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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  April 10, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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and breaking tonight, we are learning more of the victims of the latest mass shooting at a bank in lieuville, kentucky. and the shooter who live streamed the deadly attack on social media. five victims are died and the officer on the job just two weeks shot in the head. he's still fighting for his life. jonathan hunt has the breaking information. good evening. >> good evening, trace. employees at the national
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bank preparing for work monday morning, one of their colleagues opened fire. >> i opened the door to see where he's at and i see him shooting. i took off and run out the front door. we heard a click and the lady turned around and said -- what the hell and he started shooting. >> five people and the shooter himself were killed. among the dead, a close friend of the governor of kentucky. among more than half a dozen wounded. a police officer, nicholas wilt, shot in the head. he arrived within minutes when the first shot was fired. >> i want to thank them, our first responders and police officers, responding and doing their best. thank you, y'all. >> the shooter live streamed the attack on instagram.
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he was being told being let go by the bank. >> this is the only time i will mention the suspect's name in this case. the suspect has been identified as conner sturgeon. white male, 23 years of age, who was employed at old national bank. his weapon of choice was a rifle. >> now, nicholas wilt, the officer who was shot remains in critical condition tonight. he's 26 years old. trace, he just graduated ten days ago. >> yeah, he was shot in the head and now critical but stable. we are looking for the best for him. jonathan, thank you, let's bring in our executive assistant joshua. look at this, he live streamed the attack on instagram and posted messages of his intent to conduct this attack. what is your takeaway from
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this? >> my takeaway, trace, is the fact that he wanted this horrific act to live on. he decided to live stream his grievances in a violent manner. >> yeah. >> that's exactly what he did. he worked at the bank. you know, you can't look at these scenarios and you see these school shootings. he worked at this bank. he went in there before it open. he knew the security apparatus and he knew where the employees may be for that meeting. it is difficult, at least under my understanding to be able to defend that scenario, what do you think? >> it is difficult but not impossible. you have insider threats like this looking to conduct violence there. they know the layout. they know who their party is. however, there are security apparatus and protocol you can put in place. it is not perfect. the response time from the
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louisville pd was tremendous. again, they're never going to beat somebody that's moving at this speed. >> i wonder if you look at the profile, joshua, if you think this is not our normal high school or any kind of mass shooter, right? he was a star athlete in high school. he had college degrees. came from a good family, didn't seem to have any mental issues. though, he did talk about having some depression and it does not seem to fit the patterns we have seen. >> trace, that's what we know right now. you have the louisville pd, fbi and atf going through his social media account. they are looking at who he was connected to and was there information he posted or was he in chat group that encouraged him to do this. they're looking at massive amounts of digital evidence, banks are loaded with
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cameras. they're going cross reference all the interviews with family and friends. we have seen some of that coming out already. there is much more to go on in this investigation. >> i want to play this, this is the louisville mayor and i will get your response. >> our officers went into that building knowing they were risking their lives to save other lives. that's what they did exactly. they exchanged gunfire with the shooter. >> one of those officers remained in critical condition. he was stable and they removed the bullet. he's been on the two for two weeks, are you surprise, josh, that he was the first to go in there? >> he was first responders. what you are trained is stop the violence. coming fresh, no doubt they had put this into training
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there. he heard the active shooting, he was waiting for others to come, he can hear the sirens. they were there very fast as i mentioned before. his training kicked in and caused him to react. heroic action from all pd. >> joshua skule, thank you for coming on. now, the six-year-old mother is facing a felony charge from a grand jury, lauren blanchett is live. >> parents may want to consider this a warning that they could be held accountable for their kids' crimes. it used to be uncommon for the parents to be taken to court, we now have two high-profile shooting cases. deisha is facing charges of
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felony child neglect and misdemeanor account where leaving her weapon where her son could access its. the teacher who was shot filed a million dollar lawsuit. in another shooting case, this time in michigan, the parents of ethan crumbly who carried out the mass shooting are facing charges of involuntary man slaughter. the michigan court of appeals ordered they stand trial for the murder their son committed with the gun they bought him for christmas. ethan had mental health issues that his parents were aware of. despite their knowledge of all the circumstances, the
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defendants did nothing but for the parents to inform the decision to leave their son from school. these murders would not have occurred. ethan could be facing for life in prison without parole. crumbly's parents denied the charges against him. we could be seeing their case at the michigan supreme court. >> trace. >> lauren, thank you. let's bring in the host of "nothing but the truth" podcast, bob, it is great to see you. felony child neglect for this mom whose son shot the teacher because she left the gun loaded. what did you think of that? >> well, trace, i was looking at the law here and in virginia what it says when there is a care that was grossed or cupable as a reckless disregard for human life as it relates to a child is a felony charge.
