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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  March 24, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> missiles slam into another u.s. military air base in syria and iran back fighters retaliate after president biden ordered air strikes in response to a deadly drone attack that killed an american contractor and injured five u.s. service members. this is "outnumbered" on this friday. i'm kayleigh hello everyone, i am kayleigh mcenany.
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our deputy editor of restoring america for the washington xham scribner. u.s. officials confirmed the new atattack targeting american ba in syria occurred. this came after a day u.s. contractor was killed. when a drone which the pentagon says came from iran and hit a coalition aerospace in the s region. >> i want you to take a listen to this, he relates this to a reaction. take a listen. >> it was an extinctual reaction
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that we get. with that said, we'll stay vigilant from other responses from iran or militant groups in syria or iraq. >> i would prefer unwarranted or unacceptable strike. words matter. >> they do matter and actions matter. the signals he sends very much matter. iran seems like to have a new shield as they try to reshape that world order. they are part of that access and taking advantage of the vacuum that's created. we should believe iran when they say death to america and death to israel. they're 12 days from bombing the latest assessment right now. they would be a lot closer if it was not from israel and taking their own action setting their nuclear program back in decades. the way we see the obama administration and the biden administration have played footsies with them allowed them to head that direction.
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iran feels like they can do these things and get away with it. >> no doubt about it. emily, we'll put up that headline. that couples with the fact that iran has a normalization relation with saudi arabia which was broke by none other than china. we used to be the one broke the middle east here in the united states but it no longer seems. >> these terrorist groups have been embolden. i am absolutely horrified and frighten at the potential of what can happen. that's 12 days. we have two years. we saw what happened with the afghanistan withdraw and not only with that complete leadership but refusal to acknowledge or listened to. those were smarter than and more educated and experienced than the commander in chief. it resulted in not only the loss of 13 service member lives but it created that peachtree dish where things like this can be
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ffermefe fermented. can you speak briefly of the interplay between what's left in afghanistan and how that has fed into iran? >> everyone looks at it. to improve the alliance as you are talking about. militant groups trying to find now ways to provoke. all kinds of way that john kirby answers that. oh, this is how we are doing business. until we shoot rockets at each other. that's where donald trump is right. our goal is to be strong and prevent wars. militants believe that we'll bomb them if need be, they'll pull back. when you create this space, these are radical islamists. >> the language from kirby has been really something. he said lbgtq plus rights are a
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core part of our foreign policy. fine if you want to promote that domestically or abroad. to say it is the core of our foreign policy, the core is should be stopping iran. also, kirby, let's get a reaction of this. 78 times we have seen iran targets the u.s. individuals in syria. here is what kirby said how he'll fix this preemptively. >> we are not seeking conflicts with iran. we have been clear with the iranians and the mission we are doing in syria and how much we are going to protect that mission. iran should not be involved in supporting these attacks on our facilities or on our people. we made that very, very clear. we are going to continue to be vigilant and monitor this as best as we can. >> he was asked specifically how will you stop these attacks preemptively and that was not an answer. >> a lot of talk and no walk from this administration.
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ememily used the word embolden. the biden doctrine has been to empower and enrich these rogue nations by destroying and demolishing our energy economy. this was the first day of the administration, this started on biden's inauguration day. i called it out that very day of the impact of enriching dictators and authoritarians. the quote the former congressman and cia operative, he said this is the dawn of a united block of rogue nations allied against the united states and our allies. it is not just china and russia but against saudi arabia, and iran. so, not only have we destroyed our energy sector. we used to be the world's spring
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producer in oil. we control the price of oil on the world's stage. well, guess what? it is now back to being opec, led by saudi arabia because we would be - if donald trump's policy would stay in place, we would be up to 3 million barrels a day of oil production, higher. if joe biden had simply done nothing. and then to add more pain on top of that, you know the low star of the climate crusades is electric vehicles so we borrow money and paying that money to where? china. that's where the materials come from to produce the battery. all of these is enriching these nations and driving them together and we sit back and feckless and powerless. >> the timeline is important and
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it it began in inauguration as said. i want you to listen to this. the leader of sitcom, here is what he had to say about a tax going back to 2021 in iran. >> it is periodic. we'll see periods where they'll do more. there is been a number since january of 2021, the numbers about 78 times that we have been attacked. what iran does to hide its hand is used iranian proxies. >> 78 times we have been attacked. that's astonishing. >> the question is why is it taken 78 times in a contract for president biden to respond in force. senator tom cotton made a good point, it should not take this much. i am sure the family of that contractor is going to have tough questions for the biden administration.
