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tv   Hannity  FOX News  March 24, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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>> right. little by and also and there snakes like a kimlin moose. >> and thank you both so much. >> and anderson, it's great to see it. we are out of time. and of course, it's friday, sot we'll see you monday.ekend. had the best weekend with the ones you love. you'll see bright and refreshed monday evening. welcome to this special edition of "hannity". i'm pete hegseth, in for sean on this friday night. and tonight, violence in the middle east once again, one u.s. contractor killed six usmiddle service members ind after a suspected iranian drone slammed into a us base in syria. >> this wasusps a seventy eights attack. seventy eight against an american base carried out by iranian forces since biden
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was sworn into office. off and this time the u.s. responded, killing at least eight iranian fighters in atn least two counterstrikes. but a fefiw hours later, undeterred, iranian proxy forces were at it again.a felaunching a series of new rocket attacks against the u.s. installation in the region, injuring even more us service members. >> the situation on the ground and over the skies in syria, it is not good to say the least. meanwhile, our commander ingood chief,. joe biden, was in ottawa, canada today having a grand old time adjust with justin and his socialist friends in canada's parliament. >> watch. >> good afternoon, mohajer. canada. >> we're going to move five thousand five hundred electric charging stations. guess some union workers, in the words canadian and colonel
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john mccrie still call to us from flanders field, echoing their charge through the ages. and i quote it to you, from falling from failure for m me fo to you, from failing hands. t we throw the torch to you to hold it. - ex so today i applaud china for stepping out of me.canada thapplaud canada.. you can tell what i'm thinking about china. >> i won't get into that yet. talk up failing hands failfailing heads. is any wondeing r that america's enemies don't respect or fear joe biden. joining us now with more, the former director of national intelligence, john radcliffe. john , thanks for being here. so we can look that clip of, you know, we're goin cg to beat him with charging stations and we don't know which one is china and which ones canada. and we recognizes chin it for wt is .
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but it's dangerous what's happening in syria rightattack , attacks, retaliations, re escalations. bout our >> where could this lead and what does it say about our presence in the region fee and how iran feels?ls >> well, this is actually ann we illustrative example of what when we talk about the difference between projecting weakness and projecting strength. look, i appreciate the fact resd that the biden administration responde d to the iranian attacks, at least this time,stan unlike afghanistan, wher we the response was to accidentally kill a van fullv of ten afghan kidsan, this timea at least they hit their target.. but they but they didn't send the response that secretary auston believed that they would, because, as you pointed out, within hours, irand fired off seven more rockets and more injuries to us forces, compared the same situation three years ago when a us contractor was killed. u.s a proportionate response, ut sending the right message was we decided to take out the head
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. the iranian terror network,r the iranian quds force general qasem soleimani. and the message was clear today. it's soleimaniclea. tomorrow it's common. it's supreme leader khamenei.rrw led that message was well received. it in fact, it worked soader. w, too well that what the iranians daysnow were so nervous and so jumpy. the two days later, they sat they shot down a ukrainian airliner, killing many ofinia their own citizens.n airliner k thei wet we saw the number of attacks by iranian backed militias dropped percipienawt at until no coincidence,ac january of 2020 one when back they stepped back up. th and of course,at that''ss when joe biden got back in the white house. so that really tha undt reallyec underscores the difference between projecting strength from the white house and projecting weakness, which is what we've seen for the last two years. and it's not just iran. it's been russia. last week. weakn it's been china for two years. you know, it'll probably be north korea next. you know, if we if we recap for s thatiewers the thing
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are happening now that weren'tt happening two years ago, wee din didn't have millions. an increas'te in millions crossing our southern border. we didn't have russia and china openly declaring a new world order. we didn't have russia invading ukraine. for a second time while joe biden was a white house. up and we didn't have iran ramping up these kinds of attacks. this is not a coincidence. it is directly related to who is our commander in chief and who is in the white house.ri and america is suffering acrosss the world stage because of it.uf and it's very clear . >> yeah, that's a staggering list. it doesn't that' even include de afghanistan in the hands of the taliban. sn add it all together.>> the ss >> and it smells like our pete. i mean, the most sadly, sadly, sadly, how much of this, by thet way, you mentioned that new axis or increased axisthey h between china and russia and they've both been willing to work with iran. how much of these provocations are predicated on the fact that iran feels like it has a shield now or at least new allies in
