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tv   2022 State of the Union Address  FOX News  March 22, 2022 6:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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the protection vaccines providing serious illness." [laughs] please get vaccinated and boosted if you haven't already. i keep getting corona but i'm very glad for the vaccine! at this point, telling us you have corona is like telling us you have a uti. we are grateful you watched. we will see you tomorrow night. enjoy it with the ones you love. >> sean: welcome to "hannity." we have a fox news alert, russian forces repelled from ukraine's capital city once again after an important suburb outside of kyiv was retaken by ukrainian soldiers after a counter attack. the besieged city, we been telling you about maripuol continues to hold out despite horrific conditions on the ground. reports that president zelenskyy is saying the entire city is devastated. the rest of ukraine remains a
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standstill and russian shoulders are now running short on food and gas and other basic supplies. thousands sadly, casualties mount. let me air pollutants invasion is not going as vladimir pollutants fearing potentialchemical biolo. vladimir putin keeps making nuclear threats, chemical weapons threats, by weapon threats. joe biden and all of our nato allies need to stop cowering at the words of vladimir putin. he makes a threat and you bubble and fit is like alka-seltzer and water. in other words you are being intimidated, allowing yourself to be intimidated and you are acting and looking kind of gutless. lead all of our allies, joey, and strongly tell putin you are all united.
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if it is a nuclear attack, he will be met with a response ten times worse for him. we want that? of course, we don't want that. his troops and russia will be in the crosshairs a few crosses that line where nato nations are impacted. whatever you say it, you need to do. no that fact too. because putin didn't spokesperson won't rule out the use of nuclear weapons, take a look for yourself. >> sean: >> if anybody tries to stop him from a very bad things will happen. i want to know whether you are convinced or confident that your boss will not use that option. >> well. we have a concept of domestic security. and you can read all the reasons for nuclear arms to be used.
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so there is an exertional set for our country, then it can be in importance with our concept. >> sean: to have to be taken very seriously. vladimir putin backed in a corner, embarrassed on the world stage, anxious, paranoid, angry, god only knows what he'll do next. he has had no problem killing innocent men, women, and children. by the way, nato not only the u.s., not the u.s. alone, they need to spell out what the immediate consequences will be because those weapons of war will trickle her trigger article five of thenato. they've leveled entire towns, blown up women and children's hospitals but they bombed playgrounds, schools, shot peaceful protesters in the light of day, shot ukrainians waiting in a bread line and use cluster bombs and hypersonic weapons to
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show off to the world as well. now the u.s. embassy in kyiv accusing russia of kidnapping ukrainian children and shipping them across the border in russia. asking yourself what is stopping putin from escalating this war even further with chemical or biological weapons? i hope he doesn't but the question is is the west, is nato, joe ready to respond if he does? you have confidence in joe biden's ability to respond appropriately? because i don't. yesterday after another long weekend in delaware, joe was babbling about something he referred to as "the new world order." take very close note of this. >> we are an inflection point in the world economy, not just the world economy, the world that occurs every 3-4 generations. as one of the top military people said to me in a secure meeting the other day, 60 million people died between
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1900-1946 and since then we've establish liberal world order, a lot of people dying but nowhere near the chaos. there will be a new world order out there, and we've got to unite the rest of the free world of doing. >> sean: allow me to translate, this is a tip to the religious alarmist cult. instead of putting america first and making america great again, we will be all asked to sacrifice more and more and live more simple, communal life together to somehow save mother earth? mrs. not some kind of vast right-wing conspiracy. if you recall, biden vowed to fundamentally change our economy. on the campaign trail, he told voters, he told you that he would end fossil fuels. he promised to kill the keystone pipeline.
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he did. he banned drilling on federal lands. he ended exploration in an war he incorporated it into his biden-bernie manifesto. you are now paying 405 bucks for gasoline and congratulations to los angeles tonight because the average cause for a gallon of gasoline average cost is over six box, all while america's enemies are getting rich. instead of generating our own energy with our vast natural resources here at home, new world order joe making deals with countries that we know hate us, including sending emissaries to venezuela to talk to the murdering dog there maduro. i deal brokered with russia, does that make any sense to you? a compromise national security. and what do we have, a 40 year inflation higher? great job, joe. if we are not on board then
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likely you are one of those evil capitalists that believe in the ward profit and you want dirty air and dirty water and you want children to die and some republican to throw your grandmother or grandfather in a chair over a cliff. if you are in the enemy of america, let's make a deal that's harder for america. we sacrifice for planet earth, while china, india, all the other countries that hate our guts, they carry on with business as usual. drives up the cost of a barrel of oil and they are making billions. this is what america last policies look like. in addition to making us less safe, less secure, less prosperous, it's also a huge scam. clean energy? great idea. but windmills, solar panels, they are not capable of powering this country. the lifeblood of the world economy is oil, gas, coal.
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the last gas we produce at home, the more we have to import from overseas. they get rich, we pay more. at the end of the day when it comes to mother earth, is it really better for the environment that we drill a barrel of oil in russia, the middle east, venezuela, or iran and in the u.s. or canada? can anyone in the climate alarmist religion cult, can you give me an honest answer? does it really matter where the oil comes from, does it make that big of a difference? it's in our best national security interest to drill here, drill now, every american will save money. good for our national security. it'll create high paying career jobs in the energy center. when you look at all the other benefits, it would drop inflation dramatically in this country and in the other end of it if we can produce more and be a net exporter of energy like we were under donald trump, we could help out our western european and nato allies. at the end of the
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again, this is what bullies do. we are neither feared nor respected because of joe biden and kamala harris. one other thing, we are seeing this humanitarian crisis, we are seeing wars.
