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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  March 10, 2023 4:00am-5:00am PST

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today, we're producing renewable diesel that can be used in existing diesel tanks. and we're committed to increasing our renewable fuels production. because as we work toward a lower carbon future, it's only human to keep moving forward. bodies brutally murdered back in theist. >> cartel dealt with the mexico. these members acted own decision making. >> he didn't deserve it. he was a sweetheart. >> does this have any chance of passing? >> yeah. i think a lot of it does. >> biden is previewing his new budget. features almost $5 trillion in new taxes. >> they want to raise taxes on you. they have unleashed record inflation. >> deeply sorry, i am. >> the railroad ceo apologized for the toxic waste diseas err in east palestine. >> biden taking criticism for
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not visiting. >> it's not just a lack ever leadership. it's a lack of action. >> they are creating blacklists. >> fires on capitol hill as two of the journalists brought us twitter files testified before lawmakers. >> an american population accustomed to the right speech left industrial complex. >> rousseau. he gives it up. alexander, off the rim. marquette survives and advances. ♪ small town ♪ big time ♪ rocking the main street ♪ red taillights >> steve: ocean city, new jersey is kind of a small town kind of like what blake is singing about right there. currently it's 7:01 out there. 36 degrees. it's a little chilly along the jersey shore. going for a daytime high of 50. welcome to hour two of "fox & friends" for this march the 10th, 2023. and there is our crew.
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dave and john come on over with a steady cam. welcome ar board. >> ainsley: did anybody tell you all it's friday. >> steve: tgif thank goodness it's fox. >> ainsley: waking up with you on the morning and sleeping in on saturday and sunday. >> brian: for will this is like a monday. you are working saturday and sunday. >> steve: friday for him. >> will: that's exactly right. tomorrow is my tuesday. sunday is my wednesday. something like that. how can you complain when you work from a rodeo? you know? how can you explain when steve said earlier will cain has a front row seat to the american rodeo and i would want to correct him. no, i don't. i have a seat on the dirt at the american rodeo right now. in arlington, texas. this is amazing, truly is. i'm sitting here in the middle of globe life field home to texas rangers. it's been turned into a rodeo with 720 tons of dirt. and that pails in comparison to the one-day payout on saturday.
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over a million dollars for this rodeo. if a cowboy can qualify, they are going to give out $100,000 to the winner of every discipline. look, darius rucker, sheryl crow, cowboys, horses, bulls, how do you beat a rodeo. >> brian: will, what's a cowboy? how would you define a cowboy? >> will: what's that, brian? >> brian: how do you define a cowboy? >> ainsley: a boy with a cow. >> will: modern day america do you drive a pickup truck. do you have a pair of cowboy boots. in real life, yeah, ainsley, it requires a horse probably a cow and a few skills which i did not display on television. a moment ago, anxiously, but when we went to commercial, what did i do? i roped that calf like that. just like it always works on tv. >> ainsley: impressed when we showed you the video of riding the horse. >> steve: you have a hat that you had for 25 years reshaped it yesterday. you look great.
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>> will: shaped it up for me, thank you, steve. >> brian: got to do better than pete. that's all. >> will: when i missed that rope. that's all i thought, brian. when i missed the dummy, i thought and pete would have nailed it. >> ainsley: you are going to be on with us the next two hours so you have more chance. >> steve: get that brahm that bull out. we want to see you flying. >> will: okay. >> ainsley: thanks, will. in addition to will for the next few hours the february jobs report is due out at 8:30 owner time. and it's expected to show a sharp decline in jobs from last month. >> brian: who knows it's a big surprise every week. it comes as president biden proposes a massive $6.8 trillion budget proposal. it's a blueprint that calls for nearly a 5.5 trillion in tax hikes. give or take a trillion. critics say if this passes. it could cause the national debt to swell to $51 trillion in the next decade. >> ainsley: lucas tomlinson is live from the white house with
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the details for us. hi, lure cass. >> good morning, guys. of course, president biden normally would release a grujt here at the white house. instead he traveled to the swing state of pennsylvania. in fact, he went to philadelphia for the third time since september. of course, back in september, he is flanked by those u.s. marines. now, the "wall street journal" reports that this budget increase will increase the debt by $17 trillion. that's about a 50% increase. let's see what's in the presidentpresident gorbachev itd increase defense spending to 886 billion dollars. notable 3% increase from last year. itchflation petraeus pretty much wipe that out at a time people want to spend more to counter china's rise in defense spending over the last two decades. also at historic low the u.s. defense budget when it comes to percentage of g.d.p. a long way from the kennedy years. i digress, guys. keep going. b to europe.
