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tv   The Next Revolution With Steve Hilton  FOX News  March 26, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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sarah gets on behalf of the candidates moronic columns them around and things on tv and radio, the democrats are going to win work and have four more years of marxism, this is my warning take it or leave it i will see you next time on life, liberty and levin. >> an evening and welcome to "the next revolution". i was at a local event this weekend and we started by say the pledge of allegiance and it made me think of two things, first incredibly how special america is nothing like that happens in england where i grew up or hungry were my family is from from a new citizen of this country i have to tell you it's an amazing thing an amazing thing that we have such a strong sense of what america stands for, here is the second thing
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that came to mind as we stood for the pledge what america stands for is under threat and it's really serious we see it in this preposterous prosecution of donald trump in new york, what does it say in the pledge liberty and justice for all, even ex-president you may hate or as it says on the front of the supreme court equal justice under law. is even for presidential candidates you may be desperate to stop, of course no one is above the law but no one is below it either. all week you've been hearing the details about why this case is trumped up and ludicrous we don't need to spend time on that tonight only the most demented and cultish trump partisan would take any of the seriously unfortunately most of the media seem to be demented and trump hating partisans these days. there you go the important point is this, the privacy over the rule of law in america is one of the things that america has most
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been admired for its one of the things i most admire america for from afar, now democrats are going to throw that away make us look like tinpot dictatorship near the court, to take down the political rivals. a devastating blow to america's reputation around the world nevermind confidence in our judicial system at home. how bad does that have to be for the sky to be right about. >> i tickets politics and that's with the people of this country are saying in it feeds the anger in the cynicism and the partisanship predicted coincidence that brad goes after trump and letitia james goes after trump in georgia goes after trump, that's all a coincidence and i think if he's the cynicism that is the cancer in her body politics. >> the trump case in new york is a high-profile way, some of the
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deepest thanks america stands were being assaulted my parents my whole family grew up under communism in hungry it was a place if you said the wrong thing, criticize the wrong people, you could lose your job and your children to be shot out of the best opportunities there is no such thing as free speech, free speech was why america was founded in the first place. but honestly it is gone, you know that, you know you can't say what do you think about certain things anymore political things mostly during the pandemic it was extended for anything with that, we told you the other week about the student at princeton who was kicked out of her leadership position on the sports team because of something she said about policing in a private conversation, private conversation, what is this in east germany where you don't know who could be an informant, that is not an idle comparison someone i know well in a senior position at one of the biggest
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tech companies says that is what it is like there like east germany under the stars, how did this happen in america it seems to have happened so quickly we cannot stand fort, we must stand up for the things that america stands for. including what we stand for around the world. and that brings us to the 2024 presidential election specifically the republican primary and what we have recently learned about the character and competence with the man who sees himself in the media has built up as the only alternative to trump ron desantis, he told us what he thinks about ukraine and russia america's role in the world but he did not tell us once he told us twice even better he told us completely different things each time what we can choose which position we prefer an elected president rocking the mic entered putin aggression must be confronted and defeated. of course it is true the bite in
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the democrats and the media insensate virtue singling over ukraine and they smuggled less and the sanctimonious is only incredibly offputting it is true biden's years of appeasing putin over crimea and nord stream telling putin he would be fine with the minor incursion biden simulating surrender to the taliban a catastrophic withdraw from afghanistan all of that gave put in the green light to launch his brutal invasion of course is true when people say invited and the democrats are fired up about ukraine's borders but could not give a damn about ours the reason data give a damn about our borders not that they're distracted by ukraine, they don't give a damn about our borders biden opener produce a year before putin invaded ukraine this chaos is incompetence it's deliberate it is the democrats ideological extremism and action the idea that we can both secure our border and stand up to putin's
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assault on ukraine's border is ridiculous. we need a president that directs the federal government to be strong at home and abroad here is another argument that you hear why should we pay it is europe's war and europe's security people see headlines about ammo running out because her sedated to ukraine, what is this about just our commitment to ukraine so far $113 billion the next country is the uk 8.8 billion what a joke is serious american president would say to the german guy, you don't get to go to your thursday of zelenskyy unless you cough up the cash, why should macon taxpayers fund your preening and virtue signaling, here's the bottom line the direct route to america's china if president xi invades taiwan as we know he wants to, the impact on our economy and well-being like the ukraine were in a picnic china
