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tv   Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer and Sandra Smith  FOX News  October 16, 2019 6:00am-9:00am PDT

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bpoenas if they would take a formal don't slam the side of the flat impeachment inquiry vote and they haven't done that. instead they're pursuing this screen. >> it's why they pay him the grand jury proceeding. >> bill: the point you're big bucks. making. continue with the interviews and depositions and build >> i'll go do radio, they pay public support. >> against the president. me even more. using the press, which has >> bill: good morning, become kind of an instrument of everybody. 9:00 a.m. in new york. fox news alert from the capitol. the prosecution because then it the next witness in the keps running the melodramatic impeachment inquiry will arrive stories what they may have said any moment now for his inside the second rehearings. closed-door deposition. his name is michael mckinley. >> bill: it is working? he resigned a week ago as a >> it's working that they're senior advisor to mike pompeo. driving opinion polls in the direction against the president. what does his appearance mean? ultimately i think they run into the problem of the all that behind closed doors. american people saying wait a more inside of "america's minute. newsroom" on that story. we're talking about a grave first there is new reaction in constitutional issue here, from the president after a big impeachment and you are bringing it down to the level night in battleground ohio. of a pure political ploy. 12 democrats in the fourth at some point nancy pelosi round of debates as we watched really has to make a decision together. good morning, everybody. a crowded house there in about whether she wants to reduce this to mere politics or columbus, ohio. welcome to our show. we have a lot coming your way. >> sandra: good morning. formalize it with an impeachment vote. >> bill: maybe you're right in i'm sandra smith. the end. we shall see in time, right?
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impeachment, far left policies thank you, dan. and frontrunner brawl summing 21 past now. up the three hours last night. >> sandra: stunning new developments in a tragic case 12 candidates, all 12 of them of a texas woman shot and going all in on impeachment and killed by police in her own when they weren't attacking the home. president, a lot of the fire a key witness now saying the victim was pointing her gun at was directed directly at elizabeth warren, the new the window before being shot by rising star of the pack. police. >> bill: moments ago the a live report straight ahead on president characterized the that. night this way. >> breaking news from overseas. you would think there is no way any of the democrat candidates that we witnessed last night top u.s. officials are heading could possibly become president of the united states. now you see why they have no to turkey. choice but to push a totally vice president mike pence and illegal and absurd impeachment secretary of state mike pompeo. of one of the most successful presidents. we'll continue with more on >> sandra: here is just some of that after this. the fireworks from last night. >> sometimes there are issues that are bigger than politics. i think that's the case with this impeachment inquiry. >> i don't think this impeachment process will take very long. as a former prosecutor i know a confession when i see it. >> he is going after me. he knows if i get the nomination i will beat him like a drum. >> medicare for all is the gold
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standard. it is the way we get healthcare coverage for every single american. >> your signature is to have a plan for everything except this. >> i appreciate elizabeth's work but again the difference between a plan and a pipe dream is something that you can actually get done. >> we have one shot to make donald trump a one-term president. and how we talk about each other in this debate actually really matters. this fall, book two, separate qualifying stays >> we voted in donald trump and led us down a dangerous path at ...and earn a free night. with erratic and unreliable because when your business is rewarding yourself, foreign policy. >> donald trump has the blood our business is you. of the kurds on his hand. book direct at >> for god sake get up and remember this is the united states of america. there is nothing, nothing we aren't able to do when we decide we'll do it. >> bill: we'll get reaction. but ellison barber with the day after in westerville, ohio. we begin with you. >> good morning, bill. 12 candidates on one stage.
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it was the largest group of candidates on one stage in the history of televised debates. heading into the debate last night former vice president joe biden, his advisors were saying he did not want to get into conversations related to attacks from the president. they were adamant the focus should stay on what they see as president trump's corruption and bigger issues like what is happening in syria. syria came up in a big way. no one on stage approved of how president trump handled the situation with the kurds. some differ how they would handle it if president. led to a back and forth between the two veterans on stage. a number of stand-out moments with one of those veterans, mayor pete buttigieg. he debated gabbard in northern syria. he went after senator elizabeth warren for not having a price tag or comprehensive plan on medicare for all and he also sparred with former texas congressman beto o'rourke on guns. >> someone does not turn in an
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ar-15 or ak-47 or brings out in public and brandishs it in an attempt to intimidate as we saw at kent state recently. that weapon will be taken from them. if they persist there will be what are you doing back there, junior? since we're obviously lost, other consequences from law enforcement. i'm rescheduling my xfinity customer service appointment. >> you made it clear you don't know how this is actually going ah, relax. i got this. to take weapons off the streets. >> let's decide what we're which gps are you using anyway? going to believe in and what we're going to achieve and a little something called instinct. let's bring this country been using it for years. together. yeah, that's what i'm afraid of. >> the problem is the policy. he knows exactly where we're going. i don't need lessons from you my whole body is a compass. oh boy... on courage political or personal. the my account app makes today's xfinity customer service simple, easy, awesome. >> buttigieg supports things not my thing. like universal background checks and red flag laws and not a mandatory buy back from >> vice president and i are o'rourke. they've gone back and forth on planning to take off later this gun policy for a few days now. afternoon and we have every typically their jabs have come expectation that we will meet off camera. with president erdogan.
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environments on twitter, but not on stage like we saw last it's important, maria, when we have this conversation with him night. >> bill: ellison barber leading directly. the president felt it was our coverage in ohio. important we do this at the here is sandra now. most senior levels at the united states government to >> sandra: breaking news from capitol hill. speaker nancy pelosi now saying speak to him face-to-face. >> sandra: that was secretary that she will not be holding a of state mike pompeo last hour full vote on impeachment saying, quote, we don't do as he and vice president pence bluffs and yet the democrats' are set to go to turkey today. inquiry continues this morning. the turkish president is their latest witness set to rejecting calls for a appear in an hour as republicans continue to slam cease-fire in syria. steve harrigan is reporting the entire process. from the front lines in northeast syria for us today. steve. >> the impeachment cocktail >> there was some initial confusion over whether or not that is adam schiff's favorite the president of turkey would drink to get america drunk on even meet with vice president these days has three main pence in turkey. that confusion being cleared up. ingredients. erdogan saying he will meet it's about cherry picking with the u.s. delegation but he leaks, withholding key facts, and outright lying. will not be discussing any cease-fire. >> sandra: chief intelligence this military operation by turkey now in its eighth day correspondent catherine and still shows no sign of herridge is live with more. who is michael mckinley and why slowing up. turkish officials say they is his testimony needed today? intend to push forward to form >> good morning. this witness brings with him a 20-mile buffer, safe zone to more than three decades of clear the entire region of kurd
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diplomatic experience with the fighters. erdogan has been adamant saying last posting as a senior he will not negotiate with the advisor to the current secretary of state mike pompeo. kurds who he calls terrorists. here is the turkish president. he spent 37 years at the state department in the foreign >> in the history of the service previously serving as turkish republic as a state there has been no such thing as sitting at a table with the ambassador afghanistan, brazil, terrorist organization. from now on, no one should columbia, peru. expect something like that from he can contrast that to other us. and we're not looking for a administrations and whether the mediator or anything. we don't need it. investigation by rudy giuliani into corruption allegations in >> as u.s. forces have ukraine was out of bounds or if withdrawn from the front lines, russia has been quick to fill that void. right now in at least one other admissiontations did strategic city there are russian troops patrolling in similar outreach. between syrian government by changing the designation of forces as well as turkish most witness interviews to forces. and on tuesday a real scare. deposition house democrats now have more control over the u.s. forces in northeastern public release of transcripts. syria had to call in a show of democrats argue it is necessary force from an apache helicopter so future witnesses can gain when turkish-backed forces were their testimony. approaching a u.s. position too republicans say it goes against longstanding practice and the spirit of fairness. closely in a menacing manner. back to you. the house speaker offering no >> sandra: steve harrigan in syria this morning. >> bill: a lot can go wrong in new timeline on the vote making
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that scenario. another big story as we wait the next witness in the the impeachment investigation official democrats said more witnesses are scheduled. impeachment inquiry to arrive. what house democrats hope to >> that pace is only accelerating. we have a busy few days and learn from michael mckinley. the former senior advisor with weeks ahead. but we are running into what we mike pompeo at the state department. expected in one aspect, that is >> sandra: elizabeth warren a complete effort by the getting attacked as a new study administration to stone wall. now reveals the real price tag >> the chairman said there is for medicare for all could cost no requirement we have a vote more than $30 trillion. and so at this time we will not be having a vote and i'm very the dnc communications director pleased with the thoughtfulness is here to react. of our caucus in terms of being supportive of the path that we are on in terms of fairness and heartache, brutality and redemption. the mist crept into the pivot hole beside her... seeking the truth. >> republicans continue to cry you're late. david! what did you think of the book? foul over what they describe as a secret process where they it's a...masterstroke of... can't call witnesses or issue heartache...brutality... their own subpoenas. ...and redemption. >> he is impeached in the house. you didn't read it, did you? the senate will look at i didn't...but i will. the lexus nx, modern utility for modern obstacles. fairness. they will look at how this was lease the 2020 nx 300 for $349/month for 36 months. done. in terms of whether they convict and remove from the experience amazing at your lexus dealer. senate. this is very important that
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democrats hear this message. if what they're doing today could jeopardize everything they're trying to achieve in the senate, if those rules are not applied by. >> house democrats say they do plan to release the transcripts from these interviews but the important thing here is that they've set no timetable for that public information, sandra. >> sandra: a lot of news on all expected this morning. >> bill: let's get the first reaction from the head of the rnc, ronna mcdaniel with me in d.c. welcome back. reflect on last nightment -- night. what did you see and hear last night? >> the democrats lurch further and further to the left and out of the mainstream of what america wants. you did see this race is not going to narrow any time soon. joe biden continues to stumble and bumble through the debates. bernie sanders came in strong. elizabeth warren was treated as the frontrunner. i don't think you'll see it narrowing down to one candidate
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any time soon. that's great for us. again the president won because he was the main topic of discussion. they talked about his twitter account and they didn't talk about things like immigration. they were dishonest about the results of this economy. ohio has added over 100,000 jobs under president trump. they ignore the facts. this economy is booming. we came out as big winners as the republican party. >> bill: you are still 3 1/2 months from the first caucus in iowa. here is joe biden when he was asked about his son hunter and the dealings in ukraine. he responded this way. >> look, my son did nothing wrong. i did nothing wrong. i carried out the policy of the united states in rooting out corruption in ukraine. and that's what we should be focusing on. >> bill: he said we never talked about it. hunter biden in the interview yesterday on abc as well. the question for you is how well did he defend himself on
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that stage with millions watching? >> he punted on a major question. in our polling overwhelmingly want to see what happened under the obama administration when joe biden went to ukraine and said i'll give you a billion dollars if you fire this prosecutor that was investigating the company his son sat on the board of. there are still lingering questions of that. i know cnn dismisses it and says it's done. it is not done. it's fair to ask the questions why did hunter biden's company get a billion investment from china after flying there with >> bill: 9:30, fox news alert. the vice president? here is what we're doing. did the vice president peddle waiting secretary of state mike influence to help his son's business ventures? pompeo's senior advisor michael i think the american people are mckinley on the hill. right to ask that. his turn for a deposition in democrats continue to brush it aside. i don't think it will go away the impeachment investigation. any time soon and the bidens mckinley's resignation last week ends a 37 year career in continue to dismiss it and joe biden still hasn't taken it foreign service. head on. ambassador in afghanistan, >> bill: squeeze in one more columbia, peru and brazil. questions. he had no involvement with two or three members of the ukraine.
