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tv   America Reports  FOX News  March 2, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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so no matter what the market's doing, he's ready. and that's... how you collect coins. your money never stops working for you with merrill, a bank of america company. >> john: new at 2:00, watching both ends of pennsylvania avenue. john kirby and karine jean-pierre to face questions at the white house briefing soon but for now the president is back at his old stomping grounds on capitol hill, no matter which side of the aisle seems one topic has everyone talking, china. that's where we begin this fox news alert. within just the last few minutes, defense secretary lloyd austin putting out a new warning on china, a letter to the force, meaning all the troops serving under our flag. makes it clear china is the military's top priority, increasingly aggressive china is trying to reshape the international rules based system
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to suit its authoritarian preferences. this is a generational challenge and the department will rise to meet it. welcome back as "america reports" rolls into a second hour. happy friday eve to you. >> jacqui: happy friday eve to you. the big question is president biden is on board with the assessment, the white house having to defend how tough the president is on china. >> why is president biden afraid of china? >> the president is not afraid of china. did you see the president last week when we went to -- when we went to ukraine? this is not a president afraid of anything. it was an historic trip that many of you said was brave. there's nothing that this president fears. >> jacqui: we will see how john kirby and the white house press secretary karine jean-pierre respond today. >> john: at least one area the white house is taking action on
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china, tiktok is on the chopping block at least on federal government-owned devices. president biden is giving agencies 30 days to bar the chinese-owned app. >> jacqui: some republicans say the president is not going far enough, a bill to grant the president the power to ban it nationwide. plus, congressman michael waltz on the big picture china threat. >> john: we kick things off with peter doocy and peter, is the white house going to stop promoting the president's platform on tiktok? >> not yet, john. they do, white house officials do see a national security issue with tiktok, but they also see a lot of eyeballs. >> so look, as i mentioned before, the white house clearly does not -- does not use tiktok, but we believe in meeting the american people where they are and the reality is many of them,
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millions of them are on this app. so we engage with people who are using their own platforms. >> tiktok's line about this reads, the ban of tiktok on federal devices was passed in december without any deliberation and unfortunately that approach has served as a blueprint for other world governments. these bans are little more than political theater. but democrats and republicans say there is way more to this than politics. >> so i don't understand why if we deem it's not -- it's dangerous enough to be taken off of our phones in congress, why the democrats would want to allow it to take place on our children's phones. that's primarily who uses tiktok. our children. >> republicans and democrats are raising concerns about tiktok. it will be very interesting to hear when president biden gets out of this closed door lunch with democrats on capitol hill
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if anybody asked him about it. as we understand it, there is a q & a session going on with the president and the democratic senators. john. >> john: peter doocy for us at the white house. thank you. jacqui. >> jacqui: john, even as some democrats start to come around on supporting a nationwide tiktok ban, not one democrat on the house foreign affairs committee voted to give president biden the power to ban the app labelled a national security risk. grady trimble is live on capitol hill. so, grady, why did democrats vote against this proposal? >> hi, jacqui. as you and peter noted, there does seem to be growing bipartisan appetite to ban tiktok, but democrats on the house foreign affairs committee are blasting that particular bill that you mentioned. congressman gregory meeks, the top democrat on that committee, he says a bill with such wide-ranging consequence deserves significant consideration and requires congress to conduct effective due diligence through debate and
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consultation with experts, none of which has been done. democrats also criticizing the bill as being too broad and trampling on first amendment rights. so, what does the bill do? it would give president biden the authority to sanction and ban any chinese-controlled company that could be participating in espionage or intelligence gathering, a/k/a, tiktok. >> tiktok is a back doorway that the chinese communist party can get into your phone and sensitive data. so it is like putting a spy balloon in your telephone. >> and tiktok responded to this specific bill saying a u.s. ban on tiktok is a ban on the export of american culture and values to the billion plus people who use our services worldwide. we are disappointed to see this rushed piece of legislation move forward despite its considerable negative impact on the free speech rights of millions of
