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tv   America Reports  FOX News  March 10, 2023 10:00am-11:00am PST

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and resources to do it. but you want to have the biggest, baddest military so nobody dares takes on the united states of america and it's this kind of technology that makes a difference. >> that's right and go raiders to boot. all right, guys, thanks to everyone and now here's america reports. >> we chose freedom over fauciism like iowa, and we were right and they were wrong. [ applause ]. >> florida governor ron desantis speaking today in the state of iowa. his first trip to the first in the nation caucus state. at least if you're a republican it is. high profile visit comes as washington post is reporting that desantis is privately telling people he does intend to run for president. >> the governor appears to be testing the waters in the early voting state before top 2024 presidential candidate donald trump campaigns there. so who has the upper hand? kelly anne conway and charlie hurt joining us on the hawkeye
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state showdown. >> we begin with the fox news alert and we are awaiting the white house briefing next hour where karine jean-pierre will be pressed for the president's massive $6.8 trillion tax and spend budget plan. a lot to unpack in america reports in the next two hours. i'm john roberts in washington and, s sandra, weather correspondent made it to washington. >> i'm sandra smith, glad to be with you, john. this massive new tax and spend plan as inflation remains stubbornly high and as a brand new jobs report is just released by the labor department. it did show payrolls rising by 311,000 last month. that was higher than expected and as "the wall street journal" references what they see as evidence of resilient economic economy. >> the unemployment rate meanwhile ticked up to 3.6%,
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that's from the record low in january. >> but there's still a big question on what's coming down the pike as more rate hikes could be on the horizon. >> so with that in mind, let's get right to it with white house correspondent peter doocy. peter, the president believes the bulk of his economic proposal has a chance in congress. as least that's what he told you. >> he d. he told us that yesterday. john, president biden today is not backing off the big thing that puts his budget at risk,n t 28% tax rate, ronald reagan was a 28% tax rate. that wacko liberal guy. the idea that was an unreasonable amount but i'll get into that later. >> president biden and speaker mccarthy are talking past each other about a potential sit down and they both say they're open to it but neither seems willing to budge as fundamental philosophical difference remain.
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>> all this democrat spending could have brought us inflation and has brought us problems with them attacking energy and higher energy costs and costs more than a dollar a gallon from when he took office. this is the wrong approach and this president doesn't believe there's any waste in government spending with that $1.7 trillion omnibus bill they passed in the middle of the night. >> one thing we noticed, president biden didn't give himself nearly enough credit today because the jobs report shows 311,000 added last month, but these lines undercount that by a lot. >> more than 12,000, 12,000 jobs since i took office. nearly 8,000 of them manufacturing jobs. that means overall we've created more jobs in two years than any administration has created in the first four years. >> he said 8,000, 12,000 instead of 8 million. 12 million he is set to sit down
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with the eu president to talk about ukraine any minute. john. >> thousand, million, when you're talking about trillions, peter, and all that, it's just a zero off. >> yeah. >> we'll keep following this to see if it goes anywhere, but i think he has a big hill to climb with that. we'll see. peter, thank you. sandra. sandra: thanks, john. fox news alert, moments ago california financial regulators have shut down one of the largest banks in the country, silicon valley bank has now been taken over by regulators after the bank disclosed mounting losses earlier in the week. the takeover sparking concerns and another financial crisis could be coming down the pike. svb has become the largest bank failure since washington mutual collapsed in 2008. a lot of folks are watching this, john, there was a lot of shorting of the big banks. there was a massive selloff across the board and of course any time you see that happen, anybody who lived through the
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financial crisis of '08, you know, gives you an interesting feeling and you certainly have to take note of it. john: i've never described nausea as an interesting feeling. sandra: couldn't think of a word. john: that's the feeling nonetheless. a lot more on this coming up. steve moore is in the house and ran into him in the hallway a few moments ago. doug holt, jackie deangeles will be here to talk about it. sandra: really interesting reaction to all that and watching markets sell off on the dow 210. west virginia meanwhile is officially asking the high court of the land to reoppose a 2021 law that protects women's sports from by-logical male@ lets from -- biological male athletes from competing against females. west virginia attorney general patrick moray seizure disorders -- morrisey hasmore on that bue