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town ? lling towilling to back them ups >> absolutely. that's that's that's most ofok it. i mean, essentially what iran is saying is , look, you back? who has our back, our bigr bi our big brother bully china, e a who , by the way, methe same cha china that flew a spy balloon across your country in front of. all of your citizens a couple of weeks ago. they've goout our back. to the it's the level of disrespect to the us and our allies is increasing its if you lookg at what china is doing now, threatening us with serious consequences for having a warship on the paracel islands in the last two days,lad you knows , in international u waters, why wouldn'twith they threaten us with that? because what happened last week when russia shot down an mqr in nine reaper that was in internationa joairspace over international waters, joe biden capitulated. we are now flying our dronesdros farther south to , quote, avoid being too provocative. that'sng t that's called backini
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down. biden administration keeps saying we're notay looking forlt conflict with iran. we're not looking for conflict with russia. we're not lookinwithg for confli with china. that's just speak foatr saying's we're not e going to stand up fora an the united states of america and defend our people when weth are attacked. and the world is taking note both our allies and our adversaries. >>es but and i just want to geto the details real quickly. the iranian thing, how overt or covert is our mission there? there's reports that ver u.s. ar defenses were down on the base. note maybeu.s. air the iranians knew that and took advantage of it. maybe the it's a smaller base. can you give our viewers a sense of the footprintwers america still has in syria? >> yeah, i you know, i don't want to speculate too much about whether or not i don'tcul. really believe in coincidences. do i think than't belit the irat got lucky? do i think that the fact that our air defense system was not fully operational, that they just happened to timei don' us attack? i you know, i don't t knowknow. i don't currently
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have access to the intelligence that would answer that. >> butec i suspect that, again,e this is is an aspect whereng we're losing ground here mor and where the iranians are being more ambitious and more aggressive and that they have likely exploited gettlnerability that ability tw existed as opposed to just getting lucky. then, you knowluck, our air deft air defense system was not fully operational. and , you know, again, i think it's it's just a showing that we're not on top of our game. and doesn't have to do with with our with our troops on the ground. i would put all of my faith and my life in their hands. but not in our commander inir chief. that's a team that h e has as his national security apparatus because they have their batting zero. they're over-chief for the lastg two years and we've got zero fo to survive the next two years g until we canet get strength back in the white house for sure. >>e you can't have ducks inetef the open. i mean, ultimately, if we'reor if they are not bein not if they don't have a clearo,
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mission and they're not being supported and they're not given the latitude to do whae t? they need to do, then what are they doing? >> climate chang ne is notmber 1 our number one national security n. 's wha that's what they're hearing over there. that's what china's hearing. that'sear.>> pet just hearing.ww that's whailt everyone's hearinr is we're going to build charging stations and shut down our own domestic production while they're doing serious the things like building military. >> it's absolutely incredible. john radcliffe, thank you sobsol much for your insight. we appreciate it tonight. thank you. all right. in the span of just a few weeks, russia down to us droneer over international waters. you know this.-- china flew a spy balloon over america's most d sensitivea nuclear sites and us forcethssp attacked in syria by iran. >> under biden, america's enemies are clearly emboldened. >> so what does this mean for your safety? and your security? well, earlier today, i spoke to former secretary of state mike pompeo about all of it. >> joining us now is fox news contributor, former secretary of state, former director ofto the cia, mike pompeo.
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mr. secretary, thank you so much for being with us. your reaction to these leadessive iranian tactics, i mean, leading to the death of an american, our retaliationetaa and they retaliate again. >> how are wtee in a place where they feel like they can do this ? >> well, thank s for having me on . disturbing. it's disturbing. in some ways. it's no different than whait'sth the iraniansan have been at for quite a while, but they are the world's largest state sponsor of terror that likeuite the united states , out ofwhil the region. and more importantly, they'd like to controe. tl all of the middle east. this is their objective. when the bush administration came in, though, they fundamentally change their tactics. and you see the result of that . my condolences to the americanlc who was killed and his familesy and to those who were injured. as well. wet iran, who has now seventy eight times since january of 2020 one , attacked americans in this particular region. they only know strength. they onlknowy power. they only know seriousness when we appease them, when we sit across the table from them and try and guarantee them
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the pathway to a nuclear weapon, or when we permitto the iranians to send drones to support the russians, to kill ukrainian civilians ukg our beste irania t to prevent this is the kind of thing you'll see the iranians do. we hav do.e to respond in a wayt that is serious. ise to protect our soldiers there. were there on the ground marin and our marines who are there on the ground. this is how america operated die for four years. re and now we see a fundamentally different picture of what's taking place is taking inthe middle east with respect to iran in particular, how the world did fall apart so quicklyso and catastrophically that you've got iran now cutting deals with saudi arabia and we've got the sunni shia coming together. and then you have the two big communist superpowers in russia and china coming together all to umbrella seemingly against us . how did they unleash this? if it does feel like the wheels have come off in the last weo and a half years, there's there's no doubt about that. i think we had a chinese spy balloon flyover country for fly five days when they had the russians take down a ooverf
