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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  March 4, 2023 3:00am-4:00am PST

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how god is using it for good. afghan underground search is growing i just found out i was pregnant. >> jesse: ♪ ♪ ♪ o say can you see ♪ ♪ by the dawn's early light ♪ ♪ what so proudly we hailed♪ ♪ at the twilight's last
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gleaming♪ ♪ whose broad stripes and bright stars ♪ ♪ through the perilous fight ♪ ♪ o'er the ramparts we watched ♪ ♪ were so gallantly streaming ♪ ♪ and the rockets' red glare ♪ ♪ the bombs bursting in air ♪ ♪ gave proof through the night ♪ ♪ that our flag was still there ♪ ♪ o say does that star spangled banner yet wave ♪
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♪ o'er the land of the free ♪ ♪ and the home of the brave ♪ will: powerful storms across the south bring heavy rain, wind and flooding. it killed ten people including three in alabama. this doorbell camera capturing the system barreling through a backyard. rachel: four dead and kentucky were several tornadoes touched down. 420,000 are without power in the state. that's a huge chunk of the one million outages across the country. in the upper midwest, snowfall in michigan creating dangerous conditions on the roads.
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pete: a serious situation in southern california. communities in the san bernardino mountains are buried. one resident writing help me in the snow. in big bear, national guard and firefighters working to dig out people who are trapped. rick reich move joins us now. >> mountain range around los angeles, northern california is used to getting a lot of snow. they are getting more coming this weekend. southern california will remain dry from the next storm so that's good news. that storm that brought that snow is the same storm that brought the severe weather across the south, a three day severe weather event, 70 warnings were issued, doesn't you had 78 tornadoes but these were the warnings issued.
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this storm is gone, but it brought a lot of wind even across the central plains, kentucky, tennessee, winds up to 98 miles an hour. a strong wind event. because of that wind causing those power outages a million households without power, waking up this morning, still some wind alerts, mostly across the central appalachians and the northeast, that will wind down throughout the day to take but the storm bringing snow across parts of new england but also some significant rain in the south, sunspots, 6 to 7 inches bringing that flooding threat. overall the weather pattern, snow is the part of the storm across parts of new england, they could use it. not much snow throughout this winter. the next storm coming from northern california throughout the day. pete: that was a scary stump it had all of us. will: i saw you posting photos.
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pete: it was wednesday night, it came through texas, through the dallas area, 80 mile an hour winds, there were certain tornado warnings but 80 mile an hour straight line winds, trees bending, it's a scary situation. i couldn't help but think, imagine living here in say 1878 and your home is like a dugout and you have no warning. the system is making its way across the country, it started in california where they were buried by snow. rachel: my daughter is in dallas, will's wife said take this seriously, get away from the windows. i called her and she was just hanging out in her room with all her friends, i was like this is serious, get into the hallway. will: we have the same thing in nashville, shingles ripping off
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the house, an old farmhouse on the property. moved over. farmhouse just -- >> there go to shingles, kids, for real. think about that. can't be watching this program, no power. we mentioned it started in california. and in caliper and governor newsom is getting roasted because he took some time, is taking some time for personal travel amid the devastating winter storm. a republican from california said californians are trapped in their home without power, more storms on the way, governor newsom just left the state for, quote, personal travel. rachel: interesting decision for someone trying to show he is so presidential, has gone to the white house, rolled up his sleeves to see what he would look like in the white house lose this is the time to show leadership. quite a contrast with ron
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desantis who when -- no one can deny that he took leadership in the state of florida. >> if you run estate and there's a disaster, be there, roll your sleeves up there, do what you can because there's not just the right thing to do but big political upside to being the guy who is there. do we know what the personal travel is? rachel: last time he traveled he went to estate he said he didn't want any state employees to travel to because of their lb gt q policies and that came out. i find it interesting that he's not saying where he is going. he could be in florida. >> he hasn't in the factory wants to be president. there's what you were referring