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americans who use and love tiktok. so, you see the social media company there positioning itself as somewhat of a championship of american values despite the fact that it is, of course, owned by chinese parent company bite dance and categorized by many as a national security threat. guys. >> jacqui: grady trimble, thanks so much. >> john: tiktok tried to show it hears all the criticism rolling out a limit of one hour per day for user under 18, critics say it doesn't do a lot, because kids can enter a pass code to stroll through. brendan carr, we pointed out, the white house has given by congressional order everybody who has a government-issued phone 30 days to get tiktok off their phone. congressman michael mccall said it's too dangerous to be -- if it's too dangerous to be on the
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phones as members of congress, in my judgment it's too dangerous for the children's phones. that's the whole point of the bill. is it too risky to have on everybody else's phone, particularly our children? >> absolutely. i've been pleased with the bipartisan consensus we see on tiktok and its threats, and this town, washington, you can walk down the street, disagree on the color of the sky but we all agree it's a serious threat posed by tiktok and what do we do about it? the congressman, and the legislation, a step in the right direction. the reality the only people it seems left in washington defending tiktok are those paid to do so. >> jacqui: tiktok is trying to make a few changes to at least show some good will. call for number three, they are proposing to limit daily screen time to an hour per day for kids under 18. rolling out a screen time dashboard, mute notifications, these are efforts, obviously, to try to curtail kids' use of
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tiktok. in china they already do these things, shows the chinese already know how much of a time suck and a mind melter it is. but does that matter? >> there's an old saying about the stages of grief, verse denial, then anger, then bargaining, i think it's a sign tiktok has moved into the bargaining stage, to stave off the inevitable, which is a nationwide ban on tiktok. whether it happens this week as i would like to see or some time down the road, i think that's the only question left. and if you look at the chinese foreign ministry, putting out statements we can't do this, it would be crossing the rubicon to ban an app like this. the reality in china, hundreds and hundreds of u.s.-based applications already banned. facebook, twitter, lots of google services, and not on the same record we have which is a clear security threat from tiktok. nightmare scenario, they admitted to using it to look at locations, journalists writing
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negative stories about tiktok. so the time for gazing has ended. >> john: house republicans, at least on the house foreign affairs committee voted on a measure positively to give the president the power to ban tiktok nationwide. but democrats say no, no, no, you don't want to do that. gregory meeks, the ranking on the foreign affairs committee said this. damage, it would damage our allegiances across the globe, bring more companies into china's sphere, destroy jobs in the united states and undercut core american values of free speech and free enterprise. this is an app predominantly kids doing silly dances. why would banning it do all that? >> we move to move forward with the ban. and hearing first before the mark-up, but yesterday the white house press secretary said the white house has serious national security threats with tiktok.
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doj number 2 say she does not use tiktok and does not recommend that anybody does, sort of i think in the last stages here of reaching the inevitable result. the key is the biden administration treasury department reviewing tiktok for two years, some of the challenges in congress, some are looking to the treasury department to take action. i think they seem to be putting pens down on the deal they are trying to cut with tiktok, potentially looking to congress, so sort of at the scare crow stage of the wizard of oz, but clear we have to move forward. >> jacqui: no one wants to hold the bag when they take away the shiny bag they take away from the kids. >> john: it is the trojan horse, as addictive as heroin, and jacqui said a time suck but sucking up information. >> a concern about removing this because there are young users on it, 100 million, but it is uniquely replaceable. it does not have like facebook or linkedin it's a network of
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people you know so it cannot be replaced easily. >> john: as my space proved, the name is everything. >> jacqui: a study from a think tank in australia has warned china has overtaken the united states of dozens of critical technologies and scientific agencies, even when it couldms to war, as china is making major advances with hypersonic missiles. mike waltz is a member of the house armed services committee and a former green beret. congressman, thank you so much for being here. your reaction to that report that china is way ahead of the u.s., not just in technologies that we have today, but the concern that they'll be ahead of us for future technologies if we don't do something pretty soon. >> yeah, this is the alarm bell that many of us have been ringing now for years. chairman xi, the president of the chinese communist party has
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clearly said they will replace the united states as a global superpower, that they will dominate the west by dominating key technology areas. and jacqui, their playbook is to steal the i.p., steal the technology, set off the competitive chinese entity, being subsidize it so they can price u.s. companies and the rest of the world out of the market, and then take private equity and go and buy up our new bankrupt assets and create a monopoly in that key technology area and they are not just doing it to win or to make money, they are doing it for strategic reasons to then create dependencies on the rest of the world on that technology area on nano robotics, artificial intelligence, down the list, and hand it over to the military and allow them to launch those key items and militarize them.
