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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  March 17, 2023 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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their way into round 2. >> bret: that was awesome. and it is saint patrick's day so we changed the color here to green. monday on "special report," our monthly panel of pollsters, kellyanne conway, is a lynn dr. lake. that is it for "special report." fair, balanced and unafraid. "jesse watters primetime" starts right now. >> jesse: we all love a good night at the casino whether hitting the slot machine or playing roulette. the name of the game is the same stay big. >> don't nobody touch that. you understand? [cheers] >> yeah! >> yes!
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$100,000. >> any good gamble will tell you always quit when you are ahead because you never know when your luck might run out. saint patrick's day where we feel a little bit of luck of the irish, especially if you are joe biden? >> look at me and say joe, remember, the best drop of blood in you is irish. >> jesse: joe's irish roots have made him a lucky politician. over the weekend, actually all the weekend right before biden was elected to the senate at age 29, he was about to get hit hard with just an avalanche of negative attacks but mysteriously, his opponent's print shop that manufactured the mailers buckled, and he just slid into office. to fight all odds when he ran for the senate as an outsider in those 70s and then 40 years later when he was going nowhere in politics and obama was looking for a v.p., just just happened to check the right boxes, white, experienced and god knows how a foreign policy
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pro. all that luck sent joe right into the white house. so he ran for president for a third time and the third time was a charm. because he got to do it from his basement. remember? covid cleared the way for biden's victory along with big tech and covid. whether we thought biden was staring down a red wave mini madoff shows up with stolen cash and buys the senate for the democrats. joe has been on a hot streak the last 15 years. he feels so lucky he might have to put all his chips on the table and run for re-election. but, everyone's luck runs outs eventually and it looks like joe's hot streak is finally coming to an end. after hunter confessed that the biden family did get paid by china and the laptop was his, it hunter back on crack or is his legal team on crack because saying nothing was working. denying everything was working.
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this is like the give rent to saying, you know, i'm suing you because you stole my crack. hunter biden just sued the laptop repairman, quote. mr. biden had more than a reasonable expectation of privacy that any data that he created or maintained and especially that which was the most personal, such as photographs, videos, interactions with other adults, ahem, and communications with his family would not be accessed, copied, disseminated or posted on the internet for others to view. basically saying my dad is the big guy but that's private. so were the orgy videos and same with the emails from china. i wonder what kind of jogged hunter's memory for years he didn't know the laptop was his. >> was that your laptop? >> for real, i don't know. >> you know this is. >> i really don't know is what the answer is. >> you don't know yes or no if the laptop was yours. >> i don't have any idea. i have no idea. >> so it could have been yours.
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>> of course, certainly. there could be a laptop out there that was stolen from me. there could be that i was hacked. it could be that it was russian intelligence. >> so if hunter is saying the laptop is legit now. why did joe biden. >> there are 50 former national o. national folks. what he is accusing me of is a russian plant. they have said that this is -- has. heads of cia both parties say what he is say something a bunch of garbage. >> do you still think that the story from the fall about your son hunter were russian disinformation as you said. >> yes, yes, yes. god love you, man, you are a one morse pony. >> jesse: hunter is blowing the lid off the old syndicate. spooks to win the election. hunter was supposed to be the smartest guy joe knows and now he is killing the vibe. joe was on a roll. and it's not just the laptop that hunter is confessing to.
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hunter is saying yeah, we took money from china, too but who cares? quote, hunter biden a private citizen with every right to pursue his own business endeavors joined every business partners in seeking a joint venture with a privately owned legitimate energy in china. hunter received. james biden and hali biden and nobody else. the bidens went from saying it never happened to calling it seed money. the chinese are just sprinkle lynn seed money onto the biden family the second joe leaves the vice presidency, yeah. that money was for favors the bidens did for the chinese during biden's vice presidency. hunter was flying on air force 2 in 2013 to china. the emails from the laptop that hunter admitted is his proved that the biden-china business thing started in 2015. this thing is the way the bidens have been rolling for decades. hunter said pop makes me give him half the money i make.