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people in this country starting to feel in the latest polls including my own, foreign engagements have just catapulted up. it's right up there with a lot at home. people are paying attention to this. make no mistake, this whole question of nuclear and how to respond, a military option. we are only hitting military targets. places of worship, people's homes where civilians are sheltering in place, those are not military targets. 10 million refugees and counting have escaped their home and vladimir putin, he is making demands that should not be met. and america has to stand as we always have with our allies. we just heard the president focusing on another thing. vladimir putin, sean, governor huckabee, threatening
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nuclear war and john kerry talking about climate change. >> he spent too many hours in his private jet spewing too many carbon emissions. >> and windsurfing. >> i've got to go. thank you both. >> sean: and another judiciary committee hearing. we'll tell you about it, we'll play the highlights. senator ted cruz had a contentious back and forth. that to you. he'll join us as we continue. each, with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. (swords clashing) -had enough? -no... arthritis. here. aspercreme arthritis. full prescription-strength? reduces inflammation? thank the gods. don't thank them too soon. kick pain in the aspercreme.
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>> sean: joe biden supreme court nominee faces questions from the senate today during the second day of her confirmation hearings. unlike democrats, republicans focused on judge jackson's
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record and expose the democratic double standards when it comes to republican nominees that dates back decades being here is senators graham and cruz from earlier today. >> yes, i do know her. >> sean: do you know that joe biden actively filibustered brown washed my spigot i did not know that. >> sean: there are two standards going on. fair game to have your life upside down, to be filibustered, and the matter how qualified you are and if you express your fate as a conservative, all of a sudden you are in effingham fing not.this hill thing about r ain't working. >> let me note that larry thompson has served as attorney general. >> judge jackson, all of us agree that no one should be discriminated against because of
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race. when you testified in a minute ago that if you didn't know that critical race theory was taught through k-12, i confess i find that statement a little hard to reconcile with the public record. >> i do not believe that any child should be made to feel as though they are racist or though they are not valued, that they are less than, that they are victims, that they are oppressors. i don't believe in any of that. >> i believe you or someone who is compassionate. i believe you care for children. your children and other children. but i also see a record of activism and advocacy as it concerns sexual predators that stems back decades. the requirement that sex offenders register may or may not be unconstitutional
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depending "in which a sex offenders have no privacy rights, registration or blood samples," you suggest that may or may not be constitutional. you raise doubts about it. do you still agree with the sentiments you expressed in your law school? >> respectfully, senator, those are not the sentiments that i expressed in my law school note. >> sean: hearings will continue tomorrow and is scheduled to conclude thursday. here moore is texas senator ted cruz with us. i want to start with this. she wrote once that "every judge has a personal hidden agenda." when i wrote that, i was thinking, what is her hidden agenda? did we ever get an answer on that? >> no. when it came to critical race theory, she didn't want to answer the question. she claims she didn't know what it was or what it contained. she previously gave a speech to
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law school where she said sentencing, what judges do, involves critical race theory. there was a lot of discussion about her record when it concerns sexual offenders and particular sexual offenders who targeted kids. i asked what she wrote in law school that suggested that the laws providing for civil commitment for violent sexual predators, that those laws are unconstitutional. we went through every single case that she has presided over as a district judge where the defendant was convicted of possession of child photography. every case she had discretion in she consistently sentenced the defendant substantially below the sentencing guidelines and below what the prosecutor was for over and over again. she averaged sentencing them 48% less than the prosecutor asked for and that was in 100% of the
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cases where she had discretion, there wasn't a plea agreement or a mandatory minimum sentence. it was a disturbing pattern when she was asked for one case involved an 18-year-old man who had multiple videos, explicit videos of young children, 12-year-olds, 11, ten, as young as eight years old engage in explicit sexual activity, in one instance being the victim of a violent rape, and she sentenced to 18-year-old man had the videos of these computer to three months in jail pay the federal sentencing guideline said ten years. she gave them three months and i've got to say when she was asked about it, she couldn't give a good explanation as to why repeatedly she gave light sentences, lenient sentences to sex offenders when the law didn't support that. >> sean: i watched the exchange. i couldn't believe it myself. i want to go back to critical
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race theory. i believe the speech you were referring to was at michigan's law school and she had praised the 1619 project which argues fundamentally that the u.s. is a racist country and in that speech, correct me if i'm wrong, did she not make clear that judges she believes should consider crt in sentencing? >> that's explicitly what she said. she was talking about how interesting sentencing is and says that involves a lot of things, including critical race theory. when i asked her about it, she initially contended that she had no idea what it was and it had nothing to do with their job and i confronted her with her own quote saying that sentencing involves critical race theory and she didn't have an answer to that. it's a little bit of a game unfortunately that we've seen from biden's judicial nominees where they claim they have no philosophy, claimed to not know anything about whatever they
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believe and then they get on the bench and they go hard a hard left and i think there's real reasons to have concerns that if judge jackson becomes justice jackson, we'll see of all on the far left, possibly the furthest left of any of the nine justices particularly in criminal justices. it's an odd thing. but for 30 years, she has been advocating lighter sentences, more treatment for sexual offenders who target kids and just in general. i have to say, that doesn't make any sense to me and i think to most americans. >> sean: what about the issue of court packing? i'm a little surprised as to why she refuses to answer that question. a simple question. she says is a policy issue. do you see a constitutional question involved? >> there is not a constitutional barrier to packing the court.