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he is one of four witnesses squad have endorseed bernie left to be questioned this week alone. you have the ambassador to the sanders. the headline after debate ended. aoc and omar is on board. european union gordon sondland and another man is due on the tlaib is on board as well. hill tomorrow. laura cooper is due on friday. clearly this was timed to make a headline that will cut through the debate fallout. the assistant secretary of your feelings on them getting behind bernie sanders? >> there is no doubt that the defense for eurasia and ukraine and russia. energy in the democrat party is with the socialist wing. >> will you raise taxes on the middle class to pay for it, yes the 93 trillion green new deal. or no? >> so i have made clear what my the socialist party has taken over the democrat party. principles are here. with this endorsement of bernie and that is costs will go up sanders every american should for the wealthy and big be paying attention they'll take away our fundamental corporations. and for hard-working middle class families costs will go freedoms, innovation, liberty, ability to make our healthcare down. >> yes or no question that decisions, ability to choose didn't get a yes or no answer. which schools we go to and >> at least bernie is being bankrupt the company. no answer for how much it will honest saying how he will pay cost the american people and a for this and taxes will go up. frightening time for our country. everybody needs to recognize it will be a choice between >> sandra: senator elizabeth socialism and freedom. president trump is on the side warren being attacked for
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dodging questions about what of freedom and that's what the middle class americans would american people want. end up paying for her medicare >> bill: aoc does an event in for all plan as new polling shows she is the new frontrunner for the democratic brooklyn and sanders will be race. communications director xochitl there. we'll get the dnc hinojsa. good morning to you. communications director will how did last night go for your join us for reaction out of ohio last night. party? >> i thought it went well. >> sandra: we get reaction from you had conversations, as you the democrats at the bottom of mentioned before, about the hour. breaking news out of the middle healthcare and how we will increase access to healthcare east. turkey is continuing its and you had a pretty lengthy invasion into northern syria. conversation about the economy a live look in syria. and making sure that people are kept in their jobs and have turkish president erdogan has high-paying wages. one of the things that actually no plans for a cease-fire as came up that hadn't come up mike pompeo and mike pence head previously is women's reproductive rights. there for a meeting today. it just shows you the values of the democratic party where will the meeting happen and we're fighting for people. what will come from it? >> a major headline that broke we want to expand healthcare last night as well. and good paying jobs and protect the rights of so many speaker pelosi said she has no people. i thought it went well last plans of bringing the formal night. it was also history in the vote of impeachment to the vo*es vote of the house for now. making. 12 people on one stage. the white house says they won't i thought cnn did really well. never had a debate in history comply with subpoenas unless
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the vote happens. that has been that large but what's next? we'll get to that when we you saw our values on the table last night. >> sandra: there was a lot of continue. >> jim and i have been now in moments. we have to pick and choose what over 40 hours of deposition and we look at here. what we're finding is that adam one moment where elizabeth schiff only wants to have warren certainly was the target witnesses who will give the of attacks by others on that stage was when she talked about response that he hopes that they will give and even at her medicare for all plan. that, it's a swing and a miss. she was asked yet again would cologuard: colr scening for people 50 taxes go up for the middle class? it is a simple yes or no question, right? but she declined to answer it as you just heard. >> that will be up to her and her campaign. i think throughout these debates we have had a very lengthy healthcare conversation. and i think that what has been refreshing about it is the fact that everyone wants to expand access. now, elizabeth warren in the clip you just played actually said that costs will go down for middle class americans and she said that costs will go up for wealthy americans. and you know what? i think that anyone on that debate stage believes that middle class americans shouldn't be paying more and so
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i think that's the general value. how people pay for their plans they'll have to explain that on the campaign trail. no doubt about it. voters have questions. the democratic party as a whole we want -- >> sandra: we have a bit of a delay there. voters certainly care who the tax burden falls on. the question was will taxes go up for the middle class and a new study finds the single payer health insurance program medicare for all being pushed by both berner sanders and elizabeth warren will cost $34 trillion over 10 year period. don't the candidates on the stage touting that medicare for all have to explain how you pay for it? and older at average risk. >> they have said costs will go i've heard a lot of excuses up for middle class americans to avoid screening for colon cancer. and they will on the campaign trail. i'm not worried. it doesn't run in my family. but i think that what you are seeing -- if you look back to i can do it next year. no rush.
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the 2018 election, the american cologuard is the noninvasive option people spoke loud and clear they wanted democrats in power that finds 92% of colon cancers. and that's why we won back the you just get the kit in the mail, go to the bathroom, house of representatives. the number one issue was collect your sample, then ship it to the lab. healthcare. and so i think that the there's no excuse for waiting. get screened. democratic party we should be ask your doctor if cologuard is right for you. having a debate about costs and should be having a debate how covered by medicare and most major insurers. we'll expand access. that's why people put us in at humana, we believe your power. and so that is our healthcare should evolve with responsibility and we're having that conversation and it will you. and part of that evolution be up to the voters. means choosing the right >> sandra: the president has medicare plan for you. humana reacted to the debates last can help. with original night. he said you would think there is no way that any of the medicare, you're covered for democratic candidates that we hospital stays and doctor office visits, but you'll have to pay a witnesses last night could possibly become president of deductible for each. a medicare the united states. nouf you see why they have no supplement plan can cover your choice but to push a totally deductibles and co-insurance, illegal and absurd impeachment of one of the most successful but you may pay higher premiums and still not get prescription drug coverage. but with an presidents. the candidates and moderators all-in-one humana medicare spent the first 10 minutes advantage plan, you could get talking about impeachment of the president. but i would turn your focus to all that coverage plus part d the new frontrunner status of prescription drug benefits. you get all this coverage for as low elizabeth warren and her performance on that stage, the as a $0 monthly plan premium in strategy by the others around
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many areas. and humana has a her and joe biden not getting large network of doctors and as much attention as elizabeth hospitals, so call or go online warren has emerged as a frontrunner. today. find out if your doctor is part of the humana network and get your free decision >> you certainly saw sort of guide. discover how an people go after elizabeth warren and her pushing back on all-in-one humana medicare this. i think that the president here advantage plan could save you is running scared. money. there is no obligation, i think it's hilarious he so call or go online right now. decided to tweet this is why the impeachment probe is happening. frankly, it is his abuse of power. he doesn't realize he said on >> sandra: a massive explosion in california at an oil national television he wants ukraine and china to refinery north of san francisco. investigate his political a storage facility for crude opponent. oil and other flammable liquids. donald trump is running scared and -- >> sandra: how did joe biden do in his defense of that when asked on the stage? take a look at this. >> i think joe biden has the facts on his side in the sense heavy flames turning into a that his family didn't do fire tornado filling the air anything wrong. the person with the wrongdoing with thick black smoke. the giant fireball took hours and abuse of power is donald trump. and so i think that joe biden to put out. in injuries were reported. and frankly a lot of candidates the cause of the blaze still on that stage and previously under investigation. were depending joe and hunter biden. >> we're not here to call bluff. these are just smears and lies.
