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tv   Hannity  FOX News  March 2, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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who will tell you that many ofee these very gruesome physical t attacks we've seen against asians in this countryagains are perpetrated by nonwhite, not by , you know, not by white supremacists. these are people who are sthesoe reluctant to say that all they want to say is that trump fauls arelt and republican at fault. >> she's a shill for china and she's hiding. >> great to see you tonight thank we're out of time, but[c yeah, yeah, i . i want your hands to bleed. i'm kidding, baby .y thur happy thursday, everybody. and it's a glorious thursdayeryi >> but tonight's big question,e why are young liberals so depressed, especially when
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compared to their rity counterparts? the studies show it. you can see it for yourselves.pp do these people look liklee they're having a good day? >> maybe if you define a good day, is resting your in a bowl of battery acid, don't knock so what's behind this agony?becs >>e are they liberals because they're depressed or they depressed because they're liberals? it's the old what came first? the responsibls the ol came e rd chicken or the organic egg? the quick answeranic egg. watche they're not watching uplifting programs like this one . i'm surprised colbert's creditsw don't end with how to tieose. a noose. it's very depressing. sometimes i g but to get to the bottom of this, you actually do need a former lefty. this week, matt englishes covered a 2020 two academic t paper titled the politics of depression, which comes complete with a beautiful chart. >> you know, you can. trustyou c an tanything with a chart that n likers and numbers and line.
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sometimes they're even shaped like pies. n understandunderstand the. the backbone would say>> [in get everybody laughed at their jokes, go . >> but there's lots going me on here. so let me simplify it for you. simpli fy ithe line at the top, the dak blue , those are female liberals. and as you could see, if yous he look closely over the years, their depression levels have gone up faster thathn the pricee of hamburger. enter joe biden.r so they're the most depressed, , but right underneath them, malem liberals, which makes sense. they'rs sense ever on top of anw . yeah, you know what i'm saying? yeah. >> thank you. but the least depressed conservatives, men and women. so what's the deal?iglesi glitziest writesas some of it might be selection effect with progressive politics becoming a more congeniaogressir people who are miserable but adult progressive now valorize depression as a sign of political commitment. so to put that in english,ul adult liberals incentivize
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misery . ess it the worse you feel and theu do more you express it, the better you do. in thesein circles, as matt points out, the left loves misery, and part their is sharing it with young people. it's like doom is are white van and they luring kids with promises of attention it wc street cred. >>rehe here're is their call.ea tithey challenge the corporation challenge, yet there's still oliver's challenge. yet that is not right. thatt is not fair.! >> when liberals push the ideale everywhere andjusticralse exists everywhere and everyone's out to get you. when we live in a whiteryon e supremacisisto gett world , o you're going to be depressed. >> on the other hand ,to you thr might get your own show on msnbc, but it's a self-fulfilling cycle. >> it feeds itself around the clock. >> like ana navarro, teens walkr on eggshells, worried about how innocent words might get them canceled. abouminorities are told they'lli never succeed on their own. and in seven years, the world'tl sking going to end because bigotshees keep making grilled cheese on gas powered stoves. no wonder everyone's so angry
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and depressed. >> look at gretta thornburg. she was asked to leave a chuck e. cheese on her fifth birthday because he was bumming out the other customers. that's not true story. >> but does it matter? so it's not a chicken or egg question at all. it's a learned behavior. once your drama getshavior a spotlight, you turn it up tur to eleven. and so at a young age, they'rei. told the worldre tol, there's ny to win. and then you get rewarded for embracing envy and victimhood. that's how you get rachelvict dolezal. that's how you get jesseimho t. mallette. to bu ft ifind you want to find ot what happiness looks like, it's not at ralliesit is no or at prt we're being unhinged, is rewarded. it's at footballs. games, es halloween parties, barbecues, gun ranges, christmas concerts, people watching raunchy comedies or listening to comedians. it'sstening th people having fun. and it's just about everything louns seek leftist to ban. remember, woke ism isn't jusca t an attack on reason, it's an attack on fun. so all you young, depressed lefties watching and there's got got to be at least three of you
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who tuned in to learn about relief. dr. remember the old adage, misy misery loves company and that's. company. t want to keephappwa happinesses there if you wantnt it and you can have it, it's easy. it's just harder than crying like a little g. t us go . tonight's guests. man he married a man named david to save on towel roy to read the report. host dave rubin, he's busted the more guts than bad cheese. comedian, host of the super maximum retro show on vyse,s dit chris distefano. 0 bruc she's got more chops thaen bruce lee eating at a steakhouse. his contributor, cat tim. and finally, six flags converted shoes to bumper cars. my massive sidekicks and the
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nwa world heavyweight champion tirhas. kid >> dave, how old are your kids now? six months and four months. >>w, that's amazing. >> they're not depressed yet. gn no, they're not.ot just happens. , i watc it's like very liberal parents. i watched family ties wherly tie i get a lot of my stuff. f you're if you're liberal, then your kid ends up being a conservative. and if you're conservative, your kid ends up beiner a liberal. you whatvative. what happens if you got two ? >> are you worried your kidsmigh might be depressed? well, i'm trying to thint beresk i grew up watching the jeffersons. >> so where would that put me?." oh, you're queasy. e? you're moving to chicago on the east side to a deluxe apartment in the sky. we do the whole thing.hink yeah, well, i think maybe it do has something to do with the drugs because maybe they're taking the wrong drugs.s, the kid's right becaus e i come flom, as you know, the free state of floridaor.only c seonly comome back to new york to see you and de o the number one show in late night television. but everyone's happy down there. s y.son .l th it's freedomat and all that.
