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tv   Unfiltered With Dan Bongino  FOX News  April 1, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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don't forget to watch "fox and friends" 6 to 9. i'm on rumble and facebook and everything else. you know what's next, right? dan bongino. do you want to stay here and watch? [♪♪] da >> welcome to "unfiltered" with dan bongino. i'm katie pavlich in or dan. in three days president trump is expected to be in court formally charged with a crime. it's shocking to say it out loud. not only is this historic. he's the first former president to be indicted by a beyond jury.
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i'm talking about the fundamental tenets of the presumption of innocence. it's defined as quote a cardinal principle of our system of justice that he person accused of a crime is presumed to be innocent unless and until his or her guilt is established beyond a reasonable doubt. the problem is the left does not agree or believe it when it comes to their political opponent whom they see as enemies. here is former house speaker nancy pelosi. she tweeted, no one is above the law and everyone has the right to a trial to prove innocence. that sounds like the stalin police standard of show me the man and i will show you the crime. our entire justice system is based on the principle that a
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person is innocent until proven guilty. it's not just our justice system, it's what our country is built upon and based upon. this one tweet reveals a lot about the left's ideology and how they view our justice system. first that's just how they think. many on the radical left believe trump is guilty of something, they don't care if it's russian collusion, treason, quid pro quo, violating campaign finance laws, the list is endless. to them he's guilty and belongs in prison. >> the classic picture of the walls closing in. >> you are not above the law, you are not an elite. you are not untouchable. >> in many ways it feels like the walls are closing in on donald trump. katie: pelosi is peaking for the
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many people in our country that believe that's how the justice system should work, guilty until you prove your innocence. the justice system is already broken. it's almost like it doesn't matter what the changes are. radical district tons like alvin bragg and the department of justice helped break the trust by corrupting the system, investigating people like trump in search of a crime while instead refusing to chang actual criminals. remember the new york city bodega clerk. he was attacked and he stabbed his attacker to death in self-defense. alvin bragg quickly charged alba
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with murder. only after a public outcry, a judge dropped the murder charge. meanwhile, alba's attacker was a career criminal on parole for robbery and assaulting a police officer. but that didn't matter to bragg. the d.a. was quick to charge alba with murder. brag's office downgraded 52% of all felonies to misdemeanors. under his predecessors the percentage of cases his office downgrade never exceeded 40%. the left thinks lady justice shouldn't be blind but rather driven by vicious politics. the indictment of trump while real and dangerous criminals roam free is more evidence to
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expose them. joining me, mike, i want to get your reaction to what nancy pelosi said out loud, the secret about how democrats think when it comes to proving your innocence when the government cops after you. >> this is not our parents or grandparents democrat party anymore. these are criminals who disagree with conservatives on the best way to get there. these are leftist, these are marxists. they believe in equity, not equality. they don't believe in free speech, they believe in censorship. they believe in me too. if you merely make an allegation against someone, even if it's 30 years ago when they are a
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teenager, they are guilty. even if they proved their innocence they are still guilty. the democrats have politicized and weaponnized our justice system to grow after their political enemies. they are showing that with the soros-appointed d.a. alvin bragg's political prosecution of donald trump. katie: . we heard a lot about these charges and what they may be. we are being told they could be a reclassifying or improper classification of business or legal filing during the campaign. but during the 2016 campaign hillary clinton filed a number of things improperly under legal payment, including payments for the steele dossier. when she was charged with doing that. she wasn't hauled off to prison
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or had misdemeanor charges upgrade to felonies. the fec gave her a fine and it went away. >> trump's case is better for trump and worse for alvin bragg. trump's attorney says he used his own money to pay off a nuisance claim in 2016. it wasn't campaign money like we saw with the hillary clinton case. these are personal funds used to pay off a nuisance claim. at best this could be a records keeping with a two-year statute of limitations. alvin bragg pushed the d.a. to reject the charges. the federal election commission rejected these charges, then alvin bragg takes a million
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dollars in campaign support from george soros when he's running for d.a. and he wants to be a puppet here. katie: president trump is expected to be arraigned tuesday. we'll see how new york treats him. i don't think it will be very well. the general counsel for bragg is fighting back. the letter reads in part, based on your close collaboration with trump, it appears you are acting like criminal defense counsel trying to gather evidence for a client rather than a legislative body s seeking.
