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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  March 7, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PST

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bonjour! we got any out-of-towners in the elevator? tom. it is not easy. 10th floor, huh? must be a heck of a view. okay, see how everyone else is facing this way? progressive can't save you from becoming your parents, but we can save you money when you bundle home and auto with us. okay, that was terrible. okay, let's hang back. we're gonna try that again. ♪ ♪ >> kayleigh: the governor of mexico revealing a short time ago that two are the four kidnapped american citizens have been found dead. and two others alive. one of them injured. hello, everyone, this is "outnumbered," kayleigh mcenany with my cohost emily compagno, an anchor of "the story" martha maccallum, host of the sideline sanity podcast michelle tafoya, and former biden campaign surrogate kevin wally. dramatic video of the moment those four americans from
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south carolina were kidnapped shortly after crossing into mexico. what authority is have called a case of mistaken identity. we want to warn you that the video we are about to show you is graphic and disturbing. you can see men and bulletproof vests brandishing long guns, shoving the americans into the back of the pickup. a woman shoved into the flat bud while the bodies of two others are limp and dragged him beside her. the minivan they were traveling in riddled with bullet holes, one of the windows shut out. family members have identified as batavia mcgee, her cousin seen here and their friend and eric james williams. we don't know which of the victims have been killed at this time. martha, again, we don't know who has been killed. we know reportedly to the sustained press it was an individual going for a tummy tuck and that individuals mother saying she got a call saying we are 15 minutes away from the procedure and then just never heard back. >> it is a terrifying story, it
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is indicative of what is going on at the border, how incredibly dangerous it is. it really makes you wonder, i think we will hear from net price whether or not he will say that they recommend that nobody goes south of the border right now, i mean, you look at this other video we have today of the estate's that are going on, human traffickers dragon people out, there's so much danger to human beings in this entire area. what i am looking forward to when we hear from the white house at 1:30 is what is the level of outrage coming from the white house over this? what are they going to say to the president of mexico about how this will be dealt with? and bill barr i know, we have some sound from what he said, this is the larger picture. what is the role of u.s. special forces and the coast guard of american military, because our people are being injured because of the fact that there is no control from the mexican government over their own country, the cartels are running
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the entire country and so what position does that put us and as a nation north of the border in terms of what we have to do to protect our people. >> kayleigh: let's take a moment and listen to the remarks from former ag bill barr. >> they are terrorists. there is another product which is the mexican government, being held by thousands of military members and organizations that control mexico. it's pretty close at this stage to a failed narco state, the government has no well and does not have the ability to deal with the cartel. and they are sitting next-door producing mountains of poisonous drugs and killing over 100,000 americans a year. so we are sustaining the same damage as we would in a major war. from these groups operating right beyond our reach. >> kayleigh: emily come he went on to say they should be
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compared to isis, security adviser said they would be ahead -- behead, torture, saying they killed 50 mexican troops into battle. it's like nation-state, billions and billions of dollars, it seems like that is a logical conclusion and i hope we hear that from net price. >> emily: and the only ideological difference is that here it is the worship of money. right now the cartel alone makes an estimated between three and $39 billion annually just off of the drug trade. in part because the other cartels went the way of the human smuggling income source as well which of those estimates range up to $13 billion ann annually. it is difficult to truly grasp of that amount of money and to level of riches that are being traffic. but there is nothing that will stop those cartels from continuing to traffic and then amount of income, right? you think about the feeling of $1 between you and your
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business, this is unable for them to in any way diminish their sources of income, because it will the depletion of the entire essentially small micro government within the larger state. i appreciate everything that ag barr said, because he is on the money. the biggest hostage is the mexican government and ours who refuses to do anything. ending ally that the cartels have is our government for doing nothing to stop it. and you know, i was just in mexico last weekend and i wonder what other americans were there during that weekend that did not have a safe trip that i did. that did not enjoy the seamless experience that i did. it's frightening, these poor americans in one of them mentioned a relative that she was concerned about her safety before she went, not just about the medical procedure, but about the safety and mexico itself, and unfortunately her greatest fears were realized. >> kayleigh: kevin, yesterday's reaction before the news of the casualties, but let's listen to what karine jean-pierre said on this. >> we are closely following the