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sports closed singapore is probably shut down, massive disruption to the world economy nevermind the cost to all of us at the direct confrontation from the regime more rich, powerful and sophisticated than putin's russia it would be a nightmare and if we withdraw our support for ukraine it would be much more likely standing up or putin is standing up to china that is our interest and yes is a vital national interest that does not mean we should not challenge all the leaders, biden, the europeans with their question what is the endgame. >> we are going to support ukraine as long as it takes. >> as long as it takes. >> as long as it takes. >> we will stand with ukraine for as long as it takes. >> as long as it takes. >> as long as it takes, that is not a plan that is a slogan we need a strategy to in the war, our leaders talk there perfectly fine with that going on forever
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fueled by american money and ukrainian lives but honestly claiming biden, accountability and wanting the europeans to do more that is the easy part in many of the republican presidential candidates made those points in response to a questionnaire from a friend and colleague tucker carlson. the hard question what would you do not a law according to the sky, ron desantis or as he should now be known ron dukakis because just like the helpless democrat presidential nominee in 1988 the santas managed to look weak and incompetent all in one go. i have nothing against florida governor, far from it i was a huge admirer of a strong stand on covid he followed the science and protected his state and he deserves credit for that but into foreign policy much to say it seemed more provincial and presidential. a leading candidate making a
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massively consequential policy announcement in response to a questionnaire from his tv show that is amateur hour calling the invasion the territorial dispute to the criminal and the victim instead of cleaning it up and making it worse he tells her friend piers morgan he was mischaracterized how can you be mischaracterized when it was known your own words that you freely scented responding to a question they're completely different views on ukraine but rhonda caucus was trying to agree to them both it is weakness and incompetence in flip-flopping and pandering all squished into one deeply serious episode and that is deeply worrying when the threat to what america stands for are also serious, threats to the idea of liberty and justice for all threats to the freedom of speech i should be every americans birthright and threats to the global leadership that our prosperity and our way of life and our opportunities are built
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on tell us what do you think on the free twitter at steve hilton next ensure this message when we posted. here to react wall street journal editorial boardmember kim strassel, in the order that i made them let's start with alvin bragg and the potential prosecution in new york you think after all of this in the analysis with the week case do you think it will go through with it? >> i'm very worried that they are. at this point alvin bragg got all kinds of blowback when he stand out on the other one. he really wants to think of himself as a guy that could go down in the history book of bringing down donald trump in the entire progressive wanted that is what is so worrisome this is unprecedented never in the history of the united states if you are going to go in prosecute former president he better have incontrovertible evidence of an indisputable crime this is very, very weak is not even coming from the department of justice it's going
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to come from a local prosecutor into a president and that is going to reverberate for potentially decades to come. and i really hope things better of this. >> to think the president will be set regardless of whether it goes anywhere and regardless of the outcome of whatever proceeding he initiates? >> yes let's talk about that one thing by the way on these charges as we all know you can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich, that's very different from convincing the judge that you have a chase in the unanimous jury to find in your favor, we will see if he gets anywhere with this, is a president in the filing of the indictment that to me is very problematic there are thousands of local prosecutors around the country if you do not think there's another one at a provincial area of the country that is ambitious and wants to make a point on the republican
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side that's going to use that as a call to go after democratic politicians, the president, up-and-coming presidents and other candidates in the democratic party sure they can you can dream up all kinds of charges this is the first step to becoming bolivia is not a great move. >> you laid it out so clearly you had an xml column the one destructiveness is casually destroying something that is so central to our country. >> it's a precious as well. i understand the mantra going on among the left no one is above the law that is naïve we have long understood that when you start bringing cases against politicians the real risk exist that law enforcement begins to look like a political goon squad and that's why you need to show prosecute fewer real discretion and make sure you have top not
