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tv   Fox Report With Jon Scott  FOX News  April 24, 2021 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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>> the phone to the mirror. [laughter] >> there you go. that's not a bad idea. >> so where can people find it? >> amazon, barnes -- >> all right, we >> law enforcement under growing pressure with release body cam video this week deadly shooting of a black man in north carolina. good evening i'm jon scott and this is the "fox report." jon: death of andrew brown jr. is sparking new wave of protest across the country. deputies shot and killed him wednesday while executing a search and arrest warrant at his home. griff jenkins is reporting live from elizabeth city, north carolina. griff. reporter: good evening, jon for a fourth night protesters will take to the streets peacefully here in elizabeth city in demand that the sheriff here tommy
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wooten release body cam video worn by deputies during this shooting death of andrew brown jr. you can see them gathering here outside of the american legend they're having a cookout this follows press conference few hours ago where the naacp president locally here in the county name is keith rivers he's calling for the resignation of sheriff houten. listen. >> sheriff wooten, for today if you want to release these tapes as sheriff or not the sheriff. on behalf of the county branch, we today are calling for his resignation. >> and jon, they also would like the north carolina law about releasing body cams named for
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andrew brown, it is a different process in the state of north carolina body cam video has to be released pursuant to court order to the public. now, we do have an update that is that sheriff tommy wooten took to facebook with a message a few hours ago saying that he intends to try to facilitate release possibly as soon as monday here's a little bit of what sheriff wooten said on facebook. watch. >> they have north carolina state bureau of investigation to confirm for me that the releasing of the video will not undermine their investigation. once i get that confirmation, our county will file a motion in court hopefully monday to have the footage released. we understand that district attorney may also present his perspective on the issue to the judge. reporter: and as you look around you see the protesters here again it will be the fourth night there's not been a single arrest in the previous three nights because they've been
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doing it peacefully taking civil actions like blocking intersections to raise awareness, however, we are concerned the local officials are concerned here that this could continue to grow and beat people from the outside who could be agitators in police chief eddy buffalo had a message for those who could come here an cause problems. here's what he said. >> we welcome you only if it is peaceful. if it turns unlawful then we'll have to take necessary lawful actions. reporter: and as far as that body cam video being viewed before the public sees it the family might see a privately the attorney for the family harry daniels saying they they they ae prasessing to see that video as soon as possible. jon. jon: griff jenkins in elizabeth city, north carolina. griff, thank you. president biden is gearing up to present a massive 1.5 trillion
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tax and spending plan next week to raise tax on richest americans to pay for expanding child care education, and social programs. republicans warn a tax hike will kill the economic recovery. mark meredith is live at the white house with more on all of that. mark. reporter: good evening jon white house is already trying to enact tax increases on corporate america and next week focus will shift to wealthier americans and president biden at home up in delaware but next week he's going to be up on capitol hill as he tries to sell what they're calling the american families plan. this is going to be something that will cover 1.5 trillion dollars in different spending as you mention a focus going to be on social programs as well as education, and child care. something that the white house is tried to work on now since coming into office. but health care not expected to be in this latest proposal. the white house says that they are going to be trying this as they try to convince the country that this is what is needed to go forward. we hard from white house press secretary jen psaki on friday as
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she laid out what to expect next and previewed who can expect to pay more. >> what i can say it will affect those making more than one million a year that's .3% of taxpayers or three out of every 1,000 taxpayers. that's even at the top 1% new york rise by 4 trillion in middle of a historic pandemic. reporter: no surprise this is already getting some immediate pushback from republicans up on capitol hill and not thrilled with raising corporate taxes now speaking out about taxes they worry could impact people retirement account and country trying to bounce back from the pandemic one speaking up is republican senator pat toomey of pennsylvania he put out a statement that saying is proposal is punitive if enacted it it could lead to a decrease in tax revenues. we should be encouraging more capital investment not less. this is a terrible idea and it should be roundly rejected.
