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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  March 15, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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>> russian fighter jet brings down u.s. military drone over the black sea. >> u.s. authorities want the russian ambassador to come to washington asap. they shot down a united states warplane, we cannot allow that to happen. >> the collapse of silicon valley bank. >> the board of directors pumped millions into the democratic campaign. >> the house homeland security set to hold a field hearing and democrats are showing up.
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>> it is embarrassing to this administration and democratic party. >> comer says he's discovered another one of biden's family members may be involved in influence pedalling. >> no denying it, keep following the money. >> davis. >> there it is for the win. >> it is no good. and pittsburgh advances in the ncaa tournament. >> we begin with a fox news alert, dow futures are down by 500 points as the stock market goes through wild swings following collapse of the silicon valley bank and the signature bank. >> brian: credit suisse not helping. trading was halted over the drop. >> steve: steep decline coming after saudi national bank said
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they would not provide further financial assistance. investor confidence is low and financial giants like j.p. morgan and others are down in the pre-market trading since the silicon valley bank collapse. one of the problems with credit suisse, a lot of people are taking their money out of the bank. high level of withdrawal. >> brian: mistake prone suisse bank. >> ainsley: washington and moscow intense words after russia downs a u.s. drone over the black sea. >> brian: calling out unsafe action as russia ambassador demands u.s. puts end to hostile flights. >> steve: mike, according to the kremlin, it is our fault, we
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turned it to fast and it went into the sea. >> you certainly have two different takes on how this went down. u.s. is using unprofessional, unsafe, brazen of international law to describe contact between a u.s. drone and two russian fighters that ended with the u.s. drone in the black sea. it happened yesterday morning, the pentagon said 7 a.m., two jets intercepted a reaper drone flying in international airspace southwest of crimea. the fighters buzzed the drone and harassed it and one of the fighters dumped fuel on the drone. according to the pentagon, one fighter struck the propeller on the drone, broke a piece of the aircraft and it became inoperable. they brought the drone down in the black sea. u.s. officials use phrases like juvenile to environmentally unsound to describe the contact.
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>> this incident demonstrates lack of confidence and unprofessional. we call on the russians to conduct themselves professionally and safely. >> now russia has a different take, the defense ministry says the drone was traveling in the direction of russia and russia denies striking the aircraft and says the drone ditched after doing difficult maneuvers. the ambassador says we assume the u.s. will refrain from further speculation in the media and stop flights near the russian border, we consider any action hostile. the pentagon said it was not armed. the drone was doing routine surveillance work. the drone has not been recovered. the president says rise in defense budget is outpace by
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inflation and the air force is launching new spur effort for diversity, equity and inclusion in recruitment. back to you. >> brian: that is priority, that is amazing. mike, how is it resonating in ukraine, it is so close to the border and we are their number one supplier of weapons and money? >> the first reaction out of the ukrainians, we're out of this know wo. we're hearing the ukrainians are using it to their advantage saying this is why the u.s. needs to be more involved and proactive in helping ukraine in the conflict. >> steve: ultimately, the problem with it, we were in international airspace and that is a don't shoot down, don't clip zone. >> correct, you heard that time and again from the pentagon, the russians said they felt threatened because the aircraft was heading toward russia.
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keep in mind, russia has warships in the black sea. recovery of this aircraft for the u.s. is going to be very difficult, guys. >> ainsley: did they do this, you think, because they are angry for us helping ukraine or they don't want our drone to get information or intel on their warships? >> i think the second part. look at this effort to dump fuel on the drone as it was flying, that emzoos to be an effort to foul the electronics on the drone. don't take pictures of us or let the ukrainians know how we are set up in crimea. >> brian: strength of our response, it was not strong. saying -- for the officials in russia goes, what would reaction be in the united states if you see a russian drone very close to san francisco or new york? for me, it is pretty clear what you would have thought.
