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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  April 6, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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survive until '25 from one of the audience members. thank you very much. [applause] note, we have three live audience shows next week. monday, you guys want to come on monday? [cheering] all right, monday, wednesday and thursday. the tickets, you'll love this, are free! just go to please set your dvr. never miss an episode. let not your heart be troubled. ♪ >> laura: hello, everyone. i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle." thank you for joining us tonight. we all know despite its gorgeous weather and abundant resources, california is bleeding residents. more than a half million leaving between april 2020 and july 2022 alone. now, as shocking as that may seem, high taxes, high crime and reparations payments shouldn't huge draws. in fact, the democrat super majority in the state
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legislature is so desperate to keep people from leaving the state that they're threatening them with an exit tax if they do. now, shockingly, left wing governor gavin newsom oppose this has cash grab but we figured out why, because governor hair gel has bigger aspirations. >> we know we have a big battle coming which is why we'll help lead the fight to make sure we elect leaders in 2024 who believe in democracy. our country is having an existential battle on who we are and who we're willing to become. it's not an exaggeration. that's the truth. what's happening in those red states is not who we are. it's unamerican. it's undemocratic. >> laura: right, gav and your closing of churches and schools and businesses for more than a year is just what our founders would have done. it was pluralistic of you to
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chase the people off the beaches. his tour made late last month made no mention of fixing the border or standing up to china. nope, because he's got no answers there it's ball stoking up hate and division by revving up the culture wars. >> we're going on the road to take the fight to states where freedom is most under attack, where republican leaders ban books, criminalize doctors, fire teachers, intimidate librarians, kidnap migrants, target trans kids, stoke racism... >> laura: an obvious dry run for a different campaign theme, well, newsom's red state tour is just the latest sign that president biden may either not run at all or he may have serious competition. check out biden's numbers in the newest cnn poll. even cnn couldn't spin 'em. >> a third of the americans
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polled in this survey, 32% to be exact say, yes, 67%, more than 2/3 of americans, does not believe he deserves re-election. there was a bit of an upward trajectory after the november midterms. that little up tick has seemed to have stalled out. >> laura: now, it stalled out and his campaign-style tour showed newsom generally avoided hitting the areas where biden is literally and figuratively stumbling. >> he performs worse on individual issues than his overall approval rating. only 45% say he's honest and trustworthy. only 35% say he inspires competence. 32% says he's got the stamina and sharpness for the job. >> laura: these are absolutely disastrous numbers which is why newsom basically shadowed biden's trip to salma last month -- selma last month by going to bloody monday where the march ended. when we think of gavin newsom, son of privilege and the founder
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of plump jack winery, we think moral crusader. >> i'm here in montgomery, alabama, as a reminder of not only the moral courage of leaders like dr. king and rosa parks but all the hard work that was done after those moments. so much of the roll back of the progress we've all enjoyed but we have a lot of work to do to build a movement to counter what is happening in red states across this country. >> laura: what's this thing he keeps doing? that's very strange. but he's hoping for a newsom movement to knock off president's stumbles and he's trying to demonize the red states and to do it, of course, he's not going to run on, you know, lowering your gas prices. instead, if he runs, he'll take the unimaginative path of running against trump. >> i think the problem in our country right now is authoritarian leaders who are so hell bent on gaining power and keeping it by whatever means necessary that they're directly attacking our freedoms in state after state. that's why i'm launching the campaign for democracy.
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>> laura: lame. now. we had more people vote -- now, we had more people vote in the last election than ever before and record turnout in the midterms as well. this is a totally weak argument about democracy. in fact, if anyone's threatening democracy, it's the people who want to pack the supreme court, but his argument is not as weak as the performances in florida. [singing] >> he's got the whole world in his hands ♪ >> laura: totally off beat. is it just me or is he unable to clap on beat? i don't know. by the way, if he's a democrat nominee, how does he take on the man who won re-election by 20 points? well, newsom spoke to students at florida's new college where desantis has begun to restore the proper balance to public higher education. his message was that desantis launched a war on the college and was hurting students,
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threatening their education. he told them, "i want you to know you're not alone. you matter. we care." oh. inspiring. now, sure, this is a lot of hot air, and i don't think he's going to get very far in florida with that message. its booming economy is a magnet for americans. why would voters in florida where else for that matter want to take advice from the same people who are destroying california? now, let's be candid. almost no place on earth has the advantages of gavin newsom's california in terms of beauty, climate, natural resources. there's a reason it's long been known as the golden state. if gavin newsom's policies don't lead to a healthy economy in california -- and they don't -- how could they possibly work anywhere else? but republicans should do more than laugh newsom off. they shouldn't run away from a debate with him. instead, they should embrace it.
