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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  March 30, 2023 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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ies on his car's advanced safety system right now. >> so when he got a cracked eme flight. we're the experts at replacingl glass and recalibratiny g your vehicle's camera. >> ins and lane departure properly to get you back on the road safely and that means a lot schedule now. >> c, flight b , pasicolan, be place. >> good evening and welcome to tucker carlson. a fox news alert. american politics was thrown into complete chaos, perhaps permanently, about three hours ago when a grand jury in manhattan, one of the most liberal cities in america, a place 80% voted for joe biden in the last election, decided to indict biden's political opponent in the upcoming election. the republican front runner,
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a man who leads by 30 points in polls. donald trump and the jury did this at the urging of a man called alvin bragg. he's the manhattan district attorney who has been famous so far by making the city much more dangerous by refusing to enforce laws against crimes like robbery and . now, we don't know at this hour what the indictment says. we don't know specifically what the charges are. >> but previous news reports suggest they will emanate from an alleged payment. seven years ago, a payment that federal regulators said violated no law, but that alvin bragg apparently believes is a crime, either way, the net result is donald trump is the first former president of the united states ever to be indicted. so what happens next? we can be certain there is no coming back from this moment. there could be retaliation from red states. the governor of florida has already said ron desantis already issued a statement saying that he will not participate in any extradition of donald trump to new york.
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that's apparently scheduled for next week. as you can probably tell, we're not certain of the full outlines of the story, but we know this moment is a historic one . we want to set tonight in facts. those that we have so far going to do that, as we always do with the help of fox to trace gallagher, who is with us tonight on set. >> and we're going to have more of desantis coming up on this. but it's important to remember, tucker, that manhattan district attorney ivan bragge has chosen to pursue a case that was investigated and rejected by two previous sets of prosecutors because, one , the case is politically explosive, as we all know, and to it requires using largely untested legal theory. in fact, even alvin bragg himself initially decided against prosecuting trump. the case, as tucker was saying ,is centered around a one hundred thirty thousand dollar payment to star stormy daniels, who claims she had an affair with trump the day. >> alvin bragg could not charge this case as a misdemeanor because the statute of limitations on a misdemeanor ran out back in 2018. and to charge it as a felony, the manhattan d.a. had
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to perform what many call legal gymnastics and say it was a campaign finance violation going down that road. numerous legal experts have pointed out that it would be monumentally improbable to prove that donald trump paid stormy daniels in an effort to win the white house instead of, say, an effort to save his marriage, et cetera. here's law professor jonathan turley weighing in on the indictment just a short time ago. >> much concern is that if this theory is actually the basis of the indictment, then this is a rather ignoble moment in history. donald trump may be the first former president to be indicted, but if this is the standard, he won't be the last . the case would rely almost solely on the testimony of former trump lawyer michael cohen, who claims that donald trump directed him to pay stormy daniels the hush money on the eve of the twenty sixteen election in exchange for keeping her quiet. but michael cohen is also
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a convicted felon who's known for stretching the truth. >> cohen's former legal adviser, a man named robert castelo, who testified before this grand jury, was on tucker carlson tonight back on march 20th. >> watch this. >> i called them up after i saw michael cohen on tv stating things that he said he was going to tell the grand jury and had told the grand jury that were contrary to what he told us when we first represented him in april. of 2018. so i'm sitting at home watching these lies and i said , i've got to do something about it. >> okay, so we still don't know what the actual charges are because it's unlikely they'll be unsealed until the former president legally surrenders, which likely would happen sometime next week. donald trump issued a statement about the indictment. it reads in part quoting here, the democrats have lied, cheated and stolen in their obsession with trying to get trump. but now they've done the unthinkable, indicting a completely innocent person in an act of blatant election
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interference. >> even florida governor ron desantis, who could run against trump in 2020 four , slammed the indictment, quoting again, the weaponizes of the legal system to advance a political agenda turns the rule of law on its head. >> it is un-american, and desantis makes a great point because if the charges are what we expect, then it does appear this is a political prosecution. federal prosecutors have repeatedly turned this case down. and now you have a state prosecutor taking it on . donald trump's poll numbers have gone up in the past month and this could lift those numbers even further. because there will be a groundswell of emotion for or against. >> does it matter that groundswell will continue to rise, tucker? i think that is absolutely right. i think i think trump's numbers actually in the last 10 days in one poll anyway, went from eight up to 30 up. so all kinds of consequences. >> only some we can predict. skyler, thank as always. >> so obviously, this indictment is something brand new , the beginning of
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something, but it's also the culmination of something, the culmination of an effort to make certain that donald trump is never elected president again. that was the whole purpose of the january 6th committee. >> obviously, so far , it's not working. trump is leading the republican field for the nomination by a wide margin. in georgia, a partisan grand jury whose four woman is giving interviews to msnbc is apparently also preparing to charge donald trump with a crime of doubling of doubting election results. you're not allowed to doubt election results in georgia unless you're stacey abrams, in which case you get to claim to be governor when you're not. and as far as we know, the doj is still investigating donald trump on another pretextual offense storying, supposedly classified documents in his home, something that we later discovered that virtually everyone who's ever served in federal office apparently does, including mike pence. >> but take three steps back , pause for a minute, consider the escalation in tactics on display here in the twenty
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sixteen election when the most powerful interests in this country decided that donald trump could not be president and in fact, for the most part, assumed he would never be was just too ridiculous to be real, but just to make certain that he never was. >> the fbi worked with the clinton campaign to spread false allegations. the president had been colluding with the government of russia. but the fbi was never defunded and shut down, as it would have been in a functioning country. it continued to interfere in elections and does so to this day. that, of course, didn't work and trump took office anyway. so federal agencies did everything they could to make certain that trump would be an initial active and one term president within days, they arrested trump's national security adviser. why did they do that? because he had run an intel agency and he knew exactly how the system works. they took him out first. then they had a cia operative in the white house file a fake whistle blower, complaints about ukraine. >> and that got trump impeached . and then they impeached trump again for holding a constitution protected rally