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assault and kidnapping of four u.s. citizens in mount omarosa in mexico that these attacks are unacceptable. our thoughts are with the families of these individuals and we stand ready to provide all appropriate counsel or assistance, u.s. law enforcement is in touch with mexico law enforcement. the departments at state and homeland security are coordinating with mexico authorities and we will continue to coordinate with mexico and push them to bring those responsible to justice and again, our hearts are with the families. >> kayleigh: bill barr questioning whether that response was adequate, it did not seem to me to have the appropriate level of outrage when it comes to american hostages. >> kevin: it's important to point out and what martha said is we need to see that outrage from this administration. americans are dying at that border in mexico when they travel as tourists seeking medical treatment as this individual did. and, we are funding the border in a rapid clip of more than we have in the past, 12% increase
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of over last year, 300 more border agents, but that certainly not enough. we need to build on what the trump administration did in terms of shining a light on the border and build on some of the successes we saw during that time. i am a democrat on this panel saying some of the things that the administration, previous to administration did that you were a part of were critically important. we need to build on that and hope that republicans need us at that border with president biden and pushing for increasing fundings to dhs and border patrol. >> kayleigh: s, michelle, what do you think the administration should do this? if somebody was vacationing abroad and say middle eastern country i assume we would take some level of action. i'm not suggesting militarily, but michael wall saying i'm not saying u.s. military, i'm saying drones for instance, there is other technology we could use if we use the military to assist. >> michelle: there is so much more that can be done, i appreciate that everyone's to see outrage from the white house, honesty action. i want to see action more than i
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want to see outrage. and of course i agree that we should all be outraged. i am. i remember 2019 there was a mormon family that lived just over the border from arizona and they were in two bands going to a wedding and eight of them were killed and burned in the car including six children. within three months at the nfl was playing a game in mexico city. later in november, and i thought to that why are they still playing this game? no more nfl games to mexico city until you you guys clean up your act and stop killing americans. i do think we should maybe even go a step further. i like freedom and if people want to go travel to mexico as you did and they feel they can do it safely, that's wonderful, but we should really discourage that and put a dent in the tourist industry. put a dent in the way that americans are sending so much money to mexico when that's government, which as you all have echoed is a serious hostage
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to the cartels, and i think a willing hostage. there's so much money a -- >> kayleigh: the hostage suggests that they are helpless, they are not helpless. when president trump is in the white house, he threatened terrorists, and the 6,000 mexican troops, they are not helpless. >> martha: we just had the trial in new york of the top law-enforcement official in the mexican government who was getting millions of dollars from these cartels. so there is a lot of overlap here. there is a ton of corruption. and i do think that we have to question what our own military response might be and also whether or not we are going to say, you know, that tourism is not something that we are not going to put those tourism dollars in this country until they clean up their act. it is not safe. it is the one place when my kids wanted to go on spring break, the one place that i said absolutely not to. you are not going. it's not safe. >> kayleigh: a lot of questions for a net price and
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for karine jean-pierre at the white house. coming up, newly released and stunning video shows a mob of 150 strong for sending on atlanta's top city before launching a coordinated assault on police. the new video and the group that is trying to bail this mob out, unbelievable, next. be ready for every moment, with glucerna. it's the number one doctor recommended brand that is scientifically designed to help manage your blood sugar. live every moment. glucerna. this is going to be great. taking the shawl off. ok i did it. is he looking at my hairline? is plaque psoriasis making you rethink your everyday choices? otezla is a pill, not a cream or injection that can help people with plaque psoriasis achieve clearer skin. and no routine blood tests required. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression,
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>> emily: fox news alert, newly released a video on the lead up to sundays have violent attack on atlanta's top city, showing a mob of some 150 people descending on the site of a future police training facility before hurling molotov cocktails and destroying machinery. the group filmed by a police helicopters heat sensitive camera marches through woodland before unleashing havoc and setting fire to a power line.