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to, on to bigger ambitions leaving his state behind. it's never about conditions in california. it is about gavin newsom. rachel: his in-laws moved to california -- his in-laws moved from california to florida. maybe he went to visit them and doesn't want anyone to know he is in the sunny state of florida. will: robert f kennedy junior has been out front on many issues has said he may challenge president biden for the 2024 democratic nomination. he said the following, in his consideration for run for president, he said i'm thinking about it. i passed the biggest hurdle, my wife is greenlighted it. rachel: that is the big deal. i heard about this last night, waiting to go on jesse waters's show and jesse and announced that. i have to tell you, i am
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totally fascinated by this. if rfk, robert kennedy junior was pro-life i would vote for him. that's the only thing holding me back because i think he's an honorable person, i think he is serious about service, he's a truth teller and no surprise on his couch that i like disruptors and he would be. will: he has a huge name in the democrat party. he is on the wrong side of the groupthink orthodoxy on covid for sure. it will be interesting to see if he does run how they treat him as a candidate, one that they actually treat as a serious candidate to president biden but he has done a lot of things. he would have a reason to be on that platform. and williamson is interesting too. rachel: i don't know how they treat that. i think it is the most interesting thing to happen to the democrat party in a long time politically. i hope he says yes and jumps
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in. can he beat that machine? that's a powerful machine, the biden team is really the obama team. i don't think he can beat them but he could ask some fascinating questions expose and shine a light on things. rfk has been following the troubles and corruption of doctor anthony fauci long before any of us were on it. he wrote the book on it, has been following him for 20 years and that is why he knew before many of us what was up when fauci came on scene with covid and so this would be almost like an earthquake in the democrat party. pete: cpac is happening, a lot of republican contenders taking the stage, donald trump will be, is it today? he speaks tonight. a few others who have thrown their head in the ring, nikki
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haley spoke on friday. here's part of what they said. >> we should never let enemies own land in our country. and we should tell every single university you can either have chinese money or you can have american money but you don't get both. china thinks the american year has passed. >> it's important to be honest. we've got to be willing to ban most us businesses from doing business in china until the ccp falls or until the ccp radically reforms itself because there's no easy way out other than taking the band-aid and ripping it right off. rachel: they like hearing that. pete: vivek ramaswamy has interesting perspectives, mexico has a drug control problem until we handled the drug control problem. he has what i would say are
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some -- i don't think the word is radical, unconventional, bold policy ideas that are a breath of fresh air. at this point, three contenders announced they would be running for the republican nominee for president, nikki haley, makary, donald trump and there are many more who we know are considering a run for president. pete: desantis, hence, scott, i don't know, most of them not speaking at cpac which is interesting. it has been remade in the image of donald trump. what is clear is the republican party today is the party of donald trump. what you hear from vivek ramaswamy is tough on china talk, many of which emanated from donald trump. while there will be a primary and it will be interesting, those two names, trump and
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desantis are the two likely to clash the most. there are lots of names but trump will try to prevent desantis from running by showing that it is his party and we will see -- rachel: many of the names you saw, there is that sort of dueling event this weekend. the one policy that makary -- vivek ramaswamy is championing, he is saying he wants to get rid of the department of education. i always thought that was the way to go, the education secretary was a disappointment, not enough got done with that position, when trump had power, that is an interesting thing to put back on the table. in the midst of the education debates we are having.
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will: that should be in the platform. desantis said the same thing, he said he would get rid of the department of education as well. given where we are like vivek ramaswamy set about ripping the band-aid off in china, given where we are, tinkering at the margins won't work. pete: alex murdagh received two life sentences for killing his wife and son. will: will: at the downfall of the head of a once powerful south carolina legal dynasty. rachel: and ada vogel has the details. >> reporter: are harsh new reality for the ones legal giant now known as a convicted killer. 54-year-old alex murdagh appeared with a shaved head and yellow prison jumpsuit after he was booked into a temporary evaluation center where he will face a number of medical and mental health tests.