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one, this child has a history of violent behavior in the school to the point where he had to be accompanied by a parent when he went to the school. his parents were not there and he had access to an unsecure loaded weapon. >> and just for clarity, the attorney for the mom said back in january, "the gun allegedly used by the first grader accused of shooting his teacher was kept on the top shelf of his mother's bedroom closet." does that mitigate things at all, bob? >> no, the bottom line was the six-year-old was able to get access to the weapon regardless of where they put it. the bottom line is if you are going to be a responsible gun owner, you have to understand that and number one, i am al
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gun owner, the number one thing you do is make sure nobody has access to your weapon especially a child. this is the problem. this is why prosecutors are sending a message here, you can't think you are doing okay or trigger lock or have it locked away. you have a place where kids can access to it which means your conduct by definition is reckless. a child to allege to have a violent propensity makes it even worse. >> you have this arrest or this charge of the parent and you go back to michigan of the shooting of ethan crumley. >> when i was a county prosecutor and every county is different and what the chief wants law enforcement feel they need to do in order to eradicate whatever
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criminal laws they have and every county have different crimes. when it comes to gun safety, we'll hold the parents cupable and prosecutors trying to send a message of responsible gun owners? absolutely. >> bob, thank you. in new york where five people were murdered including an 83-year-old man stabbed in brooklyn and another man gun downed in a harlem smoke shot. police are looking for this suspect who shot his 36-year-old victim in the head twice. in d.c., police arrested four teenagers and three girls for a string of violent robberies across the nation. in each case, the teens picked out their victims and assaulted them and stole
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their belongings and fled. outside san francisco, the five-year-old girl was shot and killed on interstate 880 on the way to a family's birthday dinner. the family tells our affiliate ktvu that a bullet entered the car and hit her who died in 30 seconds. all three suspects who threw a gun out the window during the chase. she was just two weeks shy of her sixth birthday. these crooks went into the bathroom of a machine store and tunnelled through the wall of an apple store that was closed, they proceeded to steal an entire wall of iphones. their haul adds up to $500,000 worth of merchandise. so far, no arrests. this woman had an mo, she waits until nobody is looking and grabbed the purse off the
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rack. she's done this at high-end stores, gucci and leouis louis vuiton. >> now, the girls turned themselves in after seeing themselves on television. the fbi is looking into the person they believe the girls plan to go meet and warning parents to watch what your kids do online. well, one of the tennessee lawmakers ex pecked from his seat was back at the state house. nashville voted to reenstate representative justin jones. the board of commissioners will meet on wednesday to consider reappointing former representative justin pearson
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to his seat. president biden is feeling more speculation of his 2024 intention. tonight, he ended the covid-19 national emergency. the white house's kevin corke has the latest on this story. >> reporter: better late than ever, i suppose. will he or won't we apparently? we'll have to wait and see. >> come on, help a brother out, make some news for me. >> no, i am not planning running now, but we are not ready to announce it. >> the president is waivering on whether or not he would run. he would be 82 on inauguration day. it could be argued that he has more pressing issues to worry about. china is simulating missile strikes against taiwan from more than 100 more claims and shifts. china is saying the troops are ready to fight at all
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times and can fight at any time to resolutely smash any form of taiwan independent and foreign interference attempts. we are looking at you, washington. >> this is as the house compare michael mccall just returned from his historic trip to taiwan. he says beijing is bullying its neighbor. >> so, one of the larger provocations they have done, but also bully system against taiwan. >> protests, multiple police vehicles are fire bombed today forcing the u.k. and mi5 to declare a severe terrorist threat in the area. >> biden is expected to meet with both leaders of ireland and the u.k. as you mentioned, trace, the president also ended the
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covid-19 national emergency this evening. some would say it is about time. >> we'll talk about that, coming up. kevin corke live nor d.c. >> i want to put this up on the poll. this is a fox news' poll about the president's job. border security, way down at 36%. the economy is at 35%. these are tough numbers to mount a campaign usually, james, your thought? >> yeah, thanks, trace, for having me on. you are absolutely right. i understand why kevin his hesitant to say. this is not something you want to build on. we have seen a 10-point
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shift, the downward shift in his approvals. it is shocking. >> you really have to stop and think is this the campaign you are going to build when you have a lot of coalitions and demographic groups. you irresponsible have to build support before you consider launching those campaigns. there is a lot of arguments and theories on why he had not yet announce. i would say this is the winning argument. >> they're trying to develop a great strategy so when they do announce, they can go ahead and build upon that. >> one thing that was particularly interesting to me was his numbers with suburban woman. helps democrats and prevents a red wave. last year and the midterms, well, right now joe biden hitting a record low of
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suburban woman. you have to make sure the demographics you are trying to gain support, these are the people going to send you on the line. >> this is 18 to 34. look at this. if march of 2023, 26% supports down fl 36% in december. we are talking about three months there, james. >> that's a huge drop among young people. >> it is absolutely incredible, right? we think of young people often, tend to be a lot prero prerogatives -- they're kind of abandoning joe biden as the political figure for the democratic party. it is interesting when you look at the polls of young people, joe biden have not been under 50% in approve of
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young people since july of 2021. >> his been spiralling and if you look beyond that, there was a poll that came out. 23% of college democrats, >> i want to put this up. biden's numbers should not be this slow. >> biden can rest assure that his leadership from the democratic party is secure. if that happens, the ripple effects may prover more damaging than he expects. every ten seconds, i know is there somebody waiting in the wings. >> i don't think anybody is willing to take a shot and say they're going to run. they're going to wait to see what he does. >> if he does not run.
