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  Fox Report With Jon Scott  FOX News  July 11, 2021 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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lewis gomert would agree with that. i have to be careful with him. >> [applause] >> don't say i said it but actually, louis gomert is worse than any democrat but we have to told him back. what do you think of that, louis , you just heard that for the first time, pretty amazing isn't it? and by the way, where's durham? what happened? >> this is "the fox report" i'm john scott former president trump speaking at the conservative political action conference in dallas let's listen in, live. >> even the new york times wrote the most vicious editorial about james comey based on the horowitz report, which talked about the crimes and bad acts committed by comey, mccabe, and others. this is even before you go with durham. i'd like to thank inspector general horowitz for that report it should have been used. they didn't want to use it.
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i guess it's deep state, i don't know what the hell they are thinking. deep state, is this something but if you can't wait for durham , just read a man man named darryl cooper's brilliant thread on twitter. he tells the whole story you got to read it. as he put it, we know as fact, the steele dossier was the evidence just to justify spying on the trump campaign. think of it, they spied on my campaign, and nothing will happen to them. think of it. can you imagine if i spied on biden's campaign or obama's campaign? could you imagine what would have happened? they spied on my campaign, we caught them, and nothing happened. the fbi knew the steele dossier was a dnc operation paid for by dnc and crooked hillary clinton who by the way is the most angry person today in
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the united states. she's gone away. do you know why? she said why the hell didn't you do that for me in 2016? >> [chanting] >> there are more people than her. no, she said why didn't you do-it-for-me. actually the race was much closer and the new york times asks me a question. what happened in 2020 that was different from 2016? i said well i'll tell you we did much better in 2020 we got 12 million more votes. >> [applause] >> we won by a much bigger margin. 2016 was very close, but hillary said why didn't you do that for me! why didn't you cheat for me, dam mit, i could have been somebody. >> [laughter] >> could have been somebody. steele source told the fbi the info was totally unserious and they did not inform the court of any of this and
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they kept on spying on the trump campaign. in addition, the press is part of this crooked operation, you know that. election rules were changed, big big tech censored the opposition , political violence was legitimized and encouraged by the left, and then , trump, the president of the united states, was banned from the social media as we call it, bye-bye sleeze bags. i was banned by bad people. i don't say i'm perfect but they're far worse than i am. they are far worse. in other words, the entire system was rigged against the american people and rigged against a fair, decent, and honest election. for decades the conservative movement acted as if all that mattered were policy fights in washington, or that all it would take to prevail was
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winning a small handful of supreme court cases, and we're disappointed in the supreme court. i'm disappointed, but the battle is so much bigger and so much broader than any of that, the radical left has been methodically taking over every giant, centralized institution in american life. the school systems, you see that , the universities, the bar associations, what happened to rudy. hollywood, journalism, the big bank, big tech and even the supreme court where we're getting some unexpected rulings because the nine justices do not want to be packed, and the democrats are in a position to pack the court and they don't want to be packed, so they don't want to look at the election. they said we don't want to see it. we had, led by that gentleman right there, from the great state of texas, we had almost 20
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states -- >> [applause] >> -- and we thought we had a case where the standing was so good. you know, i wanted to do it personally but they said sir, you're the president, you have no standing and i said what is this? i'm the president. they said the thing that has the standing are states, and if you could get one or two or three, they got almost 20, and they were really strong about it , and do you know what? the justices never looked at the case, they didn't look, and many of the judges didn't look at the case but we do have cases going on right now where i think you have judges and we'll see if that happens, but if the justices got their way, they won't be packed. in other words what's happened is vicious things. look at the schumer statement that he said when he was on the court steps, so he's no longer pro account ted because, you know, in congress if you're a guy like adam adam schiff,
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schumer said horrible things, he said a maffia-like statement to the judges. nothing happens. nothing happens, but they are playing the ref. you know, playing the ref? even better than the great bobby knight in his prime. i love bobby knight. he came out from the great state of indiana, he came out and he endorsed me and it was over in indiana, but bobby knight used to scream at the refs and would say "why are you going to do that you're never going to get the call changed" no i'm not worried about that but the next call, that's what's happened with our supreme court. they don't want to be packed. we don't want to have 24 judges, you know, they said 13. i said the democrats are too smart for 13 it's an unlucky number, so they will make it 15 but probably make it 23, 21, 19, it'll go up and if they would have looked at the case, we would have won that case, in my opinion, and they would have never been packed, because you would have had a beautiful veto