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and then i come here and it smells like weed everywhere. smeright. but back in my day with the weed, everybody was gigglingeems and laughing. >> but everyone here seems depressed and i'm wondering if it's a weed issue.. >> that's interesting becauseris i don't i don't necessarily seeh ere,a correlation there. ike but i will admit it's definitely not like the weed ofe the seventies. s it'sup definitely ultra super powerful and it does mess i th your probably your brain. >> but i wouldn't know becauseno i'm on it right now.w. it's not like you smoked a tone of weed with bill maher just a couple of days to go. and everybody saw that as a lightweight. cheech and chong. i am nowt. comin g out. i don't advocate that. my theory with drugs is always : wait till you are successful, because if you do the drugs. before you are successful, you will never be successful. you have to treat po t like wemartini. that's wha wt i .le and what are we talking about, chris ? we're talking about a poll and this starts talking about weed. you do you buy his theory? well, first of all, i just want to say it's my first time ever
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on the show. >> so i just i'm proud to finally be a gut. so. well, he got. second of all, dave, did yould say your kids were six months old at four months old?old? yeah. how ise nition that? that's the definition of irish twins.. [laughter] how did that how did that happen? >> s science, my friend. oh, you did a oh, there, too,>>, baby , i , i thought you t tub because my wife is puertoer rican. >> i thought that'puers becauste that's a very puerto rican thing to have kids right away. because i got three little i don't know. noah i did havlae with your wie but i don't. >> hey you know right now, nowh- we both so. oh so no. just just go . >> what a question greg. >> we arknow. yeah.e we're all doing our bit to ourn gut slot. >> gou buy to buy the theory? is it just one side that's depressed or could you. i >>, i think personally everybody depressed, okay, i ybe one more than the other. butht i think everybody's depressed. >> i think it's got something
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wi to do with don't get mad, the twenty four hour news cyclte . i think you know everybody.en yu what, you only watch the news when you're angry. so the news knows that they got to cherry pick stories. everybody's mad , everybody's mad , but then they're in bed with the ad companies. so next thing you know, we'reh d watching the news because we're. angry. boom ad foafter r applebee's, to twenty . we're stuff in case burgers in our mouth. you're getting rich , getting out and i just want to thank you for that. yes. howant to come sleep over are gettin because i have no feet because you're getting rich off applebee's. ch off oyes. excellent appetizers. buy them. oh, i love it, dude. i'm ready to die at forty because of it. yeah, yeah. you go kat. what do you do you agree? could it be the news cycle? b could it be drugs?e drugs? are yo i think. >> are you miming later. oh no. also i look awesome. a sowe it's kind of infected everything. yeah. i will. okay, i watch the bachelor. nd i right and i've noticed thisre o season there's like this new format where on the one on one dates there's like
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the fun day date and then henned takes her out to dinner and then the girls shareer some dramatic story about her life, where, you know, she's a single mom trying to raise a kindergartner alone or her spk mom and her don't speak or herta last relationshitip horrifically abusive. and then he thinks her for being vulnerable ball. and then they make out through the tears and then they hands are a rose.or the and after i watch this for, like the sixth time, i was asking myself what would happen if the girl was like, everything's pretty good. yeah, my family loves me.. >> my parents are still together. pmy last relationship i did because, like, you know, we just wanted different things. ht would he k not know what to do t this point?oint? i feel i feel like it's expectedo havei to need to have this kind off tr trauma or else you don'tauma deserve any respect. so i think it's almost as if going they'r ie going into this like, okay, this date on tv, what's
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the saddest from my life that i can drag up and cry so that he will like me?>>lk because the what you're talking about, it's the same it's incentiveging. ising a beh .a behavior it really has. and by the way, hot women don't need trauma. trauma. no, no. they're hot , smokin hot . h otyeah. >> yeah. smoki i don't even know what that means. >> with i don't knowi do either. means either. i just. yeah. i ju and guyseen and guys i want to say and guys >> greg: eand . yeah exactly. yes.xa eatidon't even see gender . >> that's the thing. i don't i'm a baby .>> i d yeah. tyrus what's your take on this. >> it's not a weed. the bachelor.ha you don't have to be puerto rican. >> have three kids right next to each other. i got thatto each covered , sat the barbecue. what mes what messes up a good weed party when the liberal guy comes in? everyone's having a good he's like, yo, man, you