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to call on his supporters to peacefully protest what had happened to him as you would in a democracy. >> so this effort today is one in a long line of unprecedented steps, steps that permanent washington has taken to stop donald trump from holding office in a democracy, whether you like trump or not, that is true. >> but none of that has stopped republican primary voters from telling pollsters that far and away. donald trump is their first choice for president in 2020 four . in fact, it may have changed their minds and made them support trump again. >> maybe not because they love trump, but because they hate to see their beloved system destroyed, subverted and destroyed. for political reasons. >> so the rule of law appears to be suspended not just for trump, but for anyone who would consider voting for him. democrats can attack police officers and seize control of the tennessee state. he did that today and no one's
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going to go to jail. tranh biden, voters can execute christian children and the biden white house will explain that actually the trans community, the transgender arrests are the real victim. this is what it seems to be. it's a political purge. and confronted with it, the real quislings here, who are the republican leaders in washington, are naturally calling for a surrender. asa hutchinson is saying that donald trump needs to withdraw now because alvin bragg doesn't like him. so one of the reasons that trump won in the first place in 2016 is because people like asa hutchinson, people have no interest in winning or governing, and least of all in representing their actual voters or their interests. people like that have been in charge of the republican party for generations now and its voters are sick of it. >> and if those people continue to run the republican party much longer, that party will no longer exist. within a few years, there'll be no reason to have it. what you're seeing now is lawlessness. and the question is who can stop it? >> habba is donald trump's
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attorney . >> allena joins us tonight. leon, thank you so much for coming on . i guess the key question here, there's so much to sort out, but what do you believe the former president will be charged with ? >> well, he'll be charged as something he didn't do. we know that for a fact from michael cohen himself and his lawyers. but i think it's going to be a books and records kind of charge. and knowing alvin bragg, the soros backed d.a., i assume that he is going to try and stack several of these misdemeanors that a normal person would never be indicted for, let alone charged with , and try and make a felony of something that the fauci basically fauci has already turned down. and the federal prosecutors, you know, that's what happens when when he's leading in the polls. >> i mean, you wonder how a d.a. who's decriminalized violent crime effectively and he has that's not an overstatement. >> could decide that a bookkeeping error is a felony
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. that's right. that's right. and , you know, what else, tucker? we've seen this d.a. in particular. let's just take alvin bragg. let's take out all the the political stuff that everybody's already spoken about at nauseum. this day in particular, is the king of woke right? he is mr. i don't believe in putting people in jail and i don't believe in felonies. and i turn felonies into misdemeanors. i think he's that he went from 50 something, two percent to twenty eight percent. but when it's donald trump, he's trying to do the reverse. he's trying to create a situation where you take a misdemeanor that he didn't even do. his attorney settled an issue that was made up. we have stormi that's admitted that. right. and then create something out of nothing. it's a really sad day in our country. tucker. i mean, no matter what your politics are, it's a sad day in our country. no matter what your politics is exactly right. if you believe in our system and you want it to continue, you have to raise your hand and say stop, because this is too great an assault on our system. greater than anything we saw on january six , that's for certain. so that raises the question
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posed to you about your client is how is he going to respond to this? >> this is transparently political . >> it's an effort to take him out of the presidential race that's not allowed. will he participate in the process? is he going to go to new york and be treated like a criminal ? >> you know, i'm not the criminal attorneys handling this. obviously, i know my client well, though, and i know you know him. he's not one cower. as you said in his statement this is proof that we need to change this country immediately. i don't see him hiding from anything. i would be shocked if that would be the consequence or the result of of this. i think he would deal with it head on . i would hope so. and that's for his legal team to deal with that's handling this criminal issue. but it's just a sad thing for me. you know, they want this this picture so badly that we have these days in georgia, we have corrupt ag's. in new york , we have corrupt visas all over the country. and they're just trying to be the first one to get this for political purposes. but i think, tucker, frankly,
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i think it's going to backfire. and i think we've seen that in the past couple of weeks. but you could kind of see it clearly. >> you would counsel him if he asked you to participate in this, but you could see us approaching kind of postmodern moment where the system becomes so politicized and illegitimate and ridiculous that some people decide, i'm not playing along with this, why would i participate in my own illegitimate humiliation? can you sort of see that impulse? i don't think so. i think he should deal with it. my advice to him would be that would be go in and face them and make them look you in the eye and make them look the american people in the eye and you know what you want to drama. that's what you're going to get because they're going to win. there is no crime here and they're going to win. and alvin bragg will go down. is the worst day in history. and he's going to get his place in american history. and it's not going to be a good one . i think, you know, my advice to him, tucker, would be to go in face. however, which way they want if
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they want a production that's on them. i think they've already done that, frankly. and you know how it goes. we'll hear leaks just like we did with that georgia for woman that came out and wanted her moment on msnbc. we'll see what happens. >> does this woman feel dangerous to you? i'm sorry, what was that? >> does this moment feel dangerous to you for the country? >> terrible. terrible. i'm petrified for this country. i'm a lawyer and i believe in the bedrock of this country. i believe in the constitution. i believe that when i took my oath of office, i was supposed to take the laws of this country and abide by them. no matter what my personal beliefs and politics are. and this is the most extreme scare, scariest moment from somebody within my profession. and i'm embarrassed, frankly, for my profession at this moment, and i'm scared for our country. there's no better way to say it, tucker. i'm i'm petrified for our country right now. this is third world stuff. we don't we don't put politics ahead of the law.
