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tv   Fox Report With Jon Scott  FOX News  March 18, 2023 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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happy saturday. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> former president donald trump said he expects to be arrested on tuesday good evening i am molly line in for jon scott. this is the fox report. the former president made that declaration this morning on his online platform truths social. the manhattan das office is investigating his role in a hush money payment to adult film star stormy daniels. shortly before the 2016 election. if prosecutors filed charges,
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trump would be the first u.s. president in history ever to be indicted. nay boy is live in our new york newsroom with a much more on this, nathan. >> molly good evening. the manhattan das office is declined to comment today. it appears they're basing this entire case on an untested legal theory. president trump is criticizing d.a. alvin break hours after posting this on truth social, take a look. the former president wrote in part quote with no crime being able to be proven and based on an old and fully debunked by numerous other prosecutors fairytale the far and away leaving the republican candidate and former president of the united states of america will be arrested on tuesday of next w week. this case centers run 130,000 hush money payment to adult film actor stormy daniels on the eve of the 2016 presidential election. president trump's former lawyer michael cohen pleaded guilty to his role in the 2018 federal case pretty claims it was meant
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to keep daniels quiet about an alleged affair trump denies. but a prosecutors claim the former president and his business reimburse cohen for that payment. but on the questions are, how to trump financial record that payment? also can prosecutors prove he paid daniels solely with the election in mind? looks like and see what president trump is upset about the ways being treated. he may well be cleared of the charges each of the statute limitation of two years. this happened seven years ago. but the problem with the whole prosecution this is how the case is expected to break down trump is expected to be charged with falsifying business records for labeling as reimbursement of cohen under legal expenses but to make that crime a felony, bryson prosecutors want to prove trump did that to conceal another crime which in this case
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may be improper donation just 2000 campaign in violation of election law. again this is an untested combination but congressman jeff jackson thanks he could implicate the former president. >> a trickier case is going to be proving the felony. in order to prove the felony you have to prove intent to conceal with the fact the reimbursement was structured may indicate the content to conceal trump annuities and was wrong with trying to hide it. >> corporate vice president mike pence also waited on the news calling it a quote political prosecution, listed here. >> it reeks of the kind of political prosecution that we endured it back in days of the russian hoax. all impeachment over a phone call. one thing i know is i know former president trump could take care of himself. >> house speaker kevin mccarthy called the case a quote outrageous abuse of power.
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he promises to investigate in the federal funds in securing this expected indictment. president trump denies any wrongdoing. twice today he called on his supporters to protest but molly, even if he is charged and convicted legal experts tell fox news the constitution would not prohibit him running for or serving as president of the united states, molly. molly: excellent point much watch this week in new york will be on that bright night flight life in the near city newsroom thank you. our next guest is up with an op-ed entitled get ready for manhattan das made-for-tv trump prosecution high on ratings but short on law. quote with trump's reported announcement that he expects to be arrested on tuesday, it would be a fitting curtain raiser for a case that has developed more like a television production that a criminal prosecution indeed. this indictment was repeatedly rejected only to be brought back by popular demand.
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constitutional law attorney jonathan turley joins us now. i'm trying to sell your headline there. he's with george washington law professor and fox news contribute everything is so much for joining us on a saturday night to talk about this. >> thank you molly. >> and a sensor making interesting prediction here. i just want to get your thoughts on the motivations of prosecutors may have as we look ahead to what could be a pretty interesting week here in manhattan. >> is the ultimate grave digger indictment. they literally dug up a claim, a theory from 2016. i theory the justice decided did not work prosecution. and bragg's own predecessor of course did not bring this case. it is really something that is really painfully obvious as a political prosecution in my view. it is a very weak case legally. this is a misdemeanor under new
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york law that they hope to convert into a felony. by essentially prosecuting a federal crime the justice department declined to bring. in prosecution. that is going to be a hard thing to sell to some judges. but they might succeed. you cannot pick a better jurisdiction for the judges or juries in new york obviously. this is the nightmare jury pool for donald trump. and he has to take this seriously. this is found to be a class c felony i think the recommended minimum is year in jail. there are serious risks here. there are also serious flaws in this indictment. i am not entirely sure bragg did not run out of time. think their strong arguments to make the statute of limitations ran on this claim too. >> you talk about time, why now? >> molly, that is the question.