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on thursday he was convicted of killing his wife, maggie, and son paul. prosecutors said he killed them to gain sympathy and to purchase time before facing investigations into his growing financial problems. judge clifton newman had this exchange with murdagh. >> i would never under any circumstances hurt my wife maggie, i would never under any circumstances hurt my son. >> might have been the monster you have become, take 15, 30, 40, 60 opioid pills, you have to see paul and maggie during the nighttime. >> reporter: defense lawyers say they plan to launch an appeal in just 10 days. also speaking out, the father of 19-year-old mallory beach, who was killed in the 2019 boat crash caused by son paul
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murdagh who was drunk at the time of the accident. >> the last four years, it is an outcome we were hoping for. >> reporter: when alex murdagh completes his evaluation he will be sent to one of south carolina's maximum-security prisons to serve his double life sentence. pete: that first night when you realize -- rachel: this is the way the rest of his life is going to go. pete: five close calls involving airlines which makes biden's pick to lead the faa all the more important. here is how the confirmation hearing went. >> what airspace requires an esp transponder? >> thank you for the question. not sure i can answer that question. >> what are the operation
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limitations of the pilot flying under basic med? >> thank you for the question, i am not a pilot. pete: lack of answers amid trouble on the tarmac. will: i wish she would have told us first, nancy pelosi's message for president biden after he sided with republicans on blocking a far left crime bill in dc. the democrat division on full display. ♪ with the money we saved, we tried electric unicycles. i think i've got it! doggy-paddle! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪3, 4♪ ♪ ♪hey♪ ♪
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pete: the indiana state police morning the loss of a trooper killed during a chase. james bailey was struck by a driver on the interstate after throwing stop sticks, the suspect is charged in connection with his death. the department saluting bailey saying this is tremendously sad day for the entire indiana state police family. we band together as we always do in support of the family. a 15 year police veteran is survived by his wife and two children.
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nearly a quarter of a million people in southwest florida getting a water morning after a man dies from a brain eating amoeba infection. officials in charlotte county said the victim died after using tap water, the water is safe to drink, but folks are told to avoid using it to wash their face. don't wash your face, but cool to drink. the white house doctors say a cancerous lesion was removed from president biden's chest. in a statement the doctor says all cancerous tissue is removed and no further treatment is required, he will undergo regular skin screenings going forward. the revelation comes weeks after word, the president is healthy and fit to handle his duties as president. a super fan complete his life mission of playing a game of catch every single day for years straight.
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on day 365, john scudnick had the catch of his life with ken griffey junior, they spent 45 minutes together. he got his glove signed, autographed ball so he could remember his year-long journey. those are your headlines. will: he said i want to play catch more so i will do it every day. rachel: talk about setting goals. it is good. will: playing catch with ken griffey junior would be awesome. pete: there's this as well. this year, sort of an underreported topic, several close calls at airports across the country from commercial airliners, faa customer. will: that's not supposed to happen, that one flight comes in and almost knicks the other.
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>> a fedex plane was landing at the same time as a commercial airliner, was taking off. these things have happened several times. a disconcerting number of times over the past year and this as the faa, the biden advanced ration looks to appoint a new faa nominee, philip washington. 's confirmation is confirmation hearing was concerning. watch. >> can you quickly tell me what airspace requires an aide esp transponder. >> thank you for the question, not sure i can answer that question right now. >> what are the 6 types of special use airspace that protect national security that appear on faa charts? >> i cannot answer that question. >> what are the operation limitations of a pilot flying under basic med? >> thank you for the question, i am not a pilot. >> telling what causes an aircraft to spin and stall? >> i am not a pilot. >> tell me what the minimum
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separation distance is, landing airliners during the daytime? >> i don't want to guess on that, senator. will: if you're going into a confirmation hearing like that you should probably know some of those things. he was a command sergeant major in the army, spent 24 years in the army and ceo of denver international airport so he has been places and managed things, not as if -- i am a little bit on both sides of this. does he need to know everything up pilots would know? probably not. it would help if you are overseeing an agency that has had trouble making sure flights are landing properly. how do you have a judgment to pick the people that do that? i don't know. rachel: this story is about a bigger story, that in general what we are seeing is that the very best are not being hired.
