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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  March 9, 2023 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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can get a free, complete exam and x-rays and 20% off treatment plans. aspen, dental, anythin g to make you smile. >> schedule your appointment >> schedule your appointment today. that half-waibers when your vinnick looks more like a unique, that's when you know it's half washed down. he has seven benefits. that condition and smooth fibers so close look newer, longer feel the difference with downy. >> good evening and welcome to tucker carlson.n tonight, the battle ofto the sexes hanight," thexes finan ye after several million years of jockeying and strife, men woncou conclusively. we know thissi because yesterdat was international women's day. that's the day we as a globalbrt we werity celebrate women. >> but if you looked closely at the women we were celebrating, n you may have noticed a lot of
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them weren't actually women. they were a lumpy looking dudes. g was n athat was not e in fact, it waces a brilliant o piece of jujitsu. sun tzu could have written thato strategy here. you ha ad men who are clearl y craftier than they look somehowr convincing a whole lot of prairwise self-aware and highly educated women to praise themina as living paragonsra of thing abou womanhood. >> think about how hard itt howa would be to sell that proposition. i'm going to steal your identity and then mock and degrade the immutable characteristics that define you as a person. then aand then as i do this, yoe going to smile brightlyd and th and applaud and then give a speech about how liberated you feel about that. the whole thing is amazing. ing isit's like watching a pracl joke devised by the drunkestby e most cynical fraternity brothers at the university of alabama during a hungoverty of u could pick to all in the breakfast. denny's, you can picture themdin all there.g spit and baseball hats dip inting i copenhagen spitting into their coffee mugs.l for >> they will get girls to fall for that.
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no way. did they'll never buy it. but they did. even that hard tol they bought it and it wasn't really that hard to sell it.g liberals will fall for anything . >> they think it is fashionableg and progressive. and so before long, the practical joke from denny's at the university of alabama madesity of all the way to thee house, where it was taken with the utmost seriousness. here's jill biden and secretary to handing out ann award on international women's day to a dudonal wome in makeupt argentina. >> all the ruyter is a transgender woman who was kicked out of classrooms, barred forrred for sitting for j refused job opportunities, subjected to violencolence aee f and rejected by her family. but in the face of these chall challenges, she worked to end violence and discrimination against the lgbtq. plus, in argentina, you see tony blinken fight the natural urge to flinch is that guyternao
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kissed him.dresse there's no flinching allowed on international men in dresseso day that mightil spoilis the intended message for the audience. which is , hey, ladies, meet, you know, hero. y he's the guy who's making fun of you.. and they do welcome the guy they and they do welcome the guy. lik they clap like seals. and you wonder, is he watches? is feminism over? let's see. has room fallen? yes. feminismyes. is over. >> feminism has been flattened s and sacked by the visigoths, the trans movement. >> and if you doubt that, notice that all the women's awards these days seem to beto o going to men. >> here you have richard levines put on an admiral's uniform, the skirt, and become usa today's woman of the year,r. william thomas wears a onend ge piece bathing suit and getsan nominated for ncaa woman o of tf the year. then some guy who calls himselfa honowith an e was hershey's women's day honoree and so on . >> so the men are taking all the prizes set aside for women s ,but that's not all they're stealing. >> they're also taking whats cal progressive calleded lived livee
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experiences. so anyone could thro anin a halter top . but the real dividing line is biology. only actual women can have menstrual cycles. >> well, not anymore. anythinganything a woman can don can do better. s >> that's the slogan ofamps, the trans movement, and that includes getting cramps. watch us owan this thing. i swear to god, if anyone says talk about mansplaining, that's the ultimate man to some guy. >> ladies at a certain timey ma each monthy hu, your tummy may t a little . >> let me tell you about itppen. and what to do when that happens. it's too funny.rse of >> of course m, if men can get their periods, pregna by definition, they can also get pregnant. nt and that's why we need legal abortion. so men won't be forced inted iot back alleys. esso
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watch law professor karen bridges explain. >> you've referred to people with a capacity for pregnancyaby with heavy women. many women, cis women have the capacity for pregnancy. s. many women do not have the capacity for pregnancy. there are also transmen who aree capable of pregnancy as well as non binary people who are capable of pregnancy. >> so this isn't reallycan re a women's rights issue. >> it's we can recognizeco that this impacts women while also recognizing that it impacts other groups. >> those those things are not mutually exclusive. >> senator holly. this right then isew is is that the core of this this right then is about what? so i want to recognize that o your line of questioningand open is trans phobic and it opens up trans people of violence, denying that trans people exist and pretending not to know that they exist. >> i'm denying that trans people exist by asking you if mr you're are you about women? >> are you having pregnancies? do you believe thau chris t menn get pregnant? no.