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republicans have to remember that the reagan library is not the only institution in california. there are almost 40 million of our fellow americans living there, including over 6 million people who voted for president trump in 2020. we can't abandon them. every republican seeking national office should make a point of going to california and making clear to them that we want to help. joining me now, harmid dylan. ceo for the center of american liberty and attorney extraordinaire. gavin newsom on his tour, it is pretty hilarious. he's presided over the utter decline of california. he's ushering in more decline and yet he thinks he's got the answer for what ails america. your thoughts? >> well, laura, i think if i may, presidential candidate on the republican side running against gavin newsom, what i would be focusing on on a daily basis is showing b-roll from
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california cities and from the central valley and showing how making california into a sanctuary state for every ill in this country, drug abuse, illegal immigration, transgender mutilation of children has really destroyed the quality of life in our city. i mean, this is a city where a millionaire was murdered on the streets just a couple of days ago and where cops are retiring early because the prosecutors don't prosecute crimes. and so he should be running for california. california isn't a pretty storylar lauer getting people to the polls in california is not -- story. >> laura: getting people to the polls in california is not going to be done on the transgender message or on the dobbs case. it's not. it'll be done on giving people their dreams back and giving america a fighting chance against china. maybe the border a little bit but it's the economy, stupid.
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i keep saying this and i keep hearing people get pulled off for the latest shiny object. >> you're absolutely right, laura, and the vicissitudes of the economy are such that last year, you could sell your house in california and probably make a profit on it if you'd had it for a little bit of time. right now, the housing prices are in a tailspin, so people who have mortgages are locked into them, and we don't have a lot of mobility at the same time. companies are laying people off right and left and jobs are shrinking, so i think we're really heading for a cliff here in california and other blue states and we have yet to see the worst of it. and i don't know how gavin newsom is going to deal with that. i think he's frankly checked out of california at this point. >> laura: um, how would you rate how the rnc is preparing for 2024 so far and state g.o.p.'s for the mail-in ballot, ballot harvesting problem we're going to see again in places like wisconsin and other states.
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1 to 10. >> what we just saw in wisconsin shows it's maybe a 2 right now and so i think we haven't gotten the message yet that we need to be investing. people on the ground are telling me democrats had about 500 ballot chasers in wisconsin. we had a tiny fraction of that, maybe less than 10% of that. so it's not serious. we really need to really change our attitude. >> laura: all right. that's -- that's -- that's the key. you have to win elections, right? harmeet, thank you. >> the biden administration wouldn't commit to any age limitation for transgender surgeries or blockers yesterday. >> does the president have a position on at what age these kinds of therapies and surgeries are appropriate? >> that's something for a child and their parents to decide. it's not something that we believe should be decided by legislators. >> laura: ok, so children should make the medical decisions now. and if that wasn't disturbing
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enough, here she was today. when listening to this, just remember it's only been 10 days since a trans killer shot up a school, a christian school killing six and three children among them in nashville. >> lgbtqia+ kids are resilient. they are fierce. they fight back. they're not going anywhere. and we have their back. >> laura: she had to read those words. they fight back. if i didn't know any better, i would say the white house is giving approval to actions that may end up in bad, bad places for people. now, with each and every disturbing remark, the white house -- and by extension the whole of the democratic party -- they move dangerously close to the point of no return. the question is do they even care? apparently not. and that blase attitude has been adopted by corporate america as well. now, just think of the week that
