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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  March 10, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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zeldin, daguen mcdowell. our studio audience, jean, tom, andre. here on behalf of greg gutfeld, i love you, america. >> good evening. welcome to america's late news. fox news at night. i'm trace gallagher in los angeles. and breaking tonight, the largest bank failure since the 2008 financial crisis is now rocking the financial world. from silicon valley to wall street, one technology c everybodying o calls it an extinction level event for startups and it comes amid big tech layoffs increasing unemployment and the pushing massive tax and spending increases. the chief correspondent jonathan hunt is live with manier on the
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state of our economy. >> good evening. the day started well enough for biden with a jobs report showing the u.s. economy adding 311,000 jobs last month. >> we created more jobs in two years than any administration created in the first four years. it's no accident. it mean our economic plan is working. >> but that good news was quickly overtaken by bad news that could get a lot worse. >> thank you. thank you. >> silicon valley bank may not be a house hold name. but it is a very big deal in term of lending to and financing operations of many leading tech companies. and today, it collapsed. struggling with high interest rates, unable to find a buyer. >> well, the very last time we've seen a bank of this magnitude fell was in 2008.
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and, that could be a true indication of where our economy is at. >> now, the white house insists comparisons with the financial crisis of 2008 are overblown. >> our banking system is fundamentally different because of the changes that we put in place in 2008. for example, they have to hold more capital. they unz go stress tests. >> the collapse of the bank a major player in the tech and venture capital worlds left some companies wondering how they can find the cash to keep going. >> if you ear a startup, cash is king. the cash and the work flow to be able to have runway is critical. >> and it's not just smaller tech companies that are facing the economic head winds right now. tech giant such as amazon, apple, and, of course, elon musks' twitter are among those who recently announced they are letting workers go or implementing hiring freezes. you get the feeling there's more
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to come on this. >> i hear comparisons between now and 2008, it gets dicy. the subcommittee investigating the covid pandemic claimed the biden administration may have tried to cut corners to fast track the fda's vaccine approval process. kevin cork is live with the latest on this. good evening. >> good evening, trace. a letter from some select committee republicans to the fda's commissioner. gop lawmakers approve the administration of wrongly compressing the timeline for vaccine approval in order to implement man daits nation-wide. lawmakers led by chair, brad win stop and lisa mcclain wrote, quote, this may not have been to save lives but to provide cover for implementing and enforcing vaccine mandates across the country. mean, the gop-led house passed a bill to require the dni to
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declassify information related to the origin of covid-19. the final tally? 419-0. 16 members did not vote. of course, you probably know just last week the senate voted unanimously to require april haynes, again, the dni, to declassify that same information. josh hawley weighing in forcefully this week. he said the american people deserve to see what their government knows about the origin of covid. he goes on the add this -- as it turns out, our own government has known for sometime that it likely came from a lab. strong words indeed. the fda also told fox digital tonight that, yes, it has received the letter that i just told you about. and it will respond directly to the subcommittee to be continued, trace. >> indeed, it will. kevin cork live for us in dc. thank you. bring in board certified doctor. it's great to you on. it's concerning. republicans say it appears the
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biden administration tried to cut corners in the fda's covid vaccine approval. that gets a little concerning. >> trace, it's difficult when you're fast tracking a drug of any kind, especially if you're fast tracking something that is a new category of drug, mrna, never given to people, mandated or encouraged for every person alive, basically? you don't have time to investigate these things. a traditional fast track still involves the safety and efficacy for a large number of people and not intended for the entire population. this is a unique situation. it's unusual that they were unable to do what they did. and something is going to fall through the cracks. that was inevitable. >> we're going to find out more about this. i want to go on to the social media censoring. matt tiabbi said, truth about vaccine. not just misinformation or whatever they call it. the truth of the vaccines, in one email, the virility project
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argues multiple platforms take action even against stories against true vaccine side effects or true facts that could reduce efficacy. these are just people saying, you know what? you got to shut that down. no medical experience at all. >> and if you have to think of the top, most unethical things that a social media company or anyone could do, what would it be? it who you would be to censor truthful information regarding side effects of a drug given to every person on earth. they did that, right? that would be number one. number two, number three on the list of the most unethical things they could do, they did it. it's unconscionable they wanted to censor things they knew to be truthful. this makes no sense. >> you have to give people all of the information if you give them vaccine. they were new, they were brand new. just like the virus. and to not give people all of
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the information when they are taking these vaccines is -- is unethical, it's bordering on criminal. there's a lot of list of things there. >> people could be harmed. the only way to give medical product or treatment of any kind to someone is through informed consent. take away the informed, how can you give consent? it makes no sense. >> i want to play this sound bite. this is barbara ferrar, the l.a. county director. i'll get your response. >> public health strongly recommends but no long requires the exposed person wears a well-fitting mask around others who are near those with high risk of severe illness. >> the close contact mask mandate has ended for now, good, bad, indifferent? what are your thoughts? >> too little, too late. enforcing it in schools as early as this week. letters to parents this week saying you have to mask your kid for ten days because there's an exposure.
