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tv   Hannity  FOX News  March 8, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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your country. and i'm optimistic about my opening up about his own personal struggles. how did you get sober? don't miss tucker carlson today streaming weekdays on fox nation. we are grateful to be with youe for the last hour to see what we think a rare privilege in this country. >> join we hope you'll joine. in t us tomorrow night for more of the same. in the meantime, have the best night with the one great ones y. >> and we have a great surprise for you. a happy ending to it all.y endi. sean hannity takes over right rt now. >> all right. n>> sean: say now, everybody say hello hello to tucke terr. a warm welcome to tuckerco carlson. me to erthanks, tucker. we appreciate show. great show. lcome towelcome to "hannity".o we are back with our liveaudi studio audience. to big announcement. the biden administration is now breaking one record aftery another, not one of them in any good way. >> in 2020 one , biden set a new record with the most. thlegal border crossings in us history. that in 2020 right., and twenty twenty two , hemore guese his own record with even
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more illegal border crossings and guess what?it o this year joey's on pacence tow it once again. record high. but according to the with a whole new record high. wht according to the most idiotic people that work in the white house, joe biden, he's not at fault.hi with the his problem. we didn't have this problemas when the last administration, biden, ended almost all of trump's border protectionsall, e and halted construction of the border wall , endendd a stay of mexico policy and told illegal immigrants come on , come all. there's no vetting, not even, no vetting during a pandemic. as far as health now, according to dhs, secretary alejandro mayorkas, his boss, joe biden, he is just. not responsible. no, you'll never guess what really is responsible. climate change. -- >> he thinks and now he thinks there are climate refugees all over the world. it'sthere is just nothing that the president can do about it. it's the climate's fault.ut the
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>> take a when wrdere speak about the borr ,we have to put it in context that this is not a challenge and it is indeed a challenge, not a challenge. >> excuse to the united states . you know, chile just deployed its military to its border.. colombia has two point 2.5 five million venezuelans within its borders. venezuelans within its costa rica's populationn is is increasingly nicaraguan. >> we are seeing a movement of people throughout the hemispherefrankl and quite frankly, throughout the world that is his historic way to say it. >> aren't thesl use the same pee that tell us again and againat'. and again that your border is secure?ou recall that? take a look. that's what i recall. >> do you recall that? most fo take a look. sounds to most folks like a crisis. >> well, look, it's way down now. we'vwe've noe now gotten controf precisely that. >> the border is closed. nor could i have been clear andi continue to bech so, which is te
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border is closed.continue >> the united states will continue to enforce our laws secure our border. >> the border, we are working to and secure our border at the border. makee the borking to mak the borderor more secure. you're confident this bordersec. >> secure? we have a secure border add that that is a priority for any nation, including ours and our administration. >> we agree that the border is secure. >> okay, now, of course, it's not just who crosseser the borders unlawfully, by the way. they get all the drugs that tha cross that border, lethal drugsu pouring into our country. and this leads us to yet another biden record , and that is the number of fentanyl deaths. .more americans, sadly, are no dying from fentanyl than ever now, keep in mind, most of that, fentanyl that is made in china wit is shipped to mexico, smuggled across the wide open southern border, a records
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one hundred thousand plus americans died from drug overdoses in just the last year. this currentthis current federal goo is now controlled by a group of wolke idiots. onl >> and now what?w there are really only a few things certain. >> and biden's america, let's see.e. we get recor d d inflation, deat that's guaranteed in anybody's america. higher taxes for every american. >> now, as we speak, excess recr deaths are at a record high, even though the pandemichough tn the rearview mirror and americans are now paying moramerice tae taxes thae ever paid before. this includes the new taxethat jos that joe biden just implemented. two hundred and twenty five billion dollar corporate tax hike on corporationswilll th will get passed on to you, the consumer. i make the case all the time. or corporations don't pay taxes, okay? they charg ane more for the goods's and services. it's that simple. we pay it now. ojoe . seventy one billion dollar tax on your retirement funds. now
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okay, you save for retirement.n now we're going to tax that. o and joe's multibeam billionomes dollar tax on those who end up powering their homes with natural gas. >> joe's 12 billion dollar tax joe's billion dollar tax on coal. gues on crude oil. joe's billion dollar tax i on coal. guess what?is country are impacted by this all the people in this countryde are impacted by this.r ra and joe promisedis he'd never raise taxes on any american a that made under four hundredstop thousand dollars a year.. now, the war on american energyi doesn't stop there. biden is reportedly now set to reject what is a massive no new oil and gas project in alaska. host aime bidet the same time, n opened up oil imports from the hostile regimes socialist nation of venezuela, where well now buy three million barrelsba of crude oil every single month. oilevery le month. joe is now, joe is impoverishing you fe and your families and making countries like venezuela and china and russia rich again . does that makema sense?ke sen wese havaye highin paying career jobs. it's good fog ca r our national security. and guess what? econom don's the lifeblood of
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the world's economy. and don't forget, importing oilt comes with a cost that cost passed on to you, the americanen people. in other words, a hidden tax t on every single gallon of gas that you buy. it als heating o raises the cost of heating and cooling your home. and yet anothe r tax hike after secre blasting republicans over the debt secret plan to upend medicare. remember during the state ofunio the union address, biden nowt wants to increase taxess right, on medicare. ith so it turns out joe biden was right. there were people in washingtoin with a secret plan. it was him. he has a secret plane jo to increase the costs of medicare. at the very same time,e wantto t joe wants to give government workers what it will be, in 4 the largest pay increase inthe o forty three years. >> by thu e way, if you work fot the government, you already make more money on average than people in the private sector.bil of course, biden already gifted of your dollars to the teamssters union to thirty six billion of your dollars to the teamsters union to bailout their badly omanaged pension fund.
