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tv   Hannity  FOX News  March 6, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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that is it for us tonight. we have more unreleased surveillance tapes from january 6th to bring you tomorrow night along with a remarkable interview from the capitol police officer who was there. they will overturn what they told you. have a great night. sean hannity is next. we will be watching. welcome to hannity. we start with a fox news alert. it's a busy news night. i will share my exclusive interview with president from coming up. in just a moment the governor o the free state of florida ron desantis will join us for an exclusive interview on the eve of his state of the state address. he is crisscrossing the country touting his success against wok culture and comparing and contrasting lord of's successfu policies versus disastrous blue state policy values like california.
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a big war going on between gavi newsom and ron desantis. needless to say, liberals are seething with rage especially failed california governor gavi newsom. that is all coming up. the governor will respond to th attacks from the media mob, joe biden and of course the desperate presidential wannabe gavin newsom. we will analyze the phenomenon of why so many americans are moving to sunny florida to escape the dystopian hell scape that california sadly has become . my exclusive interview with the 45th president of the united states, donald trump, is straight ahead. we will play trump's best moments from his powerful speec this weekend at sea pack. a busy night. first a breaking news report from our southern border. after two record-setting years of illegal immigration is getting worse and worse by the day. so far this year alone we are o pace for another record with 100
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66 apprehensions are basically admissions in january alone. one of those illegals brutally attacked a female border patrol agent leaving her with severe injuries to her face and arms. meanwhile the situation on the other side of the border is eve more dangerous. as we speak, there is a full-blown cartel war unfolding in mexico. tonight new video has emerged showing for innocent americans kidnapped at gunpoint near the border. the americans travel to mexico for medical treatment and they are still missing at this are tonight. the very latest fox news investigative reporter and contributor sara carter is with us. that tape is chilling. they are still missing and we don't know where they are. you have to be scared to death of what is happening? >> absalom tragic incident that actually took place on friday, march 3rd in the state of
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tamaulipas. matamoros borders texas. we have been there many times. we have done reports from brownsville not far from where that shooting took place. here is what we know. we know the gulf cartel according to my sources has strong armed enforcers they called them the nickname in spanish is cyclones. these guys set up checkpoints inside matamoros. a lot of americans travel into the area and they go there to get medicine at pharmacies or g there as we suspect in this cas for a medical procedure. don't know the dangers they are encountering. it appears, according to law enforcement re-officials who reviewed the tape that has come from they are that these americans tried to go through that checkpoint and tried to bust through the checkpoint. there ensued ongoing fire. eventually, i say this, law enforcement appeared on the
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mexican side to pursue this vehicle. before that what we know is this . people were shot. three were taken and thrown int the back of a truck. i want you to think about this. they did it very slowly. they were not worried about the police officer showing up, shaking them down, arresting them. these armed gunmen, these carte members, literally put the bodies on the back of the truck. the injured woman and the bodie are believed, according to my law enforcement officials, believed to be the americans. fbi is asking for $50,000 for any information leading to the safe return of these americans and the return of these americans. also tragically, during the gunbattle which lasted minutes upon minutes. in some of the videos you can here people crying. they were terrified. a mexican citizen, a woman who appeared to have been shopping and walking along the sidewalk,
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was killed and gunned down according to reports that are coming out of mexico. this is an ongoing and fluid situation and a very dangerous situation. it appears that the cartel and gulf cartel are waging battle over our border because it's so wide open. they want control of the matamoros border with brownsville because they are bringing fentanyl in in droves through that area. sean? >> this is a very common thing for americans crossing the border for medical treatment. under president trump he signed right to try. if people want to try, if they are sick, controversial medical treatments it ought to be here in the u.s. they ought not have to cross th board or. i thought that was handled, but apparently not. thank you for the report. sadly, biden and his borders kamala harris are totally ignoring this crisis as per usual. today joe called at 3:00 p.m. i
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the baggerly afternoon and barely worked all day. it's obvious that biden does no possess the mental mental or physical stamina to be president . his fellow democrat gavin newso is all but measuring the drapes in the oval office in spite of what he might be saying publicly . in keeping with tradition newso is looking to fail up just like biden, harris and pothole pete. keep in mind many years ago gavin newsom's home state of california was one of the place to live in the country. one of the best places. california is now dying, hemorrhaging population at an alarming rate. this is a very real phenomenon. it hasn't happened in 175 years. it will have long-term serious consequences for that state. for the first time in history, california is on track to lose population for the third straight year. great job, gavin. in 2022 california's net migration was negative 343,000.