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biological male dillon mulvaney just had just days after celebrating the year of transitioning. now, mulvaney has been showered with advertising dollars from the likes of bud light and nike. remember the nike commercials of old? >> challenge me! doubt me! tell me i'm older. tell me i'm slower. tell me i could no longer fly. i don't want you to. >> laura: here's the version of athleticism, however, that nike chooses to highlight today. ♪
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ok. and he's also a bad dancer. all these brands are doing is insulting and demeaning actual women. >> we're seeing it being pushed by the media. we're seeing it being pushed, of course, by the left. we're seeing it be pushed by large organizations whether in sport or our everyday lives. this is always an attack on women. >> laura: but just like the progressive left, they do not care. if anything, this week has proven that the recently popularized adage, "go woke, go broke" is kind of a lie, because none of these companies fear that their bottom lines are going to be affected by embracing the most deranged in american society, because the most aggrieved groups are really the ones who benefit most in our
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modern culture. does anyone think that dylan mulvaney is oppressed? dylan mulvaney has gotten more ad deals in the past week than michael jordan in his prime. if that's oppression, sign me up. i mean, corporate america has shown indifference to the fact that their greed and their hunger for influence is destroying the country, thus it's time for conservatives to find a new way to hold them accountable. maybe it's supporting small businesses more. maybe it's singling out one of these fraudulent american companies and deciding to take your business elsewhere. whatever it is, it needs to happen fast. or like the rest of the culture out there, the right will look around and say what happened? joining us now, i'm delighted, is charley kirk, founder and president of turning point u.s.a. charley, earlier today, a mass shooting in colorado springs being planned by another transgender thankfully was thwarted. not only was this individual
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prepared to shoot up middle schools but also churches. so my question today was how much longer can this white house and american corporations cheer this trend of gender mutilation and, indeed, promote it? >> well, first, praise god law enforcement intervened and prevented this from happening especially in holy week which was probably a hate crime and the details will come out but, remember, joe biden says transgender people shape the soul of the nation. that's the statement from the white house. now, with one horrific incident in nashville -- and thankfully a thwarted one in colorado -- i don't think they're going to stop, laura. this is ideology. this is pathological. this defies rationality, tradition and norms. just very similar to some of our radical abortion policies in america, we are the outlier in the international community. if you look at sweden, you even look at the united kingdom, they're pressing pause and going away from this idea of pediatric gender-affirming or gender mutilation, chemical castration
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care. they're saying this is not working. this is too radical. let's wait until they're 18 and maybe we'll have a conversation about it, and yet, our administration is leaning in. it's a mystery to me as to why they don't think there's a check and balance to this. i mean budweiser? really? you think the average consumer of budweiser is ok with this? >> well, i think -- i think you hit on it, though, charley. this has almost a religious component for them. this is their religion. it's secular humanism. it's an effort to kind of destroy, muddy up the waters for the nuclear family and so they're not worried about losing the american consumers. if they were worried about american consumers and their tastes, we would have a lot more interesting family-friendly programming out there beyond cartoons and u know, remakes of -- and, you know, remakes of old remakes. i think it's the big middle finger to the traditional america out there. i don't think they care one bit. >> i think you're right.