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because bragg himself through a flag on this plate. i mean he stopped the two prosecutors who are moving toward a trial. they resigned in protest. one of them then wrote a book. in my view that book was deeply improper and unprofessional. the book was about prosecuting someone who had not been charged let alone convicted. but it triggered a huge amount of pressure on bragg. it does appear that it works. he then proceeded to bring this case. molly: or the other thing to point on the op-ed is hillary clinton's was a fine for secretly funding the steele dossier which was used to damage trump with russian collision but there was no prosecution there. so if trump is arrested, charged, could that give credence to concerns that the law is used to get some by not others? that prosecutorial discretion is being abused.
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>> of all of the cases that are now threatening donald trump, this is the one he would probably hope would go first. this is a case that many of us fine just thoroughly improper and fundamentally weak. if he wants to perfect that narrative of the weaponization of the criminal justice system, bragg just gave him the perfect case to do it with. so, i think the timing here is telling. it has a lot more to do about bragg i think than trump. he is being hit by all sides. ironically he is being accused of not being aggressive at enforcing laws involving violent offenders. but he is certainly willing to bring this case which i think is a mistake. i think people need to think seriously of the implications of this type of case. the politicalization of the criminal justice system is one of the great scourges of the
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law. it is something that we have always rejected in this country. i cannot say this is the first prosecutor to yield to temptation. but there are serious flaws or the implications are great. molly: jonathan turley thank you so much for your insights on the saturday evening we really appreciate it. and i guess we'll be looking ahead to monday and of course tuesday as well. appreciate it, thank you. >> thank you. the bite administration says it's concerned about monday's meeting between chinese and president xi jinping and vladimir putin. the russian president is now accused of war crimes by the international criminal court. this is tensions between russia and the west have been steadily growing. alexandria hoff is at the white house with more on this, alex. >> this is a three-day summit that set to begin on monday. president biden held back on commenting on it until he says the meeting has taken place.
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this was announced the exact same day as the international criminal court issuing an arrest warrant for president putin. over alleged war crimes and the forced deportation of ukrainian children to russia. president biden is in wilmington today. but before departing the white house he commended the icc action despite the u.s. not recognizing the court. >> i think it is justified. the question is is not recognized internationally by us either. it makes a very strong points but. >> still, china's president says his trip to moscow is quote for the sake of peace but u.s. officials are skeptical about that. morning chinese place to provide russia with lethal aid in its continued assaulting into crane. any cease-fire proposal so come from beijing would be one-sided for the summit was announced after president biden said earlier this week he would speak to president xi comes soon. the white house says no calls been scheduled for it unfriended the u.s. resumed drone flights over the international waters of the black sea that is after the
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pentagon released this video think it shows in russian jet intercepting been colliding with an unmanned u.s. drone. forcing it down. russia denied fault. >> we do know this aggressive behavior was intentional on the part of the pilots. whether or not they hit the drone on purpose, we do not k know. molly: according to russia's defense ministry the fighter pilots involved in that crash were given state awards, molly. molly: alexander half thank you very much for the update from the white house. one person is dead and another is wounded after a shooting during spring break festivities in miami beach last night. phil is live in miami with the latest on the investigation there, phil. >> good evening, molly. this is ocean drive the south beach promenade for spring breakers. it has been packed all day. it is really getting crowded now and that's the case once the sun goes down and night time comes you can barely walk to the scene
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here. and for the most part spring break in miami beach and fort lauderdale as well, for the whole month of march has been pretty much peaceful and mellow and problem free. not the case just behind me at ocean and seventh last night. take a look at the video. suddenly around 10:30 p.m. the streets packs, gunshots arrived, everybody pandemonium, chaos, stampeding to safety inside restaurants, hotels and bars. police say two young men were shocked. they were both rushed into the city at jackson tamara hospital or one of them died. the other one, the wounded one has since been released from the hospital. on the scene police to detain one man they say he is cooperating and they also add they confiscated four handguns at the scene. take a look at this additional video that we shot just a couple of hours ago. this is right behind is on ocean drive a group of people rolling
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joints, smoking joints, drinking hard liquor straight out of the bottle. that is what miami beach police officers on bibles bicycles came over put that out. took all the drugs and alcohol and poured it out. and told these guys get out of here, you do not do that here in miami beach, no arrests were made. as a cop's home if they arrested everybody for such small things they wouldn't be on the street they'd be handling everybody at the jail. taking a live look now, that is where the florida international university sponsored beach volleyball turn it was all day today, still going on. there is a stage had several country-western bands playing on it all day. that is a meat raid right now belting out the vocals over there. these are the counter programming ideas the city of miami beach came up with to try to keep a much more family ask type of scene here versus what