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the white house, though, shows no sign of slowing down, after the president speax on the hill on wednesday he's going to be hitting the road as well as the vice president as well as members of the cabinet. the president going down south to georgia is going to be holding one of those drive-in rallies on thursday as they try to get their word out. jon. jon: mark meredith from the white house. mark, thanks. as the my graduates surge at the border continues unchecked it is generating new crisis border states are reporting a major rise in crime. here's a live look from the fox flight drone at the border in mission, texas. in nearby laredo law enforcement found groups of illegal immigrants in four stash houses within 24 hours and more than 11 million dollars in drugs in less than a week. stacey stegall is live in laredo. >> the apprehensions keep on climbing, including the number of those so-called stash house
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it is that you talk about that are being busted or raided. both on the u.s. side and also on the mexican side, a place used by smugglers to essentially stash groups of migrants until their fees are paid or until law enforcement is out of the way. here in laredo look at this more than 87 arrested from mexico, guatemala and el salvador at one home over in rio grand valley sector more than 3800 migrants have been found at these stash houses so far this year. this as a bipartisan group of lawmakers hope to introduce a plan to open four regional centers here along the southern borders, staffed with judges who can decide asylum claims more quickly. >> even some folks are not even put in the immigration system, the notice they're not given notice to appear. i think that after a couple of days ago over 50,300 people had
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just been relieved on what i call the honor system. >> it is not just people, the feds say drugs are also pouring into the united states in less than a week more than 1 million dollars worth of meth, cocaine, heroin and fentanyl ceased that is just in this one area of laredo alone a very, very long border as you know, swron, jon, challenges up and down it. back to you. jon: casey stegall in lour laredo, texas. let's bring in french hill back from latest of many visits toed border he says conditions there are the worst he's ever seen. you've been there precisely seven times i believe, congressman you say that are the worst in what way? >> thanks for having me, jon yes i got from mission, texas, down river from laredo there in rio grand sector two years ago when
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i was there in april of 2019, a thousand apprehensions day was considered overwhelming to both border patrol and the catholic charities working on humanitarian basis. when i was there a couple of weeks ago you had as many as 3,500 people apprehended per day withage average of 2200 a day so problem is at least twice as bad. the situation is overwhelming and it cause border patrol so not have the ability to interdict kind of drug smuggling human trafficking, and weapons trafficking that they can't pay attention to because they're too busy on the humanitarian front. jon: your fellow republican congressman andy biggs of arizona says that there's no way that the people who are coming across the border are all caught. some do surrender some don't. listen. >> you're dealing with over 500 people a day being
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apprehended you have those groups surrendering and they're running across in arizona. jon: we don't know who is running away, obviously, we -- have no idea. >> yeah. of the 172,000 or so apprehended in february and march, about 18,000 unaccompanied children those families and childrens turn themselves in cartels bring them across the river and leave them and they find their way to border patrol because they know that biden administration is opened up catch and release as you heard talk about. so those are family units that are presenting themselves but there are hundreds of human trafficking ms-13 we've caught people on the terror watch list people we don't catch at all who come across border for nefarious both in drug and human trafficking. jon: you wrote an editorial piece in the washington examiner last week you point out that vice president harris has been appointed border czar. she's managed to visit let's see
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a bakery in -- i'm sorry a yarn factory in virginia a bakery in illinois and water facility in california. but she has yet to visit the border. >> and just yesterday, jon, she was in a border state, new hampshire, wrong border she missed it by 2300 miles we need her in texas what's happening along border along tijuana and recommendations back to policies that were in the trump administration that worked like remain in mexico policy and the cooperation we had with the triangle countries in central america. president biden has made a catastrophic mistake by canceling the trump policies that worked with nothing. and no good manager ever canceled a policy and abolishes without something take its place. jon: you tell you border patrol tells you cartels are raking in something like 14 million a day from this current crisis in?
