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tv   Hannity  FOX News  March 27, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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than see yk for >> that's about it for tonight.t tomorrow, we're going to take a much deeper look into a the mass murder at a christian school in nashville. throw aside the propagandatim..l what exactly happened and why did it happen? we're goint thisg to look at thh great detail tomorrow. in the meantime,e throw offop the keres the world and enjoy the ones that you love. we hopu wie you will have a wonderful night. >> see you tuesday.nigh t.and welcome to hannity. and tonight, we are in palm m beach, florida. beautiful mar-a-lago, where in less than one minute we will be joined by the 42nd president of the united states , donald trump. you might have. noticed the former president . he's been in the news a lot recently. trump haters hopin hoping g andg that he would be arrested in. di new york last week. it didn'd not happen.nd alvin bragg is weak and politically charged case presnst donald trump has now
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imploded just as president trump's poll numbers continuet f to rise. now wero havundse a lot of groud to cover. sohere let's get right to it. here is part one of my interview with the former president . >> mr. president , great>> you r you. >> ak you very much. thank you for doing this. y ouas reported. >> as you know, you're facing a lot legal challenges. >> in your opinion, does thisu h helpur you or hurt you in terms of your chances to win in twenty , twenty four ?ws well, if you med listen to thei newsth media, it helps because they're all saying it's a scam. >> even even people that don't like me are saying this is a terrible thing to do fortr our country. >>y. i don't know whether it helps or hurts. i can tell youinopin, inio my oc it's a new wayti of cheating i on elections. it's called election interference. nterference. hewhat they're doing is ifbo they can't win at the ballot box because i'm leading everybody by a lot in the polls for every republican , frankly, and every democrat by a lot,bide including biden by a lot. and they can't beat you that
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way. they're going to do this kind of stuff, thisyou way has neven done like this before inhist the history of our country.or ts to this extent, people are pleading with the prosecutor, don't do it, don't do it. it's wrong. even democras and evt, even peot traditionally are not exactly. my fans are sayingsaying don't t because i didn't do anything wrong. i did nothing wrong. >> let me ask you this then.t and i thought about this lastenf week. >> you wer te the president ofh the united states and i saw your post on troost social and i read the reports in new the new york times. punned and i saw pundits all overr medi the media speculating that you were going to be arrested. e ye that would mean you would be arrested a couple of weeks ago. you'd be arraigned, that you'd be there'd be a mug shot. you'd be fingerprintedg and maybe even handcuffed. >> now, when you think about being at 1600 pennsylvania
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avenue and juxtapose it to that, how do you deal with that? >> well, i dea l with it.nd we're dealing with very dishonest people. at hate we're dealing with thugs. we're dealing with people a i actually believe that hate our country. sand >> last night at a rally with tens of thousands ofre people, the press admitted there were at least twenty five or thirty thousand people. that means you can double it, at least in texas. waco, texas, and it was like was a love fest. incre it was incredible. dibld atand at the same time, tb people that really feel that they've beenee the hurt by the y this country is being run. look at what in texas as anbord. example in arizona, look at what they're going through at the border. bufectedt it's really affected that just happened to walkit i through texas and arizona. it's affecting every everyhe uni state in the union.on it's affecting our country. and country i pred we havice people pouring i meann i predict at the end because they're giving phony numbers, giving fake numbers. i predict ate the end of the year it'll be 15 million people. new that'syo larger thancome new york state will come in here from mental institution, insane asylums, as they usedumsm
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to call it, from you know, the prisons are being emptied out all over southin america. p in they're being dropped off.e people are being dropped into our country. the mentaly. institutions areut being emptied out all overn sout south america. but much then all overing in the world. and they're traveling in the through our southern border. i had the strongest, safest str southern border in recordet d history. it was nothing even close, including for drugs. you knowr , drugs are coming in at the rate of ten times whatmeh they were three years. e ar go think of that one i get into or people are really hurt by it . i'm going to get int o all the economy. i'll get into immigration. energy and all of that inth a second. and these are important issuesec because the country has changed dramatically in just jusk yo a little over two years. >> it's truethis. i want to ask you about this. in >> you're dealing with threeve w major investigations. last weeeek k, reports.i will i don't want to hand youain when two documents and i'll explain that they are in a second.e yeah. pr last week, reports in the press album bragg's office,f
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the manhattan va is in totalic complete chaos. >> disagreement regarding your case monday of last week. bob costello gives devastating testimony in terms of if you're looking for an indictment from the grand jury, can the other side side those of letters i gave you is from february of 2018, michael cohen's lawyer.lawy >> and that waers exculpatory towards you? company totally. and your company and and the, campaign. >> and lastly, tmz hadt an a report. >> they brought it back out.i ma i saw and it was in the daily mail, washington post. put and the second the second piece that i put put it up on the screen is stormy daniels denial. in writing that you ever had a relationship. >> yeah. so my question i is this and denied it on many other occasions. i never had a relationship with her. i never had an affair with her. aff it'sai all made up. >> s>>o here's my question. so will all this information
