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tv   Hannity  FOX News  March 30, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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going on have his hands full in a courtroom. >> chris, thank you for this tonight. >> yes. >> so t is clear missing we are the details this we are about to enter a new period in american history and could get dark and the only thing that can stop is responsible democrats to stand up for the country. we don't know if than i are we pray they are we am join you tomorrow here is sean hannity >> tuck and thank you and welcome to hannity we are back in studio a live audience. thank you for coming. great to see you. we begin this thursday notice with fox news alater trump attorney will be here. eric trump am join us mark low vin will be here. allen and jonathantur and he so many will join us with reaction to the breaking news tonight.
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former president trump has been indicted boy a criminal court in new york city and arain in the manhattan next week that will likely be tuesday. fake news cnn saying he could face over 30 charge in a statement trump is quote. political persecution an election interference the highest level in history the time i came down from trump tower and before i was sworn in as president the democrats the enemy of hard working men and women engage instead a witch hunt to destroy the make america great again movement. you remember russia, russia the mull are hoax. ukr ukraine, impeachment hoax one approximate 2 and mar-a-lago raid after partisan witch
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hadn'ts alvin brag thrown the rule of law to the winds in exchange for a cheap act of pet political vengeance and brought political differentses to a new level. this is repulsive a disgusting hit job the likes of which we have never teen in this country. a pandora box opened. we have a new era of political revenge and weaponized justice system upon all of us tonight the charges many as 34 they are not known. they seem to be stem figure what is a so called, novel legal theatreef used boy far left da brag to criminalize a nondisclosure agreement from 7 years ago past the statute of limitations investigateed death. rejekts bide doj and mull are
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investigation, brag's predecessor and initial low by brag himself this is in the a strong case by any stretch and frank low no fair being honest or honorable da in the words the words of james comey no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute a pet competence weak case. a grand jury can indict a ham sandwich especially if that ham sandwich is trump and the grand your is comprised of liberal negotiablingers the conserve if i haves are in studio with me. [applause] the defense a lot of people don't then and there. this is basic. i know people are busy with daily lives the defense in a grand your they don't get an opportunity at all what so ever to present any case. they don't get an opportunity to put forward evidence in grand
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jury proceedings. defense does not get to present anything to a grand jury. hence, can indict a ham canned eversands witch and the da alvin brag excluded a mount only of evidence from the grand jury room clearly he has a political agenda justice is not blind in new york city and manhattan. in 2021, look, alvin brag campaignod a promise to go after one man. donald trump. one organization and had is the trump organization. one family and this is the trump family. in other words, show me the man i will find the crime that was the formy soviet union. this is a pathetic case deeply unethical. anti-american this is not equal justice urn the law. not equal application of our laws. here we are thanks to new york
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city and the far left radical da brag and watch his campaign y. a lot are wondering who has this job, are they going to convict donald trump? >> that is the number one issue i'm the candidate who has the experience with trump. i was the chief deputy in attorney general's office. we sued the trump administration over a hundred times. hard to argue that is the most important high profile case and i seen him up front and seen his lawlessness. >> you believe it should happen? i believe we hold him accountable >> alvin brag issue guess what, fulfill third degree campaign promise. notup holds the rule of law. imagine electing a da promising to go after one man and organization and family. does not give a rip about the
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real rule of law this . it is a guy killers and rapists go free regular low. he is now bring a far fetched case against donald trump temperature is insane, it is crazy but this is life in america under radica former fecn brad smith said here last week. >> most us would not think it is a campaign expenditure to settle claims efforts occurred 10 years before you republican for office to pay hush machine tow stormy daniels or anybody it it is a common sense matter most don't think this is i cam feign pain expense the idea of da brag not only they could be paid with cam fanlds they would have to be. it is a common sense matter that
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is wrong. when you look at the statute and it it is an objective standard it is not correct to say they were funded that count as a campaign expenditure there is no violation >> brag's case does not have a legal but a credibility problem. the da star witness a convicted felon tax cheat approximate lie are michael cohen. here is his former legal advisor bob costelo when i interviewed him. take a look >> what do you have on donald trump. he started with the same litany used for the rest of the 2 hours. i swear, bob, i don't have anything on donald trump. jot point is when somebody is irrelevant thinking of committing suicide, and you are offeringly them a legal way out of this, if he had information about donald trump that would have been the one time even for a serial liar to say, i know
