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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  October 27, 2019 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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just yet but we can play it later today on fox. tulsi gabbard was also there in 30 minutes away from joe biden taking the stage in durham, north carolina. eric: thank you so much. arthel: this is a fox news alert albee daddy is dead killing himself in a late-night rage led by u.s. special operation forces in northwestern syria. hello everyone i am arthel neville welcome to the brand-new hour of "america's news hq". eric: thank you for joining us. president trump announcing his victory in the war against god and under medical islamic terrorism saying in an address to the nation that baghdadi is dead. describing in stunning detail the brazen operation that took him down, the man considered the world's most wanted terrorist. >> a brutal killer, one that has
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caused so much hardship and death. he has violently been eliminated. he died the good dog. he died like a coward. the world is now a much safer place. eric: fox news team coverage carrying all the angles on the developing story. trey is live in jerusalem how is plane overseas, kevin has the latest from the white house let's start with national security correspondent jennifer griffin live in washington. you are still going strong. reporter: eight u.s. helicopters were used in the raid and launched from a brace in northern iraq and took heavy fire to the target in northwest syria. defense secretary mark esper said the goal was to capture the isis leader alive but after u.s. special operations blew their
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way into the compound and ordered baghdadi to surrender the isis leader had already started running down a tunnel away from his compound. baghdadi detonated his suicide vest taking three children with him. president trump called him a wimp for doing that. >> is sick and depraved man. and now he is gone. baghdadi was vicious and violent and he died in a vicious and violent way as a coward running and crying. >> the president said he watched the raid last night from the white house situation room in real time, he said it was like watching a movie, the vice president defense secretary mark millie were among those present. the president said th u.s. miliy had been watching him for the past two weeks. in fact u.s. intelligence was watching the compound in northwest syria for several months.
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the president said two other times the u.s. military wanted to launch the mission but the missions were scrubbed at the last minute. the president thanked russia for letting the assault force fly into northwest syria in range of russian air defense system and he also thanked a nato ally. >> turkey we dealt with them, we knew they were going in, we flew over territory, they were terrific, no problem. plus a very secret mission. we flew very, very low and very, very fast. but it was a very dangerous part of the mission. >> the president asked people to remember americans killed by isis. who traveled to help refugees in a formate or me ranger and another aid worker. the president called it a daring raid and the only injury was a highly trained military dog who chased baghdadi down the tunnel, the k-9 is expected to survive.
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eric: the enter military is a remarkable and amazing. arthel: more now on president trump announcing the death of al-baghdadi in northern syria, kevin continues the team coverage on the north lawn of the white house. >> this morning the president and announcing the demise of the terror leader said the world was much safer in the wake of his death. were talking about al-baghdadi in terror of isis who had been in that role for some time and hear the president tell it, he died running, crying, frightened and whimpering as the operation itself, here is the president this morning. >> we were in the compound for approximately two hours and after the mission was accomplished we took highly sensitive material and information from the raid, much having to do with isis origins, future plans, things that we
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very much want. baghdadi's demise demonstrates america's relentless pursuit of terrorist leaders and our commitment to the enduring and total defeat of isis and other terrorist organizations. our reach is very long. >> on capitol hill, rear immunity with democrats and republicans calling it a success and a victory for all humanity this from chuck schumer, senator from the great state of new york, their death is a great victory for the safety of our country and the safety of our allies and partners abroad. all americans salute the special operation forces who executed this mission, the intelligence committee who help make it possible in our foreign allies and partners particularly the syrian kurds despite this great
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victory, we must not confuse the death of the evil man with a total defeat of isis, there are still potentially hundreds of isis prisoners and sympathizers who have escaped in recent weeks. back at the white house, gop senator lindsey graham says now is the time for bipartisan praise for an operation to get the killer. >> and want to complement the president for coming up with a model in syria that we probably should have done in iraq, this is a game changer for the killing of baghdadi, a moment where we should be proud of our american military and intelligence community. this is a moment where president trump's worst critic should say well done mr. president. >> lindsey graham at the white house and the president you may have heard him say this, there are other isis leaders in the sites of special operators in that part of the world, they too soon will be brought to justice. according to president trump. arthel: we did hear that. thank you.