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i would assume that's what the judiciary committee which is interested in the weaponization of government whether at the federal or local level is interested in protecting. regular, everyday american citizens from this type of abuse. >> there is no question. thanks for having me on. what we are seeing from the district attorney from manhattan. downgrade a number of felonies to misdemeanors and allowed new york city to become lawless. now he wants to upgrade a misdemeanor to a felony and back door it when the feds passed on it for political purposes. this should send a chill down everyone's spine. we are interested in seeing how our justice system carries out. it's one of our charges in the judiciary committee. we know the manhattan d.a.'s
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office has taken federal dollars. at a minimum i saw a $300,000 grant. and when a local d.a. can go after a former president for political reasons. if they can do that, they can go after you and me. it's what third world countries say. bragg says you are doing this in collusion with president trump. >> i supported president trump but i'm endorsing ron desantis. what i'm in collusion with is the american people in the defense of the law. katie: congressman chip roy. thank you very much. coming up, trump is indicted so cue the left's celebrations. >> this is history made for america. >> the "new york times" reported
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a new york grand jury voted to indict former president trump. [cheers and applause] >> he was right. ♪ allergies don't have to be scary. (screaming) defeat allergy headaches fast with new flonase headache and allergy relief! two pills relieve allergy headache pain? and the congestion that causes it! flonase headache and allergy relief. psst! psst! all good!
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katie: welcome back to "unfiltered." the left can barely contain
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their excitement now that trump has been indicted. >> it's wonderful to see now. >> we have been talking about nixon being pardoned. i'm here to reminds us of the ghost of the nixon. it's 1960. >> three minutes before i walked out on the stage the "new york times" reported a new york grand jury voted to indict president trump. he's right, we are finally saying merry christmas again. katie: this is the latest in a long line of stories where the media has a completely different reporting. joe concha, your reaction to the media being happy trump is back. it's almost like they need him. >> big time. we have seen the numbers that
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have been struggling so long post trump. they get trump back in the a blocks of their shows for the next couple weeks and maybe moos. regarding the deem it a former president in a case the feds walked away from years ago because it was so damn weak. some warnings from those claiming to be objective that weaponization of the u.s. justice system in an attempt to take down political opponents sets a patently dangerous precedents. banana republic is supposed to be a clothing store. not a super power. instead it's ground hog day again. most respected legal analysts say the case will likely fail. but the coverage is nixonian.
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the narrative marinated with a mugshot of president trump in handcuffs. katie: they are joking and laughing and the audience is cheering as if this isn't a serious issue for the future of the country. the left talks about breaking resident all the time, but they get frustrated when the right holds them to their own standards. but isn't a double standard just for president trump. we see it with a variety of different topics with stories that don't necessarily line up with the media's narrative. cnn on the waukesha christmas parade massacre. they said they will hold a moment of silence after a car drove through a christmas parade
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with no mention of the person who drove the car. >> that was a convict, taken african-american man. they make it sounds like a car was just driving itself magically. we remember who was killed there. grand mothers and kids as young as 8 years old. the president of the united states didn't even go to visit the victims while the media went by the fact that this was carried out by somebody who shouldn't have been out of jail in the first place. the sick person who did this tried to run over the mother of his child just a few weeks ago, but a liberal district attorney let him out on $1,000 bail. he should have been jailed for years and never been able to hurt those people. katie: the story went away and
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they didn't follow up. but regardless of the context they do cover it. they vilified nick sand man saying he was racist, going after this man when he was in washington, d.c. when he was standing there being harass bid this guy. >> a teenager. the national media made him the face of racism. the thing with this was at least there was a happy ending why nick sandmann sued cnn and "the washington post" and was able to reach a settlement. being called a racist for not saying one word and standing there peace any. katie: nick sandman was 17 years
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old at that time when they were smearing him, saying he's a racist. pushed all over the internet. maybe they learned a lesson, maybe they didn't. we have seen this type of behavior continue. we have seen the media call ron desantis's school reform bill that allowed parents to see what was in the curriculum. they deemed it a don't say gay bill even though it had nothing to do with that. >> activists are protesting against what opponents are calling the don't say gay bill. >> critics call it the don't say gay bill. >> it's one step closer to becoming law today. >> the don't say gay bill is currently in effect in public schools. katie: that's not what it was about at all. >> it had bipartisan voter
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support. parental rights. parents want a say in their child's curriculum. since this was ron desantis pushing this, this had to be stopped. so the media took their cues from social media and democratic activists and named it the don't say gay bill. the bill doesn't mention gay in it not once. no fact checkers in 10 miles. support for the bills in the 60s. ron desantis won by a landslide because no one trusts the messenger anymore. katie: the core of the bill was to prevent the sexualization of children. lots of parents are on board with that. the numbers are in. and california's reparations bill could cost $800 billion.