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we're here to find the truth to donald trump is trying to distract from his own abuse of fulfill the constitution of the united states. this is not a game for us. power. he handled it well. this is deadly serious and we're on a path that is getting the democratic field has his back on this. >> sandra: did anybody stand -- taking us to a path to truth out to you last night? and a timetable that respects >> i think that everyone did our constitution. >> bill: late on tuesday well. i think what was a funny moment afternoon you had that headline from speaker pelosi. on that stage is when kamala we'll hear from her again next harris was talking about we hour. she says there will not be a need to talk about women's reproductive rights and cory formal vote on impeachment inquiry as of now. booker said i agree, it shouldn't just be women talking dan henninger from the "wall about it, it should be men. street journal" with me now. she is saying no vote, no it's on all of us to do that. i think it was some humor on problem. how do we read this now? the stage that we are the party >> well, we read it as this is the nancy pelosi who remember that wants to advance women's way back when about a month ago reproductive rights and fight republican attacks. was resisting the calls for that was a moment that stood impeachment in the house. out. she didn't want to go there. >> sandra: donna brazile was on our network earlier this now she finally caved in a couple of weeks ago and said morning and said the race there would be a vote on an didn't change much last night. impeachment inquiry. now there is no vote. did it? >> well, i think it's hard with i think for nancy pelosi the all these debates. you may see a candidate or two same realities are in play get a bump in the polling right which is to say she is speak er after the debate but for the
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most part this entire race has of the house because 30 house really been what it is and you haven't had anyone jump from members beat republicans in sort of sixth place in polling to the top contender. 2018 and they remain -- they i do think this answered some are saying they don't want to more questions for the american have to vote on impeachment. people when it comes to the she is pushing this off into economy, when it comes to the future. rights. refusing to take a vote to >> sandra: i have a few seconds validate the impeachment left. is elizabeth warren the new inquiry in the house and now frontrunner for your party after last night? saying we're doing something serious with these secret adam >> well, i'll leave that up to schiff hearings. >> bill: play this out. the political pundits. she certainly got the you have the interviews, frontrunner treatment on the depositions, whatever they're stage yesterday but that will called today. be up to the pundits. that will continue. some which go nine hours a day. >> sandra: final question on three members of the so-called at some point are they gathering evidence to come out squad now expected to endorse with sheet of paper and say bernie sanders for the presidency for the nomination. here is what we've got and here is our evidence now and that's >> absolutely. revealed in several weeks, that was sort of the buzz perhaps several months from now? what's the card that she is yesterday in the spin room last holding back that she night where that announcement ultimately plays. >> i think the card that she is came out as the debate was playing right now is that they ending. one thing is the squad are trying to try the president
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in the court of public opinion certainly gets under donald trump's skin. rather than proceeding with a i'm sure you'll see he has an formal impeachment inquiry. opinion about this. i think it's a smart strategy by bernie sanders to have a if you were collecting rally with his supporters and information, it's being done in secret. have some of these endorsements. the information should be going >> sandra: it was a big night into a formal articles of impeachment. they are not even talking about for your party xochitl hinojsa, we appreciate your time this that. adam schiff who is conducting morning. these proceedings or whatever you want to call them said on >> bill: this is breaking. an interview with a dnc comes television sunday on cbs what he is doing is akin to a grand director. kurt volker was not expected back on the hill today. jury proceeding. wait a minute. he has arrived. that's a criminal proceeding. for what reason we don't know. the star witness that we had impeachment is a political mentioned for the past 40 minutes hasn't shown up. exercise. they are likening this to a volker is the u.s. ambassador grand jury proceeding? to nato. in fact what they're doing is why he is back we do not know. holding these hearings in we wanted to share this with you as we try and piece this secret, not allowing the republicans to see the together as to what is evidence, and then they are happening on the hill. stay tuned for more on that as leaking the information selectively to the press, which that moves. in the washington reporter in then publicizes it, drives up d.c. reuniting a washington the opinion polls against the nationals fan with his lost trump presidency for ticket right before the first impeachment. so it's a very political pitch. stone wrote on twitter he found process. >> giuliani, mike pence, the a great ticket on the sidewalk vice president say they won't
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comply with the subpoenas outside the ballpark. tried to track down the owner. issued for them. i would expect that's probably stone found the owner, fan by anticipated right now. the name of james, just as he you could see this coming. was about to buy another ticket >> why should the vice president of the united states for the game. a few hours later and all the participate in the process i fans in washington had good just described which is reason to celebrate and here is why. entirely partisan political roll it. process rather than a really formal impeachment inquiry? the white house counsel in his had to be a bigger celebration than that, smitty, right? storm the field. the nats sweep the cardinals and advance to the world series. first time ever for the nats. they have a week off as they await the winner of the alc. >> sandra: a lot of nationals fans here at the fox news channel. >> bill: i don't think any of the yankees came in. another nor'easter, two in a week. will they play that game? you don't think so? that's your update.
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>> sandra: a hot bed brewing in syria at this hour. russian troops sweeping into the nation as turkey continues its advance into the country and rejects calls for a cease-fire. former cia station chief dan hoffman joins us next. lebron james warning of the financial fallout from that tweet supporting hong kong protestors. but is it more about his own bottom line? money man charles payne will be here to sound off on that. about newday's va streamline refi. it's the closest thing to automatic savings that we've ever offered. at newday, veterans can refinance their mortgage with no income verification, no appraisal and no out of pocket expenses. and we've extended our call center hours so that every veteran can take advantage of these near record low rates. hi, my name is sam davis and i'm going to tell you about exciting
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plans available to anyone with medicare. many plans provide broad coverage and still may save you money on monthly premiums and prescription drugs. with original medicare, you're covered for hospital stays and doctor office visits, but you have to meet a deductible for each and then you're still responsible for 20% of the cost. next, let's look at a medicare supplement plan. as you can see, they cover the same things as original medicare and they also cover your medicare deductibles and co-insurance. but they often have higher monthly premiums and no prescription drug coverage. now, let's take a look at humana's medicare advantage plans. with a humana medicare plan, hospital stays, doctor office visits and medicare deductibles are covered. and, of course, most humana medicare advantage plans include prescription drug coverage. in fact, in 2018, humana medicare advantage prescription drug plan
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members saved an estimated $7400, on average, on their prescription costs. most humana medicare advantage plans help you stay active and keep fit by including a silver sneakers fitness program at no extra cost. and, you may be able to save on dental and vision expenses, because coverage is now included with most humana medicare advantage plans. you get all this coverage for as low as a zero dollar monthly plan premium in many areas. and your doctor and hospital may already be a part of humana's large network. if you want the facts, call right now for the free decision guide from humana. there is no obligation, so call the number on your screen right now to see if your doctor is in our network; to find out if you can save on your prescriptions and to get our free decision guide. licensed humana sales agents are standing by, so call now.
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>> bill: a lot to get to on the turkey story today regarding syria. new information now russian forces apparently have been deployed to stop the two sides from fighting meaning the syrians on one side, turks on the other. vice president mike pence leading a delegation to turkey leaving today. president erdogan rejecting calls for a cease-fire. also he says he will only negotiate with the president when it comes to a specific cease-fire. dan hoffman, station chief, fox news contributor.
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welcome back. i want to share with you and our viewers as map. as we look at the map focus on the orange sliver, the turkish safe zone. how are we to explain or understand what erdogan wants in that orange area? and how many miles that could extend, dan? give us your analysis. >> that area really is key because it is where the interest of syria, iran, russia and turkey conflict. in some cases coincide. syria and iran want to own that. turkey wants it to be a buffer zone so that they prevent kurds from launching attacks on turkish territory. and everyone has to be concerned about the fact that that region is very rich in agricultural and oil resources which all of those countries would like to exploit. the problem is that while those countries compete over that territory, the fight against isis will probably suffer and i think the concern is that we
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won't be able to take the fight to those terrorists as well as we otherwise would. >> bill: why wouldn't we want to hang onto that territory for a minimum price that apparently was 100 troops that were stationed there? >> i think the president made a political calculus is the best i would gather there. we would have to ask the white house for their comment on that and what went into the president's thinking. he talked about wanting to bring our troops home. he was fulfilling that promise. what i would say is there is a distinct between endless wars and ongoing presence. we need some troops. some intelligence on the ground to gather intelligence where the terrorists are so we can eliminate those threats before they are visited on our shores. the concern is that isis will melt into its roots and insurgency. 10,000 roughly isis prisoners, 2,000 of whom are foreign born and then there is another 15,000 to 18,000 isis terrorists in the region. and we need to be concerned about that and outsourcing it
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to those nations i mentioned is fraught with difficulty. >> bill: i want to show the region here. the region in crisis. turkey to the north. syria sandwiched in between. mike pompeo says his visit will continue to turkey. erdogan sent a message earlier today he will only negotiate on the cease-fire aspect with president trump. mike pompeo last hour with maria on fox business. >> i think frankly the world has underappreciated the severity of those sanctions and how much impact they'll have on the turkish economy. our goal isn't to break the relationship with turkey. it is to deny turkey the capacity to continue to engage in this behavior. >> bill: the first line is critical, dan. the world has underappreciated the severity of the sanctions. do they work to draw the turkish forces back? >> well, they are punitive in nature. turkey has already invaded and
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a lot of has already been done. we'll make them pay a price for that. we've also seen challenges with our relationship with turkey. turkey purchased the russian s-400 air defense system. vladimir putin wants to drive a wedge between our nato allies and the united states. especially turkey. the question maybe there will be discussions about a cease-fire, how long it takes, if there is one. meanwhile, we've got humanitarian crisis and the risk of these isis terrorists fleeing to places where they can rally and regroup and then cause more harm down the road. >> bill: what do you think this visit on behalf of mike pence and mike pompeo can produce do you believe tomorrow? >> well, i think it's a great challenge. i think for president erdogan, the kurds represent a threat to turkey. i think in my view at least turkey is willing to withstand sanctions and some economic
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harm while making sure that they take care of their southern border. i think that's just of vital importance to them. they will talk to secretary pompeo and vice president pence. i'm not sure turkey will move in the direction we would like. >> bill: one last thing. do you see a way to wind this down with minimal cost in the region or for the future, dan? >> i think the challenge for us is always when we're sending our troops and our brave american patriots forward deployed is we want to do so with minimum risk to our blood and treasure. and these hundred or thousand u.s. troops were out there detecting threats and reementing them before they could be visited on our shores. i think we'll have to continue that mission but find other ways to do it. >> bill: thank you for your input today. dan hoffman there in washington we'll speak again sir, thank you. >> sandra: all right. you are looking at video from capitol hill a short time ago.