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that came out in your favor,ut you talked about death and destruction and then the baseball bat picture. yeah, next to album bragin. tha you did take that down and my only question, why open yourself up to criticismiticismt you have to understand that when the story was put up, i put up a story. we didn't see pictures. we put up a story that was veryh exculpatory, very good story from the standpoine t of what we're talking about. and they put up a picture of me and you know, where i was holding the baseball bat? >> ihet was at the white house make america by america because i did a lot of by americay ma things. and this is a company thats basa makes baseball bats. then they puxt to thatt next toi picture a picture of alvin bragg. i didn't do they did it the the i guess the people that dowa the paper or somebody put pictures together. but i was holdinbag a baseballlm baadt in order to promote maydas wasn't on your post the truth. >> s no, no, no. what they did is we postedicture the story, but they had
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a picture up, but they didn't put a picture up or the picture was put up thapit nobody noticed or saw or the nobody thought was bad. were 2 sepetwo separat pictures i was promoting made in america. you make these baseball bats t instead of sending over to japan and china and all of the places where they made this was a company, good company that makes l baseball bats and other things like that in. america. they took that picture from the white house and they put it up and then they put a picture of alvin up.nd i will say this with death and destruction. i didn't say death and destructio n. t i said i'm afraid.ha yeah, i said, i'm afraid that if they do this, which is a fake prosecution, we're my worst enemies say that is he's totally innocent. i mean, i can'nt.t people that have never been positive to med or defended memo that don't like me on the other side of the world. these are people who said you can't do this prosecution. it will caustremendoe tremendous problems. s i didn't say do something i say i am afraid that peoplesoh will do something because
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people are very angriny about is look, here's a letter from never stormy daniels saying, we never had an affair. here's a letter from a very highly respected gentleman, stephen ryan, a very highly respected firm, mcdermott,not, will and emery. l an but steven raines respected. i he writes a letter saying,ht and everything i said was right. not mineng. his client, this is his lawyer, not my lawyer. and bob costello is one of the most respected lawyers anywhere in the country. he served in the government at the highest positions. all of that.z we he went innessed because he wite he was a lawyer from michael cohen. he went in because he saw what michael cohen was saying and he said , that's a lie. >> that's terrible wha st he said on my show last week. i know. . and i thought he was amazingthat and fantastic. and he's doing tha ot of civic duty. >> he's not doing that fory th y reason. i don't know. bob corsello, by the way , peopl i don't know. >>e i know heth representats pe that i'm close to in some ways
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,but i have to i don't know .him. i know this is a highly and c respected person and he couldn'tou stand to see this wae his line. he couldn't stand to sees thigs guy who's already a convicted hemean, he's a felon. he's been to jail. and this is a unstuff not having to do with me. his reputation is terrible. bew, before all of this happened, hifos reputation was e was a normal lawyer. me i tt made sense to use somebody like that.that they always like to sayterm. a fixer. he was a fixer. he's a they use that term.e of he was a he was a lawyer, but lr he was one of many, manyce lawyers that i use>>d. that letter goes on to say, in private, a private transaction. before the u.s. presidential election. mr. cohen used his own electio e funds to facilitate the hundred and thirty thousand dollar payment to mr. clifford. neither the trump organization nor the trump campaign was a party to the transaction with miss clifford and neither reimbursednd mr. cohn for paymet directly or indirectly and they go on to say neither cohn or his llc made any contributionsig
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to you. your campaign for president ora any presidential campaign committee, and that he was notwp a government employee at the time. and the payment in question does not contradicay i t constitute a campaign contribution. aign cb that's their star witnesution t he probable y did that to ingratiate himself to meoimg because that would be mayb e smart to do from hisrobabl standpoint, but he probably didt that to ingratiate himself. but if you take a look at thatue letter, that's perfect. now, i will say you also have mt other people to say it wouldn't have even mattered because there was still nod ther campain contribution, et cetera, et cetera. you know, the fec, butetera. yok at that letter and it spells it out, in my opinion, muche more accurately. fathe fec, though, has looked at this and turned it down. no>>, the fec, the doj, doj hadi a previousou manhattan d.a.a an and even our bragg originally. he>> turned it down. he turned it down.ob and you know who else turned it down? bob muellemueller.r turned it d. everybody, look at this.
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this thing is ancient history. let me be clear.t post so you did not post the picture of you with a baseball bat in the oval office next to the picture with bragg's, somebody else, the i posted a very a positive article and whatever picture they put up, they put up. i >> my people didn't putht upin the picture. i think the picture maybe wain h either in the article or was put in the article later. but again, that was a baseball bat to promote made in america.. companies make in america,o japa don't go to japan to buy.w it ws but you know how it was interpreted. well, because it's a fake news media that's what they do.hing you say anything you can say, anything you say and they say the opposite. genius the democrats are genius at a few things. >> they are horrible at foreignd relations. they are horribl hore policy.t they are horrible ata everything. they're good at a number of things, though, misinformation or disinformation, dependingget on your definition. but bothmi they gesit misinformation.
