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tv   Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo  FOX News  March 12, 2023 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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pete: thank you for joining us on in the faith and friends concert series. we loved being with you for all four hours. joey: have a great day and be back in your chairs for the big sunday show. pete: happy sunday. go to church one more time. see you nec weekend. >> good sunday morning, everyone. i'm maria bart romo -- maria bartiromo. another stock market selloff monday morning. because of the failure of silicon valley bank. bank regulators trying to come up with a buyer for the failed technology lender. is a bailout coming? speaker of the house kevin mccarthy on the first major bank failure since the first
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financial 2008 meltdown. as joe biden defends economic policy and promises a budget of more spending and higher taxes. >> when we talk about 28% tax rate, ronald reagan was 28% tax rate. that wacko liberal guy. maria: then the 2024 presidential election is on. florida governor ron desantis makes a stop in iowa over the weekend sparking questions as to when, not if, the governor is about to join the race for president and try to take florida's success across the country. >> the state of florida, we're the fastest growing state in the country, number one for net in migration in the country, number one gdp and economic growth amongst large states, and that didn't happen by accident. i mean, that's a result of the way you lead, the values they uphold, and the policies you support. i am sick of people getting elected to office and they kind
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of sit back like potted plants. leah: coming up, florida governor ron desantis is here live on the florida legislature currently underway. his new book and what comes next as contenders president trump and nikki haley also crisscross the country. >> the sinister forces tried to kill america and have done everything they can to stop me and silent you and turn this nation into a socialist dumping ground for criminals, junkies, marxists, radicals, refugees that no other country wants. maria: plus the china threat persists with the ccp coming out of the air, ground and through land acquisitions. south dakota governor christie gnome stopping the buying. the biden family influenced
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pedaling in plain sight. oversight committee chairman james comer on his investigation into the biden family business and potentially selling out america to the enemy for personal gain. it's all live and happening right here right now on sunday morning futures. maria: we begin this sunday morning with new panic underway over the state of the nation's banks after the failure of silicon valley bank. all of this as we question the state of america under president biden. from spiking crime and 40-year inflation to the dangerous drug cartels controlling the southern border and china's especially ee over the southern united states and it's the most precarious times in the history and staring at a fiscal chief with the show downs over raising the debt ceiling or facing the ability of
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the u.s. defaulting on its bills with the national debt at $31.6 trillion with interest alone on that debt at over half a trillion dollars. republicans want to cut spending but president biden is releasing his latest budget proposal this past week with trillions in additional spending and plans to raise taxes to pay for it. the cartel violence over the southern border in mexico is escalating and shocking footage showing four americans kidnapped by armed gunmen in broad daylight in the city that sits on the border with texas. two of the americans were later rescued while two others were tragically found dead. this as the crisis at the southern border continues. 6 million migrants crossing illegally in the last two years and the flow of fentanyl having a deadly impact on communities in i country and all enabled by joe biden's open border. overseas china is ramping up the aggression towards taiwan and spying in plain sight over the
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continental united states and china broker ago deal to reunit saudi arabia and iran with the two reestablishing diplomatic ties last week after seven years of estrangement and the beijing dominant power broker and amid the backdrop of house republicans investigating questionable business transactions by the biden family and they attempt to give answers on how joe biden accumulated millions during his 40 years in public service. for more on all this, joining me right now kevin mccarthy. >> thank you, maria. good to be back on the show. maria: i want your tack on silicon valley bank and you've been in touch with the brokers and what are you expecting before the marks open tomorrow
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morning? >> i have talked with the administration from jay powell and janet yell and they do have the tools to handle the current situations. they have the seriousness of this and they are working to try and come forward with some announcement before the markets open and i'm hopeful something can be announced today and this bank is a unique bank where they have assets, they have an amazing cl clientele and somethg that's possible for someone to purchase the bank and the best outcome to come forward and cool the markets and move forward in the right banner. banner.maria: there's a lot of nervousness after bill akman tweeted there'll be a run on banks and after 2006-2007 financial collapse and the banks shored up their capital and the banking system is well capitalized and important to get
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that out in the middle of all the chaos and do you expect a larger bank to acquire silicon valley bank? >> that's something they should look at and silicon valley bank with the capital is at and wanting to attract it and purchase it and it's a time line to move forward and they'll have tools to deal with that and i wouldn't live with somebody putting something on twitter and let the actions of the administration take work here before anybody goes to any position in their own bank. maria: talk about the work you've been doing and that's responding to this president's budget while you're trying to get the white house to have conversations with you about putting boundaries in place for spending ahead of the debt ceiling showdown. when are you expecting those conversations to take place? >> first, maria, the president's
