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tv   Unfiltered With Dan Bongino  FOX News  March 25, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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really good. three hours and a lot of fun. follow us on social media as a chauffeured foam at twitter instagram and rumble that talk about aggressive, it is said here with me, raiment, watch the next show? once without a doubt. stay here bring my beer. >> two beers. ♪ girl lace witch hunt against trump totally troubling again. wouldn't you know it? apocalyptic making when trump was in the white house are happening now under my name. trump's press secretary kelly john kayleigh magner. a dentist is accused of placing his wife's pre-workout protein shakes with poisons and killing her so he can build this mistress. the husband and wife team and
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text about this for me plus a digital footprint you've got to see the story to believe it listen i've been warning about tiktok for years from the church is china using it to spy on us? stay tuned to tech ceo all but admitted it in front of congress. now the trick may be darker than that control how our kids think. colleges make safe spaces i am unfiltered coming up i promise if you're not going to want to miss no space basis. don't miss that. folks everything the democrats warned us, warned us was going to happen it's happening right now under biden's presidency? is going to happen to trumpets happening now. under biden, and hysteria was endless. trump is going to bring about the police state. he's going to tank the economy is going to definitely cause a nuclear war built a polyp
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shelter tomorrow. the media are licking their chops of the possibilities of arresting and indicting a trump they wanted so bad. a grand jury far seems to suck really bad like on a one -- 10 scale up like a 9.9. that political targeting is just one example democrats warned us trump was going to do to all to light a police state ashes. but it is where the dimmick the ones actually doing that. the other examples are endless is not just this one point when trump was present the immediate warned he was on the brink of starting a nuclear war and no one can stop this maniac. remember this? >> if the president decides to use the nuclear football and launch a nuclear strike, is there anyone in a chain of command the connection i stop in order? boxes start threatening us the day he wielded. >> he's basically a 24/7 professional wrestler who
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happens. [laughter] again, if crazy pills existed those people took them. a course lesson they would like us to forget how the nuclear tensions with north korea and in print they had it meeting it may not in concrete but it did not result in nuclear war, the evil one are twins to boost in their alliance requesting nuclear threats and morning start rushing over u.s. involvement in ukraine. looks like again evidently democrats said that's going to happen under trump happening under biden. so weird, right? then there is the economy. according to the left trump is supposed to wreck everything works, tariffs, lower taxes and 2-dollar a gallon gas, what a rip off her number those horrible days of 2-dollar a gallon gas? me too all the damage that was supposed to happen under trump is actually happening right now under biden.
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>> and households. record high gas prices play in these numbers 8.6% year-over-year inflation is again the highest since 1981. >> are worried cos can be headed for a recession. >> sent us all under biden. listen, i think i speak for millions of americans when i say i would dollar a gallon gas right now and 2% inflation wouldn't you? that's not just at though. what else are democrats doing right now those scare tactics? they are the victims oh my gosh is coming after us is going to silence the media the crime, the whining the wedding of the diapers for the dumped at every opportunity to claim trump was coming after them. next click very carefully. nurse on the meeting would not look on the microphone during the trump years but now some
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journalists ironically in the biden administration are not even allowed to ask a single question. exit on the russian investigation. >> on. >> what continue the briefing or we can just send the briefing right here. if a person in the next marvel move you're being rude and obnoxious and impressed with trump within assignment is asking hey, i have had a quest in not stand. you may quiet back there, sit
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down. weird, right? again so strange brink democrats are actively trying to silence noncompliant media outlets right now. this offer and speaking of the media who can forget its relentless accusations of chronic and business tunes and conflict of interest are foreign countries, remember this? we are told trump's lining his pockets with the presidency, folks. and then again we learn about hunter biden and here comes the lives now for their son hunter biden yes, sir, you are absolutely correct. what about the guy on tape with the hookers smoky record, selling his dad out, what about that question to ask what about that every time. what about them cutting 10% to the big going and going with the big business partner in the deal tony said was joe biden. joe biden was asked about wire transfers directly from communist china and two bank
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accounts or his family may have had access he said this. it should it's not true. dude, you sore dude deliberate member beavis and butthead in the '90s and tv. ever they got caught they said no that's where other kids, no we saw you do it. that's the biden approach. that is other kids to sign for those records. now we find out when biden was vp the white house try to crush the story in 2015. we are already dead with the accused president trump of doing over and over. i'm old enough to number 48 democrats at least pretended back in 2173 days before trump was inaugurated president obama