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this is one report of many that says we have got to wake up as a country and western free world. >> john: australia report, congressman, found 44 technologies china leads the u.s. in 37 of them, defense, bio tech, artificial intelligence, quantum technology. i thought this was an interesting perspective. the other day, dana perino had the former bush national security adviser steven hadley on, and dana knows him well from the time in the administration together, but said the china we are looking at today is far different than the china during the bush administration. how he described what china was like during the bush administration. >> that china in 2001 to 2009 was looking for a benign international environment so it could focus on its own economic development. it wanted to be part of the international system rather than disrupt it, and it wanted a
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constructive and cooperative relationship with the united states. >> john: xi jinping is not your daddy's china. >> yeah, look. i think that's for many of us and historians to debate whether we were being hood winked back then or those were, you know, legitimate aims of the then chinese communist party to be a part of the free world and eventually change politically regardless. under xi, everything has changed. just like russian changed from the 1990s under putin, and his intent to replace capitalism with socialism and tech no dictatorship, period. and back to the technological piece, where we have to wake up, a lot of universities or researchers or companies still have that old thinking and think they can share things like
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microrobotics, say, for cancer research. what they don't realize, the chinese state has a dedicated program to take technologies and militarize them and then dominate them. so this decoupling has to happen. i know a lot of people on wall street and academia and what have you don't want to hear that but at the end of the day we are going to wake up one day and find ourselves mother, may i to the chinese communist party for basically everything the economy needs to run. >> jacqui: while congress is squabbling over a tiktok bill, not to diminish importance at all, is there additional legislation we should be looking at that considers how we got to this point, where now america no longer leads in these critical sectors? >> yeah, absolutely. one -- we passed legislation that invest in the critical sectors, but we also have to
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tack things on there to then protect them. we can't pour billions into these research areas just to watch it go right out the back door to beijing. so, for example, the national science foundation received 1,000% increase in referrals from the fbi for research and grant theft in our universities, but they had a security office, jacqui, of one person. we have since beefed that up, we have given them additional tools, mandated training and protections and the ability to see the contracts of these researchers. but at the same time, the biden administration then said its china initiative and the department of justice to go after this research theft was racist. look, we all make the distinction between these students and researchers and the dictatorship that is their economy, but those are the types of things that we have to continue to get after and to move this process forward. >> john: all right. we'll see if anybody takes up the challenge. congressman michael waltz of the great state of florida, thanks for your thoughts, thanks for
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being with us. there are couples that started off their marriage perfectly happy but end up getting divorced, and maybe this is one of those cases. >> jacqui: china has been surprisingly bipartisan issue in the recent congress, hopefully it continues that way, it seems to by all the evidence we are reporting be a significant threat, but what strikes me about where this increased scrutiny over tiktok which absolutely should be looked at, so many other technologies china has. state and local police headquarters using chinese-made drones, surveiling large swaths of the country. >> john: and u.s. parts in the balloon. another foe since russia invaded ukraine, secretary of state antony blinken meeting with his russian counterpart lavrov in india. he urged the decision to pull out of the nuclear arms treaty
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with the united states. blinken says he also pushed for the kremlin to release american prisoner paul whelan. >> the united states has put forward a serious proposal, moscow should accept it. we are determined to bring paul and every other american citizen unjustly detained around the world home. we won't rest until we do. >> john: whelan, a former marine, locked up in a russian prison since 2018. >> jacqui: a live look at the white house where we are expecting karine jean-pierre, the white house press secretary and john kirby to face some questions soon. china certain to come up. we'll keep an eye on that. >> john: and new details in the case of idaho murder suspect bryan kohberger, what the police found during his parents' home
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in pennsylvania. >> jacqui: and no sign letting up for tens of millions of americans. on the ground in tennessee's tornado alley next. really triedg with it, everybody. now i sleep with inspire. inspire? no mask? no hose? just sleep. learn more, and view important safety information at veteran homeowners: making a big car payment every month? car loans can be expensive and the payments high. consolidate that car loan into a newday home loan and save hundreds every month. ♪ choosing miracle-ear was a great decision. like when i decided to host family movie nights. miracle-ear made it easy. i just booked an appointment and a certified hearing care professional evaluated my hearing loss and helped me find the right device calibrated to my unique hearing needs. now i enjoy every moment. the quiet ones and the loud ones.
