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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  March 16, 2023 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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st. patty's eve, wear green tomorrow. don't forget. post a note on his door. >> good morning, everybody. seeing is believing. new video from the pentagon showing the moment a russian fighter jet flies into a u.s. drone. that aircraft now at the bottom of the black sea, the race for the reckage is on. good to have you with us today. >> good morning to you. this is "america's news room." the footage refuting moscow's footage that there was no collision. they show the damage to the
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drone's propeller. >> so russian dismantle are on the scene. we're told they will try to pull whatever wreckage they can from the water but those waters are deep. 5,000 feet and glean whatever intelligence they can. russia is saying it's proof that united states is taking part in ukraine military operations. meanwhile ukraine is saying they're not sure if russia meant to hit the drone or was it sloppy flying? >> intentional or not, we don't know. we know the intercept was intentional, we know the aggressive behavior was on purpose. you heard about the dumping of the fuel and everything else. no question that part of it is intentional. the physical contact of the aircraft, that i'm not so sure. >> mike turner is here with
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reaction. we begin with mike tobin standing by. >> what we have seen so far is support for the pentagon has been saying inconsistent with what russia has been saying. what you see on the video, first, is one of the su27 fighters passing the nq9 reaper drone if is looking at the rear of the aircraft. the plume behind the fighter jet is a fuel dump. the fuel would not have done much to disrupt the operation of the drone. you see a second fly by from an su27, but the feed goes to collar bars, that is apparently when the drone was struck. stills were also released showing the propeller in tact. a second showing the propeller damaged. pilots say the strike was probably not deliberate, but the
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aggressive flying was. >> this episode is part of a pattern of aggressive, risky, and unsafe actions by russian pilots in international air space. >> russian ships are now at the site where the drone ditched in the black sea. officials say they wasted no time getting to that location. the u.s. does not have ships in the black sea, but moshg m -- mark milley said that it will be very hard to find and anything of value on the drone has probably been destroyed. we just got word out of poland that in the coming day four polish fighters will be transferred to ukraine. congressman mike turner, republican out of ohio. thank you for your time. a lot to get to right now. i want to get your reaction in a
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general sense. do you know if we have reaper drones back in the air flying already now? >> well, i'm certain throughout the entire area -- it is international water, international air space, and certainly we're entitled to. this shows the pattern of russia aggressiveness both to drones, themselves, but also even manned aircraft. british, they it is continuous intercepts by russian fighter planes that are very aggressive and very dangerous. >> and so one of the things that general jack keen said yesterday is that one of the most important things that america can do is get back up there and fly. not have russia try to change the rules of engagement over international airspace and international waters. will the american people be able to know that it it would be
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interesting to know if the biden administration is deciding to be tough. >> right, i would doubt very much that we would retreat in any way. we're all certainly going to monitor that to make sure it doesn't occur. they have declassified this information, and that has been the new holding russia accountable. russia has not joined the modern world. they think the iron curtain is up and they can lie to the world, and because of the interconnectivity we can show the world, and we can show that that's not what happened. we can see what russia did. they're not used to being held accountable that way. it changes their behavior and we have seen it in the prosecution of the ukraine war. but in this instance as you heard from milley and the secretary of defense, this goes
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to the atrocities in ukraine. they're killing civilians, taking down residential areas, and it really shows their temperament. >> i want you to listen to general milley talking about "incidents happen." people jumped on that, but listen to what he said. >> as far as active war, i'm not going there. incidents happen and clearly we do not seek armed conflict with russia. as far as the loss of anything of sensitive intelligence, et cetera, as normal, we would and we did take mitigating measures. we're confident that whatever was of value is no longer of value. >> some people say it was just a sloppy pilot, and in the end it may have been. they were dumping fuel and they got very close to that drone. quickly in the time that we have, you want all information declassified about the origins of covid. will you get your wish?
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what are you trying to accomplish? >> we had an unanimous vote in the senate and the house of representatives. they did a voice vote. the board lit up green. everybody saying to the president of the united states declassify this information. i think we have given him the support to be able to do so. i certainly hope he takes the acts to. there is more information that the government knows and the american public and the world needs to know. >> and you have bipartisan support in that? >> absolutely. 100%, there was not one no vote coming out of the house. >> that should give the administration some comfort that there is a command by the representatives of the public for this information. congressman, thank you for being with us this morning. >> thank you for having me. >> based on what you have up there sir? >> we don't have operational control. >> in five of the nine border sectors we have seen an increase in flow and that caused a
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considerable strain on our resources and forced border patrol to move agents and migrants to some of the other areas? >> border patrol chief admitting the situation is out of control contradicting december's testimony. but democrats weren't there to hear any of it. and republicans are taking steps to hold them accountable. >> good morning, they see yesterday's border hearing as a partisan game and the lawmakers say after what they heard, americans nationwide should be outraged about the status of the u.s. and southern border. it took place in mccallen texas. they were blasting the biden administration and saving up his harshist criticism.
