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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  March 30, 2023 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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at the federal level, the state level and now the local level. >> bret: panel, thanks so much. rolling with the punches on the breaking news night. thanks for inviting us into your home. continuing coverage here on fox news channel. that's it for "special report." there's more news today. we'll have more tomorrow. fair, balanced and unafraid. jesse waters prime time starts right now. jesse? >> thanks, bret. fox news alert. for the first time in american history a former president has been indicted. this day will go down as a dark day for america. president trump has been indicted by new york district attorney alvin bragg for a private civil settlement he made with a woman seven years ago. bragg's star witnesses, michael cohen, a convicted felon and disbarred lawyer and stormy daniels, a porn actress that begged for hush money and worked with michael avenatti.
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another convicted felon that got people to falsely cu brett kavanaugh of sexual miss miscon. where is the crime? how many civil cases has bill clinton settled with women? we were told by the democrats in the media that your private life is your private life. everything was consensual. now consensual is a felony? they're prosecuting the former president over sex? sex which donald trump denies? he's claims he was extorted. the left has said they want the government out of the bedroom. they just kicked down the bedroom door, this is a calculated move. you think donald trump would be indicted if he wasn't running? trump's poll numbers were looking good. now democrats will have the most famous photo of all time in their arsenal. trump's mug shot. it will be plastered on billboards, t-shirts, campaign ads, everywhere you look the next two years.
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mug shot will be front page in every newspaper, lead story, every network, every cable show. democrats are branding trump as a criminal. along with the 74 million people that voted for him. they think the mug shot will scare you. they're wrong. this will light a fire inside every rationale thinking american. a former president, the biggest political threat to the current president, his opponent, has been indicted by a democrat. president trump released a statement saying this. from the time i came down to golden escalator at trump tower and even before i was sworn in as your president of the united states, the radical left democrats, the enemy of the hard working men and women of this country have been engaged in a witch hunt to try the make america great again movement. the democrats have lied, cheated and stolen in their obsession with trying to get trump. but now they have done the unthinkable. indicting a completely innocent person in an act of play tent
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election interference. manhattan d.a. alvin bragg, who was hand picked and funded by george soros is a disgrace. rather than stopping the unprecedented crime wave taking over new york city, he's doing joe biden's dirty work. ignoring the murders and burglaries and assaults he should be focused on. this is how bragg spends his time. let's turn it over to dan bongino, host of "unfiltered" on saturday nights. you're looking emotional. i feel the same way. how do you feel? >> i don't really feel right right now living this this police state. i'm not arguing this with the liberal zeros out this that work this network all the time. some of them, their only job is to watch our show, which is humiliated. that's for another day. it's not open for debate that we live in a police state. i was listening to your monologue. i remember doing an advance in a secret service in a foreign
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country that had troubles with the democratic process. i'll leave out the country. unlike a joe biden story, this happened. we sat around this big table. the military staffers wouldn't talk to us. that's a problem. we don't make the schedule. the staff does. so i brought the military guy over and i said, listen, why i don't you address the staff? they're involved. we who have the guns have the power. you have the guns, we'll talk to you. it's ironic. that was under the obama administration. little did i know that's where we are now. if you have the guns, you got the power. i mean, show up at a school board meeting, complain about your kid being talked to be a racist? you find yourself with an fbi specially designated code delineated by the department of justice after they got a letter demanding you be investigated as a terrorist. you're the president of the united states' kid.