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>> you bet. that's coming from human trafficking. both those families, those unaccompany minors that are dumped in the united states and the nefarious trafficking they make about 14 and a half million a day 14 and a half million in february alone according to border patrol. we had a hearing in house financial service committee exactly on that in the human trafficking results from that that could result in debt bondage who can't pay fee to cartels. jon: i want to change the topic a little bit and talk about the president's infrastructure plan. representative -- democrat out of california talked a little bit about that earlier. listen. >> if we focused on what the infrastructure and support american working families need, then we can narrow this down and stop talking on count sanctioned bites infrastructure changed over the last 30 years and we need to support that infrastructure that's what we're
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talking about so let's have discussion about narrowing that down. jon: there's a democrat who is even suggesting that the president's proposals are a little too broad and maybe don't involve all that have infrastructure. >> jon don't forget we spend about 4.4 trillion a year running the federal government including infrastructure, defense national security homeland security and you know your policies and what your priorities are when you look at how someone speppedz their time and money. biden administration is sent a budget proposal up to congress that has a zero increase for homeland security, a zero increase for defense. and prptionzs proposes to spend 6 trillion dollars on top of the $4.5 trillion a year to run the government that's part of the 1.9 trillion for covid relief and the two infrastructure packages that we keep hearing about. that's just unrealistic and i think it is really meeting with concern on both democratic side
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of the aisle and the republican side of the aisle in both the senate and the house. jon: can you raise taxes on rich people muff to pay for all of that? >> of course not. you know no president no treasury secretary recommended raising taxes coming out of an economic rescission where we have about 10 to 13 million people we need to get back into the work force. these tacks are going to fall on small businesses, entrepreneur savers, investors and it is not right time to do that i agree with my friend from california we ought to focus and target on the bipartisan priorities and infrastructure focus there and let's get this spending prioritized and let's get it back urd control as we come out of this pandemic. >> congressman french hell republican of arkansas, congressman thank you for being with us. >> my pleasure. ♪ ♪ andrew cuomo flocking release of information it gave the justice
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department on coronavirus deaths in new york nursing homes. senior correspondent laura ingle has the story from long island, new york. laura. reporter: hi jon, you know after months of pushing both sides the press and from family members of those who lost loved ones in nursing homes due to covid we've got yet another pushback from the governor's office on releasing the full amount of information that everyone has been asking for. now the latest response comes in an toons a request from the associated press to governor cuomo's office in a freedom of information act and governor cuomo denying ap review of their documents regarding the covid-19 nursing home death toll. in a letter dated april 15th the governor's records access officer stated that it won't publicly disclose covid-19 nursing home data that it gave to the federal government last year stating releasing the information would not only constitute unwarranted invasion of personal privacy but also would interfere with an investigation. now republican new york state
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assembly minority leader will barclay had this reaction for us today. >> this is never been about protecting the families, if that was the case you would have been releasing information for those who lost loved ones in nursing homes long time ago this is all about protecting andrew cuomo. and his political career -- >> the latest tally from centers from medicare and medicaid services show over 33,000 confirm cases and every 8,000 deaths in new york state it has been a long haul fight for full records as you know. after the justice department requested that new york and other states share their data and regards to covid-19 nursing home deaths. the u.s. attorney office in brooklyn and state assembly judiciary committee also looking into claims that the cuomo administration purposely undercounted the numberses. now, of course, we have reached out to the cuomo administration today several times for comment have not heard back. cuomo has said in the past the relief of the information it hasn't been because they're
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trying to hide anything but because they need time to get a full count. jon. jon: laura ingle. laura, thank you. rescue crews find debris believed to be from an indonesian submarine that disappeared three days ago. the latest on the search efforts, next. did you know you can go to to customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? really? i didn't-- aah! ok. i'm on vibrate. aaah! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ i'm not hungry! you're having one more bite! no! one more bite! ♪ kraft. for the win win. trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high you know how i feel ♪ ♪ breeze drifting on by you know how i feel ♪ [man: coughing]
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jon: heartbreaking developments in indonesia military leaders say a submarine believed to be missing now thought to have cracked open and sunk with no hope of finding survivors. 53 crew members were onboard. kitty logan in london with the latest. reporter: hi jon, navy has found wreckage from the missing submarine now but they say that certainly means there's no hope of finding new survivors with this discovery, the search becomes a recovery operation. a difficult one too in deep waters. officials suspect the submarine may have broken up after it passed maximum depth and run out of oxygen by now and no bodies have been found so search continues. the u.s. is assist requesting that effort sending a claim in area to support the navy.