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mike pompeo's former senior advisor arriving, michael mckinley. he will appear before the impeachment committees today. three of them. a veteran diplomat, served as u.s. ambassador to several countries. he is the sixth witness called before those committees. we'll await his entrance into the room and anything that comes from it today. meanwhile stunning new details in the shoongt of a woman inside her own home by a police officer. we're now learning that that woman pointed a gun in the officer's direction before he fired according to a key witness. this coming as hundreds speak out at a city counsel meeting calling for justice. live on the ground there next. wow. he won't even recognize you. seriously. i don't even recognize myself. and thanks to my cashrewards credit card from navy federal with never-expiring rewards
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>> sandra: shocking new
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developments in the deadly shooting of a woman in her own home by a texas police officer. according to a key witness in the investigation the victim pointed a gun at the window after hearing suspicious noises coming from outside. casey stiegel is live in fort worth, texas with what we're learning. casey. >> it was a packed house at the city council meeting last night here in fort worth. the first meeting since this past weekend's deadly shooting. so many people showed up to talk that the line stretched all the way outside around the building. look at this video. things getting heated at times. it was so full not everyone allowed inside while protests went on outside. those in attendance chanting things like no justice, no peace. virtually everyone calling for change inside the fort worth police department. after 34-year-old aaron dean was arrested and charged with murder. the ex cop killed and shot
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28-year-old ms. jefferson in her home this past weekend and resigned from the department. meantime, jefferson's family had a private meeting yesterday with the interim police chief and the city's mayor where they prayed together and got updated on the case. now, jefferson's 8-year-old nephew was with her playing video games at the time. he saw everything. according to the arrest warrant, he told police that his aunt pointed her gun at the window because she heard noises outside. turns out it was police. however, they never announced or identified themselves. what is not clear whether dean saw the gun because it is note fred that body cam ra footage there is a glare on the glass from their flashlights and it may have prevented officers from being able to fully see inside. no less people here outraged saying this officer never should have used deadly force in the first place. sandra, back to you.
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>> sandra: we'll continue following that story. >> bill: also today's witness arrived on the hill. we should hear from president trump within the next hour. house speaker nancy pelosi making it clear there will be no vote as of now. what does that mean and what is her strategy. ari fleischer will tell us coming up next hour. why can't we just get in the running car? are you crazy? let's hide behind the chainsaws. smart. yeah. ok. if you're in a horror movie, you make poor decisions. it's what you do. this was a good idea. shhhh. i'm being quiet. you're breathing on me! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. let's go to the cemetery!
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wow! that's ensure max protein, with high protein and 1 gram sugar. it's a sit-up, banana! bend at the waist! i'm tryin'! keep it up. you'll get there. whoa-hoa-hoa! 30 grams of protein, and one gram of sugar. ensure max protein. >> sandra: fox news alert now. we are awaiting the arrival of the italian president at the white house. president trump will be hosting
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him. the two leaders expected talk about a range of issues including economic cooperation and security. we'll bring it to you live when it begins. meanwhile a surprise appearance on capitol hill a few moments ago. kurt volker the first witness in the impeachment inquiry showed up unexpectedly and we're awaiting two big news conferences both sides of the aisle in the ongoing battle over impeachment. welcome to a brand-new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm sandra smith. >> bill: bill hemmer, on ward we go. the witness's name is michael mckinley former senior advisor at the state department to mike pompeo. republicans continue to demand transparency from these hearings. >> the democrats afraid to take this vote. you have a better chance of getting a fair justice system in china than you do in speaker pelosi's movement here inside the house.
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think about what they have. a known liar, adam schiff. the american's window into their attempt to remove this president. they hold a closed-door session. the only people who get to have a witness. >> bill: doug mcelway picks it up from there live on capitol hill. what do we have as we start a new day? >> as we've seen as with other witnesses in this particular closed-door proceeding the press and american public are being deprived of what the actual testimony is. under the house intelligence committee chairman adam schiff's rules the transcripts are not being released as of yet. what we have instead of that is spin from two highly partisan perspectives. republicans and democrats protesting loudly against each other. >> the impeachment cocktail that is adam schiff's favorite drink to get america drunk on these days has three main ingredients. it's about cherry picking
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leaks, withholding key facts, and outright lying. >> that pace is only accelerating. we have a very busy few days and weeks ahead. but we are running into what we expected in one aspect and that is a complete effort by the administration to stone wall. >> in a press conference yesterday speaker pelosi remarkably said there are still no plans for a vote. still no plans to launch an official impeachment inquiry. >> there is no requirement that we have a vote and so at this time we will not be having a vote and i'm very pleased with the thoughtfulness of our caucus in terms of being supportive of the path that we are on in terms of fairness and in terms of seeking the truth. >> but at one point yesterday evening during her joint press conference with adam schiff she actually sat down amongst the reporters, perhaps a sign of that she truly is letting adam
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schiff run the show and in which case this will move towards an official vote launching an impeachment inquiry. until that happens, assuming it happens, the administration is refusing to comply with schiff's subpoenas but some are testifying against the wishes of the white house. behind closed doors today is michael mckinley, a senior advisor to mike pompeo. the 37-year-old mckinley is a previous ambassador to several countries and coming in again today kurt volker entered the room unexpectedly today. simply to review his previous testimony, not testify again. we don't know what either man will say. it's all spin. no transcripts at least as of then. >> bill: back with you shortly. >> sandra: that shows you the values of the democratic party where we're fighting for people. we want to expand healthcare and want people in good paying jobs and want to make sure we
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are protecting the rights of so many people. i thought it went well last night. joe biden continues to stumble and bumble through these debates. bernie sanders came in strong. elizabeth warren was treated as the frontrunner. i don't think you'll see any of this narrowing down to one candidate any time soon, which is great for us. >> sandra: reaction from both sides of the aisle on last night's big debate last hour on "america's newsroom." a crowded stage, 12 democrats seeking the party's nomination for the presidency. let's go to our a-team this morning. they're rareing to go. brad blakeman, jeanne zaino, and senior advisor kristen anderssen. i think it's your first time. good morning to all of you. brad, your winner. >> winner elizabeth warren. she took a beating and kept on ticking. also by the attacks of her fellow democrats they pretty much anointed her the
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frontrunner. >> i had pete buttigieg as the winner with a close second for amy klobuchar. mayor pete directed the conversation and i thought he did very well. >> bill: why is your loser joe biden? >> he is no longer the frontrunner. all the fire was focused on elizabeth warren. she is seen as the frontrunner. this is the thing about joe. it is like he did okay. he didn't stumble terribly but neither did he do anything great. when you are in his position that's a loser debate. >> i add yang down as the winner because i don't think the debate will change much in the polls. if you can be someone who is hanging out there in that fifth, sixth, seventh place position and put in a strong showing that will keep you in the next couple rounds of debates i think that's a pretty big win. >> bill: why is kamala harris your loser? >> she tried to do to elizabeth warren, she sets up -- i'm
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surprised elizabeth warren that you don't agree with me in kicking trump off of twitter. she tried to take the swing at elizabeth warren. she fought back and pointed out harris takes money from tech executives. the attack did not work. >> bill: why is your loser joe biden? >> he was not a leader. he didn't act like a frontrunner. very defensive and the fact is he was pretty much dismissed by his fellow democrats and all the attention seemed to be on warren. >> bill: i got the sense watching it the stage is super crowded, still at 12 people. unless you have a one-liner or zinger you aren't going to stand out at all. >> that's right. >> bill: your chance of getting any attention after last night is very small. donna brazile said nothing changed earlier today. >> do you think it did? >> nothing changed as a result of this. i had mayor pete as the winner as amy klobuchar. the moderates aren't having it from elizabeth warren. they will pin her down how are you going to pay for this
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medicare for all and the billionaire's tax. they were unrelenting. standing in ohio that's very important. this is where this is going to be fought out. while i agree it does than change much, i do think we're seeing a rise of the moderates in the democratic party who are saying enough is enough. and i heard amy klobuchar last night saying you can't go on pipe dreams. you have to be clear how are you going to pay for these things? let's focus on what we can do not what we want to do. >> bill: the rise of the moderates, sounds like a headline. >> they had some of the best moments individual lines of night. amy klobuchar when talking about medicare for all hits back and says americans want to know where are you going to send the invoice? things that i think people watching these debates, these are the things that out of a three-hour long session will pop out. >> sandra: we'll go live to the gop house press conference now introducing the lawmaker pushing the schiff resolution, andy biggs on your screen. let's listen here. >> most of those were federal judges, three of them were in
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presidential situations. what happened is it was an open process. in those initial opening of the investigation, rules were set. determined what committee would be in charge, whether the republicans or the minority in this case the republicans would be allowed to call and subpoena witnesses. that counsel would be present on behalf of the president. well, none of that happened in this case and so we have some major problems because the speaker has taken it upon herself to run impeachment investigation outside the norm in violation of the house rules. there is nothing specifically in the rules except for this, where there is nothing specific our rules say precedent takes place. so she is outside the rules because sthe is outside the
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precedent. she delegated this to mr. adam schiff who for two years told us all about the evidence that was clear about russian collusion except for when the mueller investigation came out, said there was no collusion, cooperation, or coordination. and what has happened since? he fabricated an alleged conversation or he created this conversation. the conversation took place. we have a transcript of it. he had access to the transcript. he could have read the transcript and said he made up a fabrication of something that was untrue. and that has been the basis of much of what we hear about with regard to the impeachment. if i go home to my district, which i did. people ask me specifically about that few minutes that mr.