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we have a democracy. we have the right to vote. we have the right to have fair and impartial jury. and evidently, if you're a republican , donald trump or you just don't agree with somebody, you don't get that. and it's it's not okay. >> so last question. and i'll say i'm going to disadvantage is this just happened and we're all trying to figure out exactly what's going on . >> but don't you think it would be really helpful for the preservation of our court systems? for a prominent democrat who dislikes donald trump personally and didn't vote for him to stand up and defend the principle of equality under the law for the sake of america, wouldn't that be reassuring for everybody right about now? >> yeah, yes. and i think that person, frankly, tucker, should be the president of this country. i think that the president has an obligation to be that person . and i want to see what karine jean-pierre says. i really hope for our country's sake. and i'm donald trump's attorney . but i'm an american citizen and my parents are immigrants and i'll tell you right now that i hope for our country's sake that the president stands up. i hope that the congress
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is looking in. i know they ask brad to come in and he refused. i want this country to get on track, period. i don't care how we do it, but the president, the leader of the free world , needs to do that. and we don't have the right people in that place right now. unfortunately. >> no, we don't. we don't. how about the president's thank you very much. >> so as far as we know and of course, we could be wrong because we're very caught up in the story as it unfolds. but as far as we know, no prominent democrat has stood up to defend the system against this perversion. of the system. >> certainly the president has not done that. but one of donald trump's opponents is happy to do it. >> he joins us now from a swami is running against trump for the nomination and he'd like to win, but he thinks that this is a grave threat to the country. thank you so much for coming on tonight. >> how do you view this indictment? this is a grave day in american democracy. i mean, this is a threat. this is fundamentally un-american. and , tucker, it's not even about donald trump. it's about every american, because if they can do it to trump, they can do it
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to you. and this is something about that's bigger than partisan politics. yes, i would like to defeat donald trump in this primary and in the election, but i want to do it by convincing every voter to vote for me, because at the end of the day, the american people get to decide who governs this country, not a politicized prosecute. and if you want to know how it's politicized, this is a prosecutor who is effectively fulfilling a campaign promise that he made if it's any individual citizen. and a prosecutor campaigns on indicting or investigating him, that itself is politicized, let alone when he's the lead member of the opposition party to the ruling party that's in power. and we are not a country, tucker, whoever we are as a country, it's not a country that allows police power to be used by the ruling party to arrest its political opponents. that's exactly what happened today. and i don't care if you're on the left or the right. turn the table where the shoe on the other foot, the other side would be complaining, you know what? the same principles apply in reverse as well. it's a sad day and i'm worried for the future of the country because i do think we're
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skating on thin ice right now. >> and you wonder about motive. i'm on monday, christian children were killed by a trans activist in the white house immediately defended trans activists and said they're the real victims here. now, thursday, you see democrats and the republican front runner. it almost feels they're pushing the population to react. we think they're demoralized and passive. let's see if they really are. i mean, at what point do we conclude they're doing this in order to produce a reaction? >> well, you know, you're skating on thin ice. you don't take a hammer to that thin ice and crack. that's right. joe biden actually ran on the promise of uniting this country. there's nothing more unifying he could do in his four years in office. and to get on tv tonight and say that, you know what, joe biden, i want to defeat donald trump in this general election, but i still condemn this politicized prosecution. it's not just the fact that he's not doing it, tucker. it's the fact this is part of an immune system of the government, federal government, state government. our entire system has an immune reaction to an outsider that actually wants to reform
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the system. and one way or another, by high water or not, they were going to come for him. and in the end, it's not about trump. it's about every american who's represented by trump in the system. that's exactly who they're coming after. and that's why i'm so keen on saying this as an opponent of donald trump, those of us who have standing and credibility competing against him in this election, we have a special responsibility, joe biden included, to call out this politicized rules of the road. imagine bush or cheney had gone after john kerry over some technical campaign finance violation. there's no doubt that every liberal in this country would instantly see the constitutional problem. well, it applies in reverse. as well. and they would have been right. but i think we as republicans and as democrats together need to put aside partisanship and call out this politicized prosecution, persecution, the prosecution for what it is . >> i couldn't agree more . i could not agree more . i would defend them. i defended hillary clinton when the fbi director try to take her presidential campaign with that ridiculous president press conference, despise hillary clinton. >> but i care about the system more than any individual.
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and clearly you do, too. >> and i appreciate your coming on tonight and immune system response is the perfect description of what we're watching. >> thank you. thank you. >> jason whitlock is a frequent guest on the show for a reason. he brings insight that few others have. so to fearlessly joins us tonight. >> in the wake of what seems like momentous news. >> jason , what's your reaction to this? >> tucker? i hear you loud and clear. i've been watching all week. you've been doing a marvelous job. i do think all of this is tied together. i live here in nashville, tennessee, where we had a transgender person murdered three young children today in our state capital , which is right here in nashville. >> the transgender anti-gun crowd took over the house for a time and then by the time i get home, i find out donald trump has been indicted. and i hear you loud and clear. they are agitating for unrest.
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that that's the only way to interpret this. they are agitating for unrest and there is a godless element in this country that doesn't care about fairness. they doesn't they don't care about the will of the people. they care about power. and control. as you have spelled out this week, they think they're god and they don't think they can make up the rules. they can decide what fairness is . they don't have a biblical worldview. and it's sickening for me. >> i'm upset. i'm emotional. >> i'm i'm i'm ready for whatever is next. and i hope every other man out there watching the show, i hope you're ready for whatever's next, if that's what they want. >> let's let's let's get to it. it feels like this is not the behavior of people who want the current system to continue . >> that's what it looks like to me.
