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tv   America Reports  FOX News  March 6, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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lot! >> tech: schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit >> john: fox news alert, the nypd for the suspect here, wanted for shooting the 67-year-old cashier dead at a convenience store in new york city's upper east side. >> gillian: they say the color has a distinct pattern for it he
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dons a hazmat suit, face mask before appearing out armed robberies, and now a chilling warning from law enforcement that face masks would be a telltale sign of imminent da danger. >> we are going to tell cabdrivers to do the same. don't allow anyone that you cannot see in your car. because once they are in there, they are going to rob you, they are going to kill you, they are going to take your life. >> john: what a difference crime makes to the way that we comport ourselves, america reports roles into a second hour, i am john roberts, good to be with you on this monday. >> gillian: i am gillian turner in for sandra today, we are coming up this hour, also keeping an eye on the press briefing, and the city of d.c. is pulling it's a controversial crime bill after it bucked its own party over, and does the writing on the wall supporting soft-on-crime
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policies, and we continue out west. >> john: the tale of two's dates, and political rivals come 2024, governor newsom and florida governor ron desantis drawing a stark contrast in their governing styles. >> gillian: the tax policies going annually, and ron desantis is trying now to position himself as the anti-newsome, he says that the sunshine state sells itself with no income tax and less business regulation. >> john: don't forget he is coming for your gas cars in the shift to electric vehicles, and your lawn mower is no longer safe after state ban sales view gas powered lawn equipment, though the state is paying the price for all of it with residents packing their bags to move elsewhere, including florida which is now the nation's fastest growing state. california resident steve hilton
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has something to say about that, just ahead. >> gillian: first we go to governor newsom's preparation task force coverage, upping the cost, the price tag that it wants to use to compensate black americans for slavery in past discrimination over the decades of public is getting his first chance to weigh in at a hearing. listen to this. >> there is only one thing that would stop our children from busting into the used liquor stores and grocery stores, stealing junk food and stealing different things, and that is reparations. >> including fully funding there were educational tuition, materials and supplies, certification, credentialing, insurance, business license fees, and cpr and mpr training requirements. >> racism, ignorance, stupidity is a way of life here in ame america. >> gillian: kelly o'grady has more from the l.a. newsroom, what is the word on how the state plans to pay for the
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program which protectively will cost billions of dollars? >> right now there is no indication yet on how this would be funded and that's where the outreach is coming from, and let's remember the $22 billion budget deficit that would put an even bigger burden on taxpayers, some whom critics argue had no hand in the past 400 years. now this new reparations proposal could cost the state over half a trillion dollars each descendant of would get a check up from the original 20,000. roughly with 1.8 million african americans in california come the state would look at roughly $650 billion. and many would allocate land as well as programs and services, the tax wars has until july 1st for their final recommendations, but it with hundreds voicing their support. >> i think that we should be
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receiving land cash, economic resources, we need to dismantle the oppressive practices of the people that we share these community us with, i.e. modern-day slavery, mass incarceration is still a form. >> with california secretary of state chairing a model for other states. saying if california can admit it sins and change the narrative there is a way forward for states and cities across the nation. now the task force will be providing like him don't make recommendations not for some time, but critics point out part of our inflation crisis came from handouts is more money the right answer? we will see. >> gillian: kelly o'grady this afternoon, thank you. >> john: ron desantis likes to say florida is where woke goes to die. but if woke won't come to florida, it seems a governor will take its battle to the woke, he heads to california to call out what's different in the sunshine state in the golden state, blaming democratic governor gavin newsom for driving people out of the state.
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the u.s. tour not stopping th there, expected to tout the leadership in primary states with upcoming visits from new hampshire, let's bring in the next revolution. next resolution next to decembeh you. i just want to play a little bit of what ron desantis said when he appeared looking very presidential at the reagan library. listen here. >> from the beginning of this state's history all the way until the last four or five years, people beat a path to california, not away from california, and yet now you see the state hemorrhaging population. >> john: last republican twin men california was bush california 1988. don't expect he would have a chance if he runs for president in 2024, but making the comparison between california and florida for him carries a lot of capital.