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court is not ruling on the constitutionality of the law; correct? >> that's correct, sandra. the court is not looking at merits on whether this west virginia law is constitutional or unconstitutional. right now transgender athletes in west virginia can play in girls sports. there is an appeals court just a few weeks ago that block that had law. that's what the attorney general in west virginia morrisey will talk about and we should have waited in the next week or so and ruling on whether or not they can overturn the supreme court's injunction and can be a little complicated but all important stuff that could ultimately affect millions across the country. now at least 19 states including west virginia have these transgender athlete pans in public schools. in 2021 governor jim justice signed the law from banning france gender schools from participating in schools based on claims and unfair competitive
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advantage and civil liberties union and west virginia chapter sued on behalf of 11-year-old transgender girl that wanted to compete on a cross country team and a district judge put a hold on the state law and reversed himself and up hold the state law. an appeals court put that ruling on hold meaning these trans athletes can compete in female spsports in west virginia at let for now. >> across the country, women and girls are unjustly losing medals, podium spots, public recognition and the opportunity to compete when males take their place. >> sot justice department is saying that title 9 and equal protection clause of the 14th amendment do not permit west virginia to put this law in place. lamden legal says "the ag and allied legals cherry picked the overwhelming everyday that allow transgender youth to participate in team sports has benefits for all". the supreme court could issue an order in the coming weeks. sandra: david, thank you.
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john. john: all right let's go right to west virginia attorney general patrick morrisey to talk about this. general morrisy. thank you for coming on this ride this afternoon. the act is called save women's sports act and passed in april of 2021. why did west virginia feel there was a need for this bill? >> i think west virginiaens are always looking to advance opportunities for women and there's always been a sense that women sports is so beneficial for women, not only in terms of the actual competition but after people participated in women's sports, many of them become leaders in our society and i think if you look at title 9 and what west virginia was trying to do, the district co court was cr there's no animas in this based on the record and west virginia was trying to protect the integrity of women's sports, make sure when there are athletic competitions that they're being conducted fairly
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and they concluded that if biological males wanted to participate in these female sports, they would be unfair. i think it was a very reasonable common sense concept. what ended up happening is there was an early injunction slapped upon this law, but then we went through the really hard work, 500 entries into the court a3000 page record showing the differences biologically between men and women and what happens with the competition and then the local district court judge reversed himself and actually gave us a summary judgment on the merits. i think that speaks volumes to the approach that west virginia used here on. unfortunately the fourth circuit turned around in a very quick matter and slapped an injunction on it again with no explanation and we're going to the court to change that. that. john: general morrisey, on the subject of biological differences of males and female
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and allows transgender women into women's sports lasts a lifetime. riley gains, university of kentucky swimmer was with us yesterday and she is fighting very hard against allowing transgender women into female sports. here's what she told us yesterday. listen here. >> if you believe in science, you know there's man and woman. to deny that is to deny science to deny logic. it's to deny reason and quite frankly common sense. men on average are taller, they're stronger, they're more powerful, faster than women. again to deny that is denying science. >> you know, of course the examine million of leah thomas was put out there but the aclu and i think this is probably very strategic is arguing on behalf of becky pembertoner johnson and she's a -- becky pepper johnson and she's a transgender runner and she's only 12 and hasn't gone through puberty. in becky pepper johnson's case,
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there was no differences going through puberty with males and females. in our record with the district court, we submit add lot of information showing the fact that differences occur throughout when people were younger and when they're older and i think information is very compelling about the athletic advantage that comes to biological males. obviously all of them is in the district court record and part of why we're going up to the supreme court is we're, arguing that you don't even issue much of a re-spoons and very turnovers ands response and slapping injunction on it and that's really overturning the process and in the state of west virginia, people spoke through elected representatives and we need to go through this the right way. we're asking the court to set aside the injunction and got back up through the fourth circuit and handle it through the me merits.
