >> experts believe ai play a larger role americans able to self-diagnose meaning meaning you may not physically have to go a doctor's office. bret? >> bret: mark, thank you. tomorrow we look at the impact of artificial intelligence on financial services and then friday an experts panel will take a look at the entire series. up next, our panel on president biden's trip to ireland. the china threat. and where france stands after
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our interview tonight. first, beyond our borders tonight. buckingham palace says prince harry will attend his father's coronation. wife meghan will remain at the couple's home in southern california with their two young children. there has been months of speculation if harry would come after he leveled charges of racism and media manipulation at the royal family. and this is a look at bay, wellington, new zealand. one of the big stories there tonight, the wellington zoo officially welcomes two female snow leopards. ash and manju members of the rare vulnerable species. they are both 3 years old. they originally were from the melbourne zoo in australia where they were born through international scientific breeding program. cool to look at. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ - booked our trip to vegas!
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>> wrong interpretation. once again, we are close allies to the u.s. vis-a-vis china. the european strategy is quite clear. we don't want decoupling from china because we think this is an allusion that we want to derisk from china. >> bret: french economic and finance manager here on "special report" talking about the recent
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trip by french president emmanuel macron to china. he was on that trip as well. foreign policy magazine writes it this way europe is disastrously split on china. the only winner from these visits is xi, the chinese president. not only did he not make any concession on any issue vital to european interest from russia's war to economic regions, his european visitors treated xi to display of european and transthring disunit major objective on a silver platter and leaves europe's china policy in disarray. we will start there with our panel fox news chief political analyst brit hume "the five" jessica tarlov and brit hume. it seemed like a walkback from the finance minister today. i would say full back pedal on some of that. >> he kind of did it without really doing it he hyde it sound like we are closer than ever to the united states. alliance never stronger between the two countries and all that
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that is not exactly what it sounded like when macron and he were in beijing the other day. so i think, you know, things, you know, the tone of it was conciliatory. >> interview, hugh, with emmanuel macron gave with politico in europe is this; quote: the overcome with panic we believe we are just america's followers. the question europeans need to answer is it in our interest to accelerate crisis in taiwan. no. the worst things think we europeans must become followers on this topic and take our cue from the u.s. agenda and chinese overreaction. thoughts? >> it does not work. bret. as brit just noted that was clean up on aisle america what the minister was attempting to do. he did it very inelegantly. you quoted the "wall street journal" to him. he has been hammered everywhere. and the economists they called his move diplomatically dangerous and damaging to the credibility of his position and
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that of europe's. i would say the best winner here is secretary xi. while macron didn't give him a green light to invade taiwan it certainly wasn't a red light. and even the minister talking to you didn't say anything about deterring violence against taiwan. even if he encourages the west to rally around ukraine. i thought that was a very ineffective attempt to resurrect some credibility for the french president. he didn't succeed with you because macron failed so badly. >> bret: there is dichotomy here, jessica, about what europe wants the u.s. to do and help with ukraine and perhaps this policy on china. and more broadly, do you think or sense that there is a shift geopolitically when it comes to the u.s. and these other countries? >> i'm not sure to go so far to say i would think there is a full throttled change as how they perceive us or impact on this particular moment we are leading the way in support for ukraine. they absolutely need that there's no way that they could be supporting president
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zelenskyy at this level without us. they have been very happy to take our assistance and billions of dollars and all of our weapons and our training on the ground. but, you do see a little bit of this and its generations old this kind of refusal and in a rhetorical sense of being our followers. as if anyone really cared or was accusing president macron of just doing that in a substantive way that was making it a danger for his policy platform. and when you show off and stand side by side with the chinese president and wink and charming. those are very real things in the interview when you hear it in a french accent it always sounds a little bit better. it sends a very bad message to the revs the world in terms of what is going on in our alliance to support ukraine. i will say though i thought he did an excellent job talking about the nuclear energy issue in relation to what germany did in shutting down their last nuclear plant. that was one peels of your
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interview where i thought he did do well. >> bret: yeah. we should point out the brazilian president over in china now meeting with xi jinping and many are making that trek. brit, on another front, foreign policy wise, we are learning here on capitol hill a classified briefing for senators on these -- the release of these classified docs from the pentagon, the intelligence community. it seems like we don't fully understand yet how big an impact this could have brit brit absolutely, bret. we don't fully understand what these documents were or seem to be you know, at first glance it looks like these could be very damaging and so forth. they are a couple of months out of dated, intelligence fierce materials like this are updated frequently. so we don't even know whether they represent a current assessment of the current state of affairs that are being described. we need to wait and see if we ever do, what these really are. and how much damage they really could be doing. >> bret: but the drip, drip, drip, hugh, could be dangerous long term. >> oh, it's very bad.