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26 billion to strengthen the border. 3 billion for global warming. he said maga republicans wanted to defund the police. here is our colleague peter doocy following up with the president after his speech in philadelphia. >> peter: mr. president >> the budget also adds 2400 e.p.a. employees, 87,000 irs agents. we heard that and only 350 border agents. of course, some want the irs and those border agents numbers to be flipped. keep in mind the average federal worker makes about twice as much as the average american worker nationwide. there is that 25% minimum tax on the wealthiest 0.1% of americans. here is house speaker kevin mccarthy reacting. >> the problem is he is spending more. it's not a revenue problem.
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it's a spending. what does his budget do? raise more taxes, spends more money. creates probably the biggest government we have ever seen in the history of the united states. >> national debt is roughly doubled over the past decade and with are rates rising, the concern ask the interest payments on that debt will be roughly bigger than the size of the defense budget in a couple of years, guys. >> that is a big number. now, lucas, i know that this proposal and it's just a proposal directly violates joe biden's campaign pledge not to raise taxes on small businesses. so, the small business owners and operators who are watching right now should know for all intents and purposes this is dead o.en arrival when arrives in congress. >> that's what republicans are saying. of course they control the house of representatives and president biden talks frequently about trickle down economics. you just described there many people think this could trickle
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down and hurt small businesses. >> 100 percent. thank you for joining us from the north lawn of the white house. >> break down what's in it as we hear 19 trillion borrowed from -- 19 trillion borrowed through 2033. we are going to be over budget is the intent. they know it 10.2 trillion interest on the national debt which would actually transcend the entire budget for the defense department. 3 trillion deficit reduction. i don't know how that gets done. oh, yeah. that's right. raising taxes. on people. 6.9 trillion spending. no plan to it will social security or insolvency. that's true. social security supposed to evaporate. run out of money, no plan to fix it, he wants republicans to somehow do a better budget than him. more politically beneficial than him. but they have already pledged, as you know state of the union address and beyond, not touching medicare, not touching social security. you are not going to touch medicaid, i imagine. probably veterans benefits. so i don't know what republicans are going to come up with you
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about i'm sure they are not going to try to tax unrealized gains when it comes to stocking. did pass if you lost money investing in crypto, a lot of people did. they are going to eliminate tax break for that they would limit the amount that you can hold in retirement accounts like roth iras and if you sell your house and make a profit. let's say you make 50,000s dollars on your house. then you normally could reinvest that. capital gains you don't have to pay capital gains tax now they are saying it doesn't matter if you reinvest it or not you have to pay taxes on it. >> steve: what the president announced yesterday smart politics for him as he gets ready to roll out re-election campaign. and he did not mention social security because he is seeing how the republicans have gotten torched on that in some cases. he knows that republicans accuse democrats of being soft on crime so what are they doing? he is adding $31 billion to fight crime. he knows that republicans say that democrats are big spenders so ultimately, is he proposing to reduce the deficit and that's
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different than the debt. reduce the deficit by a trillion dollars over the next decade and to appeal to moderates and independence. what's he doing? is he actually increasing the pentagon budget. >> and when he was talking yesterday, they said what's in the budget? he said it would take me so long all day to tell you. >> steve: 180 pages. ainsley ainsley claims that maga republicans called for defunding police referred to president trump maybe the future president. not sure that's a good strategy. >> brian: goes below what deference spending is. talk to general jack keane about that. 2400 e.p.a. workers are now going to be on the job. is he going to continue to fund the 87,000 new irs agents. and when it comes to -- and when it comes to the border patrol, is he going to add a few hundred border patrol. 350 border agents.
