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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  March 20, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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competitive. now they are looking -- the democrats on the hill say maybe we should just nationalize the whole thing and they don't want that and that will be a bipartisan fight between the left and the moderates who represent the midwest. >> bret: so fun we could talk forever but jesse is coming up. we will speak with a paver defense intelligence agency pair of experts. fair, balanced and unafraid "jesse watters primetime" right down the hall, starts right now. hey, jesse. >> jesse: hey, bret. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: after 8 long years democrats think their wish is finally coming true. donald trump says he will be arrested tomorrow. this has been the fetish of the left forever. the former president handcuffed and paraded in front of tv cameras. what they don't realize is that they are lighting a fire they can't control. they sore turned on by the idea of trump being locked behind bars they are not thinking. they are not thinking about the law. they are not thinking about the
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politics. trump represents 74 million voters. what happens when you throw 74 million voters in jail? alvin bragg, the manhattan district attorney, is trying to pinch trump for some bad bookkeeping. bragg says trump put the payment to stormy daniels in the wrong column. at most that's a misdemeanor accounting charge, at most. but the statute of limitations ran out on that charge years ago. it's dead. bragg is trying to shock it back to life. he is going to splice the local misdemeanor with a federal charge, a campaign finance violation to make it a felony. this is a gain of function research prosecution. bragg thinks trump paid off stormy daniels to help his presidential campaign. trump would have paid off stormy even if he wasn't running for president to protect his marriage, his reputation, and i don't know what happened between the two of them, but he wanted it to go away and she wanted to get paid.
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who is hurt? women make stuff up all the time. kavanaugh accusers eventually admitted they made it all up. and do you remember john edwards? he was john kerry's running mate back in 2004. in 2008 he ran against obama and crooked for the nomination. edwards dropped out after he got his mistress pregnant. investigated for funneling donor money a million dollars did campaign cash to keep other quiet. he tried dodging questions for a while. >> senator were, you ever beverly hilton with -- [inaudible] >> i will answer questions. >> thank you, see you then. >> jesse: after she gave birth, it kind of all came out. >> your assumption is that you would just never be caught? >> first of all, it was short. it was a huge judgment -- mistake in judgment but, yeah, i didn't think anyone would ever know about it. >> why did you continue to deny it and not tell the truth? >> because i did not want the
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public to know what i had done. very simple. >> jesse: so prosecutors went after him. he beat the rap. he testified he used the money to hide the money from his wife, not the voters. that's the precedent. alvin bragg is bringing to the table. there's no proof trump slept with stormy. there is no baby. trump didn't use campaign funds. and crooked used the same bookkeeping move that trump did. she didn't get indicted. hillary paid for the steele does dossier which started the witch-hunt under the same law firm and filed it under the same legal column that trump did. crooked paid the fine. now they want to put trump in cuffs for the same thing. crooked wasn't cuffed and paid a fine and it went away. bragg's two star witnesses a porn actress who shakes down celebrities for hush money and runs with convicted felon michael avenatti and michael cohen a disbarred lawyer with an axe to grind served time for
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perjury. feds knew the case didn't have legs. they never brought it. the last mid-atlantic d.a. knew same thing he brefer brought it. bragg never brought it when he took office he knew, too. why now? bragg is under pressure from the left to act and the statute of limitations on the federal charge runs out this year. that's why. plus, bragg wants to brag that he is the first man to make trump take a mugshot. in new york, you can run on that and be governor. and do you think if trump wasn't running for president this time he would be indicted on 8-year-old case. but now that he has widened his lead on desantis. they want a piece. this case also distracts from the biden family bank account story, remember? what kind of bad bookkeeping and campaign finance laws. 2 million in back taxes, election interference, tax evasion. bragg like all soros funded
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d.a.s has it all difference. last year bragg downgraded half of all felony arrests to misdemeanors, when it comes to trump he upgrades comeerns to ms to are felonies. coldcock no misdemeanor thanks to alvin bragg. put a legal payment in the wrong column, felony. this case is a political hate crime. there is no way this case survives in court. everybody knows it. but the fact that partisan new york prosecutors are trying to frankenstein charges to throw the likely republican nominee for president in prison is driving a stake through the heart of the republic. ron desantis talked about it today for the first time. listen. >> i don't know what goes into paying hush money to a porn star to secure silence over some type of alleged affair. i just -- i can't speak to that we are not involved in this, won't be involved in this. i have no interest in getting involved in some type of manufactured circus by some