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look at what they said aboutia,u russia, russia, russia, hoke's.s i watch siff shifty sifft gett getting up iinn congress and repeating my conversation. that was totally wrong becausell i didn't tell them we hadad the the phone well taped.i said so he totally then i said, oh good, well sue him and we'll take them down. they said, you're not allowed ll to sue him because he's allowed to lie in the halls of congress. so he goa totat up and reported a totally fake conversation. but they go misinformation. russ russia, russia, russiaia, was misinformation or disinformation. all of these hoaxes have beenr around for three years. yes. yo u covered barack and we gott it right. you got it right. as affirmed by the horowitz report, etc.. >> you and a number of peoplehan got it right. greg jaffe. we got it.ntire.>> we have entire inside right out of control. there were a number of us . and you know what? wrong the people, they got it wrongizn and get a pulitzer prize, but they got pulitzer prize.g we >> and you know what we're doing? we sued the pulitzer foundationh because they're demeaning me by tryineyg to claim thatd
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the times and the washington post, everybody ha s now discredited that. they said they made a mistake. okay, that'st if fine. ty reporr but if their reporters got it for the accurate reporting of rusrussia, russia, russia, they have to take it back and the pulitzer foundatione i will clothose pulitzer prizesr back . >> i'm going to close this out, though, with thise wits and is the last part about investigations, and thatd at is merrick garland appointed a special counsel to look into two issues. >> one of the issues is abou ite the document issue, which hasen become a problem for joe biden. mike pence volunteered documents that he had a problem for him than for me. bigges he's got places the biggest problem probably for hillary, if we're going to be well, if you want to go into that and the emails and everything else. but just if i could, joe biden's one thousand eight hundred and fifty boxes that in delaware, think of that, one thousand eight hundred and fifty boxe 85 chin he also has boxes now ina w they chinatown. now they say he's getting paid off by china and he's got boxesa stored in chinatown.
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he's got boxes at university of pennsylvania and he's got boxes strewn all over the floor nextes to the corvette. >> his beautiful corvette rightk . and nobody talks aboutabout it get and i don't know how you can talk about me when they don't talk about joe biden, because what he did is so bad.w the so this is why i want to know u the history herend. my understanding and correct me at any point if i'm wrong, is that prior to the radway,h ha prior to the raid, the fbi had >>whereto the very roo they ultimately found the documents, correct? right. tm okay, we there in the room. and didn't they also call a day or two after and say, can you please put a padlock on ? they did. wyer and i understand. they call my lawyer and we put the padlock. and by the way, they didn't say put a padlock on . >> they said, could you put another lock on ? because we already hav e down there. >> okay, so that my questionnino is , is simple. why didn't they take the documents that day one and number two , did the fbi ever ask to come back ? did they ever did you ever deny
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the fbi any access thatme bec they requested to comeom back to that room or any other room? >> so the fbi wa theres there. they showed them the room. i told them it was okay, shownw them. i said, yoth theu could show tht the documents. you could do whatever you want.h the fbi could have taken the documents if they would have asked. t i didn't ask about that.hii aske the only thing they asked for ad was could you put another an t extra lock? it was under lochis wak and key this wasn't strewn all over garg the floor of a garage with a garage that you can buy for one hundred and $79 and you can cut it with a scissors. s >> and that was open all the time. a by the way, you know, that doorl was open most of the timecorvet with the corvette. this wasteis a loc was ak that k a good, strong lock.ede put that's cool. we putsecond a second one and tn i don't know what the timingd we was. and then they come in and raid. we would havgivee given him stuf the stuff had they asked for it. but yothu knowis . what it is this is election interference. ththey're trying to make it look bad. now, i think the raid baon mar-a-lago did backfire badly on them people are i ?