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the "wall street journal" poll that came out last week that showed the decline of church attendance, decline of god being important, decline of community involvement, decline of even having children as an importance, something has to substitute that. as this holy week as we celebrate the resurrection, you have to see we have the synthetic ideologies. these are pernicious ideas. i agree with you. it's a fake religion of secular humanism. they're not going to stop unless we stop them. we have to find a target, stop supporting them whether it be nike or budweiser or jack daniels or any one of these companies that are doing this and then, of course, the biden regime, they almost seem to be gleeful. they lean into it they say this is -- we're prouder than ever to support this. i find it to be reprehensible. they obviously don't care but these companies, there's still a way we can hold them accountable. i wish conservatives would be able to gather together and say we're not going to support these
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companies any longer. >> laura: charley, biden would rather talk about this and lean into this than lean into what is happening with inflation, joblessness and layoffs. that doesn't work for him. he thinks this works better. i think he's right given how bad he is in the economy. charley, thank you. up next, we dismantle the latest hit job on justice clarence thomas. plus contrary to their mission, are the media trying to encourage the manhattan judge overseeing trump's case to throw a gag order on the former president? we're going to explain in moments. my name is douglas. i'm a writer/director and i'm still working. in the kind of work that i do, you are surrounded by people who are all younger than you. i had to get help somewhere along the line
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>> laura: another day, another hit job on the most senior justice sitting on the supreme court of the united states, clarence thomas. earlier today, pro publica wrote a storery with a provocative headline. "clarence thomas and the billionaire." the crux of the controversy is justice thomas didn't sufficiently disclose trips a wealthy friend took him on. no. seriously, that's it. as a friend of the show, phil, noted, the left wing pro publica was founded by herb sandler as a tax shelter for the billions he made on the toxic sub prime
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mortgages that blew up the financial system and he's mad that clarence thomas has a rich friend? inevitably the innocuous reveal led to hysteria from the leftist media. >> stunning new report from pro publica allegations u.s. supreme court justice clarence thomas may have repeatedly broken the law. >> is it unethical or outside the rules for financial disclosure? is it potentially illegal? >> how unprecedented is this really? >> it's unheard of at the supreme court. comes as the supreme court right now is under this white hot spotlight where more and more people are thinking that the court is becoming more political. >> laura: i don't think they were worried about it when ruth bader ginsburg was trashing trump. that was fine by them. elected democrats were equally as batty today. senator durbin asked for an enforceable coved conduct. -- code of conduct. sorry if we can't get worked up
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about a well-known public figure having a wealthy friend especially given the decades long campaign run by the sitting president and his family. shannon bream, host of "fox news sunday" and author of the fantastic new book "the love stories of the bible speak, bub blickcal lessons on romance and faith." shannon, full disclosure, i served as a law clerk for justice thomas. as someone who has covered the supreme court for years, you must have an interesting reaction to all this. >> well, i think about harlan crowe who is the friend mentioned here. you know well he's been a friend of the thomases for a long time. i don't think they've hidden their travel with him. yes, it's kind of lux jeer jerious. this is a wealthy man. now the debate in washington s ok, the justices have their own rules. only they can recuse themselves from cases. they have a different set of standards than other federal
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judges do, so then it sparks this conversation on capital hill that democrats say it's time to close a potential loophole to take a deep dive into this. one of the things that pro publica cited in the story takes you to a link on financial disclosures that does say that hospitality gives things like travel, staying in someone's home, those kinds of things could be considered acceptable. where critics want to get into it is the private jet travel and some of the other questions. we'll see if that's enough to move the dial at all on capitol hill. >> saul, this is what one cnn legal analyst had to say about it. >> really impressive reporting. it plays right into concerns over the integrity of this supreme court and the fact that they have no formal ethics code at a time when we're so aware of how much concentrated power is right there with the supreme court as seen, you know, last year with the dobbs decision. >> laura: it seems like a real run up by the media to push for