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john: a west virginia soccer player will be the face of your argument and she said the difference is as you pointed out occur earlier than puberty saying "agree up playing under my dad's teams and playing against my brothers and i noticed from a really young age that there was a big biological difference even between my younger brother and me even though i was two years older, he was stronger, fitter, and faster than me". riley gains brought up the issue in the locker room. here's how she described it when competing against leah thomas. listen here. >> we competed against thomas but we were not forewarned beforehand we would be sharing a locker room with leah. we did not give our consent and they did not ask for our consent but in locker room we turn around and there's a 6'4 biological man dropping his pants and watching us undress and we're exposed to male genitalia. john: finishing this off here, there's a lot of issues involved here. >> there's a lot of issues that come up with respect to athletic competition and what happens
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prior to that but when you look at story of laney and see what happened with riley gains and leah the opposite, i think americans are animated and they want basic fairness in place and that's all we're asking the u.s. supreme court for. i think it's a very straightforward pace if the supreme court agrees with us, it'll go back, they'll consider it on the merits but you shouldn't just have a turnovers ands answer after a -- terse answer after the judge went through the entirety of the record and this jumped was no fan of the law and he agreed with us and we're opt miction and we're going forward and great respect going forward. john: this is a very important case. thank you for joining us, general morrisey this afternoon. >> thank you so much. john: this is a wide ranging implication and 18 over states in the u.s. that passed laws against transgender women competing and women's sports.
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sandra: we had riley gains on yesterday and it was fascinating to hear her take and she made the case that we're "eradicating women". she called out those on the left for what she says is denial of science, john. john, as i pointed out during my segment with the attorney general, she suggested there's huge biological differences and described leah thomas as being 6'4, really well muscled even though she had been on hormone treatment therapy for a couple of years. there were just these differences that happen during pubberty that don't go away. sandra: and now biological males competing with women in power lifting and she took issue with that yesterday as well, john. john: yeah, there's some strong women in power lifting but a lot of strong men too. sandra: president biden's 2024 budget is spur ago lot of reaction as he -- spurring a lot
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of reaction as he continues to try and sell his plan. why he's hiking taxing during a time of economic uncertainty and our e con panel steve moore, doug holts will take that up in just a few moments. gentlemen, get ready. john: mexico's president is clapping bag over the united states in the surge of fentanyl coming over the border. instead of coming to terms on his country fueling the crisis and endangering becoming a narco state, he said it's the u.s. to blame. how and will the white huhs respond? >> our government needs to react swiftly and strongly and can't let this kind of behavior go unchecked or it'll continue to cause problems and cost more american lives. ♪ veteran homeowners. one of the most powerful ways to fight inflation is to pay off your high-rate debt to lower your monthly payments. at newday we make it easy. our newday 100 loan lets you combine your first mortgage, your second mortgage, your high-rate credit cards, personal loans and car loans into one, low monthly payment.