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it was the largest privatest pension bailout in the historyo of the country.g but what is a few billion dollars among friends right. >> keep in mind, the teamsters union, they extort blue collar workers. they then donate that money to elect democrats like joe biden. but today on capitol hill, the teamsters unionill, president accused republican senator markwayne mullin of being greedy. y? be >> why? because molen owned a family business. take a loomullen familk. whathat job have you created? one job. and then is a paycheck out of some other somebody else that you wantant to to say that you're trying to provide because you're forcing them to pay dues and we don't force don't you. >> that's what a lot of them, you know, don't tell me i'm on the line. >> don't tell me i'm out of line. well, you don't tell me. t i'm going to frameel you throwig in the state of your mouthmo because you don't know. going to telutl meh.'r to shutst my mouth. oh, that. you haven't created a job. we haven't. you haven't been there.d you haven't. shall we have. te you haven't. we have.lle onjob th tellat you'v me one job that yo created, what you talk to .
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>> be specific. you're more no unemployed. >> no, but you know, it's funny. i know that we create operating jobs.e oppo we create opportunity because we are. wed greedy we hold greedy ceos . yourself accountable. >> youy. yeah, youeed >> oh, yeah, you are.. but he didn't create a single job. he couldn't answer didn't creata that. question. now, that brings us to someone even more entitled a more own sleazy and biden's orbit. and that is his own son , hunter biden. >> now the president's son is any fans of hunter here anyway. >> the president's son is now c desperate to slash childar-old support payments owed to the now four year olittld little girl that hunter fathered with a former stripper from arkansas. pper from while he was dating hs brother's widow. >> okay, he can't make it up. >> but with that said , i don't really care about his messed ups private life. that's his private personal life. fined an. part. that's all said and done.s no but here's the sad part.t on there's not one member of
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recognizn family that is willing to recognize this four year old little girl in any way. they all pretend like she doesn't exist. you know, aside from court ordered child support, that annter is forced to pay ouout, this girl is precious and she pn is innocent and joe, r heart to the president and jill, his wife, what, they don't have itnh ineir ow their heart to even waf to meet their own granddaughter.ter but now, if hunter wants, what, a reduction in those paymenttosf he's going to have to prove that he has financial hardshipte in a court of law.hard s which might be hard sinces amat hunter is reportedly selling his amateueur paintings. >> i call them portraits of crak a crack addict for up to five0,0 hundred thousand dollars a piece. t now, whyha would anyone pay thaa much for a terrible paint by numbers, amateur painting?n'n i don't know. but there are people thaow.t ar e peopele but they won't tel buying them, but they won't tell us who's buying them. okay, probably someone we're paying for access to his father. look ok, the biden family reeks ofene
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corruption, incompetence. it's not jus.t biden's age and mental and cognitive decline. his presidency. his has been a train e wreck.nt and that's why even democrats, they are very hesitantk. to support joe biden for a second term. >> take a look. would you support president biden running for reelection?in '24? >> if he runs for re-election, sure twenty four if he runs for reelection, sure. .in that same vein, are yourunsr going to endorse joe biden if he runs for reelection? >> oh, there's plenty of timet . for the election. this is the problem an el with america right now. we start an election every tim . there's a cycle. the l >> he's the leader oeader offr t >>ur party.y. i know. the bottom line is , let's seeel who's involved. let's wait until wple seayere wl the players are. >> let's just wait until it all comes out. me. >> doesn't sound very confident to me. all right.ver whoever gets nominatedgetsominan the democratic party will be bolstered by a system of legalbs ballot harvesting.