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would depoliticize a law enforcement telling coomer quotes there's even a hint of politically medicated prosecutions et cetera i think you guys have to really be on top of that. except for some against trump was already underway. i think right now. >> we have major breaking news right now by the u.s. justice department has just name it investigation by greg snow donald trump has become the third president to be impeached. >> president trump was impeached for a second time yesterday one week after the riots. he is charged with inciting. it's been read by the applicant's revenue reporting be indicted and arrested within the
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dems accused trump of doing their actively doing right now. scary that all of that however is the left attempt to undermine and politicize the justice system. roam free everywhere. criminals are not in being prosecuted because it was a time on donald trump. this of course is only made possible, all of us of the funding of soft on crime das by big democrat donors like george soros for joining me know this. the example i gave him the press before for someone who dealt with them example people in the media room are yelling for the question. he looks at republicans and
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democrats differently in the first essay by many elect a quorum. the main point which is this, if he yelled at me at the podium, jim acosta, playboy my partner. if you are about the antics and train this viral social media brand that then got you a book deal perhaps it may show, you are a hero effort. will shut you down bill showed a quorum during the briefing they never did that for me components to the press secretary never did that to me. it won't do before got to that point in the six months it did not go to the press secretary to answer simon's question until it does not get to the point where he has to yell you down. they did not stand up for him in the intervening six months and
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are suppressed? we don't think i heard the monologue there about what disturbs me most about this and democrats accusing trump on what they're doing right now, isn't definitely the of the justice system. there is won this country that cannot fail is the justice system. once you marry up about economy with the destruction of faith and institutions, you have the recipe for some new ones which is social chaos. and i am really worried were going on the road right now. exit is so troubling when the liberal "new york times" is at least talk to every legal expert one example of a case in new york state being brought about a federal election pain but yet you still want to bring the case because for alvin bragg misses about one thing for it is about becoming a national figure they can then run for governor. maybe he wants humanity or i do not know.
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oh: is like the alex murdaugh of this case. in the video that discredited multiple documents discrediting michael kober discrediting everything around the sky it's really troubling when they're operating like this. a lot in my prior life and work and this may be one of the worst witness' credibility lies by kayleigh your time i appreciate it. >> thanks dan. coming up but unfelt of the dentist accused of plotting is one step at ordering poison online and lacing her protein shake with it. when brink on the bizarre case get inside the mind of a killer with a criminal profile.
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all across the country, people are working hard to build a better future. so we're hard at work, helping them achieve financial freedom. we're investing for our clients in the projects that power our economy. from the plains to the coasts, we help americans invest for their future. and help communities thrive. oh, hey. buying a car from vroom is so easy, all you need is a phone and a finger. just go to, scroll through thousands of cars. then, tap to buy. that's it. no sales speak. no wasted time. just, straight up great cars. right from your phone to your driveway. go to and pick your favorite.
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internet searches reek some of that including incredibly how many grams of pure arsenic youtube searches how to make poison. and then text messages i did not drug you. the digital era investigator on my side using dentist a smart guy did not realize it or leave a footprint all the way to his door next is a stupid criminal
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who wants to kill his wife get divorced. this guy is really just stupid. all say, i can see there's a difference between book knowledge knowledge and brains. leslie breaks this guy is very, very stupid. he turns around and leaves a digital trail right on the computer okay, of the poisons he is looking for. he wants to find out which is most potent it out of there, okay? he wants to know exactly if arsenic is detected in the system. he is also looking at other ways to kill somebody. so he is very interested murdering in any which way he can as long as he can get away
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with it. but what really blows my mind is how stupid this is when it comes to personal you know he's going to be the first-line authorities look at, right? he is not even thinking about that. about the six kids. this guy is a pure narcissistic maniac. he is just a narcissist that is beyond compare. we would call him a malignant narcissist. anything he wants as long as it satisfies is patient. thanks love your input. would you say also folks innocent until proven guilty look of the day corporal suit happens in this case we will follow the trial.
