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tv   The Next Revolution With Steve Hilton  FOX News  April 2, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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your books, all of your law books and do whatever is necessary. the only way this comes to an end we need deal with a tyrant or a bully is to serve them what they serve you, that is a harsh reality sorry to say it but that's the truth, see you next time on life, liberty and the w. >> breaking tonight the fight is on. >> in my opinion the rule of law the united states i very much anticipate a motion because there's no law that fixes we're going to take the indictment evaluate all of our legal options and pursue everyone most vigorously. >> in other news tonight someone called asa hutchinson is running for president. but i don't think we need to spend too much time on that.
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good evening and welcome to "the next revolution". when i was a kid most summers we would drive across europe to hungary to sputter vacation with my family it took a couple of days and as i stared out the window i noticed the near we got to the iron curtain and we got inside communist hungry, i noticed more cars with this on the back ddr it stood for german democratic republic, this is before german unification, there were two germanys but the german democratic republic was not west germany but actually was a democracy. it was with the communist dictators in east germany called their one-party state. why would they do that i asked my parents, we didn't use gas lighting back then but that's what it was. here i am again on the show a proud immigrant and a new american citizen, my parents left communist hungry for england comparing what's going on here in america with the kind
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of behavior that was on common issues. gas lighting over democracy wasn't just the east germans did but what we got from the biden in the game this week as they should mostly stage their summit for democracy blabbering on democracy of democratic backsliding when it's happening right here under our noses. say the wrong thing online they will silence and sent to you and make a meme about hillary clinton to prosecute you which is pretty much how it worked and xi jinping china, try calling him winnie the pooh and see what happens to you, china there's no political opposition immersing back into democratic backsliding with opposition that used to be tolerated. like in india this week the ruling party barred the opposition leader from standing in the next election and what does that remind you?
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we will get to the latest legal moves in the trump indictment in a minute, let's enjoy for a moment the laughable spectacle of the claim that this is not political. the new york times editorial board while some legal experts have questioned the theory about mr. bragg's case and there is no basis for the accusation that is politically motivated. how many goes rolling on the floor laughing emojis for that one what about these people. >> galvan is not manipulated by anybody and motivated by politics. >> congressman jim jordan and outspoken trump supporter and chair of the house weaponization committee sent new york d.a. alvin bragg a letter asking him to testify about his decision to pursue a politically motivated constitution, that is hard. >> get out of third grade. >> is not even smart, who are
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these guys? who are these guys, is not a pro among them. >> you are these guys trying to suggest that this might be politically motivated. and people like that well-known ultra maga trump diehard establishment for reads to korea of cnn. >> the prosecutor alvin bragg is elected district attorney who ran the campaign for the office boasting that he help sue donald trump over 100 times. even the one selected and after looking over the evidence he is reported to put the case on the back burner which triggered a storm of criticism from his democratic base. he then reversed course and decided to pursue the case on a new basis, this case has the feel of zealous prosecutors minutely examining all possibilities to find some violation of the law.