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>> why did it take 78 times for the death of the u.s. contractor. it is the ultimate question. coming up, is president biden hinting with running in 2024. he's hit with the worst numbers and an overwhelming majority say the country is going in the wrong direction, you think? that's next. many of you have served our country honorably. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is the eligibility for a va loan, for up to 100% of your home's value. if you need cash for you family, call newday usa. with automatic authority from the va, we can say yes when banks say no... give us a call. okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition. together we support immune function. supply fuel for immune cells and sustain tissue health. ensure with twenty-five vitamins and minerals,
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the 2024 race can't come fast enough and inaccurately for president biden, he's seeing some of the worst polls number for his presidency. 61% of americans disapproved of the job he's doing with only 38% approving. that's near an all time historical low. wh whwho's surprised?
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80% of americans saying the country is going in the wrong direction. that's a 60% drop since biden's inauguration. what do you make of this clearly the unification? >> those are bad numbers. no one would want to run for reelection on those numbers. things do not look like it is getting better. everything you should be caring about, you are not caring about. the failures mount on top of each other. voters are not dumb, their lives are more difficult with whether it is violence in cities they don't feel like they can go to anymore or states they need to flee or schools where kids are bei beibei beibeing indoctrinat.
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they need to deal with the far left. leftest ideas don't work. they'll attempt to manufacture another go at it. who else is going to run unless they're really stringing it out and he'll ultimately step aside, which is what he should do and everyone knows that but they won't. >> who else will run? now there is report that the president is not as happy about the performance of his vice president, seemingly probably observing her failure in that office. so, he says former white house official telling reuters, quote, "i think he's running for reelection is less about her and more about him," i think she and the democratic bench are a factor. another official said, a point of attention is i don't think the president sees her as somebody who takes anything off his plate. adding a fear of messing up had led to harris to be late to the game on important issues.
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kayleigh, someone that's afraid of messing up, i vouch would be someone who lacks experience and confidence because they have not had something to drawn on. >> right, i don't blame biden for being frustrated with his vice president. the guy wants to take a nap and he's playing cleanup for kamala all the time because she can't be trusted. you handed this pretty job as vice president for doing nothing other than being the first black female president that biden could get his hands-on. politics can't be that difficult of a job. she messed up the border and the foreign relation assignments. what she's doing? she's just trying to avoid the cameras at this time. >> americans feel pizzas everyday at their kitchen table and wallets and they have shown up the polls saying 68% of americans disapproved of president biden handling of the economy. 31% approved, what are your
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thoughts on that? >> oh, it is going to get a whole lot worse. the federal reserve has spiked interest rates the last year like we have never seen before. as the crack starts to appear, what's the first thing that joe biden and company do? when a bank fails, they rescue t tthe rich depositors, they ba out sophisticated companies that did not need bailing out. that's their move and they won't be able to fix the undoing that's yet to come. janet yellen can't get her story straight whether they're going to offer a blanket coverage for depositors or banks or not. she's been back and fourth three times on that. today the wall street journal, companies big or small lose access to credits. we are going to see a recession
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that makes 2008 of that financial crisis looked like blip. these dopes in washington will have no way of handling it. i feel sorry for the american people, but the only choice will be to just clear them out and get new people in. >> i literally want to hide under the bed until 2024. >> yes, i think voters want to hide with you. only 21% say we are on the right track. think about that, that's low. he's lost 30 points on the economy. 11 points for foreign policies and 11 points on climate change. one of his signature issues. what's interesting is biden is blame pointing. behind the scenes these aids are coming out saying he's not happy with kamala harris. another quote was getting her off the ticket. i think it is actually one o the fundamental strategic challenges for biden how to navigate this.