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sitting right in the oval office i would have vetoed it, because it's a terrible thing, but the democrats are vicious, vicious to the supreme court and to kavanaugh. he's another one, yeah, bill barr they screamed "we're going to impeach him" and it changes people, and how about brett kavanaugh? we're going to impeach him on women that admitted ultimately that nothing happened. they weren't even in the country , one of them. it was all a made up scam. they should be prosecuted. they should be prosecuted. >> [applause] >> and they weren't. but with brett kavanaugh they're screaming "we're going to impeach him" every time, and do you know what? how does he get out of that by voting for the democrats. so it's a very sad thing, and he went through what no other
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person i have ever seen go through. that hearing was the most vicious, horrible hearing i think in the history of our country. i don't think there's ever been anything worse than that. in new york city and state far left democrats actually ran for office, promising to prosecute me, my family, and my company, without knowing anything about me. i never even heard of these people. they knew nothing about me. we're going to get him. we're going to get him. we're going to get trump. and she won. she won. a lot of people running, she won on the basis we're going to get him? what did he do? i don't know but we'll find something. how would you like this? they are in sergio marccione search of a crime and to them it did not matter whether any laws had been broken. the crime was opposing the radical left democrat party. this is lawless behavior, it's a political persecution like
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something straight out of the communist countries that you see around the world, the few that are left, yet it's happening here in america at the hands of radical left democrats, and the republicans again, they just don't seem to understand at that top level what the hell is happening. they don't do it the same way, and maybe, they're going to have to change our job and our mission, is this resist this poison and fight for our republic with all of our heart and with all of our soul, for decades, the career politicians who sold out our country, shipped away our millions and millions of jobs, and sent our children to die in endless foreign wars and have gotten away with the most flagrant corruption imaginable. these people sold out our country. as vice president joe biden flew
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his son hunter around the world on air force two, sucking up money like a vacuum cleaner. hunter's e-mails show that he collected millions and millions of dollars from foreign nations, including ukraine, while setting aside a cut to the big guy. whose the big guy? that's joe biden. well joe biden said they're not getting the billion dollars unless that prosecutor is out. could you imagine if i said that if i said that, they impeached me and nothing happened. can you imagine if i said they're not getting their billion and he was gone. he was bragging. i don't know what the hell he was thinking, did he know the tape was running when he did that, and nothing happens. nothing happens. do you know why? because bill barr is a nice man. bill barr, the republicans, are
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too nice. they're too nice. >> [applause] >> he's a vicious, vicious people, and they will destroy our country and they will do whatever they can to do it. hunter said that he gave half of his salary to pop and that he paid vast amounts of money for joe biden's expenses. now joe biden has all these houses. he's always been like a senator or a congressman, right, for many years. i didn't know you made that kind of money that you have mansions. does louis gomert have mansions all over texas? i don't think so. got one house and that's all you need, right? wants to go home to his bathroom and bedroom and use his one toothbrush, right? >> [applause] >> no, but joe has a lot of toothbrushes. yet not a single member of our corrupt political establishment has ever experienced anything like the deranged and demeanted
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persecution that has been directed at me, my family, and everyone associated with us, everybody. i came down the escalator with our great future first lady. >> [applause] >> she was great and had a very successful career, went really well, until she met me and then so much for that career. she's cool. she's the coolest and most confident person. she gets it better than anybody, and she loves you people, she loves you. >> [applause] >> but that's when all of these witch hunts began, all because i put america first, all because of maga, make america great again.
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>> [applause] >> and now, it's also because i got more votes, 75 million, than anybody in the history of the presidency, and far more than clinton, far more than obama, and a record 12 million more than 2016. think of it, in the history usually they go down a little bit second term and they win, but they go down a little bit. i was told by a great pollster, really somebody great, john mcgl auchlin. sir, you got 63 million votes if you get it up to 64 or 65, nobody can beat you. can't lose. thank you, john, very much. i got it to 75 and i lost, "i lost." it's a disgrace. it's a disgrace and what they've done to this movement, i think they've made the movement stronger, i'll tell you, in a certain way i think so. >> [applause] >> i'll never forget it.