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either more members of the co court, more court packing or just changing the subject from the absolutely desperate shape the u.s. economy is in and the desperate numbers, definitely bad numbers for joe behind. your thoughts on this tonight? -- for joe biden. your thoughts on this tonight? >> any report i see from pro publica i'm going to wait and hear the details of. as shannon points out, the devil is always in the details are you required to report this? what, if anything, was reported? what, if any, ethical rules were violated? as senator white house pointed out, the fact they're pointing out there are no ethical rules here indicates to me that there is no law violation potentially of any kind. so it's just -- it's -- it's -- it's a hit piece. it's too early to tell, but it's -- there are a number of things that were published in pro publica that it turns out
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there's a different side to this story. >> saul is more judicious than i'll be on this. it's not too early to tell. this is total bull, ok! and i put this in the same category as alvin bragg's indictment against president trump. what do these two men have in common? they stand a thwart of the elite system in washington. justice thomas was supposed to think a certain way. he didn't think a certain way, so they try to destroy him from the very beginning. shannon, i know you're not an opinion person but just watching what happened this week with donald trump and his defiance and justice thomas doesn't have to speak right? he doesn't speak about for the most part anything political or bending into the political but they both are of a certain type where they're just like we do it our way and we're not going to be bullied by you and if they want to impeach, i guess, you know, people multiple times could try to come after thomas and i guess they can try to run on that. >> you cited congresswoman ocasio-cortez there who has her
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own ethical issues she's been working through. she's called for justice thomas' impeachment a number of times. again, as a lawmaker, she can try to get that process going but i think it's interesting that all of these critics of the court who don't like that right now and say it's political, it's because they had decisions that aren't going to the left or the progressive's way. as you noted, there's many times when conservatives were on the losing part of what was happening at the court. these things go in cycles. they are different appointments by different presidents. calls for impeachment remain evergreen. >> laura: saul, speaking of bragg's case that i mentioned earlier, axios today is writing that trump could talk himself into a gag order saying if he keeps up the rhetoric, at what point might judge merchan step in? saul, how damaging would an order like that be or controversial? >> it would be damaging, i think, to the judge. it would be controversial because new york law is very
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skeptical about gag orders, not only citing first amendment concerns but article 1 section 8 of the new york constitution which is their free speech provision. the courts in new york look ascans to gag orders because speech is involved. what could be more political speech than a presidential candidate complaining about the indictment? so you're allowed to criticize the prosecutor. you're allowed to criticize the indictment. you're allowed to criticize the judge. what you cannot do and what trump has not done is you cannot advocate threats. you can't make threats against a litigant. you can't make threats against anybody. you can't encourage your supporters to go and riot at the court. and that hasn't happened. so i think the judge has signaled that he's being very careful about issuing an order. i think it would backfire legally and politically. >> laura: yeah, it's odd when
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the media seems to be yearning for such an order give they usually like actual information. panel, great to see you both. thank you so much. be sure to buy shannon's new book, "the love stories of the bible speaks." fantastic. we were told the ushering in of the digital revolution like artificial intelligence would really improve our lives, make it better, more efficient. but the reality of what has emerged of late threatens all of our freedoms. charley gasparino is here to lay out exactly how in frightening yet a must-see analysis next.
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[music “this little light of mine”] in the world's poorest places, children with cleft conditions live in darkness and shame. they're shunned, outcast, living in pain. you can reach out and change the life of a suffering child right now. a surgery that take as little as forty five minutes and your act of love can change a child's life forever. please call, scan or go online to give a new smile.
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thousands of children are waiting. >> l>> jack: welcome to fox news live. the israeli military says it struck tunnels and two weapons manufacturing plants. gaza militants responded quickly by firing off a new borage of
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rockets that set off air-raid sirens across southern israel. similar tensions in 2021 led to an 11-day war between israel and hamas. meanwhile, a rare move today by tennessee politicians. the g.o.p.-led state house voting to expel two of three democrats for their roles in a demonstration favoring gun control. the ousters come a week after the trio who chanted with gun supporters after three children were shot to death in the covenant school in nashville. i'm jackie ibanez. now back to "the ingraham angle." >> what fed now will do is enable all the banks, any bank in the united states, not just the big ones, to offer instantly available funds and inn realtime payments to their customers. i think we can get this into the hands of the public very quickly. we'll have realtime payments in this country very, very soon. >> laura: now, this fed now