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a no no response yet. that's at least been overt that i'm aware of. we had a president say thatinor a minor incursion to ukraine might be okay. these are the kind of things sis that signal the bad guys. you can feel free to move aboutv the cabin. so if you ase k the question,abu how dit d america lose its place in the world so quickly, i think it's a failurea ofit's leadership. i think we're we're back to thea obama years of leading fromaderh behind and apologizing for america. it'stour years, we didn'ip apologize once for a country. we didn't send the second airborne or marine brigades. we just use american power and american influence in a way that protected the american people. >> yeah, and cost so symbolic. s soleimani, the baghdad airport, i mean, that sent as powerful a signal as you can what woulde: you do? how do we reverse this if t america were to lead properlhiy in a way that the country chanting death to america isn't shooting at our guys, what does that look like? >> it requires absolute moralt a clarity about the things thattt
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matterican to the american peop it's not it's not paid. it's not about fighting everyy conflict everywhere. it's about clear demarcation of? how you use american power. so think about some simple things you could do.alke start with energy, right? we've walked awaawayy fromd part providing american energy to our friends and partners around the world. nee ure wemake sure that we have a military that is not thinking about every vehicle being cleaned by carbon carbon neutral by 2040. bue beint rather thinking about how are we going to defeat our adversaries, beginnd the by centrally understanding the founding traditions of our nation and protectining thae and preserving that all across the world and then growing an american economy thatg th underwrites the most powerful military in the history of civilization. we know how to do each of these things. we can do that. we can d r o that and protect our borders. it's the model that we had for4 four years. we just simply need to get back to that. it's in the reagan model of deterring our adversaries from thinking they can walk all over things that matter to the american people. >> do you said it feels likeom the wheels have come off, but get als like it could lot worse? ay
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i mean, there was a report even today of china yet again o contesting our freedom of movement in the south china a sea, more territorial claims sea by them threatening our ships. do youdo you think in the nextme two years we could see more war than we're already looking at? >> i worry about this.ut i worry about series of cascading crises. we haven't even mentioned the fact that chairman kim in north korea is back to his old tricks again, that we had largely caused him to quit firing long range missile tests into the sea off the coast. t of japan.f th now, it could certainly have a series of cascading crisesit to flow from what's taking place in europe today. you get it back the oldold-fash fashioned way, good hard work, determination, building out friends and allies, holdin g them accountable, making the europeans and the countries in southeast asia do their faier share. and when you get that right, it. works. it's mutuall y reinforcing. you're right about the strike on sulimani. it not only sestriket the iranis back and made clear we weren't going to be like president obama and draw a red line and then walk away fromg to it. we were going to defend def the things we said .
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we defended when we did. not only did the ayatollah take note, but chairman kim took note, xi jinping took note, the taliban took note. everybody understood that we were going n to do the things w said we would do.would and that's the model. president biden needs to adopt. don'make t make promises that you're not prepared to defend hi m and we saw those red linesevis in a previous administration before the administration whenwu they were crossed. and when you don't enforce, you get more. secretary mike pompeo, thank you so much. >> appreciate it. thank you, pete.y have a good evening, sir. you too. coming up, coming up with his case against trump coming unraveled, what's happened? bragg's next move? >> jonathan turley and greg jarrett weigh in as this special edition of "hannity" continues. you guys ready this spring? explore everything fox nation has to offer for one ninety nine a month. when you sign for a yearly plan ,what a privilege it is for you to have here this evening. a change experience, new stories that will renew
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think you will do. i can be the winds of change. ko welcome back to this special
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edition of "hannity". well, there was no indictmentt r or arrest of former president donald trump this week, and they wanted it so bad . >> and thain t might be because dalvin bragg's caseart. is completely falling apart. that's what jonathan turley arguesthat'sy in his latest cou the new york post, which you should definitely read .s lookin turley writes that bragge hase o been looking for a crime to pin on trump this whole time, just like he promised. this has always been. about get trump. >> here no.w to explain more is fox news contributor jonathan turley. jonathan , thanks for being here. so ieyt is it that more time hae revealed what a weak case ity ar is and as a result, they've just had to delay. and if they're delaying it, how does that help their case? a >> now, the sad thing is that the weakness of this case was clear all along. you know, the department of justice declined to bring a federal election charge against donaldl trump.