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think about that. that's nearly 1000 people per day leaving the state and new people are not moving in to replace those that are leaving. let's contrast california with california. they have a net gain of more than 318,000 people moving into florida. in other words, florida is gaining almost 1000 new resident s every day. that is good for their economy. why are people fleeing california and flocking in droves to florida? for starters, california's tax rate is downright abusive. while floridians pay zero incom tax. 0%. the income tax rate in california can be as high as 12.3%. that's the highest in the entir country. property taxes are also incredibly high. even the state sales taxes higher than florida. expect those taxes to go even higher because california now i
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losing more population. gavin newsom's current deficit is more than $22 billion and going higher. meanwhile desantis finished wit a record $22 billion budget surplus. take a look at your screen. high tax states like california illinois, new york and new jersey all experience negative migration in 2022 while texas, florida, tennessee, the carolinas, utah, idaho saw massive gains. it's not only just about taxes. a lot of this is related to the dirt and some government regulation surrounding development. for example, california and man other liberal states are experiencing a severe housing shortage. why would they have a housing shortage when so many people ar leaving? that's because prices are soaring making these states unaffordable because it costs s much more to build a house because of all the burdensome regulations. by the way at that point it
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becomes unaffordable for many americans. as a result california's homeless population is now the largest by far in the country. to make matters worse, you have woke criminal justice policies, zero bail, defund and dismantle the police and destroy california's major cities, whic are littered with open air drug markets and all these homeless encampments. california is also home to one of the largest populations of illegal immigrants, not only is california a sanctuary state, but it also provides cash benefits and taxpayer-funded health care to millions of illegal immigrants. and free education and free healthcare and free pretty much everything. meanwhile law-abiding californians are now forced to adapt to new restrictions every single year including bans on gas powered mowers and chain saws and other equipment. and more disturbing than that, the state schools and other
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institutions are obsessed with equity, critical race theory. let's not forget california was also home to some of the worst covid lockdowns in the country. of course that didn't affect gavin newsom. he continued to enjoy his fanciful dinners out with friends when nobody else in california could. most restaurants were not allowed to be open at the time he was enjoying that dinner. his kids remained in his privat schools that he is paying for. meanwhile all the kids in california public schools were not allowed to attend school in person. schools in florida, for example opened successfully in august 2020. by the way, no mask mandates either. make no mistake, newsom is a terrible politician. a sad excuse for a leader. recently while multiple countie in california were experiencing a state of emergency due to severe winter weather, newsom was enjoying a tropical vacatio in mexico. compare that to governor desantis.
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his leadership in the wake of hurricane ian, it is not a mystery. there is a reason california, new york, illinois, new jersey and all these other states are dying and florida, texas, the carolinas and tennessee are flourishing. take a look. >> when the world went mad, florida stood as a refuge of sanity, a citadel of freedom fo people throughout the united states and indeed throughout th world. we empower people to make their own choices. if you look over the last for years, we have witnessed a grea american exodus from states governed by leftist politicians imposing leftist ideology and delivering poor results. in florida, we will never surrender to the woke mob. our state is where woke goes to die. >> governor desantis as i mentioned will deliver his stat of the state address tomorrow. is brand-new book, the courage to be free, is already a number one bestseller.