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cases that convince the public to. >> let's move on to the second issue i touched on ron desantis, rhonda caucus as a colander. i feel this is the first big news we nobody think about the pandemic he's on his book tour he didn't say anything surprising this is the news thing that we heard from them that's why it has such an impact and not a positive one for him. >> it's very, very frustrating let me give him some credit he's trying to clean up a little bit, here's the bigger problem and you laid it out how to get himself in the situation in the first place you don't answer consequential question like this by entering a questionnaire, especially not when you are governor, as you pointed out we know where ron desantis stands on lots of things but one of the great unknowns about gubernatorial candidate how would that handle foreign policy because they have not had that
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experience, the other problem is still feels as though he's trying to split the difference. putin is a bad guy in a not a territorial dispute but we need to be careful about getting more and what we sent to them and i'm going to focus on china these are blah blah words in the fields as though he needs to stop talking about this now and when he decides he's going to run which it looks like he's going to do go out and give a foreign-policy address and lay out your world vision and make it very clear i hope he does problem the right side of this so the reaganesque view of a strong america that cares about these complex not one that's going to dodge the issues of the day and claim that the threat is somewhere else and we need to be able to do more than one thing at once. >> that you are, fantastic, you laid it out beautifully and clearly with a bit more tact than i did that's what you are
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the best, great to see you we appreciate it, here's another example of american leadership being casually faded away this is what are the biggest and most disturbing developments in years, china brokering a peace deal in the middle east between mortal enemies or opposite sides of the muslim divide saudi arabia and shiite iran and days later the moscow between putin and president xi jinping would contrast the middle east peace deal brokered by america back on his heels and putin back in his box, all back on and is unchallenged on the world stage listen to what washington foreign-policy normally biden is saying about all of this china's prestigious accomplishment into a new lead diplomatically and outshines anything the u.s. has been able to achieve in the region since biden came to office it's an unfortunate indictment on u.s. policy.
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here's another one some folks in the golf see this as a chinese century the saudi's have expressed interest in joining shanghai corporation organization into good deal of the oil goes to china and that gets to the heart of it energy policy energy independence would trump did not mean lower gas prices and good jobs for american workers and gave us global leverage, all of that has been thrown away by biden in his surrender to the far left climate extremism that controls his party so we ended the grotesque humiliation of the president of the united states fumbling around the world begging for oil the communist president of china asserts global leadership energy is vital to turning this around we got the energy right here in america, we need to use it responsibly, joining is now in the state to play huge part in
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turning things around north dakota doug bergen great to see you. i was fascinated to learn that you have been traveling that even hearing from some of her allies japan in particular how frustrated are they that were not pursuing energy independence that we saw would trump you describe the biden policy is backwards and broken related to energy policy, is also disconnected from economics and disconnected from physics and disconnected from common sense. we have an opportunity on a trade mission to be in japan in october during the week we were there that is a week that north korea filed a missile over the top of the island north dakota produced 1.1 million barrels a day japan essentially 0 they're getting the majority of their oil and gas from the middle east coming by ship to the south china sea china has the largest navy in the world and this is
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the country that we fought for, my dad like many of the latest generation in the u.s. navy for all the way to japan he was there on september 2 on a destroyer when the japanese totalitarian government did their complete surrender to macarthur and what we done we help them build the second largest economy in the world and now we can't shift energy you can't get a pipeline domestically oregon or washington to the west coast japan would by the next 20 years of all lng they could get from the u.s. the simple thing that we need to do in america we have to sell clean u.s. energy to our friends and allies versus force them to buy it from our adversaries. >> can you expand on that a lot of people make the argument that the choice between environmental protection and this is not a choice we can make this happen as part of a responsible transition to clean energy, cantley?
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>> we produce energy cleaner, safer than anywhere else in the world if you care about the global environment you would want have all the energy produced in the united states and shipped to her allies when we were in japan they had 0 energy security, what are they doing right now they're bringing coal from australia and stockpiling on the ground. that is their strategic petroleum reserve and you can shutdown every coal plant in the united states today and china has the equivalent amount of coal plants being permitted to bill right now it would accomplish nothing but allow china to have low cost, reliable stable electricity to become a stronger economy while we destabilize ours. >> it is so frustrating. anyway i'm very glad you're speaking out and standing by to respond if we get a change in leadership, common sense on all of this at the federal level but will talk to you later in the show about your work recognizing the most influential president.