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soros d.a. i have got real issues i have got to deal with here in the state of florida. >> jesse: desantis is trying to keep it casual with the case. not knock the d.a. subtle jab at trump and get back to work. perfect distance between potential candidacy and flagrantly illegal prosecution of a former republican president and fellow american. now, that's tough to pull off. and we will see how he handles it when and if charges come down. even democrats in the media know a trump indictment backfire material. >> i don't think the new york case is where i would keep my focus. i just think to lift this hush money payment to the level of a felony strikes me and from what i have read strikes a lot of people as a bit of a stretch. >> i think we could see a rallying effect from his supporters. it could be that more people are turned off by. this i just don't think we know. >> but i will say the democrats are also sort of privately expressing some of the same concerns, questions 'about why
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alvin bragg has decided to potentially bring these charges now after previous prosecutors had passed on this. >> i think it just strengthens him with his base. >> jesse: other democrats are bloodthirsty and trying to trigger a second january 6th. watch. >> when he announces himself, it's almost like he is attempting to organize his domestic terrorists to show up and to resist him being arrested. >> our echos to the rhetoric we saw this morning to what we saw in the prelude to the january 6th specification voting. >> his calling for violence and these other voices calling for violence really does echo january 6th. >> barricades are going up all over the city. look at that police lining the streets. in protests turn mostly peaceful and they shouldn't, they will charge trump with incitement, watch. and the cycle continues. crucify the guy and prosecute the reaction. we have been going through this since 2015.
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and why is trump such a threat again that they need to cook up crazy charges? well, if he is reelected w he already said he wants a peace deal in ukraine. d.c. doesn't want peace. he wants to kill the green new deal. people are going to lose a lot of money on that answered wants jerome powell fired from the fed. and wants the border secured and the cartels crushed. trump messes with money prisoner. let's turn it over to mike davis, founder and president of article three project and former supreme court justice law clerk. howe do you see this case. this is clearly a political prosecution by soros funded manhattan d.a. alvin bragg. he has made it very clear for years. if you looked at his penned tweets on twit from her both the manhattan d.a.'s office and his personal twitter, they are going after trump. he has made it crystal clear he
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is going to go after trump. it's politically good for him to go after trump in new york. you will have these liberals in manhattan giving him a lot of money and they will be very happy about this, but it's really going to hurt the democrat party across the country and frankly it's going to hurt the country. we can't live in a country, this is much bigger than trump. we can't live in a country where we put our political enemies on prison on trumped up, bogus charges zess jess whether a will it do to the country if any see images if it's mugshot or handcuffs what kind of reaction would you predict? >> well, i hope everyone stays peaceful and they don't do anything that even looks like they are threatening violence because we saw what happened with january 6th, the biden justice department rounded up every grandma and goof ball who was there peacefully, you know, so, we have to be peaceful about this. but it's going to backfire on the democrats politically. we are already seeing it. the trump is unifying the republican party behind him. this -- if they indict trump,
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they are -- democrats are going to ensure that trump gets back to the white house in 2024. >> jesse: this is all happening in the context of republican primary you saw governor desantis take a question on this today. he hasn't announced yet but we expect he will. how do you think he has handled this so far? >> you know, i'm a huge trump fan. i'm a huge desantis fan. i think that he needs to -- desantis needs to step up more. this is bigger than trump. this is bigger than a republican primary. this is about our country. if we are going to throw political enemies in jail, we are going to become a third world marxist hell hole very quickly. what do you think desantis should or would say in the future? >> i think that he should come out and like vice president pence did come out and say that this is wrong and that this is unacceptable in our country. we can't have a banana republic justice system. we didn't have politicized justice system which we do with
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the biden justice department in these blue states with these soros funded d.a.s. this is unacceptable. this is a recipe for our republic to fall apart if we have a weaponized justice system like this. >> jesse: yeah, this is the beginning of the end if this continues, thank you very much, mike. >> up next hear what joe biden said about chinese money flowing into family's bank accounts and later "primetime" marched in the saint patrick's day parade. ♪ ♪ wondering what actually goes into your multivitamin? at new chapter, its' innovation, organic ingredients, and fermentation. fermentation? yes. formulated to help you body really truly absorb the natural goodness. new chapter. wellness, well done. moderate to severe eczema still disrupts my skin. despite treatment it disrupts my skin with itch. it disrupts my skin with rash. but now, i can disrupt eczema with rinvoq.