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20 ships involved in this operation so far, with more joining from other countries. the depth of the sea in area is close to 3,000 feet. making this search extremely challenging. submarine lost contact in waters 16 miles north of the island that went missing after a dive during a training exercise on wednesday. it is still not clear what happened although authorities are working on a theory that the submarine may have dived beyond its limits but they ruled out the explosion onboard. this was the worst possible outcome for families of those onboard. but they're holding out hope that the bodies may yet be recovered. jon. jon: kitty logan from london, kitty, thank you. president biden makes history formally recognizing as genocide the killing of hundreds of thousands of armenians some 100 years ago. by the empire that became turkey
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and armenian genocide remembrance day as armenia prime minister took part in memorial ceremony in that capitol and welcomed president's declaration but turkey slammed it. saying it will, quote, open a deep wound in relations. the u.s. is calling for calm in the middle east after palestinian militants fired rockets into israel with the israeli military striking back. jerusalem now bracing for more potential unrest tonight. trey is in our jerusalem bureau with more. >> jon good evening clashes are erupting in jerusalem once again, we saw 36 rockets fired from the gaza strip into southern israel last night in response to these ongoing clashes, and the prime minister today urging for calm it does not appear like he's going to get that request fulfilled. we saw another rocket fired tonight. as security forces were here at the damascus gate trying to push out the demonstrators who gathered here following ramadan
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prayers and 23 police officers injured 100 palestinian injured when orthodox group came here on march that was really a sparse point a flash point if you will -- and it has led to higher tension in the region. and some of that rocketfire we saw overnight from gaza we visited one of the border communities to see what exactly happened. here's what it looked like. >> it happens next to a house, the shrapnel can go through houses so it's one to know first of all that everyone is safe everyone is all right once you know that everything relaxes. television just before 6 a.m. in the community when sirens went off residents say they didn't have time to get to shelters like this one before they heard a loud bang a rocket, slamming into the ground of this animal sanctuary in the small community along the border with gaza security analyst fear this is a message from hamas the group plans to get involved in ongoing clashes in the city of
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jerusalem. israeli president and benjamin netanyahu held preparation for possibility of further clashes and rocket fire. it does appear as you can hear off in the distance, it is happening right now. we will wait to see how israelis respond. jon. jon: trey, in our jerusalem bureau. trey, thank you. here now some other headlines from around the globe, in india coronavirus cases rising by nearly 350,000 overnight that is a new world record. the government is struggling to keep crowded hospitals supplied with oxygen there. in france authorities are trying to establish a motive in yesterday's stabbing death of policewoman in a town southwest of paris. investigators have not said if the tunisian had suspect ties to terrorism. southeast asia leaders calling on burma to end its bloody crackdown on prodemocracy protesters activist groups say more than 700 people have been killed since the military
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overthrew the government on february 1st. and in russia, imprison opposition leader alexi ending four week hunger strike and putin critic writing that doctors warn he was in danger of diagnose an saw protest this week calling for his release that's a look at some stories from around the globe. ♪ ♪ straight ahead, some of president biden's biggest hits and misses as he approaches his first 100 days in office. keeping your oysters business growing has you swamped. you need to hire. i need indeed indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base
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associate elaine maxwell yesterday made her first court appearance since she was arrested last summer. she pleaded not guilty to new sex trafficking charges. maxwell is aced accused of helping recruit and sexually abuse young girls. federal health officials lifting pause on johnson & johnson covid vaccine and a dozen states resuming one dose shot. scientists now say that vaccine's benefit outweigh the rare risk of blood clots. for more on these and other stories you can download the fox news app, scan qr code on your screen or go to fox well president biden will give his first address before a joint session of congress next week marking the completion of his first hundred days in office. here to talk about it phil wag man white house reporter for real clear politics kind of interesting to me how we always pick 100 days for every
