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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  March 9, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PST

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thought they would be doing when they are in retirement. they rather hang around with grandchildren and family. >> bill: if you are rich and older you don't have the health to do the things you want to do even though you have the money to spend it. >> i lived in st. thomas for seven years and saw the cruises. it doesn't look like a carnival cruise commercial. >> dana: it is a pleasure to meet you and i recommend the book. >> thanks for having me. >> dana: julie banderas is in for harris. here she is. >> julie: president biden setting to unveil his 2024 federal budget in pennsylvania. that will happen later today. likely no coincidence, though, that the election year plan comes with a swing state back drop. top line tax away tax hikes. this is "the faulkner focus" focus. i'm julie banderas in for harris today. a battle roy y'all in congress.
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higher taxes proposed for big companies and high earners. that revenue would fund a big federal pay raise and the largest peacetime military budget ever. republicans quick to say the proposal is a progressive pipe dream that is going nowhere fast. the president claims his plan will actually cut $3 trillion from the federal deficit. critics are saying that expiring covid-19 payments are probably to thank for that. mcconnell called it a wish list. thank goodness the house is republican. more reaction from senate republicans here. >> i think that what we'll be seeing is their aspirational budget if they were king of the world and could wave a magic wand, this is what they would want. >> they think you should give all your money and freedom in washington because they, the biden administration, knows better who you to spend it than you do. i don't agree with that.
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i don't suspect that we'll pay any attention to president biden's budget. >> julie: charles payne is here to break it down. first we'll go to peter doocy joining us live in philadelphia. hi, peter. >> julie, officials at the white house are saying if republicans in congress are serious about reducing prices for things, then they will back the president's budget. there is a reason that republicans in congress will not back the budget and that is because they don't want the budget's tax increases. >> it proposes tax reforms to insure the wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share while cutting wasteful spending on special interests like big oil and big pharma. >> there will be an increased medicare tax on people earning more than $4 hundred thousand a year to pay for this plan that would give federal workers their biggest raise since the 70s and
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shave trillions off the deficit. officials claim they can do this by rolling back the trump tax cuts. >> president biden took office after his predecessor signed a reckless and unpaid tax hand-out for the wealthy and large corporations which added nearly $2 trillion to the deficit. >> white house officials are daring republicans critical of this budget to release their own and speaker mccarthy says they will eventually. >> we'll analyze his budget an get to work on our budget. unfortunately the president being so far delayed delays us in the process as well. as soon as we can get it done. >> there is no biden 2024 campaign yet but today's event has the feel of a campaign event because white house officials are saying the budget is where the president will lay out his priorities. they are not addressing the reality that this budget has, precisely a 0 percent chance of
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passing congress. >> julie: all right. thank you. his budget plan heavy on the politics. npr headline reading this. biden is using his budget as in the debt creeling fight. biden's budget proves he wants war with gop despite shaky economy. "politico" echoes that sentiment saying it is a messaging exercise. the white house sees no down side whatsoever to throwing out things that will never pass the republican-controlled house. the fight is the point. charles payne host of making money on fox business joins me now. i are ebb when this president said he would do things differently and reach across the aisle. he is purposely bringing up a plan he knows has no chance in passing through ontrolled house
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what reason? >> you hit it on the head. he never reached across the >> julie: not once. >> demonization from day one. again, one of these headlines got it right. put a finger in the wind and say this is the way things are blowing. confrontation. this is where we are. instead of healing and bringing the nation together. what scares me the most about this is the war against success never stops. the war against achievement never stops. the demonization of people who are successful. part of the plan is to tax unrealized gains. you put money in stock and it goes up but you don't sell it. in real life they don't tax you. according to biden and others they should thank you. in tesla say you have $2 million of tesla and they took 2 million because it's the right thing to do. the next year it was down 69%. who would ever invest?