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>> jacqui: finding out about more items investigators have seized from bryan kohberger. a court in pennsylvania released documents on the raid of his parents' home in december, a knife, a gun and a note the suspect wrote to his father. dan springer is live in seattle and is this it, or is there going to be another search warrant unsealed, what's next? >> hi, jacqui. i'm told this is it. that we now have a final list of the items seized in the idaho
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murders investigation and does include as you've said a number of weapons, although most likely not the murder weapon. among the many things removed from his parents' house in pennsylvania, three knives, including a smith and wesson pocket knife, and taylor cutlery knife, probably too small to be used in the murders. and seized a .40 caliber glock handgun, came away with a desktop computer, a laptop and a cell phone. also took a lot of dark clothing, along with a black hat, mask and gloves. found a green leafy substance, container and a clear bag. took a craftsman shop vac, may have been used to clean the car and four cheek swabs for dna and also took things from the white car, headrest, door panel.
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they allege that kohberger drove his elantra to commit the murders november 13th and then drove back several hours later before police were even called to the scene. kohberger is charged with four counts of first-degree murder for the brutal knife slayings. it is a death penalty eligible case, and he could be death by firing squad. a bill introduced to bring it as a back-up to lethal injection. apparently states are having the trouble getting ingredients for the deadly cocktails. kohberger's preliminary hearing is scheduled for later in june. jacqui. >> jacqui: unbelievable. all right, thank you so much. appreciate it. >> john: rain, snow, sleet and hail, not an a advertisement, it's extreme weather socking states from the west coast to the deep south. for some 40 million, forecasters
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warn it could get worse. a tornado watch in the path of a dangerous storm that could bring flash flooding. will joins us live from jackson, mississippi in the fox weather beast. what are you seeing down there? >> not only talking about the possibility of tornadoes here but long track tornadoes, rating of ef-2 or higher. dallas-fort worth, shreveport. a live look outside the fox weather beast here in jackson, mississippi, some peeks of sunshine and warm temps, not the ingredients you want to see coming together. i'm concerned about the commute this afternoon, especially for dallas-fort worth, it could be messy and downright dangerous if it holds up. we'll get into the heart of the target zones here, hopping on interstate shortly to get you into the texas region. if you have family and friends here, texas, louisiana, mississippi, make sure they have
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multiple ways to receive warnings. the free box weather app is a great resource to keep you ahead of this. we are weathering this with you on fox weather. we will keep you informed and with the help of the fox weather beast getting inside some of these storms for you, john. >> john: will, good to have you. download, or scan the code, we'll leave it up for a second so you can grab it. >> jacqui: quick quick quick. >> john: fox weather, it's a great app. >> jacqui: fox news alert coming up now. new york republican congressman george santos under investigation by the house ethics committee over alleged misconduct. last year he acknowledged that he lied about several elements of his past, including college degrees and work for goldman sachs and citi group, and also
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personal and campaign finance violations. >> john: jury deliberations set to begin any moment in the alec murdaugh trial. we are going to talk to the attorney for murdaugh's housekeeper who mysterious died. he testified that murdaugh stole a $4 million life insurance payout from his family. that is coming up next. when covid hit, we had some challenges. i heard about the payroll tax refund that allowed us to keep the people that have been here taking care of us. learn more at subway keeps upping their game with the subway series. an all-star menu of delicious subs. there's the philly, the monster, the boss. if i hadn't seen it in person, i wouldn't have believed it. eating is believing steph. the subway series. try subway's tastiest menu upgrade yet.