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this or that. i want to save my hide. he did not do that. michael cohen i said was pacing back and forth would stop in the middle of what he was talking about and turn and point his if anything are at us and say i want you to understand i will do what the f i have to do, i will never spend a day in jail. he said that at least 10-20 time in that period. a bizarre mantra but made it clear to us that [inaudible]. did not steel, shoot someone i will never spend a day in jail >> costelo says michael cohen admits he had nothing on trump and do when it takes to get himself and prevent himself from going to jail. not only did costelo destroy their star witness. cohen contradicted the state's case with this statement from
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2018 from his lawyer in 2016 i used my own personal funds to facilitate a payment of 130 thousand dollars to mrs. clifford, stormy daniels. neither trump organization nor campaign was a party to the transaction. payment to her was lawful. not a campaign contribution or a campaign ecpend tour by anyone. cohen turn echoed that to the fec in a private transaction in 2016 mr. cohen used his owen funds to facilitate 130 thousand dollars to stefani clifford neither the trump organization or the come pain was a party with the transaction with mrs. cliff ford. according to other outleting stormy denied the affair multiple times and writing on
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january 30 of 2018, quote, i am not denying this affair because i was paid hush money i'm debuzz it never happened and her signature >> i will get this straight. da in new york in man hat continue dedicated hour and millions to a case that is illegal over an alleged affair from 2007 that both parties denied. based on alidations from admitted, convicted felon, liar michael cohen hell bent on getting revenge against his former boss. look, this it is not about an nda from 2016. instead when we are witnessing is a for left practice cuter attempting to mere trump for political approximate personal gain ahead of the 24 elections
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watch this. >> even people that don't like me say this is terrible to do for our country. i don't know wlp it helps or hurts. in my opinion, it it is a new way of cheating on election its is election interference if they can't win on the ballot box every republican and democrat including biden by a lot and they can't beat you that way they doll this stuff. this it is never been done like this before in the history of our country to this extent. people are pleading with the prosecutor, don't do t. it is wrong. even democrat and people are not my fans say, don't do t. because i did not do anything wrong. i did nothing wrong >> glen young supporting trump. republican desantis calling unamerican. and announced >> flashlight not cooperate with
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any extradition effort. joining us now a warm hannity welcome to pt trump's attorney. [applause] am all right. let's first all have you ponent to the president. why yes >> reaction >> ready to fight the toughest guy i know and was shocked. because we really were i was shocked. i never been anxmore angry abou charge today the rule of law in america died >> it is dead. >> and manage i never thought i would see. i have goose bumps about saying it. when you stretch the luto get someone you don't loyal or a political opponent it it is very hard to get that law to come become to the original shape. >> you saw the ad of alvin brag.
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what does that tell you about equal justice and application of our laws in the country >> his first priority. did not have information or evidence. but you know again, that was nazi germany and soviet union. that was communist china where you pick the target. the person you don't like the political opponent and you find the crime. it is not this way. never was this way in the united states. not supposed to be this way. had we do that we are no better than the other horrific you know, dictator help and governments that abuse rule of law. america had the justice system. now todayy proof that you can pick a target and then try to find a crime even a crime that is in the a crime there is no crime. i'm telling you, there is no
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crime i know the facts and luand i. to see where this guess. hearing the president may be arraigned tuesday. why it is in the finalized we are discussing. obviously there is a group the secret service involved now. this will be something we never seen before >> we never happen in the our country before. everybody understands that. president never indicted. a former president. why a former president and -- to do i heard this. you don't bring a case like this against a former president on a petty allegation on a complete plea legal civil transaction with attorneys unless you have the guessed. unless you have something. tom go to the stroll of bring down a former president trying to indict a former president is something have you to have a video of him committing a crime. not some cobbling together a couple of nonsense allegations. >> we have the statute of
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limitation issue >> one yoochl selective prosecution will be here. this it is a legal agreement he made michael cohen made and signed. trump did not sign >> 3 things happened i thought would end this case. bob costelo on this show and the grand jury. letter from motorcycle allingal cohen's attorney that i read and michael cohen's statement that echos that. third thing stormy danielle in writing admitting it was not hush money. yol here is the kicker even if everything they said was true. whatever version of truth. michael cohen is a walking contradiction incapable of telling the same story twice. >> i bet you are nervous. >> i'm horrified i will be so nervous. i modify to pay trump to do that instead of the other way.