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you're business partner goes on fox news channel and says the guy in the white house is the chairman of an international corrupt influence pedalling organization? what do you do? you get invited to the white house for selling blow hole art. i heard a liberal on this network before too say, which i thought was the most telling statement. because -- she may have been sitting next to you. it was really incredible. it's funny when they say the quiet part out loud. she said, you know, this is going to be powerful. makes me feel powerful. it will be like this asterisks on donald trump forever. you needed that power. you need him in handcuffs so bad. i don't mean to hijack your show. but listen, you may have just handed donald trump the
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indictment along with probably the greatest freudian slip ever. you handed him the nomination. at the same time -- i don't know. i don't want to get out ahead of my skis. there's a lot of time here. everything he's said to people about they're not coming for you, they're coming or the me because i'm in the way, now you look at this tonight and you're like yeah, that kind of sounds right to me. you're going to break 200 years of u.s. precedent about indicting your political opponents? over a business records charge that happened seven years ago? with a woman named stormy daniels? that's what you got? that's what you're going to do? you're going to roll with that. >> they're going to do that. jessica, who was setting next to me, the way i saw what she said, she said this felt too powerful. it felt strong and not that she enjoyed the strength of indicting a former president, i
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felt she was saying maybe it was overkill. we'll have to ask her how she -- >> maybe she was. she's not here to defend herself. >> she's not. >> but you said something -- regardless, i don't -- listen, i don't care. i'm not playing cutesy time. tim wrong host here. i don't care. i can't stand liberals and i can't take them anymore. i'm serious. you know, she should have spoken out like every other liberal and said, listen, i don't like this guy. i think maybe we can beat him at the ballot box. whatever happened happened several years ago. the hard reality is, he's a former president running for president right now against a guy in the white house. this was a charge dropped by federal prosecutors. maybe do the right thing and the right thing would be to run this election the way elections are run, which is not out of a gail cell with guns pointed at your political opponents like they did in the third world. that's something that you might
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want to say. you have an opportunity to do the right thing. you know what is ironic? you have actual evidence of a criminal enterprise. joe biden inc. is running in conjunction with his business partners. it's strange. you don't hear me on the hair screaming for joe biden to get locked up and impeached. we don't have the votes to impeach him. so i don't waste a lot of air on it. liberals have the opportunity to do the right thing. it's amazing how they never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. it's incredible. >> if they had the votes, why are they doing this, dan? you had joe biden who mad more votes than any other president in american history. >> he has the -- >> why is he locking up his opponent if he's going to get re-elected? we have a statement from the desantis team. the weaponization of the legal system to advance a political agenda turns the rule of law on its head. it's un-american, the so rose back man hats tan attorney has
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consentily bent the law. now he's stretching the law to target a political opponent. florida will not assist in an extradition request given the questionable circumstances at issue with this soros backed manhattan prosecutor and his political agenda. so they're not allowing the former president to zoom in for this arraignment. they're demanding that he go to manhattan and get booked and fingerprinted. is the extradition situation in play as desantis suggests? >> i doubt it. you know, the governor did the right thing there. that was a smart and ethically thing to do. imagine you're on vacation in the bahamas on the weekend. the fbi calls you and says, hey, wire going to indict you on monday on some kind of whatever
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charge. you say all right. i'll be back tuesday. they're not going to seek extradition unless there's a complication about you turning up in court. i doubt that that will happen. think about how pathetic this case was. you have 23 grand jurors. you only need 12. you don't even need beyond a reasonable doubt evidence that the subject you're talking about is guilty. you need just probable cause that a crime was committed. it took them months to get that. you're u.s. questing to me that in a trial that has to be nan news beyond a reasonable doubt that same prosecutors thought this was a good idea? listen, there's the joke, a ham sandwich. i get it. the fact is, they were better off with a ham sandwich. took them weeks and months to indict him. him going up there is the best thing he can do. he should walk out of the court, raise his right hand and give a press conference right there.
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ready to give a press conference right there about how the police state is being used to destroy the constitutional republic so many fought so bravely to hand down to this generation. >> that will be one of the greatest political speeches if he delivers it that way. dan bongino, thanks so much. >> thanks. >> let's turn it over to mike davis, article 3 founder and president. so you just heard the desantis statement. you heard the donald trump statement. we still have not heard from alvin bragg. we have cameras outside the manhattan district attorney's office. don't you think he should show his face after handing down an indictment on a former president over a b.s. charge like this? >> he's a george soros funded puppet prosecutor. the democrats have crossed the rubicon here. i don't know how you come back from this when you're coming up with these bogus trumped up charges to go after your political enemies.
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this is part of a pattern by the democrats. going back five years, six years, since even before trump was the president. they've gone after him constantly. they know these charges are bogus. that's why alvin bragg pushed the prior da to decline the charges. the manhattan attorney declined these charges. now that alvin bragg got a million dollars from george soros and became his political pu puppet, now they want to bring the charges, this will make the limousine liberals very happy. it's bad for our country. >> in terms of a republican response, you're hearing from house republicans. they're going to bring bragg to the capitol and they have subpoenas flying. fine. but what happens next time republican gets in the white house? you hear so-called classy republicans say we can't do this, we can't do that. we're better than that.