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>> jesse: joe is walking away from that reporter like she has a gun instead of a mic. have you ever seen the man move that fast show it again. what exactly isn't true? joe told us he never spoke to hunter about his business deals so how does biden know if the business deal wasn't true if he doesn't speak to him about his business deals? shouldn't he just have stuck with the old i don't know his answer for everything else? and now we have a split in the family. hunter says it's true. hunter admitted friday that he got paid by china did. joe not get the memo that hunter confessed already? and then we have the bank records that show the biden family took a million dollars from shady china deal. is joe going to get 51 intelligent agencies to say bank records are russian disinformation. we have hard evidence that the chinese bribed the bidens and comer is all over it.
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we don't know what the bidens did in return for this money. the lawyer said it was seed capital for a business. we haven't been able to find a business. there was a message that hunter was very frustrated with one of these business partners this in china that he had done every blanking thing they had ever asked of him and, of course, this would have been when joe biden was vice president and he reminded them that they had never done anything in return for him. and then a few weeks later this $3 million wire appears in the robinson walker account and the very next day they distributed money to hunter biden and then at least two other family members. >> jesse: joe is saying those bank records aren't real. and hunter is calling it seed money. seed money for a business that didn't exist. it's not like the seed money went into building anything, anything like they don't even have a product. it just went into the biden's bank accounts and they bought
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drugs and cars with it. the bidens don't have a legit business. you can't take bribes and call it consulting. and the payments come in a month after biden left the vice presidency? that wasn't seed money. those were investment returns for favors joe biden did with china as vp. now, hunter's own former business partner tony bobulinski told the post that the money was payment for the work the bidens did when joe was still in office. well, bobulinski would know, he watched hunter scream at some chi comm in the phone in 2017 he he wanted the 20 million owed the bidens for the two years of work and joe is saying his family didn't take chinese cash. the same guy who sat down with tony bobulinski in 2017 to talk about the 10% for the big guy deal. >> on may 2nd, 2017, the night before joe biden was to appear at the conference i was in introduced to joe biden by jim biden and hunter at my
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approximately hour long meeting with joe that night, we discussed biden's history, the biden's family business plans with the chinese, with which he was plainly familiar, at least at a high level. >> jesse: joe wasn't just kicking his feet up while hunter, 1kwreu78y the chin and hook was bringing in the cash. joe was the chairman. >> there were hundreds of data points that joe biden was acting in -- in a capitalistic term, i would say the chairman he is a figure head. he shows up at meetings, shakes hands. advises, has faith in his team. effectively that was joe biden's role in the joe biden family business ventures around the world. >> so comer has one bank record from one china deal. we still have 11 more bank records to go through. a dozen more deals. we haven't even season the 150 international wires that treasury has released. biden is the only one at this point still denying reality. even cnn knows it's bad.