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the atlanta police department also releasing this new video from the time of the attack when the mob set fires and threw bricks and rocks at officers. >> this is the cop city site. construction vehicles, and the trailer for the construction crew is out. >> emily: 23 people have been arrested and charged with domestic terrorism over the riots and are expected in court next hour. among them is thomas juergen, an attorney at the far left southern poverty law center, they say he was there as a "legal observer" downplaying the situation calling the arrest "at heavy-handed law-enforcement intervention." the protests are not on the white house radar at all. >> dozens of people were arrested, so called protesting the cop city, is the present and aware and is the white house
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worried about this escalating? will you say that again, wht was the protest? speak of the protest was a facility, training facility that is being constructed where police officers -- it's called cop city, it is near a black residential area, the concern is is the president aware of this, is the white house concerned about this escalating? >> no, i have not heard any discussions about this protest over the weekend. this is the first time i am hearing about this protest over the weekend. >> emily: for an administration the pats itself on the back as being aware of and wanting to combat domestic terrorism, it is shocking that they were unaware of something of this magnitude. do you see it as ostrich in the sand? or willful ignorance? >> kayleigh: i cannot believe what i just watched, as press secretary you can't know every conceivable issue in the world,
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a niche issue in moldova, niche foreign policy, i will get back to you, i have not looked into that. this happened at 1:51:00 p.m. on sunday, late afternoon, she gave her briefing yesterday at 1:51:00 p.m., and had 24 hours to learn of this attack. on nbc, abc, cnn, axios, fox, this was a huge story. so to be unaware of the story is extraordinary. and then to say it is the white house tracking nest? no, we have not been. i hope she spoke out of turn and the white house was tracking it, because it is a very scary idea that there could be a major attack in atlanta in the white house was woefully unaware. merrick garland, he just had a press conference and i hope you dressed it, because these individuals to cross state lines, there were people from france and canada, the white house should be all over this. and if the press secretary is not, i hope her bosses are. >> emily: they are logged off, was it sunday, sunday not pressing on their agenda?
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this administration is logged off figuratively and literally, and to kayleigh's point, this is an international attraction which is a war on police officers, the mayor has yet to weigh in on the strong man are needed that those cops deserve and it would be incumbent upon this administration to articulate something to quell the full mentation, to actually to that question's point, let's tamping down this escalation. if we leave this on alone and do not address this from the top down it will only get worse and someone i fear a law-enforcement officer officer will lose their life. >> martha: as you rightly point out, they are very concerned about domestic terrorism, but apparently only certain pockets of domestic terrorism are of great concern. there's no excuse. we all sometimes miss something coming here or there. but this was a huge story and as kayleigh points out it was covered on all the networks and this is a huge issue of domestic terrorism, a perfect opportunity for the white house to come out
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and say "we have funded training for police. we want to see police forces regain their strength so that they can keep neighborhood safe." and there's a big difference between the kind of thing that you see on this video on the right-hand side of your screen which are people pulling masks over their face. i'm not sure why they are masking these protesters? why do they not want their identity to be known? if they are simply protesting something to protect this for us or to be against the training facility for police officers, which is so important to rebuild third morale and their cohesiveness and to attract people to the force, but i'm not sure why they want to cover their faces. but now we see their faces all over, 23 people charged with domestic terrorism. speak to a great point that you bring up funding and the point of the hidden identity. we have a law attorney who says "i was there is a legal observer" whatever that means. if you are in the vicinity where something like domestic terrorism is being charged with violent attacks we saw, did he
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have a mass gone? was he standing to the side with a clipboard? i highly doubt that and keep in mind that the southern law center to the point have funded massive amounts of policy including being "limp" it by this administration as somehow getting far policy rather than an idealistic mob. >> kevin: everyone on the couch believes in peaceful protest. this was not a peaceful protest, this was an armed domestic terrorist event we saw play out in atlanta, they have lost hundreds of officers in the last couple of years because of this, because of this neglect in that city to support law enforcement. president biden has spoken so passionately about it this. he says when they put on that badge they should have every right and expectation to come home safely at the end of the day. he has increased funding from law enforcement to recruit more officers year-over-year, but that's not enough. we need to see more on the ground from this administration. when it comes to supporting law enforcement, to kayleigh's point that this can't be brushed aside at the white house podium.