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what mandate did she not revoke, one for healthcare workers. they have to continue to mask and there's no evidence behind it. >> healthcare workers and the patients when they come in. masking because when the doctors have them on, they want the patients to have them on too. thank you. >> a follow-up, the of mexico calling out the u.s. for it's, quote, social decay and claiming his country does not produce or consume fentanyl, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. lauren blanchard is live with a closer look at this. good evening. >> hi, trace. the own door said the u.s. has the fentanyl problem, not his country. this is a week after americans were kidnapped and killed by cartel members. the problem the cartels are creating in terms of danger for americans in mexico and also the drugs they funnel across the border. here's what the drug enforcement administration said in december.
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most of the fentanyl trafficked is being mass produced at secret factories in mexico with chemicals sourced largely from china. this week, 1 million pills. in nogales, officers found 5600 fentanyl pills. they said we do not have fentanyl or the consumption of fentanyl. why don't the united states take care of their problem of social decay. >> he works for the car teles an it that point. that's clear. he's more interested in representing the car teles than the mexican people. >> some want the cartels designated foreign terrorist organizations and use military force against them. the white house, trace, said they don't think that will do anything. of. >> lauren blanchard live for us in dc. bring in security advisors to cash patel.
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cash, always great to have you on. today in l.a. four mexican nationals were busted for a million fentanyl pills. a million. and the of mexico said the following -- put this on the screen -- here we do not produce fentanyl and we do not have consumption of fentanyl. it's kind of like the biden administration continuely saying, oh, the border is very secure. it's bad information on his side of the border and bad information on our side of the border. >> hey, trace, great to be with you. you're right. we're not saying mexicans produce meant nil. we're saying mexican drug cartels produce fentanyl, highlighted by the statistic and the fact that you just put out there. and last year alone, this fentanyl was provided by the ccp, the chinese communist party and they said we don't make it. no, you provide the ingredients. ship it to mexico. the cartels make it. then they scour our communities and 100,000 american citizens died last year from fentanyl
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that came from the chinese communist party through the mention kang drug cartels. no one getting around that fact. no one is attacking the mexican people. forget the invasion on the border. put that aside. from an intelligence perspective, we prioritize collecting intelligence against drug cartels and shifting dod assets to countermand that attack. this administration is not doing that. there are options they can take. they're not doing it. >> i want to play this sound bite. this is michael bennett, it was interesting, watch. >> colorado is being overrun by fentanyl. i don't see any evidence that we're getting the cooperation that we need from mexico to deal with this crisis at our border. we haven't made any progress, things have gotten a lot worse. sorry to say they've gotten a lot worse in the course of this administration. >> breasting now, cash. the administration is backing off this a little saying we don't have the resources or the money to secure the border the way we want to. >> that's just not true.