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it is nothing to do with it. in international airspace or water, that is drnt than buzzing our state. they had total right to do with unmanned drone, it was unarmed predator drone. for them to take out a 32 million dollar craft, knock to the ground because they say we didn't maneuver correctly, is not acceptable. >> steve: the russians said we ditched it because we were trying to fly around them. had it been a case where the united states drone was shot out of the sky by the russians, that would be obviously an act of war. i heard from somebody at the pentagon that said, many people here want joe biden to send putin an invoice for the drone, that could be as much as this administration does, they don't want to ratchet things up. >> ainsley: i'm sure he'll get
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right on that and pay us back. we could fight back by increasing sanctions on them and helping ukraine even more. i know a lot of people don't agree with that. >> brian: they don't. >> ainsley: if we help them more, it is a threat to russia. >> brian: russia is desperate, they are in prisons, recruiting female prisoners. congressman mark green joined us earlier, he is a veteran and on the house homeland security committee. he weighed in on what putin is doing to us. >> it is bullying from russia, unacceptable. it is a hostile act at minimum on their part, we are in international waters. it is more serious than unprofessionalism. they should be as crushing as they possibly can be, the fact we stair-stepped it, embolden putin to do this stuff. we should put them on and
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continue in ukraine to supply what the ukrainians need to defend their sovereignty. this administration has to go all in, it is time to stop the half measures. >> steve: half measures. the united states do not think the russias intended to clip that drone. what they are saying at the pentagon, there is possibility if they clip the drone with their jet flying 4 to 500 miles per hour, they might bring down the jet. they obviously got way too close. can you imagine irony where they are trying to harass our drone and they wind up crashing their own jet? probably came close to it. >> ainsley: i'm sure there is damage to the jet, they clipped the drone's propeller. john kirby said we don't need to check with russia before we fly in international airspace. >> brian: he called them
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unprofessional, that stings. the jet is on the ground, has damage but still air worthy. >> steve: let's tell you a little story about dr. tabia lee, she worked at a college in coopertino, california. her official title, she was involved in witty and diversity at the university. she called into question some of the college's policies, she did not agree with and she got fired. >> ainsley: she said she got canned for not joining a socialist network and questioned why the word "black" was capitalized and she is black herself, and white was not capitalized and she refused to use the word latin-x and philippine-x. >> brian: here she is describing why she got fired.
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>> my teaching approach, which i was transparent about, i bring together people of diverse and divergent perspectives and identify points of commonality to best serve students. i began to do the work and there was severe backlash from extremists who identify themselves as woke and critical social justice ideology. they attacked me viciously, small, but vocal groups of people being reticent with diverse perspective. i began to do my work, these individuals were on my tenure committee and began to attack my work for doing exactly that. >> steve: on tuesday, the college voted not to reemploy her, she had been at the college since 2021. she felt backlash ever since she
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started the position and apparently wrote an op ed in february and that was the straw that broke the college's back. >> ainsley: district chancellor judy minor said lee showed failure to emdid straight working with colleagues and staff and unwillingness to accept constructive criticism. >> steve: sounds like they were looking for an excuse. >> ashley: the dow dropping 600 points in premarket trading and americans worry about integrity of the banking system. the massive dip driven by credit suisse was due to the bank's share price falling 25% after saudi arabia national bank chairman ruled out investing more money in the bank, the country's finance minister commented on the current state
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of the market. listen. >> we are going through a lot when it comes to interest rates and bank failures. there is a lot happening in the market, the markets reacting or overreacting in a certain way and we need to be careful. >> ashley: american confidence is low following the collapse of silicon valley bank over the weekend. to fox weather alert. the roop of a shopping mall in duluth, collapsed. a powerful nor'easter swept the region yesterday. homes and businesses are without power and california is pummelled by heavy rain and high wind as another atmospheric river drenches the state. wind gusts were reported in san francisco as stunning footage shows a tree that fell on a house in the bay area. you can follow and track the storm systems by downloading the
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fox weather app for free on any connected device. clashing with protesters attempting to stop activist charlie kirk from speaking at uc davis. one officer was injured, protesters smashed windows graffitied a building, two protesters were arrested. the university said the event went on as planned. trailblazer superstar damian lillard says the nba is changing for the worst and blaming younger players. >> the word i was looking for was entitlement. when i came into the league, you had to earn your pick. it is no you are the sixth pick of the draft, it is your team. what is this stuff? >> ashley: blaming drop-off in veteran leadership for not keeping young players innin loo.