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eric: reaction continues to print to confirm the death of al-baghdadi this morning. he also acknowledged the roles of the syrian kurds and other forces in the region including giving credit to the russians and supporting the raid in northwestern syria. trey is live with that part of the story. reporter: good afternoon many world leaders were waiting on president trump to make the formal announcement from washington this morning before reacting to the death of isis leader al abubakar alba al-baghdadi. he called an incredible achievement. they took to twitter to say it was a large blow saying this is not the final step in the fight against isis and we have heard from iranians the communication a minister saying this is not a big deal in the united states,
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you killed one of the creatures. the iranians downplaying all of this, not surprising. in a larger fight against the islamic state that us-led coalition had more than ten countries conducting airstrikes into ground operation and effort to fight isis. this is not symbolic when the military victory for all of the countries and u.s. allies in the region. baghdadi was a symbol when it comes to islamic extremism in the middle east. he gave the infamous speech in iraq in the summer of 2014 talking about isis plans to take over the middle east and the entire world lay in 2016 you heard audio released by baghdadi talking about isis around the world. it's important to note while the territorial isis in iraq and syria has been demolished, there's still isis sleeper cells like in afghanistan, egypt and algeria. while the president claims islamic state is 100% destroyed, that is not true. but we can confirm that the leader of islamic state
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al-baghdadi is dead. eric: thank you so much. arthel: california governor declare a statewide emergency as another wildfire explodes in northern california. field by wins topping 80 miles per hour. massive flames scorching nearly 200,000 people from their homes. and leaving more than 2 million others in the dark as a utility company expands power outage. we are more would live in geiser for california and sonoma county. reporter: the wind is really the big part of the story, or under a red flag warning, all day today, all night tonight and into tomorrow morning. it will not be lifted until 11:00 a.m. monday morning. then the winds will die down but pick back up. it was a sleepless night for many last night. >> firefighters made aggressive attacks on the fire defending structures as well with down
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trees and down power lines. >> at around 4:30 a.m. the mandatory evacuation area was extended to include santa rosa. now 190,000 people have been ordered out of their homes making it the largest evacuation ever in sonoma county. with the 2017 fire that killed 22 people are still fresh in people's mind, most appear to be packing up and getting out. the wind has been ferocious at times. one gusted was clocked at 90 miles per hour. the other big angle is a massive blackout as percussion. pg&e has cut power to 2.3 million telephone means in 36 separate counties. the utility was blamed for last year's fire and paradise california that killed 86 people and destroyed 15000 homes. now it's more proactive and strong wind events like this.
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pg&e is still being attacked for not being more nimble and targeted with their outages. >> these are difficult calls and professionals need to make them but a society as industrious and innovative as ours should not have to face a choice between public safety and public blackouts. reporter: the destructive fire in los angeles county is now 65% contained, there is a massive effort to fight this fire in northern california with 3000 people. we have seen a big air tanker, four of them popping water on the fire and this is the third year in a row in northern california with a major wildfire. the good news, no loss of life. arthel: thank you. eric: now the isis leader al-baghdadi is no more, what does the future hold for u.s. military operation in the middle east. michael florida, the first
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elected to congress joins us on that next. wow! that's ensure max protein, with high protein and 1 gram sugar. it's a sit-up, banana! bend at the waist! i'm tryin'! keep it up. you'll get there. whoa-hoa-hoa! 30 grams of protein, and one gram of sugar. ensure max protein. i need all the breaks as athat i can get.or, at liberty butchemel... cut. liberty mu... line? cut. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. cut. liberty m... am i allowed to riff? what if i come out of the water? liberty biberty... cut. we'll dub it. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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took highly sensitive material and information from the raid much having to do with isis origins, future plans, things we very much want. >> that's president trump describing in detail the mission that led to the death of isis leader al-baghdadi. they cornered him in northern syria. taking down al-baghdadi mean for the later policy in the region, michael joins us with the former special offers or who served in the middle east and a member of the house armed services committee. welcome, your reaction to the death of al-baghdadi. >> this is a fantastic day for america, and plastic day for freedom. my hats off to the president for authorizing what was a very dangerous mission operationally, sending the special operators into what was essentially