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representative gallagher was on my program this morning, china select committee. it's a disaster for the united states national security interest. and they have got to get into the intelligence committee to gather up the details of it. i think at a minimum, the fbi should stop wasting its resources on investigating documents at mike pence's house and joe biden's house and donald trump's house and start finding the people in the pentagon who are compromising america's national security. there's a priority imbalance here. >> bret: meantime, 2024 announced today by the rnc that fox will host thfidebate in august in milwaukee. that should be interesting. and, today, potentially, a new candidate, at least one step closer. senator tim scott. take a listen. >> i will never back down in defense of the conservative values that make america exceptional. and that's why i'm announcing my exploratory committee for president of the united states. we must rise up to the
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challenges of our time. this is a fight we must win. and that will take faith. faith in god, faith in each other, and faith in america. >> bret: it's a slick video, jessica. it is very well done. it is not an official step into the race. it's an exploratory committee. we should point to the real clear politics average of polls on the nomination. and the former president is way ahead, expanding his lead over not yet in florida governor ron desantis. scott's lower than even liz cheney on this list. how do you think if scott gets in where he plays in this g.o.p. primary? >> jessica: well, i think it really depends on what governor desantis does and how much people want to replicate what happened in 2016 where there was kind of a clown car of candidates and that's how donald trump ended up winning because everyone was 3% or 4% and knocked each other out and ended one a republican nominee that wide swath of the party. certainly the establishment and leadership didn't want there. i do think that tim scott is a
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compelling candidate on the republican side. he has an incredible story that his grandfather had to leave school, elementary school to go and pick cotton and now he is a u.s. senator from the state of south carolina. the video, i thought, was very good. it was kind of timeless, i would say. there are ones that are flashier. but it had a real kind of core republican message and i think that folks in the party who are desperate for that, for a return to normalcy, will find him to be appealing. but desantis, if he keeps eating up 25%, there is no room for anyone else. >> bret: brit? >> brit: straight line projection he gets, in pompeo gets. in mike pence gets in. pretty soon you have the scattered field that led to trump's nomination in 2016. is what we don't know how many of these people get in or how long they will last. so, straight line projection that would have then all take a share of the non-trump vote boosting him to the nomination
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may turn out correct straight line projection i learned a long time ago to avoid straight line projections in politics they so often turn out wrong. >> jessica: especially with trump. >> tim scott fits into david axelrod. if you are looking for president look for personal qualities voters do the successor predecessor doesn't have. while tim scott is warm, generous, kind, friendly, open-handed, smart, and deeply devout, that is quite a change from the last six years and i think it will wear very well with an american electorate that wouldn't mind a little warm, kind and generous candidate. >> bret: we will see. panel, thank you so much. >> jessica: thank you. ♪ ♪ and finally tonight, a special day. >> that talks about truth. it talks about wisdom. it talks about the world in
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general. >> bret: world war ii veteran celebrates turning 102 years old. gene was a bomb navigator during the war years ago. he began writing leaders letters to his grandchildren detailing life experience and advice and nearing his 80th birthday he has some great words in there letters from grandpa. primer for life. congratulations, sir, happy birthday, thank you for your service, fair, balanced and still unafraid. here is jesse. >> jesse: congrats on getting the debate and thanks for letting me co-moderate. >> bret: we will see. no announcement yet. >> jesse: all right. i'll wait. thank you, bret. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: there comes a time in our lives when we have to grow up. and the first step to growing up is saying goodbye to mom's homemade cooking and moving out. some people realize that early in life. others not so much. >> is this your place? >> no, no, no, no, no, no. i live with my mom. >> oh.