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congress has the authority to alter the number of justices. but over 100 years, it's been set at nine. the person who she's been nominated to ruth bader ginsburg who passed away just over a year ago, she said it should stay at nine. just jackson just doesn't want to answer that and part of the reason she doesn't want to answer it is the people who are actively supporting her nomination, the people who lobbied the biden white house where in nomination, the people who have devoted and pledged over a million dollars to a campaign in support of her nomination, there is a radical extreme left, they describe the constitution as "trash, they are the ones who are pushing the campaign to pack the supreme court. so josh jackson did not want to address the view one way or another on the question. >> sean: i noticed there is a great difference the way democrats treat republican
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nominees to the court, i'll name a few names. robert bork, clarence thomas, justice kavanaugh more recently. do you see any of your republican colleagues like lisa murkowski, i assume mitt romney, the usual's supporting her nomination? >> it certainly possible. the names you suggest would not shock me to see them vote in favor of this confirmation. i hope that they don't do that. but on any close contested political issue, you can see them casting a vote with the democrats. for that matter, what democrats ought to do is to look to her record and ask is this a justice that would defend the constitution? the book i wrote two years ago, how a single supreme court changes history that outlines how religious liberty and the second amendment, they all hang in the balance and we've got to
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ask with this justice protect our constitutional rights? >> do they believe in coequal branches of government or can they believe they can legislate from the bench. pretty simple questions. important principles. and you only get prepared talking points and the many hearings bear that's what i felt like we were getting today. senator, good to see you. coming up, new explosive book, we've got the most shocking revelations. lara trump straight ahead.
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>> a brand-new quote from a pair of "new york times" reporters is reporting deep tensions between the biden and harris camp, a white house consumed by total
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distrust and dysfunction. according to the book, biden's communication's director became increasingly frustrated by vice president harris' performance, announcing the problems may be with a staff, the vice president will claim the directors dispute they describe the relationship as friendly but not close and even first lady jill biden expressed concerns with harris being chosen as vp in the first place, telling a close advisor that there are millions of people in the u.s., do we have to choose the one that attacked joe? she had a few disastrous moments as of late. take a look. >> talking about the significance of the passage of time. the significance of the passage of time, when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time in terms of what we need to do to lay these liars, what we need to do to create these jobs.
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there is such great significance to the significance of time we relieve that to our children. ukraine is a country in europe. it exists next to another country called russia. russia is a bigger country, russia is a powerful country. russia decided to invade a smaller country called ukraine. so basically, that's wrong. >> sean: sounds like she's teaching a first grade class. lara trump and laura devine. i'll start with you. claimed she was handed an impossible portfolio. her portfolio was border czar, voter rights, chairing the national space council, leaving an effort to extend broadband. not exactly the toughest assignment. and then joe's' columns directors is the problem is her,
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not her staff. your reaction to this? >> you have to laugh at this but it's really upsetting to see that this is a vice president of the united states. you just laid out a couple of the jobs, very few job that she actually has. she has done none of them, she's failed miserably at everything she's been handed. these are not hard jobs. go back to what donald trump said, he had all the stuff in his mind and working very well. i can't help but think back to all of the critics, when my father and the hall was elected when my father-in-law was elected, a man he's going to destroy this country, there would be wars breaking out across the world. of course, none of that happened when donald trump was in the white house. it's happening right now with joe biden and kamala harris and
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this disastrous white house and administration. it's just such a shame that in the name of getting rid of mean tweets, we got rid of low gas prices, affordable prices, relative peace around the world, strength and respect on the world stage. jobs and opportunities abounding, the list goes on and on for the most important thing was competency coming out of the white house! and obviously that is totally extinct. one of the pieces of information that we recently learned out of the vice president's office is that she's been worried about her staffers embarrassing her, sean. you just played two recent clips of her. clearly she doesn't need to worry about the staffers embarrassing her. she is doing a great job of embarrassing herself. but this is what you get whenever you choose somebody not based on merit, not based on the
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best person for the job my solely based on identity politics which is exactly what joe biden told us was the only requirement for his vice president. it's such a shame, and the worst part, we've got three more years of this left. what a mess. >> sean: very well said. mayor miranda, don't know what'sworse. the passage of time lecture we got or "ukraine is a country in europe, russia is nearby, they did a bad thing and invaded ukraine close call. i felt like i was being talked to like i was in first grade. this is the vice president? that scares me. >> what about when she went over to polian and she said, i'm standing here, right here. the list of the greatest hits just go on and on and the funny thing is this book shows that she's blaming the white house, she's blaming biden's staff, saying that they are not giving
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her enough respect, she's crossed because they don't stand up when she enters a room. there is no one she can blame for herself standing up every time she gets onto a stage and making a fool for herself. she looks like an extra out of an old cheech and chong movie, like a stone or in complete nonsense. she is amazingly not learning from her mistakes. she has not improved. it's one thing to be a neophyte, not very good at your job a year ago. but she's had a long time to learn on the job and i think the white house has given her a lot of different jobs. she's had pretty much any job she's wanted and maybe this is the way they like it. joe biden is doing such an appalling job. the idea of replacing her with the vice president, kamala harris looks like she'd be even worse. and certainly the american
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people judging by the polls, they think she would be worse. the sad news is number three in line is nancy pelosi musto we are in dire straits. >> sean: add to that they're giggling at inappropriate times which we had not time for. miranda, thank you la eric, good to see you both. jen psaki, hillary clinton both announced today that they have covid. plus biden facing more miserable poll numbers. we've got them all as his endless crises continue. we'll explain straight ahead. t? or float off into the clouds? daddy! or maybe it takes on a life all its own. perhaps you'll come up with your own theory of where the stress goes. behind the wheel of a lincoln is a mighty fine place to start.
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centuries ago, native californians thrived on this land. now, we share a destiny with all californians. when voters granted our sovereign nations exclusive gaming rights, it advanced self-sufficiency and created thousands of good jobs. but now, out of state corporations are coming to california. their online sports betting initiative would break the promise between us. it's bad for tribes and all californians. join us. protect the promise.
