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tv   43 Portraits George W. Bush  FOX News  April 25, 2021 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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you can say that. a great summary, thank you. >> steve: join us next sunday. the next revolution will be televised. ♪ ♪ ♪ dana: when people hear the name george w. bush they think of his 8 years as president of united states, he has been busy in his post presidential years, writing books, working on important policy issues at george w. bush approximatel presidential city and painting, a lot of painting, inspired by similar hobby of british prime minister churchill, in 2014 he completed his first series, depictions of world leaders, followed by
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portraits ofcourage with veterans. last month, i traveled to bush center in dallas to get a look at his latest exhibit. 43rd president new collection of oil paintings highlight join of 43 remarkable men and women who immigrated to united states and the new book called "out of many, one." ♪ ♪ >> on american currency you find the great seal of the united states, since congress adopted it in 1782, it has displayed words, latin for out of main, m many, one, referring to make up of many states and backgrounds,
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a nod to one of your greatest strengths, to one nation under god. to forever remain a shining city upon a hill, a beacon of liberty. and hopeful society, american only needs to remember that strength. >> good evening,. dana: with wars in afghanistan and iraq. immigration was one of most contentious policy issues that bush administration faced. >> the issue of immigration stirs emotionals, in weeks americans have seen them on display. display. >> a decade and a half later, the issue is just as important. >> you have not weighed in much on policy debates, this is i think a gentle way that remind people one aspect of immigration. >> i pretty much stayed out of all policy debates, only way for a former president to make news
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is to criticize his successors, i think that undermines the office of president. i think that institution of presidency is more important than the occupant of the office, those of us who have been honored to occupy the office have a duty to strengthen it. presidents get criticized a lot, it is unseemly to be one of those voice there are issues that i care about, a friend of ours, said your voice needs to be a part of the immigration discussion, i said i don't want to get into a political debate, he said paint corporates of immigrant -- portraits of immigrants, i thought that is interesting, i did. >> transition from president to artist surprised many, including his wife laura. >> if someone said one day you
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will introduce george and talk about his paintings, i would say no way. >> i was shocked. george had never looked at art, he came home he took up golf again. he did not play golf at white house. and the same time he got an app on his ipad, he could draw stick figures oned road he would draw himself at a podium, give it a speech, send it to me, somehow he started to think about becoming a painter. >> i wrote a couple books. >> he was busy. >> but not fulfilled, in a sense i was not learning enough, presidency is unbelievable learning experience. in that, it was not a part of my life at that time, i longed for it. >> winston churchhill only painted one while prime minister
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high painted over 500 in his lifetime. >> i read churchhill a esi said if he can pay, i can paint, i took up a brush, my first painting was a cube, not a square. i try to pain every day, i tell people every brush stroke is a learning experience. dana: he takes it seriously. studying techniques and has studio at bush center in dallas and their ranch in crawford. >> she holds her breath to make sure i spread blue paint -- >> on the carpet. dana: is he a tidy painter. >> no he is not. >> has he painted you, mrs. bush. >> he tried it was not successful, he has not tried again. >> i painted her, she was very grumpy about it. >> have you painted your
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grandchildren. >> i have. mila and poppy, i painted jenna and barbara. >> and his brother marvin. >> jeb and neil. >> and marvin's dog, they were so ugly marvin would not accept the painting. >> it was a darn good painting, the dogs were ugly not the painting. i was happy to take it back. >> paint is not just a hobby. it is a way to focus attention on issues and people, he feels need to be seen. the issue of immigration stirs emotions today. just as it has throughout much of history. but what gets lost in debate are stories of immigrants. >> a lot of statistics, but here you are reminded they are also people. >> right. that is right. and how they contribute. to our society. what they bring with them.