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that is what i had people thatts weren't my supporters that are now supporters becauseth the rad on mar-a-lago. but did they ever call you again and say, hey, can we go back to that room?e access hey, can we have access that they ever do that?e to b >> and i think we i mean, itt have to be because, they remember. but. they >> well, i think the lawyers, they did call the lawyers and the lawyers access to the nt room they came, but they didn't have to rate. >> you wouldn't have raided the presidential records act is very specific and it had to do with richard nixon and al and tl the problems theyd with documents for years and years and years. and even before richard nixo onn. an and it's basically anrument instrument said it's not ss incriminal in any way. th it says you are going to discuss the documents, discuss everything, not only everything about what's going in, et cetera, et cetera., >> you're going to discuss it. you will talk, talk, talk. and if you can't come to anl agreement, you're going to continue to talk. now,contin obama has big disput. bush has big disputes. >> they all have disputes. but i'm the only one they comete
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after because they want to interfere with the election. >> that's why the question there was key to me is like they already had had access. nid >> and i'm asking you, have you ever denied them? nd sa you know why? i was shocked.idraid i was calleded and i said they just raided. and i said to you and said, can we have access to the mar-a-lago and bedminster? >> would you if i would have said yes, all right. up next, part two of my exclusive interview with president donald trump. from mar-a-lago as we continue here, you won't face me. >> i'm like zyrtec. allegra won't make me drowsy. and allegra starts working two times faster than claritin. so analogy's attack. be >> and for congestion relief, >> and for congestion relief, find a letter d at your pharmacy. >> skating for overior forty five years has taken a toll on my body.absogular tu i take yunel turmeric because i take yunel turmeric because it helps with healthy joints qu. >> why qnol has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. qnol the brand i trust
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with its exclusive oxygenated oil for fast acting relief from the pain of arthritis, and neighborhood violence youth advocate programs. others talk social change. >> we make it happen. welcome to fox. news live. i'm jackie ibanez in new york . new details are emerging after a deadly shooting at a christian elementary school in nashville. police say the suspect, 28 year old woman, was heavily armed when she entered the covenant school and shot and killed three students and three staff
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members. please describe the attack as being targeted. they say the shooter had maps the school and gained access by shooting through a glass door. she was quickly shot and killed by police. >> a motive has not been released. >> ongoing protests in israel are forcing prime minister benjamin netanyahu to temporarily delay his planned judicial reforms. he says he wants to avoid civil war and make time to seek a compromise. with political opponents. the proposed plan would have allowed parliament to override supreme court decisions and hold control over judicial appointments. >> jackie ibanez. now back to "hannity" for allnan of your headlines, log on to fox news .com. welcome back to hannity now. moments ago, i wrapped up an extensive, wide ranginginterv interview with former president donaldiewith for trum. >> here is part two of that l interview. take a looook.k. >> i want to talk about elections and i agree with you
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. and you mentioned thatntione your rally last night, it's a position rally i share.electi i would likeon to see election day be a national holiday. i would like elections to be paper ballots making exceptions thr the military and the sick , the elderly. those exceptionsey could apply for an absentee i would like a national holiday. >> partisan observers in everyth precinct watchine g the vote all day long when the polls close,cl watching t watching the vote, countinheg at wie end of the night, you declare a winner. okaynn, it seems democrats are more involved in voting early. >> they're more involved in voting by mail and mostd have states , most people may not know this, have legal ballot harvesting. it's been embraced by thepublic democrats and not by the republicans. there are are states that are exceptions like florida. >> you know, you have now changed your position. do you think tha pt republican reluctance and resistance to mail in ballots and votings early and ballot harvesting like
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democrats, has that been a mistake? was that the mistake in 2020 two ? i never changeanythingd anythin. what i did is say mail in i ballots are automatically corrupt. if you have mail in ballots,t you're going to have very dishonest electionelectis. france had mail in ballots. they had to go away from it.y that election went back to they went back to paper ballots and by 10 o'clock in the evening, everybody was happy. it was announcedha that was it. paper. you want paper ballots, you want same day voting, ideally because, you know, we we haveard elections where they sit around for sixty two days, big boxesals of ballots. they're laying all over the floor. you take a look at in what happened in atlanta and some of these other places, but they're sitting all over the floor. they have wheelbarrows carrying ballots. sixty two days in some cases. dy so months of electionse and people are saying what'ss gn going boxes are moving from w here to there. it's ridiculous. we should have same day voting. we should have paper ballots and we should have what would an id and signature verification and chain of custody controlsd custo and pan
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democrats on it.. but my question is , excuse me,a the democratic voters want it either. 88%, the people, the democratt o voters want itl , but the democrat politicians don't want s o for 2020 four , shouldbrace republicans embrace early eavoting, voting by mail and embrace the tactics of the democrats ofs and follow the ballot harvesting laws? >> and they respective states ? have t well, they're going to have noo choice because we have to do it. bu t if you were running, and you're like a nice, normal p person who's doing a wonderfulec job, who wants to be, i can't. get elected dogcatcher. but what i'm saying you agreeecn with . t no, i don't. i think you coulhe anythind getg but and i think you do a fantastic job. thank you. but if u were you were running for office as a person, that's not very well known. i mean, the people knonownw me.u i think that's why i'm going up during this hoax. it's takinx ing place in new york and in some other way with the boxes. s i mean, how can you look at me as an example with the boxes and they don't talk about joe biden where he is .
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eighteen hundred and fifty boxes of stuff where as a senator , he had all pleasant. t what about as a senator ? he had a lot less of hillary clinton and james comey.ul >> no prosecutor would prosecute. t >> unbelievable.ha if you look back to that, that o caused a tremendous problem within the fbi. you know, i'm very happy co aboutuple o a couple of things. the actually, i'm happy because we can straighten this out ins this country. a this country is a mess. we're a mess. i agree betwee in inflation, the economy and the what happened in afghanistan, itda started it because we look so incompetent. then putin said , wow, thatsaidt that we have thahit incompetentr this is the time to takehave ukraine. don't forget, he would have done tdone that with me.t >> would have never done it. i want to get into that. but let's stay focused. i want to stay in this lastthin part of this, because i think this is really very critical. ee >> i mentioned comi. >> no prosecutor would prosecute deleted emails, right? thirty three thousand three devices destroye ded
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with hammers, sim cards removed. >> hillary's dirty dossier, fisa warrants based on that dossier that was 2016. now fast forward to twenty twenty . now you have fbi. unte they've had hunter biden's laptop since december of 201n l we know, thanks to the "new york post" and others, the fbi was having weekly meetings with big tech. you referred to itch you a litt. earlier, warning them about a potentiabol misinformation in the days leading up to the 2020 presidential election.former now, the former head oftter sit the twitter site of integritofy in a case in missouri, he's now now senator eric schmidt. >> then attorney general eric schmitt was involved in specifically said that the fbi was saying the misinformation, it may be about joe biden. it may be about hunter biden. >> so now they had this thing since december. >> 2019.anyhow they knew your lawyer, rudy giuliani, had a copy. right. so they knew it would likelywou be public.