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look, as a former chief of staff, the dod, the deputy director of national intelligence, the boarder is a two-sided issue, the united states side and the mexico side. when we the trump add administration went down and dropped assets to mexico, we leveraged terrorists in the economic position of the mexican government to curtail the drug trade from the mexican side. we also beefed up security and dod assets on the american side through the department of homeland security. and there's no such thing as not enough money for this. maybe in my opinion we should prioritize our border versus printing a money machine atm for the ukraine conflict. i'm not saying they don't need help, but we need to protect us first, maybe we can take some money from there and putting it on the southern border. >> we talked about the chemicals from china. i thought this was interesting. the headline in "the new york times," saudi arabia and iran agreed to re-establish ties. the talks are hosted by china going
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on saying seven years after cutting formal ties, they will open embassies in each others' countries within two months and confirm their respect for the sovereignty of states and noninterference in their internal affairs. they said in a joint statement. it sounds like bad actors are getting cozy. your final thoughts on this, cash. >> terrible. the state sponsor of terrorism, the largest in the world, america's number one enbmy brokered a deal with our other adversary, the communist national party. saudi arabia and iran were at war weeks ago taking out military and blowing up infrastructure. they've gotten to be the table, got on the the table. america is nowhere to be found on the diplomatic stage. if you establish embassies in your respective countries, you loufrj you launch a forward operating base, not just for your diplomacy, but for military, education and healthcare systems, and you're flooding money into markets. america is nowhere to be found. the add minute stlags wants to getting back to the iran nuclear
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deal in the last two years. that's the biggest concern. they have partners and money and banking system to augment their already going nuclear program. >> and the phrase, "nowhere to be found" is key in that, cash patel. great to have you on. thank you. >> thank you so much. >> well, first up in tonight's crime roundup, a man being tried for murder in oregon was by law unshackled as the trial began. he made a run for it, leading police on a goose chase around town. he broke into an apartment and was eventually found two hours later. the man hunt included dogs, drones, and a shelter in place order for residents. manhattan district attorney alvin bragg may be close to charge president trump for a low-level felony for hush money payment to stormy daniels during the 2016 election cycle. might be a good idea to remember the same da also spent last year downgrading 52% of felony cases to misdemeanor. a lot of the dc teenagers who
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tried to rob washington commanders running back washington junior last summer got the maximum sentence of six years in jail, despite the fact that robbery led to robinson getting shot in the leg. than teen pled guilty to killing a fellow teen last year. the maximum sentence under juvenile law was detention until age 21 and seeing as the teen is 15, he would be free in six years despite the violent crimes. and in maryland, democrats now pushing for a bill to stop anyone under 25 from being convicted of first degree murder. one delegate argued the bill would cause gangs to use juveniles to do their dirty work. the bill protects kids whose brains are not yet fully developed. one man who has spent his life trying to right the wrongs of prosecutors here in california is ken la court. in 197, his 18-year-old sister was murdered.
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his killer was sentenced to death. the death penalty was overturned twochlt life sentences. up for parole in five years. ken la court joins us live on set. you have spent literally the better part of your life trying to make sure that this person stays behind bars. >> you know, that's totally true. it's like -- we as a family, when you get that horrible news of somebody coming in that was -- i mean, they were literally on the hike in the middle of the afternoon above arcadia, california, above a sleepy town. but then, just a few years later to hear that this person might be released. it's like, that's harder to understand the horror of evil itself that the government could be that kind of uncaring about it. >> the concern here is this guy is in his 70s, ken. but the whole concept here is that he could still be released and still, as you say, has enough strength to pull the trigger of a weapon. >> absolutely. he had killed before, and was let go because they didn't have enough information. there are other murders that he
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was -- he was a nascent serial killer. and the law in california has changed -- they have things for seniors. and they -- they define a senior in california, the parole system, as someone over 50 years old. they make these incremental little changes and they're letting first degree murderers out every month, every week in california. >> stand by. i want to bring in the legal expertise of the host of nothing but the truth podcast, david bruno. david, you know as much about this as anybody. the whole concept of the soft on crime, progressive prosecutors what ken is talking about here, letting people out of prison, it's across the country. but nowhere really worse than california. your thoughts on what ken is talking about? >> well, first ken, my heart goes out to you and your family for the tragedy that you've been through. you've been a spokesperson on this, i applaud you. look, another thing is, they're taking the prosecutors out of the parole hearings in california. i menial, there's no advocate longer for the victims of these
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crimes. the defense attorneys have their opportunities with the convicted felons to try to persuade the parole boards to get out. right? and now the attorney general of california is also instituting these postconviction relief efforts on the prosecutor's side. which basically our prosecutors are doing defense attorney work. >> we have that. i want to stop you quickly. we have that, the attorney general banta on the first ever post conviction justice unit on the part of the california of justice looked at resolve wrongful or improper criminal convictions including matters where there may be significant integrity issues and to identify cases that may be suitable for potential resentencing. forget about putting them away, ken, they're trying to get them out. >> the system is designed now to let more guys out of prison. that's now part of your goal there. they don't want to overdo it.