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budget is not serious and it's not serious for the current time we live in and high debt bringing inpolice station and we watch the pain it causes american citizens and this is not a serious budget in real leadership and don't play games with the leadership and going with the person to negotiate and the world we're serious about getting our debt and how we deal with china and the fentanyl and putting the work force black in the workplace and that's a real challenge to be delayed by this president more than a month to
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release his budget and have a nonserious management for the leadership and sit down and show leadership to america and the rest of the world and we're just not seeing it. maria: we've not heard from president biden about the silicon valley situation and he's at home in committee and says his budget borrowing trillions and his increase to debt gdp ratio to 120% by 2023 and more than the record set just after world war ii. bottom line, will this pass? >> no, it won't get -- listen to democrats, they won't even vote for this. what's even works, maria, listen to what the congressional budget
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office says. in the next ten years, we will pay as americans, hard working taxpayers, over 10.5 trillion on interest. this interest on the debt it. is what you pay on your credit card and to put that in perspective, since 1940 till today, in the last 80 years, we've only paid $9 trillion in interest. that's why this budget is not serious. this is why the lack of leadership by this president in a situation economically we are today weakens america and also he's not playing to the strength of america. he's got gasoline prices a dollar high sings he took office and it wouldn't make our economy stronger, it would lower inflation to be energy independent. it would lower inflation and geopolitically around the world and put china into the middle east and these are the policies of the democrats that have made america weaker economically and
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made us weaker on the world stage and would make our future less than what we know america can and should be. >> it is approving an energy project in alaska and i know you've made energy your most important number one priority here with hr1. where does that bill stand? >> we're about to roll that bill up -- out. lower energy cost act because we believe if america's energy independent, if we lower the cost of energy on aliforms of energy, not picking one over the other, what happens is more american jobs, energy cost is lower so there's more production in america, more jobs that are stronger arnold the world and -- wonderful place the world and enemies are better and we can sell our natural gas, that's 31% cleaner than russian natural gas and environmentally the world is
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safer and more secure, and puts us on a stronger playing field. we'll introduce that bill this month and move it forward. what's interesting, maria, is the change in this administration since republicans took the majority. since we put these people together, the committee on covid and we get the truth and remember what we passed last week and we have everybody declassifying all the information on covid so we know where it originated and having hearings on what happened in afghanistan and brought us 13 gold star families by the misstep of the administration and we tell the rest of the world this won't happen again and looking at select committees on the weaponization it's a message to everybody single community we're going to back
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the blue and tired of the streets not being safe. maria: bringing saudi arabia together and iran and what's the significance of that? >> the time for war is passed and it's not on the stage right now and we've watched china enter the middle east and we're brokering the deal with iran putting them back on the world stage and, maria, i'm very concerned it look as lot like 1936 all over again and access of power, of russia, china, north korea and iran. bounding together since freedom and values of what america represents and president xi only left his country one time during the pandemic and that was for them all to meet. the last time we had a democrat administration bring china in and what happened in afghanistan
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and watched saudi arabia build a better relationship with china and that's because the lack of strength in our america and that comes from a economic energy policy and more. maria: real quick, there's another question of honesty and you gave the tapes of january 6 to tucker carlson. do you have any regrets about that and what have we learned from these tapes that have been on tucker carlson tonight. >> my goal is transparency and ruling out that every individual news agency can seat tapes as well and january 6 committee not honest with us and it's not 14,000 hours of tapes but 41,000 hours of tapes. let everyone see them and bring their own judgment. one thing i understand in america is we should have equal
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justice. why did i watch federal courts. why did i watch cities burn and federal agencies is arrested there. we would have transparency and really concerning to me and we've taken majority and the things i have learned and they've withheld information from the american public and that's not happened on the watch and regardless of what information says or doesn't say and transparency is best and allow the american public and have equal justice across this nation. nation. maria: at one point we're watching them walk and be escorted by police in the capitol, which is stunning. speaker mccarthy, thank you for your leadership and joining me today. >> thank you. maria: quick break and the florida miracle is on. growth, prosperity, freedom as the governor steps out in iowa
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this weekend speaking about all of that. we are watching that and we will talk with florida governor ron desantis here, live, on taking on biden and his policies. that's next. ♪ ♪ ♪ we're the ones getting it done. we're managing type 2 diabetes and heart risk. we're on it with jardiance. join the growing number of people who are on it with the once-daily pill, jardiance. jardiance not only lowers a1c, it goes beyond to reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease. and jardiance may help you lose some weight. jardiance may cause serious side effects including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, (that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function), and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur.