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socialism doesn't work folks no big mystery there but do not a court case for that one. look how well it's working in venezuela. so why is the left always pushing for socialism here? they are dumb just read a history book. experience the horrors of socialism, joints unfiltered with a warning coming up next shingles. some describe it as pulsing electric shocks or sharp, stabbing pains. ♪ this painful, blistering rash can disrupt your life for weeks. a pain so intense, you could miss out on family time. the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside of you. if you're 50 years or older, ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles.
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welcome to fargo a slight break search and rescue efforts containing mississippi and alabama at this hour. tornadoes ripped through the south, leaving least 26 people dead and dozens more hertz. the storm leveled rolling fork, mississippi after taking a direct hit from the twister. windows were blown out columns reduced to splinters and people and animals left trapped in the debris the region could see more widespread severe weather tomorrow. mitch mcconnell is one step closer to contorting to work the kentucky center was released from an inpatient facility earlier today but the 81-year-old fell at a d.c. hotel while attending a fundraiser at more than two weeks ago. mcconnell is expected to return to the senate before members
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leave a racist april 1. i am jackie, now back to unfiltered for all of your headlights log on to foxne we were watching the most powerful name in news, fox news channel. ♪ spieth i welcome back. socialism of course is failing again. a new look at its impact on venezuela shows years of promises, to fix inequality and hyperinflation. it's not making inequality worse putting people in poverty and starving them to death where they are probably eating squirrels. gopi left socialism. refusing to cooperate the socialist regime. he's also the author of the book disclosure i had a role in publishing the pledge to america one man's journey for political prisoner to navy seal. the real american hero folks.
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thanks again for joining us. we are always honored to have you. you escaped socialism you looked evil in the face and came here to serve in our military heroically. what is short warning to americans who want to support this garbage over here? >> the first thing we need to remember the economy within two years. we are begging tyrants. struggling to pay for food and gas at the same time. venezuela is another example. what is happening in venezuela right now is the normal progression of socialist failed states. with moderna is trying to do now is normalize the failed economy. it is well known technique you
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people leave in the socialist states. they fully understand by our citizens who did not experience socialism and let's hope they never will. sue look and listen to kgb and others never going to build to defeat the united states from the outside in. we have to do from inside out. they've used useful idiots in the country to take it down for it are we seeing that now with the left of pushing the college is pushing the socialist garbage to the kids? >> well, absolutely. you need to ask yourself people need to ask themselves how can somebody bring the united states down? adeptly not by force. there will be chinese soldiers arriving on our beaches. it can be done only from within from the site. you can see right now they pushing over socialism.
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the delicate of our family and moral values in our faith. attacks on faith and patriotism is something to worry about we should be very vigilant. the event you are right it's pretty hard to get a generation of kids to defend the country we are teach them to hate. good luck with the book it was an arm to work with the audit. really appreciate coming out and appreciate your service to the country. thanks a lot. >> thank you is honored to be on your show. event for socialism sacral government has to control the muddy's ultimate vehicle controlled on the biden team is looking at creating a centralized bank digital currency control. my home state of florida, thankfully is already fighting back. >> of the central bank digital currency is all about is surveilling americans by using the economy to advance a political agenda. looking no further than china. this will ensure any effort to adopt a worldwide digital currency will never occur in the
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free state of florida. except republicans are also trying to block the biden administration and the fed for moving forward with this disastrous digital dollar run from this thing, do not walk. joining us to talk with his crypto, thank you for your time. your dumpling doubt they really want this. isn't this the ultimate control mechanism and digital currency? >> it actually is for is quite positive for starting to see more senators come over publicly speaking out against this. we also senator ted cruz is also proposing the same on desantis. the programmable digital currency is going to be issued by the central bank we have the ability to program the money however they see fit. you host a barbecue and you bite sausages meat, states, whatever it is.
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many declined the following week to go to fill up your car because you may have reached let's say your carbon allowance because right now it would be through the climate crisis. they're desperately trying to have a carbon allowance how you do this? you program the money. it allows the politicians to force more compliance. and work agendas. you used the word surveillance that's correct. any type of privacy will be utterly diminished. with the central bank to currency it is a ledger the government will have the absolute access. they will have every transaction you've ever made. i'm a huge advocate for bitcoin it is highly decentralized. i do want to make clear us not to systole private. many issues have with many different crypto currencies. because of a said you won a bitcoin who asked bill to see how much money i have in my wallet. so i'm also very interested in
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looking at privacy coins because this is going to be a direct solution to coming. there are many people building this building at decentralized internet. they are actually building privacy points. in order to combat the surveillance the socialism that is coming we are going to sneetches something like a bitcoin and privacy coins. >> i agree with you the surveillance portion is the worst part for the toasty tax records to be private to that you got to be a joke we see t that. running up safe spaces don't exist except on campuses like stanford were students and staff to shut down speech they do not like. what happens when you enter the real world were safe spaces are crab, garbage, bs they don't happen? i've got something to say about sodas my friend pete hegseth coming up next.