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but could a similar program be going national? pete hegseth weighs in next.
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>> liv i'm claudia cowen.
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serve and rescue efforts continue in the south and inch. arkansas was hit especially hard. some neighborhoods in little rock were completely flattened. the state's national guard has been called in to help. preparations roundway to secure the manhattan criminal court. police are putting up barricades around the courthouse. a grand jury indicted mr. trump thursday. the charges are understood seal but he's expected to face dozen of counts related to hush money payments to stormy daniels. i'm claudia cowen in los angeles. now back to "unfiltered." katie: . welcome back to "unfiltered." more weakness from biden on the
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world stage. an american citizen, "wall street journal" reporter is being held in russia object spying charges. what is biden's message to require. >> let him go. >> let him go. that seems threatening. joining me now is "fox and friends" weekend co-host pete hegseth. he has been a reporter in russia for six years and he has been taken into city by the russians on spying charges. pete: this administration is adept at leaving americans behind. it has been completely
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ineffectual. vladimir putin seeks leverage. he doesn't care about rules or journalists and he never has. he doesn't believe it will come with consequences. he's a just. he's not a spy. and their not afraid of joe biden. the track record shows they will talk and get very little out of it. katie: what about the lack of deterrence. it's not just hostage taking which is horrific. given the position we are in with russia and ukraine. the fate of this journalist doesn't seem like it will be great and the relief won't come shortly given the situation we are in. but they are apparently not afraid of what president joe biden will do in return. >> they go back to the bus so they don't have to rely on
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previous sources. if you want to deter, you have to be strong. you have to be the strongest one out there willing to use force when necessary. not the willfully nilly way of we'll slowly get drawn into a protracted conflict. give me one instance where that's happened in this administration. i can give you many under trump, starting with soleimani. we get chaos. katie: the response should be there will be hell to pay if you kidnap an american and put him in your disgusting prisons. the administration wants the census bureau to ask black americans if they are descendants of slaves at the same time california's reparations bill is expected to
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cost $800 billion. the activists at mitt they don't know how they are going to get the money. pete: it's three times california's actual budget. by 2028 it won't be whether we do nationwide reparations. it will be how much. who gets and who pays. because the grievance machine always must be fed. they believe at this point anyone who is -- in california there never even was slavery. but they don't care. they say the effects are generational. though i have never owned a slave. most people alive what were not affected directly by slavery. doesn't matter. this is how they will continue to try to divide us and impugn the history of america.
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and they will blame current generations for the sins of the our forefathers. this will be a front and center issue going forward in national politics. katie: they are not talking about the liberators who worked very hard to end slavery because they didn't want it to be part of the country. that's why we don't have it in the united states. so what's coming up on "fox and friends"? pete: will and i go off the wall about artificial intelligence. how dangerous is it. we are being told by experts we should pause. where is it? what does it mean? katie: i don't like the robots. we'll see what the future holds. elites like bernie sanders loves to slam billion airs. airs.