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lillard's team discovered their mascot is long lost relative of big foot from back in the '80s and doug furr is being brought up to speed by blaze the trail cat. those are your headlines. >> ainsley: thank you, ashley. >> brian: the knicks beat them by 20 points last night, they are not that good and knicks are in fifth position in the n.b.a. playoffs and slip ahead of the brooklyn nets. >> steve: their mascot looks like harry and the henderson, remember that harry guy? >> ainsley: i don't remember that guy. >> steve: the '90s. thank you, ashley, still ahead, biden administration takes aim at how much water you can use while doing laundry. washing machine manufactures warn this plan literally stinks.
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>> ainsley: a "fox and friends first"ed, growing fallout over the collapse of silicon valley bank, this morning dow futures falling 600 points as plunging shares of credit suissespasz hit a new low. svb, strong support for far left social causes including 73 million to black lives matter, while just one member had banking experience on a board packed with democratic
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mega-donors. douglas, it is a mess. >> douglas: it is a mess. there used to be a cutesy line, if lehman brothers would have been lehman sisters, this wouldn't have happened. she said it a lot. i said that is absolute nonsense but it was symptomatic of the era, this idea there had been too much maleness in lehman brothers, too much whiteness, too much straightness and in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, banking should not focus on expertise, but instead on identity. now that is not surprising, by the way, one of the top officers at lehman brothers, who happened to be a woman went on to svb. straight to svb.
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if you look at the criteria, svb had for not who they wanted to employ, who they were going to loan to. they didn't know who was going to get their money back, but if they were lending to enough minority and female-run businesses, industry dominated not by expertise, by the same thing, diversity. >> ainsley: why is that the focus when handling our money. big banks thatern ms trust. we don't know who is on the board of the banks. at svb, tom king is only member who had experience in investments with barclays. they touted they had one black member, one lgbtq member, 45% of the board women, they donated 73
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million to black lives matter. they pledged summer of 2020 to increase commitment to dei. >> i said a couple of books ago, manners of crowd, when will we stop playing this diversity, equity and inclusion game, stop playing it. some point, the bridges fall down, if you don't focus on expertise and focus on identity, bridges come down. first thing to come down is the banks. this is where dei goes to die. >> ainsley: the board of a bank should be the most experienced. >> yep, and it has not been as we've seen from svb in particular, that has not been the obsession, like everything else, obsession is not to do with expertise, it is to do with madness of the dei project. if we don't learn from this, banking sectors and others don't
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learn from this, i don't know when we will. >> ainsley: still ahead, what was once the country's busiest mcdonald could soon be a migrant. will join us next.
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>> brian: democratic lawmakers dodge homeland security hearing on the border, southern border, eric adams is going to great lengths to deal with it in the big apple. opening two mega-shelters at a mcdonald's once known as the busiest in america. 51,000 migrants have arrived in the city since spring, 39,000 expected to still be here. a councilmember is joining me. what don't you like about adams approach? >> i don't like his approach or president biden's approach. >> brian: because you are a sanctuary city, is it come one, come all? >> what is the mayor to do?