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>> this massive crisis, this human tragedy is the result of decisions and the incompetence of this secretary. >> lawmakers say their agents need help from washington and a lack of deterrents has snot slowed down many migrants from crossing the border illegally. he said it had is about politics and not national security. >> i do not believe in a wall from sea to shining sea, but i believe in infrastructure and barrier systems in concentrated areas, especially urban areas. we tore down perfectly good infrastructure in some areas. del rio is an example of that. >> it is affecting flagss throughout the western hemisphere. democrats were invited to take
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part in this field hearing, but they chose not to go down there. and to give you a sense of how bitter the political fight is on this very issue, some house republicans want to pass legislation that would pan secretary miorcis to fly only commercially until it is solved. >> mark meredith at the white house, thank you so much. >> one thing we're talking about is haitian migrants across the border, right? and the president had a lot of firm words for what he called the whipping of the migrants. at least the border control chief showed up. he was asked about it. here is how he described what happened that day. >> i can attest to how vital horse patrol units are to responding in harsh and remote locations. last year's mass migration event in del rio was chaotic.
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20,000 people showed up in one place in a short period of time. even so we were able to provide food, water, and medical care without a single loss of life. >> good for him. >> 20,000 people in one day. and we're still waiting, i would imagine, for the border patrol from the white house. >> i would want to check with phil, but i believe those border patrol officers riding those horses are still not back at work. they were benched. even the border patrol chief is saying they did nothing wrong. >> you're right about that, dana, and there was a lot of good information in that hearing. it's a shame that the democrats decided not to show up. republicans want him out, and
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his boss is the president of the united states. >> listen here from senator. >> i think most of our members want to have the tough questions answered. >> janet yellen appears next hour before a senate panel, how does she reassure american that's their cash in the bank is safe today? >> plus the white house throwing down the gauntlet at tiktok. why the platform is facing a moment of truth. >> also kamala harris addressing her top issue for the race in 2024. what is it, dana? is it red hot inflation? riding crime? -- rising crime? what do you think?
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another member of the biden cabinet under pressure. the senate finance committee will grill secretary janet
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yellen next hour on the collapse of the silicon valley bank and the stock market. chad, good to see you. >> the treasury must answer for what regulators were doing. senators from both sides wonder if regulators were pushing u.s. treasuries on svb. >> so we know this was a huge failure on the part of regulators and overwhelmingly mismanaged banks. so janet yellen will have to speak with authority on how this can be corrected in the future. >> some lawmakers say they should have seen this coming. there is a push to tighten some banking rules that congress loosened in 2018. >> i think that most of our members want to have the question answered by the regulators what happened. i mean how come they were asleep
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at the switch and didn't see this coming? these are pretty obvious indicators and there is still a lot of losses on the balance sheets around the country. >> for now, lawmakers are flailing at a course of action. no one wants to talk about the contagious in 2008 that sparked a fiscal meltdown. >> does anything with this crisis concern you in a way it did in 2008? >> look, i have faith in president biden, secretary ye yellen, and the federal reserve. they have all hands on deck. >> they will talk about if it could prose a problem here. the marks open in about ten
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minutes. nice to see you on the hill. as we await the market open, we are bringing in maria bartiromo. >> yeah, she has to explain how it is possible that they did not see that the deposit structure of silicon valley bank was off and that there was a vulnerability. today is the one year anniversary of the year they raised the interest rate a quarter point. and we're told that it takes one year to 18 months to feel a lag effect. so we're beginning to feel the impact and it may worsen. housing went all of the way up
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close to 7%. these central banks of the world have a dilemma. do i continue keeping the focus on fighting inflation with the rate hikes. like by the way two minutes ago, the european central bank raised basis points by 50 points. they stayed on their plan, but this morning just a few minutes ago, they announced the next big move is the from reserve. the fed's meeting is next week, tuesday. will they raise it by 25 basis points or will they say we need to pivot? could they cut rates? i had a guest on yesterday from the bear traps report that said they're not going to do anything. they're just going to talk, say things are okay. talk the market into a semblance of calm, and next time they will cut rates. he thinks they will cut them before the july 4th holiday. >> next wednesday, right?