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schiff made up. so before we left, i knew this would be a problem and with the leadership team behind me, we introduced -- i introduced a motion to censure mr. schiff. now in the intervening time, he has taken this to a soviet-style inquiry. that is to say everything is behind closed doors. there is absolutely no transparency. he is not letting this open up for anybody to see. my colleagues go down and ask for -- to be allowed to read the copy of the volker testimony. the transcript of that testimony. they are denied that. following this press conference, a group of my colleagues are going to go down and ask for our opportunity to read the volker transcript. i sit on the judiciary committee. we're excluded from participating. we aren't allowed. >> sandra: the republican from arizona. also the chairman of the conservative house freedom caucus. he is part of a republican
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effort ramping up their efforts to formally rebuke adam schiff who is the chairman of the house intel committee who is one of the three committees who keeps calling the witnesses up on capitol hill. so you are witnessing that there and he is leading those efforts. >> bill: a lot of this was what was said under oath. which the president took exception too and republicans in congress are as well. how far does this go if anywhere if you tried to censure him? >> it sheds light on the lack of transparency that happened. there was a bombshell news this week and that is that adam schiff pretty much said it may not be necessary to hear from the whistleblower. how is that even possible? speaker pelosi says we're not prepared to take a vote yet whether to proceed with an impeachment inquiry. i think that's a rebuke to adam schiff. because remember, adam schiff met with the speaker before the transcript was released.
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then speaker pelosi comes out and is full speed ahead with impeachment. and then democrats get blind-sided by the fact that president trump releases the transcript in its totality. >> bill: dan -- use selected leaks, build public opinion along the way and pick a moment for nancy pelosi to move forward. >> that's absolutely what the democrats are trying to do and they are trying to do it in a very narrow time frame which i think is going to work against them. they want to wrap this up before christmas because we heard last night one of the moderators said why do this in an election year? why not let voters vote him out or retain him? why do it now? i hear that question all the time when i talk to people saying why do this now? democrats are up against a calendar which means they'll str to restrict this. i would say to all my democratic friends. why i said last time i was on you have to proceed with caution. it has to be transparent.
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i am not clear on why and that's a real concern because if this is not bipartisan it is dead in the water and going nowhere. they have to bring some republicans along. >> when it comes to impeachment polling in the first couple of days or week or so after it was announced democrats would move this direction the polls began to move their way. fox news polling showing 51% supporting impeachment. the bigger fight i think is over is what the president did illegal? have they found evidence of any sort of crime? i think at this point by keeping everything closed door democrats aren't making the case. they make the case they don't like trump and the phone call. it doesn't rise to the level of an impeachable offense and keeping everything behind closed doors. >> bill: do you get a sense what american people think about the vote/no vote? are they watching that as carefully as some would like? >> you don't go wrong by thinking no, people aren't watching something as closely as folks in our world are. the vote/no vote.
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if nancy pelosi is signaling she might want to step back a lot of the momentum in favor of impeachment was coming from democrats who maybe had answered a poll question before no i i don't support impeach: once leadership comes around you saw the bounce of 10 points among democrats saying they supported impeachment. not just among democrats. the leadership position matters. >> bill: does she have the votes or not? >> i don't know she has the votes at this point. republicans are placing a lot of pressure on those members in those districts that donald trump won but who now in the mid-terms those districts became democratic. a moment when some of those swing voter democrat types thought maybe it will move in my direction. if the polling stalls out and doesn't become a tidal wave in favor of it i think that's why you see nancy pelosi beginning to walk it back a little. >> sandra: we saw bernie sanders on the stage last night after suffering from health problems. heart attack. made it up and having fun with
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it and cracking jokes at times. in the middle of all this we learn now that a third member of the so-called squad is going to be endorsing formally bernie sanders for the nomination for their party. >> it is a big endorsement for bernie sanders coming on the heels of this health crisis he has had. his contribution numbers are fairly strong as well. so he is in a very good position in that way. this is an important endorsement. but what it does, i think, in the end is it helps elizabeth warren, quite frankly in the same way his interview where he said i'm a socialist, she is a capitalist helps her pivot in the general election if she gets that far to the center. so i think this endorsement is going to end up helping elizabeth warren. >> bill: aoc has an event in her district of brooklyn on saturday. bernie sanders will be there. they'll be very public. aoc, omar and tlaib in their support for sanders. does she need him as much as he
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might need her? is she looking at a primary in her own district? >> they both need each other. but he needs the squad. why? because they are younger, upstart democrats. they come from the same cloth as bernie. they've moved the party left. >> bill: he is going to her district? >> he is because he needs the endorsement. she won't travel to a battleground state for bernie. they are using each other. bernie comes to her and then perhaps she will go on the road for bernie. >> i think that's completely right. he is looking right now to say look, i'm the name brand. others who claim to be progressives are generic. i'm the name brand. by getting the squad to come aboard is one way to begin trying to bat back the challenge where you've seen as warren has risen in the polls it has come at bernie's expense. >> bill: great to have you all three. bernie saying i'm the original. >> sandra: omar says --
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>> all three of these young women are endorsing bernie sanders in a party moving in a position to have a potentially female candidate. >> bill: thank you all. nba star lebron james under the microscope. what was he saying in his reaction to the events from china and hong kong about a week ago? some believe that lebron is worried about his own bottom line. >> sandra: plus bernie sanders guaranteeing a job for everyone. money man charles payne is on deck with that next. >> are you promising that you'll have a job for every single one of those americans? >> [bleep] right we will.
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everything. i don't think he thought it would cost him this. he took a stand for human beings in another part of the world. this is what we're about as a people. listen, lebron, steph curry and these guys always take stands in this country. no problem voicing serious opinions about a lot of different topics. i think the nba is looking really bad. >> bill: his explanation was all over the place. >> they were trying to memorize these talking points and essentially i think it came -- the owner of the brooklyn nets set it all up. he was the first owner -- he got his fortune from china. he is one of the richest people in the world. he put out an immediate tweet explaining to the fans all the stuff that china has gone through in the late 1700s, british showed up. forced trade on them. created wars. >> bill: what do you think of that? >> my thinking is that it could
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be a motivating thing. president xi of china brings it up all the time. but it is not an excuse, right? those are two different things. it is not an excuse for the harsh and inhumane treatment of the muslims today. you are suggesting somehow the west took china, the most prosperous nation in the world and made it the poorest nation in the world and it gives you an excuse to treat people in hong kong a certain way and put muslims in camps. suggesting if we knew this history we would be more palatable to the double standard from the nba and basketball players. let's not leave nike out of this equation. they put colin kaepernick up there saying stand for something. they took all the jerseys out of their stores. just how much of an american company are you? here is your opportunity. leave the clothes in there.
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>> bill: there was a steep learning curve last week for the nba and it will be around all season. >> bill: all businesses. the idea of big businesses straddling the world. we have more and more businesses becoming activists, if you want to take guns and not sell them that's one thing. they're taking guns and steam rolling them. >> sandra: i couldn't wait to get your reaction to early on in the debate when elizabeth warren was pressed on the costs for her medicare for all plan asked again whether or not taxes will go up for the middle class and here was her answer. >> the way i see this, it is about what kinds of costs middle class families are going to face. so let me be clear on this. costs will go up for the wealthy, they will go up for big corporations, and for middle class families they will go down. i will not sign a bill into law that does not lower costs for middle class families. >> sandra: it was a simple yes or no question. >> it was.