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this upends the notion that you first have a crime in the new search for the criminal rather than first looking at the person and investigating. exactly, of course is political everyone except the rapid trump hating hyper- partisan can see that unfortunately these days many are trump hating hyper- partisan. let's make a couple of things clear, of course know what is above the law but last week know what is below it either, democratic senator joe manchin made this exact point this morning. >> no what is above the law and no one should be targeted by the law especially through the political process. if if trump or any former president has committed a crime they should be prosecuted but as joe manchin said they should not be targeted let alone with actually running for office the
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fact that this targeted political abuse of the justice system is being praised when democrats means will likely see more of it. the former federal prosecutor argued in today's new york times every local prosecutor in the country will now feel that he or she has free reign to criminally investigate presidents after they leave office. and as we speak there is prosecutor in little rock arkansas if were ignoring the statute of limitations now and hush money paid in political campaigns it's a serious crime let's indict bill and hillary clinton who paid far more money to farmer women over far more serious allegations in trump is ever been accused. maybe their rdas in the hometown and the 13 service members killed and couple as a direct consequence of joe biden's pigheaded insistence on the total withdrawal from afghanistan. directly counter the military
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leader so young men and women from ohio, tennessee, utah, nebraska, indiana, texas, missouri, wyoming plenty of prosecutors in the state. maybe there is an involuntary manslaughter heading biden's way when he finally leaves office, this is the world they've ushered in the deranged hyper- partisan democrats with the divisive get trump surface the mindless distraction from the serious issues we face. new evidence that we lost our way as a country this is all the core values quantified by single pole, a total collapse and support for the values who have defined america for the generations, patriotism, faith, family since 1988 the number of americans who view patriotism has dropped from 70% to 38% the
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importance of religion down 62% to 39% having children drop from 59%, comm community involvementp down, the only area america see as more important than it was 25 years ago having money, and other words greed, this is an absolute catastrophe for our nation. the foundation of american society are collapsing but now thanks to the ludicrous antics of a hyper- partisan new york d.a. the country will be consumed by a media circus star this is truly last days of decadence. biden promised unity in the uncivil war but instead he is recklessly exploiting america for partisan advantage. it's become almost pathological the way they do the exact thing and they accuse everyone else of in our democracy and they mean power for them and the rule of
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law and the rule of democrats and the leaders of the party and hate and ideological extremism in the justice system and the fbi, they use the government to center opposition and they are the antidemocracy party. of course republicans can and must fight back and they must do it probably and peacefully. but that's not enough that won't cut out the cancer of hate and extremism on the left after what we see in this week, now is the time for reasonable, moderate democrats to leave their party. that is "the next revolution" that we need. on the new free twitter as they fell next and share this message when we posted, republican presidential candidate vikram vithe vicwe are skating on thina
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country were already deeply divided, i imagine nothing worse to take us to the breaking point then the ruling party in this country using police power to stop its leading political opponent. i say this is somebody in this race running against donald trump to fix the very cancer. it might be more convenient for me or others running against trump if he was a disgrace, this goes beyond politics this is about first principles, we are not some banana republic we are the people in power they get to arrest the political opponents and wake up with the america i see today from donald trump been indicted and facing ten years in prison for the high crime of making fun of his opposition and his supporters, that is not the america that i pledge allegiance to as a kid is not the america my parents came to her you came to see america we live today.
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steve: it's amazing the gas lighting. the way that they are the ones saying there stated that for the rule of law even though they blatantly abuse it. >> of course that's oldest trick in the book they use different labels and our democracy, rule of law as many times as you can to violate the rule it's an old one in the book, i think we in the conservative movement and the pro-america movement need to graduate beyond seeing this problem with clear eyes. that's a big service donald trump did for this country in the four years that he served frankly all the way through this day of exposing the same ministry brought but we have to find a way to solutions and you have administered police state that is so entrenched in this country that if we could revive it were actually going to have to take radical steps to shut it down to actually solve the problem and that's when focused and where movement needs to be focused moving towards hard solutions that will not be easy.