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in many, many cases, they bring a desire for a better life, that america represents, a a lot of them left opressive governments, they were poor and wanted a chance to succeed in a economy that allows everyone to be involved in it. >> some people depict famous, like dirk nowitzki and annika sorenstein, and business leaders like hamdi ulukaya hamdi ulukaya, and public service like madeleine albright and henry kissinger. >> i want to ask but henry kissinger, he is a fascinating man a friend of yours. >> he came to oval office, on a regular bases to talk about issues. i put henry kissinger in there, he is a well-known name, hopefully we get people to pay attention to the exhibit and the book. but, what people don't know is he escaped nazi germany, he came
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to united states, he said he felt most welcome to america in an army unit from midwest of the the country. dana: a synergy between henry kissinger and madeleine albright. albright. >> she is a friend, she too escaped nazism. they come to united states. >> most immigrant featured are not household names. >> one of first immigrants that i knew paulo rendon. helped my family and flora from france. >> you see this. >> i want look, they see the medal of honor he is from
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france, getting a medal of honor wearing a u.s. uniform there are a lot of immigrants who have worn the uniform, people like flo, willing to sacrifice for the country where he was not born, my view is it they are willing to fight for u.s. they should become citizens. >> this opinion is not a new one. >> i will support and defend the constitution and laws of the united states much america, so help me god. >> the ceremony for wounded warriors in 2006, was one of most moving things i have been a part of,. >> you and i used to go to walter reed together a lot. it was moving. >> 33,000 people who were not born here. serve in our military.
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>> when first injured marines came back from the war in iraq, president bush paid a visit to the bethesda naval hospital. >> what stood out to me, the wounded sold swearing in as citizens of the united states. dana: a moment that would stick with him. >> two wounded marines, they were willing to wear uniform, they were not from our country, they were wounded in combat. >> i asked if he had requests, he made two. a promotion for the corporal who helped rescue him, and a chance to become a u.s. citizen. >> you wear a uniform of the
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united states, there should be no questions asked. dana: changing policies and attitude by the way of a pain painting brush. >> my concern is that immigration debate got so host hostile that americans were not able to focus on positive aspects, at this stage. it is hard for people to separate the politics from the contribution, this book, is an attempt to change the tone of the debate. hopefully get people to be more thoughtful about how they think about immigration. >> immigrants are just what they have always been, people willing to risk everything for the dream of freedom, and america remains what she has always been, the great hope on the horizon.
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dana: no way to separate the story from immigration and illegal immigration. >> the issue got boiling hot as a result of populist anger. yes, i am weighing back in, i am trying to get people to calm down and look at positive aspects, i understand the concern about border, sluice iss not short-term but long-term that is ratherral work policy but work with mexico and central american countries. and so, i am in the middle of it. dana: order issue is the one. toughest nut to crack, the pictures north good. you have moms and dads who are sending their children and saying good-bye to them, wishing then the best. >> that shows how dire the straights are? the country from which they
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come. no question, border security is the touchstone issue until we get that right, people will be screaming and hollering about all kinds of thing that scare the american people, we can get it right, we need to work together to get it right. dana: like a cycle. the surges they come they get more -- bigger. >> part is misinformation and smugglers convincing people that a desperate situation can be made better by coming to the border. i am convinced many do not want to go miles and miles to leave their home to go do a foreign land, but their situation is so dire, they mother will protect their children. you have to enforce border security for sure. there is a comprehensive way to do so. dana: up next, some of the featured see their portraits for the first time. and share their stories about risking it all for the american
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dana: welcome back, i am dana perino, in his book, and portrait series, "out of many, one," president bush tells about immigrants. and their road to american dream, one of most inspiring a
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woman named thear suzuki. >> she was born in cambodia in 1972 or 1973, she does not know, the first 8 years of my life were spent in ref. refugee camps. >> we were living in the capitol phnom penh. after they won the war. wanted everyone to the city to move out of the city and into the countryside. to labor camps, millions of people forced out of the city, on foot. and we didn't know where we were going. >> for months, we have aired shocking tales out of cambodia whole cities emptied of their people. >> i was about 2 or three years old, at the time, i am youngest