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are we? where do we go from here? >> that's the problem. we're crossing the rubicon here. we have a president of the us, joe biden, who is clearly compromised. he's compromised. we have the bank records, subpoenaed bank records where joe biden, his family has taken a million dollars from the ccp. they're not going to do anything about this. a president who is compromised by kline and ukraine, but they're going to go after a former president because he settled a nuisance claim with stormy daniels in 2016? somehow this is a federal felony under our campaign finance laws? who is alvin bragg going to bring into this trial? a disbarred fellow attorney and stripper as a star witness? this is banana republic level. maybe that's what today's democrats want these leftists want. they're trying to destroy the
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country and it's well underway. >> jesse: i don't think it's sticking. let's say it sticks and they appeal and thrown out on appeal. i think we see bragg,he's the big one. just got in the s.u.v. there. no statement, nothing. he will probably go home and eat. so this is not ever going to stick. the president is not going to go to prison for this. everybody knows that. so what is the point? >> you know, this is trump dearrangement in the extreme. again, this is probably good for alvin bragg in manhattan with his crazy leftists in manhattan. the limousine liberals will be happy. they're diverting the manhattan da's office to go after trump and not prosecuting people raping and murdering and carjacking, maybe the limousine liberals will get mugged by reality. >> jesse: so you're saying you can't live in democrat run cities anymore.
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if you're political, they'll bring false charges against you. is that what it is? you can't trust democrat prosecutors anymore if you're a fair citizen of the united states of this country. >> you certainly can't trust the george soros funded prosecutors. look what they're doing. we have a garland appointed special counsel, jack smith, going after president trump for the noncrime of having his presidential records in the office of former president at mar-a-largo, which is allowed by the presidential records act. you have that fulton county d.a. going after trump for objecting to trump for a presidential election, what you're allowed to do. democrats didded in 1969, 2001, 2005, 2017 and now going after trump for it and now going after him for settling a nuisance claim. the democrats are afraid they can't beat him in the polls, so they're going to indict him. >> jesse: thanks.
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let's bring in my co host on the "the five," judge jeanine pirro. your thoughts on today's development? >> i have to tell you, when i heard this, everything stopped for me. this is a sad day for america, it is a sad day for the office of the presidency of the united states and it is a sad day for a former president. for seven years they hated him, they targeted him, they hunted him. their dearrangement earned them a psychological disorder, the trump dearrangement syndrome. he was impeach over a fake russia collusion dell conclusion. he was impeached over a phone call. now we've got four grand juries empanelled. this is hate like i have never seen in my lifetime. and american has turned the corner. we have democrats that will do and say whatever they need to.
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they don't care about the constitution. they don't care about the rights of ordinary americans. what i'm talking about is an attorney general that calls parents domestic terrorists. we have an irs that shows up at the door of a witness that is about to testify about the government. we have from the obama days, the lois learner and the irs targeting 501 (c)3s of conservative groups? now we have a soros funded prosecutor that laughs at the idea of putting criminals in jail, ignores the fact that victims are being beaten, stabbed and murdered in new york city and thrown in front of trains and wants to spend his time going after a president of the united states for a case that is not sufficient legally? and the amazing part of this
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thing is that this da promised before he was da that he would go after donald trump. these are unethical people. these are people that are not standing by the constitution of the united states. they are taking a dead misdemeanor that is prohibited by the statute of limitations, they're bootstrapping a federal crime that the feds won't prosecute and they have a convicted felon, michael cohen, who i don't think has his head on straight and a civil case, they want to bring him down. you know fox news poll has donald trump 30 points ahead of the second person that is in line for the presidency that they were polling him with. this is a political as it gets. go ahead, jesse. >> jesse: the timing wreaks. you're on the precipice of a
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mini recession. big spring offensive about to happen in ukraine. russia looks like they have momentum there. the chinese are aligning with our former allies in the middle east. last week you had bank records said that the president got paid millions by chinese communist spies. you had a trans mass shoot area couple days ago. now we heard after the great jury is going home, they drop this? this seems -- >> you say the president lied. look, the president lied when he was running for office, joe biden did. when he said he knew anything about his son's out of country or business dealings. and then what happened, he then says it's false. we have bank records that shows his family made over a million dollars from the chinese
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communist party. while the chinese spy craft is going over the united states. things are bad right now under joe biden. if it's a mini recession or a real recession. i'm not an economist. americans don't think this country is on the right track. americans are fearful about the economy and we're in a hell of a mess right now. for the democrats who indict a former president who is a candidate for president, wreaks of third world country tactics. this is wrong. they have been focused on destroying this man because he's not party of their team. one hand washes the other. where washington republicans and democrats get together and they dance to their own song. they make a fortune in washington and then they retire making a fortune. president donald trump is being persecuted. knot just prosecuted, but persecuted. the republicans in the house right now, they have to make
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sure that when they do their investigation, that they recognize that they can't just come out and say, you know, this is all wrong. there's certain rights that they have. if they dust off the history books, they'll see that it's worth looking into, maybe holding people in contempt. >> jesse: the republicans need to step up. they better not go back to tik tok bans tomorrow. we want to see something. >> i want to say one more thing. hillary clinton paid for the steele dossier that ripped this country apart. she used it as legal expense. and the feds actually fined her for it. nobody prosecuted hillary. nobody went after hillary. but donald trump, apparently uses his own money, we're not talking about campaign money and now they want to pros cute him. this is unheard of. it's not done. that's all. >> jesse: all right. judge jeanine, thanks so much.