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we'll be right back.tu ♪dy taking charge of your health. so every day, you can say... ♪ youuu did it! ♪ with centrum silver. ♪ choosing miracle-ear was a great decision. like when i decided to host family movie nights. miracle-ear made it easy. i just booked an appointment and a certified hearing care professional evaluated my hearing loss and helped me find the right device calibrated to my unique hearing needs. now i enjoy every moment. the quiet ones and the loud ones. make a sound decision. call 1-800 miracle now, and book your free hearing evaluation.
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trey: you heard about biden's bailout from silicon valley bank here's what the computers are ignoring the agency that was responsible for regulating net,
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the california department of financial protection and innovation, what is that you say, never heard of the california dft i let's take a closer look, here's what it says on the website the department of education provides protection to consumers and services in business and financial transaction by regulating a variety of financial services, products and professionals on top of their list is banks one of which silicon valley license in california. guess who created the california the fpi, would you believe it our good friend and undeclared presidential candidate gavin newsom who in january 2020 told the los angeles times the aim of his new agency, as the trump administration undermines and weakens the rules that protect consumers from predatory businesses, california is filling the void and stepping up to protect families and
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consumers, how did he do that, first he renamed the existing department of oversight adding the word innovation because of course he did fintech and he appointed the perfect person to run the financial protection agency someone with 0 expansive finance. what she did have is a political science degree from berkeley and she was a cofounder and served as the first president of black women lawyers of northern california, obviously she is a serious accomplice professional, prosecutor and law enforcement officer but she has no experience in finance. none what in earth issue doing running a financial protection agency, here we are again the country paying the price for the incompetent lack of seriousness and shallow ideology signaling for the far left monopoly in california, joining us our friend fox news contributor tammy bruce.
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i know it's a cliché you can't make it up but really are you surprised by any of this questioning. >> madrigal it's horrible because ms. hewlett is a smart professional and the smart precision where people are going to point at her you get caught up in the notion that all it takes is burlesque, this is the worst of theater. burlesque was better than what were getting from politicians right now. it was at least entertaining and you can leave happy, now you can't with what's happening it's the same with pete buttigieg, why is he the secondary transportation the good news is by denominated demand to be ahead of the faa the federal aviation administration he finally withdrew after months of not afford because he had no expensive aviation and literally is equity in motion, individuals being placed in situations because of identity politics but
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also because the democrats literally have no idea separate from winning a new cycle on how to govern, they don't think about what happens and what you create a unit to oversee the banks then what? it has to work but they never think about that point they never get to the second day and look at what's happening to the country now, i think america really doesn't want to believe that is the case but now we have too much evidence that this is really of fraud it is people going in and winging it and they've succeeded that because the founders are brilliant and the constitution is brilliant the american people are smart and they have been able to skate for 100 years at this point, they have been able to skate their way along maybe the last person he really govern perhaps it was lincoln and perhaps fdr but the republicans save the
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economy from fdr at that point at the end of the war we really got a dynamic where the reason why the country is collapsing is not leprechauns are to democrats unisys kind of example about why the woke ideology and consumes everything. trey: it's amazing, my follow-up question was going to be exactly what you just said it is so clear they are not interested in policy and government in outcomes in the real world it is all for show it is ideology signaling, all of it and shallow and superficial. >> the last democrat interested in governing was bill clinton if he could he kept his pants on. he would had a great presidency. in all honesty this was a man distracted by the simplest of instincts but he liked governing
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and he was in many ways a centrist, hillary was the ideologue who was vicious, bill clinton, what a shame that is the last democrat that really knew what he was doing. >> is absolutely right, very well said we start with silicon valley banking california is a really big point it's a point with it comes to democrats, the fundamental point, great to see you we will see you later on in the show. you know how much we focused on the past two years on the pandemic lockdown and how important to push back on them as maxine waters would say a new online series called follow the science that investigates the actual impact and effectiveness of lockdowns including contributions from doctor j, here is a clip from the trailer. >> it was almost worse than the pandemic.