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it is impossible for them to make a change on the ticket. imagine if you are kamala, being called one of the fundamental strategic challenge because you are a vice president. he's pointing and saying she's the problem but i have news for joe. you are part of the problem, too. kamala is not great but neither are you, mr. commander in chief. >> you know what that makes me think of? buyer's remorse. this is what they got. you should have checked what's behind the boxes that he checked. >> the kamala's box. sorry, not sorry biden. comiing up, house republicas passing a bill. democrats calling it racist and more. that's next. lomita feed is 101 years old this year and counting.
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house republicans are making good on a major campaign promise today. the house passed the parents bill of rights. democrats they don't agree and just listen to the outrageous claims that they made about the bill on the house floor yesterday. >> don't we want children to know that slavery was wrong as i fight against slavery today that still exists? >> bills like this makes schools more hostile and it results in hate and bigotry and sometimes death of our students. >> how pathetic and how disgraceful that we want to terrorize the great people who love our children. our teachers are sacrificial lams.
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>> republicans don't want the children of america to learn about the holocaust. >> i mean did they all go out drinking together? that was insane. this line in particular, i want to focus on jeffery. he's the top house democrat, for him to make the claim that republicans don't want the children of america to learn about the holocaust, what a malicious, outrageous lie. i don't use that word lightly but that's a lie. >> it is a lie. how is it that aoc clearly practices in her bathroom's mirror and becoming more shrill? you are supposed to be more approachable the more you practice on it. i have a completely upside down take on this. the republicans, i am from the birthplace is patrick henry's
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burial place. it is because of him, we have a bill of rights. i am not a big believer in giving more federal power in putting more federal power over education. education is a primary a state and local responsibility and the states are taking it into their hands, giving parents power and parental bills of rights are in place in 26 states already. i am not in favor of this. what the republicans should have done is taken all this from the left and say, you are right, we should not have the federal government in the role of education and telling parents what to do. we should get rid of the department of education and
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should send it all back in the state of localities. >> pete, i am a huge supporter of this, i would argue to empower the parents. let's listen to house speaker mccarthy on what the democrats are so enraged about. >> democrats believe that parents should not have a say in their kids' education to ac actually know what the materials is. democrats didn't believe that in this bill, we say parents have a right to be heard and they should be able to go to school board meetings. democrats thought that was too extreme. parents should have a right to know where their tax dollars are being spent in schools. today was a win for every mother, every father, most importantly for every student in america. >> pete. >> it is a good message. republicans should run on sanity veverses loonies.
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it should not be a federal issue but it is. the idea of local criminal does not actually exist anymore. when you look at the pipeline of curriculum and testing. until you can get rid of the federal department of education which every republican candidate should run on, you better fight fire with fire and do something that gives parents actual power and expose the radicalism. the democrats are a trap here. they know the schools fail kids and they know parents want options and they know transitioning second graders is weird but they have to defend it because they're in bed with the hard left. press the offensive, >> some of the provisions, school districts must post curriculums and state must provides revisions to their standards. it is transparency. >> it is sad that this is a bill
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in the first place. simply to guarantee that parents are notified if violence takes place in their kids' schools. why is this controversial? why do people oppose it? the federal government does need to go on the offensive on this because of the way that left views the public education system. democrats are on record, terry mccall sets a great example back in 2021 saying he does not believe that parents does not have the right to tell teachers what they should teach. democrats in the left views the public education system as their ideideological training ground. parents should consider giving their kids over to the public school system as a way for the state to take them and train them. that's the education system in america and that's what needs to be pushed back. >> joe biden told a group of teachers the kids are kind of yours. >> that flow went into social or
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community activism or academia: you will remember governor newsom who says your kids can come to our state's border and we'll act and local prentice, we'll be the parents for them. you are right that the statement that egregiousness of the concept, if you don't vote our way or act in locked steps with the woke left, you want your children to die. teachers are lambs, their words are not mine. how is that possible that a consolidated power led to a quote, "crisis" as the cdc says. how has that been anything but an absolute disaster and they have the audacity to tell parents that they don't care about their kids and they need