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now, biden is nowbide accused of weaponizes votererall turnout unlawfully on the federal level with an executive ordeev order that enablesis the u.s. system to register a new citizens at naturalization services as wellralizati as the department of education to pushn voter registration to any student taking out a collegeic loan. and that's not alle depa. ion to the justice department is nowfea getting voter information jail. to federal prisoners. that's what they get. they get the vote from jail, put it in a dropbox.. god knows where it's going to end up anyway. according to former president trump, the best way now to counter these efforts, te republicans, you better pay attention. you better adapt and you betterb adjustet. you better get over your reluctance and resistance to voting by mail and votingd br early. and you better meet effor and probably defeat the democratic efforts at legatl ballot harvesting basede on state law. these efforts, by the way,way, i is the only way you'll get in the game or otherwise you start
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out election day downn five hundred thousand votes. >> that's hard to make up on election day anyway. take a look. hav >> many states have bannedarvesn ballot harvesting to keep our electiong tos honest and fa but in the states where ballotsl harvesting is illegal, we have no choice but to beat the democrats at their own game. it's very simple. either we start balloty good-bye to our country. you ca harvesting or you can sayav goodbye to our country. you can just wave goodbye elect because democrats would wine to every single election. we have to get smart with your help. we will master the democrats bal game of ballot harvesting and we will win back the whitee house from joe biden and theying people that are destroying our country. they're absolutely destroyin dgt america. authhank youio very much. all right. here with reaction, the authorfh of the big new book, serenity in the storm, living through chaos by leaning on . s by >> kayleigh mcenany is withng o us . the global the fox news
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cr contributor, tammy bruce, the host co-host of the hit show the five. >> our friend mar-a-lago. all right here. although i know you really well, why does this family this is what really bothered me leave about tammy. >> no, he said there waswas fa another applause that was fabulous. oh, yes. i was clapping over urethritis .plai >> thank you. all right. before i get to theey does joe e his own granddaughter? >> political issues, explain to me, why does joe biden not recognize his ownthin granddaughter? >> terrible. it's really low. there's i think that there's some there's a special place in for people who ignore. what yor >> so you guys don't know how i know that, because i think that he will do the decent, g even righteous thing eventually. >> and i i think that you have to remember that it's first of all, it's the ladythe ki and ki, four years old, my father and grandfather offather five k.
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i love my grandchildren. wil the biden familyl will ultimately, i hope, come around because this child did nothing wrong. it's a dirt bag. hunter biden is a dirt bag. hunter biden is a. f thos he is all of those things.l this will t he was. but the one thing i will say, just to make you mad at me, it's not hard. it's bizarre. 1/2 years it's that's a unique thing.o on it's four and a half years.derig and no one has y proven international money laundering yet. proven foreigno one has provenn influence peddling. yet a lot of the bigin thingflue around, he's a bad person.. it's been there. >> s to know, doesn't everybody in america deserve m to know how muchuc money in business that the bidens dides with the communist chinesee,, with the russians, with ukraine ?o that is how does hunter biden, the delaware u.s. attorney has be with no where us attorney hasim been investigating him since 2018, they've come up with what they've come up with a corruptps system that doesn't indict ystedemocrats. ey'v >>e co they come up with a hey, look, let me go to you, because
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we already know hunter went on "gma" said he had no experience in ukraine. oil, gas, energy. , gas. why are you getting paid allgetn this money?pa he said , i don't knowid all. t >> maybe because your father's i the vice president . probablyde. >> right. so exactly.t supply i i mean, that's what we call common sense in short supply inh the democrat party. that's common sense. we know the u.s.e u.s. attor ate delaware investigation. they don't come out ngand publicize what they'rewe o finding. they don't publicize what happens in the grand jury. but we know that a a very the specific was a question was asked in the grand jury, who is the big guy? the big gui asy was getting 10%t and i asked a democratered," i outnumbered, if not joe biden, it directls the big guy? it directly implicates joe biden. i failed. maybe hiroto knows. i don't knowesn. who could be the his big you know, what else was in there. >> he hedaug complained to his o daughter about having to give half his income to pops. he complained or complained bitterly about having to pay for joe's home repairs. >> that sounds like he's implicating his own father, tammy.
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it does. and while it sounds like all his this is about hunter, he co is simply a representation of a level of corruption in an entire family.ntir all things we discussed. we also know because all these things we discuss, we also know there jill biden, who for a is jill, jill biden, who i for a while thought she was like the decent person, which she would stop her husband from being abused in the system, and he wouldn't even realldn't n the first time. boy, was i wrong.e go i was wrong about her.e so you've got this entire system that we're all investedy in, this kind of corruption, because if there's anyone who's going to say pay for a kid's upbringing, it should be jiller biden. and clearly,doesem there doesn'm to be that kind of impression being made. so americans look at thisen and this is about the system in general. fo he's been in office.a sy biden has for fifty years. fami this is kind olyf a of the systy ,a family system, but it's wi also a political system that has been benefitiniog with corruption for far too long and explains why you can h go into public service and have three homes at beach homesmillio and millions of dollars. and because how does that work?