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>> i spoke to the people for the podcast here is clifton duncan. >> there was no escaping any of the propaganda you walk out of your apartment building in their arrows on the sidewalk telling you where to walk in little circles you see people queuing up outside of the banegas and shops in the winter by the way the dead of winter, there wasdie of buses and taxicabs and on the subway to where your mask a different league which is. the insanity and the cruelty go to steve hilton where you can sign up for your e-mail and make sure you get the episode. we'll be rightis jflor back. but at the end of the day, you know you have a team behind you that can help you.
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not having to worry about the future makes it possible to make the present as best as it can be for everybody.
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focused on pandering to the far left extremists based to disgracefully they took down the teddy roosevelt statute outside of the american museum of natural history on top 80 years, here's the good news another state is stepping up and giving roosevelt the owner in the presidential library he des deserves, north dakota were teddy roosevelt had a deep and lifelong connection and it seems only fitting the man responsible for the founding of the u.s. forest service will have his library located on 90 acres of forest service land near where he hunted in the medora badlands even his famous bronze statue will be there. the library is slated to open in the next few years more than 100 years after teddy died funded mainly by private donations, back with us with the people who helped make it happen north dakota governor doug bergen great to see you again, tell us a story. >> this is an incredible part of american history on february 14th 1884 theater
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roosevelt suffered incredible grief, he lost his wife and mother in the same house on the same day, he wrote in his diary that day in his diary is at the national archives in the light of my light has gone out he got on the train and came to north dakota and over the next four years ranching transformed from a eastern rogue rugged western lou roosevelt the lead the charge the only president with no medal of honor after he transformed himself he transformed the american century, when needed for leadership and citizenship and conservation still lives with us today and rebuilding the state of the art interactive incredible world-class library for him right outside the only national park in her system named after an individual. >> it is amazing looking at the pictures we see the drawings of
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what is going to look like looks absolutely fantastic, will it be easy to get to it looks great but how does it fit in to how people can visit your state at the moment spin records can be super easy to get the because of the 64 national parks there is only a couple have an interstate highway adjacent to them so interstate 94 is only miles away from where the presidential library is going to be weird have hundreds of thousands of visitors that are coming to the national park every summer we expect with the library being added this will be the most visited presidential library in the country again this is a museum kids will drag their parents versus parents dragging their kids is not about dusty objects underneath the glass this will be a digital world-class interactive for live experiences and the only presidential library you can write a horse to, mountain bike, you can hike it'll be absolutely
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incredible. trey: fantastic i'm dying to go and i definitely want to ride their that sounds a lot of fun. i mentioned earlier about private donations can people get involved? do people want to find out more and get involved how do they do that. >> absolutely they can go online to the library in the website there will be an entire wave get behind this right now we live raised nearly $200 million for the library starting during covid 350 million-dollar project it'll be one of the most sustainable buildings built in america. construction starts this spring with a groundbreaking in the grant of july 4, 2026 on the usa 250 the grand opening of the theater roosevelt presidential library is named an official 250 event you do not want to miss
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it. trey: fantastic absolutely love it, great to see you i love what you had to say about energy but stay in touch we hope to see you soon, thank you. >> thank you steve. >> will be back after the short break. it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention.