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he has to take these people, like you said, 51,000. and 30,000 are on the public dole, they are getting services, shelter, food, clothing and cell phones. it is ridiculous. >> brian: they could be getting college. >> we have to pay for our kids and work for years to pay for our kid's education or they take out student loans and they are getting free college. >> brian: what do you want to see change? what do you remember the mayor and governor do? >> stay mexico. the ice office in manhattan is booked for the next 10 years, that means asylum applications can't be processed for 10 years, so they can't work. what are we supposed to do? it will be $5 billion soon the
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city has to pay for. guess who will pay for it, taxpayers of new york city. >> brian: taxed so high people are running for the hills and successful people are, too, which is big part of the tax base. overtime is through the roof, and now we find out moral is bad. 117 spike in nypd officers leaving the force and a lot has to do with policies that are in place. what is your reaction to the depletion of the men and women in blue? >> i think demoralized and we had the greatest police force in the world before the pandemic and after the riots in new york city, the george floyd riots, we've had disrespect for police and the city council, my colleagues, put on so many constraints on the police, who
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wants to work for $42,000 a year to start and put up with all the abuse on the street, very dangerous job and get abused by the public. come on, we have to raise salaries and start respecting our police force. they deserve respect. they are keeping us safe. >> brian: part of the thing is, i'm all for discipline and understand it has to be in the ranks, look at the things they have been asked to do in terms of beard length, make sure beards aren't too long, combed hair properly. decide if officer's personal car tint is too dark on windows, if they do roll call at a certain time. they will get fined and rebuked and that adds to the moral issue, that stuff is
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correctable. >> that is minor compared to the city council taking away qualified immunity from police officers. if they make a mistake in a split-second decmoment, they co use their savings and pensions. unbelievable. >> brian: the governor went up and said we have to do bail reform, open charter schools and the super majority, all democrats, said no. that is going to make everything worse without bail reform, same criminals committing the same crimes. >> correct and again, we have to get back to common sense in new york state and new york city. the mayor, give him credit, he's trying. it is the state officials, like you mentioned, that are the culprits here. i don't know. unless we change that, the electorate has to get wise to this and straighten out this
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state. >> brian: right. you as a democrat are frustrated, you can imagine for those who aren't. robert holden, appreciate it and you speaking out. what will it take for biden to win in 2024? new op ed says the president needs to dodge blame for the border, prove he's not too old and are m. our political panel weighs in. . our political panel weighs in. . our political panel weighs in. . our political panel weighs in. . our political panel weighs in. . our political panel weighs in. m. our political panel weighs in. r. our political panel weighs in. yd at newdayusa that's what we're doing. we put our arm around the veterans. when i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase, we can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families. it's a great rewarding feeling. everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique.
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scout is protected by simparica trio,
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and he's in it to win it. simparica trio is the first and only chew with triple protection. oh, fleas and ticks ♪ intestinal worms... wow heartworm disease, no problem with simarica trio. this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. for winning protection. go with simparica trio. >> steve: a new op ed outlining crucial steps president biden needs to take to win in 2024. first he must, convince americans he is not to blame for soaring crime, border crisis while proving he is moderate and not too old to run.
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jason, tammy and guy. good morning all of you. jason, this is what happens as you head to the next election if you are incumbent, you move to the middle and regarding crime, that is why joe biden in his budget has 31 billion for law enforcement so he can say it was the republicans who wanted to defund the cops, not me. >> you are right. i think biden's thinking is it worked the first time. he positioned himself as someone democrats and the country could contrast with elizabeth warrens and bernie sanders. he will double down on the strategy looking to 2024. i think the election regarding crime, the electric in chicago, the mayor's race where lori
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lightfoot lost reelection put a scare into democrats, particularly into the white house and i think that explains the pivot there. also doing it, approving drilling in alaska. battling crime and talking about reinstituting some of trump's border policies, he's trying to move to the middle preparing for 2024. >> steve: sure, every time the four of us go to the grocery store, we're reminded how much everything costs. i bought a dozen eggs, $7. inflation is north of 6% and he's talking about other stuff. >> that's it, the democrats have had this fixation on winning a news cycle, whatever is in the news, whatever they control in interviews. what they forget, americans are living their lives not in the news.