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hunter brings in the money. joe does the favors and they spread the cash around the whole fam. comer, yesterday, released bank records, showing evidence that the third biden taking money was hallie the hook. both's widow who hunter ended in bed with literally. a million dollars went to biden from china just from one deal. joe is soft on chinese fentanyl. he gazes at chinese spy balloons. like a birthday party. kind of makes you think. and this is just one bank record, the biden family used 12 banks. >> we're going to subpoena more bank records. we're going to do everything in our ability to follow every bank. this one deal with robinson walker this is the first deal. there are at least 10 or 11 more. and, remember, none of those businesses ever materialized. so there was a lot of money that transferred from china to the bidens and what we want to know is what did china get in return because i don't think china would spend this much money on
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this many different members of the biden family if they weren't getting a return on their investment. >> jesse: not looking too good for the biden dynasty. not only does all this make joe look compromised but worse, joe is coming out of this as a big liar. >> my son has not made money in terms of this thing about -- what are you talking about, china? i have not taken a penny from any foreclosure source ever in my life. >> jesse: you don't think joe knew about the 10% for the big guy? of course. now, comer is closing. in according to the bank records he has released there was an unnamed biden. "primetime" was hearing chatter it could be jimmy the chin's wife chin ette. fingerprints all over this thing. >> they have tried to imply that there was only a couple family members but what we found is there are multiple family members and there's going to end up being between four and seven bidens who received significant
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amounts of money from communist china. >> so, up to seven bidens had chinese money in their bank accounts. do you think joe was one of them? the 10% didn't fall into one of joe's shells? maybe it was jill's. the luck of the irish is drying up for the bidens. it's not just the bank records, word is hunter's business partners are already talking like eric schwerin dropping off documents to comer's office. believe us, sherwin has dirt. he was the one handling the biden family finances. he was paying for renovations at joe's home. now sherwin is about to blow the win off of a hunter back stabbed him and tried to kick him to the curb money squabble. there is money coming in from everywhere. >> the bidens received a lot of money from russia, from those oligarchs. and then mysteriously, those were the two oligarchs that weren't lifted in the sanctions. joe biden put sanctions on just
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about every oligarch in russia after russia invaded ukraine except the two that had paid the bidens. so, what we're going to investigate is not just the money trail but what exactly did they get in return? >> so lady luck is leaving the president's side. she is not blowing on joe's dice anymore. is he going to go all in and run for re-election or take his pile and head home? >> turn it over to brett tolman former u.s. attorney and financial crimes investigator. so, brett, what we have been able to nail down, this just one bank. what are we looking at here in terms of criminal exposure? >> jesse, i'm growing tired of hearing so many people on the air claim that there's maybe nothing criminal going on here. like, come on. look at the movement of money. we were taught that in the beginning of our training to investigate financial fraud cases was just watch the money.
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and where it moves. and all you have to have a few people conspiring to move money under the radar to avoid taxes or to avoid reporting requirements and you have a crime family. crime still. money laundering is a crime. to anybody that's got a brain in their head. does it even matter if they never even did anything in terms of something you can show that they built for the chinese? i mean, it looks like a bribe. but they are saying it was for business. do they have a defense? >> well, what you don't see when something like that occurs, you don't see shady movements of various amounts going among different partners. it's not how money comes in for an investment. investors come in, there's a lot of due diligence. they know their client, they
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invest, the money goes into operating accounts. that's not movement of money to avoid transparency and avoid taxes probably and reporting requirements. >> do you think that any of this money did end up in joe biden's bank account or a bank account that he had access to? >> absolutely do. >> you have bobulinski, an insider, you also have admissions by his son, hunter biden in emails and correspondence with other family members. that was a wealth of evidence that present to any grand jury that the entire family may be conspiring to bring money in from both russia and china and to do it under the radar. crime families operate that way. not regular, every day families, and especially not families that are loyal to the united states and families in positions of power. >> jesse: all right.
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well put. brett, thank you very much for your expertise. have a great weekend and happy saint patrick's day. >> thanks, jesse. >> jesse: a fox news alert. sources tell fox news that manhattan's d.a. alvin bragg has asked for a meeting with law enforcement about a potential trump indictment that's expected to happen next week. the former president is facing possible charges over this alleged hush money payment to stormy daniels in 20 d.a.'s office, law enforcement and secret service are trying to figure out some security details we're told. how they are going to secure the court house, surrounding streets and whether or not donald trump, the former president of the united states, will be handcuffed. even liberals admit the case is a legal hail mary, they are trying to put a former president and current candidate for president in handcuffs.