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here is the irony. some of the folks on that stage last night used this report out from the urban institute her plan would cost $32 billion over 10 years. the same urban institute said that's for the government. the average household americans would no longer pay premiums and deductibles and save. she could have at least said the government will pay that money but you actually will save $900 billion. she didn't even go that far. >> sandra: the number is $34. >> bill: bernie sanders said we'll have a job for every american. >> he was vibrant. he is like we'll tax everything that moves but we are going to make it fair and we'll all be happy about it. >> bill: he is at least honest about it. >> warren became the frontrunner last night because everyone took shots at her. she had some okay moments but that comes with the territory. and i think it is ironic that
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you have democrats who she said listen, you guys are defending billionaires. you want to be careful about that. klobuchar got upset about that. they put themselves in an awkward position. to a large degree they are all saying that business and capitalism is bad to various degrees. when it comes to bernie sanders it is completely the wrong thing to do. there was no one up there truly defending capitalism as it stands now. >> sandra: elizabeth warren did not want to take down the president's twitter account, though. >> no, she didn't. i don't blame her. i mean -- that wasn't bad on her part. >> bill: breaking news from the white house. the u.s. china trade deal will probably not be signed until he meets with president xi in chile. stand by, charles. watch this with us. the italian president arriving at the white house. we'll hear from the president this hour and next hour, sandra. and then at noon there is a press conference as well from
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the white house. a lot coming up today. >> sandra: you're watching the president stepping out of the white house. he will be receiving the president of the italian republic. this is on the south lawn of the white house and they will then have a bilateral meeting. >> bill: he also says looking at the wires here he says the u.s./china trade deal is being papered. >> right. >> bill: that might be important based on the agricultural headline from late friday where there has always been suspicions whether or not the chinese would go forward buying the products they agreed to from the american midwest. >> bill: on friday he said it would take four to five weeks to paper this deal. it is not unlike a large part of it they had already come to agree with already. china had already begun purchasing big amounts of soybeans already. they need soybean and pork. but i think their timeline is
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in place. one thing that could possibly happen maybe happens in chile before they meet, the day before perhaps mnuchin and chinese counterpart will get together and meet. but i think this is a foregone conclusion the presidents of china and the united states probably will meet down at the apec gathering and that's where you have to put all your -- that's the make or break moment in my mind with respect to any kind of real deal ever coming out of this. >> bill: november 16 and 17. just about a month from now. >> sandra: here is the president along with the president of italy. they will now head in for a bilateral meeting. they are in there now and they will have an expanded bilateral meeting after that, a joint press conference later around the noon eastern time hour. >> bill: we'll have it for you. don't move. all that coming up from the white house. charles, thank you. >> sandra: a powder keg in northern syria as russian troops move into the region helping the kurds fight off turkish invaders. >> bill: the house speaker
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nancy pelosi fending off calls for a vote on impeachment. the political calculus behind her decision. ari fleischer is our headliner and dives into all of it and he is next. >> we're not here to call bluff but we are here because of the constitution of the united states. and owning gold is easy... ...with rosland capital, a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. call rosland capital today at 800-630-8900 to get started. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital now and ask for the million dollar special. $1,000 in gold and silver for the first 1,000 qualified new customers. with rosland, there are no hassles, no gimmicks,
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we have some great new ideas that we want to present to you today. [son]: who are you talking to? [son]: that guy's scary. the first item on the list is selecting a chairman for the... for the advisory board
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what's this? as well as use the remaining... child care options run out. lifetime retirement income from tiaa doesn't. guaranteed monthly income for life. >> we need them to stand down. we need a cease-fire. at which point we can begin to put this all back together again. our goal isn't to break the relationship. it is to deny turkey the capacity to continue to engage in this behavior. the president said this was a bad deal. it was a bad thing. we're working to stop it. >> bill: secretary of state mike pompeo earlier today on the fox business. he and vice president mike pence will lead a delegation to turkey leaving today as the fighting intensifies in northeastern syria. russian forces now sweeping in raising the stakes in a complex
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situation. ari fleischer joins us in a moment with reaction on that. news from the pentagon and jennifer griffin. >> senior u.s. defense officials tell fox that what we're witnessing right now is a deliberate phased withdrawal of u.s. troops out of syria. the u.s. military is collapsing patrol bases and pull back to one base where they'll be airlifted out. a dangerous evacuation underway. top pentagon officials have told russia and turkey if u.s. forces are threatened the u.s. will react with significant air strikes targeting their troops. just moments ago turkey clarified that president erdogan will meet with vice president pence, pompeo and o'brien being sent in a last-ditch effort to range a cease-fire. he previously said he would only speak to trump. the president opted not to call
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erdogan to suggest the cease-fire. >> no sanctions are threats are acceptable and not affect our results. with the framework of reciprocity we'll take the necessary steps. >> turkey has warned kurdish civilians to leave the 20 mile deep buffer zone that it is creating inside syria along its border. kurdish fighters say it's not too late for the u.s. military to reverse its decision and provide air cover. the u.s. is still providing weapons to the kurds. >> they attacked us yesterday with 60 vehicles trying to get inside. we confronted them. this is the turkish flag. we captured this and they escaped and left behind their stuff. the turkish gangsters, let everyone know no one can beat the ypg and the sdf. let everybody know we have a righteous cause. that we are defending our land and no one can invade our land.
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>> defense secretary mark esper travels to nato headquarters next week. u.s. officials are trying to decide whether to suspend or cancel turkey's nato membership. >> sandra: ari fleischer former white house press secretary and fox news contributor. welcome. we're just getting a read-out from the meeting that is happening in the white house right now. the president is obviously talking about syria right now. he just said the kurds and turks may find and mention they are no angels, by the way. this coming from the president inside the white house just a few moments ago. your reaction to that. >> he is right. in this region of the world there are no angels. the american people don't know who is on the side of angels. but i do think the president made a blunder in that phone call with president erdogan. i think it would have been better for the united states to stay there and say in the phone call you cannot invade, do not
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invade and we'll keep our troops there. it was the right thing substantively to do. but the president has the politics of the one right. the american people don't know who the kurds are or which side they're on. they don't know any of the initials about what is going on in syria with the different groups there. it's hard to get the american people to say we should be in syria when they don't know whose side it is on. >> sandra: the president said if turkey goes into syria it is between turkey and syria and not our problem. >> that's why i think politically he will be on fine ground despite the blowup he has gotten from people in washington including my opposition. i believe we should have stood with the kurds. there is merit with america's word but i think most of the american people are where the president is. between turkey and the kurds. >> bill: when we get the play-out we'll bring it to our
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view rs, sound bite 4 from last night. joe biden, the question about his son hunter and what is going on overseas or what is not. here is how he answered it in ohio last night. >> look, my son did nothing wrong. i did nothing wrong. i carried out the policy of the united states government in rooting out corruption in ukraine. and that's what we should be focusing on. what i wanted the make a point about. my son's statement speaks for it se. he spoke about it today. my son's statement speaks for itself. what i think is important is we focus on why it's so important to remove this man from office. >> bill: you are in crisis management and communications and all that kind of stuff. how was his own defense? >> if his son did nothing wrong why won't he do it again and why will his son announce he won't serve on any foreign
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boards. if it was proper before, what has changed now? of course his son did something wrong. joe biden had a conflict of interest at the time. and it is a real problem. of course, the president will hang it around his neck. >> sandra: his son said i made mistakes, too. as far as the candidacy is concerned how did he do on the stage last night? >> he did the same he has done in any debate, not good enough. the issue with joe biden he is like a balloon that flies in the sky slowly leaking air and it will come down. >> bill: you once called it the paper straw campaign. i have a minute left here. nancy pelosi late yesterday afternoon, a lot of debate coverage blocked out this comment. i think it's critical and i'll play it now. >> there is no requirement that we have a vote and so at this time we will not be having a vote. this is not a game for us.
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this is deadly serious. >> bill: hear from her as well coming up this morning. what is her strategy and how does it play out? >> her strategy is to muzzle it through and protect democrats and want to get to a point where it's a slam dunk and vote to impeach. she is right about no requirement. the problem is it's not fair. a violation of the basic standard of fairness and justice and you can't impeach in secret and that's what the house democrats are doing and the process is unfair to anybody fair minded whether we impeach the president. >> bill: can she get by with selective leaks over time and build public opinion and seize on that moment. >> that's what she is going to do and she will be successful in the house will impeach the president. i think the american people are going to say it was an unfair process. the way you did it was secret witnesses, no public testimony or minimal public testimony doesn't rise to the basic level of fairness. there is an answer here. let the american people decide
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who the next president should be not democrats in the house of representatives. >> sandra: who do you think the nominee will be? >> i think still it's too wide open. somebody can he merge. maybe buttigieg. keep your eye on it. >> bill: ari fleischer, more to come from you. 41 past the hour. new reaction from texas now after an officer shoots and kills a woman inside of her home. this as more details emerge from the moments before she was shot through a window. we trust usaa more than any other company out there. they give us excellent customer service, every time. our 18 year old was in an accident. usaa took care of her car rental, and getting her car towed. all i had to take care of was making sure that my daughter was ok. if i met another veteran, and they were with another insurance company, i would tell them, you need to join usaa because they have better rates, and better service. we're the gomez family... we're the rivera family... we're the kirby family, and we are usaa members for life.
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>> bill: new developments now after an officer opened fire on a woman shot through the window of her home. i want to bring in trial attorney heather hansen. police are saying she had a gun in her hand and was looking for the officers who were moving
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through her backyard. what are the facts as we know them. >> she was shot and killed in her home by a police officer. the bottom line and that means that this officer is likely going to be found guilty of murder. now, we do know that the nephew who was in the house with her told police officers that she took a gun and pointed it out the window when she heard noises outside. the problem is the police officer did not knock on the door given it was a welfare check. not a call that said there was danger. he never announced himself and said police. he was simply walking around the perimeter of the home looking in the window. now, if the child testifies ultimately at trial that she pulled out a gun. would it impact some of the jurors? perhaps they would then say let's reduce this to some sort of manslaughter charge. the fact that she had a gun in a state where she is allowed to have a gun to defend her home is going to excuse him. >> the victim's family say it
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was only appropriate jefferson would have a gun. he said it makes sense she would have a gun if she felt she was being threatened or there was someone in the backyard. >> bill: she add permit and it was legal. >> she hears suspicious noises and grabs a gun. the key witness said she raised the gun up to the window. >> the partner of the police officer who has been charged didn't say she saw a gun. there will be difference in stories here. it always happens at trial. people have to weigh the evidence of an 8-year-old versus the evidence and what they will see on security cameras. ultimately it doesn't matter. the police officers have agreed it doesn't matter. she is allowed to have a gun and protect her home especially in texas. >> bill: the cop has been fired and then he was terminated. body cam coverage will be significant. at the white house yesterday tell us what happened with this
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u.s. diplomat who is charged with hit and run accident in england and she was at the white house yesterday and said to the parents of the deceased. >> she hasn't been charged. if she had been charged she could perhaps be extradited to england. however, she is claiming dip low maikt immunity. march -- married to a diplomat. some people are saying spouses and family members of diplomats shouldn't have immunity. if you move to a foreign country and were at risk of being charged with a crime it would make people reluctant to move to foreign countries with their diplomat spouses. the issue here is she took off and left the u.k. before she could be charged. before the investigation was completely final. that's why many people think she should go back. i tell my nieces scared people are scary. it is clear she was scared and made some poor decisions. she wanted to meet with the family yesterday and when president trump met with the family he told them that she was in another room.