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of 5 children, my mom, dad, 4 siblings myself, we walked for 20 days before our first destination, i believe it is some kind of a village. >> 4 months later, thear suzuki's family and 5,000 others were moved again. >> day took us in the dark, we didn't know where, i asked my mom, why did they take us there she said, to die. >> it is called holocaust of the 70s, they are dying of starving a or illness or both. >> there was never enough to eat in labor camps, a meal is rice pourage, that is mostly water, a few grains of rice. >> her family of 7 survived the
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genocide in cambodia, now known as the killing fields, they escaped to a thailand refugee camp in 1979. >> cambodian government has reportedly fallen, captured phnom penh, and over took pol pot. >> took a 6 months to walk from where ever we were back to phnom penh. >> 6 months of walking through the jungle to get back to what was left of their former city, but by then it had been destroyed. >> in the refugee camp, number one thing we wanted was someone to sponsor us to go to other parts of world. dana: they were connected with u.s. conference of catholic bishop, migration and refugee
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service office they sponsored them to come to united states. >> i had never been to school, none of us spoke english, as a 8-year-old, i started school in third grade, they helped my parents find jobs and governmental housing we lived in the projects and food stamps. dana: after arriving, they were off of government asis tap and s and helping themselves. >> number one goal for my parent was to work hard, provide food for family, they wanted children to have the ability to focus on school, they never bought anything february themselves, i am -- never bought anything for themselves, i am proud of their ability to rebuild their lives. dana: she got a leadership
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scholarship. today he leads a team of 19,000 employees while raising 4 boys. in 2019, she graduated from presidential leadership scholars program, a collaboration of bush, clinton and lyndon johnson presidential centers. >> graduating we were lined up, waiting for president clinton and also president bush to join us. when they arrived, with a big smile, he said, i painted you today. i felt so touched by that. just because i felt seen. >> is this first time you see your portrait in. >> it is. it is. >> that must be quite something. >> it so humbling. >> she has a big heart and fuel of courage. dana: when you saw this yesterday. >> i told dana yesterday,
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president bush that i felt, seen. >> interesting. >> i have not always felt seen. >> think about tiny thear as escaping across cambodia, ends up in united states with nothing, but her dream, hard work and parents who loved her, is no mother of 4 boys. and now the mother of 4 boys a very significant player in, community, but equally a significant player in the compassionate community. >> she is active in many nonprofits that give back to the community, she. >> it, it is important how my children understand how i got here, i worked hard but i had a lot of help.
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>> when you have someone who comes from dire situation, and takes risk to get here like your family dsee thankfulness and willingness to be a part of the american scene is powerful. >> up next, after a young boy reads the declaration of reads the declaration of independence
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the first survivor of alzheimer's disease reads the declaration of independence is out there. and the alzheimer's association is going to make it happen. but we won't get there without you. join the fight with the alzheimer's association.
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ashley: welcome to fox news live i'm ashley strohmier. the family of an group brown, jr., a black man killed by police in north carolina last week will be able to see the body camera video. this will mark the first time anyone outside of the sheriff's and district attorney's office has seen it. a socially distanced academy awards show unlike any other. the first woman of color won best director for nomadland. dorman for best actress. and hopkins for best actor in
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the father. ." dana: mark is an american success story. he has been a entrepreneur. it was journey from a refugee camp in southern lebanon and 7 for the american dream that caught the eye of george w. bush. this is your portrait. >> i am overwhelmed. and honored. i heard about his project before i knew i would be painted. and as an immigrant, it had a personal meaning to me. i thought what an elegant way to bring this issue to life, to took me back to when i was a kid in lebanon, dreaming of coming here, and started look at this
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kid, and came to realize how fortunate he is. dana: mark from a shia muslim family of farmers, year before mark was born, war with israel broke out. >> my vilage was -- village was leveled. >> mark grew up in a refugee area. although people came from different areas with different backgrounds, we shared a common struggle, poverty and lack of safety he said. >> really tough you know, growing up there. with poverty there is also wars that you know were taking place. but i had amazing parents there was a lot of love in our home. dana: home was a living room in an apartment they shared with other family members, mark knew there was a bigger world. when u.n. donated two computers