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>> no, i don't think so. you are denying trans people like this. >> how long did that womand in e spend in the north korean brainwashing camp? how long would she hesitateg before killing you? >> not long. so here she is telling senator hollings, stop defending the matriarchy, betwn senator . abortion is between a man a ha off men'sortions nd bodies. the abortion is for the men. well, media agree, by the way, so we've all been talking abouts what the dobbs decisioion means for women, but it also mattersti for nonbinary and transia to birthing people. he so i went to atlanta, georgia, to hear from one trans man about his experience with abortion. >> do you believe that>> d men n become pregnant and have abortions? >> tra >> yes, trans man and non binary people do become pregnant. >> so long u haves a uterus, you have the capability of getting pregnant. and if you think that's
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accessing abortion, care is stigmatizing. when you present as a woman, imagine what it is when you're presenting as your authentic male self. > i appreciate your mentioni> that there are i transgender aph men and nonbinary individuals who rely on reproductive health services and abortion services h . somewhere atat t the universitye alabama, those fraternity brothers are thrown in another dip and i olaine we got them to make abortion all about man's bodies. hem to wat >> we got them to watch tiktok videos where some dude lectures them about menstrual cramps. we got them to give all the ladies awards to men and feel virtuous as they wereiy doing it. >> it is the funniest practical joke ever. of course, it eliminated an entire category of humanity, women so we are the defenders fm of women.ou you remember gloria steinesl m famously said if men could get pregnantwould, abortion wouh
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be a sacrament. now she's going to housee is hearing saying men can't get pregnant. get probably doesn'tr vote for the same people we vote for. but she's one of the onlye people we knowonly who haso exi persistently defended the right of women to exist. and we are grateful for that. she's president of the u.s. dec chapter of women's declaration l, author ofjoin the book the abolition of . tho she joins us tonight. kara dansky, thanks foming on rs on . and i'm starting to make fun ofu it because it is , of coursers, going to destroy civilizationf z itself. >> but it is kind of amazingin that all these self-aware, t st well-educated people are saying is asstuff that actually i a huge middle finger in the face of women everywhere. >> >> i it is . it's horrible. thanks so much for having me. giving womengi of courage award to a man on international women's day is , of course, appalling and disgusting to feminists, including myself. who fight for the rights, privacy and safety of women and girls and also, it's notribh more horrible than anything else that'hing elss gone on in t the erasure of women and girls throughout society. society.
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we are allwe are all expected to t men who claim to be women, either simply by saying that they are or by undergoing hormonal and or surgical treatment to make themselvesmsee appear maybe slightly more like women. and we're all just supposedi don to accept it and go along. i do want to take quick issue with your assertion that feminism is to i am here to assure viewerassus. or i will agre feminism is not fems but where i will agree with you is that mainstream feministth organizations, organizations that claim to be feminist, incls liken fonization claim planned parenthood and the national organization for women and the nationalcome and centerr rights have completely caved i to what is in effect, an industry fueled men's rights movement. so i'll agree with youree withol . lef but there are those of us onurss the political left who call ourselves radical feminists, and we will not stop fighting for women and girls. do you think the i mean, the average person on any issue has no voice at all in this country. >> and that's, i think, becoming more true with the day?