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>> let's talk exactly about that you released a plan today which i noticed earlier. this is a pretty serious list to end political weaponization of the federal ministry domestic, the highlights shutdown and replace the fbi in shutdown and replace the irs and pardon based on political motive and hush money for sexual harassment claims against members of congress you have a lot of support for that one and there's a lot there, where did you want to start our to start with applying ju justice evenhandedln the ministry to kids and fbi and you can't reform those institutions i think fast underpass presidents thanking incremental reform is sufficient it is not, when you have an administrative cancer that runs so deep there is one answer the
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u.s. president is constitutionally empowered to deliver it, you have to shut it down and if necessary build something new from scratch to take its place that is the only way that you solve a problem like the one that you have in the federal law enforcement apparatus that is fbi and the constitutional conviction and the ability to do it a moral authority to take that vision of identifying the deep state problem but actually solve it go further than trump ever went and is not even personally suffering the consequences we need to take the agenda to the next level and solve the problem and use constitutional presidential power into cracks with some of the state and to mistakes made over the course of the last several years the any defendant that was actually convicted when someone else and many other people of similar situations were not charged with those crimes that is evidence of a politicized justice system and to pardon those defendants, those of the kinds of steps that will be controversial but i'm willing to go the difference
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based on first principle of moral authority that can actually unify this country. >> very strong words totally endorsed that about shutting things down and building that is basic principle in the private sector if you start building on what something drawn is a complete disaster. i am completely with you on that one, great to see you, thank you so much. with more here is harmeet dhillon his firm as part of the legal team representing donald trump in this case, i would just like you to react, first of all to the latest news we have seen on this which is the idea that the judge may impose a gag order on donald trump perhaps prompted by his team announcing the display need to make a public statement at a 15:00 p.m. on tuesday they want to gag him from speaking about this. >> first of all i saw the gag
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order issue coming last week it is not uncommon in new york and is not uncommon for prosecutors in the country to request this. we start with the premise that under the first amendment any prior strain on speech included by litigants and lawyers and by defendant has disfavored in the law. it is supposed to be a big hurdle to get over to get that. as a practical matter in new york state, judges do and post the gag orders in the have to look at is it likely the speech that the court is seeking to enjoin is going to affect the defendant's right to a fair trial that is the important point, normally speaking a gag order the six the moment right to fair trial, in this case there's seeking gag the defendant. what we've really seen in this case the district attorney's office selectively leaking details of the indictment to the new york times for example and possibly other media. typically a court will issue
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such an order on both sides with the court has to look at is a gag order going to remedy the harm that is identified by the moving party number one and number two last restrictive means instead of gagging speech, for example could the court avoid the prejudiced by asking questions of potential jurors to screen out jurors who might've heard about the case in this case is good be very difficult to find jurors unless they are living under a rock who have not heard about the former president and his case. finally the court looks at other factors is it narrowly tailored how narrowly is the injunction one more fact typically the media as opposed to the gag orders the media is typically very interested in hearing what the parties have to say about an important criminal case, it's
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often the media itself that moves to the court to seek to the court that the gag order not be allowed under the first amendment. prior cases new york times and criminal cases to set aside gag orders, it could be very interesting to see with the media and the other side of the former president whether the media is going to the first amendment norms and seek free speech on the part of both sides in this case, that is going to be very interesting coming up. steve: exactly, very quickly, we don't have too much time, what is the timetable in relation to the other cases everyone's talking about the georgia case, the special counselor the fact that we have the indictment affect the timing of all of that? >> it does not affect the timing and legal sense of your grandstanding prosecutor you may very much want to not let the new york district attorney get all the limelight so you may be
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jostling to get your own day in the press as it were, i would not be surprised to see others hastening to get their 2 cents in as well. steve: we will be following it and i know you'll be part of the team, thank you so much for being with us tonight we appreciated. we'll be right back.