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yeah. they don't like our judeo-christian founding. that's why they don't like the founding fathers. that's why they want to overthrow the constitution that is laced with biblical values and biblical principles. they want a marxist godless, communist country, plain and simple, clear as day with the alphabet mafia, this lgbtq alphabet mafia in control. the godless people that you're talking about that are totally antithetical to christianity and biblical values wants control and seizing control. and they feel like taking down donald trump and beating everyone else into submission and just making them give up. let's just give up on donald trump, give up on tucker. i don't say this with pride. i really don't. i'm just being factual. i've never voted. and so i'm not saying that with pride. i'm magnet. tonight i'm here. i will be voting. i am maga. i've never voted. i did.
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i observed trump. i'm somewhat supportive of trump. but they have made me maga and they have made me ready for whatever is next, because what they are building for young people, i can't, i can't sit by and just let it happen without raising my voice and without william being willing to sacrifice whatever so that kids don't live in a communist marxist society. these people that think the government is going to take care of them don't understand history, that they've never studied history. they don't understand how tyrannical a government is . what if they have their way? i , i if they have their way, we're all catching , except for the elites. and yes, i have a very good bank account and perhaps i'm going to leak.
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but my heart is working class. my parents were factory workers. i came from nothing in this country. i'm black. they're telling everybody black here, oh, you can't come from nothing and make it in this country. >> that's this country's the greatest country in the history of the planet. it's the safest, most prosperous place for black people in all people. that's why people are beating down the doors to get here and demonize the whole thing. and they've turned trump into this devil. is lucifer in character when they are the devils? >> they're the ones that don't believe in god . jason whitlock, i agree. thank you very much. i appreciate it. a fox news alert for you. reports indicate that donald trump will be fingerprinted, photographed and possibly handcuffed. he has been told to surrender
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early next week in new york city. obviously, this is a humiliation ritual. the question is , how do we respond as americans who are trying to be decent and measured and keeping, as always, the interests of our children and our grandchildren in mind in the hope of continuing what we have, which is great. harris faulkner thinks that way. she is the host of functor focus, the coast of outnumbered ,our friend. >> she joins us tonight. harris, thanks so much for coming on . give us your thoughts about where we are and how we should respond. well, first of all, you know, just on the heels of what jason whitlock said , and i think we worked in kansas city at the same time, if i'm remembering correctly, he was in sports , very talented guy. america right now is just watching a moment we've never seen before. there were two former vice presidents who were indicted, one back in eighteen thirty two . and then, of course, spiro agnew under nixon. and so we have seen that happen before. but a sitting president was
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impeached more than once and then became an ex-president. and they're still going after him. and i have to tell you, sitting on the couch of outnumbered earlier today, his former press secretary, of course, is my co-host. one of them, i said to kayleigh mcenany, there's no way they indict former president trump because this case is so weak. i've had expert after expert on my show, tucker, and i watch your show and they're all saying, if the federal government didn't want to run this case, if the former d.a. of manhattan, cy vance, didn't run this case, if there were employees that were quitting when alvin bragg came on twenty twenty two and he said , i'm not going to do criminal charges against trump. and they said , oh, how can you not do that? we quit if you're not going to go after him. and then bragg says, well, i just want to make sure the case is strong enough to win. i think it's more about dates on the calendar. where are we now? we're getting closer to a time that joe biden might want
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to announce. he's out on that 20 day trip trying to convince people that inflation isn't high and that the prices that they're paying for the cost of everything, including everything they put in their mouths, is actually an illusion. so while he's out there doing that, this is going on . i don't believe in coincidences, but let me just do a little housekeeping, because you brought up some important points. are we going to see this president in handcuffs? let me tell you who's in charge. it's the secret service. >> they will take the lead of all of the police forces. the nypd can, as i understand it, take care of security out on the street. and new york state court officers will take care of security inside the courthouse. but the former president of the united states will be protected, as always, by secret service. they will, quote, unquote, set the tone. this is according to sources close to fox news. they will mention in the instance or the decision of a handcuff or not to handcuff the president. they will make those types of determinations.
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so that's what america may see. they may see a secret service that decides we don't need to see him in hands in handcuffs. and we may even see a situation where this case falls apart. and then you have democrats who've been kind of, you know, more than leaning to the notion that maybe we don't have any flags yet. like senator manchin of west virginia, who said just recently, you know, i think that there are many reasons why donald trump should not be the next president again, but you should not allow the court system to be perceived as basically a political pawn. senator tina smith, democrat from minnesota, says there's no need to wave any flags here. being indicted is a terrible thing. if that happens. >> so this was a couple of days ago. chairman of judiciary house judiciary jim jordan told me harris, on your show. let's reveal to the public now the letter that we're sending from several house committees. republicans are oversight administration judiciary calling alvin bragg to the hill
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so they can talk to him. they want to see all the communications, tucker. between the d.a.'s office here in manhattan. and the federal government. and was there any sort of now they didn't use this word, but you and i can use it because we know the meaning of collusion. did they work together? on the timing of this? are there any communications to show that that's what chairman jim jordan is going after? there are a lot of things that are going to be at play. so before we you know, america gets ready to to prep itself for what it might see, we don't know yet. a lot can happen. by the way, they're taking some time off in this case because they have to do other things. we don't know what those other things are. and this was filed this indictment was filed under seal . maybe an announcement of exactly what will come in. it will happen within days because he's likely to be arraigned, according to fox sources, by next wednesday. we're watching all of it. now, the positive, we live in
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the best country on the planet. and i love justin. and i didn't get to hear all of what jason said. jason whitlock, but i heard the part about faith. we know who we are. we're strong, we're patriotic. we know the difference between right and wrong. let's be patient and let this play out. specter for us tonight. thank for all of that. it's great to see you. god bless you. god bless. >> so when the history of cable news is written, assuming anyone bothers to read it, but if it ever is written, glenn beck will have his own chapter as possibly the greatest synthesizer of big ideas. >> ever to appear on camera. and a lot of people made fun of glenn beck over the years for that. but if you go back and watch the tape, you will find out that maybe more than any other person on television, glenn beck got it. right again and again and again. so we thought tonight is the
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perfect opportunity to hear from him. he's the co-founder of bluey's media, has just written a book called the great reset, and he joins us now for an overview of what we're watching. glenn beck, thank you so much for coming on tonight. how how how would you interpret this? >> well, it's true. >> so let me i've got a couple of things here for you. let me just go through i'm going to bring a i think, a different perspective to this. we have the banking crisis. they say it's fine. it's just beginning. we yesterday we had the saudis and brazil and china enter a deal to where the petro dollar is over. brazil and china are going to trade in their own currency. that's the beginning of the end of our currency. that means a dollar collapse. that means we become venezuela . we will have war with china. we will have war with russia. and iran. we have to restrict, bill . we have social media and our nsa and everybody else in bed with each other.