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they don't want another willie hourtop on their hands. but they're doing that. the local da here, the county district attorney, refuses to allow now any prosecutors to come to these hearings. so, it's my family, the murderer has his own lawyer. and we're on the other side, besides kind of the judges who are looking at this. not only that, there's information that only a district attorney can get that we have no access to. so, it's been closed off to us. >> the whole thing, david, you get the governor of california gavin newsom saying he wants to shut down four california prisons because they let out 70,000 inmates during covid. what do you need the prisons more anymore? >> let's start putting the resources to maybe the fentanyl, let's get the fentanyl out of the state? let's go to rehabilitation efforts. maybe some training for the public defenders. and get the convictions right at the ground floor instead of trying to let them out later. i mean, this is completely backwards. it's an adversarial system where prosecutors do their job,
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defense attorneys do their job. and that's how this system works. not prosecutors acting as defense attorneys. like this particular administration is. >> yeah, david bruno, thank you, ken la court, best of luck to you, sir, great to see you. >> thank you. >> we're told that the common sense department was reticent about driving in. driving is racist, said so in the l.a. times, which read a headline, how white and affluent drivers are polluting the air breathed by people of color. it's based on a study that says people who drive less are less exposed to air pollution than people who don't drive and years ago california highways were built in poor communities, sparing the wealthy communities. common sense wonders if anyone in the study ever looked at a map or called the highway department. which would have pointed out
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that freeways are built based on geography, not demography. the ethnic makeup of southern california cities is constantly changing. minority neighborhoods near freeways today were not always minority neighborhoods. people move around. freeways stay put. consider the 405, the busiest in the country. it runs through chevy hills, santa monica, bel air, sherman oakes. places that were -- when the 405 was built, right, they were still there. the study says air quality is worse a few blocks from the freeway and common sense says, it's l.a. almost everyone lives a few blocks from the freeway. well, left wing activist jane fonda is getting blasted on social media. what she suggested on the view about how to fight abortion laws
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in america has caused such an uproar she's trying to clarify her comment. later, have you heard about the dry dating trend where singles ditch the alcohol on first dates? why laughter could be the best medicine, doctors agree. wonder if the dry daters would agree. let us know what you think on social media, twitter, and instagram at trace gallagher. weigh in, we'll show you the results and read the best responses on the night cap. this cough. [sfx: coughs] this'll help. vicks vaporub? vicks vaporub's ...medicated vapors go straight to the source of your cough... you can relieve your cough to breathe easier. vicks vaporub. fast-acting cough relief.
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i don't care what the laws are. we're not going back. >> stop protesting. what else do you suggest? >> well, it doesn't happen overnight. it's not miraculous -- >> what did you say?
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>> murder? >> wait a second, she's just kidding. >> don't say that. >> they'll pick up on that. >> she's just kidding. >> well, let me talk to you about the -- [ laughter) >> first up in tonight's real news roundup, jane fonda faced backlash on friday suggesting murders of pro-life advocates after 18 arson and vandalism attacks occurred on crisis pregnancy centers since may of last year. fonda said her body language and tone made it clear that the comment was in jest. we'll have more on this coming one the culture club. in moments. >> one of the young leaders was talking to me about climate mental health. i said what's going on with your peers. climate mental health. >> kamala harris raised eyebrows after she stated kids are facing climate related mental health issues. harris defined the term.
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explained how young people worried about finding a job and how to make a living. many on twitter pointed out, those aren't exactly unique to the climate or to general z for that matter: a new report shows the liberal city of portland, oregon lost population for an unprecedented three years in a row. this as a recent portland business alliance survey found 78% of the area's population feel that quality of life is getting worse. crime is the top concern, along with homelessness and, of course, rising taxes. >> well, if you missed tonight's episode of hannity, you missed a lot. fox news correspondent benjamin hall was a special guest for an in depth conversation about her colleague's harrowing brush with death while covering the war with ukraine. tonight he shared more details about the moment he heard his daughter's voice and how it helped save him from death. watch. >> i want to talk a little bit
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more about your daughter. so, you -- everything goes black. there's nothingness in a sense. you had no idea what had happened. and you feel -- you see the presence of your daughter right there in front of you. >> yeah. >> you mention in the book, you believed in god. >> yeah. >> do you believe that was god saying wake up. >> my family were angels. they were sent to me. i know i was saved that day as well. when i saw her, it was incredible peace as well. i was blacked out, but it was quiet. it was not rushed. it was peaceful. >> it was anna? >> i think it was all three of my daughters. anna, iris, they came to me that day. if i had been an inch in any direction, i would be dead.