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>> emily: what about this island of misfits, the kaleidoscope of socialism of violent activists coming from other places and thinking that they know better. destroying someone else's city in the name of those residents. >> michelle: they called themselves the defending atlanta forest group, i don't think they are defending a forest, we all know what they are up to when it was violent. and i find it interesting that the southern poverty law center employee was there. think about those two names, the defending atlanta forest group and the southern poverty law center. don't those sound lovely? they are taking care of people and protecting the innocent and protecting things. no, the southern poverty law center is a far left extreme moneymaking machine that has had a host of their own problems. so i find it ironic that he was involved. >> emily: absolutely right. on the crime notes, and the newest episode of my podcast called "the fox true crime
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podcast" is available today and we dive into the 1993 kidnapping and murder of 12-year-old holly class, for the behind the scenes full heartbreaking story as told by retired fbi agent and a lead investigator on the case at the time, my friend eddie fryer. >> there were plenty of roadblocks if you will, or -- prohibit others that would stop the normal offender. how slipped up. two or three in the house, because he said he heard noises, and a lively neighborhood, walking down the driveway, walking right in front of sean bush's door, they saw each ot other. those would normally stop the normal offender. it did not stop him. you know, because he was dedicated to his fantasy. he was dedicated to grabbing the girl that lived there. >> emily: please don't miss the new episode of the fox true
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crime podcast on or wherever you listen to your podcast. all right, coming up, watch rail disaster? transportation chief pete buttigieg finding a time to fawn over hillary clinton while he is facing growing criticism and calls to resign over his response or lack thereof to the toxic spill in eastern ohio. that's next. in 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention.
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>> kayleigh: welcome back, pete buttigieg and hillary clinton have a lot in common, both failed presidential candidates, both could run again, and they can it help upon over each other during an event over the weekend. as pete buttigieg was facing growing criticism over his handling of the ohio rail disaster, this happened. >> welcome, welcome, welcome! so happy to see you! when you read about the biography, your accomplishments, they are often described as a trailblazer, and you are the first openly gay cabinet member, the youngest person to ever hold the office of secretary of transportation, you are one of the youngest people to make a serious bid for the presidency, so there is no doubt that along the way being the first often
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requires knocking down some barriers. >> yes, i mean, i am humbled to have a word like trailblazer used when i am sitting next to you and i know all of the cracks you put in that glass ceiling. >> kayleigh: what a humble duo, he is just a trailblazer. >> michelle: we are ensconced in our bubbles of love and we can't see beyond them, because i don't know how this conversation can look so serious and authentic to some, and to the rest of us, we are going "are you kidding me?" and i think identity politics has a lot to do with what is going on here. anything that joe biden may be because he is an old white man assigned a lot of it spots to people who check a lot of different boxes. and as lori lightfoot put out, that make it you the job, but that won't necessarily keep the job for you. and i think that pete buttigieg is still lament showing people again and again that he is not up to the task. he has not up to that task. one of the things he said that really stuck with me was he said one derailment is too many.
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so perfect is what we should expect. no, that's an easy knock off to the problem, one is too many, but the fact is you are not even responding to the big ones in a way that makes you look confident. so this little lovefest, it was very much inside a shining little love bubble that i could not -- i would've had to leave. >> kayleigh: let's watch a little bit more of the lovefest, check this out. >> one thing i'm not going to do is complain about any of the frustration associated with coming to an agency and having work to do every day and finding that you were dealing sometimes with the noise machine that seems to have little to do with your day-to-day work and a lot to do with perceptions about your real or perceived presidential politics. i would be very indecent of me to complain about that sitting next to you. >> kayleigh: it would be indecent to complain, but the problem is politico is
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reporting, they are frustrated, they are frustrated the attacks on the g.o.p. publicly and privately signs are growing that the transportation secretary usual patients is giving way to frustration. he has gotten in twitter spats with the u.s. senators, their brushoff with "the daily caller" that turns into a viral video. so apparently frustrated with that. >> emily: i take issue with the word "ambush" to that this is a presidential candidates who thought that he was worthy of the commander-in-chief position and in that position including one of the cabinets on one of our roles here, and so many first responders come the list goes on. you are that role 24 hours a day. the role you serve is greater than you as a single person in the fact that he shut off and shut down daily caller reporter who dared to question him on the sidewalk, sir, what is your response, politely, why couldn't he have said my heart goes out to the residents of east palace mean. doing everything we can, and you will hear from me and secretary shortly. why can't he just have that