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oh, that will do it. now that's fixed. i'm sure our border czar signed off on that. it's a document of tax raises, but the thing he loves about it is it daxs the rich. what i think is rich is that for the most part, the upper echelon of society votes democrat. and for republicans they should actually watch how they do this. because these billionaires and millionaires continue to fund these esg programs. we know economically you empower the most successful people. that fuels the economy, which benefits all. but for republicans, they should let these billionaires say this is what you voted for. this is who you have been supporting. good luck with that. >> ainsley: we are going to need for higher taxes if we are going to pay for migrants to go to college. >> brian: was this my idea? >> steve: the cover of "the new york post." take a look at this. forget about the tiger woods story. tuition, room and border. the mayor of new york mayor
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adams is making a permanent welfare system for illegal migrants. he wants to send migrants to state college for free. >> brian: it's about time. >> steve: did you realize. >> brian: great idea. >> steve: here in idea. >> ainsley: doesn't have housing for them in the city. >> steve: they run out of luxury hotels. the city of new york has a new department it is called the office of asylum seeker operation. and what they have come up with is because we have got so many migrants here in new york city, they are going to start shiching them throughout the state. one of the suggestions, the plan is to send 100 migrants upstate to a state college in sullivan county. and for those 100 migrants, you know, based on the current prices it would probably cost taxpayers of new york but ultimately the united states $1.2 million. this new incentive, college-aged migrants get to go to new york city so ultimately, if you are thinking about coming to new york city or going somewhere from in the united states from
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you're in another country, come to new york city. they will put you into a college. >> brian: 40,000 here staying in luxury hotels in manhattan. kicking out some of the homeless. they get better treatment than american homeless. guys, fight that out. meanwhile, they continue to be a sanctuary city. so you can't stay. whoa is me. and now they have a separate division just to handle illegal immigrants. so they got to come one, come all. he has this brainstorm of sending them to college for 1.2 million. for those people working two jobs just to go to a community college, how do you feel about that? part of your money that you are earning goes to taxes so if they continue about 50% of what you earn goes to taxes anyway. they are going to go up to upstate new york. elise stefanik come out and said mayor adams is making a permanent welfare system for illegal immigrants in new york state. you better just understand when word gets out central and south america and to russia and ukraine and bolivia, wherever, they are -- just multiply how many people are going to hop on the bus. >> ainsley: the article
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interviews people that live in that area. one of them is raj patel, 49-year-old resident. a nice, quiet town and we don't know who these people are. >> brian: neither do we. >> ainsley: they could be criminals and drug dealers. they have no documentation. i am an immigrant. i came here legally. >> brian: yes. >> ainsley: nobody gave me anything, brian. i wanted to go to college. >> brian: but. >> ainsley: i started working and never stopped working it. seems unfair to me that you give free housing and a free college education to people just because you need a place to put them. >> steve: brian, ainsley, pause, because she was expecting you to continue to heckle her. >> brian: i am. i wanted to do color commentary. so, yeah. i just -- i'm astounded by. this and just like said earlier, just when you say to yourself crime stats are going down. at least is he appearing at all the events and going to where the problems. >> ainsley: just when you like him. he does something crazy. >> brian: just try to do it right. and then this hits you right in the face. >> ainsley: i love what he sis about his faith. i like this guy i'm going to
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give him chance. then he doesn't pay for my daughter to go to college. making me pay for the illegals on the street. >> steve: ultimately though, it talks about how this story does in the "new york post." checking out the new york how is he looking to other cities throughout the state to move more migrants out of new york city. so this is just the tip of the iceberg here. but, keep in mind. you know, you're probably thinking oh, the people of new york are going to pay $1.2 million for that ultimately, the city will be reimbursed by the federal government for all of this. >> everyone is paying for it. >> everybody watching will pay for the migrants. >> ainsley: we don't have any more room in the city. i don't want to be criticized for shuttling people out and putting them on bus us but if i give them college. >> steve: listen, if you are a migrant, it's absolutely fantastic. >> brian: i can't get my head around it. i will say this. i'm not sure the federal government is reimbursing them. >> steve: they will. >> brian: as great friends he is with joe biden. asked for $4 billion for a yearna.