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>> on a certain level, just as a layperson you hear this and it doesn't sound good. there's a guy whose name is john robinson walker guess $3 million from a chinese company and wires it out to a bunch of people named biden. one is hunter biden, another one is a company that belongs to the president's brother, james biden and another amount of money to beau biden's widow haul live, hall live.from a layperson i don dumb, i mean uninformed. someone informed charlie hurt. he joins us now. bank records just going to say it's not true 11 more times? >> biggest discrepancy is between joe biden just hiding and the lawyers who are like,
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u., yeah, we are not hiding from. this they are trying to explain some of it away. this is how corrupt they are. i think they didn't think that the house oversight committee would ever actually get the bank records. and, as you point out, they only got the first tranche of bank records and they are really really bad. and now the committee wants to call before them rob walker to answer questions, democrats in congress have set the new precedent for not cooperating to congress or lying to congress with steve bannon. you get a jail sentence if you don't cooperate. i think everybody is going to be cooperating now. the other reason you know this is corruption is who would hire hunter biden to do anything except maybe carry your drugs? you couldn't even hire him to carry your drugs. he would take them all. so that's the other reason that i think we know that this is not
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only did they get the $3 million to the biden family, but they didn't do anything -- it was a pure bribe. >> jesse: hunter biden wouldn't hire hunter biden that's how bad hunter biden is. >> though he is the smartest person that president biden knows. >> jesse: right. of course. you saw him kind of like run backwards when that reporter asked him about the money going into the family bank. okay. how long -- i mean, with one question, throws the president back like a tornado, would he ever survive like a five-minute interview with a real reporter? >> yeah. and it's also sort of an indictment of the way the press has handled him over the past go years and then the year before that during the campaign e was never asked a tough question the entire time. peter doocy is the only one that ever routinely asks him difficult questions. but he is not used to getting this from other reporters. and, you know, this is mother thing, to me, this is in a lot
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of ways the most interesting aspect of all of this. so, you know, among -- out of that $3 million that was through rob walker that's divided among the biden clan. 35,000 of it went to hallie biden. this is probably the first time hallie biden realizes that she got $35,000, basically a car payment or a down payment for one of their cars. and she is going to realize that everybody else divvied up $11 million. that's when people really start ratting on one another. and it's going to be a beautiful thing to watch. >> jesse: that's right. the hook better get that money. don't cross the hook. that's going to be one angry in-law. charlie hurt, thank you so much. >> that's right. good to see you. >> well, "primetime" has once again been called upon to save spring break. ♪ oh! it's daylight saving time.
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>> jesse: spring break is back and already off to a wild start. [[bleep] [shouting] >> ♪ >> jesse: spring break is meant to be a good time week on the beach, drinking hanging outs. sometimes these scenes can get a little out of control and things get violent. last week in florida a rowdy college kid got punched in the case by a security guard and slapped the cop. [bleep], yo. [shouting] >> all right. >> and we already got the body
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cam it didn't take for a year like the pauly p. one. this week things turned deadly in miami beach. one person killed in a shooting last night. executed right there on the street. and on friday night another person was shot dead outside a saint patrick's day party. watch. >> hey. >> not good. things are so bad at miami beach right now, there's a state of emergency, which has prompted "primetime" to issue a level five travel advisory for miami. so, if you are keeping track at home. we have issued a travel ban for spring break in mexico and a travel advisory for miami. we are currently monitoring other spring break locations and keep you posted. here's the thing. spring break like a beautiful garden it blossoms every year. we don't want to poison the soil and ruin a good thing. right now spring break is in need of saving. the mayor of miami beach wants to ban it so "primetime" came up with a list of tips on how to
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party responsibly. rule number 1. this is only for those of how ignored our travel ban and went to mexico. don't under any circumstances leave the resort, especially for the extracurricular activities. rule number 2, again, this is for the kids who are going to mexico, don't start drinking until you get to the resort. the most dangerous part of the trip is the ride from the airport to the hotel. anything could happen. so you need to stay alert. rule number 3, and this is for everybody, be mindful of optics. you don't want to draw any negative attention to your group. you don't want the cops showing up. i know you want to have fun but you have got to keep it low profile. example, football goal line drills in the sand, good. but unsanctioned boxing matches not good. rule number 4. don't take pills. you mix a mali with a marg and fentanyl laced in it and you are dead. number 5 be a respectful guest. try not to break everything. also, don't fight cops. they don't like that.