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let's bring in bret baier. you spent a lot of time in washington, a student of history. how momentous is this indictment? >> jesse, i tell you, it's a moment. it is historic. in and of itself, it is a big moment. whether the crime and the indictment itself lives up to the prosecution, i think you heard the judge. once we see these documents and the specifics, i think, you know, there's a lot of people weighing in. is there a probable cause that a crime was committed. would another person be indicted on the same criteria? it's going to be really analyzed. as far as an historic moment, yeah, it's a big deal. this former president is facing other grand juries, facing different charges and
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allegations. politically it really turns things upside-down. the country is already divided. it will be more so after tonight. >> jesse: how do you see the trajectory of donald trump? you saw the mid-terms, desantis was rising after that performance in florida. and then all of a sudden, things started to change. donald trump extended his lead, especially in the last fox news poll. there was a rally around the flag effect as the rumors of the indictment swirled. i can't imagine his numbers just explode after this. would you see the same thing happen something. >> i think you're probably right. our latest poll has him up 30 points. it's important to point out. it's early. we talk about the florida governor is not officially in the race. others are not officially in the race. as far as name recognition and people that are stepping up in these polls, they are saying, you know, the former president is the leader by far for the gop
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nomination. i do think that this moment depending on how it falls out, it's usually not a good thing to be indicted period. but the politics of this moments, when you talk about the republican side, it does seem to gin folks up supporting him, feeling that he's been attacked unfairly for many years on a number of different fronts. again, the caveat here is to see specifics and see what he's facing and if what he's facing is what we believe he's facing, then politically he does have a card to play. he will play it again and again and again. >> jesse: thanks, bret. >> bret: you bet. >> jesse: let's bring in peter doocy. has the biden white house reacted at all to this? >> they have reacted, jesse. when i asked if they had a comment or if there was going to be a comments tonight, they told me we don't have anything. so it was short. we don't expect to hear anything. as i look here to the right,
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towards pennsylvania avenue, i don't see any folks gathering to protest. seems like people are middling about. when i look to the left towards the west wing, we don't think there's a big biden administration huddle about this happening because when the president is in the oval office, they usually post a marine outside and there's not one right there. i've also watched as some of the fishes that would be in charge of putting out and official statement have left for the day. we don't expect to get much from this president. and that's kind of the way that they like it. they would rather talk about their agenda. they want to talk about his plans and his budget and how they have a budget and the republicans on capitol hill don't. they do fall back a lot on the hatch act. any time that they get asked about trump in the briefing room, they say there's the hatch act. trump up from is a candidate for president. joe biden, president bye-bye --
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biden is not a candidate. the officials have been forming a preofficial campaign. we have something about from the dnc about this. they say no matter what happens in trump's upcoming legal proceedings, it's obviously the president party is in the hold of donald trump and the maga republicans. there's a political angle to this. the people involved in a biden campaign are putting that out. the people that are here doing the business of the biden white house just are not saying anything about this at the moment. we don't know when we'll hear from the president about this today. we didn't hear him talk in person about the journalist kidnapped today even though he was bried. we did not hear him give a statement about the helicopter crash in kentucky even though we know he was briefed about that. we're not hearing him say anything about this. it's worth pointing out, we don't know if he's been briefed. >> jesse: do we know if he has
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anything on his schedule tomorrow or another three-day weekend? >> he's going to mississippi to look at storm damage down there. we should have a chance to shout a question, put a microphone close. that's all dependent on him wanting to stop and talk about this. it's entirely unclear that he wants to. >> jesse: a democrat prosecutor, indicting your political opponent. he has nothing to say for several days we expect. thanks, peter doocy. let's turn it over to senator josh hawley. your react as a sitting u.s. senator what is the vibe among your colleagues? >> well, i think what this is about is nothing to do with the rule of law, jesse. this is about power. it's a demonstration of raw power. the democrats now this has nothing to do with the law. they're sending a message. the message is they will use any power they have to interfere in the next presidential election.