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turkish, syrian and russia held airspace, that makes it very different in many ways than the raid on us, bin laden. and at the end of the day men and women in uniforms trained and equipped to do. it sent a message around the world, you can run but you cannot hide forever. >> it's no surprising to a lot of people in the president was talking about the operation, you're dealing with cooperation of rivals, adversaries, enemies, the kurds who have a potential bone to pick with us after what happened in the last couple of weeks pray tell me about the cooperation of turkey and presidenpresident erdogan per tt this done to us. and diplomacy is so important. i was pleasantly surprised that the russians that the president said we are going after isis but
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not who, they would be very pleased with the outcome so the defense is racist instigated and we can be jammed or if we had to taken them down but that would've been a huge escalation. they stepped aside, look the other way and let is going and take care the business for the entire world. other key things, we did a dna test on site to confirm that it was baghdadi and we do not need to do follow one mission. the other key thing is authorizing special operators to go on the ground first as an airstrike which allows an obligation and a portly allows us the traffic control of information which are intelligence committee is turning for follow on missions and the kurds are reporting that we've taken down abdul ghafoor haideri. i expect to see over the next
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few days to take down more of the isis networked, we have to stand offense. we were able to do this because we have forces positioned in the region and isis may be destroyed but is not as a movement, it still has cells all over the world, growing in afghanistan and we have to keep her foot on its neck to keep the fight over there and keep from following his home. eric: with us and tony for hours after the boss is killed his communication officer should be taken out. >> he was an isis spokesman in his right hand man and we taken him down and there will be short-term exportation of the intelligence to take on any additional targets that we can in the longer-term to understand where isis is going in terms of long-term planning. we knew that they plan to reconstitute. they plan for isis 2.0 and for europe and the united states
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again. this is a huge blow to the recruiting and these tears respect strength and advantage of weakness and i fully support the president and showing what a coward baghdadi was when he died. >> what about the language that he used some people criticizing him. he wants to get it out to the young people from minnesota and elsewhere to flock over to al qaeda and attracted to the philosophy to tell him no. >> what isis did that was so different than al qaeda, it's online presence showing a position of strength, showing they established and recruiting from all over the world and inspiring attacks. but by showing what what a coward he is, dragging his children into a tunnel to die with him and using them as human shields, i think the president was right and i fully support him, showing them at the end of the day, these guys -- i don't know how to describe it, their
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full-blown cowards. they have no problem sending other people to their death as suicide bombers but they cower in fear when their fait faced wa tough fight. >> i want to circle back to russia. they try to interfere with the election system. some say their enemy. let me play the soundbite in which a president thank them for their cooperation. >> russia treated us great, they opened up, we had to fly over certain russia areas, russia was great. iraq was excellent. we really had great cooperation and you have to understand they did not know what we were doing and what we were doing exactly.
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>> russia has been attacked by isis two. can you bring us into the thinking, do we call them up and say we have an operation, don't you think it's very important stand back? >> that's with the military cooperation on the ground is so important. we had a marriage of convenience and none of us like isis, what i worry about long-term is russia is worried about a lot of other things besides isis and that's why we have to keep a presence in syria and iraq. eric: we thank you for your service and we think all of your fellow especially the special ops team who carried out the doing brave -- >> go army. >> absolutely. we are with you on that. arthel: that is allowed today. president trump giving credit to the kurds and other international forces for taking down the isis leader. more on the global cooperation that made this historic mission possible. and what his death means in light from syria. your family is duckin' and rollin'...