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steve: welcome back were joined by california congressman kevin kiley on the astonishing site between california governor gavin newsom declaring war on red states. the on state the when he supposed to run collapses into chaos dysfunction in the house judiciary committee, let's get your thoughts trump indictment and the possible response from your committee. >> very committed to oversight and chairman jim jordan as ernie written a letter to alvin bragg raising a number of issues the idea federal funding then there is federal oversight jurisdiction and there's also the question by the rule of the biden administration because customarily in a case like this which evolves around issues of federal law you have the justice
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department coming in perhaps ask not the state of local prosecutor not to move forward which does not seem to have happen here. jim jordan is the chairman of the judiciary committee right now in exactly the right person for this role and we need oversight and accountability in our government. >> a lot of people would agree with you, let's move on to gavin newsom who just got reelected to a four-year term as governor about becoming president so he set up a new political organization whose only purpose is to attack red states newsom's residents and businesses are fleeing to fight rising authoritarianism this is with the guy who abused emergency power and reward his donors by closing schools or big business, meanwhile thanks to the california democrat monopoly far
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left extremism we see a cascading albany crisis including crime, homelessness and if newsom is this an interested in doing his job, he should do the decent thing and resign, your thoughts. >> he has done on a trip or a basis several times in the red state travel ban that would looks a good get rid of them because newsom is a vacation in montana and several occasions. but when it comes to gavin newsom the line between parity and reality has vanished altogether and as he said california the single most ricardian response to covid and i actually sued him over it and he said in court he centralizes the sedate powers in the hands of the government effectively abolishing the other branches of government money came to business shutdown a church that dennis will shut down and mask
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mandated vaccine mandate, vaccine passports, each of every step of the way, california had the highest level of government coercion and control for him to say that is watching a crusade against rising authoritarianism, you cannot make this stuff up. and to begin to think how we process is this his attacking red states if there's a bad why are so many hundreds of thousands of california residents moving to red states and three straight years california lisa nation one way with the u-haul rentals who lost his seat in congress because so many people are leaving, you look at what is happening to california, look at san francisco "the san francisco chronicle" has an opinion piece in san francisco on the verge of collapse literally the city has a 290 million-dollar budget
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deficit in a dystopian landscape that walks through city's downtown and newsom says time and again, this is his model for the nation and what you and i know and everyone lived in our state knows it's a model of failure not a model for the nation as a warning to the nation and the more gap time gavin newsom spends visiting other states the more the good get the message. >> exactly it's totally bizarre. he is doing and will follow it great to see you. thank you. >> at the top of the we talked about for governor ron desantis and his take on the war in ukraine and many of you had a strong reaction you reached out on twitter and facebook as we always invite you to do. here's an interesting thing there is a 50/50 split half of
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you agreed with me the other half said why are you criticizing desantis don't you see that trump can't win a general election so for use abiding to which i say this is what a primary is about testing the positions of the candidates and holding them accountable and is always a bad idea just as president hillary clinton the 50/50 split among those of you who disagree with me. half said all desantis is doing is another endless war, the other half said what you talking about he cleaned it up supports ukraine were. it supported the piece we asked the governor to come on the show in clear things up in this press people think get back is it is agree to com e on much morcee ahead. i think i've got it! doggy-paddle! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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steve: he is a stunning political development in the trump indictment on thursday west virginia senator joe manchin took to the pages of the wall street journal take use abiding white house a political mop practice of their flagship and lawfully misnamed. >> i'm saying basically what we agreed on, the president that we
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agreed on what this bill would do it would give us energy security bring manufacturing back to america as quickly as possible and his administration administering and writing rules and regulation and totally foreign to what we did is wrong and i'm going to fight it. >> what is going on, here is a clue. >> bottom line will find out your good run for president january 2024? >> my filing date is generally 15th of january 44 and i will make my decision may be a little bit more before that but not until the end of the year i assure you. >> enough to be running as a democrat or something else? >> the party edification is awkward to change me democrat, republican, happy to dnr should not change as a person i'm still going to fight for the things that i do can i be a moderate centrist whatever identification
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or no identification. >> fox news contributor sara carter feels to me like we've been watching the independent candidate for president in 2024. >> he's definitely feeling the waters but it doesn't mean he's not right, i call it the inflation act, remove the are. it is a lie steamrolling america not to steamrolling joe manchin. and we can see with the treasury department is doing in respect to electric vehicles in the tax credit and how biden administration is going to bring all of these jobs back to america, manufacturing jobs and get people the companies and the tax credit that they needed but now we find out let me give you what example if you look at michigan building a plant in michigan the hiring chinese,