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they won't willing will allow donald trump to run for the next election. they're going to use every means at their disposal. they used the fbi against parents at school board meetings. they'll to anything, use any kind of power to try and hold on to their own privileges, their own positions. we're seeing that tonight. this is just unprecedented in american history. the only way out now is to win. >> jesse: so this is like a fastball to the head of the batter. >> exactly. the batter is the american people. the batters are those independents and conservatives that want their own views. the democrats say we will use power against you. you want to elect donald trump, you want a choice? no. we'll use power against you. you want to speak up in a school board meeting, we'll use power against you. you want to protest at a peacefully at an abortion
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clinic? no, we'll use power against you. same message. they're ramping it up. this is burning down the rule of law. i tell you, they will regret doing this because i think the american people won't stand for it. we have to make sure that they do not succeed in what they're trying to do here. >> jesse: you as a senator have to take a stand and your colleagues have to take a stand. the american people don't want to see speeches about how troublesome this is and how historically significant this is. no. there has to be something else that you guys do. i don't know what that is. it's got to be some sort of show, some sort of resistance, some sort of action because there has to be a line that they can't cross. you have to show them somehow that this is an unacceptable act. you're a leader in this country. the american voters expect that. are you ready to show something? >> i think that this is -- you talk about the line that you
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can't cross? in my view, they crossed it months ago when they weaponized the fbi against parents, when they weaponized the fbi against everyday americans that want to exercise their right to free speech. now they're pouring it on. yes, it's time that we said no further. we have to call merrick garland down to the capitol, put him under oath, find out what they're doing, has doj cooperated in this. are they aiding this prosecution. we have to go after these soros prosecutors that have been put in to office all across the country. exposed the dark money network that has gotten them in to power. you're right, jesse. the democrats have crossed the rubicon here and burned the bridge behind them. >> jesse: they. have i'm sure there's coordinate between the justice department and the d.a.'s office. thanks very much, senator. >> you bet. >> jesse: now to the former federal prosecutor, james
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trusty. his a trump attorney in an unrelated case. so from a trump attorney to the united states, what is the message? >> this is a dark day. i mean a lot of your guests have it right. that we're looking at unprecedented persecution where the only crime is his name. donald trump is the only person that would ever phase such ridiculous trumped up bogus charges a as we expect to see from this new york indictment. it's like there's people celebrating in some corners because they're politicized, they're emotional. all this stuff comes back to bite the people that said it loose. this is a plague on this country. >> jesse: it's debilitating. we have lost the rule of law and it's brute force. people see the name trump and they do everything in their
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power to pervert the system. think about one quick thing. how did we find out about an indictment tied? it was leaked. there's never any rules that seem to apply to a prosecution or investigation open donald trump. criminalized documents disputes. you know, have grand jury spokespeople talk about their findings in georgia. alvin bragg who walked away from this rancid ham sandwich as did the federal prosecutors when they looked at a failed disbarred disgraced perjuring lawyer as their star witness. here we are. it's revived for political purposes because george soros bought it. that's where we are. >> jesse: bragg just went to dinner. can you believe that? he indicted a former president and left for dinner and didn't say a word. not only did they leak indictments, they leaked the lie that he was some sort of a russian traitor, they leaked his tax returns, leaked lies about what he said about veterans. are you ready? you represent him in the case in
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florida with the documents. are you ready for how vicious these people are? they're vicious. do you have what it takes? >> well, i sure hope so. >> jesse: a lot of people are pulling for us beyond friends and family. whether you love president trump or not, this is the rule of law that is being attacked every day. i'll tell you from the florida perspective and the january 6th perspective, we are seeing prosecutorial overreach left and right. my hope is, jesse, there's a phrase that lawyers use sometimes that the truth will help. mean, no matter how hard meme try to suppress things, the truth gets outs. if the truth gets out about the decision making process about soros jr. in new york and the doj and the attorney general when it comes to their tactics, their behavior, criminalization of criminal disputes, if that sees daylight some day, we might
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patch back a first world criminal justice system instead of the third word one we're descending into. >> jesse: i would hope so. the truth came out about the lab leak. so one? nothing is being done to fauci about it. truth came out about the censorship. they're still not doing anything with hunter. i don't have faith in the legal system. i don't. the legal system has been warped. and i don't think people trust it anymore. lots more people than you think. thanks very much, trusty. we appreciate. now we bring in paul morrow. this is just the indictment. they're expecting action here next week in manhattan. what would that like like? >> my understanding is they're likely to produce him early next week. my understanding also is that the secret service won't leave his side. the rules here are different than they normally would be. they're going to bring him in. you talked about it er lier,