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[ marcia ] my dental health was not good.
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i had periodontal disease, and i just didn't feel well. but then i found clearchoice. [ forde ] replacing marcia's teeth with dental implants at clearchoice was going to afford her that permanent solution. [ marcia ] clearchoice dental implants gave me the ability to take on the world. i feel so much better, and i think that that is the key. an unthinkable genocide took the lives of six million jews and thousands of jewish survivors are still suffering in poverty today. god calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. "comfort ye, comfort my people." especially during this holiday season of passover. when i come here and i sit with lilia i realize what she needs right now is food. these elderly jews are weak
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your support will provide them with a box overflowing with nourishing food and the knowledge that faithful christians around the world care about them. god tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. and i pray holocaust survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive. who's on it with jardiance? ♪ ♪ we're the ones getting it done. we're managing type 2 diabetes and heart risk. we're on it with jardiance. join the growing number of people who are on it with the once-daily pill, jardiance. jardiance not only lowers a1c, it goes beyond to reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease. and jardiance may help you lose some weight. jardiance may cause serious side effects including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, (that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function),
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and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction, and don't take it if you're on dialysis. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. a once-daily pill that goes beyond lowering a1c? we're on it. we're on it. we're on it with jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. free speech is under check if there been more obvious. fifth circuit judge she was invited to speak at stanford law school. but instead, it was shouted down in silence. >> that you have invited me too speak here and i met hackel nonstop. >> been saying this you as a person is uncomfortable to say many people here your work has
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caused harm. i know that has to be uncomfortable for you to hear. i know that must be lonely please finish and i want to give you space to finish remarks. but shockingly the woman who interrupted him there was the dean that shook the associate dean of equity diversity and inclusion. an apology out there storage the judge was a memo clarifying their policy the right of attendees if it only applied when the speaker said things protesters in an audience agreeable. an apology? on a liberal campus is the start of a reemergence of free speech on college campuses the end of safe spaces. let me tell you something folks, i hope so. same space bar collapsible bowl and i would love to say the rest but there may be kids around. let's just talk about this for a second period i used to be an agent of a prior life.
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we are protecting bill clinton they're giving a speech summer thinking albany. the boss of the secret service detail who could not have given a rats about safe spaces i am the new guy i find myself up in the bleachers they are as bill clinton walks up and start shaking hands myself in the wrong spot because i am a new guy i do not know what i was doing. the detail later at the time who again could not give it a rant about safe spaces nearly threw me off the bleachers which would have smashed my skull open to get me in the right spot. did i start crying? did he apologize later? we are really sorry, no you know why he didn't he did not care. he had to keep the president alive and safe spaces are real. until you safe spaces are real. you are paying to root in the real world.
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there are not any safe spaces and law enforcement there not a safe spaces in the business world. they are not any safe spaces anywhere. they're teaching them to go on a business negotiation with the dude across the table who was a savage freeze going to steal everything from your wallet in the business negotiation if he realizes you are weak. your school is teaching us meticulously time to time out in life and safe spaces are teaching to be a willis for the world is a really hard place with a lot of beauty. you are going to get to see your kids soccer's games are going to see some amazing sunsets and some even better sunrises god's given us so many gifts but let me tell you something, it comes at a price the price is there is not a safe space anywhere. any moment it can be the end for you that is the real shame of it. you had better toughen up if you are on one of these college campuses where they are teaching of this crab and get a refund right now and go get a real-world education in the real world you find out right quick safe spaces are bowl.