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they go to the store, it is not a news story and we all do experience it, no matter where your economic framework is, you notice what you can have and can't. gas prices still, still a baby formula issue and an issue in the united states of america about medicines for children, what you can get and what is not on the shelves still. the news media stops covering this and they think americans will forget. we don't, it remains daily issue in our lives. pivots on other issues, when americans look up because we've been very busy, they notice, look, if you think it is important now, why were you not doing it then? this economic situation, gas prices, because in large part him cutting us off and energy independence, americans notice that, as well. >> steve: you are right about baby formula, this grandpa was
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at target and the particular kind my kids use, it was gone. my wife went back the next day. guy, ultimately, joe will do everything he can to drag his party to the middle for the election. a lot of people worry about age, right now the democrats don't have a deep bench when you look at the vice president. >> i think that is right and there is a number of other names thrown out there. clearly the behavior of the president now suggest he's not worried about any primary challenge. if he were scared there were a bunch of people lining up to try to take that crown from him, i'm not sure he could afford to pivot to the center the way he is triesing to. if the base has no choice, he can say look at me on energy and immigration and crime and other issues and that is what he's attempting to do. part of his problem, he tried to
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draw that contrast with elizabeth warren and bernie sanders when he won the nomination, but he's governed as if he is elizabeth warren or bernie sanders. results have been disastrous. obviously the strategy isser cloo, not sure it will work, as tammy said, we have memories and we're living with consequences still and i imagine for a while. >> steve: one-word answers, what is his achilles heel topic wise? jason, you are first? >> inflation. inflation and prices at the pump. >> steve: one word. one word. tammy? >> trust. >> guy? >> age. >> steve: there you go. the complete spectrum, jason, guy, tammy, thank you for joining us live. >> thank you. >> steve: 18 before the top of the hour and ashley has economic
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data. >> ashley: fox news alert, february producer price index report out and shows wholesale inflation down by .1% from january and year-over-year prices for domestic manufacturers are up 4.6%. demand for mortgage on the rise despite volatile interest rates and white hot housing market. total applications up 6.5% week over week and applications to refinance a home went up 5% marking second straight week of increased volume of application. get vaccined or expelled for a connecticut church for refusing vaccines on children. now the church is suing pastor jim loomer joined us earlier. >> it is about nine or 10
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families in there right now, four of them want to make their own choices concerning vaccines for their children. we feel as though the state has overstepped their authority. we're planning to continue to honor the religious exemption not based on state law, but conscious. >> ashley: the pastor says the church will not back down. >> steve: thank you, ashley. behind me is to guy in front of a truck with a fox cast. >> i do and behind me is you and behind me is someone saying hello to someone in raleigh, north carolina. say hi to somebody, you will get a chance to. who? >> my mom julie. >> mom is watching right now? >> she is. she is in bed, though. >> hi to your mom and my mom. we avoided snow. is it cold for you guys? >> a little bit.
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>> we avoided big snow folks saw not far from new york city. as much as 43 inches in some spots, 36 inches, we're talking feet and feet of snow north of the city. we dodged that. really along all coastal areas. temperatures in the 30s, but it feels colder and 46 mile per hour gusty winds make it feel colder up and down the coast. all of wind and heavy snow taking out power for folks because of the nor'easter. those are weather headlines, steve, back to you. >> steve: adam, if your mom is in bed at quarter to nine, what time does she get out of bed? >> she is not in bed, she is probably texting me right now. you are up and living your best life. >> steve: joe biden's energy
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department wants washing machines to use less water, of course for environment, manufacturers are saying that move literally stinks. we'll come up with that coming up next. now dana perino joins us live from one of the higher levels here in the skyscraper. >> dana: that washing machine, not good for new parents, which i know you know. >> steve: it is not the diapers that get washed, it is 25 out fits per day. >> dana: i'm sure you bought a few of those. >> steve: most of them. >> dana: russian jet downs a u.s. drone, does this escalate? senator tom cotton will weigh in. debate is underway, how important is foreign policy position when voting for president? we'll ask newt gingrich. we have sharp eye on the market as regional banks downgraded overnight. larry kudlow walks us through it. we have lots to talk about,
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we'll see you at 9:00. to deliver more great tasting options with less sugar or no sugar at all. in fact, today, nearly 60% of beverages sold contain zero sugar. different sizes? check. clear calorie labels? just check. with so many options, it's easier than ever to find the balance that's right for you. more choices. less sugar.