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>> sean: joe biden jetting overseas for this first trip to europe since russia invaded ukraine. but press secretary jen psaki will not be making the trip
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after once again testing positive for covid. hillary clinton also announcing she tested positive today. says she's feeling fine. of course, we consider a safe and speedy recovery. we also need to warp speed monoclonal antibodies. you might want to pay really close attention now on antivirals so every american that gets covid and cases have risen dramatically in europe, that means they are probably going to rise dramatically here. it's already happening in new york, and people can get therapeutics as quickly as possible. you said, joe, that you didn't see omicron coming on the heels of delta. let me give you a headline, omicron 2 is coming and you need to prepare. we have is a very different situation than we had to go years ago. fully vaccinated people, fully pack sated people with boosters, people who are fully vaccinated
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with boosters that even had covid before are getting reinfected. one-size-fits-all coming or vaccine, vaccine, vaccine mantra is not preventing transmission. it's time to pivot to therapeutics to save american lives, what ron desantis did a year ago to set up monoclonal antibody centers in florida. biden's trip aboard comes as his poll numbers are cratering. look at this, reuters poll has biden's approval rating at near lowest, lowest at 40%. emerson a whopping 83% of voters say they are experiencing hardship due to rising costs, a 40 year high of inflation. donald trump pulls a 4.5. favor ability lead including a nine-point advantage over suburban voters. in a hypothetical matchup, trump is ahead 45-42 and his numbers
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continue to crater with independents. joe only has 24% according to reuters. pollster robert mckay lee. we start with you. if i was looking at these numbers and i'm a democrat, i think i'd say i'm retiring with 30 plus other house members that have had enough. >> i'm surprised the white house hasn't asked robert and i if they have advised to get them out of this terrible funk. it is a disaster. it started with afghanistan. the numbers started to drop. since that time. mack, they're been very little good news to bring joe biden back up. i thought they would get a quick bounce when the war began because americans are behind their president during wartime, during the soviet union who invaded afghanistan, went to 50
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which is really high for carter, he went back down. what we are seeing right now is biden going off the slight bounds and beginning to go to the new level. i don't know where it stops. >> sean: your numbers i think had joe biden lower. i think matt's numbers had joe biden lower as well. wait till you see this. how does it impact the election which is not far off as we are now heading into april? this election comes pretty quickly in november. >> absolutely. people look back and there are things about trump that made them uncomfortable. but biden's policies are making their lives unbearable. it's showing in poll numbers. there is a lot of buyer's remorse out there and his party is going to take a nice little lake in the midterms. there ought to be great concern. nothing seems to be going well
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and everything that they are doing seems to be out of whack. all the things that people are to say that this couldn't be true, hunter's laptop was real, they were spying on trump's campaign, the virus did come from asia, did come from china, they are beating to realize everything they were told isn't right and they are reacting. >> sean: i'll say this and i think you both agree, every state needs to realize because almost every state has laws for elections that partisan observers get to watch the vote count from start to finish. not 1,000 feet away, not 100 feet away, not 20 feet away. they need measures and they need some type of clarification and accommodation that every partisan observer watch the vote count so we have integrity in the election and confidence in the results. thank you, both. more "hannity" next.
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>> sean: this just in, fox news alert, massive tornado just captured on video, touching down in the lower ninth ward neighborhood in new orleans in louisiana. we pray that everyone there is okay. we will bring you more information as it becomes available. please stay with the fox news channel for continuing coverage. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. "the ingraham angle" is next. ♪ ♪ >> i'm judge jeanine puro in four laura ingraham and this is the ingraham angle from new york city today. still ongoing at this hour. we're going to have a full analysis in moments, including why she recommended lenient sentences for child predators. news tonight that the democrats actually had information on the judge from republicans. senator lindsey graham has a reaction in moments.
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plus the latest from the ground in ukraine including he reports that ukrainian soldiers are going on the offensive and fear that the use of nuclear weapons is not out of the question. but first is it any surprise that the country is a mess when biden can't even keep his own white house in order? and it turns out the source of much of the dysfunction seems to be this person. >> [laughs] what do you want to know? [laughs] speak i want to give you the opportunity. >> a friend in need is a friend indeed. [laughs] >> judge jeanine: let's face it. kamala was a disaster even before she entered the white house. her senate career was a train wreck. >> it has been only a year since judge kavanaugh's hearing. speak i was a part of that hearing and sham process.
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>> i want to welcome everyone to this hearing on the nomination of judge brett kavanaugh -- >> mr. chairman. >> you are out of order. i will proceed. >> we cannot possibly move forward, mr. chairman. >> judge jeanine: her failed presidential campaign was an even bigger fiasco. >> listen, this is going to sound modest but i'm obviously a top tier candidate so i expect to be on the stage and tickets tonight. now she's bringing the same energy to the vice president's office. >> we've been to the border, we've been to the border. >> you haven't been to the board of. >> and i haven't been to europe. >> i am here standing on the northern flanks talking about what we have in terms of the eastern flank and our nato allies. so ukraine is a countrcountry in europe. it exists next to another country called russia.
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russia is a bigge country, russia is a powerful country. russia decided to invade a smaller country called ukraine. so basically that's wrong. speak up because we have the ability to see what can be, unburdened by what has been, and then to make the possible ay happen. >> talking about the significance of the passing of time. the significance of the passage of time. so when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time. >> judge jeanine: and the passage of time hasn't been kind to her office. she lost ten high-profile staffers in the last nine months. the most recent of which was national security advisor nancy medical down a period after her disastrous and frankly embarrassing trip to eastern europe last week, who could blame miss michael downey? but the dysfunction
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doesn't end there. a new book by reporters reveals a growing tension between the biting and harris camps. apparently there bent out of shape that biden dumped impossible tasks on her lap. but this director reportedly had a different take. in the new book, "in private, bedingfield noted that the presidency was the first time in harris' career she had fallen short of sky expectations. her senate office had been messy and her presidential campaign has been a fiasco. perhaps she suggested the problem was not the vice president's staff. joining me now is "washington times" opinion editor and fox news contributor come also here is keira davis. charlie, is that right? is her biggest problem the fact that she is kamala?