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fingerprinted and mug shotted. we will likely walk out. the manhattan da doesn't hold enough. they have no provide to hold him whether they wanted to or not. he will walk out and then we'll get into the procedure. the procedure could be so luminous and unprecedented. >> what do you mean by the procedure? fingerprinted, gets the mug shot. no cuffs. >> no. >> jesse: he will probably walk out and do what? say what? >> he will come out, give a press conference, in front of the da's office here on center street. he will talk to the cameras. what i'm saying procedurally, the litigation. the prosecution back and forth with the defense. all kinds of things will go on here. motion to dismiss, change of venue. trumps lawyers, especially after the stuff with costello could
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challenge the indictment itself. one of the things that might happen here hand goes to what you said about your faith in the system. i have maybe a smidgen more. it's at the appellate level. my hope is that if the indictment is what we think it is, that's a point that we have to adhere to, we don't nope what's? it. we won't get that indictment until one of two things happens. the procedure in new york is the perp has to be in custody or the judge has to okay it. bragg would have to make a motion to release it and then maybe we'll see it. we won't get it until next week. >> jesse: so we expect to seeite woman in the indictment. mcdougal, a playboy personality. there's the stormy payment and then there's a possible other payment. there she is right there. and they're linking these two together. now, as a lawyer, explain to me how this is criminal. if someone comes to you and says
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i'm going to lie or say something about you if you don't pay me. you get your lawyer to pay her. where is the crime? >> you go to it. that's why this thing is a morass. if the diamond is what we've been told and he's bootstrapping his way into the federal charge that he can get the felony and then get around the statute of limitations, which he doesn't make it, even with the felony, but if he manages to do that, then you have the problem that the charge here going back to the edwards case is not going to hold up. >> jesse: so this is a b.s. deal -- >> unless there's something else. >> jesse: right. bragg is not holding something behind his back unless it's a sandwich. tell me the relationship between the secret service and nypd. a lot of dudes out there. we have secret service, nypd strapped up there at the da's office. a lot of juice in that building. what is that going to feel like?
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>> it's go to be very militarized. we've had some threats against alvin bragg. my understanding that that has died down and that will likely spike. nypd will handle the threats. that's the way it works. the secret service will hand the donald trump side of, this it's expecting protests, there's going to be a lot of folks out there doing prophylactic work. they're going to be doing a lot that they can to move the goal posts or the line of defense out further so they don't have to take action there at the da's office. >> jesse: is alvin bragg respected by law enforcement here in new york? because he doesn't prosecute criminals. he apparently only prosecutes
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republicans. >> yeah, i don't think i'm making headlines here. a descent amount of dissatisfaction with the way this has gone from day one. we know the day one memo and the import of that where he said look, i'm taking this raft of crimes off the table, which is a prosecutorial overreach. you don't get to rewrite the penal law because you're a district attorney. you don't get the chance to say you know what the? these crimes on the books, they don't matter to us. that's really whats a happened. >> jesse: he's trying to use this to pro tell himself in to higher office. as a democrat and the state like this, that will get you there. thanks. >> thank you. >> jesse: over to clay travis. radio host and outkick founder. how are you feeling? >> just when you think you won't see something unprecedented, we see truly unprecedented things. 240 years this country has existed. we've had people from different
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background, allegations, tax you'll evidence of crimes. never seen anything charged with a crime. 20 years ago, jesse we had bill clinton getting treated to a fun time by monica lewinsky lying about it in office. nothing happens to him. he remains president. now we're going back years and years after the statute of limitations has already passed and we're setting a precedent that will lead to future presidents being charged with crimes. this is awful across the board. it's a tremendously bad press dents. >> jesse: they're prosecuting donald trump for sex. the democrats -- >> sex that he doesn't admit to. and jesse, he also paid for an nda. stormy daniels got $130,000 to
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keep her mouth shut, but she ended up getting all of that money and telling her story. nobody is talking about it. again, to me, 240 years, we haven't seen this. think i we're path the statute of limitations. this is a legal issue that will ultimately be tossed out on appeal. i don't if you even mentioned this yet. ron desantis has gone on twitter, governor of florida and said he's not going to participate in the extradition request coming from new york to florida, this is a colossal mess. this is something that we made fun of for other countries for being involved in and now here we are. it's an awful day for america. >> bret: it sure is. remember, stormy's case when she broke that mda was so ratchet, she had a to pay trump money. think about it. she paid trump money. that's what the judge decided. take us back in u.s. history. there's always political dirty tricks. you know, you put something
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here, you whisper something here. it's been going on forever. now all of a sudden they're throwing cuffs on you. come on. that doesn't really tell me the democrats feel confident about the next election. >> no, they don't at all. they're trying to hand select trump, this is where you can call them on this, jesse. they claim that their terrified of donald trump. if they were terrified of him, why are they trying to help put him in the ring against joe biden? you also have to be careful here. democrats told us for seven years that donald trump was a unique threat to the american republic and our democracy. in the process of making all those arguments, they have become the true authoritarians. they're the ones putting their political opponents in to potentially jail or prison or trying to do so. ly say this, jesse. trump is a master show man. i bet that he will turn that