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>> exactly, the paddocks are on his side, highly inconvenient facts were gavin newsom to support the argument you heard their witches for the first time in a hundred 70 years of california's existence as a state, we lost a congressional seat because the population is declining because people are leaving. and it's not just people who are leaving come of the of california's wealth and opportunity is leaving. the businesses are actually creating come of the things that people use to flock to california for coming to see them left and right, hewlett-packard, one of the iconic companies and the list goes on of companies who just can't stand anymore the combination of high taxes, ridiculous overregulation, and the fact that their employees can't afford to live anywhere, because housing costs are so high because of regulation, the fact that the crime is out of control because of the far left policies, because of the restrictions on everything else that causes the cost of living in california to be so much higher than anywhere else in the
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country. paying the highest taxes and seems to have the worst outcomes, the highest positivity just to pick one example, the model that gavin newsom argues is the thing that the rest of the country should follow is completely broken. everyone can see it. that's why people are leaving. speak to you and michael shellenberger on the same page here. here's what he says california used to be like. he said "california boasted a pioneering public education system where every child no matter how poor could receive a good education. it had affordable suburbs built around nuclear families, growing and quadrupling its population after world war ii. in a word, california represented progress. now the state has become america's shadow self. it took a long time for it to get there, but it is they are. it's a way different place than it used to be. >> exactly, and people need to remember, we focus a lot on gavin newsom for obvious reasons, he is a figurehead in terms of state leadership, but a
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lot of these terrible policies are coming out of state legislature, there you have had total democratic control of both chambers for 25 plus years. a quarter of the century, no republican involvement really and the laws and regulations that come out that affect the state. just one thing i would pick up from what my goal quite rightly rode in terms of the education system and it goes to the reparations system, it's true that we need much more work to be done to create real opportunity for everyone regarding race, so look at the public schools, on average black kids in california's public schools are four years behind white kids, because of the public schools run by the teacher unions that are pushing the reparations plan, it does not get to the real problem, which is the fact that the public services like education are just collapsing. >> john: you know, gavin newsom hits back as well, he does not just sit there and
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let ron desantis hit him on the chain. here is what he rode in a tweet about ron desantis. he said hey governor brown desantis, you're struggling and distracted playing politics with people's lives, since you have only one overriding need, attention, let's take this out to debate. i will bring my hair gel, you bring your hair spray. i'm ron desantis made a comment that he thought that hair gel had modeled his brain. that was last fall that he tweeted that. but if these two ended up going head-to-head, the presidential contest, maybe not 2024, but 2028 it would be an interesting battle. >> clearly, but the thing that is hilarious about gavin newsom with all of these problems going on in the state, he seems completely obsessed actually with treating the limb and tweeting at ron desantis and other red state governors is who he focuses his amber and beyond. and i talked about it on my show and said we have to stop them tweeting, people can go right now and tell them we set up a petition, gavin stop
11:11 am, because we needed to focus on the real issues. i think that california can get back to that california dream if you like that michael was riding about. and i don't think that it is inconceivable that in the years ahead people will be so fed up with how things have gone under this one-party rule from the democrats that we will see republicans back in control in california, because it seems to me the far left can only push people so far before you get -- if you get the revolution against it. >> john: we were talking about the mamas and pop was a little earlier this afternoon, getting back to the california dream might not be bad. great to see you, we'll see you next weekend. >> john: all of the leaves are brown and the sky is gray. >> in the, great song, one of my favorites, dream a little dream of me. we should have a mama's and papa's appreciation >> john: and the birds. >> gillian: you guys watch, right? that would be great.