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where is the illegality? that's the point. but that's what now three , four and a half years and we've the been the same th republicans now have the house.d they have the ability to dotigai what they need to do, whiconh is do a real investigation thatc the american people. >> let me ask you all of this. let's let's stay on what we know.>> sea >> we know hunter admitted hen:g had no experienceraldo, admitte: illegal. well, hold on now. h. no experience. and he's being paid a fortune from an oil company, verismo. >> it is cnn, his father lazy, but is legal is . sleazy, oh, so why were they paying the son of the vice president all that? vic do you know why?e presidenall th because they want accessat m toe vice president . that of course, that's the waytt washington works. it is reallyhe way washingto iti is the innate corruption of nato our nation's capital and influence peddling. >> we with 90% that a bribe. i don't know that influence peddling. influence peddling is what in every lobbyist in washingtongtoy
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does. that's what they do.h th buatt you're oka?y with that? i. i think it's repugnant. that's why i'm like, thiswashin is why everywhere i go, i haveho to answer. why do you say does a nice guy c when he says all this on your>> job? but the thing is tha you gt you really got me in the beginning t of the show because to thinkhe of t the jill. dr. jill biden is nothe recognizing her >> it's reallyandchild hurtful.e >> and anyes parent that sees that and wake up and they canaml make a plea and you should make a plea to the child. hunter's child.ize hu yes.nt we want me to do. you're the most generous guyhe i know. most generous guy i kn by the way. b i would donate if the kidy, i really needed it. i would i and i know you are. you're very generous.i it's true.coul if i could say this, you sayd. ,ou say wherewhere is the illegality?l? we only got the laptop in 2020. and when they say we019, twenty year to december, december 2019. so 201n9 fbi, "new york post", fbi, then "new york post" gets a it and it's widely panned as russian disinformation. the new york post longest
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continuously running newspaperrk banned from twitter me press secretary banned from twitter for talkin g about it. then democrats take unilateral control of government in 202t i one .haof t so for two years sincehe the laptop has been ino on the hands of the new york poste ,no one's been able to look atui the contents until now. re, republicansd jury have subpoena power. do you finally, to my point,is t the grand jury t is silent.. we don't know what is out theree yet, right? timing. i thinget to tofk when we get to the bottom of this, i wantbideny to know how much money did bidem chinn family got from chin terms of business deals? we heaa numberr a number one pot five billion. you hear another number, one hundred thousand dollars, a shopping spree. >> you hear a five million dollar no interest forgivable loan. >> yeah. you hear about the first lady of moscow, former first lady of moscow. so there's a there's a lotthere spinning there. name was and what would happen if trump the last name was trump and not biden?t biden? >> t isll, you know, because we recognize and to your point, you know, some of thisf is sleazy and all of that., be but when you have to find the details, because then therei
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is influence and an impactca, on american policy, things that put americans at risk, that, thi could put us more on a road to war, that this can be life and death. and if this is all beeifn about money for this family, that w then means it's like who is who are they working for? are they working for the american people or is itter china's interests that mean t the most to them? that's what matters. well, that's why this and that's why i agree. the republicans it's not justpup about hearings. do something that's actionable. pu it up that this is who they's responsible to .ea >> this is james coleman.omer it now investigating all th. so we'll find out. yea yeah, i goh.t a pretty good. >> you want to angerange bee audience more before you go .ou go, p evu want to is off everybody. buert i was just saying this is the most anticipated law enforcement action inalread the history of politics. four and a haln f yeariss alrea itwh hunter biden is this evilwn person. >> then why is he not walkingdcs with handcuffs? right that's thu right now? >> well, that's a good question. i'll give him that.
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that's a question. and there's a lot of peoplek there's anybody that i think deserves it more . i think it'srves i so hillary m' >> i don't know.t ohkn, good theyng up, by the way, i greater to the people thatthan i work with right there on mar-a-lago. thank you all comingcoming a onn solomon will join us .the russic a bombshell report on the russia collusion hoaxha their first hearing onuse ad their first hearingthe di on the origins of covid. and by the way, the disaster out of afghanistan.reme and by the waymb, the lefterbout remember, they tried to make it about racism. we'll talk about that. c we'll talk about over 19 virus and its origins. ori drgi. nicole saphire, dr. marcdk siegel straight ahead. >> hi, i'm lauren. i lost sixty seven pounds in gie i lost sixty seven pounds in gie 12 months on golo gullu and the releasth enee has been phenomenn my life. my life.
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public defender. it gives me that sense of i'm not doing this by myself. is you allow me to continue on in this fight.