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bragg's own predecessor did not bring this case than bragge brmself threw a flag on this case leading to prosecutorsis resigning. those prosecutors then said to have hadase a public campaign forced bragge to take this stepy . what he's trying to do here is likely unpressed thanet under this statute. he's trying to bootstrap a federal crime using a new york misdemeanor that haso brin expired. then you have to bring this misdemeanor charge within two years. so it's a dead. charge.ay the only way he can results stated, is to try to prove a federal crime in state court. and many people, including some on the left, have said ,stt look, this is just a bridge tooi far . >>ncng on th so it's past the s: limitations to start. it's he's trying to pin a federal charge on a statea fe on a state charg charge where he doesn't havee he jurisdiction. >> so do you think the granddic. jury citizens are basicallyn'
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looking at him saying this doesn't add up like i'm hearing other i'm seeing other documents. >> i'm hearing other parts ofr ? >> the grand jury may have this? had >> well, the grand jury may have had a route awakening when the attorney that once represented michael cohen, starn of this rather dubious production, appeared in the grand jury with apparently three hundred emails that directly contradict michael cohen. and cohen spent his careerontrac basically selling his rather flexible ethical standards to whoever would hire him. and hel left quite a trail, including with this attorney .ai and what brand has to ask himself is whether he can claimh ru be the champion of the rule of law or its nemesis. its >> when you use it for political purposes, you know, itu can talk about these other cases against trump, but this is a case positive ofs the weaponization of the criminal justice system. it seems. i think it's inescapable to look at this case and not see it propelled by the
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politics rather than the law. >> and real quick, i'm a legal d newbie here, jonathan , but whye would this information have beenn in introduced so late is because they wanted the indictment and then they deal with it inould court. >> i mean, why would he introduce now? >> well, nothing about the trajectory of this case makes sense. i mean, the fact that it wasor halted, the prosecutors going e public, none of it makes sense except one thing. thand that is the politics.polii barack hascs always thoughtid the politics was on his side, even if the law was not. >> so there. is there still a chance he brings it? gewant to be first, evenn iifft gets dismissed? i think there is . and i think that he may maket history being the firstfo to indict a former president . i think it'll be an infamous moment in the long run. i think history will notun be kind to this effort. >> yeah. so he he would bask in the warm glow of the love of the left i
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for being the first to indictn h even if it was rejected or defeated on appeal outright. sansei of affairs.state of >> and you're right, it comes. down to politics. jonathan turley, thank you for breaking it down. wejonathan. appreciatsoe it. >> also breaking today, a package with suspicious white powder and a death threatthreat against alvin bragg. lvin is reported to be delivereo to his office this morning. >> for more on the case, let's bring in the author of trial ofh the century fox news. legal analyst greg jared. greg, just real quick on that new aspect, we're getting reports that white powder that was a dangerous but it came with a death threat was delivered to the office. that's what they're saying. does this have an impactes? no, it doesn't have an impact. d and it's sad and tragic. it should never happen.ever nobody should ever threateny a district attorney or anyorneyr public official or anyone, foroi that matter, with vile, since i is inappropriate and wrong and it's a crime and i hope they catch whoever did ith wh and prosecute that individual.