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you are taking a risk. this nation was built on risk taking. the great companies on the world were built on risk taking and why people still to this day from all over the world come to america when they have a great idea and they want to see it grow. >> julie: you are right. this country is built on risk, success is built on risk. he wants to punish those who are successful and living the american dream that are employing the middle class. he wants to raise taxes for some and increase the medicare tax rate on an earned and unearned income of above $4 hundred thousand from 3.8 to 5%. that is a huge increase. how badly if this were to pass would this not only hurt americans but hurt the ongoing inflation that he believes this is the solution to? >> it's interesting they throw kerosene. the 1.9 trillion sparked this
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run away inflation in 2021. this would make it so much worse. a theory they've been exercising it about modern monetary theory. amazing to me. it has failed anywhere it's tried in the past. they are laying it on think. the higher income earners, all right? so you have seized on poor americans and you have them in a position where their kids go to failing schools, they don't make a lot of money so they are overly dependent on big government and trying to move it up the food chain. they gave earned income tax credit to couples making $3 hundred thousand. they didn't need it but gave it to them. pay off student loans. move it up the food chain. 400,000 on the threshold. build the voter base out more. the problem is you've locked in future generations that you have given them a ceiling of how far they can go in life. >> julie: which is awful. what's the incentive? another example of no motivation
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or innocenttive for americans to work. you might as well sit home and collect unemployment. there is a new survey, charles, that finds that americans are feeling more gloomy than ever about their finances comes as no surprise. 31% believe their situation will improve over the next year. that is the survey's lowest figure since 2010. then add to that the federal reserve chairman powell cautioning interest rates will head higher than policymakers expected, much higher. what do you foresee happening in the coming year? >> we'll be lucky if we don't hit a recession officially this year but grappling with inflation near 40 year highs and losing opportunities. today the initial jobless claims came in higher than expected. that survey not the only one. the consumer confidence report look at present conditions and future. future is plunging. americans no something bad is on the horizon.
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savings rate dropped to 2.3%. people are hunkering down and getting nervous. they have been through this before and know what's ahead will be tough for most americans the next year. >> julie: charles payne always wonderful to see you. you have a special edition of making money today. you will be hosting a town hall on the future of work, the american workforce is facing so many challenges and changes right now. one of the big ones a push for a four-day work week. catch the town hall at 2:00 p.m. eastern on fox business. >> it will be great. a live studio audience and my team and i have put a lot into it. >> julie: that's awesome. i wish they all had a live audience. instead we have john over here nodding his head at me. if you could clap every once in a while i would appreciate it. charles. thank you very much. we have another story for you coming up next. a marine sniper breaking down in tears. it was devastating to watch yesterday. he was testifying on the biden
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administration's botched afghanistan withdrawal. republicans trying to find out just how that deadly disaster could have happened in the first place. plus former cdc director dr. robert redfield giving a bombshell testimony during the first house hearing on the origins of covid. >> this was a decision that there is one point of view we'll put out there and anyone who doesn't agree with it will be sidelined. as i say, i was only the cdc director and i was sidelined. >> julie: lawmakers and witnesses calling out dr. anthony fauci. they say he was hell bent on suppressing the idea that covid escaped from the lab. will cain will weigh in next. entresto is the #1 heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant;
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>> this was a narrative that was decided that they were going to say this came from the wet market and they were going to do everything they could to support is to negate the possibility it came from a lab. >> do you think dr. fauci lied under oath to senator paul when he died nih's funding of gain-of-function research. >> no doubt. >> american tax dollars -- >> i think it did. not only from nih but from the state department. usaid and dod. >> julie: bombshell testimony in a house hearing on the origins of covid pandemic. also testifying top white house dr. anthony fauci never shared with him emails on a paper fauci himself commissioned. the goal was to disprove the lab leak theory. republican jim jordan blasting
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fauci. >> if you thought it wham from the lab and raised that, you were called a nut job, you got censored on twitter and black listed on twitter and called a crack pot three days after they say it came from a lab. they changed their position and a conference call with dr. fauci and collins. a call mr. redfeld was not allowed to be on the head of cdc. three months later they get $9 million from dr. fauci. isn't that something >> julie: $9 million. a grant to the research doctors who put forth that paper. a new op-ed asks why did the scientists deceive everyone about covid-19? another headline reads anthony fauci hid the truth about covid until now. will cain "fox & friends" weekend co-host. this is disturbing stuff. the chinese government has done everything in its power to stone wall investigation but according