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>> [laughs] i think that is a very fair assessment and of course, obviously we have to take everything with a grain of salt. anything that "the new york times" reports for the rest of history i automatically doubt and presume it is made up because that is what they do. but knowing politicians, knowing joe biden and kamala harris i believe every word of this. somehow they managed to get something right so i believe every word of this. what is really shocking is that quote from bedingfield where she's talking about all the ways kamala harris was a disaster in her senate office and in the campaign, and yet joe biden picked her as her vice president. it tells you all you need to know about, here is an joe biden and the fact that they are now back stabbing one another inside the white house and trying to pull the rug out from underneath kamala harris in the white house
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tells you all you need to know about the people that joe biden hires and surrounds himself with. >> judge jeanine: all right, here's another expert from the book according to politico. harris dispatched tina to talk to top advisor anita dunn to complain about the fact that white house staff was not standing up for harris when she entered the room the way they did for president biden. the vice president took it as a sign of disrespect. here is the easiest way to lose respect, so pathetically demand it. >> i swear, this is "veep" in real life. this is what i would expect the main character in "veep" to care about. of all the things to worry about, people standing when she walks into her room? how about all the promises you made to your constituents running? we are going to forgive student
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loans and bring back america. everything is worse, everything sucks right now. and kamala's main priority is, are people standing enough for me? are people respecting me enough when i walk into the room? it is absolutely ridiculous but another sign of how completely chaotic and insane this administration is. i think people on both sides of the ideological spectrum can agree this woman is a mess. >> judge jeanine: she is an embarrassment but speaking of the border here is another excerpt from the book. political reports of "the authors recounted a meeting with congressional black caucus leaders in april in which biden heaped praise on harris but also said that he had given her the important task of handling immigration and that she would do a hell of a job. the vice president actually corrects him. excuse me, it's the northern triangle, not immigration.
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this woman is in embarrassment. >> she really is, and i think keira is exactly right about this, the catastrophes that we are witnessing domestically in this country right now have nothing to do with the republicans or democrats. everybody is feeling it, everybody knows it and i think that is what you are starting to see a real schism among democrats in washington who are frightened by this administration and frightened by the behavior, quite frankly bizarre behavior. the cackling about ukrainian refugees, correcting joe biden about immigration, the refusal to go to the border, the refusal to fix the problem, for example. all these things, and you are starting to see people jump ship. >> judge jeanine: it's interesting, she's almost an insurance policy for joe biden in the sense that no one will talk about the 25th amendment or
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any kind of impeachment because they know what they're going to get. she is like a real good insurance policy. but one less thing, politico reports the book also reveals this bit of talent. some of her advisors believe the president almost entirely, white house inner circle did not show the vice president the respect she deserves. this seems to imply that team kamala thinks that biden is racist? >> i think biden may be has some race issues. i've often wondered what went on behind closed doors with the obama administration. barack obama, what he had to put up with. now that we have seen joe biden when he can really speak his mind but i don't think race is an issue here, to be honest. she's not a good politician. and that is saying something when the president of the united states is joe biden.
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she's a terrible politician. i've never seen anybody worse at their job than her. so i don't know if they hoped she would be better or if they were setting her up. i have no idea what the result is that she's actually in embarrassment on the international seat and frankly as a black woman i believe she's in embarrassment to the legacy of what it is supposed to mean to be the first woman of color in office. it's in embarrassment all the way around. i just don't think you can get away from that. >> judge jeanine: all right, thank you so much for being with us tonight good let's go now to ukraine were ukrainian troops are actually making some gain against russian forces. fox news foreign affairs correspondent is standing by now with the latest. >> some air raid sirens but a lot of noise across the country and new gains being made by the ukrainian forces against that much bigger russian foe.
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a key suburb west taken in a counteroffensive by the ukrainian forces. russian troops are said to be demoralized, weakened. death toll is high, injury is high, loss of equipment. however, the keyport city which we've been telling you about for days continues to get bombarded by the russians. 100,000 are now thought to be trapped inside that city. a hundred bombs and missiles hitting each day, some even coming from ships off the coast. president zelensky in front again calling for help. we are on the brink of survival. he even pitched to pope francis to help mediate this thing. as clashes continue, president biden heading to europe on wednesday. nato, g7 e.u. on thursday, poland capital and officials there on friday. we will hear about troop deployments and sanctions, rapid response forces, more military.