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but it doesn't affect the the merits or lack thereof of cs this case. >> what are the merits? you heard jonathan turley. he's saying i can't i can't wrap my brain around any parts of this making sense is his is his bottom conclusion correct? >> that this is just a political witch hunt? oh, it absolutely is . i've written several columns of about it over the last week. i >>t look, bragg and his predecessor spent years and unlimited resources, even hired from the outside volunteer lawyers to scour through tens of thousands ofthod personal and business recordsin of donald trump in search of a crime any crime, and they couldn't find any. so what did they do?y -- they just made one up. >> they they took this dubiouse misdemeanor and supercharged itu into a felony. so whanot is that felony? well, it can't be a state campaign finance crime becausete it was a federal election. and as jonathan pointed out,
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i mean, it can't be under federal law because this is ara local prosecutor who can only charge under state law. pr of the grandion jury over the last couple of days, i think suggests a couple of things. first of all, i do think that these grand jurors have gottendp the case of the four rails and wised up and realized thatia bragge has been hiding exculpatory evidence and also snookering them into believing michael cohen could be trusted and has credibility when in fact, he's an inveterate liarhe who went to prison in partt to because of perjury. the other part of the equation is sources are saying thatasonee season serious, experienced proprosecutors in the d.a.'s office are, you know, undertaking the equivalent oft a revolt, saying you can't do this, the law doesn't support te it, and neither do the facts. >> and what you are doing
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is transparently political . and in fact, it is outright unethical. outrightthe record reflects basd on the assistant d.a., markthat pomerantz, who has since resigned, that they targeted trum tp because they didn't liki his political beliefs. they didn't like him. thought >> they thought he was, quote unquote, a threat to the nation. tby >> that is such a breach ofh of legal ethics. it's the dut ly ofegal a prosecr to see that justice is done fairly and equitably. >> not to target somebody because you don't like them or their views. d of >> i mean, that's the kind of thing over which lawyers get disbarred. >> and so those otherd. assistant d.a.'s looking around going, do i really want to be a part of this when it ultimately falls apart in our names attached to it as well? real quick, therttorneyse should be nothing political about the law. you know that.ther i know that. but thise she is nog a guy than on get trumped. recently, it was reported that chuck schumer wouldn't
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necessarily he's declined to say whether he supports what's happening here. coulr decly r hed the politics actually cut against melvyn bragg as people realize what this reallycs is ? i do think so. his name will go down in infamy if he continues to pursue this case, because i think he even thoughtful 70% people of all political stripes recognize this for what it is andis f recognizor ie brag for what he is an incompetent fool. e for even thinking about trying to pursue this absurd, asinine legal theory that has no basisio in the thi >> and i would also think i would hope that a judge woulda look at this and say, i'm noti ' going to let this go to a jury . >> i can't allow this to move forward. motion to >> granted. yeah, he's a lightweight who will ultimately go down as an asterix. and but hopefulll y does it without bringing charges he
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knows are not merited. >> greg, thank you very much. all right.straig >> straight ahead, a possiblebla mass casualtssy incident near the southern border. we'll have a live report . plus, biden is hitting the road next week to tout hisk to he's going to tout he's going to try his failed economic agenda. plus, which appliance in c your home is his administration now coming for? >> it's a new one .i'm jo we'll tell you when thisna lifen special edition of "hannity" continues. continues. to tell you about lifeon a fix insurance through the colonial t pen program. on a looking to buy life insurance looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember ars? >> what are the three p's? the three ps of life insurance price and price a price? you can afford a price that can't increase and a price that fits your budget. >> i'm 54. >> what's my price? >> what's my price? you can get coverage for nine dollars or 95 cents
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violent storm moving across several southern states, prompting authorities to warn people in its path that they are in a quote, life threatening situation. the national weather service, even issuing an alert that didn't mince words claiming quote to protect your life. take cover now, former mayor of rolling fork told a local television station that a tornado blew the windows out of the back of his house and the sharkey county sheriff's office reporting gas leaks and also people trapped and piles of rubble, mississippi governor tate reeves said in a twitter post that search and rescue teams are active. and that more ambulances and emergency assets are being sent to those areas that are affected. the governor also saying quote many in the mississippi delta need your prayers and god's protection, the storm prediction center, saying the greatest startup tornadoes overnight will be an arkansas, louisiana, mississippi and tennessee. storms with damaging winds and hail are also forecast from eastern texas in southeastern oklahoma and parts of
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southeastern missouri and southern illinois. once again if you're just joining us the reports of deaths after a very powerful twister slammed into the rural mississippi towns of rolling fork and silver city. also ameri, local officials, saying numerous people are injured, and many of them are still trapped. stay with fox news channel for more on this channel, for more on this developing story out of mississippi. now back to regular programing already in progress. >> use these them to get furthe, obviously, into the interior of the united states . b and this appears once again to be the tragic consequences of those kind of effortsst two by these illegal immigrants. tonight, at least two confirmed dead, at least 10 confirmed to have needed hospitalng treatment, suffocating in a train car . >> i can'tn a imagine nothing humane about that. jonathan hunt, thank you so much. aswell, on another topic, in cae you haven't noticed, joe biden n
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loves to spend other people'smo money like your money in my money. and now his administration is hitting the road to try to braroadg about their lavish n and ineffectual spending habits. b in fact, on tuesday, the white house is now embarking on a 2 two week tour. there it is right there on your screen, 20 state tour to tout all of biden's massive spending bills, all the money he spentl t for you. mon >>ey and what did you get for i one thing biden won't be promoting on his new tour, the administration's new war on . >> now it' on'ts airconditioners. first it was gas stoves, then it was washing machines. n and now they're coming after your ac to join me now are foxct news contributors joe concha and the founder of the committee to unleash prosperity, steve moore. gentlemen, both great to see you. steve , let me start with you. just on that. what are they selling on this tour? and do people want to buy it? yeah, well, talk about putting lipstick on a pig. i mean, this has been a pretty h lousy economy, and you don't have to take my word for it, pete.