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moment? and can i have your name, can i take a picture? that level that we see from our president often to me is emblematic of this administration which is immediate defensive position when dared to be asked, hey, man, are you doing your job? hey, man, what response do you have? the tiniest trigger steps to limit set some off and that's why they are so far beyond, so unprepared to handle the pressures and the stressors of that role that all of us lean on them for. so he has failed abysmally as he has in that moment as well. >> kayleigh: there were high hopes as vice president harris was having some of her moments, whispers in the west wing that pete could be somebody considered for a nomination, and facta though, now democrats, always a sign when they are not doing the right things, democrats talk to you to a reporter some background, here on cnn they thought he was a fresh face like jimmy carter, bill clinton, or barack obama who wanted to get pass visions and move forward, democrat
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member of congress who did not want to be named as criticizing mayor pete, but sad to see him become a partisan brawler on twitter and cable news. he has become the most polarizing member of joe biden's cabinet is harsh. >> kevin: it is pretty harsh, i guess i am in constant and the love bubble, i love hillary clinton, and pete buttigieg, i know that no one on this couch does, but two years into the job, he is realizing just how difficult to this position is. and i think you are seeing a much more aggressive, he is getting beat up quite a bit, not just over the train derailment, but the airline -- >> michelle: everybody does. >> kevin: elaine chao, and mila hood, probably not the face of transportation in this history because of the presidential past and the ambitions, but certainly you see a more aggressive tone that we see from secretary pete. >> kayleigh: met romney has come out and said, he was very kind, a good mayor, but probably not qualified for the job. he made bake enterprise. >> martha: i think it's
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interesting that the things hillary clinton said are in need generation bubble, you're so special because of this, you are so special because of that, what she did not say was a list of accomplishments from when you were the mayor of south bend, list of accomplishments of the things you have done as transportation secretary, thank you for being here to talk to vanderbilt university today, we are so grateful for what you have done for the train system, for the airline system which is a complete disaster. so she was not able to take off that list of accomplishments, and he has been in the job for almost two years. >> kevin: this hits home with an only child with you, martha. there's not much of a record. >> martha: that's not what we are about to come he is a government official pit he has a job to do. i don't really care about his personal time or the things from his personal life, those are nice and should be side notes, maybe. but the driving force has to be accomplishments, your merits and the job that you are doing. that's really all that matters to the taxpayer and people who are watching you try to do this job. you know, the other stuff is all fluff and meaningless i think to
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most people. >> kevin: and he has to do a better job of getting the word out. >> kayleigh: one time jimmy kimmel gas to get a job, maybe that's a qualification. coming up, they say her childhood experiences shape the people we become, up next, all som and kamala harris shares a story that seems to ask plain a lot about her feelings towards conservatives today. that's next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ lore here, together? where do you want to go? senegal 38%, portugal 29. did you know that? i had no idea. the more you learn the more you want to know, and then it just fuels that fire. we now live in a place our ancestors have been for many, many years and we had no clue. nigerian. i got a lot of it from you. explore your family story with ancestrydna. now on sale.
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veteran homeowners, it's time to fight inflation. use the 3 ps: plan ahead by getting a va cash out home loan from newday. pay off your high-rate credit cards. pay yourself cash. >> kayleigh: apparently kamala harris is a disdain for americans goes back to her childhood, during a conversation, the vice president shared this. i'm going to share with you a very simple story which is that it went home one day and i said,
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well, why are conservatives bad, mommy? because i thought that we were supposed to conserve things. [laughs] i could not reconcile it. now i can. >> kayleigh: cringed, a far cry from the message of unity she projected as attorney general when she tweeted this "our unity is our strength and diversity are power, we rejected the myth of us versus them, we are in this together." i don't know if the staffer wrote that tweet, your thoughts. >> martha: i'm going to steal a joke from jimmy fallon come he said you can only be vice president with a cackle like that because if you are a babysitter did that in front of you you would be like -- i think we are going to stay home actually. so you know -- that's all. i know kevin has a lot he wants to say about this.