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all right, get this. bi we have big breaking newsficial tonight. we are now learning federalemov officialeds have removed nine boxes of documents from the boston office of president joe biden's attorney . t wonder if this top secretop-sec classified informationre anyway here with a full report, he is the editor in chief and founder of just the jo us .lomon is with classified top secret. do we know yet? we don't know because nera, the national archives, says they never bothered to look through them. they so they secured these documents or learned about them ind to loo november five months ago. and ngara has told senators johnson and grassley in. they don't know what's i theylast 24 hours they never bothered to look through them yet. they don't know what's in them. they just wanted alert congress that they know about the documents when this thingn first happened, sean, i was talking to an insider in the in the biden family.s? p>>, when did they sto
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to motss? n: wow >> november. wow. was it. before the election? re the eafter the elections. >> before the election, november 4th is when they learned about it. wow. according to the letter. wow. nbelievanow. >> unbelievable. yeah. itu have other breaking news tonight. h to do with russian collusion, an intere has to do with russia collusion and an interesting player thatld maybe people wouldn't expect involved in this. >> and that's loretta lynch.ands lorettyeah, absolutely. >> the attorney general, youat would think she would know more about crossfire hurricane. then she turns out she didn't know. years after ears after the investigation ended,it seven years after it started, wr the justice department finally released some interview notes that were taken during the inspector general investigation that found all id that fbi wrongdoing.l in and she dropped one bigth bombshell in there and thate bombshelbombl is the the fbi's interest in trump russia in tru- collusion. carter carter page did not start on july 31st, 2016. when they opened up crossfire hurricane several months before that inths befn the spring, jamy and andy mccabe, his deputy, come to her, asked for w
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a sidebar meeting during worried a larger security and said, hey, we're worried about trumpt. and russia because carter page had some contacts. fb they i opened up something p and then they suggested to her what a lot of people thinkth the fbi should have done all along, that maybe all they'll do is give president trumpfing. im and his campaign a defensive briefing. imagine if they had followed that advice, which, by the way, the former intelligence chief of the fbi, kevin brock, investigation, seen ths said shd have been the fbi's action if there was no criminal investigation. three years the country would have been spared three years of heartache over a political dirty nev. s on >> that was never true.bought and they did all of this on hillary clinton's bought and paid for dirty russian dossier that even christopherre steele, after being offeredth one million , could not o corroborate what they used it as . the bulk of information and not one vote for fisa applications. and in the words of andy mccabe ,deputy fbi director , if they didn't have the dossier, they never would have gotten hav the fisa warrants. and by the way, everyone skatede
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away free. >> we don't have a dual justice system in this country. scarey. preciate it. john solomon, thank you, sir.e a appreciate it. all right.n house republican thes began their investigation into the origins of covid today. thank goodness democrats, serios they couldn't resist the chance n a serious hearing intoke what was a clown show. >>w they kick things off by calling one of the witnesses racist. take a look. when house republicans announced this hearing with their slateate of of hand-d witnesses, i was alarmed to see someonmeone whe who wrote a book applauded by white supremacists . these views are dangerous and have no place in a hearing examining the origins of a pandemic that haspandem icdisproportioned and overwhelmingly harmed communities of color iof colorn the united states . i'm concerned that mr. wadeevatd and his views have been today elevated by his participation on today's panel, giving him. a platform reaching millions of americans . his participatioen hurtsespite the credibility of this t hearing.' >> all right. despite the democratbest effortt
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efforts, the committee did get some good testimony aboutacu the actualal science, particularly from former cdc director robert redfield.r cddit redfield. take a look. coll a look. >> i disagree with some of my colleagues, the nih, to say the definition is restricted to a pathogen that's alreadyn pathogen. if i make a non pathogenat pathogenic's alr, that's a gainn function. >> so in your expert opinion, was that we want institute conducted gain of function research? absolutely. >> dr. redof viruses.ed any >> thank you. dr. redfield has gained a function created life saving vaccines or therapeutics, to your knowledge? >> not to myes knowledge, has gained a function. it stopped a pandemic, in your opinion? >> no, on the contrary. i think it probably caused the greatest pandemic our world has seen. the >> all right. joining us nowreates with more medical panel, dr. nicole saphire and dr. marc. yeah, good to see you both. so here's what bothers me in ja the most. >> even innuar january of 2020,r
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fauci and high ranking members of the nih feverishly sending emails late at night, early indc the morning, worriedheir and concerned that their money went to the human virology labyn where everybody knew they didew gain of function research and everybody knew that they did coronavirus research. >> so it seems that they knew a lot more early on .ut and then dr.horize fauci authorr this paper to be writtenitte. p >> he edits the paper and thenno he cites the paper as anl you? independent source. >> what does that tell>>? >> you know? it's really interesting. so mark and i both work at i some of the biggest academicrld. hospitals in the world. and this has are reall shoy thee hearings are showing the corruption in academia. and when you start having money and power influencing science, you see an erosion of morality. and they're highlighting that right now. they'r know that there is gain f function research going on .g oe the u.s. institute of virology, they've had about 14 papers published on their work over the last decade. alology.l demonstrating that tho genetically modifying, specifically coronaviruses