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don't ruin the magic for future spring breakers and if you ever find yourself in a situation where you might end up in a little trouble. just ask one question: what would watters do? conner barrow is a spring break his or her joins us now. conner, you already partied at spring break. do you agree wall a of -- with l of my rules. >> to out of hand everyone piling in and getting out of control like americans we get party and have fun and not attack cops. i don't like that part. >> what about the goal line games and the boxing? that seems to attract a lot of heat. >> yeah. like the eeoc drills. everyone is doing that where they will lay in the sand and like the football and you have seen that, right? >> yeah. what if just the girls do it? if just the girls do it, are we going to allow that? >> oh, no. shouldn't be done at all. crazy. you can have so much more fun
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without alcohol and drugs. >> jesse: ha ha ha. what happens when people start getting shot? that's when it gets a little more serious. people dropping dead in miami beach. your thoughts on the shootings? >> that's a big, big stepper right there. yeah. i don't know how -- that's just crazy. obviously you can't -- you could prevent in a way, i guess. do you know what i mean? someone polls out a gun what do you do? do you know what i mean? people just get too crazy and definitely the stuff they are taking or whatever is going through their mind at the time. >> so you are basically sober during spring break. conner. >>o, yeah, for sure. >> as a sober spring breaker how do you handle police when they tell you guys to clear out? >> well, i'm clearing out. that's all i know. i'm not fighting the cop or throwing hands there. but. >> jesse: you are going to wind up on body cam on "primetime" if you do that. >> there is another chance i get on "primetime." i love it. thank you for having me by the
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way. i know you ran into johnny and i'm sorry for that that seems very unfortunate for you. >> was johnny misbehaving while he was filming that piece? >> oh, yeah. he definitely had a beer. johnny definitely had a beer, yeah. >> all right. we're going to have to. >> i would rather yeah, i would rather drink a nice prime. give me a prime not beer. i don't need that. >> nice plug. all right, behave yourself. thanks again and try not to pack too much heat down in miami beach. all right. >> sounds good, thank you for having me. >> all right. so the "primetime" nickname bracket is back. you guys voted all weekend for the favorite "primetime" nicknames. you just is have a few more hours to get your votes in for round 1. quickly go through the bracket again. this is purely based off nicknames. so you got mini madoff facing off against crooked. mini is doing very well though. crooked is putting up a good fight. again you go down the list, this is the fraud isster region.
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giggly wick cannot showing the promise some expected. pauly p. number one seed coming out of the gate very strong. dougie, not so fresh, very poor performer. we expected more from dougie not so fresh. also sticky sammy another number one seed. this is the department of transportation region. the binder, overwhelming amounts of votes. the chin also strong. wiping the brother with his frankie four fingers probably going to face off with chinette in the second round. inner family dynamic. who is going to beat are a kansas. you have four hours to get it in and here's how you do it text your favorite nickname matchup to the screen below. vote as many times as you want unlike the election. well, and we will have the first round results for you tomorrow. next. we found the most dangerous woman in san francisco, and she
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>> san francisco is a city full of liberals and liberals are constantly competing with each other on how to be the most progressive. everybody with a brain knows the city's reparation plan is insane and is going to bankrupt them. $5 million a head plus perks for a city that never had slavery. this member of the board thinks it's all good. >> i want you to know that you have my 100 percent support and commitment so implementing quite frankly all 111 of these recommendations. they are all warranted. >> all 110 recommendations from the reparations task force. all of them. and that is hillary ronen. a real liberal liberal show up at blm riot. show up reparation committee and even show up to yell at ted cruz. >> i don't know how you can live with yourself.
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>> ma'am, the cages were built by president obama. >> kids are dying. kids are dying and families are being separated. and it's disgusting. please do something to stop it. you have a power. i'm an elected official. >> crazy. >> jesse: back in 2020 hillary clinton was up in arms one thing in mind one thing in mind defund the police. she just got caught up in the summer of love. you know how it is. she was for defunding the police in a big way. she said. this i want to make it clear i believe strongly in defunding the police and reducing the number of officers on our force. for decades we have had imbalance on our city's budget with hundreds of millions of dollars going to sfpd too to do work they are not qualified to do. then san francisco announced it was going to cut 120 million from the police budget. and wouldn't you know it? crime went up. san francisco is a disaster now. it's gotten so bad even cnn has been shamed into covering the crime there and guess what happened?