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to congresswoman malliotakis could be at the center of one of the biggest cover-ups in american history. >> yep. i would only add to what jim jordan was saying there. yet julie still today if you question fauci sainthood you with a wing nut. redfield, the former director of the cdc, laid out a couple of fascinating points that i want to reiterate. first of all in september of 2019 the wuhan lab changed three protocols that imply guilt. they deleted the codes of the virus. changed from civilian to military oversight and then they brought in a contractor, civilian contractor to change the ventilation system. every one of those pieces of evidence pointing to their own guilt it with as a virus created in a lab. yet didn't we see the cover-up you point out? fauci in league with social
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media paints anyone who points to that truth as a conspiracy theorist and pays off $9 million in grants to two scientists who said it looks like it was made in the lab. they flip and on the same script as every other scientist saying it is of natural origin. the most fascinating question why. that's what malliotakis gets to. the reason why fauci would go to such great lengths is because of his own culpability. what he is covering up is his guilt in helping fund this worldwide pandemic. the more interesting question isn't fauci because that seems obvious to me. why did the entire scientific community rally behind him? masks, lockdowns, vaccines. sciencetism followed saint fauci wherever he told them they should march. they fell behind a guy covering
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up his own culpability. >> julie: i cannot understand or grapple with the fact that the american public was not informed of this known theory years ago. it is not like it was just discovered. they've known for years after millions of people lost their lives and yet still there is a denial from the white house, a denial from fauci that he ever believed that it could have potentially come from a lab. then we hear about this $9 million which was a grant to research -- for the research doctors to go forward with the paper that was never forwarded to the cdc director. none of it adds up. >> it adds up. i think it does add up. >> julie: it adds up to lies. >> lies and cover-up. >> julie: thank god there is this hearing right now. if it weren't for the hearing it would have been swept under the rug. what else is being swept under the rug if not for republicans holding hearings to come up with
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answers? >> i will say this. why is this important? it is not just retrospective. gain-of-function research is still taking place in unsecure labs in china to this day. gain-of-function research is part of scientific protocol is one. two, if you went to these lengths to cover up this story, what else did you cover up? science doesn't by its nature and definition shouldn't and doesn't in the popular consciousness anymore demand blind faith. that's not science. >> julie: president biden's disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan front and center at a house hearing yesterday. house looking for answers. some powerful stories from those on the ground during the two weeks of this chaos which occurred in august of 2021. one witness a marine sniper who lost an arm and leg in a suicide bombing at the kabul airport gave gut-wrenching testimony about the moments following the
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explosion that left 13 u.s. service members dead. something he said could have been prevented. >> the flash and massive wave of pressure. i'm thrown 12 feet to the ground and i knew what had happened. i opened my eyes to marines dead or unconscious lying around me. a crowd of hundreds immediately vanished in front of me and my body was wounded with 150 ball bearings now in it. plain and simple we were ignored. our expertise was disregarded. no one was held accountable for our safety. >> julie: ignored. can you imagine your son, your husband fighting overseas and you know that they could have protected themselves. that was marine sniper sergeant. he identified a suicide bomber
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before he killed 13 u.s. service meme beavers. no one in the chain of command even knew who could give the sharpshooters the okay to take out the bomber before he got away with the attack. plain and simple we were ignored. ex per tifs was disregarded. this is a glaring example of how the afghanistan pull-out ordered by our president put our troops at grave risk. >> absolutely. he said he identified along with other soldiers. they had a description and identified the suicide bomber hours before this attack took place. they had a description, identified him and they asked for permission to engage and denied that permission. when asked why the answer he was given was i don't know. and therefore they never were allowed to engage. the suicide bomber disappears into the crowd. hours later what happens as he describes right there. you know, julie, you can listen to and talk to the soldiers on
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the ground to a man and i have gotten to know a few of these guys who were involved in operation pineapple express. scottman testified yesterday as well. when you see the competency on the men of the ground and the competency of the soldiers who stepped up in the void of the federal government, you see what could have been. but in alternative, in reality unfortunately what we had was incompetence in leadership. if you have competency on the ground but have a catastrophe in reality what you have to see then is you have incompetency at leadership driven by fear, by incompetence but it adds up to failure and lands squarely on leadership. lands squarely on you have to -- the buck has harry truman said, the buck stops here. the buck passes to the ultimate leader, the president of the united states. >> julie: well said.