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it is going to be open. >> good stuff. thank you. coming up, the cdc warns public health officials to be on the lookout for a rare ebola disease of a mortality rate of 23% to 93%. we'll give you more information and later, have you ever had an ear worm? a tune that gets stuck in your head. >> a new study reveals why it happens and how you get rid of it. >> what was the last song that got stuck in your head. >> wait until you hear what ke kevin corke is. >> we'll show you the results in the "nightcap. staaaaacccceeeyyy! i'm the sizzle in this promposal. and tonight, sparks are gonna fly. kyle? and while romeo over here is trying to look cool,
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things are about to heat up. uh-oh. darn it, kyle! and if you don't have the right home insurance coverage, you could end up paying for this yourself. sorry mr. sanchez! get allstate, and be better protected from mayhem, like me. that's a hard no.
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scout is protected by simparica trio, and he's in it to win it. simparica trio is the first and only chew with triple protection. oh, fleas and ticks ♪ intestinal worms... wow heartworm disease, no problem with simarica trio. this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. for winning protection. go with simparica trio.
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representative jeremy nacom will change party to add to the super majority. he's the second democrat to switch party and the third nationwide after a north carolina rep joined. the texas federal judges ruling to reverse the fda's approve of an abortion pill. the justice department is seeking clarification on that decision and a separate ruling out of washington that prevents the fda from limiting access to the bill. the husband of pete
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buttigieg's jumped into the fray. jas jasmine buttigieg tweeted, she's looking to make the brand more inclusive. >> bud light have been a brand of bratty, out of touch. it is really important that we had another approach. >> governor greg abbott asked the state board expedite the review of the murder of daniel perry. he was convicted of killing a black life matter protester back in 2020. he claimed he acted in self-defense. the incident happened in austin. governor abbott says, "texas
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has one of the strongest stands of your ground law of self-defense could not be nullified by a jury or a progressive district attorney." the recent rule that struck down many o f the mandates of obamacare is changing the game. the decision is not getting nearly enough attention. let's bring in our medical doctor. i want to read this. the following, i am quoting here. "insurance companies are no longer required to cover the preventative services," this includes screening and breast cancer and lung cancer and interventions for those who are pregnant and other preventative forms of care. sounds like a lot of out of pocket for people. what do we need to know about this. >> this is really interesting trace. one o f the things that
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obamacare did i think it was great that may mandated that insurance companies covered without deductibles. rather than waiting until you get sick and pay for it. it is a win-win for everybody including the insurance companies. the fact that this judge struck this down, it is a political maneuver to prove that obamacare is wrong. i think in the end insurance companies won't follow along with these. most measures are to their benefit, long-term. some of them may want pinch pennies and they can cut this and it can harm people. we need to take a look at this and set our priorities correct. >> i have never heard such a thing. >> that's amazing. let's talk about this virus. fox news says the following here.