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over, at most, a misdemeanor business accounting charge which probably that won't stick. and we'll keep you updated. kamalas getting a lot of attention for some locker room talk. ♪ with downy infusions, let the scent set the mood. feel the difference with downy.
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♪ >> jesse: most important rule in being successful in politics people have to like you. and right now kamala harris is desperately trying to be likeable. that's why she is on a rebranding tour. she is cracking jokes on colbert. she standing up for women in iowa and now she even shows up to basketball games. last night, the vp suite
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watching tournament cheering on team howard by son. kamala wanted to show people how relatable and fun she sfment obama used to go to the tournament. bill clinton did. she tried to fit in. the crowd wasn't buying it. when they popped her up on the big screen at halftime they booed her. that incumbent even the worst part. after the team lost, she visited them in the locker room and probably gave the most awkward pep talk of all time. >> you guys are so good. [ applause ] you played hard. you played to the very last second. you made all us so, so proud. you hustled out there. you are smart. this team, this team, you all -- this team, this year, this team you make us so proud. i know you may not be feeling great right now, okay?
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but know who you are. you are excellent. you are hard work, you are powerful, and you are winners. >> jesse: well, actually they are not winners they lost by 30. and why is she talking to these grown men like they are toddlers. reminds me of the time she shot that space video with child actors. >> you guys are going to see, you're gone that literally see the craters on the moon with your own eyes. >> with your own eyes. i'm telling you. dream with ambition. have big dream. you remember that? >> yes. >> see you later. >> jesse: that's in not how you talk to grown men who got blown out. kind of a stretch for kamala. "primetime" couldn't find any evidence that kamala ever played sports, ever. the only thing we could find is i think one year in high school she was on a dance team or something? so basketball isn't really her
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thing. >> show me what you got. come on. [cheers] >> you can do it. do. [buzzer] [cheers] [buzzer] [buzzer] [cheers] [buzzer] i feel bad for the guys in the locker room. being part of the vice president's photo shoot. i haven't heard locker room talk like that that bad since trump on was on the bus with billy bush. rachel campos-duffy on the show with "fox & friends." that was not inspiring. chalk it up to just kamala being kamala, i guess? >> you know, the by son losing
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by 30 points was punishment enough but then they had to endure circle time with kamala in the locker room and, you know, that's what they got. gone in there and said you guys worked hard, you played hard. let come back next year and that's not what she said. she said you are excellent. you are winners. and that's a lie. they are not, they lost by 30 points. stop lying. and that's everything that's wrong with the democrats, jesse. they're the ones who say everyone gets a trophy. we're not going to keep score at games. we are going to lower standards on tests in fact we will eliminate the tests all together. that's what they do. they want to kill capitalism, competition, meritocracy and if you think about it, this is a perfect met for for kamala herself. make no mistake, that's what she is in the locker room. this was about kamala. she was making the case for herself as president. and she is not excellent. she is not a winner.
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you and i know it. and, guess what? the democrats know it, too. but, kamala doesn't care. she still thinks that she deserves the biggest trophy in politics, the presidency. and if she doesn't get it, jesse, i promise you, she is going to pull the race card and she is going to a very significant portion of the democrat party. probably one of the most important segments, black female voters that they also are being snubbed by the white people and white women and white men in the and this will be a disaster for the democrats. >> rachel, you a better shot' than kamala? >> you know what? we actually did basketball on "fox & friends" last weekend and i had totally a great shot and i'm not very sporty as you know either. but i didn't do anything close this embarrassing. by the way, jesse, i have seen your ratings. you are excellent. you are a winner. don lemon, not excellent, not a winner. and in america, we should be
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able to say that. >> jesse: all right. you can come into my locker room any time. thank you so much. happy saint patrick's day and have a great weekend. >> rachel: you got it. bye, jesse. >> jesse: all right. it's that time of the year the entire nation is hooked on madness and "primetime" wanted to get in on the action. you guys love to text us how much you love our nic names on the show mini madoff, sticky sammy, we will bring the march madness to you and now we are asking you to vote on your favorite "primetime" nicked fraughtsters region. we got mini madoff. crooked, giggly wicken and wolf of washington. mini. as much as i like the giggly wick can. mini madoff. probably the guy coming out of the fraud is officers region. paulie p. the naughty niece. you remember she had all the
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plastic, $100,000 on makeup? so she is a four c. seed. paulie p. dougie breath. just ask jill. up against the fresh prince. you remember that is paulie p.'s son. kind of a weed guy. i see paulie p kind of sad he hd to against naughty. stick have sammy number one seed out of the department of transportation. he liked to snatch every bag he saw. sneaky pete he snuck into that little town with the toxic train wreck very sneaky man. is he going down to sticky. sloppy joe, biden binder is a good one. can i see binder and sticky probably in the sweet 16 at the good faith seed money region jimmy the chin.