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to see how they would infect and affect human cells. solookin to say that they werent doing a function is really misleading and deceptive. in viruse my opinion. and in today's hearing, you did ea see that. yes, that there wererly in conversation early in january that this virus looked like it possibly could y be genetically modified.absoly do we know for certain? tha absolutely not. but the fact that dr. fauciibilt continues to deny thaty there's the possibility of this or really grab onto that, it un is unfortunate. and he has lost all credibilitfy because it shows that he had two scientists emailing him saying, hey,o sc i'm a little. concerned about this. a couple of days later,ay they had a conference call. r. i they excluded dr. redfield, cdct director , and then a couple ofn months later, they signed onto this nature paper saying, you know what? no, it definitely came from the natural origins. and what happened in that i interim? they receiventerd nine million dollars of grant money, specifically from the nih and other us funded. n: mon >> so moneeyy came into play for sure. well, money came iways an anothy as well. >> dr. siegel.e and that is that we know thatec
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the nih gave grant money to the ico health alliance and they gave money to the human virology lab. >> that mean that ms all the great people in this audience tonighty and everybody watching at home likely contributed to the pat to manufacture the gain a function of this coronavirus . sean: they >> definitely did. they definitely do.defini >>d that's peter .te that's that's th peter darshak t the local health alliance that you're talking about. and e talking i think we're talt it's not a narrative here. and nicole already showed this. it'sciencee is not science. science is about debate.ative science isn't about a narrativee that you that you basicallyt cos forced down the pikeid and yout- don't consider anothery in narrative that starts with this batch are mostly in southeas t china, not up at wuhan, and bats are not found in the mohun seafood market. they're not. they're the wet market. the wet market. they'rals are out there.e bat ge other animals are there.t to so how did the bat get to the to the market? t. it did it. and the wuhan institute ofy is c virology is conductingth research. and here's the most important point of all, the gain ofh
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function. tes a research creates a roadmap, sean, foror manipulating a virus that any rogue scientist could get a hold of and createcreate a a pandemic. so redfield said today it may have very well, of course, thisl pandemic, but the same group of scientists that are supporting the natural origins theory are maintaining a gain of function.f research is safe aroundrch is the world in a place like china where we can't get any answers, where redfield was not allowed in at the beginning of the pandemic, he was blockedd i. from looking for the .t to >> it's unbelievable.bott you know, whenom o you when youy to get to the bottom of all of this. now, the issue of race was my ught up in that congressional hearing today. >> my understanding, and youwoul would know better than i , the people that were most vulnerable to coronavirus were the elderly people with comorbid these people that were obese. obese, way overweight they way overweight.race p >> did raclay e play a factor ie
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susceptible to the terms the people that were susceptible to the virus? cer >> well, it certainly did.ta isn 't nand this isn't novel for rat to play a factor into outcomes when it comeais to certainr, for maladies. i a cancer, fonstar instancenc, ae breast cancer. that's j african-american women tend to have more aggressive breast cancers. that is just a fact. that's 's not racist to say not racist to say that's a truth when it comes to medicine. >>d when it came to covid-19o c that's a provision that can save lives. absolutely. which is why we don save more aggressive screening in certain african-american women. but then the same thing with covid-1re aggressiv 9 and i wrote about, this in april. i go 2020. and i got some backlashback as well, sayinlashg african-americans are also having a more severe illnesslsoi and that came along with certain diets, also thing their weight. but one of the things that i found interesting was that. they were calling that the author iat's alln the hearig racist. but that's allno they have.w, i that's the only thing they cans do to defend us right now is to call someone racist and name call like they're ini kindergarten. dr. redfield was also called racist when he brought upup the possibility of the handleablehe by the baltimoe sun .if the i believe it is . only do is so if the only thing they can >> ss call you bad names, they don't have any sort of defense.
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>> by the way,t that happens every day of my life. i don't. h what >> the last word, we have about 20 seconds. that's a bait and switch. what they did to nicholaads wade today. and by the way, nicole wrote wro about this in april. 2020. st it was studied at tulane university in that fall.nd and it was absolutely true that black people were muchh more more prone to side effects and problems from the virus. that was a wayone to t of givine idea of who we had to zero in on and get treatment to and in the elderly. people. >> couple more obese obesity's.. >> right, right., if this chronic conditions. all of that helpeds . but listen, if this was a manufactured virus, imagine how we would, have had a headsau up instead of not even hearingwa from china about how bad this until it was upon us was until it was already upon us . and we through italyaid,ad and europe, whic, travel th he , go ahead, travel to europe, go ahead and then on into the united states . united stgreat doctors. you thank you both. dr. paul , thank obviously. thank all right. straight ahead, red states, stathey are driving blue state. they're falling apart under ry democratic leadership. we're going to bring you the very latest. we'll check in with larry
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to you all. mypillow 2.0 is truly the next generation of mypillow. the my pillow 2.0 is cooler and softer than the last. mypillow. it is so comfortable to sleep on at night. i look forward to going to bed and i wake up well rested in the morning. sleep is all about temperature and height. mypillow, to point out, is patan patented adjustable s ing to give you the exact individual support you need from your head to your bed. and now here's where it gets even better. we've all experienced temperature related sleep interruptions where you get too hot , you toss a turn, you flip your pillow over to the cool side. all that's gone is my brand new my pillow 2.0, a cooling fabric that's made with temperature regulating thread. >> the best sleep just got even better whether you have a pillow or not. you need to get the brandnew mypillow 2.0 cooler. go to mypillow .com. now use your promo code and for a limited time when you buy one , you'll get a second