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indictment photo in to the biggest money maker in the history of american politics. he will put that indictment know toe on coffee mugs, he will put it on t-shirts. he will raise mark my words, jesse, tens of millions of dollars off of that photo. my big question is, does he smile or not. does he show some teeth and show some cheese on the indictment photo. i think he will be grinning all the way to the white house in 2024. >> jesse: this is a serious situation. but clay brought us down this stupid road. do you smile in the mug shot or not? >> i would smile. you have to be laughing at the absurdity of this as ridiculous as this is for our american democracy. it's such a farce. if i were being arrested and i were trump, i'd smile as brought as i could, show them the pearly whites and send it out, raises tens of millions and make alvin bragg the guy that helped me
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make my trip back to the white house in 2024. think think will blow up in democrats faces in a monster way. unite much of the american public behind donald trump in a way frankly that we have never seen before. >> jesse: what kind of speech do you deliver after your mug shot? you're going to come out to those steps. every camera in the entire world will be there. every network will be taking it live. what do you say? >> yeah a great question. here's what i would say. i would talk to the entire american publicly. i would focus on recent immigrants to america. they came here because of american exceptionalism. if you're a hispanic voter and you came here from venezuela or you came here from cuba or you came from some latin american country or eastern european country where this is common place, i would make the case of how extraordinary and outside the bounds of normal life this
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truly is to charge the leading political opponent of a crime that is balderdash. i would say if you don't want america to end up like this again, vote for me and stand up to this authoritarian regime to a communist take over of american freedom. >> jesse: as paul says, we expect something like that next week. thanks, clay travis. jesse waters prime time will be right back with more developments on the indictment of the former president. oh, ♪ i'm going to somewhere, anywhere. ♪ ♪ a beach house, a treehouse, ♪ ♪ honestly i don't care ♪ find the perfect vacation rental for you, booking. yeah. we got the house! you did! pods handles the driving. pack at your pace. store your things until you're ready. then we deliver to your new home -
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>> welcome back. laura ingle is outside manhattan d.a. alvin bragg's office rights now. laura? >> we have an entire city block full of news crews, very high level of nypd presence here. if you take a look at our other camera, we can tell you alvin
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bragg left here a short while ago. of course, this announcement coming as we were waiting to hear if there was going to be an indictment and fox news can confirm the manhattan grand jury has voted to indate former president donald trump, the first former president to be charged criminally. trump in a statement call the indictment political persecution and election interference at the highest level in history. the 23 grand jurors have been listening to evidence since january on trump's hush money payments to former porn star stormy daniels. the federal any indictment is under seal and we expect to get more details about the charges in the coming days. the manhattan da's office issued a statement saying this. the this evening we contacted mr. trump's attorney to coordinate his sur represented tore the manhattan da's office for arraignment on a supreme court indictment, which remains under seal. guidance will be provided when the arraignment date is selected. now trump has denied any wrong doing and says he did not have
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an affair with stormy daniels. trump's former lawyer and fixer michael cohen said he paid daniels $130,000 not to speak about her relationship with the former president and trump reimbursed him for that payment. in a tweet, a lawyer for stormy daniels said the indictment of donald trump is no cause for joy. the hard work of the grand jurors must be respected. now let truth and justice prevail. no one is above the law. fox news also has confirmed that manhattan district attorney alvin bragg is also looking at hush money payments made to karen mcdougal before the 2016 election. earlier this week, david pecker testified before the grand jury for a second time. pecker is believed to have played a key role in connection to cohen and daniels and buying the rights to a story about mcdougal and never publishing it. in a rally waco, trump running
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for president complained he's under investigation for something that is not a crime, not a misdemeanor, not an affair. he faces three criminal investigations including efforts to overturn the 2020 election, keeping classified documents at mar-a-largo. we have a busy scene here. >> jesse: what does it feel like down there? >> you know, it's just a very packed block. we have reporters and camera crews, nypd. there's security down here. there's a few people with signs but nothing crazy happening at the moment. we're keeping an eye on it. >> jesse: thanks. back to paul morrow, former nypd inspector and attorney. the ironic, the stupid case is that the left wing media catches and kills every negative piece about a democrat. how many times has the media hush up a bad story about a
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democrat? right? this is criminal when it happens with a republican? >> to that point, think back to president bill clinton's bimbo squad. you remember that? they had people dedicateded on the campaign staff to do precisely this. >> jesse: hillary was on the bimbo squad. >> yeah, my recollection is 100,000 per person. there were leaks and lies and a lot of dirty tricks. why is it different here when he denies it and there was an nda and there it was private and had nothing to do with the campaign? >> you and i both know why. >> jesse: because he's running for president. >> it's interesting what a lot of people are saying. the democrats are making a mistake. bragg is out for bragg.