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he is joining us. florida governor, ron desantis. great to have you back. thank you. >> good evening and thanks for having me. >> let's start with what we hav is so glaring to me. for 175 years the state of california always gained population. people would move to the golden state and move west, et cetera. that is now not only stop the last three years, they are losing almost 1000 residents a day while you are gaining nearl 1000 residents per day. tell us why you think this is happening. >> sean, you hit the nail on th head. for about 175 years americans built a path to california. no one left california. it probably has more natural advantages than any state in th country. as a naval officer i spent time stationed at coronado outside san diego. absolutely beautiful place. and yet when i became governor,
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we started for the first time i florida seeing california license plates in our state. i can tell you a lot of my supporters were spooked because they didn't know how these people would vote. it turns out a lot of these folks were people like us. they were disaffected by the ba policies. they were upset at the taxation. they were upset how the government operated. they were upset about crime. district attorneys let criminal run riled and they were frustrated with the covid lockdown policies. we created a perfect storm for people to uproot themselves and move across the entire united states to places like florida. i tell you, i always ask them because it's one thing to move from the north to a warmer climate. california has good weather. are you glad they did it? everyone has been glad they hav moved to florida. >> let me ask you about the battle with gavin newsom. he actually said these words, welcome to the real freedom state, california. that's what he said. you responded by saying that
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your state is hemorrhaging population to my state of florida. you have gone out there on the record and said that your immigration plan would invalidate governor newsom's id for illegal immigrants, newsom shot back that ron desantis is using my words as pawns. aren't sanctuary states, aren't they aiding and abetting lawbreaking? isn't it against the law to enter this country without proper permission? >> of course. in florida we are not a sanctuary state. when i became governor we banne sanctuary cities. the rule of law is important. of course we are not going to recognize lawless identificatio that are done by california. california has abandoned the rule of law. they are a sanctuary state. they don't follow federal immigration laws. the soros prosecutors pick and choose which laws to enforce.
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there will be people in los angeles who will get mugged on the street and the prosecutor will not bring charges against these guys and they end up goin out and victimize other people. i think public safety is incredibly important. when you abandon the rule of law , you end up getting a lot of results they have had in california and people respond b fleeing the jurisdiction. >> governor, you have taken on the issue of woke ideology and the fight of woke ideology as you call it. you said you are not content to keep taxes low and stay out of anything else and that you believe that woke ideology is pernicious and that your policies are helping to protect people from having the woke ideology shoved down their throats in institution after institution after institution. we see this in education. we see this pretty much in ever aspect of life. what specifically are you talking about when you say woke
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ideology? >> so, we are doing a couple things. one, the recognition. i could win a landslide electio by 1.5 million votes and the left can still try to impose it agenda through all these other avenues of society. we recognize that threat more than just what happens in the legislature. you need to win those fights. for example, we have done thing like man critical race carrier in k-12. no gender ideology. we got in a tussle with disney. second graders shouldn't be tol they are born in the wrong body. now with public universities we are eliminating these programs which are basically ideological indoctrination. they or racially discriminatory and it has spread like wildfire throughout almost every college in the united states. we are upholding the concept of individual merit, treating people as individuals and based on the content of their character, not trying to divvy up people by race as part of some woke sweepstakes.
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>> let me talk about the issue, the two issues that became controversies and you came unde fire over. for example, education. k through 3rd grade only, the issue of crt and gender identity . you said it will not be taught in schools. many of your critics try to cal that the don't say gay bill. the word gay was not in the bill . correct me if i am wrong. >> exactly. this was a narrative that was put out by the left and it was not true. but you know the corporate press , they are very partisan. they took it. even to this day, win clearly it's not an accurate descriptio of what happens, these outlets refer to it that way. here's the thing. we had a referendum on this on the election. parents across florida, regardless of political party agreed with us that we need to focus our education on the basics. teaching kids to read and write
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and teaching them to add and subtract and teach about scienc and history. we don't need to be injecting concepts like gender ideology into the schools, particularly with the young kids. >> let me ask you about the crt debate. that became an opportunity. your critics, people on the left , throw around the hour word . people are racist. when i looked at the course itself and the tendons that wer being taught and discussed, crt these are their words and not mine. quote, black, studies they called them. why would this be taught in school? why is this being discussed? i'm having a hard time understanding why it's even controversial work why is there this push? it doesn't sound like education to me. that is not reading, writing, math, history and computers or preparing someone for a career. that sounds like an agenda that is far different than anything educational that would serve an educational purpose.
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>> it is pure indoctrination an it's effectively neil marxism. they are trying to jam this theory into this. they are trying to jam concepts like crt. that is the standard that the florida board of education rejected that proposed ap course . the media lied about that too. they tried to say that the stat of florida doesn't want to teac you about different aspects of african-american history. in reality our state law and standards require teaching all aspects of u.s. history including history involving african-americans from slavery on. we are doing it right. that is factual history. we are not going to let them hijack that to try to advance a left-wing agenda. >> i know it's a question that lot of people have been asking and there is a lot of speculation that you might be getting into the 2020 for presidential race. i know your answer but i hate t ask this question. what is your answer?