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the question is what will it take for the u.s. to do more for ukraine, for nato to do more for ukraine? aside from an attack on a nato country, will it take a chemical attack, biological attack, nuclear attack by russia? even mass civilian casualties to get involved. that is what is being wrestled with this very moment. >> judge jeanine: dangerous times, thanks so much. we will check in with you later on in the show but joining me now is newt gingrich, fox news contributor and speak of the house. we will get your thoughts on ukraine and moments but first, let's go back to biden's kamala problem. her potential 2024 rivals must be loving this. can you hear me? >> i could. i wasn't sure whether or not you would show how kamala is
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unbelievable. look, i think we have never seen a national political figure, not just the vice president but a national political figure who is as self-destructive as kamala harris? you watch her day after day, you watch her go to poland and break up laughing in a press conference with the polish president when she is asked about the refugees from ukraine. you see her tenth person leave her staff, who was by the way the national security advisor who was with her in poland, who must been totally embarrassed and demoralized by watching her break up laughing when talking about the ukrainian refugees. and you watch other things she's done, and i thought that she was an insurance policy to make sure that nobody tried to replace a biden matter how bad his
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cognitive problems but i'm beginning to think that she is like spiral agnew who was so bad, it's at the stage for nixon to be replaced. i have a hunch she is a very, very short fuse right now because i think most americans realize that the prospect of her being president is genuinely terrifying. it's bad enough to think about biden being president when he is clearly not totally in touch with reality, but the idea of being replaced by kamala is astonishingly frightening. >> judge jeanine: let me ask you this, if she is vice president look at the president -- forget biden, any president with a vice president like that, what would they do? is there another person who would pull up in front of the nation to deliver on some of the issues americans want to hear about? what do you do in this situation? >> the first thing you do is you
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send her to the naval observatory which is the home of the vice president and you say, please don't leave for the next three years and you offer her books and movies and video games but you don't let her leave. the second thing i think you do is you find somebody, whether it is secretary of state or somebody else who you empower to go around the world and pretend they are you. what you don't allow her ever again to leave the united states. people need to realize this isn't just politics, it's not just funny. do you have all around the world watching the united states be humiliating only incompetent. and i think it is a dramatic wound to our position in the world to have kamala harris go anywhere. >> judge jeanine: i want to get your sense of what you think
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president biden will accomplish when he goes to europe this week. >> i think the first thing he ought to do is make sure there are antiship missiles being sent ukraine right now. i've not heard anybody talk about this but the fact is when you watch the black sea feet of the russian navy bombarded the ukrainian coast, we have lots of missiles which are capable of destroying those missiles and they should all be in the hands of ukrainians and ukrainians ought to be basically destroying the black sea fleet, which we could do. we have that capacity. second, i want to know whether or not the high altitude antiaircraft missiles which biden promised last week are now in ukraine. third, biden ought to say if putin is going to engage in a policy of killing civilians, and we are going to give surface to
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surface missiles and cruise missiles to ukraine so they can have russian airfields and a russian missile bases firing into civilians. we don't have to accept some deal where russians don't have to fight while they remain safe but ukrainians only have to be in defense. i think when somebody starts killing your women and children, destroying your cultural heritage, you have a right to defend yourself by taking out their airfields and their missiles. finally, he ought to go to nato and the number one thing they need to agree on is a public, explicit commitment that if putin goes to chemical weapons they will immediately within a couple of hours do everything they can to destroy that capability. there should be no confusion about none of this. eventually there will be sanctions, eventually we will do
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something. immediately. >> judge jeanine: all right, thanks so much. day two of ketanji brown jackson's hearings saw fireworks. accusations the democrats withheld important documents from jackson's past on some of her most controversial beliefs. senator lindsey graham has a reaction next stay there. it's lawn season. and i need a lawn. quick. the fast way to bring it up to speed. is scotts turf builder rapid grass. rapid grass is a revolutionary mix of seed and fertilizer
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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: day two of the judge ketanji brown jackson's confirmation and just moments ago there were a lot of revealing moments. but this line of questioning from my next guest exposed the utter hypocrisy from democrats. >> how faithful would you say you are in terms of religion? >> i am reluctant to talk about my faith in this way, just because i want to be mindful of the need for the public to have confidence in my ability to separate my personal views. >> how would you feel if a senator up here said here faith, that dogma lives loudly with anyone that's a concern? i would come if i were you. i found it offensive when they said it about judge barrett.
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>> judge jeanine: joining me now senator lindsey graham of the senate judiciary committee. judge jackson seems to imply that being openly religious somehow taints a judge's status? >> i think i was asking her questions about her faith and i don't believe for a minute that her faith will determine how she would rule on a case. i didn't believe that about amy coney barrett. she was uncomfortable about me asking how faithful she was, could she judge somebody of a different faith because i think most americans are uncomfortable. if she was uncomfortable with that, where was she and others when they were destroying amy coney barrett? who is a faithful woman, a traditional catholic, her faith means a lot to her. they basically said that your faith is too much for us and that we believe you, amy coney barrett, that the dogma lives
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loudly within you and that questions your ability to be a fair judge. but they did to judge barrett was despicable. >> judge jeanine: agree. but you also asked judge ketanji brown jackson troubling. she said in the past about her time defending guantanamo detainees. take a look. >> did you ever accuse someone of your petitions the government of -- war criminals? >> i don't remember that accusation but i will say -- >> do you believe true? that america was holding these detainees? >> what i was doing in the context of these petitions come in the very early stage in the process was making allegations to preserve issues on behalf of my clients. >> judge jeanine: senator brown jackson repeatedly stated how much she loves this country but that doesn't square with what we just heard.
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>> here is my point. listen, have you ever been a public defender? i was a public defender and you take the clients that come in your office. i will never hold it against a lawyer for representing somebody that no one else likes. but the point i'm trying to make is judge jackson said, i call it as i see it, i don't make up the law, i apply the facts of the law. i'm not an activist. why does every other nut job liberal group want her more than anybody else? this idea that she is a neutral observer of the law, not an activist, is not passing the smell test because when she was a lawyer not only did she represent gitmo defendants, which i'm fine with, she actively participated in three briefs by liberal organizations that accused of the bush administration of being war criminals.