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on election night, we did so much better than they ever thought in their wildest imagination that they just said the hell with it, let it go. what they did, what they did, i'm also leading in the polls against harris. not a lot of people think that joe is going to be running but you never know. it's a strange world, and everyone else is going to run on the radical left whether it's on the democrat side or the , i love my republicans, but we're really kicking their ass too, but we love them, but we like it because they're friends of ours, right, so it's okay. i think we can say that affectionately. no, they're great and working hard and you saw a lot of them this weekend, but the democrats want me out and they want me out as fast as possible and here i
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am. i could have a nice, beautiful life, and here i am on a sunday in texas. >> [applause] >> [chanting usa] >> thank you. thank you. >> "four more years" >> [ chanting] >> thank you very much.
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no, i said to matt and mercedes, you know, because i've done this and we've had, and by the way, you have a poll coming out, unfortunately i want to know what it is. you know they do that straw poll , right? now, if it's bad, i just say it's fake. >> [laughter] >> if it's good, i say that's the most accurate poll, perhaps ever, and i know they have it. i guess it gets announced after i want to find out, are you going to, oh, he won't. he won't tell me. i know matt. he won't tell me. whatever the hell they get it, i'll tell you here is the story if it's bad it's front page news in the newspapers and if it's great, they won't even cover it and i hate to tell you that, matt and i don't want to convince him to do a bad poll so i did this years ago and i got these great saw polls, the first time i did it, i was a novice but it was right here at cpac,
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look at this room. look at outside we have thousands of people trying to come in. our only thing is next time, we'll have to get a bigger place i guess, right? >> [applause] >> but i said to matt, i said to matt and much more important ly, i said to mercedes, i said give me death valley. give me the worst time, the worst slot, we'll fill it up he said well, sir, that be sunday afternoon, because most people are doing other things. i said that's okay, matt. you don't have to give me friday night or saturday night. that's too easy. we love doing it the hard way, i said give me any time you want on sunday that's good. i'll fly in and look at this crowd we get and look at the love in this room. >> [applause] >> look at the love! >> now, we'll give saturday night to louis and to the doc, we'll give saturday night to
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byron, we're going to give saturday night to devon, we'll give somebody friday night which is almost as good, they give me sunday, and i love sunday. do you know why? it reminds me of church. >> [applause] >> but no, i'm honored, it really is. i said give me your worst time i don't care. and he actually did. >> [laughter] >> and he just broke his record the radical left and the failed political establishment hates our movement for a simple reason because together, we took on the corrupt special interest, we face down the open borders that you're seeing so much how bad are these borders. they are coming out of the prisons. they are coming out of everywhere in these other countries. they think we're so stupid. they are letting their prisoners out, floating in through the caravans, come into our country, murders, drug dealers, human traffickers of women, it's mostly women.
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we stood up to the absurd dictat es of political correctness and we called out the people getting rich bleeding our country dry and many of them were politicians. against the howls and cries of the corporate interest and the washington lobbyists, we demanded fair trade for the american workers, and we did a great job. we finally ended the worst trade deal in the history of our country, nafta. >> [applause] >> one of the worst trade deals i don't want to disrespect our past, but the people that negotiated that deal were either stupid or corrupt. they say both, could be. we withdrew from the horrible trans pacific partnership, would have destroyed for automobile business. we pulled out of the world health organization scam. >> [applause] >> you know the world health
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organization, i pulled out because they are like a pipe organ for china, right? so i pulled out. they called me and they want us back, so nice guy, you know, wants us back. sir, we really want you back. we really want you back. i said how much are we paying? almost 500 million a year. how much is china paying? 39 million a year. i said okay so let me ask you a question. we have 325 million people, not including illegal aliens which who the hell knows i don't think they have any idea, but we have 325 million people. china has 1.4 billion people. they're paying 39, we're paying 500 so let me ask you a question would you take us back if we paid 39? yes. i said okay, i'm going to think about it, but when i pulled out it was so popular i couldn't even get back in for 39 because everybody, including doc ronny thought it was amazing i pulled out because he understands it's a pipe organ for china and others but mostly
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for china so i said i would get back in for 39 million? yes, sir. okay that was it. i didn't go back in even at 39. >> [applause] >> and now, because of the rigged election, we're out. he's in, and he immediately says we're going back in. he went back in for the same price that they were paying before. now, you know what? 450 million in terms of when you're dealing with billions and trillions and all of this , it's not a lot of money. this is a year. this is every year. we pay almost 500 million. they pay 39 million. the countries much larger, but why wouldn't they say, we'll do it for 39, or in theory, less. let us in for 10. i think they would have taken it in fact one of the reasons i wasn't happy i should have started off lower, matt. i said how about would you do it for nine? proportional, right? so they go back in and nobody