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>> kevin: the babysitter would be great at home. >> kayleigh: if your boss says his soul yearns for unity, why share that story? >> kevin: we campaign in prose and we govern in politics, and i think the idea is -- >> kayleigh: kamala harris does not talk in prose, there are a lot of stumbles. >> kevin: that is a longer segment, certainly, but every president talks about unity, president said that he took this oath for all americans, we are one nation, but you have to have those contrasting arguments and that's where the politics is all about. >> kayleigh: also had some thoughts about water on monday, let's listen. >> water on -- it flows in different directions. [laughs] oh, i have puns on water. [laughs] so yes. i asked my team actually -- i love venn diagram's, just really
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love venn diagram's, so i asked them to do a venn diagram for me. >> kayleigh: the venn diagram's is from october, but i don't know why she has not learned to go off into the unknown, that's when she gets in trouble. >> emily: unfortunately the people that voted for her installed jack handy meets veep into that position. thank you. >> kevin: love the jack handy reference. >> emily: she stumbles in prose and politics, and everything. i wonder when she speaks this how much will go towards cackling, because there is nothing of substance that she has said. and this goes back to your point earlier about the introductions we get down to business, let's stop the laughing and the inappropriate affect, tell us what you are doing for this country, because we are being let down every day to a horrible soundtrack, i can't get out of my ears. and you know, when she comes home her story i assume happened when she was at thousand oaks and berkeley, california, and hung out there too, i grew up there too and i came out of that same neighborhood the way that i am knowing my values reflect
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american people and hard work and ethic and freedoms and a lot of things she has yet to articulate or support in her policy. >> kayleigh: look at the poise of ron desantis, nikki haley, and talented contenders, and then you have kamala harris, and apropos on a statement on pete buttigieg. >> michelle: said about the love bubble, i think they tell her that her laugh it's cute and makes are human, and can only believe that, but i have a stolle, when i was a little girl, my very conservative lovely father who was born in the depression era brought home from his engineering firm note pads of paper made up of cut up blueprints, stable to cardboard and that was the paper we were given to use for school. and for homework, so it was recycling, and we were conservatives, and we were conserving paper, so conservatives aren't all bad. when she mentions conservative and bad, and makes me think of someone like my dad and my mom, and i am sorry, they weren't bad. so i really -- i really don't
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like that kind of conversation. >> kayleigh: we are all americans at the end of the day, after all. coming up, terror and the skies, the moment a passenger on a united airlines flight threatened to mass murder and made era. that's next. we all need cash in the bank to stay ahead. well here's great news for veterans who own a home. home values have climbed to near all-time highs, too. that means the cash you need is right there in your home. newday can unlock it with the newday 100 va cash out loan. it lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value. not just part of it like some other loans. pay down high-rate credit card debt, consolidate your second mortgage and car loans, and have the security of cash in the bank. the va has granted newday automatic authority. when banks so “no” to a veteran, newday can say “yes.” i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me
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>> 23 people charged with domestic terrorism in court next hour, the violent attack against police in an lanna trey gowdy joins us, mexican authorities say two americans got up and cartel violence are dead, and the state department repeating its warnings for americans to stay away from mexican border towns just as thousands of college students set off on spring break. we talked to a former federal agent ambushed by the cartel about what american should do. the rhode island mom says she was harassed by local teachers union after she inquired about the school district curriculum,
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and rick scott reactor president biden's proposal to raise taxes to pay for medicare. i'm john roberts, sandra is off today, gillian turner and i will see you at the top of the hour for "america reports." >> kayleigh: a terrifying incident on a plane as a man threatens to kill everyone on board a united airlines flight from los angeles to boston. before trying to stab a flight attendant in the neck with a broken spoon. >> i am waiting for them so that i can show everybody that i will die by getting that clip comes to wherever in my body they shoot me, i will kill every man on this plane. where are you diverting us, it's going to be a bloodbath everywhere. you can go away if you want, i won't kill you. put up your hands, or don't approach me, because i will. since i'm taking over this pl
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plane. >> right now, i'm telling you right now, okay, yeah. >> he did not grab. >> kayleigh: you can see crew members and other passengers tackled a man, his name is francisco torres and he has been charged with interference of flight crew members and using a dangerous weapon. martha, what heroic passengers to stay so calm, that's terrifying. >> martha: and reminds you from things from 9/11 when you see all of those passengers going down the alley there and just tackling him, obviously this man is very disturbed. that is quite clear. but when you are on a plane and the pilot is saying united takes 2609, we are now in emergency aircraft, that is a chilling moment. i'm struck by how everyone just sits there in the beginning. you know, you can imagine what is going through their minds as they are like stay calm,