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>> it is all good, sean. i appreciate it. i have my state of the state tomorrow. we have a great legislative session coming up. we swept a lot of people into office. that's a vindication of what we did the last for years. it's an opportunity. we are laser focused on that. we do have the book the courage to be free. give us a few months. we will put up a lot of wins an we will be in a better position to make a decision about the future. >> is it fair to say you are thinking about it? >> i think it is fair to say that i have people coming up to me and asking me to do it all the time. i am very good about putting on step in front of the other and focusing on the task at hand. i don't get too down the far th field with anything. i have to execute the mission here. as we get beyond that we will take a look. >> i have people coming up to m that time not asking me that question. i can promise you that. good luck with your state of th state address tomorrow.
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thank you for being with us. we have a busy news night. coming up tonight atlanta. we will bring you the latest with marjorie taylor greene. also biden suffered through another series of bizarre blunders and he fell one more time climbing up the steps to air force one. we will check in with kailee mackanin any and mike huckabee. later my interview with president trump and much more straight ahead.
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you know what the number one best-selling book in the world is? it's the bible.
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it's been that year after year, after year, after year. it's the number one selling book in all of history. why? because it's god's word. it's god's word from cover to cover. every word is true. do i understand it all? no, but i believe it all. and if you put your faith and trust in god, whose word never changes, you'll never be disappointed. see god tells us in his word that he loves us, and he sent his son from heaven to this earth to take our sins, that he died and shed his blood on a cross for our sins. if you've never trusted jesus as your savior, do it right now. just pray this prayer with me. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry. i want to turn from my sins. i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him as my savior and follow him as my lord. amen. if you prayed that prayer, call that number right now that's on the screen. we've got people that would like to speak with you, pray with you but if you don't have a bible, tell them and they'll send you one. god bless you.
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as far left group of rioter in atlanta launched an all out assault on the site of a future police training facility over the weekend. the violent mob through volatil molotov cocktails, bricks, rock and assaulted police officers
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and let construction equipment on fire. 35 people arrested. almost all of them from out-of-state. one of the only locals apprehended was an attorney fro the very liberal southern poverty law center. this is a group that prides itself on tracking domestic terrorist organizations and frankly going after conservatives. now one of their own lawyers ha been charged with domestic terrorism. local authorities say the attac was part of an organized international effort to target the site. in response to this incident, georgia republican congresswoma marjorie taylor greene is now drafting a resolution that woul designate antifa a terrorist organization. she joins us now. congresswoman, thanks for being with us. we appreciate it. let me ask you this. have you identified the specifi affiliated groups and people will responsible for this or most of them? >> well, they have been arrested .
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over 30 of them were arrested for this attack on the police. this is an attack on our government. sean, this has been going on fo years and years. antifa are domestic terrorist and it's time we recognize them as domestic terrorist. they have attacked our courthouses, our government buildings, torn down monuments, attacked the police. in the summer of 2020 they actually burned over 90 something police vehicles, attacked police officers, attacked police headquarters. enough is enough. here in atlanta this has been going on for months and months where they have been attacking the site of a future atlanta police training facility. we need that in atlanta. atlanta is one of the cities in america that has the worst crim rates because of the pathetic democratic control in the city of atlanta. we are fed up with it. i am introducing my resolution tomorrow to declare antifa a domestic terrorist.