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silens people. we, of course, have the raccoon dogs, which we all know is bull . and now this week, we have a new gun grab that they're trying to do. biden and his family taking money from the chinese. what do you think this donald trump thing is really all about? the american, the america that we knew , the fundamental transformation and that started in two thousand eight is finished. we are no longer viewed as a superpower. we are now a an elderly. what we're joe biden just walking into the twilight. what this is all about, i believe, is trying to inflame this country is in they've wanted violence from the right from the beginning. they can't wait it. they need it because if we strike out look at january 6th, the day they're letting
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a shaman out of prison because it was all trumped up. thank you, dr. karlsson, for revealing this. the day they're letting him out, they do this to donald trump. they want you to strike out. why? because then they can close the cage. i'm going to make another prediction for you, tucker. you said i got it right. well, everything i've been talking about since 08, this is the time i'm going to make a prediction by twenty, twenty five , we are going to be at war. we are going to have a new dollar, a currency that it probably is coming from. the central bank will have a currency collapse and we will live in a virtual police state. i know that might sound crazy to a lot of people. it's not far off the the bill of rights is gone. nobody is paying attention. where are the republicans? where are the decent democrats
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that can see this is this is insanity? donald trump, the reason why this is going to help donald trump, and that's why i don't think they're doing so. he can't run. they're doing it because they want people to strike out. please turn to god, repent, pray for our country. pray for peace, put on the full armor of god . but here's what's really what they miss. donald trump is not even a person anymore. he is a symbol. he is a symbol of the average everyday guy that keeps getting screwed every single time, watches other people screw up big banks, screw up their companies and get away with it. they see people all the time doing stuff that they know if they did, they'd be in prison for twenty years. but because they're not part of
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the elite, they get away with it. donald trump has taken arrow after arrow, and that's why this is the way the average american feels tonight. yeah, i hope that there's a few republicans or democrats out there, but this guy has been taking the bullets for the average person now for years. and people on the right feel like he's the only guy that really gets what the people are feeling. and it's it's not going to it's not going to end well for the democrats in the next election. it's just not i don't know if donald trump is the winner or not, but i will tell you this. you're not going to stop a hundred million people this country is in shambles and there's going to be a hundred million people that will walk on broken glass
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and through fire to vote for someone other than this corrupt banana republic administration. >> that's, i think, exactly right. glenn beck. wow. i'm reprocessing that for a couple of days. i really appreciate your coming on tonight. thank you. >> thank you, tucker. thank you. so i think it's become pretty obvious to any one who's paying close attention and being honest with himself that what you're seeing is not really a contest between republicans and democrats. the left and right. it's a contest between the people in charge and everybody else. it's not actually parties in a traditional sense. there's really one party on the big issue, the big issues being economics and foreign policy. >> there's total agreement in washington. >> and so once you understand that, then you can go backward into recent history and reassess a lot of the things that you saw through a very different lens. and one of those things is the
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imprisonment of the democratic governor of illinois, rod blagojevich. and in retrospect, it's very obvious that he was sent to prison for political reasons, incarcerated for eight years on bogus corruption charges. >> his case is a lot more interesting than most people understand. he's learned a lot. he just responded to the indictment of donald trump. this is the democratic former governor of illinois and he wrote this, quote, president trump fired me, freed me, and now he's getting left like me. >> weaponized prosecutors are destroying our country. it's time for republicans and democrats to stand up and defend our constitution against third world politics. >> really a view that speaks republican majority in this country. blagojevich, the former governor , joins us now. governor , thank you so much for coming. so tell us here we i think that tweet kind of summarizes it pretty well, but expand on that a little bit, given your own experience with a similar prosecution. >> well, i had the misfortune of being arrested as a sitting
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governor at six o'clock in the morning. and when my little girl's five and 12 years old were asleep, i hadn't gotten up yet for school. and then was a major event. and i was allegedly trying to sell president elect obama's senate seat . it was a political deal . obama started the whole thing, said an emissary to talk about a political deal . the appellate court eventually reversed the sale of the senate seat was a big lie. but winston churchill said a lie can travel halfway around the world. before the truth has a chance to put its pants on . and so i see what they're doing. the president. and it's more than deja vu all over again to me. i don't like what they did to me. i would never give in. i fought back . and as a result for political things, nobody even alleges that took a penny. they gave me a 14 year sentence ,put me in a higher security prison where no governor has been, where my home was a six by eight foot prison cell. and i was in there with people who committed murder because they were trying to squeeze me and they gave me this long sentence. i truly believe, to bury me and with it the truth, because it was a corrupt prosecution. they tried me twice is an unlawful standard to get convictions at a second trial when they couldn't convict me and of fake charges, the first
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trial. and they did it to a democrat governor , a triple-a level. what they're doing now to president trump at the major league level is not only frightening, but this is probably, i would say, the most threatening thing to our republic since south carolina fired shots at fort sumter. it started the civil war. this is a very serious thing. and i would say to my fellow democrats, i was a democratic governor , the first one to endorse president obama. i supported nancy pelosi when i was a member of congress. i would say to my fellow democrats, put your country above your hatred, trump, and be against this weaponization of prosecute by political people who have uncontrolled power and are going to destroy our freedoms. >> one thing i noticed and thank you for saying that, and i hope you're not the last democrat who stands on principle and defends our system. but one of the things i noticed in your prosecution was nobody defended you. and once you're accused of a crime very few people stand up or even bother to assess the actual evidence. i was one of them. i had no idea what had happened to you.