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chinese technology, chinese workers to come to michigan and work at the fork plant, that doesn't necessarily work for us and ford still believes we could get the tax credit on that is not just bored i'm not just picking on ford of the ford trucks and american-made let's have a b american-made joe manchin brings up a very -- americas are getting tired, we're really tired, i talk every day were tired of being lied to and the massive budgets with all of these in the word salads that make no sense to us at all only to find out later that we were played by our government, bring jobs back to america, put america first, that is very important here, a lot of the technology used in ev, the electric vehicles are coming from places where we have the
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mind for specific minerals like the republic of the democratic republic of congo and places in china where human rights, abuse is rampant where people are dying so we can drive around and feel better in near shoring is important that spring jobs back to america. >> by the way he was played but lied to by biden in his pissed off about it. that's what he saying that. i'm dying to ask you a massive week in politics, your reaction to the trump indictment and what were seeing now. >> is certainly the weaponization of the manhattan district attorney's office on a former president of the united states. it is unprecedented it is a problem that's going to plague our nation i believe her decades to come and is going to open the door to das across the country
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whether the republican leaning more conservative to the left is dangerous for our country right now. fractions are nation i tell you we see the weaponization throughout her bureaucracy since 2016 when we first broke the stories on what was going on in the fbi and now we see this at the das office with alvin bragg and i think the american people are sick of it, the majority of american people see right through this, i think it's a waste of our time and energy particularly when we have so many more issues to deal with an ethic it's unfortunate and i think bragg is going to pay a very heavy price for this and i also believe the democrats will as well and is good and bold and trump supporters and give more
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power to the republican base. steve: we have some data on that, but later in the show he'll be back to talk to us about that, thank you very muchf and we wilell be back after the shortbread. while loading up our suv, one extra push and... crack! so, we scheduled at we were able to track our technician and knew exactly when he'd arrive. we can keep working! ♪ synth music ♪ >> woman: safelite came to us. >> tech: hi, i'm kendrick. >> woman: replaced our windshield, and installed new wipers to protect our new glass. that's service on our time. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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>> if her were not paid attention to some absolutely seismic and disastrous development in foreign policy, this week china made a massive global advance by strengthening his ties in saudi arabia which joined in china led security block inside the multibillion-dollar energy deal this comes after china broke the peace deal between saudi arabia and iran is a massive humiliation matches for america beau biden personally let's listen to what he said in saudi
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arabia in july. >> let me say clearly the united states is going to remain and engage partner the middle east, we will not walk away and leave a vacuum to be filled by china, russia or iran. >> it seems like biden fist bumped his way out of the promise and we still have allies in the south underwriting, china's advance either to just the other day china struck a deal and for trade, investors are being told to prepare for the fall of the petro dollar we already saw president xi input and cemented the china russia into alliance and extending to india the largest democracy which should be 100% in our corner with trump that was looking so positive.
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>> friends, my india friend the president of the united states of america mr. donald trump biden has alienated everyone with a sanctimonious foreign policy this is a really big deal and not least economically the western alliance, the g7 was just this week overtaken by the bricks, brazil, russia, india, china, saudi arabia and a handful of others like egypt. what's happening to america we used to be the world leader everybody wanted to be our ally, now she is the one swaggering across the world stage beau biden staggers around barely waking up from his nap. it is incredible to see how far
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we have fallen in influence and prestige under this decrepit nonentity of a president in his great technocratic team foreign policy genius let's remember that the next time the establishment tells you what a good idea it is to put some over decades of foreign-policy experience in charge, here to react former state department spokesperson who really is a foreign policy genius. >> it is so good to be back. steve: maybe you did not hear my question i was asking what you make of these developments. i think you brought up incredibly important points or did not get a lot of coverage let's peel back the onion and get a bigger picture what the
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colonies under communist chinese parties try to do contractor dominate the world stage were entering an era and we talked about this beginning of the trump presidency, great power competition. what does that mean we are in a struggle region to region around the world of communism versus democracy what you see in china trying to do is not only replaces as the dominant military power but the dominant economic power as well there going country by country, inch by inch, bit by bit to bring away our friends. saudi arabia and brazil are excellent examples that you brought up what we see happening saudi arabia first of all the administration was completely surprised of whatever saudi arabia and china came out with iran which is saudi's number one flow number one enemy to announce they were bringing passengers back together in opening embassies and they come to a deal not only a part of that deal but we were surprised by it we learned about in the newspaper by everybody else, that goes to show that saudi
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arabia sees xi jinping as a better mediator and a better partner than president biden that the precarious position to be in is saudi the perfect friend, no, they are not but exactly what president biden said he would not allow to happen in the middle east and around the world is happening in terms of us losing our influence in us losing key negotiations same thing with brazil it took biden over a year to call also narrow when he was the president because he did not like him and i'm hearing this from allies around red and south america and the middle east the divided administration is so distracted by the russia ukraine conflict that they're not focusing on anything else. we are ceding our influence in these regions. it matters because china is not doing that they're doing opposite and doubling down. the tour of the world, fantastic
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and will see you on the other side of the shortbread, don't go away.