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administration and look at it as though it is sol set in stone kind of marker. but how do you think this white house it has done with its -- with its work in this first a little over three months first 100 days? >> it depends on what kind of rubric you want to use if you look specifically at the pandemic, it seems that this administration has been very successful and getting shots in arms as they like to say. and look that's one of the main reasons why president biden is president. he promised that he was going whip the pandemic and he set a goal of 100 million shotses at first by that 100 day mark turned to 200 million now more than half of u.s. adultings actually have at least one of the doses. so that's a success because they set that expectation. the question now is not just a vaccination. the question is turning the corner and returning to some type of prepandemic normal with kids back in school, with the public, you know, living their lives normally. and with with a lot of these
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restrictions that are killing small businesses, going to the wayside. jon: you have to also get employment back to numbers that we saw before the pandemic began. get the economy rolling again, the hospitality and leisure industry has been decimated, for instance. by all of the closures of restaurants and hotels, and other entertainment venues. >> absolutely. i think that the question of the economy, the fact that joe biden is going so quickly so big with a lot of his spending combined with this new push for taxes from the administration. something that we did hear a bit about during the campaign but i think that is what we're going hear rebutted on tuesday from senator kim scott. that's where i think the substantive disagreements between this administration and republicans is really going to emerge. that's what i'm going to be watching for when he makes that address to congress. jon: the real clear politics average of joe biden's approval rating during his first 100 days in office shows him well --
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well above the halfway mark he's at a little under 53%. 41%, 41.2% disapprove of the job he's doing. but it's fairly rare for a president to get much higher than where this president is right now. >> that's right. i think that the white house is looking at those numbers. they know that they have razor thin margins in both house and the senate. their hope is to push big legislative packages now ahead of the midterms to try to get things done. remember, joe biden thinks of himself as something of a second fdr judging from the historian he like to bring into the oval office. he clearly wants to go big. but they want to figure out a way to go big on this infrastructure package, on the, you know, american families plan, that is also in the pipeline. in a way that is not going to move so quickly as to turn off the other half of the country who didn't vote for him. jon: but when you talk about bringing in a 51st state, for
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instance, you run the risk of going too big too fast, don't you? >> oh absolutely. i think this is what's been so interesting about the biden administration thus far. he campaigned as a moderate and then you see praise from people like representative alexandria cortez to see he's not afraid to move quickly and i think while they say no we haven't got an 15 minimum wage and there been the been free college or medicare for all any of those progressive wishes they still think that they have an ally in the white house. they've been encouraged by what they've seen in first 100 days. and they expect that they can push them further to the left as time goes on. jon: a lot of observers say that joe biden is pushing so hard so quickly to get some of these big packages passed because he's afraid that he could lose the house or the senate or both to
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republicans in less than two years. >> right. and this administration has not forgotten the lesson it is from the obama years. they believe that one of the big problems was that obama department go far enough, he didn't spend enough and wasn't bold enough they don't want to make that mistake, and so they're pushing for this large infrastructure package just after the american rescue plan. to try to get something into law, that does require a bit of triangulation when it comes to progressives questions like -- increasing the number of justices on the supreme court, or adding states to the union. they seem to be saying, no, we're interested in having that conversation certainly. but we want to get things into law. and i think that this is sort of the delicate tight rope this president has to walk because he doesn't want to, you know, anger the left. but at the same time he doesn't want to go too far in that direction where -- he faces a shellacking in 2022.