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. but do you think the average woman sees this as insulting as a man who actually likes women, this seems like the mostg insulting possible thing i can imagine. >> do you think it's perceived>> that way? i do. i d and , you know, the other day ir i came across really interesting pollinlling thg that suggested that people b who consider themselves to bee h either very liberal or liberal around 70 to 75% know that is they kno real. now that i, doesn't change. so when you're referringg to liberaltos going alongatic ps with this, of course, you're absolutely right that the democratic party is pushing. th us and the sort of democratic liberal elite is pushing this. but ordinarys shin americans across the political spectrum are notab going along. and yes, i absolutely thinsolutt k that ordinary average americania women see this as insulting. o what they may not realize, though, is that it's no i more insulting than w the so-called trans movementyear has been to women and girls for years now. >> that's right.s right, that's and i appreci
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and atei appreciate your saying. so. i know it' s probablypr nothere but a natural move to come on the show, but we're grateful that you do care.o much >> dansky thank you. thanks so much.r: last so last time we talked ton lawyer who representedtesubs january six defendant jacob chansley, the so-called q and uncommon, iallthe lawyer o us that the government, the prosecutors in this case,f in violation of from the constitution, hid exculpatory evidence from hihim and the defense in order tinsley to send jacob chansley to prison. rison fo years wfor four years e is tonight. and we showed you that evidence this week, its surveillance footage that shows federal officers leadingderal of jacob t around the capitol like tour guides. at one point, they even opened the door of the hollowed senate chamber fochambersr him and ushm in. >> so the tape proves conclusively that jacob chance, every action inside the building wasaction i videot, committed no felony, and the government hid that fact. and because they did, the media were allowed to paint. chancey jacob chansley as a dangerousd.
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terrorist who deserved to be killed. >> i think the most amazingtchig thing about the whole thing is watching the video. and on the senate floor, there's a cop who's armed and the guy bursts in the qqano and uncharming dressedsh likelk a viking, and he basically talks to them. >> i watch it, shoot him, shoot him, like if you burst into the united states , if he washe dressed like bin laden wouldsamb have shot hiin laden m. ne i imagine if they said that about someone you loved.w we well, now we know that the busha administration created thatbe kl perception that this man shoulld be killed and then broke the law specifically to destroy the life of american citizen. n. naval veteran jacob chansley again remains in prison tonight. the question is what happensthes ? martha chansley is his mother, william shipley. is his attorney and they join us tonight. matthew chance, thank you soh fi much. tofirst to you. ? what h >> what's it like? what has it been like fore
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lincol the last twenty six months to see people like steve schmidt of the lincoln project unteleviseoject ond, car for the killing of your son?so r what has it been like? that's it's an awful thing's to say. that's it. it's horrible. horrible. i can't even i honestly, thatn't even imagine even saying that for somebodywalk who just walked through opened t doors. >> yes, right. how does it feel to know that>>c the u.s. government,ke the administration hid this evidence and on the basis of that lie and crime, sent your son to prison for years? g it's upsetting. it's upsetting. upse it should have come outting ittw two years ago. that should have come out innoc two years ago. ev he's an innocenterything man. everything that he said that he did is true, that he walked through open doors. he was escorted through the the halls in the senate. s
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and part of the reason why hente was escorted was because hd e helunteered to help them. he said that h se saw people in the senate and that he wanted to help them in any way held could. >> thinnd that's part of the reason why he was led around. it's very obvious. confi we thankrm you for joining us tonight. so this show confirmed. thank yo course.u. t toda well, ofy course, we've turned confirmed today that the capitol police turned overg all the video, including the video you just saw of jacob chancel your client to the fbi right afterr january six or the fbijanuary 6s videotape and they withheld it from his initial lawyer in his defense. gh how is he still in prison tonight? i'at's a great>> tha question. >> and sorry, am i supposed say? to say no?i wa i was just asking the attorney here as a legal matter, how is this how was your son still behind bars? >> well, jake did not have a lot of post conviction options.
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the plea agreement that albert watkins talked him into signing waived all hishim into s rightsg no opportunity to go to the circuit court of appealso ted th to raise any issues connected to his conviction.ct he had limitedion. he rights to challenge the performance ofa albert watkins's his lawyer. when i came into the case,discui that's the first subject i began discussing with him was my criticisms of what watkins talked him into doing. ags terrible plea agreement. it was an unconscionable plea agreement. i've done for thirty five years. i recognized it immediately. what watkins had done done wrong, watkins had to plead guiltyy before the government was even willing to say it had produced all the video. the government in august of 2020 one was still telling all judges. we haven't been able o to get as the evidence to defense sowyers, so please don't set trial. atkins albert watkins t didn't care. he convinced his client to take the offer to the government guit and plead guilty. so he's in a little bit ofuckern a mousetrap. >> but nowt thawe knot we knowt
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this was a travesty, i mean, the people responsible should be punished. liz cheney should lose her job she today as a professor at the university virginia.ut how she knew this.hancey o she destroyed a man's life. but how do you get jacob out of jail now? well, we're looking at that. soi i'm not sure there's an easy t solution. there's not an easy roado that to that to get the mattern be back in before judge lamberththi stand the district court here and to have him reconsidere a sentence, in many ways it's procedurally barred. we're going to have to come up back bef with a creative way to get ite. back before judge lamberth. frankly, i think judge lamberth may be a little bit unhappy that the government presented some videos at the sentencing sentencing to paint jacob in the worst possible light i that the jacob in the worst possible light. the way they described himy desn court as the face of the insurrection violent. and then judge lamberth, frankly, gave him the sentence n that albert watkins negotiatede. .