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tough the brothers have to face off in the first round. no one likes to see. it's like the williams sisters playing each other no. one likes to see that. hallie the hook made a name she got 7 5g's the hook in chinese cash. chin net, my personal favorite nickname. probably chip net looking at strong upset over the chin. text us. what do you think about the bracket? who is going to be number one? here's how you vote. go to my social media pages, all of them, after the show is over. look at the bracket. text a number at the bottom of your screen with your favorite names and then we will just good faith seed money that into our bracket. all right? and voting for this first round ends monday at midnight. up next, a coca-cola whistleblower blows up big sugar
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and a fake hindu country holds a press conference. ♪ (man) what if my type 2 diabetes takes over? (woman) what if all i do isn't enough? or what if i can do diabetes differently? (avo) now you can with once-weekly mounjaro. mounjaro helps your body regulate blood sugar, and mounjaro can help decrease how much food you eat. 3 out of 4 people reached an a1c of less than 7%. plus people taking mounjaro lost up to 25 pounds. mounjaro is not for people with type 1 diabetes or children. don't take mounjaro, if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop mounjaro, and call your doctor right away, if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, vision changes, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis
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of brain health. to help keep me sharp. neuriva: think bigger. not all our fault. we have been lied to toke for decades about what is healthy and isn't. nutrition guidelines upside down. that's not what the food pyramid says. this isn't an isolated study. there are thousands just like this. junk science bought and paid for by big food processed food companies contribute, are you ready? 11 times more money to nutritional research than the nih does. and wouldn't have you guessed it the studies all say processed foods aren't that bad for you. but big food isn't just buying
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the science. they are influencing public opinion. coca-cola has been accused by industry insiders of paying the naacp and think tanks to help kill soda taxes. basically if you support a stowed da tax you are racist and hate poor people. companies like coke and pepsi soft drink con glom member rants are big to anti-hunger groups lobby the feds to keep sugary drinks covered by food stamps. but it's not just at this thanks and elite research universities. doctors are cashing in on big pharma's generosity. instead of advocating for lifestyle changes diet and exercise. the american academy of pediatrics is recommending every obese person over age 12 to take an injectable weight loss drug that they have to be on for life. of course they do. and you also have doctors saying stuff like this. >> if you diet, you lose weight. right? the number one cause of obesity
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is genetics, that means if you are born to parents that have obesity, you have a 50 to 85% likelihood of having the disease yourself, even with optimal diet, exercise, sleep management, stress management. so when people see families that have obesity, are the assumption is what are they feeding those kids? so will power throw that out the window. >> jesse: so much propaganda on "60 minutes." that lady took more than 15 grand from the pharmaceutical company nor vo nor disk. makes the miracle antiobesity drug ozempic and let you draw your own conclusions. my next guest used to work for the coca-cola company and he saw firsthand how the food and fox all pharma companies rigid. we reached out of to coca-cola a
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little while ago for comment and we haven't heard back. what do you have to he will it us what is going on inside coca-cola. >> well, first, jesse, god bless you for paying attention and drawing attention to the most important issue in the world which is that we are getting sicker, fatter, more depressed and inferlings because of food. 8 of 10 food reversible by food. gaslighted from that fact and because of a rigged system. and three particular levels i saw is that food companies directly pay medical groups, coke has funneled millions of dollars and the american academy of diabetes, the american academy of pediatrics and they have accepted millions of dollars from coke. what does that buy? when we have diabetes water. going up 100 x in 100 years silence from the american diabetes association on sugary drinks when 25% of teenagers now are prediabetic. they have also as you very aptly pointed out research institutions. what does that 11 times more
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from food than the nih? what does that get? it gets the doctors on the usda nutrition guidelines. right now shamefully and i believe this is the most shameful policy. 2-year-old okay for them to have 10% of their diet added sugar that should be zero. this is a drug causing absolute devastation and as you alluded to as well, the last tier i will mention is the media. and 60 mince during that shameful piece saying that an issue only in the past 50 years is genetic before and after that piece with dr. stanford pharma ads ran and food ads. food is one of the largest advertisers on children's networks and now with social media, food companies are funneling millions of dollars for body influential -- body positive influencers to say that weighing a patient at the doctor's office is racist and isisaticly say even talking about weight is racist.