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do what we did in south carolina we passed an arizona-style e verify program that said no business could hire anyone in our country illegally and if businesses did it, they were punished. that stopped everything in south carolina and when we do that across the country, it will stop all of those illegal immigrants thinking they can come here and make money off u.s. taxpayers. maria: welcome back, that was republican presidential candidate nikki haley on the program last month on the continuing crisis at the southern boarder and president biden's watch hoped it up and then on wednesday a federal judge ruled in favor of the state of florida and struck down a parole-like program of releasing migrant grant across the border into the country. the evidence that establishes that they've turned the
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southwest border into a meaningless line in the sand and little more than a speeding bump for aliens flooding into the country. joining me right now with reaction is the governor of the great state of florida, ron desantis. and the governor is out with a new book titled the courage to be free, florida's blueprint for america's revival. the book is currently number one on the new york time's best seller's list. governor, it's great to have you this morning. welcome. >> hey, good morning, maria. maria: what is the impact of this ruling and what were you seeing before this ruling with regard to migrants coming into florida? >> well, what the ruling basically says is that joe biden has been violating the law, his oath of office and the constitution. they're using this idea of parole and converting into a way to nullify our immigration laws. that's one of the reasons you've had millions and millions of people illegally pour across the border and biden paroles them and they get released into our
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communities. so in florida, you know, we have had to deal with it but i tell you, maria, we also have to deal with boats coming from haiti and cuba and the coast guard does a great job and biden doesn't give them enough resources and we're under a state of emergency in florida for the florida keys area. i've semperred state resources and we've -- searched state resources and we've brought the boats to a trickle and haven't seen as many and helped the coast guard re-patriot 11,000 illegals and that's a success story. you see the impacts all over but we in this court case are really leaning in and this is going to have national implications and it should apply nationwide and should force them to change their policy. maria: well, it was very important and thanks to your efforts it seems to be changing and, governor, i want to get your take on what appears to be another emergency unfolding this morning. that is around this silicon
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valley bank and its failure, you tubing on the insurance crisis in florida last year tackling what was becoming a property insurance issue. how worried are you about florida banks and the potential for a run on these banks with the silicon valley failure? >> i don't have any specific information about any florida bank similar to silicon valley bank and hopefully that remains the case. you know, maria, just appears to me, i mean, this bank, they're so concerned with dei and politics and all kinds of stuff. i think that really diverted from them focusing on their core mission. i also look at it and say we have such a massive amount of regulations and federal brock seizure disorders and they never seem to be -- burr rock seizure disorders and they never seem to be there when we need them and we'll see what they do going into tomorrow but it's very
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disappointing and kind of reminds me of stuff we saw in the financial crisis or bernie madoff with warning signs and yet the government -- this is supposed to be their job and they always seem to whiff when it counts. maria: talk about your leadership, you wrote a book about the courage to keep things free and protected students and kept things open during the crisis of covid-19 and stood up to disney. we have your op-ed here and old fax corp. republicanism won't do in a world where the left high jacketed big business and talk to us about the florida miracle and what you see happening for the country if in fact it takes on this item. >> well, i think as you know, because i'd come on your show. we were getting hammered by the left, by the corporate press, by bureaucrats like fauci every step of the way by covid whether
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it was businesses being open and people working during covid and i took a lot of incoming and even people being put out to pasture the whole thing politically and i had to do thing differently and my job as a leader is to put the interest of the people i represent and their jobs over my own interest and keeping my own job and so if they're short term political pain and ultimately doesn't work out for me politically, that's fine. but you had to do the right thing and the fact that we did that was part of the reason why we boom so much. yes, we have lower taxes and law and order state and disorder arnold the country and the dramatic difference in approach between new york and illinois and california and florida, we really just started getting more wealth, more investment and the state really took off. something like disney and, maria, when we say we're the free state of florida.