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look at the white house where we're awaiting the white house press briefing. it'll be a little bit different today. the omd director young will be there and council of economics adviser chair will be there as well. karine jean jean-pierre in them and likely to get pressed on the president's plan to spend more and raise taxes on the american people. we'll monitor that for news. it follows today's monthly jobs
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report outperforming expectations in february. 311,000 jobs were added back into the u.s. economy last month alone. it also comes after president biden rolled out his new budget calling for trillions in new tax hikes and spending. bring in our econ panel, steve moore, doug holts is here. first off, and keep it short, how would you characterize the jobs report? i just want to hear from both of you, good, bad? i mean is this showing resilience in the economy despite those rate hikes? steve. >> yeah, it was a good report. no question about it in terms of jobs. you know, there's 10 million job openings so the jobs are out there. my biggest concern, sandra, and i've said this on your show for, what, the last 18 months is wages. they continue to fall behind inflation and month after month workers are getting poorer and the latest report shows the same
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thing. >> sandra: doug. >> yeah, throw away the top line number and it's a weaker report. people lost jobs and employment in the household survey was 170,000 and nowhere close. growth rate in wages was 3%, down sharply, and aggregate payroll in a rate of 1.3% and double digit not too long and this is a weaker report with the rate and financial tightening and starting to have an impact. >> sandra: that being said, sounds like you guys are looking at it a couple different ways and all of this is happening as the president is out there pitching his tax and spend plans. he's defending this, steve, i want to get your reaction to president biden and invoking reagan's time and tax gains. >> talking about 28% tax rate, ronald reagan was 28% tax rate.
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you know that wacko liberal guy, you know. the idea that that's an unreasonable amount but i'll get into that later. >> sandra: i thought of you, steve, when he said that or whispered that. what was your reaction? >> well, i'll give you the answer, sandra. look, isn't that a little spooky when he goes into whisper mode. i'm old enough and worked on the 1986 tax reform when ronald reagan was president. the deal was, yes, we did raise the capital gains tax 28%, but as doug knows we also lowered all the other tax rates to 28% and got rid of the loopholes and i was a big fan of what we did in 1986 and would go back to that in a minute and get all the rates down as low as possible and get rid of loopholes and a flatter tax and the highest corporate tax rate in the world and all of these other taxes
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that will have a negative effect on the u.s. economy. >> sandra: there's definitely a big share, doug. you want to react to that and i'll play out this sound in just a moment but your reaction to that? >> this is the problem with living in the past, i mean, they're talking about policies that were suitable for maybe the '70s if not the '50s, but they're certainly not the modern problems that face the u.s.. we have problems in growth, the standard living used to double every 35 years and now it's 75 years. we have problems with international competitiveness and we finally have the latter right in the 17 act and they want to do a u turn and go back to losing a quarter a year and that doesn't make any sense and we'll have better growth and he wants to tax unrealized capital gains and raise the capital gains tax and with this high inflation rate, you can have capital gains tax by five or six years and 60, 70, 80% and who's
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going onto invest in new stocks and companies in that kind of environment? >> sandra: unintended consequences and why would you worry about that, steve? doug, i want to put up on the screen and these are items that he's packed into the budget and perhaps if you don't dig through the things you might not see this and for gender, equity, and equality and advances in environmental justice and allotting 366 green climate and 1.6 billion and free community colleges in there as well so how are we supposed to take this administration seriously and giving the inflation seriously and they're packing in this massive amount of spending at a time where to steve's point, wages are not keeping up with inflation still. >> you shouldn't take it seriously but this budget and showing for governance and going
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more than we spent at the worst point of the pandemic and emergency spend asking now business as usual in this budget and raises $4.7 trillion in taxes and steve can list the woes we'll get from that and despite that, it adds another $19 trillion to the national debt going from $23-$44 trillion and they must be spend ago ton underneath that and indeed they are. they're the highest levels of spending. these are the highest levels of spending measure relative gdp in the history of the country. not even close. i don't think it's fiscal sobriety. it's an explosion of spending on everything you can imagine. >> sandra, you mentioned they're having the press briefing on it. i wonder if karl marx is their economist because this is pure economic redistribution and there's no growth and tells you where progressives want to take the country if they win in 2024. >> sandra: there's a lot of concern over what happens next and the markets seem to be tell
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ago story with the dow up 350 points now and it's been quite a week, down 1% right now. you underpromised and overdelivered, guys. thank you very much. great friday panel. thank you. john. >> john: no official word from florida governor ron sensorineural sanities and the travel schedule includes a pretty big give away and he's not the only one going to the hawkeye state in coming days. kelly anconway here to tell us what it all means coming up next. >> sandra: and bomb shell after bomb shell at a house hearing on those twitter files and now congress is taking action and how will it be enforced? we will ask andy mccarthy, he joins us. >> i've never worked on an issue where so frequently while doing it i just had chills go up my spine because of what i was seeing happening. g to be great. taking the shawl off. okay i did it.