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instant payment service that jerome paul was just celebrating there, what it really is is the next step toward a cashless world. no cash. now, some are going to argue this will free you up, make more time for you. again, life is going to be so much more convenient. but this digital revolution could actually end up imperilling your freedom and giving the government even more control over your lives. according to charlie gasparino, doing the switch to digital dollars far more dangerous than we ever could have imagined. charlie is joining us now. fox business senior correspondent. thank you for joining us. i know what others will say that all of this is a big conspiracy theory. we're never going to go cashless or if we did, it would be easier. you pay on your phone. it's just pay like this just swipe your hand, your forehead, whatever it is. what's the truth about this? >> there's a lot of hammering
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over chad gpt. i think this is worse. what we have now with this, if this thing goes through is really the centralizization -- nanny state or centralization of the states. the fed will be able to look at everything. let's go through a couple of ways this'll change your life. i found this fascinating to be honest with you. you know, number one, you're going to have government controlling just about everything, surveillance of purchases. anytime you make a purchase, theoretically, the federal reserve or treasury could find out. realtime tracking of tax payments. say you miss a tax payment. they want to arrest you. then they know you're going to go into the airport and they can arrest you at the airport. digital ledgers on your phone never a good idea. that means they're watching your phone all the time and this is the interesting thing. the centralizization of government control of banking. now, as we know, government highly regulates banking but if there's a suspicious transaction say someone -- the government
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wants everybody to be on the lookout for gun purchases, right? the banks will have to take the step to make that announcement to the fed or to the treasury. this would be automatic. if you want your life to essentially be controlled, your economic life to be controlled -- and that's most of your life, let's face it -- by the government, this is it. we should point out one other thing, the digital economy was created to decentralize, it was created because the fed, the treasury, the government empowered the banks for so many years and bailed out the banks. debase the currency. you had something called bitcoin and the block chain to take over as a side remedy to the centralizization. this is taking that block chain technology and using it against the people. it is a scary, scary thing, much more scary than chad gdp in my view. i don't want powell or yellen knowing everything i do. do you? come on! >> laura: i think a regular car is freedom, not an electric
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because it only goes so far. but a car is freedom. >> it > it is. >> laura: i think a car is freedom. >> they surveilled gun purchases prior to january 6th. there were reports on how suspicious activity reports were demanded from the big banks to give to the treasurer and who bought a gun right before the insurrection, whether you went to the insurrection or not. they were tracking stuff like this. these were according to reports. think about this thing. they don't even have to ask the banks. they will know, a bureaucrat in washington could know exactly who is buying what. and as we know, you know, say what you want about january 6th. i don't remember the -- you know, i don't remember it being an armed, totally armed insurrection. it was -- it was what it was, but it wasn't that, you know? >> laura: well, charlie, thank
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you for explaining this. powell makes it sound so innocuous buz but there's obvioy a lot more just like the soft landing we're going to have. charlie, thank you so much. this is a perfect transition... >> just when you think the department of justice and fb i can't stoop any lower, they find a new bottom. they had an fbi informant ingratiating herself with not just a few of the defendants in this case, with their attorneys, with their family members, and this fbi informant worked for almost two years really at the start of the investigation all the way through the beginning of the trial. >> laura: now, it turns out that was just the tip of the iceberg. we just learned what else the government was doing to january 6th defendants. government court filings in the case against a kansas man charged that day reveal three police officers were caught instigating the crowd, chanting
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and urging them to go into the capitol. now, according to these documents, video captures an officer shouting words to the effect of "go! go! go!" and "keep going. keep going" to people in the capitol steps. other times, two officers in plain clothes said, "dream the swamp. u.s.a. u.s.a. u.s.a." and "who's house? our house!" 40 undercover were doing surveillance including 13 working in the d.c. metro police. new corporate documents claim it was those officers instigating the crowd even yelling "stop the steal!" so if folks on the left are going to use the events of january 6th as a pretext for labeling and targeting conservatives as insurrectionists, well guess what? you better give people the full scope of the government's
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involvement here and do it now. speaker kevin mccarthy has a plan for building a winning party ahead of 2024, so what does that look like? he'll tell us in moments.