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but they didn't have any mediators present or therapists present. the family refused to meet with her. >> the parents have said we'll talk to them if they come to the u.k. >> it is not a good idea for her to go to the u.k. then she can be charged. this was probably a mistake. driving on the wrong side of the road and no one is saying she killed this 19-year-old man on purpose. however, if she goes back to the u.k. she faces charges there. >> bill: she did flee the scene. >> for her to have left the country is a problem. >> sandra: thanks. senator kamala harris taking on her democratic opponents on that stage last night urging them to join calls to ban president trump from twitter. one call to newday usa can save you $2,000 every year.
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>> i don't just want to push donald trump off twitter, i want to push him out of the white house. that's our job. but the way -- let's figure out -- >> sandra: what a moment that was. kamala harris urging elizabeth warren to support her repeated calls for twitter to suspend the president's twitter account. carley shimkus here.
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it all happened very fast. elizabeth warren did not agree with kamala harris. >> earlier this month kamala harris wrote a letter to twitter ceo to suspend the president's account saying he has broken the platform's rules on harassment and that got a lot of attention and praise from the left but then a reporter asked elizabeth warren about it and she laughed at the suggestion and said no, she doesn't support the idea of banning the president from twitter. which took the wind out of kamala harris's sales. you have l*ids warren, the candidate trying to take on big tech saying she doesn't support this idea. it was kamala harris's way of punching back. >> jack dorsey has said he won't suspend the president of the united states from using twitter. he isn't a normal twitter user. what he says matters even if he is violating the platform's rules his tweets make news and
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the company believes that they should stay live. i was going to say just yesterday twitter announced that they will prevent users from liking, replying and sharing tweets from world leaders that break the rules. so they are still -- >> sandra: they announced the rules but said they would manage that and then they actually gave the details of it yesterday which was fascinating. >> it is interesting. they're trying to limit the views that tweets even if you are a world leader and tweeting something that breaks the rules they trying to limit the views it gets. they are saying they aren't going to remove the tweets entirely. it's a fine line that social media companies have to walk. i think they're 100% right for not suspending presidents and really important politicians. >> sandra: thank you. >> bill: breaking news from the hill. the president from the white house rather is inside the oval
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office making a lot of news. you'll hear his comments in a moment. the crisis in syria. trade deal on china, iran. martha maccallum is coming up in a matter of moments here. come on back.
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>> sandra: president trump holding talks right now with the italian president at the white house. the meeting coming amid the crisis in syria. president trump already making news on that issue saying just
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moments ago if turkey goes into syria, it's between them. it is not our problem. the two leaders also set to have a joint news conference around the noon eastern time hour. we'll have all of that for you as it begins. first turkey confirming that president erdogan will indeed meet with vice president pence and secretary of state mike pompeo as the pair try to broker a cease-fire in syria. welcome to a brand-new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm sandra smith. >> bill: i'm bill hemmer. vice president and secretary pompeo will leave later today for turkey. white house trying to end the violence in syria as the crisis continues to unfold. again the president speaking about this moments ago at the white house. you will hear it play out in a second here. first mike pompeo a bit earlier today on fox business with maria. >> vice president and i are planning to take off later this afternoon and we have every expectation we'll meet with
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president erdogan. we will have this conversation directly. the president felt it was important we do this at the most senior levels at the united states government to speak to him face-to-face. he needs to stop and stop the incursion into syria. it is a complicated matter with lots of states at play. lots of non-state actors as well and we're working to try to find a resolution. >> sandra: steve harrigan is live day three of his reporting in syria. steve. >> sandra, the turkish president has said he will meet the high-level u.s. delegation. meet with vice president pence and secretary of state as well as national security advisor after some initial conclusion about that point. he said there will be no discussion of any possible cease-fire. instead the turkish president emphasizing there will be no talks until all kurdish fighters are driven out of a 20-mile buffer zone across the syrian border. here is erdogan.
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>> our proposals for the terrorists to lay down their arms, equipment, everything. destroy the traps they've created and leave the safe zone we've designated as of tonight. >> there has been no slowdown in the fighting on day eight. a short time ago two miles behind me an artillery shell from the turkish side just fell. the mountains in the background, this is syria here. we're not sure of the intention of that single shell. but russia has stepped into the void left by withdrawing u.s. forces. russian troops are on patrol in several strategic cities now along the border in between syrian government forces and turkish government forces and they're negotiating with each side. sandra, back to you. >> sandra: steve harrigan in syria for us. >> bill: more coming up on that. in the meantime movement on capitol hill. let's get to that. surprise appearance earlier today a man by the name of kurt volker, the first witness in the impeachment inquiry showed
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up unexpectedly as a new witness at this hour is taking questions. his name is michael mckinley. he is now behind closed doors. doug mcelway joins us for coverage from the hill on this. what's moving this hour? >> before we get to that on the latest on the testimony new developments regarding a press conference by the house gop leadership including house minority leader kevin mccarthy who surprised a lot of people who expressed doubts about the president's personal lawyer representation giuliani. listen up to what he says, short and sweet. >> that's a question for the president about being the lawyer. i think there would be other people i would have represent myself. >> it is unclear precisely what he meant by that whether it's giuliani's freelance hunt in the ukraine for more dirt on hunter biden and the biden family, connections to gas licenses there or whether it's the origins of the russian
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collusion narrative which some say originated in ukraine or whether it's over giuliani's generally combative style. for the house minority leader to express a concerns suggests there a chink in the army against impeachment. republicans continue to object tote closed door proceedings underway in the house intelligence committee headed by committee chairman adam schiff. >> he has taken this to a soviet-style inquiry. that is to say everything is behind closed doors. there is absolutely no transparency. he is not letting this open up for anybody to see. >> being deposed as we speak is michael mckinley, a senior advisor to secretary of state mike pompeo. he is a 57-year-old previous ambassador to several countries. the gop press conference that we mentioned the house democratic caucus was also
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meeting and the democratic chair jeffries was asked of the president's decision of syria helps or hurts the democrats' impeachment effort and here is what he had to say. we don't have that on camera. i'll paraphrase. i don't think one is connected to the other. that from hakeem jeffries after the democratic leadership press conference. back to you. >> bill: a lot to track. back with you as it moves there from capitol hill. five minutes past the hour. we roll on to last night. >> medicare for all is the gold standard. it is the way we get healthcare coverage for every single american. >> your signature is to have a plan for everything except this. >> somebody who wrote the [bleep] bill. i do think it is appropriate to acknowledge that taxes will go up. >> at least bernie is being honest and saying how he will pay for this and taxes are going to go up. i'm sorry, elizabeth but you have not said that.
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>> sandra: that was some of the fireworks from last night's big democratic debate. the candidates ratcheting up their attacks on the new frontrunner elizabeth warren. martha maccallum is anchor of the story. it was a big night, a late night. what did you think? ronna mcdaniel was on earlier saying it was a big win for the republican party what they saw. dnc is happy with how it went. xochitl hinojsa joined us. what was it? >> it's very interesting there still isn't a clear frontrunner. this is still an open process. i thought pete buttigieg and amy klobuchar had a good night. i don't think joe biden who every time one of these debates comes up the feeling is he really needs to have an extremely strong night or a couple of big moments where he grabs a big story and makes news and he hasn't been able to do that. he was on the senate foreign relations committee for years. he wobbled a little bit on that answer as well about how he
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would address the situation that's unfolding right now. that's the kind of thing you would expect him to come in with a very strong, ready answer. i think that elizabeth warren is vulnerable on the issue of all the spending she is proposing. people understand it. amy klobuchar said they want to know who will get the invoice. people are smart. they know taxes will go up with some of these programs. she needs to just be able to come out and say it. >> sandra: the answer was one we've seen her answer many times. it didn't seem to change on the debate stage last night. pressed by her democratic opponents how do you pay for it? do taxes go up for the middle class? i asked xochitl hinojsa why she wasn't more prepared and here was her answer. >> if you look back to the 2018 election, the american people spoke loud and clear that they wanted democrats in power and that's why we won back the house of representatives. the number one issue was healthcare. and so i think that the democratic party we should be
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having a debate about costs and how we'll access it. that's why people put us in power. so that is our responsibility and we're having that conversation. >> sandra: a study showed $32 trillion. we figureded it's $34 trillion that the plans that warren and sanders are proposing. >> i don't think it has been a convincing plan how it will happen under this. it looks like they would go up for a lot of people. that's the problem. the other thing that was a big theme last night and this is another area that i think joe biden could have stepped into very clearly is that there is hunger out there for a candidate who is more moderate on the democrat side and not afraid to say it. pete buttigieg stepped into that lane last night and we'll see how much it benefits him going forward. i kept waiting for joe biden to not try to keep going far left to win the nomination but to say no, i'm over here and here
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is why. that is, as i said, a role that i think filled a little bit by buttigieg last night. >> sandra: joe biden was pressed on the stage about his son's business dealings overseas, questions about whether or not he handled that question very well. we put that to ronna mcdaniel earlier this morning. >> here is the issue. did the vice president peddle influence to help his son's business ventures? we still don't have an answer on that. the american people have a right to ask that and democrats continue to brush it aside. it won't go away any time soon and the bidens continue to dismiss it and joe biden still hasn't taken it head on. >> sandra: are there more questions after last night ?oo >> there are no questions and people are becoming more interest in the issue. but with regards to the issue on the whole. is this okay? and is this the way business happens? i thought it was fascinating in
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the interview hunter biden did she said people thinks it is swampy and he said who thinks that? there are people in washington, d.c. don't get it. people don't understand why if you get elected by the people suddenly it gives you a ticket to make money off different aspects of that. they think it's normal. i don't think most americans do. >> sandra: donna brazile was on the network earlier this morning and said she doesn't think much changed after last night. we shall see. we'll see you tonight at 7:00. bill. >> bill: thank you, ladies. any moment now expecting play-out with the president inside the oval office. several headlines already. the president saying if turkey goes into syria it is between them and not our problem. so we'll play that for you when it arrives. apparently they talked for some time. that's coming up here momentarily. >> sandra: all of that is happening as vice president
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mike pence and secretary of state mike pompeo get ready to travel to turkey to negotiate a peace deal. what can we expect to come from all of that? florida senator rick scott will join us live ahead. >> bill: the president pushing back against democrats and the march toward impeachment while the speaker of the house, nancy pelosi makes the case that she will not take the bait. how is this going to go? watch. >> the chairman says there is no requirement we have a vote and so at this time we will not be having a involvement i'm very pleased with the thoughtfulness of our caucus in terms of being supportive of the path that we're on in terms of fairness and in terms of seeking the truth. we have some great new ideas that we want to present to you today. [son]: who are you talking to? [son]: that guy's scary. the first item on the list is selecting a chairman for the... for the advisory board what's this? as well as use the remaining...