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and former president trump are set to nearly cross paths in iowa this weekend. de-san tace is there today and -- desantis is there today and trump will visit on monday. no official announce from desantis but the washington post said he privately said he plans to run for president. president of ka consulting kellyanne conway. kellyanne, could he beat trump in the polls? president trump won handily 62-20% but desantis could say look, i wasn't there and didn't participate. what do you expect and cpac was a trump love fest. >> sure, i would look at cpac poll but some of the other early state polls and virginia came out with one last week and g gln youngkin beat biden by 28 and
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even in a state like that with a popular post trump is dominant. i'm happy that ron desantis and donald trump are out in iowa and all over the country now bringing to bear that set it right message of america first policies and center right ideas and contrast that to the two leaders of the democratic party, joe biden and kamala harris and it's friday, john, which means they've stopped working for the weekend. they bare reigns leading and rarely work every weekend. if you don't believe me, look at public schedules. they're available to anyone online. i'm glad they're there and ron desantis has a great strong message as governor of florida but i question why he keeps talking about covid. i don't think people want to talk about covid. a bit too much woke. i think think and trump a bit too much about winning the 2021 election frankly and i like more insights, fewer insults and i think this race will be won based on your economic policies and plan. the reason trump has been doing even better in the polls lately because when you want to hire
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somebody for an important job in your company, in your place of work, you tend to go for people who have done the job before. that's what a lot of americans are saying. so i think that governor desantis has a lot to add to the conversation and has been a remarkable governor to florida. right now he's not as known and ugov poll in terms of characteristics and i was struck that republicans say they don't know enough about desantis to make an opinion and has the opportunity of get to know you campaign. >> john: that was reflected in a fox news poll and found donald trump had 43% support among republicans and ron desantis 28 and nikki haley and mike pence at 8. "the wall street journal" looked at and analyze what had she believes is ron desantis' strategy. she said "i don't think he's running with tram without the sigh so pathology but a serious forward leading pro business anti-woke conservative with
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populous conflictions and his strategy is draw as much from the trump caucus-backed drone as pop laws and try to leach him". is that popular? >> rabbit is a bit of a disrespectful way. >> john: kelly, i meant it in a positive way. they're fierce for him. they're fear fors him. >> that are but fierce for personal loyalty and fidelity to the issue and accomplishments. john, people in the country are suffering economically and we don't have energy indianapolis s independence and thousands of people walking over the border and peggy nunin is onto something and that's a good lay for desantis and needs to go in and grab some of the trump voters and frankly he's been able to grab some of the more
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"loyal, rabid" supporters and came out. >> john: ken. >> yeah and that's his play and maybe his play is generational. these things are hard and since you're talking about iowa, let me make a quick comment and the iowa caucus on the republican side usually goes to the person that's strong among the evangelical base and the caucus-backed suspended ands in 2008 and desantis in 2012 and ted cruz out in 2016 and there's a real contest to be made and i'm glad trump and desantis is there today and trump going monday to talk about education reform and governor reynolds should be on anybody's short list for vice president. what she's done is robust and
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game changing for education reform and it's a movement like iowa. it's fleurishing where there's the -- flourishing and education saving accounts for tuition, backpacks, tutoring, you name it. the democrats are on the wrong side of that. >> john: i don't know if kim reynolds wants that job and she seems happy doing what she's doing. that's what she told me awhile ago. >> i'd love her to debate kamala harris and see if it happens. >> john: thank you, sandra. >> sandra: john, the mexico president is denying responsibility for the fete fall crisis and his remarks comes as mexico takes on pressure to take on the cartel for the flow of fentanyl over the u.s. border. bill melugin is live in brownsville, texas, and the comments don't match up with the reality on the ground, do they? reporter: sandra, good afternoon. no they don't, not at all. it's an undeniable fact that
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fentanyl is mass produced in mexico to people in the labs and chemical precursors shifted in by medical mexico and the presid that's not happening. he said we don't produce fentanyl and don't have the consumption of fentanyl and the meantime fentanyl continuing pouring into the country and take a look at los angeles and dea officials are arresting three mexican nationals with 1 million fentanyl pills in the vehicle they were intended to sell and the feds say these men were associated with the sinaloa cartel and facing federal charges and if they're convicted they're going to face life in prison potentially. then we'll take you to nogales, arizona, the ports of entry where most of the fentanyl is pouring in from mexico and look at these images that just a two day span cvp officers at the port of entry seized more than 550,000 fentanyl pills.