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>> yeah. you have yellen up there in about 40 minutes, she said there will be no bailouts. and that is what we got with silicon valley. >> they're trying to say it is no bailout because the taxpayers are not affected. the fax p -- taxpayers could be affected. the banks are paying into this fdic fund that is dos the bailout. we also by the way should mention that the auction is on. they're saying have your bidding in by tomorrow and maybe we find a bank willing to take on the assets on silicon valley? >> yeah, they had an auction last week and we're told there were willing buyers but the fdic wanted to step in at one point and say no no no, we'll secure all of the assets. so there are questions about whether or not the fdic was
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making decisions on what kind of bank they wanted to see. >> oversight is the federal reserve, right? 37,000 companies doing banking with silicon valley. >> how did the san francisco fed miss that? how did they miss that those are not stky dicky depositors. we have our money in a checking and saving the act. we know we're not making money. but you don't move it because that's where i have safety, i know i have liquidity when i need the money. companies are not the same as us. a venture capital firm will not say i don't care about the rates. once they saw it, they said there could be trouble here, they don't rush to take their money out. that's what corporations will do, individuals will not. how did the photographic federal reserve not know that the deposit structure was messed up.
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>> what were they doing? >> they're all debating if they should be raising interest rates after it was 0 for 15 years. thomas honig. the president of the kansas city federal reserve. there is one desenator, and here is where we got. look at the consequences that we have seen. but then some bank panic on the horizon as well. >> the dow opens up about 200 points lower today. so strap it on and see how it goes today? >> nice to see you. >> these maga republicans are different. they're different. they had their way as many as 100 million people with
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pre-existing conditions will lose their coverage. >> is this the opening shot in his bid for a second term in carl rove reads the tea leaves coming up next. aaron rodgers could be leaving the green bay packers. will he get his one-way ticket to new york city. think he's posting about all that ancient roman coinage? no. he's making real-time money moves with merrill. so no matter what the market's doing, he's ready. and that's... how you collect coins. your money never stops working for you with merrill, a bank of america company. i'm sholeh and i lost 75 pounds with golo. i went from a size 20 to a size 6. before golo, nothing seemed to work. i was exercising for over an hour every day. it was really discouraging. but golo's so easy, the weight just falls off.
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so 9:31 here in new york. the moment a russian fighter jet collides with an american drone over the black sea. russian leadership ordered the jets to take aggressive action. they sprayed it with jet fuel, perhaps more than once, before flying into the back of it. more on this developing story throughout the hour. and the day today as we get it
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here. all right. the white house is demanding that tiktok will told by its chinese owners. this is coming after a demand for more action. grady? >> this is the toughest stance that the biden administration has taken on tiktok today. the message to the popular app is to find a pier or face a ban. tiktok is firing back saying they're protecting national security, and divestment doesn't solve the problem. a change in ownership would not impose any new restrictions on data flows or access. tiktok has been trying to strike an agreement with u.s. officials for the past two years. the company wants a third party to oversee user data and the app's algorithms.
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it says it will spend $1.5 billion to safeguard data. here on capitol hill, a growing number of lawmakers, republicans and democrats, say that is not enough. there is a number of bills on the table that would ban the app outright or give president biden the authority to do so. >> the urge to divest is a step in the right direction, but it doesn't deal with the problem of the data. >> if president biden bans tiktok, the app would likely challenge that in the courts when president trump tried to ban the app. this saga is far from over. the ceo is here and he will face a grilling on the security concerns. >> thank you for that update. a lot of people paying attention to this one. thank you. maga republicans don't think
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this is a good idea. they think big pharma should be able to charge whatever they want. >> that is early in the process, democrats won it four-straight cycles. republicans have been that close and carl rove knows that better than anyone else. i'm going to set you up here. numbers came out yesterday in the republican primary, this is what they found a month ago, all right? february 16th, trump versus desantis, trump lead. margin of error 3.8%. choice for president, biden versus trump, biden leads by four. biden versus desantis, biden leads by one. same margin of error, 3.8%. what are you seeing here? >> first, let's be caution about polls this far in advance.
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remember 2008? it was going to be mayor rudy giuliani as the standard bearer. and then herman mccain, and newt remember, everybody knows who donald trump is and what he's about. very few people know a lot about desantis, outside of florida, virtually nobody knows a lot about desantis. same with nikki haley outside of ohio and mike pompeo and so forth. we have a long way to go here. general election numbers are interesting, everybody knows who president biden is and he loses to desantis and beats donald trump, that says something. >> dana: we have to go through the primaries and democrats, i'm sure, assume they will not have
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to have a primary, biden likely to be unopposed. on the republican side, how to stop 2024 from looking like 2016. current field is trump, haley, vivek ramaswamy, youngkin, mike pompeo and i apologize if we left anybody off thinking about it. >> sununu. >> dana: and maybe more. why is it important it not look like 2016? >> what we saw last time around, trump won the early primary with plurality, but took majority of delegates. so many people spread the vote so thin. consider the primary process three periods, there are four states that under republican rules are allowed to have elections before march 1. iowa is a caucus and new hampshire, nevada.