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that guy is a pathological y. don't make that deal. he will hold me to that t. it is done. he has a need for media attention. pled guilt tow criminal conduct and not just the hush money thing pled gallon tow lito congress. liing to the banks in his taxi medallion fraud. you know now. yoom like low irs. so he's a pathological liar and you know he is now reborn. and he is on ms nbc and their big star. i wander about the fact that he is on ms nbc yet now say nothing his book he was only forced plead guilty he is not accepting responsible. i will have a fold day >> he pled guilty. he was saying he was forcing to plea guilt tow protect his wife >> reported tonight in
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accomplices 34 separate charges? thirty-four counts? >> i mean. >> we are the left to know, always. new york times told us today he was indict exclude got confirmation. i guarantee tell be 34 next week. on what they will take each check approximate make that a count and that's how they doll temperature checks paid to cohen. they are embracing michael cohen as their star witness. this is irrelevant the most disgrace. humans in history y. how does he over committee testimony of costelo. how about his own statements on television. his repeated lies. and then the guy we have a tape of this man saying, to a reporter, you can rip your wife. it is in the a crime. he said this. why i seen that. >> on line >> you want to vomit. the people who are watching him and applauding him are a strong,
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me too move am people and time out people. but yet him making a statement like this the luallows to you do that. by the way. michael cohen suspect in the a lawyer he missed day of law school the law does not allow to you rape your wife >> to let everybody know what is happening next week. donald j. trump arraigned. a mug shot. fingerprinted, will he be cuffed? >> no. walked >> i'm sure they will try. everything is to gain attention not the right motives. there is no one to convince me this man was not charged to affect the free elections that is scary to me. >> calls it the new election interference wrochl that's what it is. >> according to the pole its has not played out the way they expected. >> will this back fire. >> it will we will win
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approximate humiliate them and they will -- [applause] they will pay the price they will pay the price for bengdz the rule of law as we will prevail in this case at one point >> joe, thank you. >> the author of the new book, get trump. harvard law professor approximate author of the upcoming book trial of the century. fox news legal analyst greg jerret. get trump looks like alvin brag kept his promise, professor? >> he got him, [inaudible]. in florida that's [inaudible]. he could have indicted him any day the last 7 years. they deliberately violated the statute limitations no previous profit cuter would go after him the fact the indictment came down out of state proves they
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could have indicted him any time limp is that problem. when you are a democratic elected practice cuter republican to the pledge of getingly trump and you will indict to forget about the former president the machine who may be the future president if he beats the head of where you are political party prosecutor, you better is the strongest case imaginable. not a case that dependses on stitching together 2 inapplicable statutes and using michael cohen. il tell you about him. he is in the through with his problems he tweet body me saying because i had attacked his credibility this i was involved with under age girls on epstein's island i will sue him now the woman who false low accused me acknowledged she made a makism would normally not sue somebody for writing that nonsense but this is michael
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will cohen about to try to prevent donald trump from rung president of the us i will sue him not let him get away with that and i will prove his repeated loyals he can't refuse to testify in a civil case. his problems are just beginning. i will make it easier for joe to cross exammin him. any first year city council could win the case if the name was not trump or in manhattan it has to get out of manhattan, will it? we don't know >> would you recommend a change in venue attempt? >> professor, would you attempt to get a change in venue? >> of course >> i would try to move it to statin island. can you imagine a judge and jury
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coming xhoem saying i'm the manual. i'm woman who let donald trump off. nobody would speak to them hahappened me on martha's vineyard nothing comparris to a judge or juror for allowing the most dangerous man in america to run near president. >> there is no possibility he will get a fair trial in manhattan >> agree. greg you have been follow thanksgiving. let's get your general thoughts j. joe said he will humiliate alvin brag. i think brag has already humiliated himself on his own this is a total low bizarre convoluted legal theatre that he alvin brag dreamed up. taking a misdemeanor and to a felony. the law does not passport that. and i would predict that he and his cocouncil will immediately