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would not veto the bill to d.c. criminal code and will support train legislation by sherrod brown and j.d. vance of ohio. that's where we are right now. >> jacqui: prosecution and defense have wrapped their closing arguments in the alec murdaugh double murder trial and the jury is set to begin deliberations soon. disgraced south carolina attorney is charged with killing his wife and youngest son. jurors heard from 70 plus witnesses over the course of the trial, including the son of gloria satterfield. she worked as a housekeeper and nanny for the murdaugh's for years. he filed insurance claims and kept the payments her son. an attorney for the sons of gloria satterfield, the case you
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were involved in, alec murdaugh, as i understand it, confessed to lying at one point about this, and the money eventually came to your family. but the confession to a lie that happened in this trial we have all been watching is something you have seen before. is that correct? >> yeah, good afternoon, thanks for having me. actually, he didn't confess until last week and he didn't give us the money. we had to sue a lot of other culpable parties and we recovered over $7.5 million. in fact, when he was charged with gloria's crime last year he pled not guilty. so it wasn't until he gave a confession of judgment to us in april of 2022 where he agreed to the judgment. but he still was pleading not guilty to the actual crime that was charged. it wasn't until last week from the witness stand for the first time that he admitted to the crime of stealing $4.3 million
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from the satterfield family. >> jacqui: so do you think that the prosecution has done what it has needed to do in proving their case for the outcome that your family would like to see? >> well, my family -- >> jacqui: that you are representing. >> -- doesn't necessarily have a hand in the murder charge that's pending. they do believe that the theft of gloria's money was something on his mind because he was telling false statements to tony satterfield very shortly before the murder in text messages, that he was going to be recovering money for them and he had stolen the money two years before and the lawsuit had already been dismissed so it was a complete lie. but they want justice to be served. i think the prosecution has more than met their burden. circumstantial evidence is every bit as good as direct evidence and why would an innocent man lie about the most material fact
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of being at the kennel minutes before your wife and son were killed and then tell those lies to your only surviving son for two years later. and it was only when the devil was at the door last thursday that he finally came clean and said i've been lying to the world, i've lied to my son and everybody else, i've been a drug addict, a thief and a liar, but today is the day i'm going to tell you the truth so you must believe me. i -- you know, i haven't heard anybody say that alex is innocent. i have heard people say i believe he's guilty but the state may not have met their burden. it's going to be interesting to see about the jury deliberations. we lost another juror this morning. there's been some contentious comments between jurors as they are exiting and going back to the jury room. i think we are going to see a lot of fireworks coming from that jury room over the next couple days. >> jacqui: real quick, we are running out of time here, the prosecution is trying to make the case that alex murdaugh did
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this because his life was unravelling, the financial crimes were about to all be uncovered. if he's not convicted, are there -- is there concern that he won't be -- is there concern among the family that he won't be and that this pattern of abusing people would continue? >> well, it won't because he's facing these financial crimes and there are 99 charges, a total of 999 years, and just admitted under oath last week he told from the badgers, the pickneys, the moores and the satterfield. ordinarily if there is a hung jury schedule for 90 days from now and retry the case, i think they would go forward and get the financial crime convictions, will give him life without parole and then make a decision. do we go forward and spend the millions of dollars to retry for
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for murder. i don't think he will be retried for murder if there's a hung jury. but he won't victimize people anymore, i got him disbarred through the work that we did, so i think he's going to be an inmate with an inmate number from now on. >> jacqui: eric, appreciate your time. >> john: see what the jury has to say and then the cases after that. a live look at the white house where we expect john kirby and karine jean-pierre will be taking questions any minute in the brady briefing room, we'll keep an eye on that for you. >> jacqui: president biden's attorney general merrick garland forced to defend his tenure during a senate judiciary hearing, republicans fired off examples of what they call weaponization of government. >> you have one tier of justice for people that are conservatives, and another for those that are on the left. >> how do you decide which statute you enforce and which you don't.
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>> the marshals on the scene make the determination. >> marshals do not make a determination whether to prosecute. you, the attorney general make the determination. >> your department is not trusted because it has been politicized. >> john: one line of questioning how garland handled the raid at mar-a-lago. the fbi was hesitant to do that but the doj insisted. bring in nicole parker, a former fbi special agent. great to see you. idea of a tug of war between the fbi and the doj over how to prosecute the collection of documents from mar-a-lago, the fbi director, christopher wray, was asked by bret baier the other day about the differences between how the biden collection was handled versus the trump collection. >> so, we have a long history of handling investigations into the mishandling of classified information. and our standard for approaching those investigations is the
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same, no matter who it is. >> john: he says the fbi's standard is the same, no matter who it is. did the doj have its thumb on the scales here? >> this is a very, very important matter that i think americans should understand. you know, the fbi is a law enforcement agency, we conduct investigations. we gather evidence and present it to the united states attorney's office, the department of justice, and that is how we work. hand-in-hand together. so, for example, in a case like this, the request i understand came through the archives system and they brought a request in and the fbi cooperated and did everything that they could to locate these documents. and the department of justice and the fbi worked together but the fbi from what i understand, the field office in washington field office, they thought a less intrusive plan should be
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used and unannounced warrant. and at the end of the day, the fbi needs to operate independent of the department of justice. appointed by the current president, whereas the fbi, the fbi director is not a political appointee, typically in office about ten years. >> john: call four number 2, christopher wray was also asked about political bias at the fbi and denied there is any. listen to this. >> you know, i hear these claims of politization but i can tell you the fbi is and is going to stay independent, and that means following the facts wherever they lead no matter who likes it. >> john: that proves even the fbi director has a problem saying politization. how does that comport with what you saw, your experience at the fbi? >> my experience and the experience of others that i work with is that it was not separate.