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yes, we want to prevent you from being overtaxed and making sure you don't have to deal with the ridiculous covid restrictions that biden is clinging to trying to keep novak djokovic out of the country and we have to recognize the left is pleopodsing the agenda through all of the reasons and society through corporate america and part of my job to protect the freedoms of my citizens is to ensure that the left's not able to impose their agenda on them through corporate america or through bureaucracies and universities and the fight with disney is about who governs the state of florida. i think they thought for the last 60 years they called the shots. well, there's a new sheriff in town and we call the shots and i made that very clear. maria: yeah, i was talking to someone from florida yesterday and they said there's 67 counties in florida and we joked that disney was the 68th . they had that much power. >> they controlled 44 square miles of territory since the
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late '60s. no transparency, no accountability, except from laws, had massive tax breaks and it's like, you know, that's not good policy to do that. i've got other businesses and individuals that are participating in the economy, but especially, you know, when you're going to advocate against core policies of our state like the rights of par parents and wl being of children and we ended self-governing status in the of florida and that was the right thing to do. maria: governor, you made a stop in iowa this weekend. how was it? was this the first indication that you are running for president? >> it's a first indication that we've got a great book that people are buying, we had a lot of interest. governor kim reynolds is a friend of mine and i often tell people when they ask me in florida who else has done a good job. i always say look at what iowa's done. they've done a lot of things that florida has done, they've got a great legislature, and i gather interesting cat birdseed
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in florida, maria, as you know because people visit from all across the country, they move here and tell me about where they came from. people come from illinois, they're upset about how illinois' run. people fleeing like michigan lockdowns and i remember were very bitter. people that come down from iowa, they're happy. they like their state. tay like coming to florida as well, but we got a great response across two different cities, and i think it's just people look and they see, you know, we have a deficit of leadership in this country and when people stand up and are willing to lead and i talk about the book, when i became governor i said i'm not doing any polling. i never did a poll since i've been governor to try and tell me what to do. a leader is not captive by polls. a leader leads and shaping public opinion and brings the people with you. i think the story of florida is one, yes, policy success, but we went by winning from 32,000 votes in 2018 to winning by 1.5 million votes in 2022. we had the largest margin that
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any republican has ever had with governor and that's because we shifted the elector rat in our favor and that's a testament that when you lead and people know where you stand and you deliver results, they don't have to agree with you all the time, they'll respect that and know they can count on you. maria: governor, you're in the middle of the florida legislature right now. what can you tell us in terms of your priorities and the bulk of the spending in your new budget? >> we're going to be strong on education and infrastructure because we're a growing state so we're going to increase teacher salaries yet again and we'll make sure the school unions aren't getting much of that money and get paycheck protection and getting automatic protections for dues and that's their choice and if they want to write a check, that's fine. we'll do a big infrastructure plan and we're going to prohibit ccp-linked businesses from purchasing land in the state of florida. they want land grabs in our country, and we're not going to allow it to happen in the state
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of florida. maria: by the way, speaking of kids, you've got three little ones in the governor's mansion. how are you and the first lady managing that? >> it's very busy and people say you need to go home and rest sometimes when i out and i tell them we don't get rest whether we're at home. we have our hands full. maria: i'm sure. governor, it's great to have you this weekend. thanks very much. >> thank you. maria: governor ron desantis in florida. quick break and then china's power grab of america's farmland as the ccp tries to rapidly buy up america's agricultural land. south dakota governor christie gnome is here on why she thinks china's end game is to control the u.s. comply chain of food. she's next. ♪ >> tech: when you have auto glass damage, trust safelite. my customer really relies on his car's advanced safety system. [alarm] >> instructor: veer right. [ringing] >> instructor: and slow down. >> tech: so when he got a cracked windshield, he turned to safelite. we're the experts at replacing glass
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>> they're using economic coercion taxes to gain access to the supply chain. maria: that was virginia governor glen youngkin on how his state is standing up to the chinese communist party in their quest for global domination and take ago firm stance against china's aggression and south dakota governor kristi noem that's made it a priority to stop china from buying valuable farmland in her state. governor noem banned the ccp-backed social media app tiktok from state government electronic devices as the u.s. face as surge in chinese espionage inside america. joining me right now is the woman herself and south dakota republican governor kristi noem. governor, great to have you this morning. thanks for being here. >> good morning, maria. thank you for inviting me. maria: what can you tell us alaska the ccp's behavior and efforts to buy much land in your state? >> they haven't got a foothold here in south dakota yet, but we're determined to stop them before they do.