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the polar bears are going to die. >> like, it's justs it's what they do. because what? because they have to it's attention.d th they need that atti they live in the first world . they don't havthe real problemst they're not like, oh, my light bill is about to be cut off. can i borrow your extension cord so i could sneak behindy es plugging my stuff into the neighbors? >> that's a real problems .a rel they don't hav pe realrobl prob' i don't know. i just realizei d today thatt ia i was born caucasian. andfat >>he there's a good chance that my great great grandfather owned , that i just get out ofu my house. and that's not a real so they they have their board. be like us , go outside, tryying competitive sports , go camping, fishing, t play with your kids without a tablett attached to it. we go outside. e that's why we don't have these problems. and you can turn the twenty.e you could turn a news off. yeah. and just go outside. try it. yeah. mayb.e not in new york so much, but go outside, play. that was the problem with them lockdown.
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the lockdown forced people to go back insidbae and you saw more depression because they weren't outside getting vitamin out in the press each ya other. yeah, exactly. and we arewatc homhinge watchin. twenty four hours of anything, whether it's the bachelor ore in the greatest cable news station in the world, fox news, you new know, it could be a little much. >> so i was lucky. i was in louisiana. i had i just had a . i just walk out outside every day. celebrityeverke i'm jonathan lawson hereli to tell you about life insurance through the colonial pen program. if you're age 50 twhat are thred looking to buy life insurance re you the three p's? what areca the three p's? the three of life insurance on a fixed budget are priced a r icprice and price a price. you can afford a price it can't increase and a price that fits6t your budget. >>ake medi i'm fifty four . >> what's my price?ice?
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sabotage as controversy surrounds the pipeline's destruction or accusations
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one . >> will you ever believe your eyes? >> when deep fakes spread, greg: there lies deep fake ws appear to be improving. lies? >> you know, there the videod ai and audio clips made usingo a tools to mimic the voice and or the likeness of prettyth much anyone yoe likeu want. for example, you could sway an election with a deep fake biden making sense. ed
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just this week, a deep fake of liz warren depicted her saying n sayirepublicans shouldn't be allowed to vote. >> nice try, though. be allod the real liz warren would havead had feathers and beads. still, peoplhers ande fell for . >> here are some other famous examples i am not morgan freeman and what you see is not real oalr enemies can make itt look like anyone is saying anything at any point in time. >>cae anyone imagine this for a. one man with total control of billions of people stolen data. >> liste ln up sports and tikto, fans. wha if you like what you see on twitter, what's coming next? i didn't look at all liketner. kosner. it'now s going to be even harder to trust the news or anything, really, because what looks real could nowetel be completely fake. >> i mean, you can be trickedinto b into believing that i'm shorelt but maybe this is >> now, you're always skepticale
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and now you're alwayst distrustful. and that's not a bada ba perspective to have. face it,d perspect the media ise less trusted than andrew cuomo at a nursing homw ae. fo they've been forcing deep fakes on us for decades. the tape with trump hunter's laptop isn't real rusticate. the popularity of maroone pee tf the food pyramid. bideivn running for president , ellen degeneres being friendly, transitory, inflation. e doocy' steve deuce's thigh curlth,ybe e record all lies. so maybe w se shouldn't believea our eyes and earnys anymore or t all. for example, here are some deepi fakes that i can't tell are real or fake. >> hello, i'm brian kilmeade.bra everything greg says about me is true. i'm awkward, smelly and my books are terrible.i like i carry a backpack because i like to pretend i'm a highscho school freshman.ol all of my friend sol of my friends only pretend to like me because they feel sorry for me. my only wish is that i could be more like greg gutfeld . wow, that sounded pretty accurate to me. do we have another
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jesse watters here? my outward appearance of>> jes a confidence is a fraud. ppearance deep down, i'm scared i'm not half the man greg is personally or professionally . that's why i hide behind haireh transplants, cologneind ha and e that are too tight. money helps, though. that's why i'm plotting ponzi scheme. >> wow. one more. did we have one more? hey, it'e ana.s the truth is i e dogs. i've always been more of a cat person. robbed a ca also, i once robbed a casinosi when i was 16 and i do it again in a heartbeat. you know, your girl's gotour gi to get that money. >> dollar bills y'all. mor. r dollarl chris , do you think thisreg: c is going to go beyond justhr pue entertainment value to fix? yeah. oh gumy thousanmentd. first of all, there's not a guyt out there right now that shoulde veever get caught cheating on hs wife again. d >> he'll be like, baby , it was a deep fat it's a deep bag. so i would i think that this is going to get bad.tion and i want to say rubin congratulations to dave rubin. he jus. just had a third kit thn