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great to see you. more action on capitol hill today. heads of u.s. spy agencies are testifying as we speak before a house committee. yesterday they told a senate panel that china is not our friend and that the threat is growing. also a major threat mexican drug cartels, fallout continues from the horrific murder of u.s. citizens in mexico. >> we're not going to sit on the sidelines anymore as a nation and watch our neighbor become a narco state that kills more americans in a single year than we lost in vietnam. >> julie: more lawmakers are calling for the biden administration to take action including members of his own party. tom emmer is in "focus" next. when covid hit, we had some challenges. i heard about the payroll tax refund that allowed us to keep the people that have been here taking care of us. learn more at
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>> cartels are in charge. mexican government allows them to operate from these safe havens and pump poisonous drugs into the united states doing massive damage to our people and our economy. and it is not going to stop unless we destroy these organizations. >> julie: former attorney general bill barr among critics ripping into the biden administration. new scrutiny after cartel members kidnapped four americans and killed two of them just miles from the u.s. border. the house homeland security committee chair says the cartels
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have become, quote, emboldened under the biden administration. several republicans proposing legislation that would designate the cartels as terrorist organizations. but the white house press secretary says not necessary. >> designating these cartels as ftos would not grant us any additional authorities that we don't really have at this time. so the united states has powerful sanctions authority designated to combat narcotics trafficking organizations and the individuals and entities that enable them. we have not been afraid to use them. >> julie: bill melugin live in brownsville, texas with the very latest. >> good morning to you. we're at the port of entry in brownsville where the bodies of the americans killed in this cartel attack are expected to be returned to the united states at some point today with the federal source telling me the transfer of those bodies is imminent. we're getting a look at a
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potential suspect in the attack. multiple media outlets in mexico reporting mexican law enforcement are looking for this guy, a golf cartel boss. the cyclones, they run the matamoros area and the mexican government is looking for this guy since last year and put a reward on his head worth $140,000 for any information on him. we're getting a look at the shack the americans were found in. look at these images by a source. the tiny wooden shack where the four americans were discovered by mexican law enforcement. one of the deceased was outside the shed. the rest were inside the shed. you can see how small it is. mexican authorities arrested one man guarding the shed. potentially a cartel member securing the area. look at these images. the bodies of the two americans are at this morgue in matamoros,
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the bodies of the two men. that morgue has been under guard by mexican police and mexican military. we hear the bodies will be transported back to the united states through the port of entry behind me within the next several hours. back live what has been taking so long with the transfer of the bodies? we're told by federal sources both men are undergoing autopsies in mexico. once they get to the united states, the u.s. will do its own autopsies. we'll send it back to you. >> julie: thank you live in texas. house majority whip tom emmer of minnesota joins me now. thank you so much for talking to us. this situation is just grimer by the day. you have to wonder why this administration doesn't take terrorism seriously because honestly, if we were talking about isis or if we were talking about al qaeda, killing americans on either side of the border, wouldn't we be taking action? yet this is no different. people are being killed here in
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the united states by the mexican cartel and now shot to death in mexico and only now are we paying attention to that. >> julie, thank you for having me. they frankly don't take anything serious. they seem to be living in a parallel universe where all the facts are as they see them, not as they actually are. the idea that you won't or can't designate these cartels as foreign terrorist organizations is outrageous. the statement that it doesn't give us anymore tools, well, okay, then why wouldn't you just crede to republicans wishes and do it. if it doesn't do anything there is nothing to argue about. in fact it would be significant and does do something. these people are soft on china, soft on crime and soft on everything else. guess what? they have ignored the southern border. because they've ignored the southern border they have allowed this thing to turn into a major crisis. not just the number of people coming across the border, it is
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the security risk not only on our side but as you can tell as this tragedy, these four americans who lost their lives proves, they've totally lost control of the situation. >> julie: it is one thing not to have anything in place at the border and have open borders but you have mexican drug cartels being emboldened by our white house because we're doing so little almost like we hold up a welcome sign. senator graham is saying he will introduce legislation to give biden the power to use the u.s. military against the cartels while democrat gonzalez says mexico should accept and help to eradicate cartels. the mexican government is not our friend right now. they are not trying to eradicate anything and they see the white house allowing it to happen. what pressure is there on the mexican government to take care of problems when we're inheriting their problems crossing our border? >> the only pressure is coming from republicans in the majority in the house and republicans in the minority in the senate
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raising awareness on this issue every day and actually calling for the administration to take action. i have to tell you, julie, it is worse than what you just described. it is not just the administration is sitting back and not taking any affirmative action which encourages our adversaries in this case the cartels to move forward with their human trafficking and all the awful things they are doing. we have the american red cross that is support evidence with u.s. tax dollars that sits on the fema board. they are putting out maps to migrants to tell them how to cross mexico with this dangerous journey and how to enter illegally across our southern border. they call it humanitarianism? humanitarianism, being humanitarian would be securing the southern border and making sure people could enter this country in a legal fashion