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as john likes to mention a lot of the lyrics are pilfered. >> john: like 70% of the song i think, straight out of the bible. >> gillian: i still love them anyway. there's too this, president biden is facing the call from the republicans to press president xi on covid's origins, the spy balloon and tiktok, now where it's spending a lot of the government's fortune, that is raising some red flags over at the pentagon. >> john: plus the city council looking to backtrack on controversial changes to its criminal code as president biden suggests democrats need to get tough on crime. what a turnaround. seems they do not get the house, why can jeffrey says that democrats have a record of cracking down on criminals. speak of the d.c. government's response to this right now is to hand out car locks, wheel locks to people who are worried about getting their car stolen. the district needs to be a safe
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>> gillian: this just in the fox news police are releasing the identities of protesters who attacked a lane of police officers and their $90 million training facility also throwing molotov cocktails at officers per 23 people charged with domestic terrorism. turns out just two her from the state of georgia. let's bring in charles watson who joins us from atlanta. hi, charles. >> hi, jillian, as you mentioned the majority of the protesters arrested after that clash with police or from outside of georgia, they come from at least a dozen other states and at least two are from outside of the country. one from france, and another one from canada. the rest are from states spread out across the entire country
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including arizona, massachusetts, and indiana. in video released by the atlanta police department you can see things get violent very quickly at the side of the city proposed police and firefighter training facility often referred to as cop city. you see protesters dressed in black with their faces covered, and constriction -- construction equipment on fire at police, some of those projectiles just narrowly missing officers as they try to duck for cover, according to the defending of the atlanta forest, the group that opposes the training site, police got it wrong saying in part the statement, police arrested people with no connection to or awareness of the action on the other side of the nearly 600-acre forest and gillian, a few moments ago, police did release some of the photos from some of the suspects who were arrested in this clash with police. we know that at least 23 of them are charged with domestic
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terrorism and here in georgia, that carries a maximum sentence of 35 years in prison, gillian. >> gillian: that is a long time, charles watson in atlanta for us, thank you. >> john: to that horrifying killing in new york city, police are on the hunt for a man in a hazmat suit with killing one bodega worker and robbed another pair at his first incident happened on the upper east side where the gunman shot the worker in the head. not long after the gunmen responded at this daily in the bronx, police say the court extolled $12,000, cigarettes and some other items before getting away on a scooter. >> gillian: here in washington today, the city council chairman says he will withdraw the criminal justice bill that the g.o.p. had vowed to block. it's unclear if he can do that, and the senate is still planning for a vote anyway they tell us. president biden enraged some of his fellow democrats when he said he would not veto public provisions to the bill. if it came to his desk.
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let's bring in fox news contributor and national review institute fellow. douglas, this d.c. city council crime bill is seems turning into somewhat of a litmus test for politicians at the national level here in washington. >> of course it is, and it comes to what has come up in your previous segments, and we are increasingly unsafe, and just saw the result of the race in chicago and mayor lori lightfoot except for the crime on the city for her losing her role. and they wanted her to stop, mayor adams in new york has quite rightly said if we don't get a grip on the crime we will lose a lecture. democrats, moderate democrats should learn from the episode. what is happening in washington
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is a demonstration that the moderate democrats are trying to learn from a fiasco and in chicago. >> gillian: the senate plans to vote on the legislation even if the city council re-sends it. take a listen to senator cornyn talk into a john roberts moments ago. it speak of the d.c. city council was out of control, another sort of signal that we don't respect the police and the important role they play into lower criminal that will make crime gets worse, not better. so i expect a strong bipartisan vote later this week. >> gillian: that something you don't see every day, voting on legislation that is not going before them. they feel strongly about it. >> stopping minimum sentencing for very serious offenses, where
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if you go light on them then everything else in the city breaks down. we are talking about things like burglary, robbery, carjacking, the idea that any city in america would go lighter on these crimes, and striking most people across the aisle as preposterous, and as they say, the more moderate democrats as well as on the republicans realize that very clearly, and just as we know, it's the anti-police movement within the democratic party, there is a soft on crime elements, the belief that there will be a messy period in criminal, but we get social justice somehow on the other side, and american cities like chicago and washington, like d.c. and new york, increasingly unsafe, and goes across the political aisles, and whether or not the democrats will respond with the
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root extreme wing. >> gillian: we have to leave it there, thanks for taking time, we appreciate it. john. the two of the china defensive budget is growing big time, and now a new poll shows, when compared to america's other funds. >> gillian: plus new emails from dr. fauci about the origins of covid in the wuhan lab leak theory, what those emails reveal and why g.o.p. lawmakers say the points to a cover-up, we have jonathan turley who will join us in just a moment. >> so we continue to do gain-of-function research in the united states, but even worse around the world and europe, in the netherlands, and china where we don't know what they are doing this for. what the end point is is scary stuff. ♪ ♪ your monpayments? pay off your high-payment car loan with an affordable home loan from newday and save hundreds every month. there are no upfront fees to apply.