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and therli be with the fbi is nw telling big tech that this is likely going to be? misinformation. that ie information then got senator censored across the board. okay, explain that to me. >> so it's massive election interference. they said they knew it was the whole thing with russia because they knew by that time that the dossier, the famousus dossier was garbage. it was made up by hillary clinton and the democrat and the dnc. the democrats made it up. it was all made up. they took this thing and theyowe sent it around to everything and was totally made up. and now everybod agry agrees to that. somebody should have been prosecuted for that.have beetic this group this does now and you know what? it should be this group thatinfo does, because now they have all of the information go a step further. they spied on my campaign. r thn remember i said a long time ago, you know, i hear that time spied on my campaign and at that time because truthme is incredible. but at that time i, i was using. twitter. now i use truth, although i have they want me back onack twitter. ondesperately. back.
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are you going to go back ? i well, we'll talk about that at some point, but i love truth. i think truth is incredible.s it's up, i think three hundred 89%. it's the hottest thing theree is . by the way, elon mus k revalue 20 millio twitter at only twenty million.l >> well, it was not a twenty billion. i'm sorry, but he did a big favor by letting people know. how corrupt our government is because that's essentially what he said . but thinofk that so they go in and they they are interfering. >> the fbi is interfering with an election. and i'd be willing to bet thatay the people that work in the fbi, the agency, the very i would bet i'd have 90% of that vote to with the a top people. when you look at comey, he wast just terrible. did you ever see the inspector? and i had to fire him. and by the i fired him very early. go you know, you're not t a lot of people say you can't reallyto go so quickly. you had to go through a process. you have to office. right. but just so you understand putr, i put chris wray in because i wanted to have somebody in t there that everybody, includings moveother side, really wanted.
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it may not have been the right move. let's see. i wanted macll. okay, buhit i wanted to have somebody in the fbi because i'm an honorable guy. hon i'm anes honest guy. i may have made a mistake, butso i put somebody idyn that the other side everybody agreedc to , you know, who recommendedor him to christie. he chris christie. he recommended him. tha and that's okay.t' i i don't mind that i've taken chris christie's recommendations before and othe r people wanted christopher wray and people from the other side wanted christopher. >> but now jordy estiga is investigatingti if the fbi's politicized. yeah, i've interviewedi intervie whistleblowers. there's going to be, accordingoi to hisng committee, dozens of fl whistleblowers. and they're also looking into the question and you brought up these words last night, the weaponization of the department of justice total. sortment of justice. the question is , so they had the laptop since 2019yy . they they could have easily verified it within days. dayi would imagine with the't n
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technology advanced, they don't want to .d okay, they knew your lawyer would likely leak it and fbi agents meeting weekly with bigii tech saying that that might be misinformation. by the way, the lawyer couldn't leak it because they took it away from them. aney too ik it away. and , you know, they raided hisn apartment and they took a logst of the things. i don't know if they took that,k but i think they took it away or they took parts of it away.ei budet they raided a lawyer's where he was a lawyer and is a lawyer and a good one . >> and , you know, he's been proven right about a lot of things having to do with ukraine and others. >> but one thing you have to say, lawyers, i always thought they were a little bit sacred territory. >> in other words, if you're in litigation, the lawyers never brought in. i have. every time somebodbey wantrment to representi me or represent i und i have a lot of people that want to represent because they think it's so unfair.e ha ve beethe way we've all been tr. >> but they end up getting called before grand juries and e and stuff. they end up getting sued individually.i say sometimes ar wai say sometimes to a lawyer, are you sure you wantpresen to represent me?