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said we'll go back in, but we want to come back in at 39 million or 30 million or 20 million. they said we'll go back in, we'll go back in, and now they are going to be paying what we've been ripped off for years and we don't have control of it. china has total absolute control we have none. what do you think of that? matt, in the second row. our acting attorney general, ha? he took a lot of abuse. thank you, matt, thank you for being here. i just see you there. thank you. so, think of it. we have this deal, and they just go. this is the way our country runs the way our country runs. we built an aircraft carrier and the aircraft carrier has all sorts of problems. it's the gerald ford. they decided to use magnets for the elevators. magnets. you're in the middle of the ocean, big waves, bullets being shot at your ship, i could
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take this little glass of water and drop it in that's the end of the elevator and then, they throw the plane off, and they decide to do it through electric instead of steam, right? catapult it's called so they have a catapult and for 60 years its been steam operated and they decide to do it, let's make it out of electric. so i go to the ship, because its been under construction for years, it was going to cost 2.5 billion. it's going to end up costing 18 billion but the bad news is it doesn't work. they even moved the tower from the center to the back of the ship, making it much harder for pilots to land. by the way the single-hardest thing for a pilot to do is land on an aircraft carrier. even great pilots can't do it, if they're a little bit claustrophobic, you know, that carrier looks big but when you're up there flying, and moving along at rapid speeds and you're looking at this massive ocean, and you have a little deck that you have to land, it's the hardest thing to
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do so they moved the thing back so it made it much tighter instead of putting it in the middle where it's a wider part of the ship. another thing, what's under there? that's, sir, where they keep the ammunition. i said wait a minute, they built the tower, i don't want to be the captain of that ship. >> [laughter] >> so i said, i went to visit the ship and i wasn't interested in seeing admiral. the admiral said sir, so and so, the things out to sea trials isn't working and i said admiral honestly i think you're a wonderful man, very looking guy, actually but i want to see the catapulters so i meet these five great guys, real great guys, catapulters. how long have you been doing it? sir, 21 years! i said let me ask you do you have a problem with it? absolutely, sir it doesn't work. why? he said because if it breaks, you have to go through graduate school at m. i.t. to fix it and with the steam, we had the same
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power or more, and we could fix it with a blow torch and a hammer. and i love that steam in my face , sir. i said but seriously, which is better. he said the steam. i said why did they go with electric? because, sir, it can go back and forth automatically all day long i said is that good or bad? he said unnecessary, because it takes us one minute and 59 seconds to put the plane on and hook it up and by the time we do that, sir, we have so much steam , we don't know what to do with it so i said, sir, you mean they spent all of this money, they spent $900 million as of a year ago, to try and fix it? 900 million. it'll never work. i told them that, when i first came in i'm very good at this stuff. i said electric, give me a glass of water i'll put it out of commission and throw it on the electric circuits, it's not going to work, and it's just, i
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mean, we do things so stupidly so there are $18 billion and i said did you sue the shipyard? no, sir. did i meet with the architect? i said you're the architect, have you ever designed a ship before? my first question, have you ever designed a ship before? i'm telling you, foreign countries are laughing at us. they're laughing at us, how stupid we are. we renegotiated the korea trade deal and we built the greatest economy in the history of the world, with a record 160 million people working, we were never close, and i do not want to see any negotiations of tax increases by senate republicans, because i see certain rhinos, they keep walking over to the white house and i feel so badly, you know? guys like romney, they walk over
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to the white house. the other half senator from louisiana, he was over there. i don't want to name them all, because a couple of them are fine, but they go over there, and they are getting fleeced. they come out, we have a deal. remember, england? we have a deal. you don't want to get into that. we have a deal. they said they had a deal. 20 minutes later when the radical left heard that biden agreed to something, they went crazy, and then biden said we don't have a deal anymore. they're getting fleeced and what they're doing is saying we'll agree to raise your taxes, if you approve this radical left infrastructure deal, where most of the money, almost none of the money is going to real infrastructure, which is roads, bridges, et cetera and i'm telling the republican senators right now that we're not going to stand for it if you raise our taxes. we had the greatest tax decrease in the history of our country. >> [applause] >> and we're not going to have