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even though he's a million air. kevin o'leary weighs in next on the left's war on wealth. we all need fiber for our digestive health,
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katie: welcome back to "unfiltered." the democrats are race raising war on the rich. >> let's just get at that. i grew up in federally subsidized housing. my parents never owned a home. i came from nothing. i thought my entire life was based on the achievement of the american dream. yes, i have billions of dollars. i earned it. no one gave it to me, and i
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shared it with the people of starbucks. katie: elitist millionaires like bernie sanders who owns three homes square when confronted about their own wealth. >> if he can be a millionaire why can't mr. schultz and others be millionaires. why is it he's corrupt and you are not. >> if i'm worth $8 million that's news to me. >> it's in the public records. >> you are probably look at some phoney right wing internet stuff. it ain't true. katie: joining to us react, kevin o'leary. i don't know how you feel about bernie sanders. but i love hearing the story of howard schultz when he talks about growing up in federally subsidized housing and become a
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billionaire in a country where you can chase the american dream and do that yourself rather than taking handledouts. >> schultz is the american dream. i support entrepreneurs. what's going on today isn't really politics anymore. it's policy. and the decision to change laws around taxing individuals that are very successful varies from state to state. what i find so fascinating because i'm watching this happen very, very quickly. post pandemic economy, this is something policy makers haven't really thought through yet. but the money which seeks the path of least resistance, investors like me are watching this happen in front of their
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eyes. free pandemic 90% of your employees worked in the office. post pandemic 40 to 45% are never returning. so it's easy to move headquarters wherever we want and leave our employees in areas where they wish to live. but what matters, there are two verticals here to discuss. bernie was talking about the success of schultz. he's a successful billionaire and he talks about giving back. he also invests in young entrepreneurs as well. but the policy of penalizing them is state by state. bernie has it made it federal yet. so these people simply move. that's what's happening for states that have bad policy. here in florida wire taking
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capital away from minnesota because the policies are different. that's what's so interesting. people will wake up and say what happened to our tax base. guess what, they left? katie: states like florida aren't punishing people for being entrepreneurs. you talk about the policy. people like bernie sanders, they don't like money, he has a millionaire, he has a book out that says it's okay to be mad about capitalism. he wants to benefit from the capitalist system that lets him have a nice lifestyle while punishing everybody else so they can't do the same. >> he built a heck of a brand for himself. i always appreciate people who can take the media and deliver a
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consistent message. the policy he wants to implement is going to hurt his state. people that would be exposed to those kinds of taxes if it was successful would simply leave. i think that's the problem. that's the problem he's got. katie: when people have too many taxes they can't employ as many people. kevin o'leary, thanks for being here tonight. good to see you. coming up. he time there is a horrific shooting democrats demand gun control. >> it can be done. katie: it was good guys with guns and courage who heroically
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took down the nashville shooter. a democrat from tennessee joins me for the rebuttal next. it's almost passover here in israel and across the former soviet union. but we're fnding thousands of destitute, elderly jews who are alone and in need of basic food. ramzia is a holocaust survivor. she keeps saying my refridgerator is empty. she's embarrassed to ask for help. their need as you can see is extremely urgent. right now, you can give a gift of life of $25. the international fellowship of christians and jews will bring comfort and food to ramzia and thousands of others. ramzia has had such a hard life and to see this smile.
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"i will bless his people israel".
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katie: calls are growing to ban what the left calls assault
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weapons and automatic rifles in the wake of the school shooting in nashville where six people including three children were gunned down in cold blood. >> after a mass shooting in australia in 1976 they enacted a gun buy back. it can be done. i wish they would stop jumping around and dancing around everything but the guns. >> more guns lead to more death. look at the data. katie: is gun control the answer? joining me now for the rebuttal is state senator heidi campbell. thank you for being here. the thing that stood out to me when the police department was giving the briefing was the killer in this instance cased another location and wrote down that because security was so
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intense there she chose a different location. senator blackburn and senator haggerty introduced legislation to give grants up to $900 million to schools across the country public and private to have armed police and veterans protect the schools. would you be on board with something like that. >> that sounds like we would be militarizing our entire society. i don't think that's viable. katie: what is your solution for schools who don't have security when bad people show up to do harm. >> you talked about the good guys with the begun that showed up and our police force handled that beautifully. the good gays with the guns they come to the legislature over and over again to protect them with
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common sense gun regulations. we have to do something about our kids getting killed and we have to do it yesterday. katie: i agree with you. i find it interesting we protect buildings where lawmakers reside and work, and julie stores, but we are not willing to do it for kids at school. you talked about the so-called assault weapons bill. the previous assault weapons bill. according to the department of justice did not cut down on school shootings and did not cut down on crime. don't you as a public official owe it to your constituents to do something that will actually work and not repeating something that failed. >> i disagree. military-style assault rifles are the mass shooters weapon of choice. they are designed to kill as many people as quickly as possible.