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the sentence in the plea41-5 gav agreement was forty one to fifty one months. and judge lamberth gave him forty one months. but i don't think judgee ju lamberth today probably thinksoh he saw everything he needed to see when he made that decision. >> yeah, i mean, this is just an open and shut travesty as far as i'm concerned. and godspeed to both of you getting this unjustlyn out convicted man out of jail. martha chances. thanm shipley, his attorney . tk >> thank you both very much.r, k thank you, app thank you very much.ker: >> we really appreciate you. t thank you. well, the war in ukraine is notn coming to a close.t on >> no peace agreement is on the horizon. it's accelerating. zelenskyy was just on cnnte demanding f-16 fighter jets.he meanwhile, they're stilly are lg about what happened to the nord stream pipeline by administration. >> blew it up and the story has changed and updated all that with tulsi gabbard after the break. >> let's take a journey through this great nation. i want to see what they saw. i want to see what changed in
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one four three now or visit us at misso fund .com. >> tucker: >> you may remember that whensea he was president feels like several thousandl years ago donald trump ordered american troops out of syria because why would american troop why s be in does syria? but because the presidentno doesn't mean you get to control the military. nol the , you don't. >> so u.s. troops stayed inson h syria. reasonich mark tot totally unclc so thions week, florida congressman mac gates, ty mil anyorepresents maybe more active duty military than anyone elsne else in te in the .
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congress, just introduced a resolution to bring those tre troops home within six months.te th the resolution failed of course, but it did havecrats the support of joiny six democrats and fortity seven republicans, which feels like a little bit of an improvement. >> matt gaetz joins us tonight . still tilting at windmills. congressman, thank you so much for coming on .americans whatknow i'm not sure mostwhy do americans know we have troops in syria. why do we havee troopssyria di troops in syria? >> did you get to the bottom of that question? well, if you believe bothd the de the democrats and republicans who led the debate against againstmy resolution, the 2001 authorization to use military forcuse against afghanistanafghh and the people who were attacks theythe 9/11e attacks, they believe actually justifies us troop presenc beliee in syrig twenty , twenty three .lo it's like they think that document is a global permission slip for every neoconservative fantasy to try to turn these despot places into jeffersonian democracies by weaving together sand and blood and arab militias. fa
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the reality is far different ini syria. and iraq, we hav and in iraq. we have actually funded a good amount of isis by giving weapons and training to some of these entities and thenr alli watching them shift their alliances faster than the shiftingthan t sands.rn the united states of america is not a middle eastern power. we are an atlantic power.o come we are a pacific power. o try to noseast dirselves into the middle east, i think has been a disastesar fi my generation that has spanned multiple presidencies. and i's iple presidencies m going to coo to force votes in congresse froh to bring our troops home. from these faraway places where the mission, as is unclear as it is in syria. >> yeah, maybe we should starteu with a clearly defined mission that has an endpoint. >> we can all agree on . >> that would be a start. was the defeat of isis even are mean they don't even know, but da they're willing to send american sons and daughters >> tucker: and tisingenuou'ss. rich from it.. yeah. everyone's getting rich . woman decade s before. >> thank you so much. >> tucker: wonker. meanwhile, biden administrationc
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has done everything it canan for two years to stoke the wareurop. beginning in eastern europe. >> and that plan is unfoldings before our eyes and no one seems to notice zelenskyynih the president of ukraine, the despot who runs ukraine, was on cnn last nigh t and hehim f- said he expects the bush administration to give him f-16 soon. fighter >> but we don't have the fighter jets to deal with it to counteract the russian hits .n hits and we really need it'ss and really appeal to the president that they could startt training ukrainian pilotarsd be and president biden told me that it will be worked upon uniti believe that the united states will give us the opportunity to defend and defend our skies. >> haven't you been telling us for over a year that russia s is about to be defeated? and whendingy are we sending anr increasing amount of moneyking and materiel to ukraine?