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to be arrested? the past three years have been atrocious. we need to clip all of that as a campaign slogan for every republican running in 2024. >> it worked in virginia, didn't it? the naacp is calling for a travel advisory to florida over what it describes as the state's antiblack legislation. that's next. ♪ choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine - 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more - can be overwhelming. so, ask your doctor about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand chronic migraine patients. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing,
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♪ i like to move it, move it ♪ ♪ you like to... move it ♪ we're reinventing our network. ♪ ♪ ♪ fast. reliable. perfectly orchestrated. the united states postal service. welcome back, florida's chapter at the end of naacp is calling a nationwide travel to the state. leaders say the travel advisory
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allows them to warn other blacks across the country not to go to florida and not to vacation in florida. they also argue that the naacp fought very hard to get diversity and inclusion. we fought hard for voting rights they say. all of these policies and laws are trying to overt back to where we were in the past. as expected, governor desantis fires back. >> what a joke? >> what a joke. >> yeah, we'll see how effective that is, you know? just remember during covid, these people would be on cnn and all this stuff slamming florida, saying we were so bad, don't go to florida and they would end up being spotted on the beach some where vacationing in florida. this is ridiculous. i mean -- [applause] >> he's talking about in part there of oac enjoying the sunny
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beach of florida during lockdown. the only way to respond is exactly how he did is "this is a jo joke." >> so many falsehoods out there. let's talk about "the view," you go in the department of education website in florida, what does it say? this was signed into law by desantis. the following is required instruction of the history of african people before the conflict of slavery. the experience went on and on. they distort the governor, the facts and the lies because that's why people are moving there in record number and to the point that brian griffin
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said this. that seems to happen a lot when talking about governor desantis. people don't believe this garbage. >> all of this online and just happens to favorite it. >> part of my problem and concerns, however, as we know that long time proven psychology when repeat a lie that it has the same effect as it was true. that's exactly what the left woke mob is depending on. if they just repeat these lies, if they repeat these in a headline form then everyone and all those voters will believe it and act accordingly. >> that's exactly why they are so focused to what you said on the previous segment on education and have been for 100 years. it is not just higher education, it is the earlier you tell the kid, well, you are doomed to be a victim because of the color of your skin. you are racist because you are
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white. you can question whether you are a boy or a girl in kindergarten and practice your gender pronoun. the repetition of that can be predicated on a lie. if you pedal that lie enough. at this point, we dismiss it as a joke and it is. the grievance machine must be fed. that's what in a woke world, the naacp got to find relevance. the boogie man is desantis and he's the automatic bad guy. what are they going to do for all the black residents trapped in florida? are they going to send a rescue squad? can people not vote in florida? >> i appreciate you made that distinction and talking about the good that the naacp used to serve. the president, it is just a general sort of mission now that is frankly super out-dated.
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let me be clear this is the p president. we'll continue to fight back and advocate for the policies necessary to dispell the spread of heat. >> who said that? >> the president of naacp. in an environment where that does not exist. it is not reality. >> if naacp is going to issue advisories and call out racism, they ought to start with the teachers union. let's call randy winegarden a racist. where was the damage to children with the greatest harm done to children of color by keeping schools closed for a year and a half or longer for their own selfish, unscientific reasons. this is -- this is irreversible
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learning loss, developmental setbacks and mental health problems inflicted on children of color. these are damage that children will never recover from. it was for no reason other than their own power grab. t t tthe their own power grab. t t ttthe teachers union worked the cdc and over rode whey they were doing. let's hear from the naacp on that. >> and crimes, too. >> teachers love their children and their sacrificial lambs. >> the need for travel advisory, we have travel advisory from mexico and iran.
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all of a sudden the sunny beaches of florida is on par with us. >> we have a great example of how in effective travel bans or travel advisories are. in san francisco, city officials passed a travel ban on all taxpayers' funded travel to conservative states that they didn't like. the number of conservative states on that list have grown from eight to 30 since 2017 with city officials admitting they'll have to repeal the ban because it costs the city so much money and been so in effective at deterring states from passing conservative policies. go for it. place a travel ban on florida. i am sure desantis will appreciate it. >> all right, guys, stay with us, "in case you miss it" is next. ♪ so it's decided, we'll park even deeper into parking spaces so people think they're open.