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steve: morgan is back and sarah in there this week's closers. this is for you lookout chuck taught still can't believe republicans are supporting trump boxes 72% republican voters twice impeached donald trump has
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had a positive impact on the gop according to a poll released this week. >> can you believe it. >> look at where we are now and where our world has gone since president biden is coming to office we are america last in racine was happening overseas in ukraine in the spread of china globally across our plan and we are suffering in america and we think americans realize under president trump we were moving forward were moving back into backwards and there should be no surprise, those impeachments weapon iced. these are targeted political moves by the democrat again that they did not like and they did not want an office. no surprise. >> they still haven't learned
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their lesson after all these years it's amazing this is for you it is chris christie and was thinking of running for president in 2024 talk about ron desantis extradition pledge. >> has no role in this particularly with the defendant doesn't want him to have a role in it people want them to know your authentic and what do you say is what you believe. that is a bigger problem for desantis everybody looks at that in such sure except for the firm supporters of this. >> what you make of this, desantis was criticizing the beginning for being lukewarm in the slide, about stars, that was really strong wit with the extradition and people believe that what do you think. >> chris christie's and criticism is odd to me this is
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the one subject that you've seen republicans of all stripes in all forms united and what i'm talking about is over trump's indictment this week, even jeb bush who is not necessarily the biggest jeb bush fan and look to be political and not about justice so it would make a lot of sense for governor desantis to come out and be supportive of the president because that's what republicans are doing of every stripe and every corner of the party, i don't see how this is an authentic when that's really where the party is not just the republican party you are seeing other people that are independent, democrats that are concerned about this indictment because there is a reason that the feds and the predecessor turned down prosecuting these alleged crimes. >> what you make of chris christie's chances if you were to enter the race for president, i'm laughing to give it away.
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>> with all due respect to governor christie i think he'll do as well as his book sells recently. >> there you are, sarah. >> i have to agree with her 100%, she is right on the money i think chris christie should take a step back and find another day job. steve: exactly, you're both right is very pugnacious and is a pretty good pundit but the idea, the other one i said at the beginning of the show not worth talking about asa hutchinson getting in the race, honestly why. >> because is not governor anymore nothing else to do i think the governor of arkansas will be president one day and sarah huckabee sanders i'm ready for her to run. >> absolutely i think it
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governor huckabee sanders is amazing in her thick wishes done for her children's education in the state of arkansas is going to lead the way for the rest of the country she really believes in school choice and she really put the hammer down on these extreme teachings especially when it comes to crt and everything else i think people respect her and look up to her and she has a lot of time ahead of her, she's very young and a lot of time ahead of her. i'm sure the people of arkansas want to keep her. >> you mentioned book sales earlier, let's see if we can help sarah here do a little bit better and chris christie tell us about it. >> this is joining the amazing club awesome sauce i chartered with great books to get them out to children that have morals and tedious values and our children values at the book for the whole
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family in the waiting to the border is about rules and obeying rules to protect not only yourself but your family and your home in your country and anybody wants to get this book fingerprint steve: have to say the title american club, awesome sauce. thank you, see you next sunday with "the next revolution" will be televised. trey: good trey: thank you for joining us i'm trey gowdy, it's "sunday night in america," donald trump will maket in his initial appearance in a new york courtroom tuesday and be arraigned on what isom expected to be a multicount indictment. charges falsification of business records accused of citeth payments for violence. silence. it is a misdemeano


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