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maria, south dakota will be the home of the next generation bomber that will be protecting the united states of america for the next 25-30 years. we're excite that had we were chosen to be the home of that platform, but also recognize the responsibility that comes with it. we're not going to allow china to purchase up land anywhere near that air force base so they can conduct surveillance on us or own an asset that is within our boarders that they could use to destroy the united states of america and hope every state take it is as seriously as south dakota has and we have been extremely aggressive on this and we will make sure they're not con saling the land and i was the -- concealing the land and the first governor to take action and ban tiktok in our state and saw over two dozen states make contact and we're thankful that other people are waking up to how china is using all the assets to conduct surveillance on the american people. they are having a 2,000 year plan to destroy this country and
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they're determined to use it all the tools in the tool box and that's why it's porn that we wake up now. they stop with the infiltration in the life. maria: you're being tougher on the ccp than biden is and that's why we're questioning this soft approach and on this dominance of china and it's interesting and i'm glad you mentioned the bomber because that has been the path whether it's the balloon over our military insulations where there's nuclear facilities and buying up land close to the military insulations and what is the goal here. >> china recognizes the only way they can have world dominance is taking out the united states and we'll stand in their path and they'll use their own enemies like russia, north korea or iran to partner in unique ways to destroy and yous we need to wake up every single day recognizing what they've been doing for
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generations. i've been involved in ag policy for 25 years, i was -- served on armed services committee while in congress and i recognized and saw them buying up fertilizer companies, chemical companies, our processing systems. they're buying our food supply so they can control us not only manipulating their currency, stealing our ip and now they're purchasing our land to have a foothold here in the center of the united states of america to conduct surveillance on our defense systems and it's alarming and it's very strange for south dakota to have to be this aggressive and when there's a lack of leadership in the white house and we can do what we have touchdown pass protect our people. maria: tell me about tiktok and what's the national security threat as you see it? >> they're using that platform to spy on our people to communicate with them and it can be manipulated and the algorithms within it and change perceptions and also ask be hacked into and utilized to access people's key strokes to gain access to their financial
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information. it is alarming to what that tool can do, and they were very smart and when they released this app. they release it had during a time when people -- released it during a time when people were home and board and wanted to bring a smile to their face, and they used that against us, maria, what's concerning to me is the american people even willing to be in convenessed to be safe -- inconvenienced to be safe anymore. will they be inconvenienced anymore to be free? we've seen that china and the communist party in control over there will destroy their own people to get world dominance. what will america do just to stand up and to be free? will we at least quit using an app that they're using against us? maria: what about that, what about that app? what do you want to say to parents who may have their kids have tiktok on their phone. you've banned on government devices but how much of a threat can it to ordinary american families? >> sit your kids down and have a
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conversation and tell them to knock it off. tell them they slept in their beds last night safe and secure because of sacrifices that were made for this country, and that to respect that, they should not allow our enemies to come right into their homes and to manipulate their thoughts and minds and how they feel about the united states o. maria, if we lose this country, where do we go? where do they go and what's a better opportunity for the american dream than right here? we're pretty proud of our state that we're leading the country in the economy and we have the number one incomes in the nation right now and 2.1% unemployment and we were the only state not to close businesses. we're the only state not to mandate or too touchdown catch tell people not toe -- to tell people not to stay in their homes and we're thriving and even with all the snow and cold. we're doing great. south dakota can be a beacon for freedom whether it comes to national security,s securing the border or giving people more opportunities to grow incomes
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and have a strong economy. maria: well, 2% unemployment is just outstanding, real quick, governor, what's your thoughts on the food supply? this was something you raised as they want to buy up the agricultural land. what will they do? >> oh my goodness, they'd completely control us. if we think a pandemic was scary, wait until you can't feed your children and what people will do. by purchasing up the entire processing chain and then purchasing the land, they might not only control that land, may use it for nefarious purposes like surveillance on our platforms but they also could use it to keep productivity out of there. i've long believe that had we need family -- believed that we need family farms out here on the land. we need family farms because diversity and many people growing our food supply means that one person doesn't control it. it means that it's safer and it's more affordable for every single family and that's why so many people in this country need to appreciate that we grow our own food in the united states. maria: really important point. governor, thank you very much.
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watching your leadership of south dakota. governor kristi noem, thank you very much. >> thank you, maria. maria: quick break and a matter o f national security and biden influence pedaling and selling out to number one adversary and chairman committee james comer is here on his committee's investigation into the biden family business. that's next.
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>> we know about the dossier and spying on president trump's campaign. 2018 it was the mill investigation that was going on and 2020 is what we talked about and the biden laptop story and in 2022, 91 days before the election, they raid president trump's home and they know about joe biden having the same, having a classified document before the election and they don't tell us about that and maybe stay out of the elections fbi and let the american people decide who we want represented.