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many times the fbi seemed to be taking instructions from the department of justice and getting involved in things that appear to be political, and that is like what i said. it needs to be -- we work hand-in-hand. we gather the evidence, they do the prosecutions, but the fbi needs to be operating independent of politically appointed organizations. >> john: you left the fbi because you believed that the bureau had become too politicized at the highest levels. >> i did. i left the fbi for a number of reasons but as i've mentioned before, there are a lot of really amazing fbi employees that are there in the rank and file, line agents and employees trying to do the right thing that have nothing to do with the politization of the fbi. and what happens is we are in the field offices doing our job, but those up in washington that are involved in the politization, it drowns out the work of the good employees and the american people no longer trust the rank and file agents who are trying to go out and do their jobs. >> john: so in terms of this idea of the politization of the
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fbi, you look back over the rich history of j. edgar hoover even under the fbi under teddy roosevelt, who the washington editor for the npr wrote, as a matter of reality, political from its outset. always an ethos of objectivity and devotion to law, the people in charge of it and the people in charge of the administration under which it is served are as political and partisan as it is possible to be. would you agree with that? >> you know, it goes right back to what we have been saying. the people in charge of it, the rank and file is completely different than those in charge of it in washington. >> john: nicole, great to capitol hill up -- to catch up with you. >> jacqui: the white house press briefing is running a few minutes late, and the murdaugh
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case about to be ready to handled to the jury. yet another terrifying moment for plane passengers, a fire breaking out at 30,000 feet and nothing to fight it except passengers' bare hands. that's coming up next. could save meowners:u a lot of money every month by paying off your car loan and paying off your high rate credit card debt? and still have cash left over to put in the bank? with a newday 100 va cash out loan, you could do it all. take out an average of $70,000 - with no upfront fees. no upfront appraisal fees, termite inspection, or water test fee. because a veteran shouldn't have to come up with money to get money. ♪ zyrteeeec...♪ works hard at hour one and twice as hard when you take it again the next day. so betty can be the... barcode beat conductor. ♪ go betty! ♪ let's be more than our allergies! zeize the day. with zyrtec.
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...will remain radioactive for years to come. well, thank goodness. it's time for the "good news of the week." and, boy, do we need it. [ chuckles ] well, this safe driver saved money with the snapshot app from progressive. -how do you feel? -um, good? he's better than good. he got rewarded for driving safe and driving less. sorry, barb, just to confirm, this is the feel-good news of the week? this is what we found. -yay, snapshot!
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11:53 am
>> there's a couple of terrifying moment to add to our growing list of recent scares. first up, fire breaking out on a spirits airlines jet flying from dallas to orlando. smoke filled the cabin as the passengers pulled out it with their bare hands. the battery of a vape overheaded in the overhead bin igniting the luggage inside. ten people were sent to the hospital. >> couldn't find a fire extinguisher? >> apparently not. >> as sengers reported a plane dropped rapidly. you can see the cabin trashed by flying debris. a witness said the flight attendant left the floor and slammed in to the ceiling and violently crashed back down. the air craft made an emergency landing in dulles. the faa blames extreme turbulence for that.
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11:59 am
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12:00 pm
following decades of declines, manual transmissions are making a comeback. driving stick appeals to a new generation. take you paddle shifters and -- >> my mom told me you need to learn how to drive a stick. you have to drive yourself home -- i never partied. >> take your paddle shifters and stick them. thanks for joining us. i'm john roberts. >> "the story" starts right now. >> john and jackie, thank you. good afternoon. i'm trace gallagher in for martha maccallum. on "the story" right now, the jury in alec murdaugh's double jury about to get the case. murdaugh admits lying to investigators but testified under oath that he did not kill his wife and son. here's the defense taking aim at the prosecution's theory of murdaugh's motive and the prosecutor's response.


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