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biden said no, i don't think so. we'll can't budget that asked governor hochul for money i will give you 700 million but that's about it. meanwhile new york city taxed out the you know what. and it's only going to go up. and by the way it's buried in debt. >> steve: i have a feeling that come reelection time, money will magically appear in these big blue cities. oh, new york city has outlaid all this money and suddenly here's the money. >> ainsley: i know we have to go to ashley but how does the city make up for all of the people that have left? that was tax base. >> steve: more people come in. >> brian: mayor adams said i would like you to come back. mayor hochul says you can go. >> steve: it's crazy here. anyway, that's a little something we are going to be talking about. meantime, ashley joins us with news from chicago. >> good morning, guys. start with this. the sea of blue issuing a final salute to a chicago police officer shot and killed by a suspect who remains held without bail. thousands of officers who across the nation on hand as andre also
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a co-was laid to rest. his wife breaking down in tears after handed a fold would up upper chicago flag. colleagues remembering him as a cop's cop who lived to serve. vasquez lasso was a five year veteran of the force and dreamed of becoming a detective. he was just 32 years old. the company epic everlasting play is rrlg 3.2 million calico critter sets following the deaths of two children. of the recall is for all calico critters flocked animal figures and sets sold with bottle and pacifier accessories. the toy maker says those small pieces pose a choking hazard. the virginia attorney general opening a probe into fairfax county middle school. it centers around an email sent out by cooper middle school about a college prep assistance program. the initial letter specifically encouraged 8th grade students met certain criteria to apply. some misingrented white and
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asian student exclude. the letter itself did not state that white or asian students are not eligible. officials issued apology for any confusion including the full terms are spelled out on the district wants website it. makes clear no one is excluded from the program based on race. twitter users slamming the irs for arbitrary rule requiring theefsz to report stolen income. the rule states if you steal property, you must report its fair market value in your income in the year you steal it. unless in the same year you return it to its rightful owner. one twitter user joking don't forget to fill out a 1099 after a game of monopoly. in what section do you disclose that you are treating on your tax return? asking for a friend. i mean, i guess they think they are going to get somebody -- what do you think is going on? >> steve: is today april fools day? >> ashley: no, it's not. >> steve: that is the craziest thing, attention thieves, please report on the government document that you broke the law.