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>> laura: all right, there was such a wide range of topics we had to address with speaker kevin mccarthy, we couldn't fit it all in last night from banning tiktok to 2024 to what the slept doing better than run -- to what the left is doing better than republicans and how the g.o.p. can actually learn from that. here is part two of my interview with speaker mccarthy. you have the bipartisan support to ban tiktok, not to some half-baked bill that will give democrats more power to mess around with other people's rights but to ban tiktok outright. do you believe that'll ultimately pass in that form? >> if you watch what i've said, yes, it will. we've already had the hearing to start the legislates native process to make that happen. we've been in office less than 100 days but watch what we've already been able to accomplish and bring forth. give us a little time as we move forward with this. >> laura: we're very impatient, mr. speaker. .>> i know you're impatient. i know. the one thing we do is play by
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the rules and bring it forward just as the way it's able to be accomplished. >> laura: mr. speaker, voter enthusiasm is obviously very important going into this election cycle. even if the republicans did take the house, last year's midterms were decided by a lot of people to be underwhelming particularly what happened when biden took office in our country. the wisconsin supreme court election was a big loss this week. in fact, the map shows it further moving to the left since 2020, the state of wisconsin. is that concerning? what is the g.o.p. doing to counter what is a very aggressive move by the democrats to brand the republican party as anti-democracy, anti-women, etc.? >> you know, this is very scary from a number of positions, because here they were campaigning for position of a state supreme court actually using politics, claiming not based upon what cases come before you but actually predetermining it, talking about redistricting, talking about
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women's rights going forward instead of looking at a case-by-case basis and saying i'm going to uphold the constitution. we've watched money from around the nation into this campaign. you know what? we didn't sit back in the house. we actually participated in this as well. republicans have to understand when we won the white house, we won wisconsin so if you lose it, it's hard to win the white house back. you talk about winning the ho house. yes, we're the only republican entity that have won in the last two cycles in a row. we wish to have won by a larger margin but the one thing i will tell you is they don't give gavels out in small, medium and large. we get the exact same gavel and are using it based upon the substitution each and every day. >> laura: mr. speaker, i know you have to go but one more question, are you confident -- >> sure. >> laura: -- that with ballot harvesting and the push for earlier and earlier voting, all of these election ballots that are being mailed out, applications for ballots, are you confident that the rnc and the political process for the republicans is going to be
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effective in countering that and signing up people to vote and getting them to the polls? >> well, we better do it right. i'll tell you in california, we have the worst election law where they mail everybody a ballot and it's illegal to harvest but in that last two election cycles, republicans have only won -- we've taken six seats from the democrats in congress, so in other state they've changed the election law. remember what they did in georgia where the baseball actually left the all-star game but we had more people participate. what we need to be able to have happen, we need to make sure in america, you have to show an i.d. to vote we need to clean up our roles because in l.a., you have 1.2 million people on the roles who aren't old enough in the process, enough people there to be in that. we need to make sure we have election that has are fair and honest, that people can vote but we can make sure that the elections are honest as they go forward so we have to be cognizant in this, but the one thing republicans have to understand, we've got to stop this idea that we're only going to vote on election day. if your state allows early
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voting, you need to vote early, follow your ballots as they go through and you can trace 'em. and that's something we have to wake up as a party and not lose these elections but win 'em for the sake of the nation and the sake our substitution. >> laura: mr. speaker, the number one issue for the voters do you think will be economy as it was with reagan? >> it is the economy! if you watch what we did on the house floor, we made our number one bill, our hr1, it's about the economy. lowering the price of energy for all americans. not only lowers the price in america, but it lowers inflation. it lets people keep more of what they earn. if you care about the environment, lower emissions. if you took natural gas away for one year in europe, you would lower co2 emission business 118 million tons. american gas is cleaner. also creates america to be stronger, the world to be safer and the economy to be stronger in america. that's the difference between republicans and democrats. you know what the democrats
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number one bill was when they were the majority? to change election law to worry about themselves. we care about americans. we're bringing the issue back to the economy. >> laura: pennsylvania, arizona, wisconsin, michigan and, yes, california v to make even more progress there. mr. speaker, thank you very m much, and, um, fantastic meeting today. >> thank you. >> laura: up next, one of the most disgusting easter promotions we've ever seen on "the angle" a true last bite next.
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>> laura: this is the holiest time of year for christians around the world and to commemorate the death and resurrection of our lord jesus christ did sandwich giant subway thought they had a worthwhile promotion idea. only available in the uk tomorrow on good friday is their collaboration with cadbury cream eggs. the six-inch sub is made on the chains italian white bread and has a chocolate cream egg melted in the middle of it.
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don't worry even the brits aren't worried enough to pay money, the 500 sandwiches made will be given away for free and likely deposited in the nearest trash cap thank you very much >> that is it for us tonight remember it is america now and forever. have a wonderful easter. greg gutfeld is next. ♪ [cheers and applause] ♪ >> kat: happy thursday everybody. greg is still out because it takes a while to recover from a brazilian butt wax. so you have me tonight. how is everybody doing? caught cause


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