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file a motion to dismiss because -- the law does in the support the charge. in the alleged facts don'ts support a crime. recognized by the law. you opinion, beyond the statute of limitations expired 2 years ago you got other serious obstacles. brag would have to prove that trump was personal low involved in falsifying records and have to prove that trump underunderstood these complex campaign finance laws that nobody can comp henldz. and intended violate those laws. nondisclosure green light in exchange for money are perfect low legal. and the federal election commission locked at this and said it is not a crime. even if it is not personal or a commercial reason upon behind it, it is still not a campaign donation. so this is a case that i think
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is clearly and democrats say they recognize it politically motivated. a da abused his power and decided to criminalize politics. and it is a series breech of his ethical doubt to see that justice is done fair low and equal flow this case it it is not >> let mow ask you a final question same for both. professor, there are reports that there are 34 counts. how do you get to 34 countses when you consider the people that we know went before the grand jury lastly, david pecker ran the national inquirer. bob costelo was there 2 mondays ago. how do you goat that number? >> you have one large saul amy and a sharp knife can you cut in as many pieces as you want.
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any creative prosecutor can make 34 crimes out of a single incident if he wants to be creative about t. but you know, there will be motions. and dismiss. thomas jefferson for a criminal statute to be constitutional a person has to understands it if he read its white rung. i'm sitting. i have been doing this 6 years. i have not seen an indictment may be they'll niendz evidence nobody knows about now. at this points in time, this it is an example of i wrote in my book are get trump this is get trump. i promise i will get trump and i will not win reelection unless i do. now go through the books find something. they found nothing and now they indicted for nothing. this is a sad day. justice in america. this coming from [inaudible].
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>> losie ing him. greg the zombie case they called it. we have 30 seconds hudo you get to 34 counts? >> i continuing as joe suggested you take each reimbursement payments over time and count that as a crime which is absurd. i can't figure out how bathroom can bring a felony it was a federal election can't stfrpt a state campaign finance crime or a felony finance crime he is a local prosecutor and charge under state law. as i say, this will be an immediate motion to dismiss if we have a fair neutral objective judge the case will be dismissed before it goes to a jury. but in new york, most mroe liberal judges so if the judge denies the motion trump files an
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interappeal to a higher court to get it knocked out and it should be y. greg and allen, thank you for being here we appreciate it. [applause] joining us now with more reaction the executist violent pedestrian trump organization eric trump. by the way i know we v has a soar athlete but still sounds great i'm sorry when you and your family are going through i'm sure it is painfulism want to read something your father put out on truth social. and he said his statement, this is political persecution and election intrefrns at the highest level in history from the time i came down trump tower before i was sworn in as president the radical lest dem credits have an engage in the a witch hunt to destroy the make america great again movement you remember russia, mueller hoax.
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ukraine, impeachment hoax 1 and 2 and the illegal >> maria: raid. the democrats lied. cheated, stole sxen obsession with trying to get trump. but now they have done the unthinkable indicting an innocent person. never before in our in addition's history this has been doneful democrats cheated over dksdz. spying on my campaign. weaponizing our just system to punish a political opponent a president of the united states and by far the leading republican candidate for president this . never happened before am manhattan da brug is a disgrace rather then and there stopping the crime wave in new york he is doing joe biden's dirty work ignorring the murders and assaults he should be focussed on this is now how brag
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spendses his time. he believes this witch hunt will back fire on joe biden. american people realize what the read cal left democrats are doing. there will is a lot. your initial reaction and to your father's statement. jol my father crime was wing the 2016 election. and you know the prosecute feszor wrote a great book i live that every day the time my father went down the effect later weave got subpoena after subpoena and others campaign on the promise am to take down a person. not knowing anything about them or the family. piwill go after his family and sue the man. this is these people are wicked x. it is why people lost trust in the system of united states of america this is third world tactics. hunter biden frat pictureos his lament. bill clinton paying paula jones.