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you raise it, in order to say you made a bipartisan deal. you know, they're dying to say, matt, that we made a bipartisan deal. you don't have to do that, because you're getting fleeced. it's all green new deal stuff, it's nonsense and it's going to destroy our country, and inflation is going to be a big problem. we can't let it happen, despite the pleading and begging of the outsourcers and globalists, i took on china like no president had ever done before. >> [applause] >> imposing massive tariffs to protect american workers and bring jobs and factories and billions and billions of dollars back. you know that, back to our shore s, we made a great deal with china who says immeasurably helped our farmers and manufactures and put the chinese communist party on defense. for first time ever in the history of our country, we never took in $0.10 and they're
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paying us billions and you know what's interesting? biden, he wants to end the tariffs. if he does, china will take over the whole deal, okay? but they're finding it hard to do. he campaigned on ending tariffs, which was stupid. although maybe not so stupid, right? who the hell? well, you know what happened. >> [laughter] >> you know what happened but he campaigned on ending tariffs, so ridiculous. we're taking billions and billions and we convinced the world that we have to watch china. you know, when i took over, we had a deficit with china of $507 billion. that's not sustainable. not million, 507 million is a lot. $507 billion, but now, china is totally on the offense, making joe biden and our country look weak, soft, and pathetic. we ignored the list erics of the socialist left and withdrew from the unfair one-sided paris
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climate accord. >> [applause] >> one of the great rip-offs. it cost us a trillion dollars and we unleashed america's energy resources and achieved american energy independence for the first time in the history of our country. >> [applause] >> and we don't need windmills in texas and lots of other places. we don't need windmills. they ought to end that program as quickly as they can. when the plague came in from china, i dragged the slow and complacent bureaucrats from the fda and the cdc into the oval office. i pushed them like they have never been pushed before, and thanks to the relentless efforts of my administration, and me, we got miraculous therapeutics straight to patients with historic speed and we produced three vaccines to end the
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pandemic in record time. would have never happened. >> [applause] >> would have never happened. we did it in less than nine months. they said a minimum of three years probably five years and, sir, it probably won't happen at all and if we didn't have that, we be in a position like perhaps over 100 years ago, right? 1917, over 100 people, i hear different numbers but perhaps as many as 100 million people died. we beat back the failed foreign policy establishment to withdraw from the disastrous iran nuclear deal. we recognize jerusalem as israel 's capitol and israeli sovereignty. >> [applause] >> we ended the endless wars in iraq, afghanistan, syria, somali a, and other
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countries. >> [applause] >> and we brought our beautiful troops back home. >> [applause] >> now, terrible things are happening in afghanistan. we had everything in place to finish withdrawing responsibly and joe biden is turning it into a total disaster. they don't respect him. he's leaving behind billions and billions of dollars of equipment i told these generals, i want every nail brought back home. i want the tanks brought back home. i want it all brought back home, and instead, the taliban is now parading around with our weapons that joe biden allowed them to capture. it's a disgrace, but with all of that being said, we should get out. twenty-one years is enough. twenty-one years is enough and
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everything we do we refuse to bow down to the radical left, the rhinos, the political establishment and instead, we insist on standing up for america and making america great again, and always putting america first. america's got to be first. >> [applause] >> every day more people are realizing that we were right on all of the key issues and that this is one reason why our endorsement has become, and it's really not just my endorsement but it's your endorsement, has become the most powerful weapon in politics. last year, exact numbers, as if they weren't exact, they will come out at me, you wouldn't believe. 120 of the 122 candidates we endorsed in congressional primary elections won, so -- >> [applause] >> and the two chant, actually, they turned out to be great
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trump people, they really did. they turned out to be great, but we had a great string of endorsements. we love the candidates we endorse. we're endorsing a lot of good ones right now and the senate primary elections, we were undefeated 21-0, can't say i'm happy about all of them, but that's okay. so far in the 2022 election cycle, we are already 10-0 on endorsements and you're going to check this oh, they'll be checking, matt they will be up there tonight checking, oh, they want to find it. it's not 10-0 it's 10-1, he lied , he lied, a terrible person in the face of the biden administration's far left campaign to transform our country and to erase our history , we are not backing down we will never back down. >> [applause] >> when we regain control of congress, we will immediately regain control of our border, and it's not that easy. i watch a lot of our good
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congressmen get on to, all alabama we have to do is redo the trump edict. it's not that easy. we negotiated with those countries and it wasn't simple, very complex. we had it better than ever before. it's so sad to see what happened we will hold china accountable for the damage and suffering they have caused, and make them pay trillions of dollars in rep in asians to us, and to the world. we will breakup the big tech monopoly and bring back free speech. we can't let this continue. we will take back our elections and finally, we will always include a thing called voter id. that's another thing. the democrats. >> [applause] >> the democrats are now saying oh, we always wanted voter id. there was a poll, 88% of the people in the country want