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>> brian: not like there is going to be any enforcement unless you are donald trump then you get indicted. >> ainsley: totally right. it's april fools in a few weeks. you better start planning your pranks. my first year here you pranked me. remember i picked up the box and your head was in there. >> brian: that actually was not my idea. he was under the table. i did get you a wrapper, didn't i? >> ainsley: yes, you did. we had a dj on day one. >> steve: indeed and then we danced and i knocked over your portrait. whoops, it happened. >> ainsley: it was a warm welcome. >> steve: no kidding. it all worked out. >> ainsley: it did. >> steve: 7:19 now here in new york city. coming up, russia firing a new wave of strikes across ukraine using rare hypersonic missiles. general jack keane on what that means coming up next. lowe's knows you never come in for just one thing. so we've got to know a lot of things about a lot of things. like what makes your lawn thrive,
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♪ ♪ all right. russia unleashing more than 80 missiles. several hypersonic across ukraine barrage of strikes 10 separate regions mostly power stations. here to react general jack keane. hypersonic missiles for this type of target. doesn't it seem like overkill. >> the russians have that capability and so do the chinese. they have got the capability from a military perspective it makes sense that they use it, certainly. and why is that? look it, the ukrainians shot down half the rockets and missiles fired at them. the hypersonic missiles, there is no defense against it. not by the ukrainians and sadly not by the united states. so, it's not surprising they use it. the united states certainly hasn't confirmed the use of them. but they do have them in
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production and they have them in their deployed units as dozen china. we are in the testing phase. we are not in the production phase nor are we anywhere near close yet to deploying them to operational units. >> brian: the patriots should have been there we thought by now. maybe it takes longer to get to a war zone. they hit 8 different energy stations. and according to the russian mill bloggers who seem to know what's going on. they say that the russians just trying to take down the electric transmission everywhere. but they weren't successful at that. so, and then the other focus is bakhmut. there is a strategic pause now by the wagner group. they still have not taken that town. it's it's not strategically important why wouldn't the ukrainians just not give it up. >> the ukrainians don't want to give it up. and you are right. it's not a military significance. because they are inflicting so much casualties. the russians have brought the airborne forces in.
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who the ukrainians have defeated once before. they defeated naval infantry along with airborne infantry. defeated tank guards motorized organizations. they're the best heavy units that they have. and they have defeated a lot of their air power as well. so, what's happening here, the ukrainians want to conduct an offensive in may, june, they are waiting for tanks and other advanced weapons to get to them to do it. and they want to inflict as much casualties as possible, take these forces down now so they don't have to fight them later. that is why they are staying. if it looks like the ukrainian casualties are going to go up significantly. they will probably get -- they will probably get out of bakhmut. that's what they have done. donetsk, not significant but about destroying russian forces so they don't have to fight them later. >> brian: just real quick in the last minute we have.
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president xi takes an official third term as president. probably going to be there for life. also talking belligerently and directly warning us to stop trying to rally the world against him and his country. what is your take on china's stance? >> well, certainly they have gotten more direct in terms of confronting the united states. but, their actions have been doing that for a long time. what we have a ratification of what took place at the people's congress back in october. president xi is beginning now. his official third term. no other dictator in china part of the communist party has ever been in power that long. what are we going to get out of this? more repression at home. and more aggression abroad. he has not given up on his objectives to dominate the region and also replace the united states as the world's global leader. and to do that he wants to dominate economically. is he already a super power with some economic headwinds.
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dominate militarily, the most rapid growing military in the world, and he outguns us in the indo-pacific region right now. and certainly dominate technically in 37 of the 44 advanced technologies that the aspi, australian strategic policy institute tracks, they are in the lead on. and he certainly wants to dominate geopolitically. literally to take control. that's what this is about and he is about that business. he is dead serious about this. >> brian: well, we could be galvanized republicans and democrats facing this challenge in every aspect. i'm confident we will. any good leader will rally the country around that general jack keane always great. have a great weekend, sir. >> yeah. best of weekend to you and the team there. thank you. >> brian: you got it. meanwhile coming up this weekend 8:00 and repeated at 11:00. amongst our guest ron desantis, lindsey graham, kellyan kayleigh
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mcenany, tyrus. i had a chance to go out it governor desantis played little league advanced little league world series where his parents used to drive him since he was 5 years old. had a serious conversation beyond baseball. here's a little of it? >> so you are a goal oriented guy. if not this time to run for president, would you think at some time it's safe to say that that will be one of your goals? >> only do stuff if i thought there was a rationale for me to publish things on behalf of the people. as governor, and if you are determined executive, you know, you can make things happen and we have done that in florida. but we have always got a strategy for what we are doing and always working hard to advance the ball. >> brian: all right. we will have more of that. unique interview coming up this weekend. don't miss it. still ahead on our show. benjamin hall will join us live his book is fantastic. is he sharing the details of the resiliency of him and his family. after that attack in ukraine. but, first, no jab, no badge.