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bill clinton diddling interns in the white house in the oval office. have you hillary clinton deleting e mails under subpoena and no one says anything about those people when will my father is leading in the poles and know he will be the guy biden will ultimately run against. guess who they go after right up against the statute limitations or a couple years after the limitations expired, they go after trump. they doll anything to take him out of the race and anything than i can do imprison him and haares his family and imprison all of us they showed their cards time and time again. we did not get a speeding ticket before my father went in office dp this is how they treat us every day this it is a city that is falling apart. i went into cvs you can't by tylenol it is locked behind
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counters there is so much theft and homelessness and crime but their attention is going after donald trump. girls are shot in time square and they are going after donald trump. give me a break. you know i know this it is, let on your family. of the thirty-four alleged charges they are reporting, i got to imagine jay walking and spitting on the walk are the top 2. how you goat that number? you know the scary part of all of this eric, when you look at the long list and you look at russia, you look at ukraine, the impeachment. you look at the second impeachment. you look at every single thing that they have tried to destroy your father, and i asked your father in the interview that aired minuted the first quest. does all of this help you or hurt you. after the mar-a-lago raid the
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pole numbers went up. what do you imagine americans are think nothing regards to this. you know we take what is call aid nondisclosure agreement. there are 10,000 of them daily. a nuisance lawsuit paid because you don't want to spends years fighting in a court and it is taking time and too much negative press it happens all the time what do you take out of that and where this will end does it help our hurt your dad based on past precedent? >> americans are smart, sean. i seen this the last 6 years on the trail they are mart. i say my father is the toughest person i met. he is just a rock. a fight and are a ridiculous he will fight this and we will win t. it is in question but americans see people like paying a million dollars to get alvin brag elect exclude then the fwie is doing the guy's dirty work. people get temperature have you
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women who are thrown in front of subway train in new york. homelessness and crime rampant people don't care they know what this is. the people campaigned on video saying they would do thisace soon as they got elected. brag, brags about in thes attorney general's office he went after my father a handled times and proud of that. that was their mission. what they promised donors and promised sorose they would do. it it is why they received the big check and why the american people lost faith in the system, sean. people are tired of it they see the weaponization of politic and it is justice system. with the fish and doj and seen it time and time again. some point the guy deserves a pass >> hill rarely clinton got a pass. 3,000 deleted e mails no one was
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prosecute. james said. you know the dirt dasiel by the fbi in the 2016 election activelies all bs, but yet they tien 4 pfizer warranties. 3 guy i didn't mean comey himself and the trump policyy. you move to 2016 and when did we learn? that the fbi this had hunter biden's laptop since 2016 this fbi this could have verifyd that laptop well fbi agents we found out in the week and months leading up to the twenty 20 election were meeting weekly with big tech warning they may be victims of a misinformation campaign can may be about joe and huhhed everhunter biden. interference, this is a new level. my apologies you and your family has been through a lot this is a dual justice system and unequal
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justiced. this is not equal application of the luthis guy will not charge murderers and rapists. sends every fell no to the misdemodern in the case of your father makes up felonies. >> sean, remember he health care wing on this for 6 years he copied a congressional subpoena they could not come up with their own locked through 11 million documents and couldn't find a single i think everthing and the final hours this is when they do >> i bet hunter is watching. if you eric trump did what hunter biden has done i guarantee the fbi had this information since 2019 you will be wirg an orange jump suit. i would be in jail. >> you would not look good. seriously thank you for being with us we appreciate temperature joining us now i call him the host of life.
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liberty. [applause] mark. you have a lot of fans here tonight. so my understands you is you were with the president and taping a segment for your show and with him when the news broke is this true? i was not with him when the news broke i had left for an hour and the news broke. and he is i strong man. i don't think there are many people like had strong as he was. having a good day and a good chat. i want to dig into this now. every republican in the country every conservative in the country row i don't care hatype of conservative you are we must circle the withons and defeat the democrat party, da and
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manhattan and atlanta and special council in washington. upon the cases that they are bringing in democrat cities with democrat grand yours and dem credit judges and democrat juries -- this it is a battle where the democrat party has now grabbed the country in tir tir annie they want to change the election rowels. borders are open. don't enforce the lu. want to pack the supreme court and senate. gone after am trump on everything they public low can. now they want to decide who the republican nom neil be the dem credit party is the party of [inaudible] and does not believe this babies that are born can be protected ever they are better than it is a choice.