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voter id, so now the democrats, again, same old story. they're saying we want voter id. we've always wanted voter id. these people are sick. we will completely defund and bar critical race theory. >> [applause] >> 1776, not 1619, if you don't mind. >> [applause] >> and if government-run schools are going to teach children to hate their country, we will demand school choice, and we already have been. >> [applause] >> if you listen to the media, or watch the evening newscast, our country has really gone bad. all we talk about is race. that's all they talk about, race the whole show, race. race. we don't talk about our country being great anymore. we don't talk about how america can lead the world. we don't talk about stopping crime or the hundreds and
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hundreds of people that are being shot in democrat-run cities and what to do about it. we don't talk about ending the drugs pouring across our borders, which i had greatly reduced with our wall and so many other things that we're doing and most importantly, we never talk about the great future of our country. we don't talk about any of this stuff anymore. the democrat-controlled media talks race, race, race, for political reasons, and they always have, but never like this , but it's hurting our country, and more than anyone else, our great minority communities. it's hurting them very badly. the democrat obsession with race is only dragging us backward into the past and it is bringing our country down to a point where even china and russia are lecturing us on human rights, race, and they're doing it in a very humiliating fashion.
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this never happened. this never happened with me. during my administration, our country was respected again. it is no longer respected. in conclusion, our party and our movement, we're all united by the same shared american values, and by on yielding resolve to defend our beloved nation for citizens of every race, religion, color, and creed. we take great pride in our country, and we teach the truth about our history. we celebrate our rich heritage and national traditions. we honor george washington, thomas jefferson, abraham lincoln, and all of our national heros. >> [applause] >> and of course, we always respect our great american flag. >> [cheers and applause]
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>> we believe in patriotic education for our children, and we strongly oppose the radical indoctrination of america's youth. we are committed to defending innocent life and to proudly upholding the judeo crist on jails of our nation's founders. >> [applause] >> we embrace free thought. we stand up to political correctness, and we reject the intolerance of left wing cancel culture. >> [applause] >> we believe in our constitution and in law, and order, we want law and order. we demand law and order. we don't want people shot and killed in our cities. >> [applause] >> we totally respect and support the men and women of law
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enforcement. >> [applause] >> they will never be defunded. we are devoted to our communities. we are loyal to our fellow citizens, and above all, we live by the words of our national motto "in god we trust." >> [applause] >> these are the convictions that define our movement today, and must define the republican party, which has truly become the party of the working man and woman. the working man, the working woman. that's what's happening. look how many people are joining we have a much different party than we had five years ago. you were in big trouble, republicans, and look what's happening. now, for the next 16 months, we must pour every ounce of our energy into winning a historic victory in the mid-term. we will never give up our search
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for truth and justice, for what happened in the corrupt presidential election of 2020, because without that truth, we cannot have an honest election in 2022 or 2024 no matter what they want to tell you. >> [applause] >> and our country will soon stand proudly for free and strong and proper elections again. >> [applause] >> the election fraud of 2020 is the single-most request ed topic for me and others to talk about, ahead of the border, even ahead of crime, because think of what they've done. what they've done is so sad. look what's happened to our country in just a short number of months. everyone here today, and every conservative, all across our land, needs to decide right now
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that together, we will save this country. we must decide that we will not stop. we will not rest until our american heritage of freedom, liberty, and justice, is once again safe and once again secure >> [applause] >> we owe our country nothing less than that. our glorious american inheritance was passed down to us by generations of american patriots who gave everything they had, their sweat, their blood, and even their way of lives to build america into the greatest nation in the history of the world, and we are not going to let it be taken away from us by a small group of radical left marxist maniacs. we're not going to let it happen >> [applause] >> we will protect and defend
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our cherished american legacy and freedom, for ourselvess, for our children, and for every future generation, my fellow americans, our movement is the greatest in american history , and it has just begun. >> [applause] with your help, your devotion, your brilliance, and your drive, we will carry forward the torch of american liberty. we will lead the conservative movement and the republican party back to victory, and it will be a greater victory than this party has ever had. >> [applause] >> we will take back the house. we will take back the senate, and then, after witnessing all that has gone wrong in our country in such a short period of time, with our borders, with