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surprise. [ laughs ] [ horn honks, muffled talking ] -can't hear you, jerry. -sorry. uh, yeah, can we get a system where when someone's bike is in the shop, then we could borrow someone else's? -no! -no! or you can get a quote with america's number-one motorcycle insurer and maybe save some money while you're at it. all in favor of that. [ horn honking ] there's a lot of buttons and knobs in here. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. uhhhh... here, i'll take that. [woo hoo!] ensure max protein, with 30 grams of protein, one gram of sugar and nutrients for immune health. buying a car from vroom is so easy, all you need is a phone and a finger. just go to, scroll through thousands of cars. then, tap to buy. that's it. no sales speak, no wasted time. go to and pick your favorite.
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we are waiting the pentagon briefing again. we'll take it live. how the administration should deal with iran. jared golden. a democrat blasting the white house for targeting its state's lobster business. come join john roberts with me
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live as "america's report" happens at the hour. ♪ >> welcome back, it is time for "in case you miss it." las vegas cop got the last laugh. she brags months ago that she will never be caught. >> she's not laughing anymore. police caught her and charged her with burglary. she was really on bail. >> oh gosh, i was going to say this ends so well and it does not. yeah, the most sure way to get yourself arrested is to say catch me if you can. >> don't dare the cops. >> which is what a lot of criminals are saying today, kayleigh. >> i actually don't blame her. she thought she would not get caught. most of them would not do. i was in cvs and the guy walked
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in and started stoving stuff in this trash bag. security instructed not to do anything until the police arrive. well, the police never arrived. the guy sitting outside in front of the cvs going through all the goods he had stolen. he knows he's not going to be arrested and if he is, he's going to be released. i don't blame criminals to be so brazen. >> it does not mean they don't catch me but nothing is going to come up. >> maybe they'll stop me and they'll do it again. >> repeat offenders. >> that happens in every drugstore, walgreens and cvs and all day long in new york city. the employees have to step back. what happens is the drugstores is closed. >> walgreens is like a ft. knox. >> and amazon becomes bigger and
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more powerful. >> amazing. >> next up, a dream car for many americans maybe on its way out. chevy announcing plans to stop manufacturing the camero by the end of the year. the ford and mustang will be the only muscle cars left on sale which we'll go to our expert, emily. >> because i am team mustang. you know i have that. this does not make me sad. it makes me laugh. sorry team chevrolet, you get what you paid for. there she is. we are the last one standing, cross our fingers, we don't fall. >> why are you the last one standing? >> because we are awesome? >> okay. >> why are the camero going away? >> because they are capitulating to the woke-left. they feel for some reason, they distinguished america's fire and american dream of what is a muscle car. they have said that we can't have that. we have to totally erase the
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legacy. >> you've to have it be electric. >> ford is doing the same thing, emily. >> at least they're still keeping some of them. >> for now. >> i guarantee they'll get rid of it. >> $3 billion for a law last year on electric vehicles, guess who's feeding that loss? the american people. i guarantee you they get rid of. all the combustion engines going away if this crusade continues. you better hold onto that, melissa. >> i am from detroit, the chevy and the camero and the dodge charger, that's our bread and butter. this is sad to me. it is sad to see the camero go away. ford is not much better because they released this horrendous electric mustang, which is embarrassing that they even released it. [laughter] >> i never saw one of those on the streets until i moved to d.c. where all the liberals have their electric cars but no 1 in michigan drives those. >> they have a fake engine
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noise, by the way. >> wow. >> kills it. >> well, if everyday's noises is like dripping water or ticking clocks, sending you in a rage, you are not alone. one and five people are affected by a strong reaction to certain trigger sounds. if you had a visceral reaction to certain sound such as sniffing or coughing, you may have this. we know joe biden does not have this. >> no, he does not. i think it is definitely accelerated among parents with kids. meaning, once you hone in on something your kids does as they get older, it gets more annoying. >> the shorter leash you have for them. yes, you love them unconditionally but my goodness, if you say mom one more time. >> i have been there. >> i feels trapped.