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>> we had 570 for riots in the summer of 2020. very few people involved in those riots have been held accountable, but yet we have al this video evidence if they wanted to prosecute the people involved. we have thousands and injured cops, billions in property damage and a couple dozen dead americans. the only riot that people in washington seem to care about was january 6th. and even last year holt recentl reported on nbc of all places that there was intelligence going back weeks that there wer organizers that wanted trouble that day. they knew about it ahead of tim and did nothing to stop it. why ignore 570 for riots and only focus on one? >> that is exactly right. this is an organized effort by the left. at something that every single american needs to take seriously . i don't care how you vote. as we are preparing on the oversight committee to
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investigate the dc jail and bring them in for the atrocitie they have committed, humans rights abuses against the pretrial january 6th defendants for the riot on january 6th at the capitol, all of these attacks that antifa has done to our country, our government and police officers, burning american cities and killing people has been largely ignored. we cannot tolerate this anymore sean. people are fed up with it. this is a war on the american people. it has been brought to us by th left. antifa are the ground troops of the democratic party. think about it. kamala harris sharing the bail bond link. here is atlanta antifascist wit their own twitter account and social media. they are sharing a fund to rais people to get people out of jail . you know where they come from? only two are from georgia. the rest are from all over the country and even out of the country. france and canada. would of course you wouldn't be
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surprised to find out that the southern poverty law center, their own attorney was one of them. this is who the democrat party is. they are the domestic terrorist. antifa needs to be held accountable. the department of justice bette start doing their job. >> congresswoman, thank you. we appreciate that report. joe biden might or might no run for reelection before announcing his intentions. joe is quite literally, here we go again, stumbling out of the gate, falling yet again trying to board air force one. that was yesterday. biden's struggles are so real, even he cannot ignore them. take a look at this. >> my fire company at home save my life. i came back from a trip after being away for a couple days an i had these terrible headaches and was diagnosed with having a- anyway. they had to take the top of my
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head off a couple times to see if i had a brain. >> by the way, after that speec as usual, joe had no idea where i was going. he shakes hands with air. it's getting so bad democrats are now considering bringing back hillary clinton and even talking about replacing him wit al gore. god help us. here's the author of the new book serenity in the storm. kayleigh mcenany is with us along with former arkansas governor mike huckabee. thank you both. he is obviously not prepared to run. the fact that the democrats are now considering maybe we should go back to al gore or hillary clinton, that seems like a sign of desperation to me. all i see in the republican party from trump on down is a deep, solid bench of really strong america first, make america great again conservatives that would do a great job in an administration.
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>> it tells you a lot. al gore, hillary clinton? that is a rerun. it didn't. the first time and it's not going to work this time. there is a robust bench to your point on the side of the republican party. joe biden, he is going to be coordinated. that's what's going to happen. he will not have a meaningful primary challenge. we all remember mary williamson. it's not going to work out. i remember being on air force one taking off with president trump. he would be setting off for fiv rallies. i could barely keep up with the man. then you would see joe biden's team calling a lid at 9:33 a.m. calling a lid. no more events for the day. he was able to sleep his way through the 2020 campaign thank to covid-19. he cannot do that this time. i have red reporting that his allies and those supporting him are counting on the fact that they believe that president
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trump will be the nominee and will pick a fight with the presidential debate commission and therefore joe biden will no have to debate. good luck with that. trump trounced joe biden in a debate the last time around. i watched it. it was the third presidential debate. hiding again will not work. >> governor huckabee, we have watched these races unfold over the years. they really seem to be rudderless. when you talk to democrats, eve privately, nobody that i know that is a democrat wants him to run again. they all see what we see. they see a man that is frankly weak, frail and struggling mightily cognitively. everybody sees it. nobody thinks he is physically or mentally up to the job. there is just a few of us that are willing to say it publicly. >> only 37% of democrats even want him to run. that is pretty embarrassing whe your own party basically says 6
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out of 10 don't even want you t show up for the battle. i think he is headstrong to do it. if they are going to go back an get hillary or al gore, just keep going back in history. maybe go back to the real icon fdr. i remember a few years ago bear bryant had past away for quite some time and alabama was struggling in the football program. there were bumper strips all over alabama that would say get the bear, dig him up. i'm thinking that democrats new slogan will be fdr, dig him up. that is where they are going. they are going to the past, not the future. it may be the only shot they've got. >> exit question for both of you . does gavin newsom want to get i and will he get in? >> he wants to get in, will not get in. joe biden is about to be coordinated. >> governor? >> he wants to get in, will get in and will be cremated. [ laughter]
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>> i cannot top that. i think i am with governor huckabee. he wants to get in and will fin a way in. thank you both. straight ahead tonight, we will show you highlights from president trump's see pack speech and my exclusive interview with him straight ahead. you don't want to miss it. through the pandemic, can see if it may qualify for a payroll tax refund of up to $26,000 per employee, even if it received ppp, and all it takes is eight minutes to get started. then we'll work with you to fill out your forms and submit the application; that easy. and if your business doesn't get paid, we don't get paid. has helped businesses like yours claim over $2 billion but it's only available for a limited time. go to, powered by innovation refunds.