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i was in the middle seat of this little car, the back row. the other four people died. and if i had been anywhere else, i would have been blind in both eyes. offered serious head injuries. and somehow, i came out of this. i came out of this, i think, in an incredible way. my mind, will, and optimism were all intact and i think god gave me that. my family gave me that. they brought me back. if i can't do one thing, it's to pass it on to others. try hard, work hard, believe in the right things, you can get through absolutely anything. it's my daughters who came to me that day. >> an amazing man. well, the show must go on for this 8-year-old cheerleader. how she ended up with a first place trophy at a cheer competition when none of her teammates showed up. but, first, the u.s. air force released photos of the newest addition to it's fleet. we -- to its fleet. we have got them.
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they say stop and smell the roses, but maybe not this flower. today's best viral videos, next. some people have minor joint pain plus stomach problems. they may not be able to take just anything for pain. that's why doctors recommend tylenol®. it won't irritate your stomach the way aleve® or even advil® or motrin® can. for trusted relief, trust tylenol®. [ marcia ] my dental health was not good. i had periodontal disease, and i just didn't feel well. but then i found clearchoice. [ forde ] replacing marcia's teeth with dental implants at clearchoice was going to afford her that permanent solution. [ marcia ] clearchoice dental implants gave me the ability to take on the world. i feel so much better, and i think that that is the key.
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videos, the u.s. air force has revealed pictures of the first sixth generation aircraft, the b21 raider. this is the first new bomber they have introduced to the fleet in the last 30 years complete with the top of the line stealth capabilities and technology with the potential for future upgrades. we will tell you more. but most of the key facts as you might imagine are classified. the australian reptile park in new south wales is home to a pair of long nosed pottarus. they're marsupials, night owls like us here on the night team, they'renate i have to the southeast coast and enjoy eating corn. who doesn't. a story we wanted to tell you last night until my producer killed the segment. the giant flower caught the eyes
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and noses of those who walked in the green house. nine feet tall and has an unusual aroma of rotten meat, meant to attract pollinators like flies. get it while you can, flies. because the energy it takes to grow a flower this big is very high. so it will not bloom again for several years. nasty stuff. (screaming. >> a florida man stopped his friend from touching a wild armadillo as they are known to carrys and lost it when the animal charged towards him. the scream stopped it and it scampered off. no armadillos, florida men, or big stinky flowers were harmed in the video. if you have a viral video to share, send it over to trace gallagher on fox news at night on social media. well, jane fonda gave no indication she was joking when prompted to do so by co-host on
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the view after the noted left wing activist suggested murder as a solution to combatting anti-abortion laws in the u.s. let's start tonight culture club conversation right there with fox entertainment reporter michelle polino and the headlines sports reporter eric masters smith. good to see you both. now this is the jane fonda thing. the back and forth one more time. we'll get your response. >> we're not going back. i don't care what the laws are. we're not going back. >> not marching and protesting, what else do you suggest? >> murder? >> what did you say? >> murder. >> she's kidding. wait a second, she's just kidding. >> don't say that. >> oh, you don't know. they'll pick up on that. >> she's just kidding. >> jane fob data says she's kidding. she has a very militant background. she could not be kidding. that's the whole point. she said it. she could not be kidding. that's how she feels about these thing. >> even if she was kidding,
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that's an inappropriate joke. we live in sensitive times. people talk about when we use outrageous metaphors and things like that, it speaks to the fact that she can't even imagine someone who would have a different point of view on this. this is a controversial issue. it has been for decades. to not be able to understand the other point of view. she lives in a biological bubble. >> and these pregnancy centers are being attacked across the country. so it's not as if this is like a one-off thing or a funny joke. maybe it's funny to some people, but it's not funny to a big chunk of the country, michelle. >> it isn't funny. jane fonda is known as a legendary actress, iconic film roles. but she's not known as a critical thinker. that's a problem when you have somebody like a jane fonda who has a global audience. this is uncalled for, like you said, eric, in these times.