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safely. >> julie: what you are everything to is packets that were discovered an exclusive uncovered by the daily caller. it gives tips and information and assists the illegals crossing over. a federal judge wednesday ruled that biden's border policies are unlawful. writing a scathing opinion saying the biden administration quote effectively turned the southwest border into a meaningless line in the sand and little more than a speed bump for aliens flooding into the country. there is a new report that finds taxpayers, you are spending $182 billion a year on illegal immigration. the bottom line for each taxpayer is more than $1100 a year. this comes in the midst and should make your blood boil and here is why. we have a president that wants to raise your taxes, if you make over $4 hundred thousand he wants to raise your medicare so
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you have to pay more in health insurance and illegals get free health insurance when they come into our country because our money is being used to fund things such as this. this is just one of the examples. >> first off, what he says just people $4 hundred thousand or more. that's a lie on its face. you talk about the lawsuit that the state of florida had to bring to try to get our government to enforce our immigration laws and to secure our southern border. first off, the american public should be saying why does one of our states have to sue the government to do its job? i would argue, julie, this is why the articles of impeachment filed by pat fallon on texas against mayokas for not doing his job in homeland security might have legs. you have the actual administration, biden is saying there isn't a problem at the southern border. he also adds or his people if there is, we inherited this problem. the very court case that you
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talk about, julie, said you didn't inherit the problem. you created the problem. and you need to do something about it. so this is the challenge that republicans have in the house and senate. the american public are smarter than the biden administration gives them credit for. this will be an ongoing issue for all of us until we get it resolved. >> julie: not a surprise to many people china is a very big and dangerous problem for the united states. national intelligence director telling a house committee last hour that we need to counter the threat and now. >> the ccp represents both the leading and its intelligence and capability is the most severe intelligence rival. >> julie: why haven't we done anything about china? >> amen. it started with the biden administration. their weakness on the world stage has emboldened all of our
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adversaries. the number one adversaries that the hearing confirmed is china. the biden administration is soft on china policies emboldened china now suggesting that partnering with russia is important to weaken the united states of america and why republicans created the select committee on china and this is why chair gallagher will chase down every ccp member in this country who has been causing problems. it is time to get tough on china and guess what? republicans are going to take over where the biden administration has failed when it comes to china. >> julie: thank you for talking to us. we appreciate you and your expertise. so florida governor ron desantis is calling out the liberal media. he says they are peddling a false narrative on his push to get sexually explicit books out
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>> julie: the house select subcommittee on the weaponization of the federal government are holding a hearing now. two of the journalists giving access to the twitter files. kelly o'grady has the details on this. >> thus far this hearing has provided passion and fireworks to say the least. those two journalist have been on the stand for close to two hours. sell en berger arguing his findings show a number of government bodies worked together to censor certain americans. >> they aren't asking for a
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national debate over the limits of the first amendment but creating black lists of disfavored people and pressuring and demanding that social media platforms censor and ban the people on those lists. >> house republicans are digging into the first amendment. democrats have spent their time questioning the witnesses journalistic ethics. with the investigation they've 0ed in on elon musk saying he is working with republicans. >> the republicans have brought in two of elon musk's public scribes to release cherry picked out of context emails and screen shots designed to promote his chosen narrative. >> you are seeing two lines of questioning as is common with the contentious hearings. we can expect a lot more ping-pong with hours left to go today. >> julie: thank you so much. let's bring in the power panel matt gorman former nrce communications director and tim
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hogan a former hillary clinton spokesman. the "wall street journal" writes a panel looking into the weaponization agencies showing how the federal trade commission targeted elon musk and his takeover of twitter at the behest of progressives. matt, is this or is it not censorship at its best? or worst? >> yes, the ftc and chairman woman at their worst. waging war against the chairwoman is annoyed with elon musk. imagine if there were a republican chairperson of the ftc. it would be leading network news claiming it is about all the twitter layoffs. even if that's true, which it isn't, the federal government doesn't get involved in the personnel decisions of a private company. this is about retribution for the twitter files release and us really as a public learning that
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the biden administration bullies social media companies including twitter. >> julie: talk about far reaching, tim. the ftc wants to identify all journalists granted access to company records and asks if twitter had conducted background checks on the journalists, among other things. we have a federal agency demanding a private company disclose its interactions with a free press including how much it snooped on those reporters. none of this is the business of the government. >> this house weaponization committee hearing will be another dud. the reality is what the ftc is trying to enforce a 2011 consent decree when they were concerned about twitter and republicans and democrats agreed on this use of personal information of their users. and even back in may of 2022 before elon musk took over they sent another demand letter. part of that is a new launch and service that lacked to the public.