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i think you're making a mistakme . what de o you need it for? i have plenty of people.t the good thing is toi have pleny of people with great spirite hae peat do want to represent me. and we havope some very, veryk f good people. but think of it, lawyers. for the first time i've had lawyers that i've known fors ch a long time calling me. they said, do you think this is changing now? we're lawyers all of a sudden are being sued for representing lawyers have to comee to to revl every conversation with the client. i've got that with the boxes. ue i'll guarantee you bidene doesn't have it. and what hite did with classifid she wastion, you know, he ha stuff, classified information. when a he was a senator and i'v watched senators, i watch democrat senator s on television say, i can't believe that. you are you serious? si don't believe thati can' allegation. i can't i can't imagine you ever saying bring me some of the boxes that we brought>> i wv back from the white house. i'd like to look at them.e ri did yogh u ever do i don't have the right to do that.. there's nothing wrong with it. o i know you. i i don't think you would do it.o doi don't have a lot of time, bt i would have the right to do t that. i would do that. this >> let me move on . i mean, remember this now, this
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is the president , your recordsh act. i have the right to take stufftf do you know that they ended up paying richard nixon, i think, eighteen million dollars for dollarey didwhat they had. they did the presidential records act. i have the right to take stuff.o i have the right to look a tt stuff. but they have the right to talah and we have the right to talk. r >> this would have allke been worked out. all of a sudden. d mar-d mar-a-lago, w. viciously raided mar-a-lago. >> i have tapei have and i gavee tapes, you know, i gave them tapes of storage areas. if i gavd e to him, i could have held that back . i wasn't holding anythingg back that i careanythid, but i e they tape.e but you know, the tape, they don't want me to revealt , if possible. a i they've asked me and i've so adhered the raid far adhered to the raid itself.a where do we have i'll take thatp tape and all air that everybody would take that tapee.y woul mat first. but no, i have tape, but they think it might be dangerous because of the faces and everything else. and .i understand the pixel amount, but i have tapes of tap the raides and the raid
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is terrible. >> and the way they treated people is terrible. and the wae y they treat people now is unbelieve to ask innocent people, please go inun and debate about that.s isbut this is getting a charge t on what they the way they treata peoplet . >> they treat people like they are a foreign country enemy . and coming up, much more withmoe former president trump right w after this break.rement >>, stay with us. we planned well for retirement, but i wish we had more cash. >> do you think those two havevc any idea that they can sellul their life insurance policy forh cash ? so they're basically sitting on a gold mineous of . i don't think they have a clue. that's crazy. well, not everyone knows coventry's thousands of peoplefw sell their policies for cash , even term policies. n sell i can't believe they're just sitting up there sitting on all this cash . >> if you own a life insurance c policy of one hundred thousand dollars or more , you can sell all or part of it to coventry. r even a term policy fore cash or
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what happened? not friends. i didn't know him well, but he a was on impeachment. hoke's numbes r one , an impeachment. hoke's number two , whichand on i want to you he was one of a hundred and fifty people thatv would go on televisionis and defend mioe and he was noot jim jordan. he was i mean, i had a lot of people that really defended greg, but he was good and he defended me. so all of a sudden he's running for governor and people didn't view him as governor. hibecause, you know, he wasd he a congressman defending and then as governor and he announced he was running for governor and he wanted to get id my support n. now, i didn't know the person that was running named adam putnam. he p was the secretary ofcond agriculture, which is actually ite second highest position ines florida.big an it's a big deal . agriculture is very big and it goes back one hundred years years, very and all of that.big. but agriculture is very big, pury high official and and popu. adam putnam and what happened? but i didn't know him and i a knew ron a little bit. i didn't know hi bm very well,ii but i knew him a little . but i knew him as somebody that. defended me. what with ronned
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is the following. he came to see me.lled bei he was getting killed. putna who's being crushed? adam putnam. it was i have many people that i know d that worked for adam putnam. they said it was like a nuke. i hate to use this expression. e it was like a nuclear weaponen went off when you endorsed because they considered the race to be over. they had the race. he had millions and millions of dollars, and he was way up in the polls. he was beating ron by thirty points or so.points it was over. over. ron came to see me, tears inmo his eyes.w he said , i need you to do me a big favor. first, he asked for the meeting. then he asked me for a favor. i said, what's the favor? would you endorsed me? i fought for you.of peo but again, he a lot of people fr fought for me. you fought for me only rightfully, but you fought. for me if you thought i was d right a lot more than he did. od but he said , i needdorsemen your endorsement. i said, ron , you so far behind, i can't imagine if you got george washington's
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endorsement combined with the great, great abraham lincoln, their endorsements, i don't think you could win.. run, but tell me about it.g yo go ahead. he said , i'm telling you,he was i think i could win if i couldht get your endorsement. >> and he was you'll have to check the records. but many, many, many points it was over and the nomination is only for very closeace. to nomination, was just okay, i gave i said, let's give it a shot, okay? you know, you defended me. didnt adam putnam didn't one way or h the other. i think he's probably a nice guy. you know, i never met until later. a year later, i met him. lat him he said when you did that, itdih was like a rocket went up. u he said , my race was over. they were already buying furniture for the forg to the governor's mansion. they were going to win. wiive it i said, let's give it t run, okay? and he was desperate. i said, okay, i gave him a nice endorsement. i said, yo you liku that would a like and let me see it. i wrote it out.s terrib i thought it was terrible. gav i changed it great.great i gave him a great endorsement from the moment i press thaty ay button, he blew the guy away. t