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a former police officer forced out for not getting the covid vaccine. are we past this despite working during the peak of the pandemic? his fight for free choice next. ♪ remember me for centuries ♪ remember me for centuries ♪ ♪ when aspen dental told me that my dentures were ready,
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>> ainsley: a former san francisco police officer, quote, separated from his department for refusing to get the covid vaccine is now championing freedom of choice. joel ail worth says the police department denied his religious exemption and deemed him a direct threat to the public because he was not vaccinated. joel joins us now with more. good morning to you, joel. >> hur, thanks for having me. >> ainsley: thanks so much for coming on. that was a hard day you had to hand in your badge because you didn't want to get vaccinated. >> the interesting thing is they actually approved my religious exemption and then a month later denied it. so that was very confusing for me and then a month later i was told i had to get the jab or i was going to be fired and, yeah, it was a very confusing time. >> ainsley: how many years in were you when they fired you or separated you determined term used a term release which i
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never seen before. usually people resign or terminated. they created a new term for us unvaxxed. i had a total of almost 15 years between the oakland police department and san francisco, 8 and a half years with san francisco pd and i was at the academy training officers, veteran officers and new recruits coming through. i had a dream job for sure. >> ainsley: why didn't you want to get vaxxed? >> well, you know, there is a mull tuesday of reasons but let's just start with the first one, obviously as a christian, we don't believe in pharma care. we don't believe in injecting or blood of jesus christ with some type of foreign product. right? but, put religion aside because religion can be very polarizing for people. some people say you believe in god or you don't. at the end of the day, let's look at the science. because can i look at the science, too. and throughout the entire pandemic we knew until today the mortality rate of this virus is, i think .27%. and when you break out into
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subcategories people like myself who just turned 40 years old. it's even better. i have a 99.9% chance of surviving and so there really was no reason for me. let's also go back to march 2021 when we knew, we knew this. it did not affect transmission. so, me getting this wasn't going to make you safer either. so we knew all this stuff. >> ainsley: what happens now? all the people that didn't get vaxxed, they were released. are you getting your job back? i mean, we're in a different time now. >> yeah. we're in a different time. so, you know, a year and a half ago, nobody wanted to talk to us and we were just kicked to the curb. it's been the same case. i think we are very confident we are going to get our jobs back. the city of san francisco, the sfpd made very glaring issues like i mentioned already they approved my religious exemption and then 150 of us got religious exemptions approved. midway through that process there was a total of 300 exemptions in the queue to get approved and suddenly, after
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doing a secondary review, after 150 of us had already got approved, they later found reasons to deny us, which i think is going to be very problematic. also, it seems like it's very skewed. when you look at just the neighboring counties like marin city, which is just across the bay, they had a 95% approval rate for religious exemptions. the san francisco area had .8%. that's pretty glaring, don't be you think? >> ainsley: use this as an opportunity to get the heck out of there. go to texas, go to florida. more money in your bank account and they will considerable a hero there, which you are. thank you so much for serving, joel. sorry you are going through all of this. >> yeah. thank you so much. i appreciate you guys. >> ainsley: you are welcome. stay safe out there if you do get your job back. all right. fox news digital reached out to the san francisco police department and they declined to comment. coming up, he met the world and now he is running for congress. >> i win and you guys vote for
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me i would say to each and every one of you hey, thanks. >> ainsley: all grown up now 90's sitcom star ben savage kicks off campaign to replace congressman adam schiff. he's next. ♪ a landscaper. a hunter. because you didn't settle for ordinary. same goes for your equipment. versatile, powerful, durable kubota equipment. more goes into it. so you get more out of it. bring you this she■s a hero moment. new york city. you have to have the skill and the drive to make it here. not all chefs are men. oh, she can't do that. she's a girl. women bring creativity balance into a kitchen.