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i have not felt trapped. >> i feel rage all day everyday. this is totally me, hearing someone else breathing or opening a wrapper or chewing the pen or typing. it is always for me like in public places. on the train, someone clattering their keyboard or the guy next to me chewing loudly. it is those in knock - >> do you say anything? >> i have noise cancellation head phones because i can't take it. the more mundane it is, the more my inner dragon comes outs. i feel like who is this person? we don't recognize this emily. >> i don't like that. >> it is this. [laughter] >> gum-chewing. i have a new one. when they work on the road and because it takes like months for them to fix the roads. they put these metal plates over
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where they dug up the road and cars and trucks driving over those metal plates so that's been going on right underneath my bedroom window for about six weeks now. it is all night long. vroom-vroom. i am going to lose my mind. >> kayleigh, you do not struck me. >> this is because i have a husband who snores. you learn to accept these things or your marriage does not work. >> that's a tough one. >> that's why i put earphones. >> more "outnumbered" in just a moment. ♪ hi, i'm william devane. did you know it took our founders 116 days to debate and draft the u.s. constitution? turns out they didn't trust the printing of paper money,
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ask your neurologist if vyvgart could be right for you. one back,one back. the winter play was really coming together. until disaster struck. ♪ tensions were high. luckily, replacement costumes were shipped with fedex. which means mr. harvey could picture the perfect night.
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we're ready for the holidays, so you're ready for what's next. [applause] your paint is really bad. what? i said, “best coffee i've ever had.” (slurps) thank you. should've used behr. sorry, sign where? no, i said, “should've used behr.” it's got one-coat hide. today let's paint with behr, the #1 rated paint. only at the home depot. wow. working with newday, my va home loan benefit allowed me to keep my money in my pocket. and my service was my down payment. i talked with newday on a thursday, put a contract on this house on saturday. 30 days later, we were moving in. i would tell other vets out there who are dreaming of getting into a home to stop dreaming. pick up the phone. call newday. you served your country. allow newday to serve you. ♪♪
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>> last but not least, there is nothing like an ice cold beer to kick off the weekend, or maybe in the morning, just kidding. but, will it taste better from a bottle or a can? now science might have an answer to the age-old debate. researchers at colorado state university, of course, looked at both amber ale and ipa, the concentration of metabolites in amber ale changed over time. they would be fresher when drunk from a bottle. ipas taste the same whether it's from a can or a bottle. ok, dagen, where do you fall on this age-old debate? >> i am location driven with beer so it must be miller high life in a bottle fishing. >> i love that. i will join you any time for all three of those things. >> that's my perfect beer. >> for me, location is dependent
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on whether it's a bottle or a can. so many beers i love from a bottle, so many i love from a can, it depends where i'm at. summer, in a bar, at a festival, i'm in the office, just kidding. [laughter] >> no, you're not. >> i am. >> i am, she's not. i'm with can, watching football. coors had the hybrid, a cap you could screw back on, my jam. take it to go, whatever i'm doing, put the cap back on. >> they call me the human happy hour, i promise i'm not an alcoholic. what say you, ipa, amber or can or bottle. >> i'm an bit of a snob, i will only drink ipa. anything else to me is water-flavored beer. so i preferly draft but take it in a can, whatever, but i'm not a bud light girl, i don't like
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lagers. >> you are hurting my heart. we need to take her fishing. >> bud light is really good, i don't know why it's funny. i like my ipa in a can from tampa, florida called jailai. >> it tastes like tobacco. >> it's made in cigar city. >> cheers you all. thanks for watching. here is "america reports." >> john: am i awake? fox news alert, female athletes nationwide asking the supreme court to step in and protect women's sports saying they should not have to compete against biological males. >> sandra: it's a huge story, and deciding athletes who have gone through male puberty cannot compete with women. will the decision impact how women sports are played here at home? we will ask holly and ri


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