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all but one of the mass shootings were committed with a high capacity assault rifle. katie: if you look at the statistics. most shooters use handguns. and more attacks are made with knives. >> the fact of the matter is in countries with assault rifle bans we don't see mass shootings, and they certainly have mental health problems. we can't be gun violence without guns. katie: the most horrific mass shooting happened in norway and they have a ban on semiautomatic rifles that you are discussing. when it comes to the issue of
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confiscation or this ban, how would you implement this considering that millions of people own these firearms and don't use them for nefarious purposes. what would be your plan to get those rifles back. >> we have an assault rifle ban in our state. span we have less shootings. so obviously what we are doing right now is not working. so mental illness is something that we are dealing with across the globe. the difference in our country of course is we have accessible firearms. katie: columbine occurred under the time when this legislation was in place, the assault weapons bill. and it still happened. the solutions to protect kids
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that involve securing their locations, bad people choose soft targets. thank you for coming on. i hope we can all find solutions. >> you and me both. katie: coming up, he defied his own lockdown orders during the pandemic and his cities are full of the homeless. now governor gavin newsom is bringing his ideas to red states.
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>> welcome back to "unfiltered," california governor gavin newsom has a plan to fix america. he's launched his campaign for democracy to fight back against what he considers the tyranny of red states. >> problem in our country right now authoritarian leaders we're going on the road to take the fight to states where freedom is most under attack. where republican leaders ban books, criminalize doctors, fire teachers, they fan the flames of
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culture wars to distract from fact that blue states have lower murder rates better health care outcomes and higher gdp's what's happening in red states it is not who we are. it's unamerican. here to react is turning point usa founder charlie kirk charlie i have to laugh because california had the largest exodus of people to the red states that he's claiming are run by tyrants like ron desantis and kristi noem. but is he running for president, i mean, that looked like presidential campaign ad. >> he says he's not there's something interesting, though, in the democrat uniparty that's actually part of american foreign policy but in this regard everything he talks about is being a red state problem like okay first of all gavin newsom you're losing population and it is about bankrupt your business one of the worst
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business climates in the country. you have record suicide rates in orange county and san diego. not to mention, just a fundamental homelessness problem in san francisco and los angeles school outputs are going down and yet he's worried about these kind of buzz words these poll tested prescripted if, you know, ideas of republicans being authoritarian do you know what was gavin newsom when you decided to shut down churches for a year and a half under a public health declaration in your state. of past stores that i know in california that are still fighting in the courts because they decided to stay open against your unconstitutional lockdown measure where is we made them and has gal to call states authoritarian and ban books let's accept the record clear. this is about not having pornography in elementary school kids books it is not about banning books, in fact, they're ones that have wanted to banplay
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toes and and they banned bible so gavin newsom may be running for president but also not dumb. he thinks he can play the media because the only way that he thinks he can cope with the political failure of california is to play offense i don't think it is geng to work. >> well what the name like campaign for democracy he's certainly playing to the media because of how much they love that idea and you mention him being a tyrant shutting down churches and restaurants and not his own restaurant let's not forget that while he was keeping kids out of school and he was not allowing people to work and make their on living and people getting arrested for surfing on beach gavin newsom in a crowded room and worst part of that whole thing people forget about he was with a bunch of doctors who can health care lobbyist that were donating to his campaign. >> french laundry and napa valley most can't afford it thousands and thousands of
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dollars just per person. gavin newsom elite liberal whopghts to try to imperialize rest of the country around the absolute brokenness of california. california is a broken state one of the worst in the country unfortunately it is losing population, and he won't admit -- >> ruining california wungts enough for him so going everywhere else and joe biden better watch his back. charlie kirk thanks for being here if. before we go remember you can catch the dan bongino show every day on fox nation here's a clip from this week's show. >> to say well it is a bold proclamation to make that radical leftist i'm not, of course, painting broad brush to all democrats but radical leftist trying to promote a cold civil war here yeah it is. the problem is the evidence is everywhere. if you open your eyes and look for it. it's all over the place. radical leftist are not just a problem in the united states -- not just a problem in europe they're everywhere. >> you can stream the dan
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bongino show on fox nation weekdays from 12 to 3 p.m. eastern and don't forget facebook and instagram at "unfiltered" on fox that does it for us tonight on "unfiltered" i'm katy thanks for joining me see you back here next saturday night at 9 p.m. don't forget your dvr if you can't make it live. ♪ ♪ lawrence: good evening america welcome to cross country and former president donald trump by the new york attorney alvin bragg and for those across the political spectrum but mostly for me most shocking part was alvin bragg was actually charging someone with a crime and trying to lock them up. now if you aren't familiar with bragg, he's a prosecutor who prides himself on reform. basically means letting repeat


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