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the plan and lose the weight. you know what to do. go online or call right now to get these free offers and start losing weight today. hurry up and sue when you can't watch. listen, get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm any time anywhere . fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening by florida governor . >> great to have. rida florida governor ron desantis is now lashing out at desant president biden in a new letter demanding that tennis superstaie i love novak djokovic, that he'd be allowed to competed to n the miami open. here's where we are unvaccinated foreigners likeom djokovic are being banned fromto entry into this country by airplane. but as desantis points out, it a nould come on a boat with no restrictions or simply walk across the southerestrictin bor. ou that point, meanwhile, out there in california, gavin newsom, he desperately wants to be newsom, he desperately wants to be president . he's now cutting off hisoff his staged relationship with
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state's relationship with walgreens because the pharmacy chain becaus will no way, here o longer sell the abortion pills. >> and by the way, hereg on the east coast, well, look at your screen. this stunning video showinofgn e a group of young people absolutely trashing. that's a restaurant inin new new york . just another day in paradise inn new york . st the wayly, these are the only people that are normalud in new york , in the studio to bring in now fox news contributor leo to point tural r ,the host of the larry elder show, larry elder, oh, you both into know that my kids are at into sports . >> i love djokovic. i've actually met him. i was actually a line judge in a match that he had at john mcenroe. tennis academy in new york .y ce and i totally cheated on behalfa of the local player. >> and he looked at me afterd, i called, made a horribl te goe. that's the way it's goin gy. to be. and i said , yep, but it was tho pretty funny.the pandemic was but the fact is , you know, i thought the pandemic was overh .e world' leo, why are ws e not letting
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one of the world's greatests athletes their body, their health is their income? why are they at this late date doing something thiso discriminatory and this dumbt to one of the world's greatest athletes? >> >> bec because we havegame the democrats in offices and they're playing by a gamthee of rules that djokovic doesn'tnn want to play. this is one of t the healthieste man on the planet. he's had the virus. he has natural immunity. and the situation is very obvious. if he crossed the borderd th acs the border, goes by , goes across the border, he get in,y he could plathy the game, but hm can't play the game because he's not part of the democratic hierarchy. djokovic stood by his that he g by saying did not wantet to get the vaccie and the democratic party joe biden they're punishing him for that. rty arg n, it's so discriminatory, larry. ithim makes me so angry because you're really denying the people of miami and then ath ane u.s. open, i would assume sometime in the summer
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and early fall the opportunity to see one of the world's best atknow, athletes. >> why? you know, i thoughtid. the pandemic was over. yeah. joe said, yeah, i'm a hugell tennis buff, as well.. sean, this is the greatest tennis player, arguably inernor, history. cnn spent a lot of time interviewing me, an and when i ran for governor d , cnn spent a lot of time interviewing me and asked me n about the vaccine mandates. and i said young people dod not be vaccinated. they're not likely to getdo, thy to get sick if they do'ry get really sick. and they're certainly notnot li likely to be hospitalizekely t d and not likely to die.s and they said , well, that'snote not true. according to the cdc, etc..eed now, lancet has basically has agreed with me, has said that e varal immunity is as good, if nocct better thainn then the vaccine and get this job. if you play in the miami open and you haven't been co vaccinated, that's okay.un you just can't come intry ay. so the country. it make any sense whatsoever. and play. t following th so it doesn't make any sense whatsoever. they're not followine g the science. it's again, dictatio e from hi. never mind what the scienceernmn says.t cont just do what we tell you.rol.ea it's about government control,
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larry.n: lar the i'll give you the first crak at gavin newsom cutting off the state and the relationship with walgreens over the abortion pill. >> new i mean, he has every rigt to have his own personal views. but what about freedom? what about liberty? he said to ron desantis, oh, we're the free state o f ron california. >> no, i don't think so. >> well, what happenede is walgreen got a letter from 20 state attorneys generalu can' and said you can't use the mail to sell the abortion pill in our state. soe they have a legal and a fiduciary obligation to comply with that. imagine if we're the other wayop around. imagine if governors olyf red states said , you know.,te we're not going to do any more state business with warg becaus e walgreen is kowtowingh wa to california and allowing the abortion pill to be soldlg. no state they would b be screaming on high, claiming that this was liberal fascism. well, this was conservative fascism. well, this is liberal fascism.s conservatione in a continuing sf things that this governor has done up to and includinge sale banning the sale of new gas powered cars by twenty o thirty five and leave when i go
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down the litany of all b the things that this fascist liberal governor has done. fasct >> will this guy ever makegove the run, do you think?rn d leono, that gavin newsom we all know he's ambitious. we all know he h wants to measue the drapes at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. think he's plan >> do anyway. do you thinkni he is planning to run against joe biden? >> because i believe he is . he wants to shine. and let me be here's the good news.has ev not a single bumocratic governor has evern su been successful winning guy has the white house. that's the good news. but this guy has checked out after he won reelection. he's the lamere ducknor. govern. his only ambition in life now is to run for president . while we had a horrificpeople heorm in southern california s, people still under the snow. d this guy is vacationing.'t careh he doesn't care abouthe wan california. he doesn't care about the crime situation. nothin to be president ,ly men nothing else. and he hasta basically mythili