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our economy, with crime, we will take back that glorious white house. >> [applause] >> that sits so magestically in our nation's capitol, beautiful, white house. that's small letters. white house, that beautiful white house, and it is the most beautiful house of all. working together, we will make america powerful again. we will make america wealthy again. we will make america strong again. we will make america proud again we will make america safe again and we will make america great again! thank you. thank you. >> [cheers and applause] >> ♪ ♪
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>> for roughly an hour and a half, former president donald trump there rallied the crowd at the conservative political action conference in dallas. his was the keynote address, and as you heard there, at the end, the crowd was hanging on his every word, and very much with him. he stopped short of announcing his own potential run for the white house, but he certainly seemed like a candidate who wants to run in 2024. casey stegall is there at the cpac convention and joins us now with the latest. casey? reporter: hey, john, good evening. you're going to start seeing people walking out of the ball room just over my right shoulder , because that is where the event was, and it will be letting out. this is officially closing out the third day of cpac, and donald trump was no doubt, the headliner, the biggest name
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here at this conference in dallas, and as you said, about an hour and a half, he was on that stage and when we talk about the cpac, you well know, j on, that another indication with this conference are the polling results that come out of here. the straw poll, and we have some of those polling numbers and they bode quite well for the former president. in fact, the straw polls approval rating a resounding 98% of attendees at this conference say that they approve of the job that donald trump did when he was president. another straw poll, if the 2024 republican primary for president in your state were held today, among the following candidates for whom would you vote? in a scenario where donald trump is on the ballot, he wins with 70% of the vote, 21% of that vote, interestingly, goes to
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florida governor ron desantis, who hasn't officially declared candidacy for president, but he gets 21% of the vote, and that is quite an interesting figure. need less to say, the 45th president of the united states was quite comfortable in this setting and he had quite the captive crowd here in dallas tonight, roughly 3,500 people in attendance cheering and applaud ing as the former president hit on everything from the southern border to fighting big tech to the sharp rise of crime in parts of the country. listen. >> with the help of everyone here today, we will defeat the radical left, the socialist, marxist, and the critical race theory. we will secure our borders, we will stop left wing cancel culture, we will restore free speech and fair elections, and we will make america great again
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reporter: now, organizers tell us that they are very pleased with their decision to change things up, and for the first time, they have held two conferences now in a single year , and by adding this texas event, of course this comes at a time that the gop works to re energize its base and the timing of all of this is very key too, jon, as you well know, those mid-term elections next year aren't that terribly far off, so a whole lot is riding on getting the gop reorganized. back to you. >> casey stegall live from the cpac conference in dallas, thank you. let's bring in colorado republican congressman ken buck. congressman, you heard the president there talk a lot about law and order. let me set this up by saying in my first job in journalism i covered weld county where you were later the district attorney for a number of terms.
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you cut crime in that county by 50%. what's going on in our nation's large cities right now where you're seeing homicide rates rising dramatically and violent crime rates rising even higher in most places. >> it's very simple. there is no consequence for the actions of the criminals what we did in weld county and watt successful prosecutors and law enforcement officials across the country do is you setup a system where if someone commits a crime, there is a fast, immediate, and proportionatea penalty for what they've done. if they commit a murder they go away for life. if they commit a robbery they go away for a period of time and you also setup programs to help young people with substance abuse problems and other issues. those programs are available but there is no consequence, and so these criminals are getting out of prison too fast, and they are not even being detained pending trial, and so they are commit ting multiple crimes, and the crime rate is going to be a
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significant issue in the 2022 elections. >> so those cities that have taken the step of eliminating cash bail, for instance and maybe defunding the police, they're taking the crime fight in the wrong direction in your view? >> absolutely in the wrong direction, and americans know it when the democrats keep holler ing about defunding the police and when the liberal governors and the various states are shutting down prisons and you have less and less beds to put dangerous criminals into, you see more and more crime, and unfortunately, it is a tax. those who are burglarized and those who are robbed and all of the violent crimes that are committed, those individuals are paying a severe tax for the crime that is rising in this country. >> well president biden is said to be meeting tomorrow with some local leaders and criminal justice experts on trying to stem the crime waves that's underway in this country.