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>> brian: college basketball now pittsburgh punches their ticket to the big dance for the first time since 2014. they survive after mississippi state missed a wide open game --
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okay, that is football. texas a&m -- >> ainsley: just start over brian. >> brian: i could pretend we are still in commercial. >> ainsley: philadelphia eagles. >> brian: photo for eagles proposing a rule change, instead of kicking an onside kick, the eagles want the losing team to be able to forego kickoff and try to convert fourth and 20 to kick the ball. usfl has a similar rule in place. pittsburgh punches their ticket to the big dance for the first time since 2014. mississippi state missed a game winner. texas a&m corpus, outlasting southern missouri state. the final spots will be decided today and we will make it
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official. that went well. >> ainsley: glad i took notes. first your stove, now the white house is targeting your washing machine. >> steve: president biden's new energy plan would take each washing cycle take longer, make detergent more expensive and leave your clothes dirtier because they use less water. >> brian: fox business, we are doing laundry. >> ainsley: get dirty clothes clean while you can. they will soon be dirty. >> i thought i had high-efficiency machine, that is what they call this thing, lg machine. according to energy department, it could be more efficient it uses less water and less detergent. here is proposal from the energy department. they said this proposal builds on 110 actions the biden-harris
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administration took to save the family $100 a year. the industry is pushing back on this. whirlpool, ge, lg, top three washer manufacturers say the savings in energy would be minimal and clothes might just not be all that clean. in addition, the energy department admits it will cost the companies $700 million to switch over to the new machines. we talked to head of the association of home apliance manufacturers who told us the machines will be more expensive. >> estimates of $150 per unit, our biggest concern. consumers will pay more for the washing machine and some features they desire and love will be impacted, they may be paying more for a product that is performing less well for them and has less features they are
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accustomed to. >> and so it goes, as i said, i thought this was pretty efficient. i use high-efficiency detergent, this is what my wife purchased. this is more expensive, they say it does more loads, not sure if it is true, i dump whatever in there. what can i tell you? >> steve: jeff, you revealed you are at your house because that is your detergent. does your wife trust you to hit the right button? my wife says i dry things too hot and regular-sized clothes, only person who can wear them afterward is malibu barbie. >> the truth is i actually do the laundry for my wife, a fun deal. >> ainsley: who folds? >> she does trust me, i think and she's not particular. i'm more particular than she is.
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>> ainsley: who folds? that is the worst, i'll do the wash, folding -- >> steve: and socks, the socks? >> brian: jeff, real quick -- >> ainsley: he's not answering. >> brian: outrage with gas ovens, will there be equal outrage if they do this with the water? >> here is the deal, i have a gas oven. >> ainsley: we get to see the house. >> steve: you need it there. >> this is my gas stove. i love gas, i think that is wonderful. i leave you with one thing, remember when they changed the toilets and they didn't flush as well. >> steve: less water. >> we got used to that, who knows, it is next generation to figure out. i'll be dead soon. >> steve: look at that. >> ainsley: the gas stoves are so pretty, i love the flame.
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>> steve: thank you for the tour of your house. tomorrow is a new day. >> i renovated this myself. >> ainsley: nicely done. i like the subway tile, very pretty. >> brian: i like the sheet rock. >> steve: we've stepping aside, more "fox and friends" in a minute. ha (screaming) defeat allergy headaches fast with new flonase headache and allergy relief! two pills relieve allergy headache pain? and the congestion that causes it! flonase headache and allergy relief. psst! psst! all good! somewhere out there is that one-in-a-million. someone who thinks with their hands. who can shape raw materials into something meaningful. and who wants to serve in their own way. ** if you're out there. if you're looking for more. we're looking too. we're calling on a new generation of builders for navy's next-gen submarines.
5:57 am
5:58 am
5:59 am
6:00 am
>> i wrote the lyrics, i danced all night, because that is what i do. run to the radio, a big show, we'll be talking about a lot of stuff only on radio. >> steve: who is on it? >> rich lawrey, will be on and congressman mike rogers. >> steve: terrific, see you tomorrow. >> markets open shortly, fears of wider crisis after stunning collapse of that bank in silicon valley bank. larry kudlow moments away, we are down 630 on the dow future, standby for that. mid-air collision sparking wider concern of a broader confrontation between moscow and washington. it happened yesterday over black sea. russian fighter jet clipping rear


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