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the race was over. they never even got to spend their money. then i had i had ge to get him.of the i had to get them against dem the star of the democrat party. is going to be stacey abrams. and now we call him a crackhead because that's what he was,head. a crackhead named guillem guillam. and therhere wase is no way rons going to beat him. no h gote got the nomination, bt there was no way because thimis was going to be the future of the democrat party and i said ,s ron , you can beat this guy. let's go . i got him the nomination, win by the way, couldn't have never gotten the nomination. he would be working in either pz a pizzzaora place or a law offi. right now, okay? >> and he wouldn't be very happy. l is t it's about it's just about what it is tons me. i okay, let me just. so what happens is i did stops i thousands of people goings in to rallies. you know, my rallies in history. there's never been rallies like this. rallieshis.i don't just mean iy country. i mean in any country. you just take a look. >> waco, texas, from just last night, you just take a look. ela itbl was un believable. way un .ft
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and by the way, that's sort of d like really being so swifte j6 i the way i did. the jena six is beating taylor . it's donald trump.g the jay sticks to the pledge ofu allegiance on itunes. d onand on amazon and on billbo, which is the big deal , no. one , donald trump.el lik so now i feel like elvis because now we've donee the apprentice. that was a great success. or didi greano have and now i've a recording or whatever you call it. but no, it was one . and you know what that is ? that's a tribute to the factt th that people feel the j. six people have been very unfairly treated just to finish up with dissenters. so i said, let me do a couple of rallies. d a couple of rallies, two or three massive rallies, massiv rallie. i said, you're going to win, ron ? i don't think sowi. he's a star.u an i said, you're going to win. i'm telling you. and he ends up winning. a and then a couple of years later, they say to ron desantis, will you run against the presidenn agai t? and he said , i have no comment. i have no comment.i lock ede and i looked at the people p
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i was with , they said, that's not supposed to happen here. io i got him the nomination.t meant and i don't mean i got them. of because you know what?uple i have a lot of people, made. i helped the governoror of a couple i absolutely made. i helped the governor of georgii a and i would say he hasn't been exactly great. as far as a relationship. get i helped a lot of people get elected. i mean, i could name senators five senators, but i could name twenty five senators tha itin i help. >> but some i got in run. i got in. he was losing. w there was no way it was over. gg he was dead. he was going to drop out. he wan he was gone.e wh and then when they asked him, is he going to run, he said , i have no comment.t. nevea lot of people political people said , sir, never bring that subject up. su the voter doesn't care about that. subject. i do and but i do. a and i thinbok people do care about loyalty. when you help somebody really e help them, i mean, get him. and then he announces thatagains essentially he's going to run against you. hthat's what he announced.. >> because when he said that, that means to me tha wilt you're going to run right.
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and he's going to run, but he's getting crushed now in the polls because he dida th lie seings like voting against social security, voting against medicare, his numbers aren'tt gd very good. very good. >> unkovic o. >> more of my interviewion re with former president trump straight ahead. fuget refunds. .com powered by innovation refunds can help your businessni get a payrolr l tax refund even get a payrolr l tax refund even if you got pbp and itay only takes eight minutes to qualify. >> i went on their web site,helb and we blown away by what they could do, get refunds. .com has helped businesses get over a billion dollars and we can help your business to qualify your business for to qualify your business for a bi po go to get refunds .com to get started powered by innovation refunds, sometimes balance of nature gets feedback that dr. howard should be played by a better actor. >> well, maybe they're right because i am not an actor and i don't want to be. i hope that you understand this
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joy today. find your way for a better us .o all right.h form weer are back with formernoir president donald trump.hour andf for the entire hour. m and here is more of my interview from mar-a-lago. the economy, i can't even say strongly enough is incomplete channels. we have 60% of our country now living paycheck to cbs news nowng p sayaycheck tos 25% of people in our great country or what they call foodo insecure food can't get nogessie necessities. recession, record inflation,s.
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record our debt, our deficits. you know why is this happen? how would you fix it? and would you have supportedf si the bailout of silicon valley bank? ady? >> okay, ready. you know, a lot of questionsd no you're asking me. i wouldn't have supported the bailout. the bank would have to get along by itself.e what happened with the ban and maybe they could have. s wet what happened with the banks? interest rates went too high. hh and , you know, i had my ownl an situation with powell and i beat the hell out of him. i was not a big fan of powell. i was rick . he was recommended by some people. i didn't like them. he's too interest happy. what you do is you get the oil prices. happen that's bigger than interest rates. the only thing and whated happened is we took an oil and now we take an interest rates. those banks failed becauseintere the interest rates were too.sto they stupidly bought long term. treasuries, 10 or treasuries. t well, they bought a long term longer than that even. the they bought a long term. and those treasuries gotwell crashed because powell keeps raisin rates tg interest rates.r but that's up to bad.