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jon: what are we expecting to hear what president addresses congress? >> well we know that jen psaki is very clear about how this is a address that is beginning to to -- going to focus on what he's achived in first 100 days and made clear if he was going to talk about all of his goals for the rest of the presidency that it would be more of a 7 hour speech but this is probably the closest we're going to come for the president to spike the football. he was blessed to inherit that vaccine. he's going to be talking about how -- the return to normal is on the horizon. and i think that, you know, it was job number one to deal with the pandemic. you know there's a bit of bipartisan consensus that he's managed getting vaccine out well i think that he's going to use that success to spring board other initiatives, and probably, you know, defense things that won't be popular like tax
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increases. jon: we don't expect him to be thank trump administers for getting the vaccine out there in the marketplace. >> not at all. i would imagine that the president also would avoid the question of what's going on at the border. because look, you know, joe biden didn't magically not become a gas machine on inauguration day i think the difference is that we see less of him now than we did on the campaign, and that his communications team, you know, they are scaled at driving a message. but there have been, you know, some mistakes along the way. you know, whether it is his comments about gun shows which were inaccurate or whether when he said quiet part out loud admitted there was a crisis at the border sort of how his white house stepped in when it came to question of the refugee cap which -- which enraged a lot of the left. i think that there are clearly things that he has not done well in these first 100 days. and joe biden is going to address the country, talk in
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nostalgic terms about what america can do when they work together and avoid those hot button issues. jon: white house reporter for real clear politics, phil, thank you. >> thank you. jon: coming up, lawmakers step up their efforts to try to reign in big tech companies. ♪ ♪ i hope this doesn't take too long, i'm double parked. next. oh, it's an arm one?! your cousin. from boston. ♪ we're back baby! sam's on me! indoor beers! indoor beers! did i get the shot? nope. you saw the needle and passed out cold. here you go. continue to wear a mask. next. good luck guys! it's a breeze.
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jon: it's official, caitlyn jenner is running for governor of california. the reality tv star and olympic gold medalist wants to replace governor gavin newsom is recall election and running as republican. christina coleman live in los angeles with that. christina. reporter: jon, caitlyn jenner select status will bring a lot of attention to a likely recall election. there are a number of republicans talking about this, san francisco gop chair tweeted, caitlyn jenner could be interesting lots of name recognition lots of her own money, lifelong conservative, she would know issue and knows thousand win and first appearance is crucial and will tell us if she's a viable candidate and caitlyn jenner long time republican and angt sris for transgender rights like others slamming govan newsom over high taxes and restrictive covid lockdown she's also working with several prominent
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gop operatives that work on former president trump campaign and republican state legislator kevin kylie says strategically, having jennifer race could help unseat the current governor. >> the first question on the ballot is, diewpght to remove gavin newsom from office, yes or no and if we don't get over 50% on that question then list of candidates doesn't matter so i think having a prominent voice like caitlyn jenners is in the field can only be helpful in terms of helping to make that case on the first question that we need pound mental change in california. >> another gop candidate running for governor, former san diego mayor kevin faulconer did outright mention jenner announcement but he did say this yesterday. >> i think we're going to have a lot of candidates that will enter this race that's reflection on dissatisfaction of the job that governor newsom is doing i think i'm uniquely positioned in terms of somebody
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who was won election it is that knows thousand get results. i'm looking forward to parking lot campaign. >> caitlyn jenner believes that she can win in this big blue state, though, polls show nearly 60% of vote rs support keeping gavin newsom in office as governor and again, a recall election is not official yet. though, it is likely -- jon. jon: christina coleman in los angeles, christina. thank you. bipartisan lawmakers are moving forward with efforts to reign in big tech companies. accused of stifling competition and censoring conservative speech, jackie jackie heinrich t story. >> this past week silicon valley tech giant face questions from the senate judiciary sub committee after house committee approved tech antitrust report that summed year long investigation into google, amazon, facebook and apple and their allege abuses of market