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how could a lawyer accuse the secretary of the united states of being a war criminal and not remember it? the group she was associated with want to destroy the legal regime at guantanamo bay that were allowed to hold these tariffs as enemy combatants. they wanted to treat them as common criminals, try them or let them go. 37% recidivism rate. i don't buy the idea that she wasn't an activist when it came to changing the legal regime that protected this nation since 9/11. >> judge jeanine: right. one last question, are you going to vote for her? >> stay tuned. >> judge jeanine: okay. senator graham, thanks so much. the senate's resident conspiracy theorist sheldon whitehouse used his time during today's confirmation hearing to insult this show as well as my next guest. president of judicial prices network and former supreme court clerk for justin thomas. let's show our viewers what
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senator said today. >> that selection process took place out of the public eye and it appears to have been informed heavily by dark money interests. here is laura ingraham on fox news concerned about abortion cases coming up before the court after all the money that has been raised, all these big fat cat dinners and unfortunately the federal society was not alone. write down the hallway is something called the judicial crisis network. >> judge jeanine: you were in the room when he said this today. your response? >> sean: senator whitehouse delivered some top shelf gaslighting today. he just went on and on about concerns about conservative dark money and ignored the fact that the nominee being looked at, she is the one being pushed by some extreme dark money groups who
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have spent magnitudes more than our organization and groups that are linked to people that he actually receives money from himself. so he really isn't opposed to dark money per se or 501(c)(4) organizations as i'd like to call them but wants to squelch free speech he disagrees with and wants to just cover up for the fact that this nominee was picked by a white house counsel office where guess who works there? someone who came right from one of the main dark money liberal groups who has been pushing her. he pretends there's no connection but they have a huge amount of influence in the white house and we've seen a lot of payback from this administration in terms of picking traditional nominees that feed into this dark money network. >> judge jeanine: judge brown jackson responded to criticism in her lightness in regards to child porn cases. >> congress has decided what a judge has to do in this and any of the case when a sentence the
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statute says, calculate the guidelines but also look at various aspects of this sense and impose a sentence that is sufficient but not greater than necessary. >> judge jeanine: is this an adequate explanation for her sentencing many of these child porn possessors two less than the recommended sentence by both of the prosecutor and the guidelines? >> this is actually an issue that goes beyond these child porn cases that are disturbing enough. but some of these questions, i think we will probably hear more about it tomorrow, this is something that goes through a lot of areas of criminal law and it is disturbing to someone who obviously spends a lot of time considering the guidelines on the commission herself seems to be having a view that the judge is constantly departing downward and it's been pointing out that
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when she is considering those factors as a judge they are already taken into consideration by the guidelines. she is kind of doubling anything that would consider the sentence. that is a bias in one direction only. no one brought up today that her judicial philosophy, which she won't talk about but as it relates to sentencing, no defendant in a child porn case should get mandatory minimum. a very interesting, very interesting answers. thanks for being with us tonight. top house judiciary republicans are alleging the fbi director chris ray might have lied to the committee last year about rule breaking by his agent. congressman jim jordan is here next with the alarming details. stay right there. would be the lt thing on my mind. thankfully, voya provides comprehensive solutions, and shows me how to get the most out of my workplace benefits. voya helps me feel like i got it all under control. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. this isn't just freight.
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>> we do not investigate first amendment groups. we don't investigate people for his speech, for association, for
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assembly, for membership in first amendment groups. what we do do is investigate individuals with proper predication. >> judge jeanine: was the fbi director lying when he told congress this this summer? republicans are now asking director wray to explain why his testimony contradicts a 2019 agency audit that reveals rule breaking by agents who were investigating politicians, candidates and religious groups. ohio congressman jim jordan, ranking member of house judiciary is in the middle of this enjoins me now. congressman, has the fbi responded to you tonight? >> no, they haven't and here's the problem, he can't keep coming before congress and saying everything is wonderful in the report comes a few months later that says it is the opposite of that. they didn't even follow their own rule but understand what this is, this is an investigative matter that impacts the first amendment,
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religious groups, political figures, candidates. in investigative matters they have a set of rules they are supposed to follow. this report is as they weren't following their own rules. this is the same fbi that ms. handel classify ms. mishandled classify information, the same fbi where general horwitz has given report after report that says they are not following the fisa procedures, so we are simply saying give us the unredacted, full audit of what this investigation really said. we want to look at it. >> judge jeanine: the amazing part of it is they got one agent is a relates to the falsifying of the affidavits who was sentenced i think to probation and he is still in good standing with the bar in washington. the american public is looking at this saying, they do whatever they want, they can monitor the rest of us, break rules and there are no consequences.
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still the same people running the joint. >> it's one thing, any federal agencies doing wrong behavior but it's another thing that some federal agency no one has ever heard of and they are not following the rules but this is the fbi. this is the federal bureau of investigation, part of the justice department not following their own rules and by the way, i didn't even mention that a few months ago we had a whistle-blower come forward and he had talked about an email he received from the fbi, when i'd fbi agents across the country that said put this label on moms and dads, this whole domestic terrorism concern that merrick garland's that wasn't happening but sure looks like it is. this is the same agency. when you put all this together, this is why we are concerned and we want to see that audit in its unredacted form. >> judge jeanine: but what can you do? how much more do you need to say? hillary clinton, her emails, it was her only form of
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communication and then she erased them and they say, don't worry about it, hillary but let's spy on donald trump. what else do you need? these are the same players whether you get the audit or not. are the american people just left with the belief that there was nothing we can do about this? >> what we can do is put republicans back in charge and we will be able to subpoena people if we have to, get the truth to the american people and that will have an impact on what they decide to do in the 2024 presidential election because when it comes to holding people accountable only the justice department can do that. my guess is merrick garland who started the whole thing about spying on parents and the same fbi that have done the things i talked about will not be interested in doing that but if we get president trump back in the white house which i hope it happens and we get the right attorney general may be that we can hold people accountable. that is how our system works, it's all about what they do election day and let's hope that come this fall they will start this process and put republicans
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back in charge of congress. >> judge jeanine: we will see what happens but in the meantime they are getting away with it left and right. congressman jim jordan, thank you for being with us tonight. speaking at a business roundtable meeting joe biden let slip a disturbing phrase that at least for this show raised serious red flags. >> my mother had an expression, and of everything terrible, some good will come if you look hard enough for it. this presents us with significant opportunities to make some real changes. we are at an inflection point, i believe, in the world economy. not just the world economy but the world. it occurs every three or four good generations. now things are shifting and there's going to be a new world order out there and we've got to lead it. >> judge jeanine: j.d. vance is running for senate in ohio, why would he use that phrase, new world order? >> he said exactly what he meant.