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he's going to have to worryy. about that himself. d theory. >> how would you fix it? well, i would have on a big number on powell like i did. i did. i did a very big number.and in fact, he wasn't budget youhae wouldn't have given. >> eventually he eventuall.y so much that it almost caused a problem. people said , how come he's cuttingt hi? he help cut hi m almost a point immediately because he thought i was going to fire him, okay, which some people said i had the right to do. there the people said , you don't you know, when you put them there, rightfully, they have to have protection, etcetera, etcetera, from a president. how much of thisas. but i thought he was hurtingw f the economy. you left this country for the first time in seventy five years. we were energy independent, right. and net exporter of energy.te energy we will be okay, we're going to be dominant. okay, okay. and europey and now right now e used american energy. they could. it was winter. they could have used t. >> so but now joe has cutn dome back dramatically on domestic production of energy. now we'r . e believable.t beli we're importing from venezuela. yeah. saudi arabia last year
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they're big oil company made b the most money they've ever made in history. oh, i think it. was over a hundred and sixty seven billion dollars. how much of that? impact t because doesn't energy impact trucking? it impacts the price of goods and every store that we go so when biden came in,ystone the first thing he did was end the keystone pipeline that i got approved. okayt , was all approved, but also gave putin a waiver on the nord stream two . okay, so putin said because i'm frieyone said , oh, i'm so nice to putin, putin said , if you're my friend, i'd hatee yo to see you as an enemy . he told me that i get along very well with putin, by then way. i'd be able to work that it would have never happened inin a million years. and even the democrats admit that, if. but if this thing isn't solved h by the time we have the election, whichwe wil is possible, it won't be and is also possible we'll be in world three with these idiots that are doing what they're doing. you could end up i an a nuclear world war which will make world war one and world war two look1 an like patty cakes. okay, this unbuild evil because
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we have people that don't knowi what they're doing. so4 hourt's not solved, i will have it solved in twenty four hours with zelenskyy and with putin. i and there's a very easy negotiation to take place. but i don't want to tell you what it is because then i can't use that negotiation.te it'll never workll never. butat it's a very easy negotiation to take place. i will have it solve d within pea one day. >> a peace between them. t now, that's a year and a half. i that's a long time. i can't imagine something that happened to the chairman. be wouldo stop that is , the was to stop now. e because ukraine is being obliterated. you know, whether there'll be nothing. ted. nothing left. i locked at pictures o thll, i looked at pictures of cities that are little like a it's like complete demolition. i was in the construction business. you would demolish a buildinglo and you'd it looked likecked o f hundreds. building demolition sites. there wasn't a building an. .ing and these are cities forfor uk ukraine.rathey they were bi werg cities, very g cities. now, he hasn't really in kyiv,
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he hasn't really set the missiles in. but at some point he'll do that one to there's nothing standing. the other thing is many. more people are deadd and horribly injured. then they're reportingre, you know, when you see missile s hitting 15 buildings and 15 buildings falling to the ground and they're big buildings, there are a lot of people in sao those buildings. and then they sanen way one pern was injured. these are phony reports. rep many, many peoplore being kille that you don't know.o. prefe but you'll see that later on .r so you'd prefer if you were president , you think you would have a negotiator settlement. >> and within twenty four hours and we wouldn't no longer the be ponying up all the money that by the way, western western europe is not doing their fair share. >> what's unfair and you and i have had this conversation is that we are spending we'ret up to almost one hundred and $50 billion and europe's twenty four billion dollars now is the same thing with nato. don't forgeth na, i got them tot up hundreds of billions of firs meeting at dollars. my first meeting at nato , you
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know, i was just there. never dio i'd this before. i'm sitting with all these presidents and prime ministers. nicepresiden guys. twenty eight countries and i'm looking at the charts. i say, couldlo i see who's deliu delinquent because they're supposed to pay? and they said , what d t dou yn th meanat by delinquent? they said, that's a real estate term. when you don't pay your rent, you're delinquent. i could i please see who has not paid? and ofhe 2 the twentyt paying. an eight countries, twenty . we're not paid. they weren'td paying .ou and i said you have to payno and if you don't pay, i'm not going to protect you.mportant and the head of a very important country stood up and saidco i, who is delinquent? said , could i ask you if we don't what you're saying, if at russia attacks us and we aren't paid up,ta pai you're not goinga to protect us ? >> i said, that'cts exactly whan i mean. all right. >> straight ahead, more "hannity" right after this. with allegra. we live life our way. allergies don't hold us back. allegra starts working
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go will be back in new york for two live audience shows this p. week, wednesday and thursday ath 9:00 p.m. and we have much more of my interview with donald trump to show you. show, if you want tickets you. to the live show, just go to hai hannity .com. th free .com. . mak and as always, thank you for making this show possible. let your h this show possible. let and let not your heart be troubled. laura ingraham, the english mango. straight ahead , i'm laura ingraham. >> and thii's is ingram angle fr tonight on a jam packed monday. thanks for w beingit with us. now, in moments, we're going to have complete reaction fromd frommplete reaction former president trump. but first, a trans killer. >> that's the focus of tonight's angle horrific newsen out of nashville today.e three young children, three adults are dea dead afterl a gunman entered the school through an unlocked school doo d and then opened fire before being gunned down by police. po to a horrific by police. and unconscionable act. authorities seem to take an unusua