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disappear, you know, it's just an incredibly scary moment. and we have a lot of problems with the airlines right now. i mean, it is -- any wonder why when you go through security and it says, those warnings, you know, do not insult, do not threaten, and you are thinking is that necessary? and then you watch this anything coming coming understand what they are going through. >> kayleigh: you think it's an isolated incident, but there is an allegiant fight from pennsylvania until florida where an individual was caught with an explosive before boarding the plane. and thank god security called it, but why is this going on? >> emily: it's pete buttigieg's watch, but it's joe biden's america, and remember that the air marshals have been taken from the important work they do come with a highly trained, highly specialized work they do on those planes to now being volunteers at the southern border stocking refrigerators and escalating migrants to the bathroom. that is absolutely unacceptable. that clip is frightening, and you are right, the moment of silence was disturbing and it of itself as i'm sure every person
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was calculating essentially is this person verbal only? when do i get up, when do i leave? the pilot in that united flight when he made that emergency declaration was after the passenger had been subdued. and i want to talk about the charges for a second, interference with the flight crew and then brandishing the deadly weapon, and that carries up to potentially life imprisonment, five years of supervised relief, what will he get, i wonder? because united is like he is banned from the airline, i want to see him with a lot more since he threatened to take down an entire airplane and commit mass murder. his words, not mine, i don't want him to see the light of day ever again, and this is unacceptable, and we need air marshals on every flight. >> kayleigh: it's chilling to watch, and these incidents are happening a lot, and ranges from fortifying the crazy, reading about a man on the new delhi flight who on another passenger and apparently that has happened twice on the same routes coming to hear about these things every day. any use to think it was covid,
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mass mandate, people getting crazy, but we are about a year out from that. >> kevin: there's no reason he should have ever been on a plane or to emily's point, polite society, and what martha said is so important about 9/11, one of the critical things to come out is that passengers don't think thickness for granted. in the herero list is banding together to take them down coming to see that all the time, because now we americans are like, we will take nothing for granted. if someone is out there threatening into a nest, we work together. i remember those images of the guy who was duct taped to his seat. he was intoxicated and threatening. i think that that was so important that we need to step up and do more. >> michelle: i cannot agree more with what you just said and it is reminiscent of 9/11. and i remember shortly after 9/11 getting on a plane in the pilot said to the few of us on the plane, listen, if anything starts up here, here is what i want you to do. i want you to grab whatever you have in your carry-ons and i went into the throat of the person, we are all going to be in this together. and a sort of empowered us to
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take charge instead of instilling the fear of god and us and saying be afraid, be very afraid, they said, here's what you can do to help if this happens again. and i am a big believer in empowering people and helping them understand how they can take control of the situation. and i think maybe that's in the preflight instructions from now on or at least have the pilot come on and say, folks, we know you have seen some disturbing instances and we give you permission to do this. >> kevin: pack your duct tape. >> kayleigh: lesson learned. more "outnumbered" in justdeva a moment. ♪ ♪ - two - when the national debt was larger than gross domestic product? world war ii - and right now. that's a deep hole. and i don't know how we'll climb out of it. that's why i buy gold from rosland capital. rosland capital is a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs,
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frank sinatra once dined. michelle, worth it or not? >> i think it's a good idea. periods of people to for the best to become a some people pay, if you want a great table you don't want to sit by the kitchen, sure. it just depends how much. >> what if the table had the best view, would it be a little easier to stomach for an experience of where someone used to set? >> emily i am wherefore if frank sinatra sat there i want to sit there. i want to stay away from the door i don't want to be cold in the winter. as long as it's the steak and potatoes the same throughout the restaurant that's where i will be. >> well if it's one of the best restaurants that has those kind of table $25 is like a glass of wine. so it seems pretty reasonable in terms of if you are going out for a special night. it does make a difference to sit somewhere not next to the kitchen where the door is banging at the back of her chair. >> i guess the flip side, kaylee, sort of like in a plane where don't nickel and dime me for my luggage, just include that in the ticket and have every table be awesome and don't charge me extra. >> right, no, would not pay to
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sit where frank sinatra sat, sorry, frank, i love your music. but i will agree with michelle to not sit by the kitchen. my mom always used to say don't sit by the kitchen but i am with her that door banging i would pay not to not be there. >> i think the best seat in the house is right at home in your dining room table with her family around you. thanks to everyone for watching, don't forget to dvr the show and here is "america reports." >> john: emily, thank you and we start with fox news alert we are following two breaking stories this afternoon at any moment the writers charged with domestic terrorism and alanna are expected to appear in court while south of the border mexico's government is now confirming the two of the four americans kidnapped have been found dead. ally of john roberts in washington, good tuesday to you. >> sandra: good tuesday to you i am gillian turner in for sandor today, this is america reports. so the white house and state department will hold briefings this afternoon, they


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