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this it is a per that is out of control. the day out of control. alvin brag should be disbard rather then and there ringing a hand. take action! the da in atlanta [inaudible]. the guy that is running the investigation family loaded with bottoma dem credits. jack the rimer smith asked to be directing in front of congress whether he like its or not and should be subpoenaed, too. it is time for the republican party it understand. that this is a war on the party. it i war on conservatism. it is an effort to ensour this donald were donald trump cannot be president. he is the leader now. in the poles. have you heard of a local da bringing phony charges against a possible nominee of the opposite
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party? the only person benefited does not benefit justice it benefits joe biden. that's it! >> you know, america. nobodiness the constitution better then and there you and i have been best friends for many yors. our constitution is the foundation for every luin the country. to see a dual justice system having it merge like this is the scariest thing in my lifetime if this conscience that document should be shredded that is i scary >> i will tell you. >> what's that? >> it is in the a dual justice system when there is in justice >> good point >> no justice system. >> you know mark. i'm telling you. you know what you once said we live in a post constitutional america. i remember i will never forget hufirst said it to me and i thought about it and said, side
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low america it is right. >> can i say this quick low the democrats attack free speech. freedom of association. used the social media platforms to monitor people they don't agree watch censor people they don't agree with. used the fbi and 911 patriot act against donald trump and republicans. they have blown out attorney/client privilege with left wing obama judgeless when it miss to trump and other defendants who are republican, it is not a 2 justice system the democrat per and a big government they are attached at the hip. dem credit cities now they think they have figured out once and for all, how to defeat runnings and defeat republican enemy neil and intrfrn in our election when is have you heard of a local da
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indicting a former president for nothing. you had the one in georgia. everybody says buy me votes that does in the mean it is illegal. >> over documents. and january 6! this is a full on assault against the republican party and against trump, tell be against other residence if than i get, way with this the precedent is set they crossed the rubicon. north america, you are looking it in the face now. >> thank you. [applause] jonathan hurley. you know you the first to point out the issue of the statute of limitations comments on that miles an hour important low comment on the overly broad -- case that is involved here and
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president move this . never happened in history before. >> of well sean weave have to seat indictment to confirm that is charged. the assumption a boot strap charge the under loyaling misdemeanor in new york falsifying business records expired that is a 2 year statute. in order to practice cute trump brag is boot strapping that misdemeanor to a felony saying that was done to hide a federal violation. thereupon is no precedent for try to do this type of boot strap. but he has to succeed if this is the basis of his indictment he is out of time. so we don't quite know wham is in this dpiement obviously until we see it. the troefrns 34 counts could be
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count stacking. was discussed earlier. every transaction is a separate count. it is possible they are going to allege other crimes like bank fraud or tax fraud. the department of justice looked at bank and tax fraud claim and did in the bring a case on those. bizarre if he pursued those. the end of the day brag is a manhattan da and the theatre that he has been discussed he will try to prove a federal crime the department of justice declined to charge. >> let me ask you professor they are talking about and reported. we are dole with their counts? what could that be in would that also go back in the case against the trump organization? are they throwing toilet paper against the wall and see what stick sns >> that's themming,ed be count
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stacking or thirty-four falsified documents. could be a mix of crimes. have bank and tax fraud claims. most of the bank and tax fraud issues we discussed over the previous years have th own statute problems. had has a lot of us skrching our head. now if he is bringing there are identical claims urn the boot strap that it is in the improve thing us don't take a weak theatre competence make it strategier boy repeating it. if that is the same crime 34 times it does in the make it there are times stronger. >> republican i campaign it get the trump organization. how is it possible that we have people in positions of power that are running against one
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nooim name, one family and one organization. i have a big problem with that. that is not yell justice under the law >> it is rather uncore for people to run. i think it is dangerous. unethical to run for office on a pledge to prosecute for a crime that is a problem on top of that the department of justice declineed bring this federal election climb they were down that road and lost in the edwards case. then bathroom's predecessor declineed bring it. brag himself through a flag on the case. and 2 prosecutors resign exclude one of them did something i think is dopely unprofessional. wrote a book about a person who
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was not approximate charged and convicted under investigation. and had this public come pain to force bathroom to indict him i thought it was an unprofessional thing to do. that's when his character rised this case from the out set j. he call third degree the zombie case. thank you as always we appreciate you being with us. [applause]. now south carolina senator lindsey graham. welcome. thank you for being here. get your reaction. firemember i think you are a lawyer as well. >> [laughter] yea. i don't know if voodoo is legal in new york but this is legal voodoo you got a misdemeanor made a felony nobody in the history of new york city has been prosecuted under this theory sept for donald j. trump.