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to mark's school, he was hooked. >> i felt so empowered. dana: you found the declaration of independence. >> i read it, i felt it was most powerful text that i read, as a child in a place i didn't have a good life or liberty and had no right to pursue happiness, reading a particular this is -- text that this is your right as a human being, i found that very inspiring, i became obsessed with it, i started learning everything that i can about america, the more that i learned the more i fell in love. >> each weekend he took bus to beirut to visit the library he devoured every book about computer programs he could get his hands on. >> he got a student visa, but
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war broke out with israel again. >> everything around was being g destroyed, it was five-days into the war, we thought we were going to die, you never know, a missile might hit the building and kill us all. dana: his dad handed him a debit card, linked to a bank account with their entire life saving. >> he same came to me with tears in his eyes, said i have been saving this, keep 200 for us, take 2000 and leave, you are only one who has a shot to live. >> with his -- father briefcase, the debit card, and the clothes he was wearing, he hitched a ride to syrian border with
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smugglers. >> he crossed border and caught a bus, he could not find a plight to u.s. he could afford, someone suggests he try for a cheaper flight out of turkey, after a 36 hour bus ride, a travel agent found him pay flight to new york city for $500. >> his first stop was statue of liberty. he read the word inscribed on the base. >> i was scared. i didn't know what to expect. >> he got a job at a gas station, working night hours, 70 hours a week, but worked during the days on his engineering projects. >> you are an employer now, and your a father and immigrant is there anything you file you want people to know about immigrants?
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>> immigrants' to be americans by choice. imagine you say, i'll leave everything that i know, by parents, my friends, my school, my language, my environment, my food, my everything, you know i will fight really hard to become an emergency, to imagine how much that person is driven, and how much they respect and care about the ideals of the american dream. >> we were having dinner, i said, you must hate the israelis for bombing your village, mark isa shia, he said, hate takes too much emotion. i love, i love my family and i love america, that is the kind of person we want in our country. dana: up next. a young girl family had no idea she would one day make it on the
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>> it find some of his 43 people, president bush did not have to look far, one in particular. spend nearly 8 years with him in the white house. >> this is dana, born things in egypt,her father brought hiso dallas. he brought his family here. he mowed lawns, he worked hard, he became a successful businessman. >> in. i think they realized two young daughters, of minority christian faith in egypt they worried my sisters and i may not reach our potential, have all of the opportunity that they wanted to us have.
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>> girls did not have the same opportunities that boys did. and being a religious minority created additional challenges in 1997, the habib family immigrated to dallas. >> it was a huge culture shock, i could not speak english, i am feel as a young girl how proud they were to be, becoming americans, they did not go by they did to the say girls do you know how lucky you are to grow up here, and they also wanted us to be proud of where we came from. dana: how did you learn english and make friends. >> part of my parent's sacrificing with goodgood schools, we -- good schools, we went to a movie, they thought we were going to a document on
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grease. >> it was the movie grease. >> it was most amacing thing i had seen, i remembered, that was what made my want to learn english faster, i didn't know the words, i started watching "sesame street," anything to i could do to learn english. >> after high school, she worked her way through university of texas and got a job after law school. >> shy worked in the white house. and presidential personnel and was head of presidential personnel. >> she was a born in egypt whose family left to escape religious persecution, ends up working next to the president. >> my parents came to the white house, my father was nervous. >> i saw dina through the
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window, she was standing there with a man, i knew must have been her father. >> he said you must be mr. habib, my father was in shock. >> i said, i just wanted to tell you, that you raised a great girl. she is an very important add adr to me. >> he tried to compose himself. >> a lot to take in he told her after i walked away, as proud as i am of you, there is no other country in the world. >> where a man can bring a little girl who does not speak a word of english and one day watch her serve the president of his adopted country. >> it was first time she saw her dad cry. whole world changed on 9/11. i was at the white house. i knew that the world would never be the same again, and
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other feeling i remember see clearly, is there anything that i could do. soy, having the ability to speak the language, to understand the region, they really asked my to be of help when secretary of state rice became secretary of state, president nominated me 2, with her. >> dina is embodiment of what it is to be american. >> because her parents have given her that american dream, deanal be a wonderful ambassador for the united states. >> it was a huge honor, as an immigrant to represent the country, i would say greatest privilege of that whole period was working on the economic empowerment of women to educate,