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>> couldson they they be lying ? and speaking of lying to us,p it remember, they told us that s owrussia blew up its own pipeline, the new york times polls. >> everyone told us that shot up putin>> defender. the russians did it. well, now they're admitting the russians didn't do it, but we didn't do either. >> something called a pro ukrainian group blew upm the nord stream pipeline and created the largest environmental disaster disaster in human history and also shaftedha our nato alliefted os in western europe, a pro ukrainian group. >> okay, tulsi gabbard servedino in the congress, m ran for president . >> she joins us tonight. congressman, thanks so much forr coming on . so this is a pro ukrainiane group that has the military prowess to blow up one ofan the world's most important pipelines. pipes the joe bident we had then had nothing to do with it. >> is that the new lie thatus they're telling us ? apparently so. it is it is so obvious at this point, tucker, that the united states and nato are responsible for thisfor this act of sabotagn act of war, attacking and destroying this nordstrvm pipeline . it and n and they've been lying to us all along about it. bee and now they've been busted. cr so they're trying to sell one us this absurd cover up
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we're on the one hand s we have, they are telling us , well, we have this new intelligence that shows us ns weo americans or bre were involved in this but t then at the same time, wew can't drawho any conclusions frd the intelligence on who thtually did it because we don't have specific details on each of the members of this so-called pro ukrainian group. it's just it's insanity for forg at anybody who is paying attention to what they're saying. the realit y is that they ared they responsible for this and there are short term and long term serious implications for this action. it sett setss this precedent, t, for countries like russia, aheah korea,a, iran and china to go ahead and launch these attacks. hesesabotage against criticalinr infrastructure against other countries like gas pipelinastro undersea cables, financial systems, satellites. the listes on an goes on and on . just imagine the kind ofus the problems, to say the least,icanp that that wouleod cause for us , the american people and for the world. >> but i'm just a super dumb
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question. no one's ever answered it. so this pipeline fied germany, ke of is the economic engine europe, germany is the key player in nato . we're all for nato . we just wrecked the economy of our key nato ally. if germany blew up the hoover dam, would they still be our nato ally? >> doesn't have to disintegrate after we get caught doing this . that's that's the thing. i think a couple of pointswantss is the biden administration, nato , want us to believe that that some they want us to the believe this cover up story, first of all, which their covers story implies that the unitetad states and nato's military and intelligence agencies arenoy so inept and incapable that nobody knows what was going. u nobody sawex this coming. but secondly, you're exactly right. this wasthis was an act of war,u just against russia, but alsot against our ally, germany. also, an act of war can only bef declared by congress, not by the united states or anybody else. that clearly didn't happen.s to and that's where biden needs add to address the nation. tell us the whole truth about what went down.
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and congress needs to exercise its oversight responsibilitiest to actually investigate this, to tell it, to tell us the truth. uth get get to the bottom of ito hold those responsible accountable. >> yeah, i mean, it's the craziest, most reckless thing i've ever seen i50n 50 years of sort ofh paying attention. >> tulsi gabbard, thank you so and continuelinuing to cal 10%. >> unbelievable. no one is paying it. and it really is . it really is . well, something pretty amazingyd ,pretty great really happened in new jersey. a herd of shee d frompe a slaughter house. they join us next. >> just kidding. but we will tell you about it next. next 1983 and today, today, no one will show emergency. you just wait around a minute.
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ending t on the highway in paterson. and here's the happy ending. these sheep arote no goingt goig back to the slaughter house.opea >> kind of likks ye whenou are the hangman's rope breaks, re n scarle free. ow >> so the sheep are nott'sw at a the skyline'l s animal sanctuary in sussex county, new jersey. >> john de kando is an animal control officer . mike stora is the founder ofcer skyline's sanctuary animal rescue, and they joi us tonight. thank you guys so much for coming. ap, officer , first to , if you would, what did you see? >> what were these sheep doing when you apprehended them? aybe0 >> tucker was around maybe0 around six o'clock in the the morning, 911 calls were coming in the palace, the police department that were sheep running around in town .wn and we got it washe unbelievable. we had three sheep trapped insh one place. wae sheep was down by dunkinwaso donuts and the other one was down by steube mattress. and it wasn't easy getting them because they weighed about two hundred pounds each. but once each. escape from going backter house ever going back there, they're goin they'gi
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to the sanctuary. we endng u p getting to sheep. we put them back at to police cars and we escort them to the animal shelter and lights and sirens all the way into the shelter. we came back and we rescuedr the other ones and you hadt it just s it. w it wasomething something somethg unbelievable. >> well, i f i could just really quickly single out the sheep at dunkin donuts for a second,r what did he order? i think it was, i don't know, probably cream, one sugar suand probably a bagel. >> yeah, i'm thinking crullers, but i'm not surprised. >> mike , you're a good man to take these sheep. >> they're rescued. what's their life going to lookw like now? well, tucker, well, you're looking at it. they get they this is their this is our sheep barn. t heand they they have a big field up here. and they they get to live their life out and hopefully pass p away from old age a long time from now. yeah. sens do whatever they want.