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checked out of california.t we'r i hope he runs because thatgoin tells me that we're going to have donald trump or republican in the white house at 2020 four . >> oh, right. , yo they get a lot of support, you defund, dismantle noble laws. i >> i'll run the tape again.a rel hell breaks loose in new york. this is a restaurant and all breaks loose in new york . how how much does damage have they done now to businesses?we v >> because people are not safe . >> wone have about 30 seconds.rn well, the numberment ipening one responsibility of government to protect people and property and it's not happening. sand in california, sean,about five hundred thousand people have left the state inof the lat part because two years, about the same number of people that have gone to florida in part because of the crime, high cost of living, bad schools and the covidr lockdown's it's the people are voting with their feet t and thy will continue to do so.le yeah. well said o, tha, larry. ue thank you, leoss. we've go thank you. when we come back , guess what? we've got video of al sharptonkt
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and it's kind of bizarre workout video. plus, wait till you see who corey bush is keeping on our payroll.o cori bush is keepin explain jimmy fallon. he >> he's here. payroll. he reacts straight ahead as we get . >> are you ready for a fresh new bath or shower? well, now is the best time with 50 percent off installation and no interest and no payments for one year. hi, i'm christina, and it's time to flip your old worn out bath or shower with jacuzzi baths, remodel. today, everyone knows the jacuzzi brand, but did you know they can install a gorgeous bath or shower? that feels incredible. and as little as one day now that's a total bathroom beauty that i love at a price you can forth with one call to jacuzzi bath remodel. you can effortlessly transform that old ugly eyesore into the stunning bath or shower of your dreams that you'll love for years to come call or go online to jacuzzi, bath, remodel, .com to get up to 50% percent off installation. and you may qualify for no
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new friends. >> take them. make your mark challenge with girl scouts and my little pony. tal right. the lessons are we continue. let's take a look ato know how a the workout video i used to know al sharpton. i've debated deba al sharpton at the national action network. anyway, this is hihas workout hp that he posted on twitter. >> i don't know why you'd ever do this. take a look. got to you get paid anything that's frederick douglass like you made you pay jim griffin you
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get that's giving. thanks for getting back , spirit man. i said to nice men , this group held e! fox all right. here with us a is fox acrosscros america host jimmy fallon. how are you?e yo jimmy here to see you guys. by the way, great job hosting for gutfeld . that was a big deal .the numb and no one no. one late night comedy show inoul america for sure. and normallyin for when you fin for the number one late night show, you have big shoes to fill. but in greg's case, it's liksize a size four . but i love him not being a part of the show. this. >> he takes cheap shots at he's dragging me this and hen tl takes cheap shots at me, too. really quick on the al sharptonu .pert. okay, i'm not a workout expert news i would like if i wasn't on fox news, i would be a before model, you know? >> i mean, the guy on the left the only gem i'm going to is
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side, the diet and thed only gym. >> i'm going to his gymsl., bart and grill. we've established. think the that being said , i do thinkd the good reverend might have gotten into the sacramento wine before he posted that video. because it really it's like,sic, what if if you listen to thet b music, it's like, what if barry white was a personal trainer. because of, like, all girl, youh to sacrifice tonight, gir. and i just thought it was so lie weird. weirif youclos listen close to s weird sultry r and b, he alsont says, sean, he's like everything you want. ice. >> you got to sacrifice. right >> i'm like, dude, likere giving away free college in your party right now. a s which doesn't sound like a sacrifice. and it's going to be free in my family because my son, 6'5". >> so he's getting a women's basketball. so i don't hav.e to worry abouthe. your son's not 6'5". a total of he is . he's tall, lanky. it really is a tall fourteen year old.. okay, apparently we have a four year your biological men and >> d women in and i am not. no, no, don't do that.. i am o and unless i can bet on it, if i can bet on it then all day.>>t yeah.g part. into the betting part.nk al yl right.ou'r all right. so what did you think?comedien
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you're comedian told me you met chris rock once. >> yes, i met him once.ce.othe yes.r tony really cool. i met chris , his brother tony,a his brother jordan. his special was perfect because that's what comedy is supposed wi be, which is unapologetic and honest. he took positions we didn't agree with on abortion, but he was also honest in all of his assessments. he gave it to wilson. was>> great. and you want to know something?a yeah, thatre was great.m and as mad as we all are atuld e will smith, we should also t be thankful because he's the only one who could get liberalos to talk about black on black crime. were it noe were it?ht not for the oscars. it w but i but i enjoyed the specialt i thought it was great job. you did a great job filling in for great big shoes to fill up l . greg, nonight jimmlate night comedy show in the country, which is amazing, but jimmy fallon, fauci, larryou ,i feel a lot more coming upitya for hannity right ahead. stay with for skin is alive.eald if you are, don't settle forchan
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12:00 am
we will be hosting another live audience show. you have a good time tonight. thank you. if you want to be a part of>> te our studio, audience, the tickets are free. that meansthat mea liberals will probably like it anyway. go to hannity .com for for inf information. join our audience.. we have a fun time.ave left for throw out a lot of footballs. it's great all the time we have left for tonight.mi please set your dvr so you never miss an episode.troubled in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. laura ingraham and i and will dn audience show together. i'm not sure when we'll invitetn tucker to . >> yeah, well, in april day h and say hi laura . hi guys. and i want to tell everybody hanadi is going meet you guys at about what, fifteen minutes. itn bar at the peninsula all l, so i have a great time. all the drinks on hand. radiou all right? i'm pretty liberal. radical in new york ll. i where i'm going to be in fifteen minutes. >> thanks, laura . for that.