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is directly trashing the u.s. in a speech. apparently he's not afraid of joe biden. earlier today the 45th presiden of the united states, donald trump, joined me on my radio show to discuss china, russia, inflation, energy and so much more. i asked him why he thinks
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vladimir putin would not have invaded ukraine if he was president. let's listen. >> why wouldn't it not have happened if you were president. >> parler understood that you cannot do it. don't forget under bush they take over georgia. under obama they took over crimea. and under biden they have taken over everything. it looks like they will take over everything. they will go for the whole enchilada. they are going for everything. that's what it looks like to me. that's not what you hear on the fake news, but that's what it looks like to me. under trump, you know what they took over? they took over nothing. the first president in a long time. he understood. he never would have done it. that's without even negotiating a deal. i could have negotiated. china no longer respects the united states. it's sad. they don't respect us. they are talking about taiwan. they are looking at what we do.
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they are looking at all of the stupidity. i tell you a terrible thing is what happened in afghanistan with the taliban. what happened in afghanistan an the fact that we left early, we actually left early. we were supposed to leave late. we left early. the fact that that happens, sean , was so bad and that is what gave putin the boost. he never would have done it wit us. he would have not done it for another reason. number one, he wouldn't have done it. he wouldn't have done it becaus i would have had oil down to $4 per barrel. it was up to $115 for a while. we were energy independent, better than anybody. we or soon to be energy dominant . we would be so dominant that we would've started paying off the debt. we would have been reducing taxes further. i gave the largest tax cut. i gave the largest cuts. the largest tax cuts and larges regulation cuts in history. no president came close.
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that is why we created an engin the likes of nobody has seen until covid. then i did it again. >> the former president also gave his annual address to see pack over the weekend laying ou in no uncertain terms what is really at stake in 2020 for. take a look. >> there is only one president in history that is taken on the entire corrupt establishment in washington. when we win in 2020 for we will do it again stronger, faster an better. we are nation in decline. our enemies are desperate to stop us because they know we ar the only ones who can stop then. it is so important the people i this room. they know we can defeat them. they know we will defeat them. but they are not coming after me . they are coming after you. i am just standing in their way. that's all i am doing. i am standing in their way.
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that is why i am here today. that is why i am standing befor you. we are going to finish what we started. we started something. we are going to complete the mission. we are going to see this battle through to ultimate victory. we are going to make america great again. but we have no choice. if we don't do this, our countr will be lost forever. people are tired of rhinos and globalists. they want to see america first. that is what they want. it's not too complicated. this is the final battle. they know it, i know it, you know it. everybody knows it. either they win or we win.
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and if they win, we no longer have a country. if you put me back in the white house there rain is over. the rain will be over and they know it. america will be a free nation once again. we are not a free nation now. we don't have free press. we don't have free anything. in 2016 i declared i am your voice. today i had, i am your warrior. i am your justice. for those who have been wronged and betrayed, i am your retribution. i am your retribution. i will not let this happen. >> that wasn't all president trump unveiled. he unveiled policy ideas from building new freedom cities to new protections for parents, school choice and much more. take a look. >> our objective will be a quantum leap in the american standard of living especially for our young people. as i announced yesterday we wil hold a competition to build new freedom cities on the frontier
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to give countless americans a new shot at homeownership and the american dream. at such a wonderful, beautiful thing. on day one i will revoke joe biden's crazy executive order installing marxist, diversity and inclusion and equity czars in every federal agency. i will immediately terminate al staffers hired to implement thi horrible agenda. i will fight for parents rights. can you believe believe that here we are. i am saying i will fight for parents rights. who would think you would have to say parents rights? don't you think parents have pretty good rights? who would think you have to say it. you do, because they took the rights away. including universal school choice and the direct election of school principals by the parents. we want the school principal to be appointed and elected by parents. you will get some good principles then.
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because economic security is national security, i will revok china's most favored nation trade status immediately on day one. i will implement a for year pla to phase out all chinese importance of essential goods and gain total independence fro china. we have to do it. we have to do it. i stand here today and i am the only candidate who can make thi promise. i will prevent and very easily and world war iii. very easily. and we will keep men out of women's sports. how ridiculous. that will take place on day one.