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i mean, look, the latest polls that show, you know, two out of three americans do not feel like the economy is headed in the right direction and they don't like the way that biden has been a steward ofion. our economy. and there's a good reason for that. pemean, people aren't stupid. they see the fact that joe biden has blown upnd our budget and our debt like nob other president in american history with six trillion dollars of added debt in justar. two years, which is almost unimaginable. and i think there'uple of othesf other factors here that make people really. dowa about the economy. one is that month after month after month, people's incomes and wages are falling behind. . inflation now inflation is downo down to six percent, but it was. up to nine percent. but still, people's wages keep falling behind. so the averageg family has loss somewhere between three and four thousand dollars inde carchasing power since biden came into office. and finally,nt our energy situa situation is just a catastrophe. we're not producing enoughti
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oil and gas. we we're more and more dependent on countries like opec and russia. and that's not just a national security threat, but it's also really bad for the economy. har so, boy, i think it's a hard sell. n sa i'll look forward to seeings of what joe biden says in terms of this this rosy economy, because. people don't believe itelieve and they're right not to .hey, >> i feel like here's the role l play. joe biden says, hey, everybody,e your life is much better underve my economy. and everybody goes, my life'st d not better. yeah, that's youge the can't bre the divide of that disconnect. help me out with this air-conditioner thing. is this going to save the planet? is thae t whole idea that, you alow, is this all about the climate stuff? >> againou, oh, you know me.e ct >> i'm a fairly simple guy. right? very few needs in life. and number two , on that short. list, is air conditioning. i can't sleep in the heat. all right.s no one , of course, is apple jacks. what an addiction.n i admit it. it's my cross to bear. but but anyway, what do we see out of this administration over
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the past couple of months?lase a laser focus on taking away gas stoves, regulations on washing machines and now air conditioners. what's next? war on kegeratorair-? i mean, because that's going over a very red line, by the way, at least for me. so maybe, just maybe americans , to steve's point, want energy independence. maybe, just maybe they want, you know , the extension ofn of the keystone pipeline, which the president keeps rejecting, and all the jobs that go along. with that gas prices right now are nearly 50% higher than they were at the end of the trump administration. t the biden administration, they simply don't care because it doesn't directly impact them. the democratic party now th is not for the little guy like it usede to be or at least claim used the to be. they are for the elites. >> see, they really do live in that bubble where they'll say, oh, i know you like your airionw conditioner the way it is without these upgrades.upgra mo you have to have, but it's going to save you money, i swear. >> it's going to save youe money. you know, i long for the goodd i
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old days when liberals used to say, keep the government outi of the bedroom. well, why don't we keep the the government out of the kitchen? i mean, shouldn't it be ? and they also say, you know,ghto left office to talk a person's right to choose. how about a personrson having the right to choose what kind of refrigerator they buy and what kind of air conditioner they buy and what kind of gar s stovthey be they . this is such an intrusive area of government. and when you think about i what do they want, do they want to go back to clotheslines? do they want to go and back to iceboxes? they want toilets that don't flush. flusthey , you know, washersd and dryers that don't wash, showerheads with no pressure. mar-a-lago talks about that. i was i was in one of theseho hotels just the other night, and i turn on the shower and the water is dripping oue so these are not the good old days. god , not the clothes. joe , is this is this partly a a recognition that what else job is joe biden going to attemptng to run on or tout? so he passes all these massive bills with majorities that spend all this money thate
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promise utopia in the future? fuople aren't feeling it. but what are your options? they >> do they have. that's the thing, right? kamala kamala is not plan b , she's probably not plan z. or the vice president usually is the go to in this situation.e weat won't be the case. so we'll be stuck with an eighty two year old joe biden running for president aninds he's never run a business nor ever worked for one in the pastt 50 years, joe biden's always believed that more government is the solution and noont the problem. if this guy ran a funeralo parlor, no one would die. all right. to gordon gekko. but but here are the facts,w pete. these are raw numbers. inflation is more than four times higher than it was when donald trump left office. as steve said , before, wages are not remotely keeping up with inflation. nearly two thirds oftwo-thir americans are living paycheck to paycheck. two thirds, eight in 10 say the econom paychecy is either fp poor. so what does thiresides presided his team propose? nearlynt seven trillion dollars in spending in their new budget? proposal, seven trillion. thmean, that's two trillion higher than it was under trump's final budget. this is officially the throwe pr the money at the problem