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period. he knows this will -- remember, he's a local politician. he's a manhattan person. >> jesse: you think bragg is disconnected from the rest of the democrat political machine? >> what he tells them -- >> jesse: you think this is a solo act? >> he's going run for re-election, potentially higher office. this won't hurt his chances. >> jesse: you think democrat brass are telling bragg don't do this? or you think they're giving him the green light? >> whether they did or did not, i don't know. i do know that the other prosecutions and investigators i should say out there against donald trump looked to have a lot more meat on the bone than this one does. this is the first one out of the gate, this will get the headlines, this is going to get -- people say this is going to be an asterisk to history. so was pearl harbor. >> jesse: if you're a big
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heavyweight donor, you can hop on the phone with alvin, they cad him fat alvin. say hey, how is the trump case looking? dangle more cash in front of his face. >> all i can say is this. the video that you showed of bragg before he was in office pledged to get donald trump is going to form a lynchpin in donald trump's defense. >> jesse: that could blow up bragg's case. >> yeah. procedurely interminable. it's going to go to appeals, motions of dismiss. this could go on a constitutional issue all the way to scotus. >> jesse: you think this could go to scotus? >> it's 6-3 in scotus. >> we'll see how that shakes out, pal. now back to mike davis, article 3 founder and president. you've had time to you'>> i feel the same way where i felt before which is this is a bogus political
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prosecution by sorrel and manhattan da, he's trying to get trump. this is bad for the democratic party across the nation and more importantly, this is bad for the country. we have crossed the rubricon here, i don't know how we'll go back. this is horrific judgment on bragg's party selfish. this is a malicious prosecution. we should expect that because those people don't like america and they want to destroy america and we are well on our way. >> do you say it is going to be tic for tat. how do you know republicans are going to stick their heads in the sand and never get revenge. there is no way the republicans can take this on the chin and not do anything else when they get power
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back. >> yeah, that's a very good point, jesse. republicans tend to be weak and stupid, i hope that changes. i hope we are starting to see jim jordan's weaponization committee fired. that's good to see. this is unacceptable of what the democrats haves done here. it is part of the pattern of the manhattan da and this is law fair, they're trying to take out president trump because he's biden's chief political enemy. i think people need to remember if you can do this to a former president and a future president who's a billionaire, they can do this to any american. this is a dangerous place we are going as a country. >> you said law fair. and that's it. what do you do? you indict hunter biden? you indict the chin, biden's brother? you basically can indict anybody you want at that point after
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you appoint every federal prosecutor in the united states. that's the next move on the chess board. >> yeah, i mean there is smoking gun evidence that the bidens took a million dollars from the ccp illegally, corruptly, and nothing's going to happen to the bidens. you know what when president trump wins back the white house, he needs to appoint an acting attorney general immediately and they need to start looking into these matters with democrats. they had amnesty under merrick garland and that needs to come under an end. >> mike, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> your final thoughts about this case, you can't reelect joe biden after this. you can't then have eight years of this. if you have eight years of this, you don't get the country back. then you just basically lock in the injustice, and they'll just burn all the documents. you will never see how it all went down. potentially, you can have a
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former president behind bars. the only way you would get free trump is reelect free trump at this point. this is only one case against them. this is law fair. the republicans have to wake up and fight fire with fire because this is totally unacceptable and it is a disgrace to country. "jesse waters primetime," good night. ♪ ♪ good evening, welcome to "tucker carlson," a fox news alert, american politicses thrown into complete chaos when a grand jury in manhattan a place where 80% voted for joe biden decided to indict biden's political opponent in the upcoming election, the republican front runner who leads by 30
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points i


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