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eric: the death of a boop book are albert oddi in the fight against terrorism, president trump saint he watched operation from the situation room, seen in real time as your special operation forces enter his secret compound. we global cooperation as we reported to pull it off it was stunning and spectacular and rich is live with more details. reporter: president trump acknowledged several other nations operating in syria allowed the united states to fly over areas these countries control. he offered his appreciation. >> this raid was impeccable and could only taken place with the acknowledgment and health of certain other nations and people. i want to thank the nations of russia, turkey, syria and iraq and they also want to think the
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syrian kurds for certain support they were able to give us. reporter: the kurdish forces gave the u.s. information, helpful information in the kurds to the commander of the syrian democratic forces tweeted successful investor cooperation due to a joint intelligence work with the united states of america. these are the same kurdish allies turkey has recently attacked in the u.s. military has withdrawn from the region. over the past several years the state department has built an anti-isis coalition with dozens of countries with 80 partners. mike pompeo says, while there is still work left to do to ensure isis's enduring defeat, baghdadi's death follows the path of other isis leaders that have been removed from the battlefield and can no longer
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commit heinous atrocities or spread the ideology of hatred to poison and recruit vulnerable mines. isis has lost control of cities in the middle east and officials are worried about attacks beyond the region and some state department officials warn that lives around the world. french president tweeted today, the death is a blow against isis. but it's only a step, the fight continues with the partners in the international coalition and the tariff organization is defeated. he added this is the priority in the region. arthel: thank you, the operation to take out al-baghdadi coinciding with the pentagon's recent decision to move the troops to eastern syria to guard oil fields. president trump highlighting why it's critical to protect the oil. >> with the massive amounts of oil and were securing it for a couple of reasons. number one it stops isis because isis got tremendous wealth from the oil. we have taken. joining me is jonathan, former
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director of committee k and spokesperson at the united states mission to the united nations and now the managing director at greater good associates, a communication consulting firm that specializes in political risk analysis. and to do that very well. let's start with the president left off, how important is it to protect the oil, the president hinted that someone else might want the oil and he may be able to cut a deal to share it. >> cutting off oil is essential. isis has made millions of dollars in the illicit sale of oil that they controlled throughout iraq and in syria. and also through looting of artifacts and other means of getting money as quickly as they could to finance essentially a military operation that was successful for a while until western allies in the united states came in and conquered it. arthel: who do think the president might be referring to saint someone might want the oil
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as well, heasley to fight to protect it but if there is a deal to be made perhaps he could do that as well. >> one would hope that it goes to good actors. among the considerations would be the kurds. it's within their region and they can certainly use the financial support that comes from oil sales in the same token the kurds in northern iraq also need access to the oil fields in the ability to stand on their own and to provide a social infrastructure and all the other things it takes to run successful societies. arthel: we will move on, talk about the current policy in syria, turkey, iraq, around region and what it should be moving forward. >> that's a huge question but will try to tackle it. obviously the most crucial thing in the wake of what is happened is to try to contain isis, to
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stop some of the foreign fighters turning out terrorist attacks. they want nothing more to get a really loud wind to show that their skilled force to reckon with and it's obviously something that they desperately need for recruitment purposes and their spiritual leader has been eliminated and that will be obviously to contain imprison those fighters that the current have been watching under arms to try to contain them and stop them from escaping, trying to keep the pressure on. we cannot do it alone and we really need fundamentally the support of turkey and i mentioned turkey first and foremost because turkey was the transit point for many of the foreign fighters in the first place that grieved traffic on the region and gave birth to this eventually. we would've been in this place if there had been real effort by turkey to contain it.
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now turkey has moved into a region that are allies, the kurds were holding and obviously the kurds hate isis and are doing their best to stop them but we need turkish support in ensuring the additional foreign fighters don't come into the region and certainly there will be some sort of monitoring of the region that they are not holding that they have taken hold of militarily taken from the kurds. arthel: i know you said turkey was basically the gateway and that's where they found al-baghdadi. he was close to the border, with turkey, he is probably going to try to get out of town. but we stopped in. so do think turkey is up to that challenge? >> so far we have not seen enough from president bob. let'the kurdsin the turkish bore
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fighting isis just a couple years ago and we were worried about it and eventually the u.s. came in with airstrikes to help save the day and the kurdish fighters to push back and repel isis. the turks were sitting atop the tanks on the other side of the border watching this going on and watching the battle and allowing isis to slaughter civilians and fight with the kurds because everyone doesn't like the kurds. but when you're dealing with a menace like isis, there comes a point in which you have to say enough is enough. you have to intervene and help. arthel: you think turkey will do that? >> i'm not saying the president will do that, even his statement today raised real concerns, it's great that he's happy that al-baghdadi is dead but in the same breath he accused the kurds of being hearers too. it won't stop unless it stops.