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have you been invited? >> i have not been invited i'm not sure i would go anywhere. i don't think he would try to listen to anything. they will throw more and more money at social programs and less and less money where it needs to be, and that is incarcerating dangerous criminals. >> the president, former president, i should say, talked a lot about law enforcement said it is one of the things that people ask him about. if people aren't feeling safe in their homes, in large cities, in this country, you know, what is there to life in america? if you're not feeling safe, when you go to your job or when you go home at the end of the day that's a pretty frightening place to be. >> it is and we're seeing more and more people leave these big cities and move out to the suburbs and even move into the country and try to work remotely. people are nervous. this is an issue that will affect suburban moms. it's an issue that affect so
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many across and energize so many in different voting groups, but it is sad, because of the harm that's being perpetrated on people but at the same time, the democrats cannot runaway from this issue fast enough. >> you're also on the house judiciary subcommittee on anti-trust. you heard the former president talking a lot about breaking up the big tech monopolies. is it time to bring in anti-trust legislation against some of those companies that have grown so large, so quickly. >> absolutely and we have anti-trust legislation in the house and the senate moving through the process. it's really gaining momentum in a lot of very positive amendment s and thought is going into these bills and the president is absolutely right. the key to the speech issue, the key to conservatives being censored is to have more google and more facebook and more twitter and more amazon and make
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sure that these companies have competition. we don't say that there's censorship in cable news or in radio or censorship with newspapers. it happens in these situations because there are only one or two of these type of platforms that are out there, and we need to have more so the conservative s have a voice. >> congressman ken buck, republican of colorado, good of you to join us, thanks. >> thank you. >> you are looking at what used to be the epicenter of american military activity in afghanistan the bigrahm air base but with u.s. troops on track to be home by the new august 31 deadline. the base is now virtually desert ed aside from a few afghan soldiers who told our fox team they are disappointed about last week's hasty u.s. exit. greg palkot is live in kabul, afghanistan with the latest there. greg?
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reporter: jon, more on that deserted base in a moment but let's give you an update on this taliban offensive. now, experts say the taliban either controls 1/3 of the country, or it's contesting another third, with the afghan troops. important southern city of kanda har is the latest flash point. fighters have entered, foreign diplomats are evacuating and it is triggered it's believed by that exit of the u.s. troops. we went to the scene sunday of the biggest exit. take a look. >> you're looking at the most potent symbol of the american troop withdrawal from afghanistan. this is the main sprawling balgr am air base 40 miles north of kabul, used to be where all of american military activity came from in this region. now, all that's left, is a skeleton afghan workforce, and a whole bunch of american hand-me- downs and leftovers. >> now off microphone, afghan
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soldiers confined to us that they were surprised by the quick u.s. pull-out and they were not prepared to take over the complex facility. it is a base, jon, we've been to many times, tens of thousands of service members have passed through there. the runways were as busy as the most congested airport you could imagine. now, literally, overnight, there's barely any activity. over the weekend, the afghan government says they are going to rededicate this base to counterterrorism efforts. to us it looked like a monument to the departure of america from this conflict as the conflict rages. back to you. >> radical change after 21 years in that country. greg palkot, in kabul, afghanistan. greg, thank you. well, italy defeated england in the euro 2020 soccer championship played one year late because of the pandemic. it leads second half goal tied
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it at one-all forcing extra time leading to a penalty shootout, in which italy prevailed 3-2 and the match had some violence beforehand, as hundreds of ticketless fans stormed the wim bly gates. some fans who had tickets reportedly got treatment for injuries suffered in the crush. and wimbledon history is made. novak jakovich wins the 2021 men's final he now has 20 grand slam titles, tying roger federer's all-time record. and that's how "fox reports" on this sunday, july 11, 2021 i'm john scott. thanks for watching and we'll see you again, next week. limu emu... and doug. so then i said to him, you oughta customize your car insurance with liberty mutual, so you only pay for what you need. oh um, doug can we talk about something
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are you packed yet? our flight is early tomorrow. and it's a long flight too. once we get there, we will need... buttercup! ♪ trey: good evening i am troy, welcome to sunday night in america. >> in 1976, i was if the 6th grade for the first time, elton john had a hit song titled, sorry seems to be the hardest word. the song was correct, saying i'm sorry was hard, admitting you were wrong is motte easy. people -- not easy, people in char