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the reporter got robbed in broad daylight. look at that crime is such an issue that hillary reason then hillary ronen, everyliberal's fd we all need cops. >> i feel betrayed by the department. i feel betrayed by the mayor. i feel betrayed by the priorities of this city. it's not the board of supervisor's priorities we want our residents safe. we don't want our residents getting shot, getting assaulted, getting killed because in the mission chief it's not backed in the mission. people are getting shot and killed. in the mission people are getting beat up. in the mission, people are dying. and, yet, i have begged for officers and gotten nothing. >> jesse: begged? no, you didn't. you begged they went ahead. now, how does that old saying go? everyone is a liberal until they get mugged? do you realize how bug san francisco has gotten to they're lady to demand cops come back? once you lose berkeley, you have lost the democrat party.
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the only glass being shattered in san fran now is some poor cnn guy's windshield. let's bring in an independent reporter and substack author leyton woodhouse. layton, is this woman known to be crazy? >> i think that's fair to say. and i think it's also fair to point out that san francisco is short 500 police officers right now reason why cops don't want to work in the city because of the anti-police political environment created by politicians like hillary ronen so surprise, surprise, the working class, low income neighborhoods in fran crime is surging and politicians like ronen, who just a couple years ago were calling for defunding the police were begging for officers back. right across the bay in oakland, the situation is if anything even worse where the new woke mayor just got rid of fire beloved african-american man who
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grew up in oakland who has relatives who died of police violence and i interviewed many working class black oaklanders including members of the naacp, they are demanding his reinstatement and they have insisted to me over and over again that this woke defund the police stuff is not reflective of their community, does not come from their community, but was imposed upon them by voters in more affluent areas of the city. >> always the liberal white women that ruin things for everybody else. does s she/herself seriously l.. ton. almost in tears the are getting shot and begging for more police? does she really take herself seriously? >> i wish i could tell you and read her mind the open prostitution problem in her district so rampant she was
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calling for the creation of a red light district in san francisco effectively decriminalizing sexual slavery. so, you know, good question. >> jesse: she doesn't want to help the women. she wants to make it legal for the traffickers to exploit the women? wow. >> that's right. and she is also in favor of decriminalization of selling drugs, selling meth and fentanyl on the streets of san francisco. opening up more supervised consumption sites where drug users can use out in the open, et cetera, et cetera. >> jesse: boy, did she give it to ted cruz, what a hero. i love these resistance ladies. thank you very much, leighton, try to survive there in san francisco we are worried about you. >> thank you. >> thanks, jesse. >> jesse: the crisis at the southern border is growing every day. border patrol is reporting, ready? the number of chinese illegally entering the united states has now spiked almost 1,000%. national correspondent griff jenkins has the latest.
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>> yeah, good evening, jesse. chinese nationals are streaming across the southern border right now every day i have been down here on the ground in rgv i'm running into them. take a look at this video. rgv border patrol chief gloria chavez telling fox news she is seeing a 920% increase in chinese nationals from last year and encountered 90 in a single day last week which texas dps say is lining the pockets of the cartels. >> very lucrative business the in mexico charging anyone from $35,000 and up. >> it's also creating a language barrier. making it harder for agents in the field to determine exactly who these folks are these are just the ones jesse that we know of. the migrants that the officials worry the most about are those known got-aways, particularly if they are of chinese origin
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because we don't know exactly who they are, where they are from, and what their intentions are once they are inside our country. jesse? >> jesse: thanks so much, griff. i guess the border patrol now has to learn mandarin. coming up, johnny, he better have been sober at the saint patrick's day parade. >> who is your favorite irishman? >> my grandmother. >> she a man. >> no, she is a woman. ♪ with a majority of my patience with sensitivity, i see irritated gums and weak enamel. sensodyne sensitivity gum & enamel relieves sensitivity, helps restore gum health, and rehardens enamel. i'm a big advocate of recommending things that i know work.
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>> well, maybe they're right! because i'm not an actor and i don't want to be.