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arthel: president trump raises the point how russia hates isis as well. turkey and russia to get together and fight isis. but then eric just interviewed florida congressman michael walt recently and he said the congressman said, yes but russia doesn't have the full means that we do to contain isis so he feels that the u.s. should make sure their heavily involved in containing isis. >> it's absolutely true that containing isis is an international challenge. isis is all over the place. there in western africa, the philippines, afghanistan, there in the middle east, across the middle east, sweeper cells all over the place. they are foreign fighters who came in from russia and they have a problem in the caucasus
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region of russia because some of the fighters are capable of pulling off atrocities in russia too. we need a concerted effort, an international effort to contain this menace and it's good happened to happen going forward otherwise were divided if her incapable of working together it will rise again and be more horton tragedy that we will have to do with perhaps on our soil, god forbid important innocent victims around the world. yes, absolutely we have to share some intelligence with russia, just as russia supported us in the de-escalation effort to allow our special forces to enter in and take care of the job. arthel: we will leave it there. great job as always. we appreciate your analysis. eric: the house democrats in washington upping the ante on their impeachment inquiry. what they're doing to threaten the administration if officials do not show up to testify before the committee. we will tell you what they plan to do.
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now you're in control. eric: were learning john conyers junior has died pretty was 90 years old. he served in congress for more than 50 years and represented detroit and some of the surrounding communities. that made him the six longest serving member in congress. during his decade he voted for the articles of impeachment against president richard nixon. he hired civil rights icon rosa parks to serve on his staff in the detroit office, she worked for more than 20 years for him. he resigned in 2017 following allegations of sexual harassment which he denied. he supported a variety of liberal causes through the year, an army veteran, korea, a
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sitting congressman for many decades, once again he has passed away, john conyers was 90 years old. arthel: new developments in the impeachment inquiry into president trump, atop officials testified before to house committee yesterday in a rare saturday session. meantime house democrats are putting aids unnoticed if they don't comply with congressional subpoenas. there is more on the week ahead in washington. >> the head of leading impeachment are against lehman the white house from instructing their investigation. former white house deputy charles government is scheduled to testify monday. on friday he asked a federal court if he should comply with the subpoena or follow president trump to serve immunity. to the eternity the head of oversight committee called obvious and desperate tactic to delay and obstruct the lawful constitution functions of
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congress and can fuel evidence about his conduct from the impeachment inquiry. and warned government, he could be held in content if he does not appear. on "fox news sunday" democratic congressman eric swalwell said any effort by the white house that brought testimony to build this case against president trump. >> if he is going to obstruct or effort we will put that in the bucket of a consciousness of guilt. >> despite a ruling that the democrat impeachment is valid without the house holding the former vote the president has continued to criticize effort and a call for a more open process. >> 50 republicans have told nancy pelosi and house democrats which were due to the president is unfair and impeachment has turned into a sham driven by sore losers. this is a sore loser effort more than anything else. they don't like the fact that trump beat him. several more witnesses are expected to appear this next week including the deputy secretary for defense for international security affairs
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who told other diplomats that ukraine would not receive military aid until it opened an investigation into the bidens. eric: all of this with the associate of a daughter of the "washington journal" in the fox news contributor. will they put handcuffs on these officials and throw them in the slymar ? >> congress is saying, you can tell your folks not to come here but we actually have authority over this. and we have oversight responsibly and they have to come. the white house is saying, wait a second, what we do should be allowed to have privacy, we don't want our folks knowing. this latest which charles was a deputy of nsa director under john bolton, his lawyer has gone to the court and said, we have congress telling us to come, the white house telling him not to come, we don't know what to do.
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so you the courts have got to decide, do we go or do we not? eric: it seems like the courts on friday, the federal judge sided with the democratic congressional leadership in terms of some of the materials and sanctify the investigation. how do you think the courts would rule on this issue. >> the courts are probably looking at not just as a legal standpoint but as the president of official china. even though the white house told him not to, they're coming from the state department and elsewhere and they want to protect their own reputation in the feel that congers is oversight responsibility. it'll be interesting to see what they decide. it will be something for future complaints like this pre-but it seems like the momentum is in favor of transparency on the issue. what is interesting, the more that we get into this, a permit was on the july 25 call between president trump and zelensky, the president of ukraine in which president asked for a
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favor can you dig up dirt on my political arrival and he was on the call. the closer we get to this in the more detail we get, the more administration republicans and process. the more that you obstruct the more we will put that in the category of a known impeachable offense. the obstruction itself keeping people from coming to talk to us will be held against you. ericeric: what do you think you could add, a lot of the call was not a transcript. it was really a summary that some critics may have left out some things. what do you think he can add to this the other people have not added. >> that's exactly right. it's what we have read in which is really clear, the president is asking from zelensky, the issue of quid pro quo put that aside. it's right there and what the white house has released. but your question is right, fill in the details, fill in the nature of the talk, what was more said, was it less overt of
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a favor asking or more overt, was there a discussion in more detail over the aid that had been withheld in the military aid that had been withheld. john bolton, his lawyer is the same one as charles and that lawyer is already talking to the congress about possibly will we see john bolton appear as well. eric: ultimo be a star witness no matter what he says. everyone would look to see what the former ambassador and nsc advisor would say. >> he was right in the center of the white house and he has called giuliani a hand grenade and it feels like a drug deal, it's pretty denigrating. how much of that was political and big bureaucracy where he was jealous of giuliani, we don't know. or is he going to outline even works was a detailed transgression.