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the commercial break. >> so here you go . congrats, buddy. congrats, buddy. trademarks, science. . yeah, that is good science. it's satanism. you know, sticking with thisg wh fake thing. what if yo tu sittinsg in frontf me right now? u yourself arewhat i a fake, for example? what if you were actually jimmyi kimmel wanting to beng t on the number one show in late? night television? >> i should have thought that joke wa going to do better than that. really? knew you we i knew where you were going. that was i like that. i like the spiteful dave rubin better. i like. . yeah. all right. last time i like i like miami. pirates. >> are you worried what you're>w seeing is a watered downaround version of this? >> this has been f around for a while and it's the level of cameras have gotten to theo a point where all you really neepd is just a segment of somebody and you can chop and cut and change everything that you we're seeing. so we're not seeing it yet.ta but you'llrt start see seeing vc
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about once it becomes o political or someone's able to use it to be foolproof. 1000% see it. the good news is , is thatting s people will stop putting so much faith into videos, clips of videos, seeing the last three seconds of something and all of o sudden that explais the whole story. so people actually have to start looking at things start because the longer the video, the harder it is to manipulatehi . so now they'll start on when people actually have to watch something, they'll have to see it in its entirety. and then you'd be amazed what a lo you actually might see when you watch a lot of the things that are programed to react to with videos. >> cat everybody's going to end up like you can't where they won't trust anything you'll to verify it before you buy it. >> that's not bad. thatno, so there already are dei fakes of mnte on the internet. yes, i'm not talking. >> oh yeah. yeah, yeah.
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that was really fun to explain in my 70 year old aunt. yeah. that no, that girl has that wasn't me doing that. ing. it i so that's disturbing. it's like deeply disturbing. like deey disturwhen it comes t. >> and look as everybody's going to stop watching youatchin go google you sickg gle [b. h real >> we have that problemos, thouh with real videos though already. yeah. like, alread people will just td a segment of something you saide and this has happened to meu an countless times as to you someo and other people. and then someone will tweet it saying you were talkinnetweet gt something completely different. right. and nobody bothers to check. so we're already at a place where people need to verify things and they don't. so..will t well, they verifhey this.his? i don't really know. have you ever been tricked been by anything? i could sad?y that i mean, i go back to , like, even the i would say even like the covington kids thing even was not a fake, bu at the way it was edited, as what kate was
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saying, was fake, trying to think of any of these any of these last thackeray's he's got me. i don't knowgo anything really got me. >> i love itg: i whe ln peopleod me one and i get to tell them it's fake. smart.itfeel so oh yeah. i saw that. i it's fake and then they go really. i do it to jesse, he falls for it. so yeah. >> i mean he needs, they need to like check his computer and see what he looks at. >> it's really gross. all right.t. i think we should go to commercial. yes. next shoul. >> greg:d the nfl get sacked >> greg:d the nfl get sacked for clips of mo ifis you are, don't settle forcn silver. harness the power of seven moisturizers and three vitamins to smooth, heal and moisturize your dry skin. goldbach champions your skin crisis inside ukraine has reached a catastrophic level with the elderly pushed to the very limit.
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months, i began to notice the benefits as an athlete. >> balance in nature is a game changer, i noticed. >> did it start working in my endurance? and i feel that it had a lot to do with my health. start now by going to balance of nature .com. and don't forget to use discount code. >> fox news save up to 80 percent buying factory direct. compare his famous brands one karat bound at eighty eight hundred with the jewelry exchange for fourteen ninety one carat engagement rings. twenty six ninety thousands of diamonds guaranteed to appraise for double the jewelry exchange was the nfl leering at videos of women cheering. cheeri a former nflng films h.r. employee aren't they all suingr her former company allegedly alleging they fired her forthatt revealing that they kept a video database of fanshe and cheerleaders, and . the woman claims nfl films maintained an entire catalog of footage categorized by bodyd but parts. that's wrong. i mean, that's disgusting.