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has been the case in years past. when there were gunshots, there was violence, there were a lot of arrests. blessed are they imposed a midnight curfew that year before it was 8:00 p.m. so this year the city leadership says they think last night's shooting was an iceland incident. they are not going to impose a curfew. everybody is just hoping it stays like this, peaceful, mellow and chill all that long. the beach in fort lauderdale beach their biggest spring break destinations. and for the businesses they got a lot of money in the month of march every week is a different wave of spring breakers from somewhere around the country. and though the businesses want to keep the bars open as they are until 5:00 a.m. molly: it's warm and wonderful
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down there we have a say statesville this evening. thank you for the report we appreciate it. be sure to tune in tonight for the lawrence jones cross-country spring break special. lawrence anchors from miami with more on how to stay safe the spring break and venison at 10:00 p.m. eastern right here on the fox news channel. ♪ california governor gavin newsom's plan to turn one of america's most notorious prisons into a rehab center is getting mixed reviews is just part of a bigger political move potentially from the governor. details coming up on that. plus house members are ready to dig deeper into the futures of the silicon valley and signature bank street house financial services committee member brian style will be part of those proceedings and he joins us just ahead. with jardiance? ♪ ♪ we're the ones getting it done. we're managing type 2 diabetes
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the biggest changes to become to comfort his oldest prison. governor gavin newsom is a plan is turning san quentin into rehab facilities. critics say the democratic governors once again prioritizing offenders over victims of crimes. christina coleman is live in los angeles with more on this, christina. quicktime only for the governor's office is transforming california's oldest
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and most notorious prison into a rehabilitation center will strengthen public safety through justice reforms. yesterday governor held a press conference at the prison but he explained how his budget proposal for the upcoming fiscal year includes $28 million to start transforming the facility. san quentin has been home to the largest death row in the united states. under newsom's plan inmate serving time there will prisons and san quentin will be repurposed to a center focus on education, job training and other services to try and help break cycles of violence for criminal offenders but a few inmates also weighed in on newsom's announcement. but i feel that they center around rehabilitation it will greatly reduce recidivism and improve society as a whole. because keeping our humanity let's us get out of this place and actually human. >> we want to be the preeminent restorative justice facility in
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the world. that is the goal. san quentin is iconic. san quentin is known worldwide if san quentin can do it can be done anywhere else. >> some republicans say governor gavin newsom of the democrat led were serious about violence they would stop dangerous criminals from being released early from california prisons after receiving accelerated and exaggerated good conduct credit. the governor announced his to repurpose california's oldest present yesterday during a statewide tour. >> political stunt. he could have done state of the state and save taxpayer money. studies decided to go out on his failure tour. since the first day he took office he's always been looking at the white house. >> and think once again we are faced with gavin newsom for sound bite, to make himself look like he actually cares about criminal justice and public safety.
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>> despite say the goal is to have san quentin transformed into a rehabilitation center by the d5, molly. >> that is an aggressive timeline. christina coleman in los angeles thank you. but you can't force people to put money in a bank even after you prop it up when they lose confidence in it. let's take first republic. both thought a chance any large businesses ever going to put in a counter going forward. why risk it at all? why? what is the point? it has already been stressed to. it the brand is trashed. >> okay, mr. wonderful himself kevin o'leary of "shark tank" on the failure of silicon valley bank and signature bank. experts are analyzing specific factors that led up to their downfall. some fear it could reflect broader problems within the banking industry and heavy regulation could be coming. all of the sparking concerns of a possible recession among the
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struggling global economy. let's bring in wisconsin congressman brian style. is on the health services committee for think it's much for joining us here the second evening. get right to history in the making, or are we on this? a lot of analysts and this feels like 2008. but what about the 1980s. or bank failures why is this different or the same and what stops the history from repeating? what's the house financial committee just this on thursday of this upcoming week. we need to ask who, what, where, when, why, how. we need to understand where the regulars asleep at the switch. that what technology did that have run on the bank the room the bite administration and half years driving record high
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inflation the result is federal reserve effectively taking interest rates. from 0% to 5%. is this the pain we are feeling as a direct result of the feds moves from the fact the bite administration has been driving inflation forward for the past two and half years? ask a lot of people inflation for sure. you'd helped has been hotly talked about. some of your colleagues including senator elizabeth warren a democrat from massachusetts who made issues like bank regulation and consumer protections for life passion. but, some are calling for tougher regulation, increased regulation slamming back to 2018. is that what banks are facing right now? heavy regulation? >> i'm not surprised those on the left like senator elizabeth warren and president biden would like to see additional regulation. a large part is to distract from the fact a reckless spending in washington as the war on energy to the bite administration is