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chinese budgets roughly twice what it was just a decade ago, a new qualifying that 50% of americans now called china our greatest enemy. that is up dramatically from just 20% three years ago. covid. senior foreign affairs correspondent is live with more on this from london. and what have chinese officials been saying about the military? >> just the last couple of days china has been confirming it is indeed adding to the military might. the word comes at a meeting of the rubber stamp parliament, which among other things is bolstering xi jinping's hold on the communist party. the country, and the military. he is commander in chief. while the budget had just under a trillion dollars is less than the pentagon spending, experts say that beijing regularly understates the force over for the military and that has been steadily increasing. for example it standing army, the biggest in the world as it is its navy, its batteries and missiles, quadrants and fighter
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jets and nuclear weapons are all growing fast, john. all of this due to the chinese officials over the weekend escalating external threats to contain china. which requires beijing to intensify military training and preparedness across the board. and going to get a lot of attention lately as it flexes the military muscles around taiwan, the self governed island, and beijing says it is its own and threatens to harm big time its ally russia and war with ukraine. and you are right, number one enemy according to the latest polls, china and the united states right now is the number one for the last three years or so, so there is a growing alarm about what is happening over there. back to you. >> john: they have all of this money from the trade deficit to fund with. and gillian. >> gillian: how are the president and lawmakers on capitol hill dealing with growing concerns with china over out, joining us from
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capitol hill, hey i show. >> hey, gillian, good afternoon and good to see you. congress is really blocking and step on the china threat, they are taking action. a lot more to come this week. "the wall street journal" reporting that the pentagon, and now concerned about chinese made cranes add to reports across the u.s. that could be used as spying tools. now take a look at this with me. the journal writes that they contain sophisticated sensors that can register and track their providence and destination of containers prompting concern that china could have information about material being shipped in or out of the country to support like u.s. military operations around the world. >> i mean, this has national security risk, we don't know if china has the ability to flip a switch and make those cranes inoperable. we need to focus 100% of our
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efforts on this. make sure we are providing some type of manufacturing replacement in the united states of america. >> so here on capitol hill, there is growing bipartisan calls for action across different issues like the fentanyl epidemic to covid, likely coming from a lab, mark warner and republican whip john boone will introduce bipartisan legislation to be able to ban foreign technology and that could include the widely popular social media app tiktok health, also really quickly, some news developing on the hill in the last hour, gillian. reuters is reporting that speaker kevin mccarthy will now meet with the president of taiwan on u.s. soil, and that this meeting could potentially replace a potential mccarthy trip to taiwan, we reached out to his office and so far we are only getting a no comments on this.
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but that would be a big change in plans that we have heard reported in the past couple of weeks about a potential trip to that island. possibly now changing. >> gillian: possibly a change for u.s. policy as well, and on capitol hill for us, thank you. >> john: house republicans gearing up for their first hearing on cordial and don't men covid origins as brand-new emails just revealed show how dr. anthony fauci commissioned a study to disprove the wuhan lab theory back in 2020. questioning why the theory was dismissed by not only dr. fauci, but the mainstream media. let's bring in jonathan turley, constitutional law and fox news contributor. this was a very famous study that was done in the spring of 2020. they came out with a fairly definitive conclusion that covid could not have originated from a lab, improbable was the word that they used, but now we find after the revelation of these emails being released that it
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was dr. anthony fauci who commission that and had the final say on it. >> yes, john, i've not been a vocal critic of dr. fauci, but i do think he has been less than forthcoming on this issue. now obviously dr. fauci got a lot of things wrong, i mean, at the very beginning he praised china for being extraordinarily transparent and cooperative for a change. we still don't even know what that was based on. we know now that china basically destroyed evidence, arrested or threatened scientists, and all but shut down any efforts to find the origins of covid. now we are finding out that dr. anthony fauci was pushing this study and funding it. that's really disturbing when you put in the context of what we know was going on. we now know because of litigation that the cdc had back channels of social media to censor people to target people
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who would be suspended. we also know of course that various scientists were effectively silenced or shunned, and one of the criticisms that i have had with dr. anthony fauci and his colleagues as they really said nothing during this period. you know, i looked to these free-speech issues particularly. and as very qualified and respected scientists were being silenced and shunned, we did not hear a peep of objection from people like dr. fauci, to say you should not be suspending these people. you should allow this debate to occur on social media. because these are some of the best known scientists during that period. instead the media worked with cdc and they effectively shut down this debate. >> john: the big question that some members of congress have is why would dr. fauci go to such lengths to discount the possibility of a lab leak origin. here's what jim jordan said to maria bartiromo on senate futures yesterday, listen here.