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, that ilook, what kind of animo do that? definitely not be . clips one set of clips was reportedly labeleyd cheerleader's, but who knows? that could be a medical disorder.' buttocks. bu another was called female fan and bikini top . that's way more popular thanmale male fan and bikini top . bikin yeah, the gift that keeps giving. they also had clips labeled close up of cheerleaders, shotof ,endowed women and so on . surprisingly, the nfl had no player videos labeled toinsurprr eclss or concussions. meanwhile, the nfl claims thoset clips were labeled sensitive so they'd never be included in future productions. labelemakes sense. the that's just like the video i've labeled sensitive, except justod for hours of me icing my . y so in its view, the nfl was actually doing us a favor,r an ensuring we never have to see it. but the plaintif tof also alleges
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that employees described women emdthe clips using sexualize descriptions, which is hardly a surprise. how else do you describe pictures? sounds like someone's upsetes? because she's not hot enough to be a cheerleader. s likeoh, sexist would say. yeah, disgust ing tirhas. >> they call this a databasef tt be used. say an intern runs and wants to run a thing to get tickettict sales this week. and behold, he goes to thesalesn sensitive file and puta bus bun thuff out so that's what.e re but that's not the real reason.n the reason why she was fired for performance issues. and then, of course, thisperfor is what happens. she then and then goes and says that somehow this was affecting her and she's been wronged and she's suing them. and she was fired because she bc was a woman. and all the mistakes that all these accusations, because we allosations w this stuff and th.
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we're talking about it with no shred of evidence at shr all, le it's a labeled file for reason it was do not look, stay back . and they had three guys with in shoulder pads keeping everyone from the fileveryonee was therer everyone to see. and it was labeled that it was going to have mature material. so again, but this is whatlkin i'm so tired of talking about,op peoplele who make these for accusations for attention just because you couldn't d youo thei well, they'd be great if on the book it said definitely no and , then you would havenity an argument with , say, likeyouo you found the drive. yeah. all the misogynistic footballtb heads all pass around to eachhe other secretly. then each ot you would have an argument, but literally you just sensitive material. oh, it is sensitivy, oh,ensitiv >> yeah. do you know what i think that a i think the nfl has a great idea for a coffee table book p deal if people have those tho anymore. >> no, they don't. buset i want areg: to brin ng ib >> coffee table books are awesome because they're like real books, except you have o beto read them. d
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>> you just kind of hold them. they're heavy, put stuff on them, make people think you're smart. but imagine one with just like that. these picturese went w, how gret would be . >> yeah, i'm not look, i'm notek a coffee table book expert.expe. i'm no well, i'm not a foot on your resume that i'm not a football expert. i'm not an expert in.t an e but i was i was really confused reading this that they said, you know, like, oh, no, we have them so that nobody will ever see them. yes. es. >> how does that hold up in a court how does that hold up in a court of law like, the cr your honor, i had the cracack in the box. yes. i wou so i wouldn't smokldn'e crack. like, i just boiled it up. k. i don't know how you make crack. a you do that and put it thereet so that i would know to not smoke it. i okay, they keep everything.arh bueyt like, why do they have to why are they zooming inrdin and filming a bunch of and then putting them in a secret room. i feel like there' like thers ao way. >> yeah.that which would be to not do that day care to defend the practice. >> i sense it's just upset she
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hasn't been dpe faked into all of these pictures. >> oh no. all oi being fake is extremely disturbing. >> it's extremely disturbing.g am i understanding this storyy right? a cheerleade r is upset that someone took pictures of her in a cheerleader costume. that's pretty much it.hat is p yeah. yeah. so that's the she's out of the cheerleader. >> she was in she was in. s just she's just upset. she she's not a kid. that's what'nos going on here.t oh, i think i'll let you handle this. might be my real but is not on the internet can be used. heres move on from your face. like like chris . mean. >> i mean, here's the thing. i agree with what tyra said, tys which, by the way, you said mature, not mature, which that's i never thought you would say it like that. mature because you're just full of surprises and you have positive energy and you look at in a body slam me and that's how i am. so i want to say, though, with the cheerleader thing, is .