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it took me years to figure out . >> i'm i'm embarrassed by that. but i wonder if being accused alone isn't a kind of sentence for the person accused . >> it's awfully hard when the accused you like that. and they did with me. they i was roger stone before roger stone. they arrested me with swat teams around my house. i was a sitting governor and they did it with a massive press conference and they said they were, quote unquote, stopping a crime spree before it happened. and they played 1% of fbi tapes that they recorded. and to this day, they are still covering up the other 99% of the tapes. and in my life experience, i know for a fact what's on those tapes that the side that covers up the truth decide is lying. and the reason i won't play those tapes is because they're covering up what they did to me, it was a frame up. it was no different from a dirty cop or plants a murder weapon in the glove compartment to frame an innocent man. and they did it to a governor and they felt emboldened. it was a test case for them. and now they're doing it to an american president . and i love my country with some bad people in government. it did it to me and i.
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i cry for my country when i see what's happening. that they would do something like this to an american president , irrespective of what party he or she is from. that's right. that's right. the side that is covering up evidence is the side that's lying. you really need to just put that on the refrigerator because that is always true. former governor rod blagojevich joining us tonight. >> thank you so much. thank you. so as you know, a grand jury in manhattan and has voted today to indict the frontrunner in the republican field for president in 2020 four , donald trump. cnn is reporting that trump is facing thirty four counts of, quote, falsifies business records. those would be misdemeanors that have been transmogrified into felonies somehow, apparently, this is related. and again, we don't have the text of the indictment, but it is apparently related to donald trump's alleged payment to stormy daniels seven years go . trump says he did not use campaign funds for that payment. we can be pretty sure he didn't, because if he had, he'd be charged for misusing donor
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money and the federal election commission would have pounced on me years ago. >> so we can be certain pretty much that trump used personal funds at the time. federal regulators who were in charge of looking into this did look into it and determined it was not a crime. but now the manhattan d.a., who was like so many days, who've inspired the crime wave we're now suffering through, was backed by george soros, has decided to prosecute the republican frontrunner for this. >> so it raises the question, who exactly is this manhattan? whose name is alvin bragg? he's rich kid product to private schools. and harvard. >> but what should we know about him as we enter what is certain to be a history changing spectacle? >> in the next several weeks? >> fox's kevin corke has been looking into the story. >> he joins us tonight. kevin ? evening, tucker. alvin bragg has been ridiculed by critics for even pursuing these charges because others, including the southern district and others, have had a chance to bite that apple had bypassed
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on it. and because of the weakness, presumably, of any particular case. but for the man you see here leaving work tonight, with massive security presence. >> well, he's also the same man who campaigned on what some call to get trump platform . this indictment for him, they argue to critics, is a win no matter what, because it's not about the win. and that's the point. by the way, bragg has been on the job since 2020 two . he won election back in november of 2020 one , taking over for the retiring sivam. and his career includes time as a federal prosecutor. he was also an assistant a.g. for the state of new york and a civil rights attorney . and remember this, he does have a tie to george soros, at least in directly, because soros donated to a very liberal group that endorses progressive prosecutors. and that group, you'll recall, used a significant portion of their money to support bragg in his 2020 one campaign. now, bragg has done something no d.a. has ever done and the
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fear tonight, tucker, is many others will now follow suit, presuming that turnabout is fair play, which means it's not just a trump problem, probably this could be a problem for a number of american politicians moving forward, including presidents tucker. >> kevin corke, thank you so much. >> even so, we've been asking tonight how will democrats respond to this? and we're getting an early answer now. this is going to read this just from a texas move on dog, which is one of the biggest democratic political organizing groups in the country. >> and they've sent a mass text to their members. >> and we're quoting from it here. trump is the first woman president in history to be indicted. it's an important step to try to preserve american democracy. >> his indictment in the echo of trump's appeal just before the january 6th insurrection, trump has called for his supporters to protest and take back our nation, employing white supremacists and anti-semitic tropes, provoking waves of far right
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violence to mark trump's indictment and ensure he is held to account. moveon has printed a huge batch of these convicts trump stickers and is giving them away for free while supplies last. so if you thought that organized democrats in this country would pause for a moment before destroying what remains of our two hundred and fifty year old system, apparently you thought wrong. so what does happen next? every action provokes a reaction. >> radical actions tend to provoke radical reactions. so will republicans in the states or district attorneys or republicans in the states retaliate? what will they do exactly? something for sure. francey hakes is a former state and federal prosecutor. she joins us to assess what exactly is going on tonight. francey, thanks so much for coming on . >> where do you think this goes from here? i don't think it goes anywhere good, tucker. you're exactly right. the concern is that you're going to have retaliatory action in the states, in the d.a.'s
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offices, like i used to work where people are going to think, well, turnabout is fair play. if you're going to go after president trump, we're going to go after president biden, or if, as the department of justice has always thought, you can't go after a sitting president until and unless he's out of office, what stops them from going after the rest of president biden's family for what looks like political corruption? you know, tucker, i'm really struck by a movie, quote, because i tend to be a sci fi geek. i'm really struck by the quote, when obi wan kenobi said to darth vader, if you kill me, i'm going to become more powerful than you could ever imagine. and i just wonder whether trump and this movement behind the support for him because of what looks like a completely political prosecution will mean he will become more powerful than they can imagine. >> right. i mean, there's there's a whole religion based on that idea. actually , as you know. so sure, that's that's a well known phenomenon that the consequences, you expect