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two separate busts, 219,000 pills one day and 343,000 bill pills the next day. all hidden in vehicles and drug smuggler vehicles trying to get into the united states from mexico. this stat is staggering. that port of entry and that single port of entry just since october 1 seized more than 23 million fentanyl pills already. one sing the spot on the border. back out here live, circling back to the mexican president and fentanyl isn't produced in his country but it's just a bit of a head scratcher to him to say that. just three weeks ago, the mexican army announced what they described as the biggest fentanyl lab bust in history in sinaloa and mexico's president talked about it during a press conference where he highlighted that drug lab bust and now he's saying stuff like that doesn't happen at all. we'll send it back to you. >> sandra: bill melugin on all of that for us. brownsville, texas.
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bill, thank you. it's one of the most liberal areas in the country but people in oregon may have reached their breaking point and the staggering number of residents that say their lives are getting worse and worse. >> john: and, sandra, let the record show, vinyl may be making a comeback. the surprising new numbers that will be music to the ears for audio files around the world. ♪ hi, i'm william devane. did you know it took our founders 116 days to debate and draft the u.s. constitution? turns out they didn't trust the printing of paper money, but they did trust gold and silver. article 1, section 10. gold and silver. good for the founders, good for me, good for you. rosland capital - is a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs,
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>> sandra: love that song. takes you somewhere, doesn't it? vinyl comeback and 41 million vinyl albums sold in 2022 compared with about 33 million cds. okay, john, i saw this in the middle of the night and thought of you, apparently now the vinyls outpacing compact disk and first time this has happened in 30 years and they're attributing the revival to gen z and millennials saying it sounds more authentic than digital, that is fact, isn't it? >> john: i got the fact saying vinyl records outpacing cd sales, what's the cd? i haven't bought a cd in 10 or 15 years and it's been str streaming. >> sandra: how do you listen to them. it's all digital. >> john: we burned most of the cds we wanted and sold the rest of them to a secondhand cd place. here's the thing, if we're getting more and more used to this and that is the decline in quality.