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the cdc says the mortality rate is anywhere from 23% to 90%. there is no food and drug administration approved vaccine for the disease. fluid replacement but intensive supportive care in its early stages can be successful. i hear ebola-ish thing and it is frighten. >> there is a big outbreak now happening in africa. no cases in the u.s. the cdc sent that alert out in case there are people who have these sorts of symptoms and we don't know what they are and people traveling into africa. right now there are no cause for concerns. these are not respiratory viruses. it kills quickly and it is not transmissible through air of this marburg virus. it is something interesting. >> there is no cases in the
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united states. >> covid-19 emergency. what does it mean for most people? >> it means that things are going on as usual for much of the country. the covid-19 emergency in california has ended now. on a federal level, some of the covid payments that were made for expansion of medicaid, there are about 15 to 18 million americans who got medicaid who were outside of eligibility during the pandemic as part of the emergency measures that were put into place. as of the end of this emergency period, what's going to happen is they're going to lose their medicaid eligibility. many of them are going to go on their employer's policies. some of them are not. they either have to pay for it or lose their insurance all together. >> dr. hematti, thank you.
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>> tonight a closer look at how artificial intelligence is affecting the state of u.s. education. >> thanks to artificial intelligence, complicated assignments like essays can be produced by chatbots like chatpgt. the school is trying to figure out how best to detect who's cheating. >> we are using ai. >> alexander helps create gpg 0. allowing educators to upload students work to determine if it is original or likely-computerized. >> we ask how likely would you rate the exact same thing. for school, ai is opposed as a threat but other educators
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see it as an opportunity. >> i want you to use chatpgt. >> i think this has helped kids ask better questions and not just saying i don't get it but what's specifically don't you get? >> some colleges are also embracing ai, hoping to equip students for what's likely to be a growing and lucrative career field. >> there are endless healthcare applications of ai. >> the medstar health joins and medical center is joining. >> we are trying to equip these kids with the tools that would make them competitive and have the ability to work in the near future. others warned its true impact on everyday life including education remains to be seen.
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>> the u.s. department wants to know more. the department expected to release a report later on this spring how ai in america's schools are being impacted together. come up, governor newsom claims to be a freedom fighter. >> why he says newsom is leading the most authoritarian state in the nation. but, first, a california police department promotes a new addition to their team and a dad from wales. it is a game changer. today's best viral videos is next. the all-new chevy colorado is made for more. bring more. ♪ do more. ♪ see more. ♪ and be more. ♪
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the all-new chevy colorado. made for more. ♪ this man needs updated covid protection. so does she. yup, these guys too. because covid is still out there, and so are you. and if your last vaccine was before september 2022, you're out there with fading protection. but an updated vaccine restores your protection. so you can keep doing you. get an updated covid vaccine and stay out there, safely. for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are positive for acetylcholine receptor antibodies, it may feel like the world is moving without you. but the picture is changing, with vyvgart. in a clinical trial, participants achieved improved daily abilities with vyvgart added to their current treatment. and vyvgart helped clinical trial participants
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tonight's viral video. a bunny cop, animal control could not locate the owner.
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large hailstone pummelled north texas. this is not how you want to spend easter. a fishing boat in tacoma, washington, caught on fire and burned for hours. the washington state department says there were no spills or contamination but they put measures in place to protect the water just in case. a hospital in alaska got a surprise visitor, a young moose spotted some green plants and meandering right in. moose are known to be aggressive and they guided the moose back outside. a driver structure tr
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treated the egg hunt. the eggs are colorful and not plastic for a clean and fun experiment. finally, a true genius in the world of parenting. perry found a way to help his son enjoying the swing set without going outside. he attached the ropes reaching into the living room so he can keep his boy swinging from the comfort of his couch. >> perfect, kid gets fresh air and dad gets to watch his favorite tv show. see that right there. that's the sheriff department and that's code of the dog. it is not a cate. it is a pomeranium dog.