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give them access to everything. it raises some concern for the ftc. so the reality is we have two public scribes of elon musk. republicans are running interference forare the company. is there nothing better for this committee to do? aren't they going to talk about healthcare, gas prices, inflation or nothing else to talk about? we get cherry picked released sentences and paragraphs from pages and pages of a demand letter from the ftc. this is just not serious. >> julie: all right. vindication for florida governor ron desantis. the potential 2024 candidate exposing a book ban hoax pushed by the liberal media. >> we believe in the rights of parents to be involved in the education of their children so the parents know what books are being used in the classroom and then they have procedures where they can say wait a minute, you know, some of the stuff you saw up there, that is pornographic. why would we have that in a media center with 10-year-old students?
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it is just wrong. >> julie: wrong? it is disgusting. reporters were actually shown a five-minute video on books with adult content that could be found in florida schools available to young children. it turns out the material was so graphic a local tv station had to cut away. a reporter for the tampa station tweeted this. when we were told sexually explicit content would be shown we went down. that's not all. one tweet with the video embedded was flagged by twitter as containing sensitive content. matt, if twitter is calling something and content sensitive you know it's bad. this happened during what desantis described as debunking the mainstream media. i don't understand why there is a need to debunk the mainstream media. you are a parent or not a par parents. if you don't see this as inappropriate and his message
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doesn't get across because they're too graphic for tv and siter. you want your children reading this? >> the media and democrats follow a simple playbook. love to throw out the term disinformation this and that. when they really mean an opinion that i don't agree with. tried it with critical race theory theory and the wuhan lab leak. they try to call it all disinformation. when ron desantis and others, too, really tried to prove them wrong they cut away. their narrative cannot be overturned. what happens is democrats use these talking points, they launder them in the media and it becomes conventional wisdom. it takes republicans to push back on that and i think you are seeing this across the country and ron desantis is an example. >> julie: i can't understand why -- what narrative is it trying to fit that we think it's okay to show sexually explicit content to children so therefore we don't want to highlight that or give it air time because we
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don't want to know what's actually happening behind closed doors as schools? is that the narrative that the mainstream media is trying to hold up? >> the reality is here that teachers, librarians, parents have always been involved in determining what is age appropriate material, right? the difference in florida is they've made it a third degree felony for some of those employees. there is a huge chilling affect and you see tony morrison books or biography of hank aaron being banned or people are afraid to put out the books. there are avenues for parents to communicate with schools on these issues. florida has engaged in a massive overreach because it is a platform for ron desantis to combat so-called woke culture. that will be his focus, i guess. >> julie: parents do not have a say in their kids anymore. that's the sad reality. >> that's not true. >> julie: parents on teachers are two levels.
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parents have no say and school administrators and teachers do. i decide. i can't. that's all the time we have. i would love to go on about this. tim hogan, matt gorman, thank you for coming on today and thank you for watching "the faulkner focus." "outnumbered" is after the break and hope to see you back here tomorrow is it friday? see you tomorrow. i'll be honest, there are days i forget what she's supposed to be taking. hey, i get it... and you're not alone in this, ok? so james, all these prescriptions. are they covered? that's right. with your medicare plan you get low-cost copays. thank you. chrissy valletta critical race theory >> chris:theory
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