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power. movements are setting stage for congress to take action lawmakers want to tack all number of issues including creating barriers for dominant companies with a pension for scooping up the competition, repealing or reforming section 230 lost shielding internet companies from legal liability, over content their users post, as well as content moderation including measures to protect children. this hearing focused on the gate keeping power companies have over app stores and web hosting, effectively putting them in control of any apps success or failure. >> just because a company creates successful innovative business that consumers like doesn't give it a free pass to harm competition or ignore our antitrust laws. apple allow parler back into the app store this past week after pulled amid criticism over continue tent moderation policy and user about capitol hill insurrection and parler not restored and trump added to calls for big tech to face antitrust scrutiny as he
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considers starting his own social media company. >> i'm looking at it and looking at different platforms we have a lot of people that want to come on existing platform they can't be dominated by amazon and google, and people that can take them off the air right away. and you do need antitrust you have to do something about it. a big private for republican lawmakers is passing legislation that would address instances of bias, against conservative voices. jon. jon: jackie heinrich reporting, jackie, thank you. well nascar returns to talladega we'll get a look at final preparations ahead of tomorrow's big race. this is hal. this is hal's heart. it's been broken. and put back together. this is hal's relief, knowing he's covered by medicare from blue cross blue shield. and with coverage you can trust, backed by over 80 years of healthcare expertise,
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jon: we're getting our first look at golf legend tiger woods as he recovers from a car crash that left him with severe leg injuries. the golf legend posting photo of 4*eu78s on scruches smiling with his dog by his side and surgically repaired right leg in heavy cast investigators say woods was speeding february 23rd when he hit a tree and flipped his vehicle near los angeles. no other cars were involved. >> well the nascar cup series heads to talladega stupe speedway for geico 500 tomorrow the first race around 2.6 mile oval. and eyes on denny hamlin trying
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to extend lead in nascar stangsdings and green flag expected to drop tomorrow 2 p.m. eastern time. charles watson is live if from the talladega speedway with more. charles. reporter: hi jon you see they're getting a drive bnsd me just a few momenting ago last three today had to wrap up a little bit earlier after heavy rain pushed through this area but i have to tell you fans out here today saw plenty of axon the track and they will again tomorrow for the geico 500. now about 28,000 people will be here to watch race tomorrow live at the superspeed way trying to be safe and follow covid-19 safety guide license and fans are required to wear masks and they'll have plenty of space to social distance with capped at 35%. but for a lot of these fans jon they tell us they're just happy to be at a live sporting event again. they spent a year on lockdown
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they tell us so being able to enjoy nascar with family and friends just really means the world. >> any time those cars wrap around immediately just get -- that is where it's at if that doesn't give you chills i don't know what will. >> covid pandemic had us locked and man it is people and enjoy the races. they have another chance at it tomorrow all of the action ingas at 2 p.m. eastern time and might be wanting to be in front of the tv watching your local fox station. jon. jon: that is going to be quite a race charles watson at the talladega superspeedway charles, thank you. well a young cubs fan pulls off what you might call a real life ferris bueller check out this image young girl is at wrigley field holding up sign saying i'm remote learning well video went
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viral and now her secret is out. hope she doesn't get in trouble. more "fox report" in just a moment. intr oducing ore-ida potato pay. where ore-ida golden crinkles are your crispy currency to pay for bites of this... ...with this. when kids won't eat dinner, potato pay them to. ore-ida. win at mealtime. finding new routes to reach your customers and new ways for them potto reach you to. is what business is all about it's what the united states postal service has always been about so as your business changes, we're changing with it with e-commerce that runs at the speed of now next day and two-day shipping nationwide same day shipping across town returns right from the doorstep and deliveries seven days a week it's a whole new world out there let's not keep it waiting if you have... ...moderate to severe psoriasis, ... ...little things... ...can become your big moment.
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and that is how fox reports on this saturday, april 24th of 2021. i'm jon scott thanks for watching we'll see you again back here tomorrow. ♪ ♪ mark: hello america i'm "life, liberty & levin" two great guests former director national intelligence and i'm talking with radcliffe looking at this threat assessment put out this week, john from biden administration and now they have finally realized that a china is, quote, near


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