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thank you. is is is , you know, everybody like tyra said, everybody gets filmed. it's jus.t you're in the nfl. it's like, what'sm film the difference between that and , you know, them filmingin star running backs and wide receivers? but you don't think there's a cameraman there? i like i'm a cf i was a cameraman on the big new york giants fan, i'd be zooming in on a runningl, back , say, quinn barkley size all day, every day. have tha t in a secret file. u >> and then i use that as some material and my dad falls asleep. so for me, it's like i feel bad for the women staff, but it'si l like, listen, guys, stay quiet and i'll do fake. >> you. is that true? is that they keep everything to only the legal. is that what do we do that like what if i fell out of thisr] chair and my pants fell off, ccn that would be an accident.t. cls i fell off in all my clothes, fell off fell and i was like, y would they put it in a box -- to be like, don't cat no pants. yes, you haven't out of the basement. they would dig into? the basement library. i feel like that
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e is a plot that could happen. yeah, right. reg: yeai think we are nothing. i think this segment is completely confused. everybody, tyrus. . all right. coming up, will criminals smile because cops can't run a mile stretch to say hello? >> i'm former arkansas governor mike huckabee. did you know that a lack of sleep can lead to very serious health problems? i know it's scary. you can't fall asleep or you're tossing and turning all night. you can't get the sleep. you need to stay healthy unless you use relaxium sleep. relaxium sleep is a product that's made from natural ingredients and it usually works from the very first night you try. >> it helps you fall asleep, stay asleep and wake up refreshed, earning your body those quality hours of sleep that it desperately needs to prevent so many health issues. i'm dr. eric ciliberti and i developed relaxium sleep, a clinically tested sleep supplement shown to contain proven ingredients that help
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call and get to cic. recharge hearing aids where only two hundred ninety seven dollars and free shipping eight hundred seven seven nine seventy one hundred . again, that's eight hundred seven seven nine seven one hundred . >> physical standards decline behind the thin blue line.arrest but can they still make arrest if they fail?they f the fitness testees? the nypd announced yet anothere lowering of the fitnesans requirements for new recruits as they continue to struggle, hiring more cops. the it's part of the fallout from p new york . progress is making the job lesrs appealing than a professional subway pole liquor. n a subwi know that we're profel pole liquors, but now i donot kp >>ol going forward, the timed one point five mile run, which cadets had over fourteen,r fourteen minutes to complete. l >> i could do that. walking will be scrapped ind in favor of something more appropriate to the modern police experience, like e how fast you can convince
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a democrat you're not racist. t. so why do they drop this test? well, according to the head ofre the nypd, police training, removing the cardio standard will help more womenio pass slo. the test. apparently, women are slow. well, unless sack's as a salends on handbags, john lennon would say, yeah, he's actually freelancing for this show. >> hactuallye wrote that. thank you, don bee later forl hc drinks. dinner. we'll have a nice dinner.s all 's a call back and a nice dinner.t. all right.ame women for want now, i don't blame womenin for b wanting to be cops at all. it's juspst about the only way for a woman in new york to feel safe , at least being armed.w yo you're almosrk to feelt on equag yoth the criminals. but not everyone's thrilleu arei with the running regulation. new york's police commissionerll wanted to keeption., as did manv active duty cops who say that lowering the already low standards will hurt public safety. but supporters say it
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will increase bear claw sales. i yeah, i do feel strongly about that one . it i was thinking about taking it out, but it's nonot ca surprise new york doesn't care ifecause cops can run because democrats always let the perp walk , which is why the onlyry t things cops are in a hurry to do now is retire. >> stop looking at me. i'm going first. i'm going to you first. sore ig: in n order to have morn on the police force, they have to do away with the running standards. >> do you think women can't run fast? i thought women could run fastug . f it i this isn't running fast.s ju if you're just running the general. >> do yoou tu think it'shink a t issue? schoi had to finish high school gym and that was my hardest class. besidet was mys going. s side oh, i knew high school gym.s yeah, big hand .gh i had a 4.0 and i almost lost.0d class.m sewing class i. yeah. i had to stay afteve tr and havt the teacher help me. so i kepe
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t sewing the pants into the machine like it's like i ,fo i'm so glad they didn't make me pay for all the machines i destroyed. i dbut this is like fourteen4 u minutes. >> a mile and a half.tes, a yeah. a half? i want to know what happenedd where so many people liket like i can't do that. yeah.t it's not like that's not like a feat. okay that's just like you're going to be okay. you can live longer thanu can li five years probably. yeah. like that's, that's not difft difficult to do. yeah. no this is sad >> greg: said chris . it's kind of depressing because it's when we've made it so nobody wants to be the cops anymore. >> yeah.sanymore. >> yeah, i think after s i think after seeing this thatpl all cops should be on steroidsez . >> i saye ds we legalize sterois for the police only . just the cops. yeah, you can confiscate themm they the mlb and they ussoe them so they can. and yeah. steroids and guns. i like that idea. yeah. you don't want to .now what y
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>> youou m know what, you make e think of it whenever i seey ar the gangs, when they're arrested or the gangs that are shoplifting, they're greatt shap shape. yeah.e. they're all skinny. yeah. dude they're all s skinn y and ibecaus can't believe it's because they're constantly at the gym. yeah.y out in the gym. got so it's like you t goto to gegy pretty you got to work haroud to get fat. yes. ard toi just don't get them all the testosterone on steroids, roid rage out. t yes. you're not going to commit tha a crime in that neighborhood. you know, don't give them gunse. enough to give them weapons. bats and nobody dies, but everybody getse hurt. yes,s, but dave, what do you maf that? greg, leave this dystopian dump of a city and move to florida? o >> greg: i cant. it's all that that then we don't have a show. what da o yoshu have a show the? you're clapping for your own demise. >> don't give a damn. what do you mean you get you all five chairs. what are you going to do? you g yeah, he's talkingoi about. >> yeah. you know what though. there's n i mean, at some point i just noe point to be inw new york .