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trey: for months my home state of california has been battered by atmospheric rivers dumping massive amount of rainwater like most of the rest year-long severe drought so this water is good news we can collect and store in the wet years to use in the prior years, not exactly here's what's happening to the water it is being flushed away into the ocean as california aging water infrastructure fails to cope here is a more dramatic
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example. over the years use emitting movies featuring scenes like these where is the concrete race track on the east side of los angeles it is the l.a. river, yes river that's what it normally looks like, here's what the l.a. river looks like today because l.a. river was encased in concrete now that is rushing straight out into the ocean how can we do better recently on the podcast and spoke to somebody who made me change how we look at the problem and she joins us tonight author of water always wins driving in a major drop, erica thank you for being with us tonight. you are the leading advocate for what you call slow water, tell us what slow water is about. >> i'm so happy to be here, like you are describing with l.a. river, like the fast water, slow water is opposite, basically
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there are many places where water slows on the land wetlands, floodplains, mountain meadows and forest and all of these things are really important for absorbing floods and also making water available in the dry season. they are the natural infrastructure of storage. >> when we spoke you talked about interesting findings and there's much more opportunity to do this and we may have thought the underground channels the people are discovering and if we were smart we could used to store water tell us about those. >> one thing people can do is move levees back from the edge of rivers to the far side of the floodplain because floodplains exist to absorb floods, same thing with wetlands we destroyed 87% of the worlds wetlands with her development so beginning to
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restore some of those gives water a place to naturally slow wildlands and also stores carbon dioxide and feeds fish and helps the fish be healthy and provides water to farmers later in the year there is another solution compared which are paleo valleys, these were formed by agent rivers, during the ice age the ice came down on the north near this year of valley and they carved in the ancestors of today's rivers on the mountains and they have a lot more water in the sea level was lower and they carved the deep canyons into the floor of the central valley and later in the cycle they filled with a lot of rock and sand carved up by the ice so that makes them super super permeable like if you put water on top it'll go underground
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quickly like a lot of the central valley 65 - 80% are clay soil and water moves to the much more slowly. trey: absolutely love it, we don't have time to go into, we had a great conversation, people can check that out on the podcast but what i love it so positive and optimistic and natural solution to the problem where everybody's fighting over water the farmers in the city and what you're championing here is a natural way of thinking about it, quickly tell us where people can follow your work and find out more. >> i have a website called slow that has a lot of my interviews and information about my book, basically our development choices are making a water problems so much worse. if we can give some spice rack to natural processes we can really help ourselves whether both flood and drought with much less damage.
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>> fantastic we really appreciate you joining us tonight. stay with us much more ahead. af. let's dive in. but, what about your back? it's fine. before advil. advil, dual action bites, pain, two ways. advil targets pain at the source. acetaminophen blocks, pain signals, advil, dual action.
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adam schiff is looking a to replace and speculation that ro khanna a different politician would join the race, here's what he told jake tapper this morning.
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>> that's amazing. >> just mentioning this because in all honesty, you know, everybody's got complex lives, but when people in congress pretend that they're different, even ideologically, republicans versus conservatives which are two different things these days. liberals versus conservatives, you know, it really is theater because you look at the trajectory, steve, things have steadily gone down, with the exception of when trump was really pushing through an agenda during his term. but really, you see this trajectory into this socialist framework that is always one or two steps forward, and that means the establishment has its own interests in mind, so no matter who it is, we have got to have new people, individuals who maybe didn't come from an ivy league law school, who really
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care first about the people, and it's not just about posing when it comes to being anti-war. it's about not supporting liberal democrat policies that start world wars as we are watching right now. >> steve: yes, i think -- and i agree with that. with ro khanna, agree with a lot of the policies, he's kind of quite policy focused, not such a partisan. someone like schiff and the other person running is katie porter, i mean, what about that? >> yeah, see this -- what we did discuss before is that there's this one large problem of -- and, you know, head of the progressive caucus, that's pretty ideological, but that is where wokism, this cancer of wokism comes up which infects everything. you can't have -- like with the banks. the moment you turn and look at your virtue signalling for wokism, you take your eye off the ball of policy and real life
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and accomplishment, and everything goes to hell. that is what every single democrat right now is dealing with, except for perhaps kirsten sinema who is now an independent. >> steve: i think you got to the key points, summed it up beautiful. we will see you soon. thank you for joining us tonight. come back next sunday when the next revolution will be televised. ♪ ♪ good evening. thank you for joining us. i'm trey gowdy. it is "sunday night in america." what do we want in a political leader? in a president? when it comes to politics and those seeking office, do the american people get what we want? do we get what we deserve? or do we get someone truly worthy of leading history's greatest nation? we used to want someone larger than life, someone who seemed almost mythical, and then we figured out or at least accepted that even grea


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