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i am done. i think. here to react fox and friends we can cohost and a man who does not believe in safe spaces either at has been in many dangerous spaces pete hegseth, your thoughts? >> hey man, he wrote the book on failure, right? every failure, every trial, every tribulation, every confrontation is only been a growth experience for me. with that snapping is? it can't clap it were some are triggered by clapping to the snap in these universities it is insane. what is the old adage, spare the rod and spoil the child. when you pull them out of that you deprive them of every opportunity to engage with a harsh, difficult dangerous world. the steeping of the academic environment and you secret service backrub i can talk about military there is no safe space there. when i arrived at princeton as a good old midwestern christian i took an early christianity course.
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the first day the professor got up and then jesus was most likely buried in a shallow grave and eaten by dogs. prove me wrong. that was her position by the way. she went on to try to deconstruct and disprove the gospel accounts so what did i do question work i didn't say you triggered me. i went to the library and started to work. what is the veracity? how close of the gospels written to what happened can i defend my faith? was he confrontation challenge abrupt growth. you are going to have a bunch of soft coddled kids you have already seen it. you walk into corporations, you walk into other environments and they cannot handle any conflicts of everyone tiptoes around that which makes for a terrible environment for everybody at a lower standard and lower quality. they are dangerous in your right to call it out. jon: pete, as one who's been them in our military were leadership is in the little they gets everything bad coached bed team. and i don't care if you've got the living dream team, crab coach are going to lose, right?
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when you look at these studies grid, perseverance and determination that is what makes people success. the best looking is not the smartest you see it over and over. we are teaching our kids the opposite. be not gritty, do not persevere, have zero determination was clever and be a big list. >> that's exactly right this for context two. i heard more demeaning comments to me when i was a basketball player in college that he did in the military. because guess what, paint wanted players who made shots were they when players are going to win the game then say pissed you are not that guy right now. maybe get better and you get out on the court. and it was hard to hear but the only reaction i could have was to work harder. when you thought about quitting in fact they did not go to practice is that i'm going to protest after the day the coach called and said if you want to quit your god will move out without you. that was it. i said goodbye at cu you want to go suck on your thumb have a nice day. the world does not revolve around pete because he is not getting playing time and i showed up the next day.
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looks a similar thing happened to me at a location when tiant told the guy i'm really depressed of having a terrible time in school. as a way for him to give me the boo-hoo general he told me, i give exactly zero about that. just tell if you'll be at work on monday. and you know what it change everything after that. pete could have on fox and friends? >> when we got to my request for tim kennedy is awesome, green beret phenomenal guy. kevin o'leary, you know i mr. incredible and nancy grace and break it down. jon: i appreciate the fire. you got it coming up on unfiltered, been warning about tiktok all week now the ceo all but admits the chinese communist are us and our kids. >> has spite on the american citizens kuester quickly don't think spying is the right way to describe it. what to look out china's is in the app on your phone as a trojan horse.
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jon: welcome back we've been warning not just us but a lot of people are warning us about china using tiktok as a trojan horse to spy on you prevent the ceo is basically admitting that's exactly they're doing.
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>> mcculloch representative confirmed your parent company bytedance can access user data yes customer clicks on use it swimming, has choo-choo spite on american citizens? >> i don't think spying is the right way to describe it. air force officer nicholas. thanks so much for your time. i did a radio interview today with my friend sean davis at the fed and said to me can you imagine if during the cold war we imported a bunch of russian radios into the united states and translated russian propaganda and set all of your personal information back to russia we would immediately prohibit the sale but isn't that effectively went to china now? >> 's we have what are 50 million people using tiktok. congress is finally waking up. you and i've been calling for the band of tiktok and vitally
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tiktok is now on the front line. but again what you see is congress targeting tiktok but not officiating. they're pushing for the first time congress did an okay job targeting the sea of tiktok. no one was impressed with what he discussed. i think what you see is the voice prints, face prints pretty much the entire data including pictures. most people do not realize the volume of data being sent directly to the ccp. sweet at nicholas, a follow-up here. the answer i get from a lot of younger folks i talked to about this is everybody is collecting our data. every website, facebook, twitter. what tiktok is doing is different. categorically different.
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both paying attention to what's going on with youtube and facebook and all the other social media companies they serve have a lot to do there. more recently with people getting a band and targeted over twitter and so on. what you end up seeing here is that security risk lucy highestl members of the ccp where the data is being fed directly that can be used for weapons systems for misinformation can be used effectively collecting gather data. their gathering dated the ccp with dna and targeting americans with potential viruses. >> see that nicholas thanks for your time really appreciate you.