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she should know better. but, again, critical thinking. >> ceo of the wokest place on earth. formerly the happiest place on earth. he said the following -- in our zeal to grow profits, we may have been a little too aggressive about some of our pricing, you think? i goer said i think there's a way to grow that business but be smarter about how to price so we maybe tan that brand value of accessibility. brand value of accessibility? they're breaking families across the country. it's like $1,000 to go to disney now. it's $27 to get a coke when you're inside. >> it's insane. they're laying off employees left and right. 7,000. i know plenty of my friends who work for disney here that have been laid off. it's ridiculous. you don't see any pay cuts going to top of the heap or to the stars of the man lorian. >> my sister lives in orlando. the whole thing is she's not in
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the service stli but it's a service industry, right? the whole city is kind of weighing on disney and its flights coming in. it's everything about that. disney is settling down a little bit saying it hurts everybody. prices go up, the families are like, i just can't go. >> for most of my life, the disney parks specifically, i think the approval rating has been high. that's changed in the last few years. i don't think it's anything else the company has done as much as the price. it's priced out a lot of families. those who can afford it are bitter about it when they go. aiger is right, there comes a point when you damage your brand if price is too high. >> you're right. sunday picks, anybody going to get slapped? >> i hope jimmy kimmel gets -- >> jimmy kimmel, yeah. >> i think everything everywhere all at once will be the clear winner. it's the clear front-runner going in. 11 nominations. my personal favorite is tara. i hope cate blanchet gets it. but either way.
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>> my personal favorite is maverick because it's the only one i saw. so that's the one i'm asking to win. >> i don't think maverick is going to win. hopefully no one will get slapped and we can focus on the presentations. but these awards shows have lost so much influence. another thing that had a huge approval rating for many years, now an afterthought. awards shows are bad fit in the era of short attention spans and even on-line all the time. >> yeah, i don't really care. now to viral video that's making america happy again, an 8-year-old cheerleader fearlessly carrying on her routine even though her teammates did not show up. they ghosted her. talk about this feel good story. i don't know, nfl player, ceo of the jack brewer foundation. let's bring in jack brewer. jack, i love this story. i want to play this sound bite. this is peyton on fox yesterday. watch. >>ty got the courage about myself.
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and i got out there and i won first place. i wanted to make my team happy. >> this is kind of what you do, jack? you teach these kids, you want these kids to be involved. but when you see something like that, it's got to make you proud. >> you talk about the society where everybody get astro fist? this little girl earned her trophy. so many don't even get the opportunity to play sports, you know? we run a lot of after-school programs and sports programs where there's track, baseball, boxing. but to see a child like that have that type of courage, to go out -- i don't know if you've been to a cheerleading competition, these teams are high pressure. they're high pressured. so, i couldn't even imagine, you know, going out, having to remember your routine, but realizing that you're out there alone. then to win it and get that trophy. i applaud her.
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i hope she gettings a scholarship from that. >> i have a sister who owned a cheer gym for many years in orlando. so the cheer competitions were part of the family. it's important. and i'm kind of low on time here, jack. but it's important. i always worry about kids, 2:30 to :30. 2:30, school gets out. :30, single parent household, mom gettings home. four hours for the kids to get in trouble. they get in plenty of trouble. you want to make sure you manage those four hours. talk about that. >> jack brewer foundation, that's what we do. we take the kids, get them after school, get them a snack. make sure they get help with their homework. reading and math levels are so low across our nation right now. i don't know if you saw in the schools in baltimore and chicago where kids were not sufficient in math or reading. it's important to give these students that help after school, getting them involved in sports so they can get those -- get the -- get the influence, the positive influences around them
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through coaching and everything else. to hold them accountable. and i think it's really important. it's great to see so many of our youth today getting these opportunities like this little girl has. >> well, jack brewer, a heck of an athlete, a heck of a man. the jack brewer foundation is a heck of a good cause. thank you if coming on, jack, we appreciate it. >> god bless you, trace. >> well, coming up, singles ditching the alcohol in the dry dating trend. would you try it? and is laughter really the best medicine? time to weigh in on twitter and instagram at trace gallagher, the night cap crew is next. when aspen dental told me that my dentures were ready, i was so excited. i love the confidence. i love that i can blast this beautiful smile and make the world smile with me. i would totally say aspen dental changed my life. aspen dental makes new smiles affordable. right now, get 20% off dentures.