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...and that means everything. now's the time to talk to your doctor about how skyrizi can help treat your psoriatic arthritis- so you can get going. learn how abbvie can help you save. >> i'm not somebody special. i'm just an average guy like all of you. a simple, hard-working -- students who struggle day after day with too much homework. teachers and antiquated justice system that relies too much on detention. and, if elected, if i win and you guys vote for me, i would say to each and every one of you, hey, thanks! >> steve: loved that show. boy meets world star ben savage, all grown up now taking on a new role on a completely different stage. the actor has officially launched his campaign to run for the u.s. congress.
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he wants to replace top democrat adam schiff in california's 30th district. shiffer is running for senate. ben savage joins us right now live from as you can see over his shoulder, hollywood. hi, ben. >> hi, good to see you. how are you? >> steve: why do you want to become a politician? >> that's a great question. i think we need to encourage younger, more passionate, dynamic, energetic leaders to go to washington, d.c. and it's always been a passion of mine, politics, i was raised in a home that was very political and we grew up hearing stories of jfk and r.f.k. and how wonderful they were and what great or aura tores and leaders they were. i went to stanford and majored in political science i have always been involved. did i spend some time in d.c. working and i'm ready to go to d.c. and bring my talents foond
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fight for change and fight for more solutions in washington, d.c. and less gridlock. >> steve: good luck on the gridlock. mr. savage goes to washington. >> there it is. >> steve: let's not talk about washington for right now. let's talk about your 30 want district in california. just like a lot of big areas, there's a crime problem. >> there is. >> steve: a lot of people say, you know, it's prosecutors who have gone soft on crime harder and harder to throw somebody in jail these days where they stay in jail what would you suggest to fix the crime district in your district and across the country. >> obviously it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. we have to support our law enforcement and provide them with all the resources that they need to feel comfortable. but it's also investing in mental health facilities. clinical health services, psychological health services.
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we need housing. we need job opportunities. we need job training. so it's really an all-hands on deck approach. and obviously, you know, there's no right way to do it but we certainly need everybody and the best and the brightest to come to the table to come up with some real solutions. >> steve: okay. you would replace adam schiff who currently holds that seat. you know, mr. schiff has been a polarizing figure. some people love him. some people don't like him. what's your opinion of adam schiff and the job he has done as congressman? >> oh, i respect his service. i respect anyone's service that is willing to throw their hat in the ring. and he has represented the district for a very long time. and now he is running for senate. so there is an open seat in the 30th district and it's a competitive race, but i'm look forward to fighting for and it working hard every day to earn the trust of the people of the 30th district. >> steve: all right. a very diplomatic answer.
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before you go, i know one of the things you need aside from votes is money. so this is your chance to give us your website. >> it's savage for thank you for the opportunity. and it's actually also boy meets congress because why not? >> steve: there you go corey goes to congress. >> there you go. >> steve: ben savage thank you very much good luck to you. >> thank you for having me. >> steve: good luck to you, sir. ashley joins us with news. good luck to him. >> ashley: hi, steve,yeah. wild video out of oregon that shows an accused murderer sprinting out of a courthouse ahead of jury selection. he takes off after court officers unshackled his arms and legs which is protocol but he was on the run for two hours. police tracked him down after getting a tip about someone trying to break into an apartment. the suspect was first arrested back in april of 2021 for two separate stabbings, leaving one man dead. and vga tour veteran nic watney had a bad round on the green yesterday at the player's cup.
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carelessly cart ago quadruple bogey at the 17th hole. now, at first watney missed his 31st boeing putt less than 4 feet to save double. misses again and ball settled 9-inch from the cup. watney clearly frustrated tries to tap the ball into the cup using only one hand and didn't go so well the quadruple bogey dropped him to plus 6 on the round. porch is taking glamping to whole new level with new luxury camping trailer. the automaker teaming one airstream on the design for 16-foot long trailer today by electric vehicle it. features a dining space full bed. complete with kitchenette and storage space. still no word on how much it's going to cost. i would assume not going to be cheap. those are your headlines. send it out to janice dean who has our weather. good morning, janice. >> janice: i would like to try one of those airstreamers. talk to my friends here. what's your name? >> joel,.