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>> so the st. paddy's day parade in manhattan was friday. the city was filled with people in green and streets smelled like beer and beads everywhere. we sent johnnie who claims he's irish now to talk to the people there. ♪
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>> happy st. paddy's day. >> happy st. paddy's day, everyone. >> happy st. paddy's day! >> what does it mean to be irish? >> gingers are represented everywhere. >> being friendly with everybody. >> loving the booze. >> i love europe. i love it there. >> where is europe? >> it's right there. >> i haven't been to europe. >> who is your favorite irishman? >> my grandmother. >> she's a man? >> no, she's a woman. ha-ha. >> ed sheeran. >> conner mcgregor hands down. >> the lucky charms guy. >> they're magically delicious. ♪ >> joe biden, he's irish. >> get the [bleep] out! no! we don't -- we don't need it. >> are you proud of him? >> i don't like sleepy joe but, you know, if he's irish, i will let it pass for date. >> why would you be proud of that man? what has he done?
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>> would you veto physician jobs? >> no. no. no. >> [babbling] >> joe is getting loosey goosey with kamala's husband. she's kissing him at the state of the union. what does that mean? >> maybe a little bachelorette episode going on in the white house? >> it's simple. they love each other. >> what do you want to tell our big irish president on st. patricks day? >> you need to go! you're done! >> happy st. patrick's day, joes biden. wake up. >> i think he should get drunk. >> i'm not only irishman you've ever met that hasn't had a drink. it's ok. >> drink a guiness. >> are you going to drink a guiness? >> no, i'm not. >> what are you drinking? >> water. >> totally. >> america has a big crime problem. how do the irish fight crime? >> crack a beer bottle over someone's head. >> don't beat me up! >> a little bit of whiskey, a
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little bit of fists. >> they use their potatoes to fight against the crime. >> we are fighters and we don't need this anymore. >> ♪ we're not gonna take it anymore ♪ we're not gonna take it anymore ♪ ♪ >> by the way, who was st. patrick? >> i have no clue. i don't know who the hell that was. >> you're embarrassing me on the news, man. >> sorry to keep you waiting. complicated business. ♪ ♪ >> jesse watters, do you know who sneaps. >> not too sure. >> his middle name is bailey. >> bailey cream. living for it. give us new flavors, bailey. >> happy st. patrick's day.
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>> as i told you last week, my daughter smoked me in ping pong. we only played to 11 but i lost. i nursed my wounds and i came back and played her to 21 over the weekend and crushed her, 21-14! i even gave up a couple points just to, you know, make her feel better about herself and, yeah, i'm bragging about beating my 11-year-old daughter at ping pong! i don't care. she's good. let's do some text messages. all that money for the paintings was seed money, too. christa from new hampshire, jesse, when you were a spring breaker, did you follow the rules? you went over the night? >> i was in jamaica and the answer was no. john from naples, conner the spring breaker is not going to replace johnnie, is he? johnnie is irreplaceable, even
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though he claims he's part ir irish. beth from florida, mini madoff is ahead of crooked so she'll lose another election. yeah. she's not a winner. james from florida, love the nickname bracket because i'm surprised you never came up with anything for kamala harris. it does surprise me. we have to think of something. hairston new jersey, if you thought chin and frankie facing off is tough, wait until chin faces chen in the elite eight. that's a matchup i'm waiting to see. michelle from georgia, you could have had totally separate bracket with just the names of biden's friends. how did we forget merk wiggins and chop somali? unbelievable! you know what? we'll do another one. nancy from north carolina, do you ever do i'm watters and this is my world left handed? i'm watters -- i'm ambidextrous
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with my tag off. did i misrow to nouns ambidextrous? ambidextrous. i can go both ways. that's all for tonight. dvr the show and get your brackets in -- get your picks in, all right? tucker carlson is next. i'm watters and this is my world. >> tucker: good evening. welcome to tucker carlson tonight. happy monday. the dominant rumor on the internet over the weekend is donald trump will soon be indicted, possibly even handcuffed on camera. is that true? we can't say. we do know that trump is the subject of a grand jury investigation in manhattan. that's the city that voted against donald trump by almost 80% in the last presidential election. we also know that the grand jury


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