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we do anything to make you smile.
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visit to learn about the signs of oa pain and how your vet can help. why are 93% of sleep number sleepers very satisfied with their bed? maybe it's because you can adjust your comfort and firmness on either side. your sleep number setting. to help relieve pressure points and keep you both comfortable all night. save $1,200 on the sleep number 360 i10 smart bed. ends monday. these days it seems like everything is vying for your attention. there are tons of trending dances to discover on social media, and there's even this... the easiest way to book an exam at america's best. get two pairs and a free exam for $79.95. book your exam today.
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going on. back with the night cap crew. tonight we're talking about the dry dating trend. that's where singles ditch the alcohol on first dates. and one reason they're doing it is because they want to get to know the other person without being distracted. so, would you try this? i know you're married, eric, and your wife works for us. not trying to get you in trouble. would you think about dry dating here? >> before i was married in my single days, i went on a lot of dates. let me tell you, alcohol helps,
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it does. it breaks the ice. i'm out on the dry dating. >> yeah, we have the good doctor whose wife is in the audience. again, no trouble to be had here. but, doctor, the dry dating thing, you think your patient comes to you and says, you know, doctor, i want to try this dry dating thing. what's your advice? >> why not, right? i think it's fine. you can save some money. alcohol is the most expensive part of the date. >> the doctor says why not, i say, why? >> my wife and i tried to be dry while she was pregnant. we did get to know each other better and i think she thought, who the heck did i marry? >> funny. okay. kevin cork, dry dating? ever? >> to quote cosmo cramer in a
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very famous seinfeld episode, i'm out. of. >> love it here. so, the response is the dating. would you try dry dating, twitter, yes, 1%. no, 29%. and on -- again, the guess -- is that the only one we did? twitter? no instagram? instagramers didn't weigh in. there you go. did i get everybody? michelle? >> i'm sober curious but only after the first date. >> sober curious. love it. >> so, i was wondering, these two might conflate. they might kind of bump heads a lit bit. but the next thing is, what do you think of laughter being the best medicine? doctor, is laughter the best medicine? >> yes, trace. i tell you why. there was a study done several years back showing if you botoxed the muscles involved in frowning, you cannot become depressed. smiling and laughter, they're amazing medicines. >> i want to know if lauren
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ambulance chart would be willing to do a dry date and laugh all night long? >> yeah, i would say maybe the second date. but honestly, no. as for the laughter, we gravitate to so many happy news stories. you feel better after. especially after a glass of wine and happy story. >> this is the response on laughter. yes, it relieves stress and makes my heart happy. i love to laugh. >> look at me. i'm laughing all the time. all the time. >> i think it's true, my wife is healthy and she's around me all the time. there you go. >> funny guy. kevin cork, laughs plenty when you grow up in a houseful of kids. i'm all for more laughter. makes you happier. it's better for the body. >> those keeping score, jonathan has 26 kids. kevin is one of ten.
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i got it right tonight. troy alterman said, i don't know that it's literally the best medicine, but it certainly is good for your health. and by the way, the dry dating, gina mccarthy said, yes, you don't need alcohol to have a good time. thank you, all, michelle, eric, jonathan, doctor, lauren, kevin. and thank you, for watching america's late news. have a great weekend. i'm trace gallagher in los angeles. now, there's skyrizi. ♪things are getting clearer.♪ ♪i feel free to bare my skin yeah, that's all me♪ ♪nothing and me go hand in hand♪ ♪nothing on my skin♪ ♪that's my new plan♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ yeah yeah ,that saw me looking at me go in, nothing on my screen that's money and nothing, % clee everything, but she clear skin everything, but she clear skin with sky risk. three out of four peopleskyear,e achieve 90% clear skin atr four months in2 star another st♪ four months in2 star another st♪ most peopl even in four years. tta say♪ four doses a year after two started doses. i seg is everythe. then in a different way, it's my mom. my mom. and i just got
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