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this case will follow like a cheap suit. chief witness is convicted. joanne unreliable dirt back. so what is behind all this, hate. they tried destroy kavanaugh they wanted the seat open. trying to destroy don trump they fear him at the ballot box to conserve tifs vote if you got friends make sure they vote if you don't have friends make friends. but you need to help this man donald j. trump. they are trying top drain him dry. spent more money on larceny than most do on campaigns. trying to bleed him dry. donald. go tonight. give the president money to tight this bull -- this will destroy america we'll fight back at the ballot box. we will not give in.
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how does this end? trump win in court and wins the election. that's how this ends. how do you get to 34 countos this in your view? if you have a pile of crepe and chop it up 34 time its still a pile of crepe. they are trying to smear the guy and take case no oneless take and resurrect him this . is a combination of political hate and selective prosecution on steroids. to those who are listening tonight if you believe trump is being treated poorly and wrongly stands up and help the man. pray. pray for him. go to donald j. and give money to defend himself this is a moment in american
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history the most dangerous decision by a practice cuter in the history of the country. he opened up pandora's box against the presidency hunt and joe biden can be prosecuted on vacation in south carolina and called to china. this is i danger to the presidency. this is turning the rule of law upside down to destroy a man who the left fierce. do not let them get away with this. vote, show up at the ballot box. donald j. give the machine money so he can fight >> thank you we appreciate it. >> yea. thank you. >> joining us now former chairman of house intelligence and fox credibilitior jason. devon this is not your first rodeo we went through the mull are witch huhhed and pfizer applications together you got it right and your colleague
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counterpart adam schif loyaled through his teeth that was prouven but took time to get there. now we have teen it may be since trump came down the escalator in 2015 everybody has been after him. weaponized boy the left as everyone is you in seeing. i got a call on a sunday morning from president trump. early and i tell people of nobody works hard are then and there this man. it was after the news broke about the indictment. and you know, i just -- i said i don't know how do you it. i don't know how this guy wakes up every day.
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every business you heard eric earlier. every business record before before trump ran for president nobody complained about trump or any of his companies. never. xu know now it does not matter what -- area you are in you take think about truth soeshg social it was created because of americans that got kicked off of the internet. and yet still than i attack us. they go after people we are trying to do business with so we don't have access to the public markets in terms of capital markets to grow our country it is mad knows the way this man has been treated >> jason let's get your take you have been a part of this as well. this is wrong at its core. it it is wrong i think it is a
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made for twitter event. it bait to have republicans over react to insight violence or out library i think they irrelevant want that to happen. and look at this. donald trump in their best case settled i nowsance suit for 100 thousand dollars or so what about hill refer clinton paid 10 million dollars with dem credits to credit a false document to go after the president of the united states in i presidential election? joe biden on to take his family taking minutes of dollars in receipt while violent of the united states. and instead of going after the murderers and people committing crime in new york they are going to have this silly inindictment, it is wrong at the core. why i can't thank you enough for
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joining us i appreciate it. i hear truth social is doing well. what did you think of e lon musk lowering the estimate of twitter from 43 billion wh to 20. how is truth social doing. devon? >> you know look, we are supportive of e lon musk and anyone when wants to keep the internet open >> that's the bottom line. trump did in the need a new company we have a simple rowel >> appreciate you being with us. >> a warm welcome. leo 2.0 and lawyery elder both of you. guys we are running out of time quick comments you are both larceny lawyery your thoughts on today. >> sean, bill clinton was accused of rape. no prosecution. bill clinton accused of assault
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by paula jones. paid 800 thoubldz to settle no prosecution. accused of sexual bat row in the white house. no prosecution. hill rarely private server in the bilt a violation of the act no prosecution. as pointed out hillary spends compain funds for the phony dnc document. the biden family everybody is getting money hunter and jims is getting money the former daughter in law. no prosecution. alvin brag dropped the charges. fec voted not to bring charges. doj did in the bring chargeless now chargers brought. talk about a double standard this . it is probably the thing i stein in the history of our republic y. leo? >> yes, this. i have been chopping at the bitos this. i will be clear. our country is at stake.