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spirit coming up on unfiltered joe biden loves to push climate hysteria. that is his thing. oddly he always leads up whole generation is not a hyperbole. we are all going to die every week we are all going to die for this guys like reverend kain from poltergeists. now the un claims of acting out we are probably all going to die. we debunk these myths coming up. all across the country, people are working hard to build a better future. so we're hard at work, helping them achieve financial freedom. we're investing for our clients in the projects that power our economy. from the plains to the coasts, we help americans invest for their future.
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and help communities thrive.
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dan: welcome back to "unfiltered" they did it again. the lids and their climate doomsday squads all going to die. they move their hysteria goal post begun. this time experts at the united nations warn to end fossil fuels now better do it now or burn planet on the point of no return some time after 2030 keeps moving. never ends. so i sat down with an actual climate expert mark who debunk biden administration ridiculous
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claims with actual facts. >> let's get right to it through three pieces of videos and debunk one by one. here's claim number one listen to this piece of audio about storm getting worst and apocalypse comes. check this outs. mother nature let her wrath over the last two years. floods, droughts, all -- and so people can't deny it anymore. >> mark you can't deny it it is all getting worse we're all going to die floods and droughts. >> it is science free there's always going to be floods, droughts, hurricane, tornadoes, wildfire that's history of the earth that's completely normal. what's key here is if you look at the buried in united nations climate reports in the national climate assessments, hurricanes floods, tornadoes droughts wildfires, are either not increasing or they are declining on climate time scales of 30, 50, 100 years. there is no debate on that there's just it is not happening
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they can find shorter periods say since 2014 this area of california had an increase but they cannot do it on global scale it is design to scare people to accept their total government control solutions on climate. >> those numbers get in the waif a good story with the left mark here's claim number two about temperature increases. take a listen. we don't keep temperature from going above 1.5 degrees celsius, we're in real trouble. that whole generation is dammed it is not hyperbole. mark we're dammed one and a half percent one and a half degree hike we're all going to burn and earth will burn whatever, any of that claim? >> no. in fact united nations during climate scandal what e-mails were released phil jones said where do we get this number this temperature of 1.5 2 degrees he said it was pulled from thin air
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and another science analyzed it. this is a political talking point not based on science. and more importantly we're in the 10% coldest period of earth geologic history 90% of earth history warmer than today with higher co2 levels and idea with that word dammed that's religion to allegedly talk about science. >> good point that's what it is claim number three mark take a listen green energy is cheaper but no one figure it out but the government. take a listen. >> it is cheaper, we can do solar, we can do wind, cheaper than we can do fossil fuels. so it is a matter of transitioning. dan: wow mark don't be capitalist haven't figured it out so much cheaper. your thoughts on that. >> you know i think it is easier to transition jeanedder to green energy there's no way to put this this green energy is not green it is not clean and it is not cheaper to replace fossil
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fuel it is requires to make green energy wind and solar requires more reliance on china and rare earth mining in renewable dig the earth not in a brady bunch 1970s kind of way they dig it but in a deep earth digging way and what's amazing here is none of biden supporters could care less about -- china, venezuela opec and middle east exploring their poses sell fuels but the horror if we do it here sudden america evil they can care less about regimes with lower human rights and lower environmental standards. solar and wednesday by the way less than 5% of our total energy production, not replacing fossil fuels you go 100 years 80% of the world was fossil fuel produced energy, 100 years later current day 08% still fossil fuels nothing happening quick without technological breaks through. dan: such a great job and bring people like you with thing
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called numbers and facts gets in the way of their story magically. mark thanks a lot for your time really appreciate it. thawnch dan, preerktd appreciate it. follow at "unfiltered" at fox that does it for us on "unfiltered" see you back here next saturday night 9 p.m. please set your dvr if you can't make it live. thanks for tuning in. ♪ ♪ glans good evening america welcome to cross country. we begin tonight with a deep dive into alvin bragg's new york now the funded radical district attorney is currently spending his time and taxpayer dollars to make a case against former president but what about all of the criminals you know in new york city that are terrorizing the city. who he's chosen not to prosecute -- earlier tonight former president trump spoke in waco, texas about bragg's misplaced priorities. watch.


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