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arthel: th.eric: i have right ty when i'm on the phone, without hold any water in terms of trend to prevent these officials -- >> he not only could do that, he is doing now. that is exactly what's been said. congress is saying, that does not keep us from being able to exercise our oversight responsibility over the agencies, over the state department over the nsc, you cannot say the entire state department cannot talk to us, which is kind of what has happened. eric: these are being held behind closed doors and a lot of controversy over that. the democrats point out, republicans are on the panel and they do ask questions, they have staff in the room, what is going to happen a month from now or so, do you think will help public hearings and like watergate, the nation transfixed with the ten hour or eight hour coverage of these hearings and all this testimony that we have had or that there has been will
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finally be laid out in public for americans to see? >> it does appear that's the direction we are going, you seen leaders in congress say that's where were going, closed-door sessions are held all the time on all sorts of issues. the republicans and democrats, both are allowed to ask as many questions as they wish in these evolved into "public testimony down the road. as soon as congress has decided, we have enough information, now were not going to go ahead with this or we are going to go ahead with this. eric: thank you. a good to see you. arthel: the houston astros look to win three straight and turn the world series completely around after beating the washington nationals last night. the nation's capital will be rocking tonight for game five on fox with the commander in chief expected to be in attendance. the live report from the ballpark straight ahead.
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eric: did you see the series last night, after falling behind two games, the astros have evened it up, two straight wins over the washington nationals in
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the hometown of d.c., game five ceremonial pitch, the first one in d.c. is scheduled after 8:00 p.m. eastern tonight. president trump will not be throwing it but he is scheduled to attend the game for a few innings. mark is there live in nationals park what promises to be an exciting fantastic game since the series is even. >> absolutely, you will feel the tension inside the stadium as fans will come in for the next ten or 15 minutes, the gates are supposed to open but as you were talking about, washington national fans have not had much to celebrate the last two nights because they lost the two games at home after winning the first two games of the series on the road in houston. we heard from both teams late last night giving us a preview of what game five might look like later on tonight. >> we want to keep it rolling and we're fired up. this is the way you play the game, the world series. >> is baseball. it's a world series, were in the
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world series. we are going to play game five, tied to hear. who would've thought that in the beginning. >> because the series is tied, no matter what happens in tonight's game there will be another game played early next week in houston for game six, a lot of fans curious to see where things will break tonight. if you do, and washington tickets are cheaper now than they were 24 hours ago for saturday nights game, they were half the price when we looked online this afternoon, tickets were going for about $500, it was a thousand dollars last night. but tonight's game is different because as you mentioned president trump is expected to make his way along with the face first lady it will be in the next couple of hours, he will not be throwing out the first pitch instead that will be going to celebrity chef who is a very
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famous chef in the washington area and also somebody who has had a long standing feud with president trump. back to you. eric: there has been very charitable and catering deals to victims of natural disasters. in the nats story, 1933 was the last world series. just fantastic to watch them get this far. >> it is been amazing to see what's going on, this town has republicans come a lot more in washington the last couple days. we will see what happens later on. eric: thank you. game five shortly after 8:00 p.m. tonight. arthel: i'm going to watch on fox. thank you for watching us everybody. ♪ i had a heart problem.
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♪ >> president trump, perhaps inspire by goebbels and the prop propagandist of the third reich -- >> did i hear you say that perhaps he was influenced by ger bells and the -- i just want to make sure that's what i heard you say. >> that's right. [laughter] greg: who the hell is gurgle? [cheers and applause] donald trump called never trumpers human scum. now really that is a little much. i mean,


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