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the rule of law at issue. i speaking now the president trump my 30 years of trial experience i donate the time we have to fight the charges. residence, democrat and independents everyone has to be a trump supporter now this country will be a bananarepublic if we lose the roughly. they have weaponized the legal system and i will tell you now i will not stand for it as a civil right's attorney i'm donating my time to trump to help him fight the charge this is is outrageous it is a crime to have the indictment filed against president trump. >> this is in the the only legal issue he is facing. we got fulton county, georgia and a special council. >> i got news every second of time i have i will donate and i got news brag after we defeat this lawsuit we will file
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against you for malicious prosecution. [applause]! le thank you, appreciate it. turning now in studio a welcome to our friend fox and friends cohost pete. >> [applause]. good to see you both. >> we talked about the law tonight. now talk about what the what is the result of all this. what is the political fall out i asked president trump does this help you or hurt you when the mar-a-lago raid happen today helped him. >> i think this thanks alvin brag you look the at our presidential nominee that will happen. i think that 100 million americans became ultare megatonight and think than i will come out in force and vote and i think than i will be active the ground game for trump will be strategier than it hen before. this it is a horrible day for
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our country as for trump the strongest man we know and will fight this. we need to focus on the fact this was a political persecution. i don't know how of they are going to explain this to new yorkers very muchized every day. how do you explain to them your vin dealta is more fortunate everimportant than the people of the city. >> beatingum old lady in the streets of new york. >> you know we talked about kevin mccarthy. lindsay graham. ron desantis. glen who may be a candidate himself beyond blooefr the d, alvin brag indict aid former president and current candidate for political gain arresting a presidential candidate on base should not happen in america. conservative and republicans are u notify third degree it is an
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injustice it it is the criminalization of political differences. >> you are right this was a horrible night for our republic but play kelly great for do not trump inform this it is. they will you remember the mug shots of elvis and frank sinatra and johnny cash and mc jaggar turned them to birth i cons if there is i mug shot of donald trump tell be in dorm room and t-shirts meching hem a hero. it will! and rightfully so. he is the symbol of what e lites and those obsessed with power are willing to do >> you gave away my next business idea that is a great >> right there. i think you are right >> get ready for it. there will be he will be the republican nominee and americans
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will rolly he stood for things than i believe in. come after and you us. that's right. if they can do this to member as strong and powerful as donald trump what can day do to the rest of us the trump tweets he is sustained nothing the way and been this figure for us for years. they gotta take him out to get to the rest of us. if there is somebody to fight this fight. >> republicans will be violent. conservatives will be violent. i want to say to every conservative and every republican and every donald trump supporter, do not take their bait. we are peaceful. we are law abiding. we are god fearing. you are the people that really make this country great. you agree? >> look at the juxtaposition of
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the tennessee legislature today. they went out to get trump. you know what will happen, they will get more of trump. >> that's all the time we have left this evening. thank you for being with us. thank you for making the show possible. set your dvr so you never, ever, ever miss an episode. let not your heart be troubled. stay tuned. laura ingraham is next. let's say hi to laura. say hi. >> you guys are having all the fun. all right. i'm going to try to pick it up where you left off. awesome job. this is the ingraham angle from washington tonight. my question, did anything big happen today? hunting trump, destroying america. that's the focus of tonight's angle. the left has wanted to