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>> do they have any sense, docor you think, of how lucky they are comparing their lives to their compatriots back at the abattoir at the abbott? i mean, they're they're prettye fortunate sheep. i'll tell you, they're they pay attention better than we think. t've onlythey've only been here of days and we just got the okay, to let them in with some of our other sheep here. and you can see alreadye do how much they've calmed down. they they know that they'rew or that they're safe now or at least they you know, it'sat lea the way the other sheep treat us , you know, the wayth they come right up to usat and all that. these guys learn that from from them. >> really quick, john . chief officer for others, fornih sheep watching the show tonight, any sense of how these guys got out of the slaughter house? >> >> n well, i don't know what happened, but they probably opened up a trucup thek and thei wasn't watching what he was doing. yeah, and the the sheep said probablt'ory now or never. and once i get them, they're going by mike.
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absolutely. yod i don't know this. you're making me proudu' to be american. and it's such an important point. you see an opportunity, you take it, you can wind up with . >> mike , thank you. great to see you both.h. thank you. >> thank you, sir., thank you. >> tucker: went th so of all the stories you cover, the twitter files, whatfr we've learned fromom elon musk t archive at twitter reallye of t is one ohef the few thatntial in will endure. it's probably the mostig consequential investigativativle journalism in memory and thatoul journalism proves atislated wi the highest levels of the federal government, coordinated with the social media companies to suppres medis dissent, to end the first amendment, freedom of speech.h. so did the house judiciary committee held hearings on this story. congresswoman stacey plaskett use the opportunity to attack two of the journalistsof behind the twitter files, matt taibbi and michael shellenberger. >> the republicans have brought in two of elon musk public scribes to release cherry picked outease che of context es
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and screenshots designed to promote to prom his chosen narrative. elon musk chosen narrative that is now being parroted by the republicans because the republicans think that these witnesses will tell a story that's going to help them out politically. tht a matter ofists what data was given to these so-called journalists before. it's now, mr. chairman, i'm not exaggerating when when i say c that you havale called before yu two witnesses who pose a direct threat to people who oppose them, it's almost unbelievablec that a fascist like that coulden wind up in the u.s. congress arguing in congress for censorship. it's beyonr d. lists who brought >> michael shellenberger is ones of the journalists who brought us this information, is the founde infjoined ur, the subjecs who joins us tonight.t michael schumacher, thank you so much. therfor coming on . i mean, there's so much to the story. we could spend three hours. we probably should. >> but how did you respond lito statements like that in
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the u.s. congress? >> a sitting member of congress saying that what>> ver was a vey disturbing event, tucker, as you as you pointed out, i mean, thispo is they then proceeded to demand to know who our sources were, which, of course, we were unwillingit's a to share with them. te and it's importantcontext we. ss >> remember the context here. we were revealing here, this is way beyond woke censorshipn within twitter. >> we've twitter, now discovered a censorship industrial complex that includes government funded entities that are doing state sponsored censorship and it includes department of homelanda ,the department of homelanndd security agencies. >> we have the fbi involve id. n they've now working with the national science foundation to make 40 million dollars worth of granttas to create little censorship centers ine co universities around the country. disiall done in the name of fighting disinformation, but in fact, are spreadinaregspread misinformation, spreading conspiracy theories as we saw theminies as do with the russiaa with russia, the russia hoax.tee we saw go out and spread