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this guy may be competent, he's managed things, but is he absolutely the best america can find for such an important position especially, we've seen an increasing number of these near misses. what i am afraid is that something terrible is going to happen and maybe that is going to be what causes us to go back to merit, competence, and excellence and i think -- or subject matter expertise. it is really sad if that is what has to happen to get back to that but these are serious matters. this is pete buttigieg's space, this man, we laugh about kamala harris on this show and she clearly is worthy of much of the ridicule she gets, but probably the most dangerous person on that cabinet is pete buttigieg, he seems quiet and kind of mousey, but he is a
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major social justice warrior and he thinks his job at transportation is managing racism and equity and diversity instead of our transportation. pete: several pilots out there, youtube channels like you saw on your screen from boston who are saying what you are saying, we are headed for a problem and it is going to come to everyone's attention when the problem occurs, the quality of pilots has gone down. this is an issue not just at the governmental level but the private corporate level as well, when you talk about some very important jobs. will: taking off from nashville yesterday, there was bad weather, the pilot came out, graham to the thing, everyone could see him. he talked about we are going to have turbulence, it will be bumpy, that guy seems competent and he acts confident, that is what i want. doesn't matter race, background, i want a really
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good pilot who knows how to fly planes because this is a bad weather day. i want is merit, don't care what you look like and that is not happening at all across the government which leads to skepticism. rachel: especially in jobs like this. will: drug cartels making money smuggling fentanyl across the border. a dea special agent says new technology could be the key to cutting that. he explains next. lect major appliances + free delivery on items over $396. and enjoy a two year warranty. shop appliances now backed by the lowe's price promise. how do i do it all? with a little help. and to support my family's immune health, i choose airborne. unlike some others, airborne gives you vitamin c and so much more. it's an 8 in 1 immune support formula. airborne. do more. if your business kept on employees through the pandemic, can see if it may qualify for a payroll tax refund
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just pray this prayer with me. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry. i want to turn from my sins. i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him as my savior and follow him as my lord. amen. if you prayed that prayer, call that number right now that's on the screen. we've got people that would like to speak with you, pray with you but if you don't have a bible, tell them and they'll send you one. god bless you.
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when a person or familiar face is detected. sam. sophie's not here tonight. so you have a home with no worries. brought to you by adt. will: car tires and carrots, cartels have found creative ways to smuggle fentanyl across our borders into our communities at an alarming rate. buss of the deadly drug are going up. what are the key cartels strategies for getting fentanyl into the us. special agent and global
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director of counter narcotics and analytical devices, michael brown, joins us to explain. thanks for being here, thanks for your service. how are smugglers getting through our border with this deadly substance? >> one of the primary methodologies used by smugglers is simply putting millions of tablets of fentanyl or fentanyl powder into concealed compartments that we call traps into vehicles and we know 85% to 95% of the fentanyl becomes the country is coming across the official borders in vehicles, hidden in cargo or large tractor-trailers which makes it difficult to find in reference to the number of vehicles that come across the border every day. pete: most of it is going through entry points, how many vehicles are searched. they can't search all of them. how do they make that choice? >> this is the critical point the cartels rely on. they know that approximately 80% of border personnel now is