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we don't know what days they will be before the first of march, there is all kind of wrangling going on. democrats want to allow mail-in ballots, if they allow mail-in ballots, rather than show up at the caucus, they will move ahead of iowa and by state law and so forth. this will be sometime before march 4. roughly 137 delegate numbers and allocations will be set after numbers in virginia, kentucky, mississippi, louisiana and new jersey. it will be 137 out of 2440, so it is only 6%. if you don't do well in the early states, there is little likelihood you will do better later on. all you will do, clog it up and get certain number of votes for you that will diminish the
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amount of delegates won by somebody who is not donald trump. march 1 to march 15th, we will have a bunch of primaries. march 5, 13 primaries with 736 delegates, basically a third, almost a third of delegates to the convention, 60% of what you need in order to win. they will be awarded statebide or statewide and congressional district. they include on march 5, two of the largest, category and texas and march 12th, another burst of elections with about just under 200. here is where it better be down to a couple people, two people. march 15th on, every primary can be winner take all. if there are multiple candidates, somebody got 35%, could get 100% of delegates, if they came in first. there is not a lot of time
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between march 1 and march 5, it will be heck of a ride. >> dana: i just saw my life flash before my eyes. okay, march 5, got it. >> bill: you did the work, thank you for that, we didn't have time for kamala harris on colbert last night. you come back. >> thank you. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: quarterback aaron rodgers sending fans into a frenzy, hyesterday the four-tim m.v.p. broke his silence. >> at this point, as i sit here, i think since friday, i made it clear my intention was to play and play for the new york jets. >> dana: the details are being ironed out, "new york post" is onboard, today's cover, jet set. >> bill: how about you. >> dana: i have friends that are
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jet fans and are pretty happy. this is big, i predicted it. i'm just kidding. you said the other day, the rumor had been out there and no one was talking about it. i said, that is the sign it is true. >> bill: i give you that, jets are a contender. >> dana: are you worried now? >> bill: no, we signed a great one. yes, orlando brown is coming to cincinnati. i digress. protecting the southern border, mexican drug cartel holding sway and feds are sounding the alarm. we'll take you back to that hearing. immune fun ction. supply fuel for immune cells and sustain tissue health. ensure with twenty-five vitamins and minerals, and ensure complete with thirty grams of protein. not that into saving, are you? -whoa, dude... -money. cuz... cuz you paid too much for those glasses. next time, go to america's best where two pairs and a free,
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♪ >> bill: never mind listing qualification, application that is going far beyond. it reads, how do you feel life has worked out for you so far? please record two to five minute response and post the link here. how has your life worked out so far? i won't leave two to five minutes. >> dana: think about the most important packages you have put
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together, no longer than three minutes. good application question. >> bill: life is great, nothing to complain about. >> dana: do you want the job? yes, you want the job. federal judge could pull an abortion pill off the market. he is a trump-appointed judge. fda approval of meloprax, claimants claim the agency greenlighted the drug in 2000. let's get to the president of the judicial crisis network. i know you have paid a lot of attention to this issue. medical abortions in the united states, put this up on the board, is 53%. that is why both sides, pro-life and pro-choice folks are paying attention to this argument. what did you take away from
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yesterday? >> yeah, this is kind of an interesting illustration. we get concerned there is politicization going on even in groups like the fda and it is traced back to the clinton era. concerns raised are clinton administration was changing standards to make it easier to get the abortion drugs confirmed. in the process, not paying enough attention to safety and health concerns they're supposed to be looking at. i think the judge, sounds like he had good questions from both sides of the case. there are valid concerns that were raised about whether the safety of women is being taken seriously. 24 women have died through the use of this drug, a thousand hospitalizations and fda decided to stop tracking anything as
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death as a consequence. it is hard to fully appreciate the danger of the drug, we do know it is more dangerous than surgical abortion. >> dana: if this was approved in the clinton administration, why today? >> that is part of a long story, as well. some groups involved have been petitioning to have the concerns addressed for now 20 years and the fda has been slow-walking and refusing to respond. it has taken decades to get this thoroughly looked at, which is a problem regulatory agencies do to avoid review of their actions. >> dana: abortion laws by state. you can see where it is allowed and where it is banned. red is where it is banned and there are some states that have a mixture of restrictions. this is what vice president kamala harris said last night on
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the stephen colbert show. >> are you surprised at the raft of laws drafted after roe v. wade was overturned? >> i think it's -- the height of irresponsibility and in fact, in many cases, inhumane. >> dana: your reaction to that? >> well, i think the danger here is that in the rush to try to get abortion to as many people as possible, now the biden-harris administration is trying to encourage diy abortions in ways that are not safe for the women involved because drugs were approved with the idea a doctor would be looking at the woman and determine what is gestational age temperature is dangerous if you take it past the limmet or you have an ectopic pregnancy. these are handed out after a
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telemed appointment. you could have a pimp or someone trafficking a young abuser, using this to cover up their crimes. there are problems with women being abused and be careful this is not being used to cover up real actions of abuse and women are not being used as a political football here. have more abortions available without considering real health consequences involved. >> dana: it is a major discussion point, not only in the courts, but the ballot box. the judge does not have a deadline to rule, it could be any moment or a while, we'll pay attention and have you back. thanks. >> thanks. >> bill: america's top general saying he is not sure if russian jet collision with u.s. drone was intentional. is he right to reservement?