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are not always the ones that you produce. in fact, they're often the very opposite . you wonder, though, i mean, just just to name one example. so the governor of florida is also running for president . he could play a role in this trump is a resident of florida, has already said he's not going to participate in this. trump's lawyer earlier in the show said she thinks he's going to fight new york and surrender, but what if he decides not to ? this is next week. we don't know what's going to happen in the next five days. maybe trump decides i'm not going to florida. we're going to try to speak to him tomorrow and ask directly, but who knows what's going to happen? and then desantis says, well, i'm not going to send marshals to pick him up. >> and then you have you have a national crisis that could happen, could it not? >> well, it could, because states have to cooperate with each other. when you've got someone indicted in the state system rather than the federal system, states rely upon the governor of another state, the judges of another state agreeing with that sort of extradition. it's one of the reasons why we expect federal officials, including former federal officials, to be prosecuted
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and investigated by federal officials so that they don't face this problem. >> but it could be a real crisis. that is such a smart point, which is a nonlawyer i didn't know. but it makes sense. thank you so much. fancy hicks. >> thanks, tucker. so because we're in the middle of a very fast moving story and we don't have all the details, we're going to just pause right now. for a recap on where exactly we are in this. we're joined by foxes, who is at the courthouse in manhattan tonight. she's going to get us up to speed. laura , thanks for coming on . >> well, thanks for having me. and you know, we've had a very busy night down here, a full city block full of reporters and cameras and tents creating that circus atmosphere. there was a protest that rolled through here behind me in front of the courthouse a short while ago. but it was a protest about the mayor of new york city, eric adams, and his policies on the homeless. but it was loud. we thought it might have something to do with this indictment of trump today, but it was not. they moved long.
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but this courthouse has been surrounded by barricades. we've got over 40 new york state police officers for the court system here protecting this. and as we move through, we want to reset at 5:30 today, just before 5:30, we learned that the manhattan grand jury voted to indict former president donald trump, the first former u.s. president , to be charged criminally. the new york times reporting tonight that trump will turn himself in on tuesday. we have not been able to confirm that trump has repeatedly called the investigation a witch hunt posting on true social earlier tonight, he said they only brought this fake, corrupt and disgraceful charge against me because i stand with the american people and they know that i cannot get a fair trial. in new york , the 23 grand jurors have been listening to evidence since january on trump's role in hush money payments to former star stormy daniels and that felony indictment is under seal. and we do expect to get more details about the charges in the coming days. the manhattan d.a.'s office
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issued a statement tonight saying, this evening we contacted mr. trump's attorney to coordinate surrender to the manhattan d.a.'s office, arraignment on a supreme court indictment, which remains again under seal. we will bring you more as it comes to us here downtown. >> dr. laura , thanks so much for that. so one of the u.s. constitution ,which makes this the country that it is and has been for two hundred and fifty years, all americans have the right to an impartial jury that's granted us by the sixth amendment. >> but what will the jury in donald trump's upcoming trial look like for for that, we go to lou gelsomina, who is a criminal defense attorney who was based in new york and very familiar with the jury pool there. he joins us now. lou, thanks a lot for coming on . how do you expect this trial, assuming, i guess, is going to be one to play out with the jury pool in new york ? >> hey, tucker. thanks for having me. first, i'd like to say, like your former colleague, jason whitlock, my heart goes
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out to america today. my heart is broken. i had some tears in my eyes earlier. jason is such a great guest. every time i listen, it is incredible. and like him, my heart is broken. and any lawyer that graduated law school should be completely outraged by what's going on . completely outraged. you know, as far as the jury pool goes. i hope that my fellow new yorkers are going to be there to listen to what's going on . but, you know, i've tried probably over 50 cases. my partner has probably tried over two hundred cases here in new york city. >> i'm not sure i have complete faith in in in the jury pool here. we live in a blue state and a blue , blue , blue city with a blue , blue , blue prosecutor. >> so i'm a little concerned about the jury pool and the fact that it's not going to be
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a jury of his peers in a city where people on the sidewalk. maybe not. and maybe i'm just kind of i'm just kind of thinking that, okay, thank. >> thank you for confirming our suspicions there. >> appreciate it. great to see you. thanks, tucker. ned ryun runs the american majority. >> he's been following all of this, knows everybody involved, joins us with reaction now. ned, what's your first thought about this? >> well, they're targeting a political opponent over policy differences. the un-american left is ushering in a new era of pure power politics in which a decided rule of law, equal application of it, is dead. >> i would argue, tucker, we're really living an illusion of a constitutional republic, an actual reality of it. and now the real rules of the game or 100% laws a weapon . >> and i think the real question i have is our red state ags is prepared to wage this war of law fair. >> and i don't want to hear any of them say, oh, it's icky, we're better than that. whoever says that i really
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believe doesn't know what time it is because we're in a cold war civil war era in this country in which we have to decide and commit to the policy of mutually assured destruction. >> democrats are launching nukes at us . we better decide we're launching nukes back at them until they stop. and if we don't do it, if we don't understand, right now, we have two sets of lost, bifurcated legal system in which one side gets the entire legal system thrown at it, go to jail and the other one gets to skate free. and if you don't fight it and if you just accept it, we will slouch our way into a one party state, one party system which ultimately ends up in authoritarianism. >> the stakes here, i can't i can't even begin to tell you how deep and how consequential the stakes are of what's taking place now. and i have to tell you, talking to my greatest fear is that too many americans , too many republicans are asleep in the light and don't understand what's going on . and if they don't wake up and don't know what time it