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being drawn from the border checkpoints to do other issues to support the immigration process so they are using a process which i'll -- call shotguning, sending hundreds of vehicles at a time into border checkpoints because they know customs can only search a few vehicles at a time to keep the traffic moving. a lot of vehicles carrying fentanyl will not be searched so once a vehicle is located it has fentanyl in it or another narcotic, a search team goes and they manage that particular vehicle which takes personnel away from checking other vehicles but the cartels understand this, they work this equation into their distribution calculations, they know a certain amount of fentanyl will be seized at the checkpoints but it is a guarantee that they will get hundreds of other vehicles through the checkpoints without being inspected. will: the reason it's so problematic is it draws so much manpower if they are that you
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have less official crossings, they can't check every car, factor in losses and then conceal it. it has got to take a lot of time considering how creative they've gotten. >> the cartels have a sophisticated infrastructure, garages which take a car apart, create hidden cavities, reseal millions of pills into the framework of a vehicle or tractor-trailer. to find that you would have 2 x-ray the vehicle, have a crew out there to break the vehicle down to find these things. once they cross the border they go to a garage, take apart, drugs are taken out, the vehicle sent back to mexico for another shipment. not only is it time-consuming but incredibly difficult to find the tales or signs of these vehicles that are carrying fentanyl. pete: it gives you a sense of the scope of the problem we
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face, you speak with a lot of expertise. michael brown, thank you for your time. coming up, alex murdagh's fate decided in court. >> a tangled web. >> when i lied i continue to lie. >> when will it end? will: an attorney breaks down his two life sentences. putting green energy before energy security, leaked internal memo revealing a stunning admission of the biden team's priorities. your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. -i don't feel any different. -i don't need you to feel anything to do great things. (upbeat music) -jesus, if you do not renounce your words, we will have no choice but to follow the law of moses.
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>> remind me of the expression you gave on the witness stand, oh what tangled web we weave, what did you mean by that? >> when i lied i continued to lie. >> the question is when will it end? >> disgraced lawyer alex murdagh sentenced to two consecutive life sentences over the murders of his wife, maggie, and son paul, the verdict came 3 hours after jurors began deliberating. joining us now with his reaction is dallas-based attorney todd schapiro. good to see you this morning, 3
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hours of deliberation, two consecutive life sentences, what your reaction? >> very quick verdict, no question. looks like the jury didn't have many questions about his guilt and came back with a quick and swift verdict on both murder charges. will: what is your take away from the trial? doesn't seem easy to pin down a motive for murdagh's convicted crime of killing his wife and his son. what do you think made it so easy for the jury? >> i think he made a strategic mistake, both him and his defense team with his testimony. it seems as if all along, his alibi was he wasn't there, then he gets on the witness stand and completely changes direction and admits that he was. once you go down that road of being a liar and being dishonest and untruthful and not to be trusted, you lose all credibility with the jury which
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that's the danger of a defendant ever taking the witness stand especially in the case with those kind of stakes and outcome, he did himself a huge disservice and whatever the strategy was, he and his defense team certainly did not work. will: they say they will appeal within 10 days and file for their appeal. what do you think of that prospect and his overall quality of defense? >> obviously if the two lawyers he had working for him by all accounts were extremely accomplished and well-versed in the law and very experienced but the outcome speaks for itself. it is results oriented situation or result in this case could not have been worse. the appeals process is very difficult. at best if they find some error perhaps they send it back to trial court but the odds of winning on appeal are extremely slim. 's is shot of winning those cases was in that trial court.