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in new york . there really isn't. they always say it's a medias hu i but it's like, is ithe met t rereally these days? >> and you don't even go out anymore. all you do is play with that freakin' that is every day. just greg, you want to have dinner tonight. you want to have some drinksinks like the old days. >> no new a little, i that's whyha it's great to haveg a dog so youre can get out ofo t out of dinners wit dinners. he thinks i havele a dog. d these pictures.e so do you have any suggestions? ? >> yes. >>p yes, to florida. and hel the police force, do you think?n there's no there's nothing that can be done. this place is going down. there's nothing i cag donn. , >>do i can't help you, tyrus. how do we get how do we get more recruits into the police? >> true.>> with respect, pam, those would be two things.d take the handcuffs off woulde. be nice. this is again, this is aou band-aid that you're trying to put on over a broken dam. you humiliate the police officers, you've ran the good ones out. the ones who left, are looking to retire, are looking for private security. and there's no one wanting that job anymore. do? do?o you
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>> what are the geniuses woke of new york do? oh, we'll make them have to learn. they have to run less bad.n that'll bring them in.l br bring in a whole tide of police e.ficers who don't want to mov . >> yeah, that'it is s it's going to go really well. stopo . ne i didn't stop. next casxte. it. they just, they go, they just don't get it. you can't you can't undo what d you've done without doing actual work. >>oiual work the you know what s with . >> it starts with a public apology. yeah. and they are just no>> they areg to do that. >> you know, it's it's accelerated. i love it when they clap in advance of what i'm about to say. definitely i sayn you guys, we'a like acceleratinreg the world towards robocop. when you were talking aboubocops steroids, and baseball bats, basically you're talking about peter weller, right. i mean, he was just a well, it was a he was a robot, half man, half machine. and it's like, why can't if
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fedex came out becausethe the postal service couldn't do right. all and i'm sure all o the really effective people from the postd office moved over to that.ov that, right? why can't the police go like, i okay, there's a private forcfoet and i can just mov me from the police, get better pay and go to this this privattoes v forcate with who give yougive steroids in baseball bats. >> you're doing that? yes. it's private security protection. it's called the good cops are going there. prot.iva >>l. can but can yo yu shoot somebody? oh, yeah.omebod y?with i'm asking you as an expert, sop can these private people shoot people? i think florida. yeah. yeahle shoot? >> i thi, well, stand your groud states . >> yeah, yeah.and your stand your ground. r gr get six feet underground. you know what i'm saying?round. that turn of phrase, huh? you it's a good thing they applauded before that. >>ter] i said yes. ] >> greg: yes . all right. i can't believe the dogs fake.
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yes.s yes. it's now the only thing that's fake. all right. up next,vague.u bu would you bur wheeler from a virtual dealer? >> oh, if you're on supplemental, oxygen tanks make life hard. >> well, now there's a better way to get the oxygen your doctor prescribed without a tank. now you can create your own oxygen with the engine one . it's the one solution for home away and travel. when i was on tanks, i felt imprisoned. now that i've got my energy and one my life again with this little device, i can now go anywhere i want and do the things that i've always loved, the energy that one creates all day oxygen from the air around you. when you have an energy and one you can get back to living your life again. i love this and i love my energy because it lets me see this. i could play golf again, i could go grocery shopping and i could work in the garden again. for a year. i was nothing without it. i'm free again.
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a story in five words, a story in five words. a i that's one word.
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well now selca artificiale, intelligence. dave, i'm going to read this dah to you. yes. kiyais and fyi, those are car companies, not like teens k here in fauci. >> i have created digital metaverse dealer showrooms allowing customers to go car shoppingreated showroo onlin having to actually go to the dealership in person. >> they should just do that fort everything, right? oh, so you want to go with mark zuckerberg into the metaverse? tell me. i do not like the metaverse. i don't like this no, you don't.e? i don't like it. you know, that's whatt us t they want. >> they want us all to strap this thing on and enter mark zuckerberg are used to that. >> m this is he cycles of being? yeah, that'll work. he writes very early make. he said make.ot mak i said it's not supposed>> gre to make sense yet. t isturn to her and say that ite not supposed to make sense. so you're scared.