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and empower women of the world. >> her passion for empowering women globally led her to goldman sachs, and she led initiatives such as 10 women, and 10 -- 10,000 women and 10,000 small businesses. >> i do hope that they will see the privilege of the lives we both had, dave serving, westpoint in military, combat vet, and the privilege i had to serve in the government, but also to have the honor of working on these programs that impact lives, immigrants in it itcould have a sense of a -- particular, have that sense of a need to give back the country. >> coming
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>> through most of the 1990s, north korea was devastated by famin. many lives were lost, including his father. >> my sister was sold to a man in china. >> 80% of women who cross into china become bride slaves or
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sold into slavery. >> i was not ready for life without my sister. >> joseph's mother was doubt and sent to a north korean labor camp where she later died. and joseph lept in abandon buildings and under bridges. >> there were children 5 or 6 years old that had to live on the streets. it takes a lot of courage to say, i'm hungry, do you have any leftover food to a stranger. >> at the age of 15 joseph decided to try to escape and find his sister in china. he knew the chances of surviving were low. he crossed the frozen river and snuck into china. >> i didn't realize how big
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china was nil got there. obviously i had no success finding my sister. i had to continue just begging and going door to door asking for food. >> an elderly woman joseph came across suggested he find a church for support. i said what is church. >> she said there is food and money to stay alive. they were south korean missionaries. she asked me, i'm here to deliver one wish that you have. i told her i would like to have a soccer ball. and she started crying and laughing at the same time which was so confusing. because did i ask too much or too little? she said i want to help you escape china.
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>> joseph's refugee paperwork cleared and he flew top richmond, virginia, where catholic charities found him a foster home. describing his feeling when he graduated from high school said, i felt like a newborn baby. i didn't know anything about society. >> he got a scholarship to college where he graduated from a grow in political science. >> president bush's refugee home. would you be interested in attending the event? >> i said a former president of the united states, i will go and take a photo and brag about it on facebook. >> president bush was so impressed he hired him to work at the institute. and he was the first portrait he
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decided to paint. >> until he authorized that korean act i would not come here to the united states. >> i became very interested in the north korean issues. classic case of unbelievable abuse of power and disrespect for the human condition. i said if anybody gets out of north korea, they should come to the united states. not many people took advantage of it, but joseph kim did. the man survivors and now thrives. it's a remarkable story. americans need to pay attention to that kind of story and say wow, that's the kind of person we want in our country. >> i would like to become someone like you one day. i don't say this lightly and i don't say that for it to be
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published. i really mean it. so thank you. >> that's all the time we have tonight. thank you for watching. and a special thanks to president bush and those who share their incredible stories with us. good night. welcome, today's discussion will be around sliced meat. moms want healthy... and affordable. land o' frost premium!!! no added hormones either. it's the only protein i've really melted with. land o' frost premium. fresh look. same great taste.
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i'm erin. -and i'm margo.
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we've always done things our own way. charted our own paths. i wasn't going to just back down from moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. psoriatic arthritis wasn't going to change who i am. when i learned that my joint pain could mean permanent joint damage, i asked about enbrel. enbrel helps relieve joint pain, and helps stop permanent joint damage. plus enbrel helps skin get clearer in psoriatic arthritis. ask your doctor about enbrel, so you can get back to your true self. -play ball! enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common. or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. visit to see how your joint damage could progress. enbrel. eligible patients may pay as little as $5 per month.
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chris: i'm chris wallace. the police officer killed george floyd has been convicted of murder. but the jury is still out on whether it will inspire change. ♪♪ >> we feel a sigh of relief. still, it cannot take away the pain. chris: please perform proposals in congress take on new urgencies after derek chauvin is convicted. as a string of police involved shootings across the nation stoke outrage on america's —- and the white house pushes both parties to work on a compromise. >> we also need congress to act an


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