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>> and this. might have seen it far left protesters trying to stamp out free speech. this is charlie kirk. the target of the protest is getting the last word. experience the capability of the complete line of suvs at the invitation to lexus sales event. ♪ ♪ ♪ get directv with a two year price guarantee. mara, are you sure you don't want -to go bowling with us tonight? -yeah. no. there's my little marzipan! [ laughs ] oh, my daughter gives the best hugs! we're just passing through on our way to the jazz jamboree. [ imitates trumpet playing ] and we wanted to thank america's number-one motorcycle insurer
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-for saving us money. -thank you. [ laughs ] mara, your parents are -- exactly like me? i know, right? well, cherish your friends and loved ones. let's roll, daddio! let's boogie-woogie!
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>> dana: charlie kirk is firing back at protesters who tried to silence him at a college event. [chanting] >> dana: more than 100 people including reported antifa members swarmed the campus at uc davis, breaking windows and hurling eggs to shut down his speech. kirk called him out on jesse watters prime time. >> the college campuses are radical and no longer places of free speech, a speaker on american college campus, if you want to talk about free speech,
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it should not be a danger to fellow students or the speaker. over 100 police officers were there last night, that crowd was there to do violence. >> dana: two people were arrested. the school's president says uc davis is committed to upholding free speech. see what happens there. >> bill: the mental health health crisis and recovery, doctors say parents and loved ones can do to stop tragedy from happening, gillian turner has more on that, part four. >> gillian: note with tips from parents who have dealt with this and professionals to folks at home. good news for teen girls, young people are resilient, children's national says if you want to help teen girls, connect, connect, connect. listen.
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>> there are a lot of opportunities for parents and caregivers to foster relationships, having adults can be helpful. if you are a parent or caregiver, make sure you take the time to have conversations. >> gillian: dr. delaney rostin says it is time for parenting revolution. >> behavioral activation is one key way we as physicians and health providers work with young people who are experiencing ongoing sadness or other mood disorders. when a human is not feeling well, they lose motivation to do things that used to give them pleasure. >> gillian: kelly has struggled to get her doctor help, her advice is to play close attention to your teen girl. >> don't accept the, i'm fine,
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mom. watch their behavior. watch if they are eating, changing, is their sleep pattern changing? do they not like to do things they previously liked to do? watch that because it can happen to anyone. >> gillian: the cdc tells us they are working out to dispel prevalent myth. if you ask somebody they are feeling suicidal, they are more likely to attempt suicide, they say asking, you let people know you care about them, it is helpful. >> bill: good stuff, thank you for that. part four today, looking forward to that there. this is survey we want to share with viewers. they wanted to find the share of u.s. teenagers who meet with a friend once a month or less, the blue line there. going higher and higher and that is not -- has to be a concern
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for parents especially, trying to help their kids navigate the world. >> dana: we have seen that, you see the moms doing whatever they can to make sure they are advocating and fighting for their daughters. well done gillian, that information is important and the tips welcome. let's get to this fox news alert. treasury secretary janet yellen set to testify at committee on the senate side today, senate finance committee underway this hour. everyone is gathering. we are expecting tough questions for her on the collapse of silicon valley bank and the turbulent stock market. we will keep an eye on that and bring you the latest. president biden leaving america vulnerable. border officials arresting 16 people on terror watch list just last month, that is nearly 70 this year alone and those are ones we know about. welcome to a


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