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>> you're paranoid. do you think it's i don't want s to go into that universet becau with mark zuckerberg because hee seems like he's a humanoid robot in our real world now. >> and now we're goingow to follow him into his little digital world . see i don't know.n "the i've seen the matrix well, eating mushrooms and it good man. yeah, it's not good without the mushrooms either. >> chris , are yous afraieid tu in your line of work comedians,e have you ever seen a i try to write a joke. it's pretty. if i have seen write a i try to. a joke. wrf you watch my last special, that's what it was. no, but with a.i., with thecial, car salesman thing, it's kind of like, you know, thatalways i always thought i a.i. in car salesman or the same because car salesman have no souls. yes, that's the first bombr sal jorry, joe derosa told me to write thae t. oh, he's not even here to defend himself. no, probably working a evetorkig the subway shop. yes. a is going it funny that he also subws like the dude from subway. >> but anyway. all right. yes, yeah.aughter] we'll let you know. i do. we do worry about comics, about.
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a.i. stuff. but i you know, because it a is it's such a smart thing. who but i'm kind of one of thoseis s guys where it's like it's justhn happenining. s happening. it's happening. i'm honestly more scared of my seven year puerto ricandaug daughter than the a.i. and iht just kind of sit every night with a gun in my mouth. mouth and i just a i i'm sorry.m sorr y.i'm going to kill myself on the show and that. scares yeah.but i so ehi scares mefe, but i kind f feel like there's nothing i cano do aboutin it's going to >> it's going to happen. t i think it's already happening. yeah. i thin alrk kairis that is pretending not to be fully realized and it's already, it's been like the what i lf i hadwht been doing this for ten years but pretended to be stupid like sometimes i do. sure. okay, let's not forget i was made by usually stupid people trying to get less workto g and more money outet of stupider people. th so the whole point of getting thcar is the negotiation.
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you give a no, the guy gives a no. you come back that he's talk to the manager. coght. comes back , hmee throws inseat the car seats, all the all the fun stuff, you know, that whole experience. then you walk out of there feeling like you won and thenre your wife reminds you ofmi the interest. >> so all of that is ruined. by the a.i. and then then you'll get hit with all the fees, the ai fee fees. this is done again, stupid, lazy people who don't want to get up and seize the moment.m they think it'ent.s easy.o it they do it on other things, too. you go online and yowillu pick your car and it will be delivered to yes. and then you get an yo bill wit all the fees and all the thingsh and then the programs designed for the person not be able to keep the car long term. >> so and oh, you signed it.t you did it. and who and people who get stuff on the internet. don't bo don't bother reading the fine print. they don't read anything. they just oh, i get a goodd the deal in this car .wo saw was and the worst case i saw was i was looking at some research person, got a car for two hundred twenty five dollars a month. mo was a chevy traverse orent afte something that was only forr three months. and then the car payment afterth
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that was two thousand dollars. and lo and behold, their car got repo and they were so mad , so stupid. people peopl metaverse, not stud people don't go in the fatmeh cool and negotiate with a guy. >> it's like it's just somebody typing in previous i predetermined stuff to say to people who don't pay attention can. have you eve you everr bought a car. ca never have thought of what >> gid but not steal. >> no i didn't steal. ste it's a lonal.g story. hey, we got all night. no i mean i made some car payments. >> oh. and then i couldn't anymore. i would have i couldn't. are you the person from his. no, no.ter] the person from her story had to get a car online after cat stop supportin og. don't go away. we'll be right back . that's why i can't believe this is how you kids talk to your friends.
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12:00 am
thought, chris . >> where can people see you? okay, so let'sone go to christie comedy .com. i'll see you be in florida nextk and then september. twenty second i'm at radio city music hall, but sold out. so we're adding a big surprise l that'll be on my website on monday.. >> christology .com cras h. anks to th thanks to the audience this afternoon. dave rubin, captain terry . i'm laura ingraham. this is the "ingraham angle"as from washington tonight.hingto >> the state versus richardr mud alex murdaugh murder defendant indictment foroc murder, guilty verdict.. the state of south carolina, county of collington in the court of general sessions, the july term of 2020 two .2022 the state versus richard alexander murdock, defendant indictment for murder, verdict guilty. >> now that is the moment reality set in fo alex murdaugh, the smooth talking scioaugh, th