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the conspiracy theories around biden's laptop. they are now seeking widespread use of artificial intelligencel to censor accurate information. we've now seen facebook and twitter court censoringsorig accurate information about coronavirus vaccinations because they were worried that it would lead to vaccine hesitancy. so this story has really evolved. there'ory ha much more to sas m. we're still discovering a lotat, of information. but what you're basicall byou're y the seeing here is the rise of a for profit censorship industry funded by american taxpayers to censor realamericaa world information. and this is basically a turning of the national security stateit from the kind ofha psychological operations they they launchedats broad into the unitedus states using the exacting the ee same kin kind ofd of influencert operation tactics that they've o used abroad on the american people. it'sit's a a huge scandal.hs t >> a lot more to come on the story in the weeks and months to come. but it's also just blatantly illegal. this is against law. this is a crimmee. this is against the constitution of the united
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states , the bill of rights. how ho one beenw why is no one have ben arrested for this? >> i don't understand. well , i we've all just sort of stumbled across it at first. we couldn't figure out why it yu was that you had dhs and fbi and all these and the whitemaki house interfering and making peopmands on social media platforms to censor people. was and then we realized that waactd actually very well organized as coordinated. there was efforts by variousin thinir effortsks to ink tanks tn reporters not properly cover the hunt, providing laptopebunki story pre bunking inng advance. it's incredibly well rig it's very shocking. and you're absolutely right. e u.s.the u.s. government cannot infringe upon the right of media companies to protect freet speech. this subcontrae somebody to censor. so this subcontracting the contractincting, tg with wi taxpayer money oinf organizatios to engage in censorship is absolutely illegal. eddie we've been promised there wasd t many people we met with today in congress who promised to getn to the bottom of it. we've got to defund and dismantle the censorship
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industrial complex before it really undermines the whole our whole democratic system. rie yeah, it's a crime. t simple. is al and we swao appreciate your journalism. as always. michael schoenberg's. tucker, thank you.alhing all kinds of weird things ars ae happening. >> the economy, you know, youmia don't know always what they addf up to . is this a sign of somethingl duy awful or not? b but we feel duty bound to bring them to you. of them, which you as a major market sell off today, fueled by banks. bad news among big banks,g bi charlig e gasparino joins us net to explain what we should think of it. >> hey, the celebrity, they'll for their lives, but who are they ? good. oh, no. why the long face? the new season is epic and you can watch any time with weekly these "new york times" 85% and a new twist that will have everyone talking. what somebody messed up on new
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now and see how much you can save. we're not ukraine.ine' so obviously by thet supe administration paying super close attention to the american economy. bur american economy t we try to kf of. and we noticed there was a major stock sell off today f the tech focused bank. s tv l announcede stock sale a large stock sale, almost look like a bank run.valley bank st the silicon valley banockk stock plunged by 60 percent. want to o and so we want to talk to charlie gasparino of fox business, a senior correspondent, to know if this should be of some concern. >> charlie, thanks a lot for
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coming on . definitely. it is somecharli concern. >> yeah. i mean, i would say this. there's two stories here.ousl there's the obviously the local story about a silicon valley wink that needed capital that was facing tremendous withdrawals from silicon valley company and had to sell its portfolio of treasury poh are depressed in value right now because they've had rate increases. cany that's the one i story, the micr story, the canary in the coal mine stories out there as well,e which caused a five hundred point decline in the dow today. and that's that banks in general are holding on treasuries securities that they they essentially accumulated duringy all the fedst rates pumping of interest rates and all the crazy spending by the biden administration. they hold these things. and now, since youfe have fedora rate increases, those are worth a lot less. so the balance sheet of jpmorgan, of bank of america and you go down the line of all the banks that sold off today, they have impaired balancemean w sheets. now, does this mean we're goingw to have a banking crisis tomorrow?