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maria: that was house judiciary committee and the national archives revealing to grassley and johnson that nine boxes of documents were taken to the office of president biden's attorney patrick moore but they've yet to be reviewed and even though the archives have had possession of this material since november. the boxes were shipped from the penn biden center in washington to moore's law firm in boston. next month biden's former executive assistant from his time as vice president cathy chung will testify on the president's handling of classified documents. joining nerve nucleus is the chairman of the oversight excite tee kentucky republican congressman james comer. mr. chairman, thank you for being here this morning. >> thank you for having me. maria: i want to get your take on the news of the day and that's the silicon valley bank loss and failure. you were on a bank board and
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chairman of the oversight cheat tee. what should be -- committee, what should be done here? >> i worry this could be a trend and when one bank goes down, more banks could go down. what we've seen early on from the art articles in "the wall st journal" and other financial publications and they invest add lot of cash, a lot of cash i would assume they had from things like ppp loan, government policy, and they invested it in bonds and then because the democrats spent too much money in other stimulus, they -- the bonds go down and interest rates go up and fed had to raise interest ra rates to combat the democrat's inflation and now coming out they were one of the most woke banks in their quest for the esg-type policy and investing. this could be a trend and there are consequence for bad democrat policy and we need to keep an eye on all the banking sector right now. maria: well, we're waiting for a solution and we're expecting an announcement to the acquisition
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of the silicon valley bank before it opens tomorrow and let's move on to the work you've been doing and a couple of weeks since we've spoken and you've been digging on in the business of the biden family. what have you learned in >> we've had a very good two would he bees, maria, we're finally having people cooperate with us and i think we all know the biden administration is stone walling, janet yellen is stone walling and not turning over the bank violations but fortunately since we've last spoken, we actually have bank records in hand. we have individuals who are working with our committee in the last two weekses and met with either these individuals personally or the attorneys and that would be four individuals who had ties in with the biden family on their various schemes an the world and so now we have in hand documents that show just exactly how the biden family was getting money from the chinese communist party, and i will tell you it's as bad as we thought, maria. it's very concerning and in a
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way i'm glad the biden attorney and the biden administration has been stone walling us because when i request that had information two weeks ago versus today because of what we have in hand now, we have a lot stronger case in court for why we need these documents that the biden family is withholding and the government is withholding and they've unintentionally helped our case and our quest to get these documents to where we can give the american people the truth and the transparency that they deserve out of their leadership in washington. maria: congressman, this is so extraordinary and this is the number one adversary of america and you're telling us that the biden family accepted money. what does the ccp have on the biden family and is that the reason for the soft approach on china? we'll slip in a short break and then i want to get your take on what you're expecting out of that upcoming hearing of the oversight excite tee. stay with us, we're -- committee. stay with us, we're talking to
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congressman james comer this e armorning. ♪ ave. fishing is our second nature. a way of life. and we know it's not always about what's in the net it's bonding with a buddy over a shared passion. start another great season out on the water at bass pro shops and cabela's during our spring fishing classic. save on great gear, plus get the best boat deals of the year, including a tracker for less than five dollars a day. bass pro shops and cabela's your adventure starts here.
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maria: welcome back, i'm here with the chairman of the oversight committee james comer. kathy chung is coming in to be
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deposed. what are you expect something >> we are talking to her about her role in moving documents and question all know that joe -- we all know that joe biden was mishandling classified documents and text messages from an e-mail she got the job to help with the biden family moving documents and it's a recommendation of hunter biden giving hunter biden what we see from bank records and e-mails and text messages with all the pedaling he's done and why was hunter biden so concerned about joe biden's documents and we have a lot of questions for ms. chung and she'll come in columbia un-stairly and we'll -- voluntarily and we'll have a chance to get answers. maria: chairman, what have you learned from the bank records? >> these are people affiliated with the different businesses so-to-speak that the biden family was involved in with
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respect to this -- china. what it appears is there were a lot of transfers from a accounto account to account and many on the same day and probably why there's so in suspicious violation reports and the banks would look at this like they must be laundering money and i don't think they were laundering money, maria, but looks like they were trying to hide the source of the money and the source was the chinese communist party so my question to the bidens when i get this is if they're conducting legitimate business activities, synergy home so many transfers and why are you trying to hide the source of that money? maria: well, we have to continue digging in on that. mr. chairman, thank you. we'll see you soon, james comer. that's it for us and a quick break and continue on fox news. see you tomorrow morning oner see you tomorrow morning oner "mornings withci maria". have a great sunday, everybody. smiley seniors golfing, hiking...
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