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i will destroy the illegal censorship regime and bring bac free speech in america because we do not have free speech. i will stop joe biden's demolition of our economy with his crushing inflation and mass layoffs. we will take care of inflation very, very quickly. coming up, chris rock hit back, finally, at will smith fo his infamous oscar slap heard around the world in his new comedy special, the left. the left is triggered. we will show you what he said. adam corolla will react, ahead. . i love the confidence. i love that i can blast this beautiful smile and make the world smile with me. i would totally say aspen dental changed my life. aspen dental makes new smiles affordable. right now, get 20% off dentures. we do anything to make you smile.
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hi, i'm michael, i've lost 62 pounds on golo and i have kept it off. most of the weight that i gained was strictly in my belly which is a sign of insulin resistance. but since golo, that weight has completely gone away, as you can tell.
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thanks to golo and release, i've got my life and my health back.
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and his new netflix special selective outrage chris rock address the infamous slap heard around the world from will smit
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at last year's oscars. take a look. >> you all know what happened t me, getting smacked by shook smith. i got smacked [ bleep ] by this [ bleep ] . people didn't hurt. it still hurts. but i am not a victim, baby. you will never see me on opera or gale crying. i took that hit like paquiao, [ bleep ] . everybody knows what happen. everybody that really knows, knows i had nothing to do with that [ bleep ] . i didn't have any entanglements. everybody called him a [ bleep . everybody! everybody! and who does he hit? me. [ bleep ] . he knows he can beat. >> here with reaction, the host of the adam corolla show, adam corolla. i thought it was great. i loved every minute of it. he said a couple of things.
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that smith's wife hurt him way more than his joke did. he says everyone knows what really happened. he said i didn't have entanglements, meaning a relationship with smith's white. and then says smith's wife had an affair with a sun's friend. what was your reaction to it? i thought it was funny and well deserved. >> i thought it was great. unfortunately i did not see it live because i spent $100 on a pay-per-view mma fight that lasted 81 seconds. >> but it was worth it. i watched it. >> i liked the fact that he sai he was in a victim and i liked the fact that he didn't lawyer of and he didn't sue. he did what comedians do, which as you take a situation, sometimes it's a tragic situation, or it's and adverse situation and turn it into comedy. we sort of forgot how comedy works. that's how it works.
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you take situations that are uncomfortable, painful and sometimes tragic and then you turn them into comedy. for some reason, we have decide we don't want comedians getting into that anymore. but that is their job. >> what i love about dave chappelle or chris rock, even though i don't like his politics , bill marked, there is only a small group of people, i seems, that have the freedom to say whatever they want. there is not going to be a canceling. there is not going to be a firing. there is not going to be a boycott. i want every comedian to have that freedom. if you don't like it, don't watch it. >> yeah, well, they have joined a select group of people who don't apologize. the mob leaves you alone when you don't apologize. that's what they want. they are a stray cat. they want the saucer of milk. >> you've got to admit that trump-
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>> right. they will never ask him for an apology. they will never demand he apologize. they never leave him alone, but they will never ask for an apology or force him to apologize because he's on that list. >> as a conservative i have lived this my entire career. people wanting to cancel, fire, boycott. why do conservatives always the target? >> because the same people that never stop harping about mccarthyism are the modern-day practitioners of mccarthyism. it's all the hollywood people trying to get people fired from their jobs over thoughts that they disagree with. that is mccarthyism. >> adam corolla, always great t have you. that was a great special. if you haven't watched it, it's on netflix. more hannity after this.
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>> sean: i'll be hosting three live audience shows this week, wednesday, thursday, and friday if you want to be part of the audience just go to information how to get to get their absolutely free we love to see you. unfortunately that's all the time we have left this evening, thank you so much for megan shall possible. please set your dvr and never missed an episode and in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled, hello laura. >> laura: sean, how are you? my knee is rehabbing but i will show but when you're live shows you're not can know your staff already knows i'm going to show up but you are knocking to know they are going to know. >> sean: the audience will stay and watch her show. because you are buying the shots of tequila for some and to say otherwise. i throw like a hundred footballs every night. >> laura: tequila they will stay. we have it fro