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speak of the fundamental question is why was dr. fauci so consumed with making sure that the narrative was not about the lab? i think it's because they were doing data function research and he did not want that out and that was the narrative that everyone on the left bought into even though the facts and common sense may be most important point into the lab leak theory. >> john: the congressman is pointing to something sinister, what do you think? >> i think it could be a mix of different elements. first of all, the origin theory became sort of anti-trump talking point, because he would refer to this as the china virus, or the wuhan virus, and there coalesced an opposition calling it racist and a conspiracy theory, and once you see that sort of coalesced with what we seen in the past, and the media went straight with the narrative that there were no variation, anyone offering a dissenting view was swatted down, but we also know that many
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of the scientific voices we heard early on had connections to this lab and to this research. and said that does raise to very troubling questions about the bias that went into some of these initial efforts. i mean, it seems rather clear as it did then that the lab theory had to be plausible. do not mean that it was the correct theory, but you had a lab doing this research near the wet market and wuhan. you had a very competent and respected scientist saying we don't understand how this thing is constructed or how it could occur naturally, this does not answer the question, but instead of allowing the debate, the social media, many people in congress, and people at the cdc shut it down and made these people pariahs for even mentioning it. >> john: as joe concha observed, he said if there was an outbreak of chocolatey goodness in hershey,
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pennsylvania, they might expect the chocolate factory. and here's what newt gingrich said, this is the biggest scandal in american history. we now know the censorship and speech silencing as a part of the systematic effort of senior scientists to mislead the american people. jonathan, great to kick off the week with you. we will see you again soon. >> thanks, john. >> john: as branko berger awaits the trial for the murder although four college students, he is getting a lot of support surprisingly from fans online including love letters. >> john: what pathology explains that? tell me please. criminal defense attorney mark will break down some of the bizarre support and weigh in on his possible legal fate just ahead. meowd. ♪ ♪ at newday we make it easy. our newday 100 loan lets you combine your first mortgage, your second mortgage,
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♪ ♪ >> john: the fbi says it is searching for four americans missing in northern mexico, according to the embassy, a gunman kidnapped them as they entered a border town. a town notorious for recent years and gang violence among completing drug cartels. correspondent william la jeunesse has details in the los angeles newsroom. why were the americans they are in the first place? >> well, john, conflicting information on that. and exactly what happened. the fbi is saying very little. right now we are in limbo as to what we can report with attribution. however i can tell you what we are seeing on social media and hearing from reliable sources friday, four americans and a white van with north carolina plates crosses at the border of entry in the mexican state of tamil lupus, a short time later a gunfight and a kidnapping. and president said this morning that these were americans who
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crossed into mexico to buy medicine. there was a confrontation in the americans were detained. >> these sorts of attacks are unacceptable. our thoughts are with the families of these individuals, and we stand ready to provide all appropriate counsel or assistance. >> so mexico is an unstable country is cartels fight over the drug and human smuggling routes, we are told what heaven was the van crosses the border and may have blown through a cartel checkpoint prompting a chase, then he had to shoot out what dozens of rounds fired, and some video taken by a resident, you can see bodies in the street, gunman with rifles and bullet proof vests tossing at least one female in the back of the picture up. of the state police admit closing the school's on friday because of multiple gunfights and at least one fatality. we don't know if that was an american. this is 1 of 6 mexican states already on the state department do not travel list. several other states it says
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think twice about going, so out of 32 mexican states only two are considered state foot from homicide, kidnapping, carjacking, and robbery. >> it's not safe any longer, and kidnappings are fairly frequent. and the kidnappers will keep you until the atm machine goes past midnight so you've made two separate day withdrawals to pay the ransom to gain your freedom. >> so right now, john, i am told that no one wants to take credit for the video that you saw for fear of retribution, because you can see certain cartel members faces, we did speak to the fbi earlier and they had nothing to add but the basics, back to you. >> john: increasingly dangerous day by day, william la jeunesse, thank you. gillian. >> gillian: has accused idaho killer branko kohberger awaits his day, the killer is sending out a warning, anyone supporting
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messages in support of alleged killers is playing right into their hands and inadvertently og their egos, there are reports he is receiving love letters while he is behind bars, so let's bring in criminal defense attorney mark, thank you for taking time with us this afternoon. i want to redo a full quote of what the daughter of the ctk serial killer rights, she says this about murderers. they should not be tolerated or worshiped in doing so, people are only feeding their egos and in some cases particularly with women over the years i've seen unhealthy attachments arise with my father. bottom line my father is a dangerous sexual sadistic psychopath, pathological liar, and a narcissist. people need to remember that when communicating with him and others like him. do you agree? >> yeah, but good reminder, and i do agree, unfortunately won't stop any of the wacko doodles