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maybe we should give joe biden a little bit of credit here and that phrase has been messing around left-wing circles for a while. there's a particular ideology behind it. in particular it means two things to a lot of these people. they want to abolish all borders with unchecked immigration and they want to abolish national economies with nonstop free-trade which shifts our manufacturing base off to china and mexico and similar countries so i think joe biden is tipping his head to what he is trying to accomplish which is the abolition of american sovereignty in favor a lot of global institutions. >> judge jeanine: the amazing part is he thinks this new world order with the united states at the head. the united states, we can't even do our own energy. we've got to battle dictatorial countries to give us oil. take a listen to this, "the washington post" reports food bank officials are reporting growing lines of their distribution centers worldwide. rates of reported hunger has
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been since early august. in early february, 10% of those polled said their household sometimes it doesn't have enough to eat. that up tech to my stomach is more significant with houses with children. this is a truly underreported and scary issue. >> it's truly heartbreaking and i hear about this all the time when i'm on the trail. if people are really paying more for everything, if they are paying more for gas, paying more for food, especially reading about seniors living on a fixed income, they cannot handle this additional inflation. one of the things if you really drill into the details of the by an economic agenda, the globalist economic agenda, one of the things you see is it is really good for big tech, really good for big finance but terrible for american energy production, terrible for american manufacturing, terrible for frankly most of the economy that the people i want to
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represent actually rely on. it's not surprising that biden's economy has been terrible for those people. it's by design he doesn't care about a big chunk of his own country and i think he's punishing them with these economic policies. >> judge jeanine: in addition to punishing them with economic policies it doesn't seem like he's interested in doing anything except kowtowing to other countries and for him to say he is going to lead, even in terms of russia we have to follow the e.u. in terms of sanction, follow the e.u. in terms of how we are going to affect the banking system and implement that, some of which don't even go into effect until june 24th. he is just not leaving. >> that is exactly right and one thing he said when he was running for president as he would return in civility and normalcy back to the country. i think about where we were three, for two years ago with gas reasonable, able to provide,
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they were able to provide for their families. a lot of goods were reasonably priced and wages were rising. i think a lot of americans right now would love to have donald trump back. think about the argument they made as well, he was mean on twitter, meaning on social media. i take $2 a gallon and gas with the few meme tweets on top of it. i think most americans would agree. >> judge jeanine: president trump predicted this would happen, now the highest in 40 years. anyway, thank you for being with us tonight. and in moments we tackle a frightening question out of ukraine. could nuclear weapons they come into the battlefield? the details in moments.
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♪ ♪ >> now a truly frightening prospect, ukraine turning into a nuclear battlefield. "the new york times" reports today, both russia and the united states have nuclear arms that are much less destructive. the fear is if mr. putin feels cornered he might choose to detonate one of his lesser nuclear arms, breaking the taboo said 76 years ago after the u.s. hit hiroshima and nagasaki. joining me now, retired u.s. marine bomb technician and
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fox news contributor. the risk of these less destructive nukes is small or growing. what is your reaction? >> the first thing to talk about is this has been around for decades. it's a little bit misleading when they talk about these as if they are a new invention. there are definitely new enhancements. the difference between how a warhead goes off, which is the bomb part, and how you deliver on the generational divide, it has a similar yield to his head for 50 years. we had something called a davy crockett nuke that yield .78 kilotons, fraction of hiroshima and we had those in the 1950s and we brought those down from 1,000 to 200 and they are scattered around europe. it's believed that russia has 2,000 to 3,000 of what we call small nukes and president trump outfitted our summaries with variable nuclear warheads which means we could change the size of the blast but the radiation itself would remain at large.
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the technology going into nuclear warheads is continuing to be ongoing. one reason we have turned towards tactical nukes is they are less regulated in our attempt to prohibition over nuclear warheads. all of this is to say we don't have a clue if vladimir putin is going to use one. it's one of the biggest kept secrets of our defense department, what are nuclear plant is. i can tell you this, he's a bit of a war dive, would you like better hate that commit is consistent. you can see that leading into the site and during the fight. this is what i will tell you, if he wasn't willing to stand up, posture or act, he's not going to be willing to fight it toe-to-toe, hope for the best because if you don't have the backbone or even the strategic plan to win medical war, don't fight it and i think that is where we are with current
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administration. >> judge jeanine: but what about giving them the s300 or the iron dome, the civil defense system? what is the problem with that? >> we don't know when that is part of the problem. >> judge jeanine: does it look like we are not? >> the fact that we are sitting here in a tuesday night, two americans without viable security clearance to know with the pentagon is doing, either this administration is so inept that we know what they are doing for they are doing more. kirby alluded to that yesterday. i don't know what they are doing but this is what i will tell you, 1 foot in and 1 foot out for 20 years in afghanistan yielded no tangible results, and we can't have an administration playing war that way. if this administration was going to prevent this war i would have reported it fully but to play it the way they are, i don't know that vladimir putin is going to need to use nuclear weapons. >> judge jeanine: i can't agree with you more about what i can tell you is they are
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leveling ukraine. they are leveling that country. >> i agree. >> judge jeanine: it doesn't look like an iron domain any way, shape, or form. >> here's an issue i see as well, if three months from now we were zelensky agreeing to the same terms, the other things that have changed are tens of thousands of ukrainians have died. that falls back on the west and the government for not having a better plan in place and understanding both of these forces that were better before this started. that is where my ire is pointed. i don't know what i don't know but on this topic of escalating or as the russians say, escalate to de-escalate, i would imagine -- first. >> judge jeanine: thank you so much. tonight's last fight is an unsanitary one. you will see why.
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i was trying to refinance my mortgage. i went to check my credit score and i found a couple of inquiries that i had not initiated. within a few weeks of working with, my credit score went up about 60 points. get started at >> judge jeanine: just when you thought it could not be more
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provoking in today's hearing, this happened. 5-second rule, i guess. that is it tonight. judge jeanine pirro and for laura ingraham pure to go to my website for a video. greg gutfeld, take us from here but first a live report. ♪ ♪ >> greg: this is a fox news alert, jonathan hunt live from lviv, ukraine. ukrainian forces on the offensive fighting to take back territory. a big victory in a key suburb west of the capital kyiv appear they took it back in a counteroffensive. it comes mid report russian troops are becoming increasingly demoralized and weekend. russia media replay reporting 10,000 soldiers have been killed and then backtracked claiming it was a report. there are reports


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