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>> broo. >> sarah. >> what are you here. >> here to see gutfeld a little bit later. >> janice: you know that's later on. what are you going it do in between. >> lunch. >> janice: can i come? >> absolutely residence january what's your name, sir? >> pete. >> where are from you. >> fort wayne, indiana. >> do you want to say hi to anybody at home. >> my wife jody. >> she watching right now. >> i don't know if she is but my love of 30 years. >> janice: congratulations. so nice. take a look at the maps. you said you from new jersey. do you know we have some snow coming? here are the temperatures across the midwest. we do have a couple storm systems one across the west we are going to talk about the midwest. this system is going to move on through and we are going to see some snow for the interior sections of the northeast as well as blizzard conditions for the northern plains. then the west. this is a big, big story. we have got extreme flood watches in effect along the coast then we are going to see feet of snow yet again. this is tremendous drought buster. that is the good side of this. we are going to see flash flooding. mud slides, rock slides and
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that's going to be a big concern. there is the flash flood threat by the way. pretty rare to see an extreme event in terms of flash flooding. the nor'easter. this is what is coming on monday and tuesday. the details have to be hammered out. how much snow are we going to get along the coast? we don't know yet. interior sections are definitely going to get plenty of snow. i will tell you the computer models are not in agreement and that means a little bit of snow or a lot of snow. a lot of snow or auto bit of snow. >> hopefully a lot of snow. >> very nice. got to go over to you, steve. >> steve: good answer. ains. >> janice: excellent. >> steve: thanks, j.d. don't move stuart varney is going to break down the february's job report which is coming out at 8:30. first we are having breakfast with bulls. will is in the lone star state gearing up for the american rodeo coming up next. ♪ what are you waiting for ♪ say goodbye to my heart tonight [mooing]
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♪ ♪ >> brian: it is time for breakfast. "fox & friends" cohost with american rodeo to feed the beast himself. a trick cowboy and have to get geared up in the great state. >> ainsley: will cain joins us
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with seven time world champion bull rider and his name is sage kinsey. hey, guys. >> good morning, yes, legendary. seven-time champion bull riding champion over eight year span, guys. he held a decade. it is great to have you this morning. i'm decked out as though i'm ready to get on here this is just are behind us. the fast protects me from getting shared with the horn, right? >> the helmet. i think it is the best thing in bowl riding. strictly because you take a lot of shots, big shots. so the helmet protects the face, protects a little bit. >> how many times have you been injured? i don't know what you are talking about. he has going for an mri later today, shoulder, hip, pelvis, concussion, you name it. >> you name it, it has happened
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to one of us. >> this guy behind us, tell us a little bit about this guy. jester, not a morning person. a little angry. tell me about gesture. >> not a morning person we found out that gesture is one of the top bowls in the pcra and he is the super of rodeo three times which is crazy and i want of that is wow. one of the best athletes that we have. >> gesture has an 87% buck off rate and only written five times. >> he is tough to get by but 90-point score who wins. >> i've seen eight seconds and all the appropriate movies. i've written a mechanical bull and i think i know what i'm doing. i'm getting up on my hand, keep my weight not to forward or too far back. first of all i'm the wrong size. >> size has a little bit to do
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with it but it's all about finding your grab. like this, it can be difficult. the hardest thing about bull riding they are moving forward if you are you are talking 1600 pounds. it is not like jumping 6 feet in the air. so find the center of gravity can be really hard at times and the forward movement. >> this is not the only athlete. the point is these guys are athletes, bread, trained over generations and not just a lifetime. a generation to get rid of sage. that does it for us, sage. we appreciated so much. back to new york. >> steve: that ain't no bull, thank you very much, will. >> brian: sarah huckabee sanders with sweeping education reform and how she's education reform and how she's champion school choice. it is revolutionary fashion. she will us next. to assist your business
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