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the fact we have an overreaction to covid cause and supply change disruptions, the costly disruption in first place instead of intuition of a serious adult conversation about how to get inflation under control because far too many americans are still some print from the inflation impacting their paychecks every single week. >> if the banks broader things happening in the economy with inflation and various business entities and energy clusters and that sort of thing, that what should congress be doing as you mentioned we head into congress has to get to work to reduce inflation. when a party control did for the previous two years. we need to unleash american energy. we need to stop the reckless spending in washington we got in our lives effectiveness of the supply cane can straighten out with far too many americans are find themselves the sidelines
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we've got to look at her labor policies to help these folks get back to work. if we do those real-life policies become a serious impact helping everyday americans. >> these two big banks have collapsed look at their own banks are wondering if their money is safe and where this should be putting their money. so, i want to ask the average everyday american that's out there right now listening to you does the folks in washington are having big meetings this week. his short money safe at this point in time or are we on the verge of anything the average american needs to be particularly concerned about? what's the start of my data snow st. patrick's day in wisconsin was also exact same question. which americans are secure in their banks. it's well-capitalized in everyone's bank account is insured below $250,000. the wealthiest of the wealthy. our banks are well secure for everyday americans. but this is a very serious situation for the broader health
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overall financial system. molly: wisconsin congressman brian style thank you very much for joining us pretty very much appreciated. i did like that little bit of reassurance there at the end so thank you very much. have a wonderful weekend. >> thank you. molly: fentanyl is killing more american teens than most other causes of death break coming up the shocking claim mexico's president is about the cause of the fentanyl crisis. this illegal border crossings continue at an unrelenting pace former ice director tom is here to talk about all of this next. ♪ ♪ get directv with a two year price guarantee. if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks... choose stelara® from the start...
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for six i am molly line in for jon scott this is a fox report. the bottom of the rfq are just joining us, here's a look at some headlines. new york man expressed support online for isis now charged with plotting to kill police officers and the mayor in yonkers, new
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york just north of new york c city. investigators say the 32-year-old posted on social media that he would kill them at today's local st. patrick's day parade pretty said in one post, directly told police account. wyoming's governor has signed into law a bill that bans the use or prescription of abortion pills. it was passed by the state legislature earlier this month republican mark gordon signed the law is a federal judge in texas considers a nationwide ban on one abortion pill in response to a lawsuit by antiabortion groups. and actor lance reddick start in the hit hbo series the wire and in the john wick movie franchise has died. the 6-year-old publicist said he passed away suddenly due to natural causes yesterday mor morning. more on these and other stories down with the fox news app, scan the qr code or go to
3:33 pm mexico's president once again drawing the anger of americans. this time saying u.s. families are to blame for the fentanyl overdose crisis because they don't hug their kids enough. this latest comment from andrés manuel lópez obrador follows a series of recent statements calling u.s. and drug policies a failure. and that his country plays little role in the fentanyl crisis that kills tens of thousands of americans every year. griff jenkins is live in mission, texas with delays in the ongoing border crisis, grip to you. >> good evening, molly. i remember phallic mexican caravans of four years ago when the campaign slogan for president was hugs, not bullets that was how he was going to the cartel violence under control. in the four years since he has been president he has proven to not be a good faith partner with
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the u.s. in securing our border. now, this latest campaign or statement about hugs being the reason for the fentanyl crisis is outraging the border officials here. like texas dps we spoke to earlier today, here's what he had to say about that, listen. quickset is an absurd statement from the mexican president. that is disrespectful to the families of lost love is because of fentanyl poisoning. we know for fact fentanyl is coming across a border as well as other illicit drugs. and of course he mexican drug cartels are behind this entire process. that is so seasoned to mass production fentanyl coming across. >> meanwhile curing the rgb, molly, they are seeing a surge in chinese nationals illegally crossing. take a look at this video i shot with my cell phone as i was driving down a road an hour or so ago. here came a five chinese nationals who did not speak any english. they did say they were from china they nodded their head and i directed them toward dps
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officials they were taken into custody. you could look also at pictures we can show you here that was put on twitter by the border patrol chief here. she says they're saying 920% increase from this time last year in chinese nationals. in fact on thursday of this past week they got 30 and one single day. now, let me finally show you the week in review across the entire southwest border you can see the litany of activities in the seven assaults on agents to the nearly 35000 migrant encounters, 17000 almost known guideways alone with the score is of drugs, cocaine, meth, fence all the rest of offenders and gang members. it is all just a snapshot of just how not under control this border is for the border patrol chief saying in a earlier this week down here that the operational control is not under