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administration. so sleep tight, america.t se but to your point, i don't see what they run on in terms ofd. their record. it will be just to attack the other side and say it's maga republicans that are extremists that are trying to take over the country. you're juse tat not as well to understand how sophisticated we are and how much better your life will be, even though you have less money and you can't plug in your people, are there saving the planet? >> come on . it's a big you're right. you're right. the moral high ground is a verya important place to stand. and they live there, or atthey least they think they do. joe , steve , apple, jackson airconditioners. i appreciate you both. thank you. neup next, new reports of more tensions in the white house, as they alluded to ,. between kamala and joe.e between kamala and joe.e we'll bring yolau the latesttest as this special as this special edition of "hannity" continuesho .lm >> i wilost pal bless those whos you. >> it's almost passover here in israel and across the former soviet union, but we're finding
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welcome back to this special edition of "hannity". a new report sheds light o on even more tension between joe biden and kamala harris. now, as the crisis mounts, one white house sourceng said biden no longer sees kamalaers as someone who , quo, takes anything off his plate.s t >>e. and there are questions about her not, quote, rising to the occasion. here with reaction, three people who alway threes re to the occasion, fox across america host jimmy failure, deputy editor of red state kiera davis, and fox news contributor david webb. good evening to all of you. so, jimmy , if you were to take something off, what would whatod should what should come to take off the plate? a joe, take off joe's playy a to me, cut the guy a break here. >> first of all, i love the idea that bide n says kamala kno isn't stepping up because if anybody knows abouws t nottime stepping up, it's the guy who falls three times on the way up the stairs to aire
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force one . bu mt give me a break. biden. kam i get that kamala sox and she's dumb. okay, we'v and she addressed thiser before. it has nothing r to doac with hr race or her gender . kamala harris is so dumb.udie she studied for a covid test. but stick with me, because when biden goes after kamala, the guy, it's not like he's knocking it out of the park over here. you knowt of the park., them sas like, dude, you're at 35%. and that's the issue i have here, is these leaks are not coming from biden, per say. but i guarantee you they're coming from his wife because his wife hates kamala. she tried to kneecap biden when they were both running for the nomination. she got the gig anyway becauseed of identity politics. entiand now they can't get rid o her because they'd have to use a a woman of color. >> and all they have is elizabeth warren. it has been a political marriage of expediency from the beginning, kyra. if you were to try to step up and help joe , you need to have, at a minimum, one of two qualities.
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you nee to have competence or eloquence, one or the other. which of those is commonly o lacking? >> i at all. a harris if i was to step up and help joe , i would need to replace joe . i think that is the only way to really help joe . but i mean, what she expecteds to take off his plate like his oatmeal, his hard boiled eggs. look at her. you know, he talks about herhe not being able to rise to the occasion. she sank like a stone as soon as she had more than one minute to talk on the presidential campaign trail. so i don't t know what caey thought that she was going to rismpe. with but this is what happens with california politicians. i say it all the timoliticianse they're not used to push back .m they're not used to being cal challenged. we don't shouta.. i'm here in california. we don't challenge our politicians here. so the second she was crumble challenged with any kind of work, she crumbled. this is what you get when you dhoose your politicians base on their and their pigmentation. >> yeah, i mean,a an david , the was one clear task thatthis w
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joe said on day one thisilin is going to be off my plateg to and it's over to you. she was going to be the border czar. . and kamala basically said , now let nuts for somebody else. s r i'm not taking this. she even the assignments she's given, she says, i'm out unless i you know, it's tooit's much work. >> tuch but that's been our hi. >> look at her as an attorney . gegeneral, pumping up her numbers, prosecuting low level offenders kiran. jim , you're right. she's a diversity hire. joe biden got there. think about it. we've had two diversity hires that have failed the country. barack obama as president,co carmeluni, his vice president . you look at ketanji brown , jackson on the supreme court, all diversity hires without the experienceka. but the real tragedies here and i mean, we can joke about law in our world, salads. we don't joke about the border problem. she wasn't even in canada with him and trudeau. that's an even smaller problemnv . but the saend part is if she rus