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i don't think so.morgan these are treasuries.y so we ha they're not crazy. mortgage backed securities, as we had in 2008. >> what it does show yourewe is that the economy is reallyd p structurally screwed up. >> you know, you cannot print and spend as much money as weavo have and not havt e while dislocations in the economy,udik including on bank balance sheets, including balanced bala if that's going down. and we should point out this is a silicon valley lender, of theusually a tech sector is supposed to be this great,erf prosperous place. coa it's getting crushed right now. again, a canary in the coal mine. s as banks are exposed to thisw yorkb as well. in new york , the big moneyig mn centerey banks. so you could see how this thing could get out of hand .of and again, you know, the president can get up there and keep saying how great things are there underlying real underlying problems in this economy. n thand we're starting to see ie play out a little by little with episodes like this headline, the laws of nature still apply right, charlie?- you can' t print something and make it not a commodityses that's losinits g its value. >> and that's what we did
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with the us dollar. exactly. tht. puly charl >> charlie gasparino, thank you so much for that time. sorst seem to be on a perpetuaamong us and the best ae crushed.d we >> and we believe simo beln atia is one of the best. he's one of the very few journalists in the white house briefing room who asks real questions. he is the top reporter fro m africa and washington. >> and for that, he's hatedis karine jean-pierre has been avoiding him for months now.'ve so i'm going to teeb has learned he's being booted fromro the white house correspondents association, whichnd controls access to the white houseshocki briefings. >> kind of shocking newsng to visible news africa.y to h >>ea he joins us tonight. simon, i'm sorry to hear this news. i'm shocked byd by it. ite hous >> how can you be thrown out of the white house correspondents associatioasn? >> on what grounds? >> okay, thank you for having me. thank you for having me on this show.. and thank yoand thank you for releasing the videos of the january
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six that showed that, uh, we i just want the full story. and yoi just want to thank you personally for for the course. uh, so the white house correspondents association has decided that, uhas, i'm not whar i'm not supposed to be a member of the association. ociati the deny they refused to renewon my membership. they are trying to have the press secretary karine jean-pierre, because whenwhen do th you do the right, when you ask the right questions, they try to silence t you to try to censor you. and the only thing they are doing to me right. a good is trying to punish me forjourna trying to be a real journalistsk question that the american people really care about for the question that the american people really care about. and it's a shame fall into disgrace. and the president of the white house, correspondentite houss association, tamara keith,t orgawork for npr, is a publicly funded media organization, should be ashameamedd, massive,c absolutely ashamed of >> so you npr's correspondent, its fake reporter, is colludingr with the white house presshe
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secretary to throw the one guy in the room to ask real questions. >> that's what you're saying. yes, exactly. when you do the right thing,n yo when you don't send questions in advance, karine jean-pierre, she's totally incompetent. you can't even answer basic questions. she lies a lot.. she's lied. e clas she's lied repeatedly about the classified document in ordeasker things. then you ask those questions, when you press for the truth,r e the silence you i neverli halieved this could happen to me inpp the united states . in africa, when we look up to the us , we saw the beacon of light, the beacon ofacon o excellencef , the beacon of free speech. but here i am right in the white house, in the mostbeid powerful house in the world, being censored, being punished by tamara keith of npr, nished bthe wasc who are totally incompetent and colluding with the white house to punish someone who is doing the right thing. >> unbelievable that the statear broadcaster npr is colludingoa
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with the state to shut down free speech. it's just i wonder if npr'pr'ssd codia correspondent will cover the story, butrr we are blessed by your presence on the show. thanon k you. >> and i'm sorry.if you thank you. wom if you want to see more from that man, we had an amazing conversation with him over an hour on tucker carlson today.s n simon atiba, it's on fox nation. we'll be right back . with some dognapper. comedy is the hallmark of a free society. >> workers basically make comedy illegal. there is a fear of getting canceled. nobody can speak their mind. oh, is that comedy? what a disaster this is . it is . now, i'm not giving a ted talk. my job is to be funny on stage . this is the current state of'lli comedy. tucker carlson originals. the death of comedvey streamineg now on fox nation. >> do you ever worry we'll liver forever now?ed >> it's literally never crossedu
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story. by the way, if you take you takt your opportunity to escape the slaughterhouse, you get to live for the rest of your life happily in a sanctuary.or there's some kind of metaphor there. we're not sure is . best ni maybe we'll address it tomorrow night, have the best nightn th with the ones you lovee .d to we will see you then. tur and in the meantime, ladien s and gentlemen, we are honored to turn it over to sean hannity. >> and tucker, by the way, tucker, people again see 100%. tucker, thank you. i don't want to wait for tucker. go ahead. ean: by all right. thank you. by the way,"hanni welcome to "hannity". and yes, we are broadcastingty d live with a few people in new york that are really normal . we have our studio audience, by the way, take us to hannityua jochum tonight, where you guys are great. iple this is going to be a fun night. tonight, we're tracking multiple stories and their r, the crisis at the southern border, the disaster i hn palestine,


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