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>> jesse: is big sugar also paying victoria secret because now all those models are humongous is that part of it. marketing campaign okay and gorgeous to be obese? >> it's a systematic rigging of the institutions of trust. this is not complicated and earlier in my career i saw. this unimpressive pr executives sit around conference rooms how do we rig and gaslight people orwellian way from not believing what is right in front of us. 80% of american adults are overweight or obese. 50% of adults have prediabetes or diabetes. brought to our knees pry preventable metabolic dysfunction. the real thing is pharma is standing silent and the medical institutions are standing silent because they profit from people being sick and they are getting sick because of food. >> the unhealthier we are the richer they get. >> this is we got to change it. thank you very much for speaking out. we got to appreciate it. >> thank you, jesse. >> our deep dive into the fake
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nation of kailasa. did you know that the united states of kailasa also have a binder. they too. today they held a press conference. "primetime" submitted questions but, of course, they ignored us. the fake biden was happy to answer real questions from other american reporters. fake news interviewing fake countries, only in written form. one reporter asked does kailasa exist and if so where is it located and how long has kailasa been a nation? well, apparently kailasa is a revival of the ancient enlightened hindu civilization nation and operate through a group. ngos a borderless service organization. i don't know what that means. countries have borders. how about a little background on the alleged rapist hindu guru. who is swami nithyananda swam he
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was recognized as incarnation as per hinduism much like the dalai lama incoronation tibetan buddhism. understand now. he was tapped at young age, one might say he was the greta this oneburg of kailasa. what about accusations of being a fraud. he has been described in the media as a con artist. he arguefuls the description is a pejorative and defamatory used without evidence by some in the media to delegitimize the contribution and work in gender equality in religion. okay, they played the gender equality card. there you have it, folks, not only does kailasa exist c kailaa shatters. up next, we will tell you how this person made it to the white house.gasp
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>> jesse: a year ago our friend
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dylan mulvaney took the internet by storm documenting every mod manhood to girl hood. started posting every day day one, day two, day 200 of being a girl and that got dillon a lot of attention. how could it not. >> day 56 being a girl and today i'm in nature. trees, i love them. water? lake? i love them. i love them. loveia. >> woohoo lovia. >> dylan is a character and characters get a lot of attention on the internet. not every big personality gets to sit down with the president and drew bear moore. >> mr. president, this is my 221st day of publicly transitioning. >> god love you. >> thank you. i can't imagine everybody disliking you. >> oh, please. do you know -- do you want to
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know ironically who dislikes me the most sometimes? >> who. >> myself. >> me too. >> a year ago, drew wouldn't have gotten on her knees for dylan wouldn't have looked twice at him now dylan is a girl and getting all the attention she could possibly want. it's a lot. dylan is addicted to attention. he has been mugging for the cameras way before he became a girl. this is a different drill on the price is right. >> dylan mulvaney come on down. you are the next contes tant on the price is right. >> it is, yes. you got it. dylan is a winner. dylan, nice job, man. look at that. we're going to spin the wheel right after this. >>
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> jesse: it's like the longest celebration of all time. and it keeps going. we would be here all night. it's good tv. i'm not going to lie. what dylan really wants though regardless of gender is to be famous. now that she is a she fame at finger tips. dylan just starred in their own music call rockefeller center earlier this tweak celebrate day 365. price is right dylan wouldn't have been able to rent that room. dylan is not the only person who wants attention. kids who see dylan on tiktok who feel that they have been ignored might that i can this as their ticket to getting attention. it worked for dylan why wouldn't it work for me? left with an attention addicted gender confused generation.