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with joe biden, people get to see what a failure they both can be while they're failing america. right now, look at see the econi ,look atng what's going on around the world. rir enemies are aligned themselves with each other. china, you've got g and putin and now you've got negotiating a deal between saudi arabia and iran. they're becoming the majorn saud players. i while kamala harris tackles hert way through, not even showing up for the issues. fact is , this is design failure and they're hoping to keep her cleap n so they can lie to the american people that she might have actually done something by not having her too close to her failures. >> you know, we've been talking a lot about foreign policy tonight, jimmy . you know, foreign capitals, r how they view the unitedim states , what's their impression when when they gey g joe bo that joe bidey thenthen kamala, you know, how do we how do we factor in mn that decision making duo? >> they're laughing at us , especially when it comes to the southern border. joe biden has turnedturned t
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our southern border into the college bar that doesn't guiding you remember that bares thllege that you knew was goingh to let youat in, whether you should get in or not. out that outword gets they're not checking, yeah,t chc everybody shows up and that'ski where we're at. we're a laughing stock, a especially when you look at all the money we're sending to protect ukraine's border.ukr' but we're waving them on down to our border. nobody check an idea w. >> you can get in with a library card and drink for free. it's embarrassiny cardg. it really is , kyra. do you think a change thisdrin changes in any way the calculusg about whether joe runs or whether joe runs with her or whether he could make a change or whether democrats would make a change at all? ould he's at the lowest approvalthe o rating of his presidency rightwe now. >>l rating i , i don't think he. i don't think that jill cares either. but i do think that they areid anglin og to get rid of her for sure. i think they've been doing that from the start. ng o i think they again, as we'veveor all been saying, and i hatein to keep saying it over, and ovt again, but it's just true.he she was just the diversityon
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higher. ese has not done anything to establish herself as usefulta . and in fact, she's been nothing but a liability. and i don't see how joe bident. runs next door. david had a great point for them. to run together.eir nofaw their failures will be tenfold illuminated. so, no, he's going to haveillumi to get rid of her. i know that. that is why our governor here in california, newsome,ornia is making a loist of noise. i think he's got plans to tryk e to step in. t be i wouldn't be surprised if in the next few months we see s more or more hit pieces, more and more rumors like thisd coming out aboutto vice president harris. they have to get rid ohef her.r. i do not see how he runsd hi and wins with her tied around his leg. leg.he canhe can barely move hia himself. >> so i thinirk it's a very fair political analysis. at the same time, though, david , if she really was yoe diversity pickf , how do they make that change?u how do you say we're going to replace the firstk fema black female vice president with somebody else?
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>> they're in a bolece-presix. >> you know, we've been sharing a brain since, i think elizabeth warren, not heh rr brain, but a real brain. the fact is , how do you replace the black woman right. pigmentation and the, as chiara put it, they can't. so what do you do? picture this scenario. kamala harris, attorney generalh . >> now, that'sat scarier than's merrick garland.r than newsom steps in as vice presidential candidate. the only way to do that is toe. put her in another position. the onlyo do thing they can clam is that they can put her up as the us attorney general when she was already a failed california attorney general. u.s.and in either case, yougenea get empty, you get an emptl.ympy head replaced by an empty suit.c >>ed yeah, you go ahead, jimmy . real quick exit. with all due respect to the brilliant david webb, they're actually going to replace kamala with ae who ogical male who wears
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a dress. it's the modern democratic party that's a ess.s a lesson she's about to learn. she's replaceable by another woman. .as long as the woman has a . sorry, you've got to up>> pet the ante on that.e: b on that whole idea, you might be right. >> thank you all. jimmy , david , thank you. oh, boy. >> here we go . more of this special edition of "hannity" after the break. i can't believe this is how you kids talk to your friends. this is talking. did you have a nice day? look at the size of these butterfly shrimp shine normal shrimp. what she's talking this tax season. be more efficient with the all new eps and rapid receipts. smart organizer.stress it's the easy way to scan, digitize and organize your tax documents, receipts and other paperwork receipts go in the just goes away when taxscane timer rolls around.
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12:00 am
saturdayrachel o and sunday morn don't miss the anthem at six a.m.. we play it everye an and sadthe saturday and sunday morning. and do not forget, monday will sean's back . he's got an exclusive interview with former president donald i trump. >> you aret. not going to want t to miss it. plenty to talk about tha t. b >> thank you, as always, for tuning in. have a blessed w is a fox news m marianne rafferty live in los angeles. there are reports at this hour of deaths and people trapped after a powerful tornado tore through rural mississippi. numerous people are also said to be injured and there's widespread catastrophic damage. the worst destruction is reportedly northeast of jackson in the rural towns of silver city, rolling fork and ameri. the violent storm moved across several southern states , prompting authorities to warn people in its path that they were in a life threatening situation. the national wea