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any sustainable measure here in south texas, molly will send it back to you regards griffin jenkins i was a unique way another angle to tell the ongoing story for mission, texas this evening thank you. my question, you heard the secretary pretty savvy of operational control. that is the definition. >> based on the definition you have up there no we do not have operational control. molly: what a moment border patrol chief ortiz during this year's house homeland security hearing at mcallen, texas for his testimony coming just before border officials revealed that over 900,000 migrants from 147 countries have been caught at the southern border. so far in fiscal year 2023. which of course began october 1. let's bring in tom is a fox news contributed forming acting ice director heritage foundation visiting fellow. lots of titles today but so much
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experience behind the work. we're so glad you're able to bring us a little of your insight. there is a remarkable moment to the house hearing held earlier this week where they talked about operational control and not having it essentially is what patrol chief had confirmed. i want to get your thoughts on that moment and also what you think the big take away was from that hearing this week? >> look, i'm glad he said it. he was under oath to the officer told the truth. i wish she would've said in a year end a half ago at the same time during his testimony he defended the horse patrolled or slanted by the president and the secretary of homeland security for whipping the black migrants which the investigation prove they didn't prevail to speak up for them at the time. he spoke about it last week. again i'm grateful he said it. i just wish she would've said it and a half ago before these men were embarrassed in front of nation, their families were attacked in churches and sch schools. i am glad he did i just wish he would have dinner earlier.
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it's a bad day for the administration for the found the board is not secure for the phone fentanyl is coming between the ports of entry. they found out the walt work to the never should've started building the wall. chum spells are made in mexico he did a lot of damage to the administration i'm glad he did he told the truth. molly: i hear the heart you have for the people working so hard to protect the united states out of the border. so the democrats did not show at this hearing they initially planned to go gop leaders slamming them for refusing to step up and take action democrats have accused republicans are trying to score political points and goes back and forth. but chief ortiz as lawmakers for help. he said the whole of government needs a solution. he suggested legislative policy adjustments. is there political will on any point on some point that would make a difference? >> i do not think so. let me say this i started my career as a border patrol agent. these are 20000 american patriots they are american heroes the put their lives in line every day for this nation
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but thank god we got them down there. but by the democrats not showing up it was so disrespectful so disgusting for these 20000 men and women who serve this nation every day. too not show up in the hearing and hearing from career law enforcement officers about the problem of the border. they have been ignoring this and so bind has taken office for you heard the testimony the testimonies clear the border is in a crisis mode. our lawmakers regardless whether republican or democrat need to come together and save lives. look, we have already had over 1700 migrants died on u.s. soil because of the crisis on the border. we have 106,000 americans who died from drug overdoses. we've got a record number of children and women being trafficked across the border. doesn't that matter to the democrat party? wasn't he border patrol worthy enough to show up and listen to the men and women who are the uniform on what's happening? i was disgusted by it up in the border patrol agents deserve better, a lot better.
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the sixers of video showing a moment ago as you were talking. they rush the border was about a week ago. this expose some vulnerabilities. are you concerned about other mass migration events, how they are handled and why they are orchestrated from the other side of the border? >> will look, what happened where the rusty port of entry, they were responding to a social media post saying the borders open come by and get in. who do you think did that question with the criminal cartels in mexico did that. they know and they cost 1000 people to do to one area every border patrol agent was to witness every border agent gets deployed to that area to secure that area and secured a part of the border. why they did that, what every border placed was at the port of entry what he think the cartels were doing? they are moving records and on a fentanyl where there were no border patrol agents. the cartel is in mexico and control our southern border. the chief more or less said that.
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as far as the mexican president because he is a discussing president. to blame families in the united states most of these children mostly teenagers and college students with that of died of drug overdoses do not even undertaking fentanyl. we have proven over the last two years the mexican cartels are producing fentanyl comes across the border. we have seized an offense on the last two years to kill every man, woman, child in this country eight times over again. so do not say mexico does not have a problem they are producing the fentanyl. a stronger president a stronger administration would hold him accountable. molly: certainly an effort to deflect very clearly. former acting ice director, thank you very much your insights we appreciate you. thanks for joining us. we will be right back.