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dr. thomas kersting psychologist and author of raising healthy teenagers. start with maybe 0.1% of teens have certain gender issue, trans issue. but a lot of it seems to be about attention and a lot of them. how much is the attention a factor in all of this? >> reminds me of dr. fauci and michael avenatti. the porn order guy the every day trying to get attention. grgrownadults. kids living life on social media. the term would be insecurity. trying to figure out who they're in this purgatory place transitioning between a child into adulthood and very vulnerable and they want to be noticed and fit in. you layer in social media to this, kids are getting addicted to. this getting likes, tweets, followers all this other stuff. actually harming their self-esteem because the word
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self-esteem starts with the word self. it's how i feel about me. that's where our kids are getting tangled up. >> if you are an ignored teenager, and you don't have a lot going on, you are ignored by your family, maybe your friends at school, and you say to yourself, wait a second, i can change everything about myself and then can i go on the internet and i can blow up and i can have all the attention i want. is that what you think is driving a lot of the transgender situations? >> i do. so think of the word thought. what is thought? it's the stuff orbiting around in our mind. where does it come from? it comes from experiences if if our kid's experiences online changes how they think. remember the tiktok story? all those girls developing fine motor ticks even though they didn't have tourette. they were on tiktok watching people that have tourette's made
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them now in their brain to begin to mimic those symptoms. think about other stuff kids are exposed to how that might be shaping their mind and thoughts and layer in all this attention seeking stuff and getting nothing but feedback. perfect storm: i always like listening to your theories. appreciate it. sink or swim straight ahead. ♪ ♪
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e er they/them pronouns? >> i'm going jamie lee. >> jamie lee as well. >> both with jamie lee, is that right? >> having that be a they/them. >> of course, she did. >> all right. you guys are all tied up. let's see what we got here. >> don't copy me anymore. >> which white house official had arizona who lost many the first round winning march madness. was it joe biden or pete buttigieg? who is it? >> arizona was president biden's pick to win it all. better luck next year, sir. >> tommy, i know you're not following basketball as closely. >> the only person i thought follow basketball less than me is pete. >> it was a logical guess, but it was wrong. you can't use logic on sink or
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swim. >> that's the category. >> obviously, he cheated. >> all right. return normalcy. the question is which white house husband called their spouse exceedingly normal? was it doug or chastin. >> both going with sneaky pete's husband. >> she's tllike normal. >> neither one of them are normal. >> if someone asked your husband, tommy, tell us something we don't know about tommy and he said, she's so normal. >> i would love that. >> you would love that. for so long we didn't know what his name was. we do him as the southern gentleman.
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>> was it fog horn leg horn, not a real person or senator john kennedy? both going with kennedy. answer. >> this is going to cause all confusion. >> we would have allowed it. >> i ran out the clock. >> let me win. >> for everybody? >> exactly. >> thank you very much. >> happy st. patrick's day. johnny went to st. patrick's day. i don't think the guy is irish. he's mostly italian. here is a sneak peek. >> joe biden is irish. >> get the [ bleep ] out.
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no. >> we don't need it. >> we cannot hear his name here. >> that will be airing on monday. then we'll be sending johnny to spring break. not mexico. wa we want johnny to live. let's do some text messages. bruce from nashville, instead of a pot of gold, the leprechun leaves hunter a pot of crack. darren from idaho watching kamala shoot free throws was liking her job performance. one miss after another. i think it took five shots, was it? not a good percentage. sam from texas, where's your nickname for the supreme pontiff. we've been saying that all week. mike from new jersey. i'm feeling the luck of the irish and i'm betting the house
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on the binder. no way she can lose. all right. remember, text us at our social media sites. sticky binder, the fresh prince and crooked walked into a bar. this going to be a hot bracket. get your choices in. that's all for tonight. tucker is up next. i'm waters. this is my world. good evening. welcome to tucker carlson tonight. i'm will cain in for tucker. it's a big day for the irish and the president of the united states would like to wish all of you a happy st. paddy, st. patrick's, you know the thing. joe biden loves st


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