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who every time there is a high-profile case, particularly one who might have a shell that is attractive, like some people find this guy to reach out to them and try to show support to them. instead of using the limited time that we have on this earth to show love and support and compassion to the people who are victimized allegedly by his actions. it always shocks me that that's what they are doing. but again, you have on one side egos spikes potentially going through his head, but also you have swirling in their is my goodness, there is overwhelming evidence that i'm facing that could potentially result in me serving the rest of my natural life in the brutality that is present or worse, death. and something will keep that ego down and i would tell them your ego is not your amigo. >> gillian: we are pretty baffled by this phenomenon where women end up falling in love with or think and they have fallen in love with convicted killers come up behind bars for life on death row, whatever it
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is. a lot of these murderers and up having long-term relationships with multiple women i was trying to find out about what we know, what clinical researchers found out about what motivates this kind of behavior, it's called apparently the phenomenon high burst of file which is to find as a sexual interest in an attraction to those who commit crimes. what you know about it? >> wow, we learn a lot. i know nothing, it's a beautiful educational moment we all had, it's good to know, but we saw with lyle and other menendez, women throwing themselves at them, we actually saw with casey anthony, jody arius, and ted bundy down here in florida. i mean, he might've had egos spikes with people sending letters and cards, but how did that work out for them really? that is rhetorical, he is dead. >> gillian: all of this is disturbing, we will bring you back to talk about this over the
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coming weeks as this trial gets underway, probably not until the spring. all right, thank you for taking time with us. >> my pleasure. >> john: who know. a loose alerts coming up, you knew you were waiting for one, but the final living founder of leonard skynyrd has died. passing away yesterday at 71. the cause not released. you play guitar with the iconic ban, classics like "free bird" and "sweet home alabama" longest guitar solo in the history of the universe. and full of escaping death, he survived a bad crash in 1986 when he drove his car into a tree. any live through that plane crash that killed two bandmates and hurt the third. period and survive triple bypass, a heart attack ten years ago, and another surgery in 2021. told rolling stone despite the
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close calls and to the plane crash, he never thought of it as tragic, he just thought of it as his life. it sang the good outweighs the bad. gary ross and ten, the last of the original leonard skynyrd died at the age of 71. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ to ♪ ♪ young homeowner becoming their parents, it's a learning opportunity. come on in. [ chuckles ] the more, the merrier. paris, huh? bonjour! we got any out-of-towners in the elevator? tom. it is not easy. 10th floor, huh? must be a heck of a view. okay, see how everyone else is facing this way? progressive can't save you from becoming your parents, but we can save you money when you bundle home and auto with us. okay, that was terrible. okay, let's hang back. we're gonna try that again. life... doesn't stop for diabetes.
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>> we've seen a lot of new trends in the workplace since the pandemic. now there's a new one making rounds. it's called bare minimum mondays. lydia hu has more on this trend. is this about younger folks? who is partaking? >> yeah, it seems it's about the younger people. people are posting about how they're spending their time monday when they're not giving 100% to the job. here's the person that started the trend. watch. >> i'm no longer stressed on sunday and no longer stressed monday and the rest of my week is way more productive. >> we wanted to know what everyday people thought about this. we took to the streets and found a variety of opinions, even people that admitted to doing
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this themselves. watch. >> bare minimum mondays, i can go with that. i want to sleep in on mondays. >> you see yourself working hard on mondays? >> yes. being able to chill and reset is better. >> five day as week is fine. been doing it a long time. >> i believe a monday full recovery will be very beneficial. >> every once gets lazy. >> they work more money from the government. >> people are lazy. they want to do as least as possible. >> we're always on our phones, looking when our next break is to chuck or phones. we want to see what is up. >> i'm lazy. i'm guilty of it. >> part of the problem here, gillian, companies are still not back in full force in the office. seems like some younger workers are taking advantage of that. >> lydia hu in new york. thank you. john? >> john: check this out. too close for comfort, a group
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of snow mobilers had this run in with a moose. video shows the terrifying moment the man jumped off as the moose was charging. the moose ran over the snow mobile and collided with it. the guy goes -- oh, got off just in time. the moose ran off unharmed. the family uninjured as well. >> i wonder if the moose -- if they're like dogs, if it's like a moving electronic vehicle. it's 3:00. >> our time is up. >> i'm john roberts. >> i'm gillian turner. "the story" starts now. >> martha: always a few extra seconds for good moose video. good afternoon. i'm martha maccallum. breaking right now on "the story," 2024, heating up as florida governor ron desantis and former president trump give very important speeches over the weekend. so


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