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>> if you have a viral video to share, hit me up on trace gallagher or on fox news at night on social media. the fox news at night common sense department wonders if you are aware that governor newsom is new the freedom governor. he says red state governors are authoritarian and said, quote, "i don't get what everyone is not doing what we are doing." the state wants to ban skittles and hot tamales and bubble guns. -- gums. in fact, the freedom state is so concerned of your health that the doctor who spreads covid information, that's the information that freedom governor does not like could lose your license. you are free now, mow your
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lawn, just not with a gas mower. common sense has to admit, newsom had a habit of leaving freedom on his way. he was the mayor of san francisco, right? now, he's free to steal what you want and assault who you please. can you imagine the freedoms he would bestow upon the nation? the democratic lawmaker in california is pushing a new bill that provide taxpayers funded lawyers illegal immigrants, violent felons, fighting deportation. for more california crazies. let's bring in carl. it is great to have you on. i want to put this up. when the federal government tries to deport someone, the funds for that legal defense may come from an unlikely
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source. no worries, we'll pick up the tab. you do you. >> this is absolutely insanity. if you were audited and charged by the irs with tax evasion, do you think gavin newsom would say let me hire you a free lawyer to fight the government? no. immigration issues are a civil matter, would not have taxpayer funded lawyer for that. if you are a small business saying i want to sue you for labor law compliance issue. why should illegal immigrants get taxpayer funded lawyers. it gets worse because now they want to give these
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taxpayer funded lawyers to violent felonies. >> that's exactly right. it is unbelievable. here is gavin newsom going after red state governors. >> we can't solve a problem without identifying it. the problem in our country is authoritarian leaders who are bent on gaining power by whatever necessary and attacking our freedoms in state after state. >> i just remember the guy during covid at my house out and brought him in and wrote him like a $400 fine. really, freedom governor? come on. >> this is the same governor who banned sitting on the beach in california. how un-californian can you get? you can go to your marijuana dispensary to buy your pot. that's perfectly fine. the only freedom is for felons. it is a state where they bend
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over backward to help lawmakers to have freedom. anyone else playing by the rule is going to compressing. doctors, you went through the common sense department. doctors are not allowed to tell their patients what their real opinion is if it conflicts with the government. >> common sense talking about skittles and they're going to ban hot tamales because it is bad for you. the chemicals that's banned are by this law, ab418, never been independently evaluated or reviewed decades ago. the drug administration, they don't have a basis for this. they're just doing it because they're doing it. >> it feels good. they want to ban tackle football in high schools. >> they want to ban sugary drinks. they do have a law to legalize mushrooms. >> it is all about priorities. what's going to hurt you? >> it is all about
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priorities. >> coming up, what was the last song that got stuck in your head. turns out, there is a reason for that. >> there is still time to weigh in on twitter and instagram @trace gallagher. the mystery and what really causes it. the nightcap crew is next. hi, i'm jason and i've lost 202 pounds on golo. so when i first started golo, i was expecting to lose around 40 pounds and then i just kept losing weight, and moving and moving and moving in a better direction. with golo and release, you're gonna lose the weight.
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we are back with our nightcap crew, kevin corke and blanchett. t the songs get stuck in our head are repetitive, have you had an ear worm? whatever this university is, its got to be in jonathan hu hunt's territory. >> that's australia. >> mine was harry styles, "the same as it was," that was number one when my daughter was born and i knew it was no the same as it was. it would never be again. >> i guess to answer your
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question, dr. hammati, what's an ear worm and have you had one? >> today is the first day i have heard that term. i have to look it up to see what it was. >> i thought it was an actual worm. i am looking for antibiotics or something. i had no idea. listen to so much music with my little kids, for me it is always kid songs and sometimes you will hear me humming baby beluga or something. >> nice. >> carl. >> i had to look up at ear worm because i thought it was something that happens when you go out and swim. >> it is swim worm or something. >> what is it with these annoying songs? >> the nightcap, have you had an ear worm twitter? yes,
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67%. at least they knew what the ear worm was. my story, kevin, my daughter can sing and hey, i am singing billy joel's "vienna" and for a week, it could not get it out of my head. kevin. >> i love tupac. "california love" gets stuck in my head and people see me bopping in the hallway and they're looking at me, what am i listening to, other than that, "wake me up before you go-go," that's wham. >> very good, he gets ten bonus points. lauren. >> i do a lot of social media. the thing that gets stuck in my head is the cheese tax song from all those dog
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videos. it is on constant dog repeat which my dog loves. >> "let it go" from frozen. baby shark and i am not sure what it is. we build this city on rock n' roll. >> thank you all for being on the nightcap and thank you for watching late fox news at night, i am trace gallagher. have a heart for being fearless, determined and bold. that's why it's time for you to be around now with zero point nine percent financing for 60 months at an average twelve thousand six hundred. and finance savings are our most popular models. the day you get your clear choice , dental implants.
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a unique blend of five key ingredients that can help you fall asleep faster. stay sleep longer so you can wake up refreshed. qnol, the brand i trust for muscle cramps and spasms their works absorbs quickly for relief. >> so get back at it. works works for fast muscle relief. >> therrell works, works, try their works and get back at it. >> good evening and welcome to tucker carlson. tonight, imagine being a historian. one hundred years now trying to figure out what happened here. there are a lot of question this you're going to puzzle you ,but one of the most baffling will be how did joe biden get the democratic nomination in twenty , twenty , twenty ? twenty was the year. you will remember when we learned that white people are bad and systemic.
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