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will: the judge had a lot to say, we are to them talk about the tangled web we weave. is what newman said about their standing in the community, the place they find themselves today. >> it is so unfortunate because you had such a lovely family, such friendly people including you and to go from that to this. will: you see another angle, facing the judge, answering a few questions from the judge, anything in the sentencing you feel we learned about him or confirmed what we might have known about him that came out in the trial? >> it is usually a difficult pivot from i didn't do it, i'm not guilty to going into the sentencing phase where the defendant may start asking mercy or forgiveness but it seems with murdagh he will not
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concede that he did not commit these crimes that he may have a john lloyd the judge even more standing in front of him telling the judge i did not do this. to the very end even when the judge pronounced those consecutive life sentences, this man stood in front of the judge and said once again i did not do this, and his last words in that courtroom, he was defiant in the fact that he didn't commit the crimes and now he is serving the sentences that show nobody believe the word he had to say. pete: thank you for getting up early this morning. pete: we begin with a fox news alert. actor tom sizemore has died following the brain aneurysm. is known for his roles in heat, black hawk down and saving private ryan. >> someday we might look back on this and decide that saving private ryan was the one decent
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thing we were able to pull out of this whole god-awful mess. that is what i was thinking. >> an amazing film. the actor had been in a coma follow an aneurysm. 's twin sons and his brother were by his side, he was 60 one years old. former house speaker nancy pelosi, the latest democrat to slam president biden. many on the left feel blindsided after he said he would not veto republican backed resolution to block the dc crime bill. >> if he was going to do what i wish he would have told us first because this was a hard vote for house members and it is a hard vote for senate members and the mayor of the district of columbia differed from legislators. pete: shouldn't be hard vote. the bill which still needs to clear the senate and likely will now with laminate most
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mandatory sentences and lower penalties for violent offenses committed in the nation's capital. the bill would overturn the one passed by the dc city council to get rid of all penalties. lights popping up across the country throughout march for colorectal cancer awareness month. cities, homes and treatment centers all take part in the tradition calling on americans to get screen. cancer survivors and families, urging folks to pay attention to possible symptoms no matter how old you are. :cancer awareness month and those are your headlines. >>, got president biden says he will get to east palestine eventually. >> president biden: i've spoken with every official in ohio, democrat and republican on a continuing basis. >> this as more chemicals are detected in the area.
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doctor ben carson will join us in the next hour to talk about that but first, the stunning admission by the biden administration the they are prioritizing climate change over energy security. ♪
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>> the biden admission makes a stunning admission leading credits -- climate change is being put up of energy security. a leaked internal memo shows the department of interior is moving ahead with higher royalty fees despite admitting charging fossil fuel companies less money would provide greater energy security. energy research fellow at the heartland institute joins us to react. thank you for joining us this morning, this is very interesting. is clear from this memo the biden administration is willing to trade energy security which you know is national security for their pet project of climate change which we are not even sure makes a big difference.
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>> this is nothing new for the biden administration. this entire time from day one biden has been going after the oil companies. the craziest part of this is that there is a lot more downstream impact from attacking the oil industry than just gasoline for your car. rachel: it affects food prices and everything going on and these are great american jobs. >> they are fantastic american jobs. regarding the food issue, last year alone because of how high gas prices were farmers were paying between 200, and 300% more for fertilizer. that is on top of all the money they have to spend to fuel those huge combines and tractors that they have the use, food prices are affected across the board by these kinds of policies.
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>> here's senator manchin reacting to this leaked memo, a little backpedaling but here's what he had to say. it is a quote. i thought we had video. crystal clear that this administration is literally putting their climate agenda ahead of the needs of the people of alaska and the united states, your reaction to senator manchin's statement. >> he is absolutely right. the biden administration's goal is to get people to stop using fossil fuels, leaving it in the ground is not going to help anyone. the climate agenda, whether you think that there is a pending climate crisis or not, you have to balance that with impact not just on national security as we've seen with the issue in ukraine, having our ability to
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make our own fuel is going to protect us from foreign actors, same thing in europe, same thing across the western world. we can't keep depending on imports forever. >> in england they are prioritizing climate change over food security, the british net 0 policy hindering farms, discouraging food production which my question, they are doing that by saying can't use synthetic fertilizers or limiting land use, your reaction to that and do you think it will come to the united states? >> it is already here. for example in the upcoming, there's a renewable farm bill coming up here. i'm a little bit wishy-washy today. the democrats, there's a coalition of 80 democrats who are trying to put a bunch of
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climate stuff into the farm bill which will add a bunch of funding towards paying farmers to reduce emissions and set aside land instead of planting on it, for wilderness and ecological preservation, same thing is happening in the uk. rachel: these policies aren't just affecting the first worlds we are talking about, this is trickling to the poor in the third world to end up getting less food aid when we produce less food. thanks for joining us this morning, appreciate it. coming up, president biden and the german chancellor appearing buddy buddy as they show support for ukraine, so why are we giving so much more than them? we will discuss at the top of the hour.
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