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but russian president putin playing a visit to crimea today marking russian forces seized from ukraine just yesterday the international criminal court issued an arrest warrant for his work arrives in ukraine a little over year ago mike tolman has the details from kyiv, ukraine progress a great deal of pressure hangs over monday's planned meeting with the president xi jinping and russians president's letter putin's work at smaller he even faces the prospect of arrest. russia's foreign policy advisor says a focus of this meeting will be to re- strategize the war he in ukraine for the world is watching to see if china will provide russian weapons as resources are strained and the war drags on. putin spent the day in crimea recognized the ninth anniversary
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is annexation from ukraine. instead security is a top issue for crimea and russia will do everything to defendant. the visit itself seem to fight as arrest warrant went out for putin and russia's commission for children's rights. the war allegedly forced deportation of 16000 children and russia is war region east of ukraine. >> i am grateful to the team and the international criminal court. everyone in the world is helping us in the fight for justice. >> meantime poland announced dozens of their maga fighters will be ready for delivery to ukraine, for are ready to go. slovakia filed suit with a promise to hand over the entire aging fleet from megan 29 fighter jets. launch new attacks on ukraine at last i was 16 attack drones had adhered to capitol city and the second largest city. most of the drums are shot out of the sky, three of them crushing the polish border with no injuries. there were also rocket attacks of the town, they also crushed out without effect.
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molly back to you. molly: mike tobin and kyiv, ukraine thank you. here are some of the other headlines from around the globe. in pakistan mr. arresting 61 people drink protest supporting him in the area. he is charged with illegally selling state gifts. in france, some reports of violence in largely peaceful protests against president to raise the retirement age from 62, 64. opposition leaders are calling for a no-confidence vote against the government. and it is governments plan judicial overhauls have led to more than two months of demonstrations. hundreds of military reserve officers say they will not show up tomorrow to protest those proposals. in china, officials are calling on foreign governments to treat its companies fairly. multiple nations consider or enacted bans against tiktok
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owned by the chinese company fight dan sprayed and belted international conference highlighted the needs of venezuelans as they face economic and political crises. attendees pledged more than $855 million in aid. and at the vatican pope francis met with refugees who arrived in humanitarian corridors for it and that is a look at just some of the stories from all around the globe. spring now just two days away. look at this the snow it is not letting evans of the western states refaxed meteorologist adam has her forecast as we await the change of seasons coming up next. good news! a new clinical study showed that centrum silver supports cognitive health in older adults.
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ice storms. most of those rescues happen on trails near the utah arizona border. some parts of the region has seen up to two 100% more rain and snow fold this winter and on average. another round of severe weather is on the way out west this week with potential for even more rain and snow in california. which is already seen catastrophic flooding and several feet of snow preachers look at the forecast for the week ahead, fox weather meteorologist adam. question eight molly, winter weather so the way for folks across the western united states were not just there but whether fairly widespread in the next couple of days. you can kinda see it now the temperatures these are current 23 degrees in chicago, 18 barbara poppe big cold air mass there. the cold air out to the west truth that's going to be part of what eventually turns into snow for these two rounds, future track here shows one round moving in on sunday part of thank you blended into steak another round of rain along coast any sort of elevation suddenly start to talk about
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snow across a seer at nevada in the intermountain west is where you see snow. these start to get pinks and you're suddenly talking about snowfall totals in the three -- 4-foot range of total snowfall in addition to within already seen out there. a ton of snow still on the way. number the cold air short on the eastern half of the continents are going to plunge deeper. defrost and freeze alerts for tomorrow morning stretching from dallas all the way the southeast to the carolinas. it is going to be cold and feel like winter even as we get closer and closer to spring which is on tuesday, molly progress report that the crocuses are approximate. coming up cup eat music festival about to begin. arizona chandler ostrich festival full of surprises. what makes this event so, so special? when fox report continues.
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future variety of rides, games, circus, comedy jugglers, bmx, and entertaining by day, headliner sublime with rome. such a form tomorrow night and that is how fox reports this saturday march 18, i'm in for jon scott, thank you for watching. see you tomorrow. gutfeld next. ♪ let's do it. okay. my head is going to explode. that's right. happy wednesday, everybody. you look fantastic, as do i. let's talk about stanford. some call it a college. it appears to be a little more than a day care center


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