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vinyl albums have great quality and particularly if you play among a good sound system and cds in a close way and it's garage compared to a vinyl record. >> sandra: i knew you'd have a lot to say about this and it's not scratched and nice. >> john: i had 4 or 500 records include ago bruce springsteen. they were great. >> sandra: i loved your sound choice and mine was harvest moon and though you forget you pop a whole album in and listen start to finish, that's fourth on the album and it tells the story and it's great. >> john: i love the sound when the needle drops on the vinyl record and that drop and sound then boom. >> sandra: i'm loving this conversation. happy friday. >> john: so nostalgic but
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everything old is new again. >> sandra: indeed. including violent crime, filthy streets and taxes and homeless camps and oregon flowing the population -- fleeing the population plunging with rapid home growth and when's the last time portland was down on this? reporter: 1987 and portland has been on a role for four decades and now they've lost population three years in a row and experts predicting a fourth and people leaving are on the liberal side and high income earners and katie snyder fits that description and she moved to washington state with her husband and two young kids after several years of rising gun violence and back-to-back years the city set records for homicides one took place right next to her house and every person on the block has now
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left. >> everybody moved and it was because of all of these things like the school wasn't great. all the unrest in portland is -- it didn't feel like things were being managed. reporter: portland set new records for car theft and vandalism with property damage of $19 million. drug use is out of control. in 2021, the city gave out more than 6 million needles and 177,000 were picked up on the streets. these same problems are driving businesses away. wal-mart is closing its only two stores in portland this month and nike closed over brazen shoplifting and high taxes are driving people away ask we know that for a fact because portland has the highest -- or second highest income tax rate in the country behind new york city. to nay in new york, you have to make $25 million and in portland
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just $125,000. >> dan, thank you. >> john: sandra. >> sandra: was twitter silencing conservatives and that was the focus of a house hearing and got heated when democrats pressed two journalists for their sources. we have andy mccarthy on that and more next. ♪ so people think they're open. surprise. [ laughs ] [ horn honks, muffled talking ] -can't hear you, jerry. -sorry. uh, yeah, can we get a system where when someone's bike is in the shop, then we could borrow someone else's? -no! -no! or you can get a quote with america's number-one motorcycle insurer and maybe save some money while you're at it. all in favor of that. [ horn honking ] there's a lot of buttons and knobs in here. avoiding triggers, but still get migraine attacks? qulipta™ can help prevent migraine attacks. qulipta gets right to work. keeps attacks away over time. qulipta is a preventive treatment for episodic migraine. most common side effects are nausea,
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>> sandra: private companies from wok working on platforms with federal speech. andy mccarp think joins us now. mccarthy joins us now. there's questions on whether or not the government got involved with the private social media companies to censor and silence users, what are we learning? >> we learned, sandra, they use the color of their -- collar of their authority to pressure the social media outfits to suppress but they did it fist indicatedly enough -- sophisticatedly enough to say they never gave the outright order businesses made their own decisions and that's the thing for the future to keep your eye onto make sure it doesn't happen again. >> sandra: you say that and people want to know, will it
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happen again in what's being done to prevent this from happening again, andy? >> a lot of uproar we're seeing in the way it's been exposed has been embarrassing for the fbi and media companies so there's good that will come of that. i think if you really want to get serious about this, sandra, you'd have to turn the justice department civil rights division loose against any government agent who used the collar of his authority to stop people from using, from having political expression which we're allowed to do under that first amendment. >> sandra: that would be a big deal and we'll see if that happens. andy, that's something that our viewers and american people are taking great interest in wanting to know what's happening behind the scenes. andy, thank you for joining us. good weekend, john. >> john: s sandra, new use at 2:00. ahead of snakes and burmese
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pythons found in the everglades and they're hunting and killing the invasive species and we'll speak with on of the hunters and the woman known as python hunt resto and more just ahead as america reports rolls on. ♪ ds. i could live to be 100. we work with empower, even if we do live to 100 we don't have to worry. eh, not worried. take control of your financial future to empower what's next. dry skin is sensitive skin, too. and it's natural. treat it that way with aveeno® daily moisture. formulated with nourishing, prebiotic oat. it's clinically proven to moisturize dry skin for 24 hours. aveeno® what if there was a community of like minded people ready to support you when you need it most? christian health care ministries is an organization
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veteran homeowners, it's time to fight inflation. use the 3 ps: plan ahead by getting a va cash out home loan from newday. pay off your high-rate credit cards. pay yourself cash. >> this was a 14-footer that was 105 pounds. she was a monster. >> sandra: i'm speechless. that's enormous. welcome back as america reports rolls into hour two. i'm sandra smith in new york and happy friday to you, john. >> john: happy friday to you


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