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is , we will find ourselves on that path to one state party, one party state, an authoritarian government. yeah, probably at the best time to give it three or fifteen. and i think most people know that ned, brian , thanks so much for talking. >> appreciate. >> hard to believe what's happening in america. we thought we'd check in with the man on the leading edge of america in the city of los angeles, which is always ahead of national trends. a lifelong resident, that city, adam corolla, we always see when we're in town , hosts the adam carolla show to put this into perspective. >> adam, thanks so much for coming on . so what's your view of what we're watching? well, i am sorry. i don't have any new thoughts because your two hundred guests before me, i think encapsulated every thought you could possibly have about this. >> but like whitlock's said , i think there's a religious angle to this. and i think they on the left, that is a religion. and i think they look at trump is satan. yes. and if you've got to get rid of satan and or hitler, then you
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just do what you got to do. god is on your side. so there's a kind of feel that i mean, i don't i don't. i feel that, too. i don't think i'm imagining well, it is like this in politic. trump derangement syndrome feels like the kind of anger you would have against the religion and religious leader who didn't agree with your religion. and then you need to take them down, you know, incarcerate them, whatever it is . and so all the rule book is out the window when you're dealing with satan or hitler, beelzebub or whoever. so i think there's that element to it. the other one is kind of interesting, which is we make proclamations like merrick garland says, white supremacy is the biggest problem this country faces in the most danger this country faces. >> not a better laughs at it. and then he goes out and finds it. so then he goes and arrests parents at virginia school board meetings. so it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. so they're going to turn trump into a martyr. people are going to go out
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and protest. somebody is going to do something stupid and then they're going to fire up the doj just like january six . but outside now and in snap and action. so they make proclamations and then they need to find the crime and then we'll find this. so certainly people are going to push back . someone's going to do something stupid or not. cnn, msnbc, the answers from the view, they're all going to blow it up into this and then the storm troopers, because it does feel like the population is being pushed into a corner for a reason. >> i'm not just imagining that . i feel like it's to get them to react so that the government can now swoop in and do a self-fulfilling prophecy because everybody, arax, of this is going to be a white supremacist. and remember, we told you that white supremacy is the biggest problem this country faces. >> how long can they scream at whites before that just becomes effective? >> it's like i've said ,
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a million times, there's never been a better time to be called a racist. you could just be lumped in with everyone else in this country and went who voted republican ? >> and to your other point, i think the only way this stops is if lebron james and the obamas, in the view ladies and joe scarborough, if people start speaking up, not people on the right. no, that's on the left. like you need some sane cultural leader who's an athlete or oprah or someone of that nature to start going look ,i don't like trump, but i love the country. this isn't right. we need to do some because aren't you supposed to settle it in your elections? >> isn't that how a democracy works? you don't like trump? fine. then you get to vote against him, right? >> i thought that was what joe biden was running. running against the devil. then how would you want to . you're exactly right. well, then you need to get the angels of the lord in their melvyn bragg.
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you did add a lot heatherwick even after her gifts. >> adam croll, it's wonderful to see you. good to see you. thank you. so the next logical question now that the republican front runner has been indicted is could he be convicted? we turn again to fox's trace gallagher for the answer to that question. >> hey, tucker. and again, it's important to note that we don't know the exact charges because they won't be unsealed until a former president is arraigned, which would likely happen sometime next week. and as we have told you, a large part of this case will come down to the credibility of michael cohen. that's donald trump's former lawyer. cohen is a convicted felon who has a history of stretching the truth or for that matter, breaking the truth. but remember, that alvin bragg has the advantage of seating a jury in manhattan that is friendly territory for democrats, even with defense attorneys using their ability to dismiss certain potential jurors, it is more than likely that bragge will get a jury that leans more left than right. and for the sake of argument, let's say that friendly jury
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believed michael cohen and did not believe the former president , it would still have to be more than he said , he said , meaning that when alvin bragg's attorneys get into a courtroom, they would need to prove each element of the case beyond reasonable doubt. in other words, they would need to prove that donald trump knowingly went around campaign finance laws. and so far we don't anything about any smoking gun evidence or even a hot gun, for that matter, meaning some type of proof showing that donald trump falsified documents to boost his campaign. the former president has already pretty much laid out his case on social media, which he has a tendency to do. he's pretty simple on this. he claims that michael cohen, who was his attorney at the time, told him the payoff to stormy daniels was legal. and trump claims he was simply taking his attorneys word for it. so the bottom line in all of this, tucker, is that if you look at the legal reaction
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on social media, even those on the left believe that manhattan d.a. alvin bragg is going to have his hands full once he gets into a courtroom. >> trace gallagher, thank you so much for that synopsis tonight. >> yeah, so it's pretty clear missing that we are some of the details that we're about to enter a brand new period in american history. it could get really dark. and the only thing that canresp stop it is for responsible de up fdemocrats to stand up for the country. we don't know if they are. than we're praying they will rejoin a you tomorrow night. >> in the meantime, here is thet great sean hannity. >> tand thank yol right, tucker you and welcome to hannity. we are back tonighin st in studiolive audience. >> thank you all for coming.egin great to see you. we begin tonight with a fox news alert. trump attorney joe tacopinattorn will be here. eric trump will join us .s the great one , mark levin will be here tonight. are you mark levine here? right. jaret, alan dershowitz, jonath jonathan turley, so many will joi


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