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limited arm movement, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, joint pain, less appetite, vomiting, fever, chills, and rash. ask about prevention. ask your doctor or pharmacist about prevnar 13®. >> bill: they covered a lot of ground. you'll hear it in a matter of moments when we get the tape play-out president meeting with the italian president at the white house. was asked questions including that of john bolton and others. we're seeing based on some of the read-out we're getting. we'll play it for you when we get it. 15 past the hour and here is kevin mccarthy from earlier today. >> democrats are afraid to take this vote. look, brian, you have a better chance of getting a fair justice system in china than you do in speaker pelosi's movement here inside the house. they hold a closed door session and only people who get to have the witness. >> sandra: kevin mccarthy slamming democrats for their
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impeachment inquiry as pelosi says she will not hold a full house vote. top administration officials say they won't cooperate with the investigation. where does it go from here? deroy murdock joins us here. we'll go to the president as soon as we have that in that bilateral meeting in the white house. your thoughts, nancy pelosi says no vote needed. >> she said something yesterday which ayinde grew. she said yesterday this is deadly serious. it is. something deadly serious about the attempt to remove the president of the united states from office. normally when you do this the entire house steps in and agrees to do so. back when bill clinton faced impeachment, the house took a vote. 31 democrats agreeing with republicans to do that. and when nixon faced impeachment the vote was 410-4. bipartisan and you go forward with some legitimacy. no vote because nancy pelosi is
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trying to protect the 31 members elected in trump districts and she is basically protecting them from a vote that could blow up in their faces and cause them to lose their elections and she might lose her majority as speaker of the house. that's what it is about. >> sandra: we appreciate your time this morning. breaking news at the white house. we've been awaiting the president donald trump along with the italian president. he arrived a short time ago. they've been meeting inside the white house. we have been waiting on the tape play back of that. they talked about trade but big news they talked about syria and turkey's involvement there. the president saying we are very strong in the middle east. if turkey goes into syria it is not our problem. >> president trump: he is meeting today with some of our representatives. mike pence is leaving today as you know. we needed to take an extra day for security reasons.
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mike is leaving, mike pompeo will be meeting also. who is here right now with us and he will be joining the meeting. we have a lot of great people over there we'll see. in the meantime our soldiers are not in harm's way as they shouldn't be as two countries fight over land that has nothing to do with us. and the kurds are much safer right now but the kurds know how to fight and as i said they aren't angels. they aren't angels if you take a look. you have to go back and take a look. they fought with us and we paid a lot of money for them to fight with us and that's okay. they did well when they fought with us. they didn't do so well when they didn't fight with us. when i refused to allow the americans a year and a half ago to fight with the kurds against iraqi said wait a minute, this country stupidly spent a fortune on fighting war with around iraq. nobody knows how they spent it.
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we're in the middle east now for 8 billion dollars if you can believe that stupidity. in iraq we're in for 5 1/2 trillion. they said we spent 5 1/2 trillion fighting in iraq and with iraq. and now we're supposed to spend money to fight with the kurds against iraq. i said no thank you. so what happens is when i said we're not going to fight with the kurds, the kurds left. they didn't want to fight against iraq, which right now isn't the greatest fighting force in the world. that happened twice. the kurds actually are pulling back substantially from turkey and syria is pulling in. syria probably will have a partner of russia. whoever they may have. i wish them all a lot of luck. russia was involved in afghanistan, used to be called the soviet union. now it is called russia for a reason because they lost so much money in afghanistan that they had to downsize. very big downsizing. if russia wants to get involved
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with syria, that's really up to them. they have a problem with turkey, they have a problem at the border. it is not our border. we shouldn't be losing lives over it. again we only had 28 soldiers, 26, 28, all different numbers. it ends up being 28 between the 26, 28. two people and they're fully accounted for. that's the story. it is very simple and we're watching and we're negotiating and we're trying to get turkey to do the right thing. we would like to stop wars regardless whether americans are in or whether they're not in. we want to see wars stop. that's a very important thing on a humanitarian basis we want to see that happen. >> how confident are you that mike pence will be able to arrange a cease-fire?
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>> [speaking foreign language] [continuing to speak in foreign language]
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[speaking foreign language] >> president trump: i view the situation on the turkish border for syria to be with the united states strategically brilliant. our soldiers are out of there, they're totally safe. they've got to work it out. maybe they can do it without fighting. syria is protecting the kurds.
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that's good. we are -- by the way, every player hates isis, everybody we're talking about. syria more than us. russia more than us. they've done a big number on russia. and we're over there fighting isis but they are over there fighting isis, too. they can handle it. they should handle it. we can fight our own battles on our own territories. but you have a lot of countries over there that hate isis as much as we do. in some cases probably more. so they can take care of isis. we have them captured. the united states captured them. some were released just for effect to make us look like oh gee, we have to get right back in there. you have a lot of countries over there that have power and that hate isis very much, as much as we do. so i think we're in a very strategically good position. i know the fake news doesn't make it look that way but we have -- we've removed all of our -- as we said 50 soldiers but much less than 50 soldiers.
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they are now in a very safe location. heading into an even safer location. and we will help negotiate. we have tremendously powerful sanctions. our country has become economically much more powerful than frankly it ever was. we picked up trillions and trillions of dollars in worth, the market was up big yesterday. it will be up big today it looks like. the trade deal with china just having to do with what we've done with the financial services, with banks, with the farmers has been incredible. far greater than anyone ever thought. i agree it hasn't been papered yet but it is being papered. as you know and as we've said many times china has already started buying. they want to buy. they want to make a deal. they have to make a deal. their economy has been hurt very badly by what we've done and the tariffs we've charged and we have taken in a lot of
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tariffs. we've given some to the farmers which has made up more than what they've lost. [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language]
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[speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] >> president trump: and because of the new-found economic power of the united states and because we've made trillions of dollars in worth of the united states, i call it the new-found
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economic power. if my opponent would have won, china would be the most powerful nation economically in the world. right now they aren't even close. if we're smart they never will get close. but depends on who sits in this chair. but the united states has tremendous economic power. far more power than playing around with having a few soldiers shooting each other at the border. you have a few soldiers back and forth killing each other at the border. the power we have with sanctions and tariffs is far greater than what we're talking about. with that being said our military has been completely rebuilt. much of the equipment has already been delivered. we spent $2 1/2 trillion rebuilding it over the last three years and our military power is at the highest level and our economic power is at the highest level. i would rather use economic power rather than military power because people aren't getting killed with economic
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power. [inaudible question] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language]
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[speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] >> before the members of the press introduce topics already discussed this morning, president trump was talking about the possible implementation of tariffs on european products following the whole airbus affair. that's a topic we'll certainly be discussing this morning and i do hope we can come up with a
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cooperative-based approach and a frank discussion so that we can avoid retaliation between the two parties. italy and i myself personally have always felt that it is better to talk things through, to find a common solution, to find some sort of understanding from one another's status. because the alternative to that would be tariffs followed by retaliation followed by further tariffs and we also have to understand that we are waiting for a solution of the boeing affair as well. so of course within the spirit of the atlantic alliance and the friendship we've always had i feel it would be best to discuss these things and understand one another. >> president trump: in theory there can't be retaliation. this was an award that we got. because of the fact that the european union took advantage of past presidents and this was an award that we got for the unfair treatment given to the united states by the european union. so there should be no
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retaliation. this was getting us even because 7 1/2 billion dollars worth of things happened, bad things happened. unfair things happened to the united states by the european union. this was just getting us back to even and nobody else but me would have gotten that 7 1/2 billion dollars back for the taxpayers of the united states. [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] >> mr. president, there are reports that john bolton said rudy giuliani was a hand
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grenade the way he was acting. are you concerned bolton could be called to testify in the impeachment inquiry? >> i got along well with john bolton. i got along with him pretty well. it just didn't work out. i don't know that he got along with rudy giuliani. giuliani was seeking out corruption in the 2016 election. there was tremendous corruption in that 2016 election. it was disgraceful what happened and what happened to me and what happened to the republicans. and that continues with nancy pelosi and with adam schiff. he got caught making up statements he said i said which i didn't say. it is purely fraudulent. so it continues. rudy was a great prosecutor, the best mayor in the history of the city of new york as far as i can see. i think he has acknowledged what he did for crime and everything else. when he saw what was going on with our election of 2016. the election i won but that was
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corrupted by things that took place in government. now we'll see what happens. the i.g. report will come out soon and we'll see what happens. i think people -- i know nothing about it in terms of the report. i'm waiting for the report like everybody else. i predict you will see things that you don't even believe, the level of corruption whether it's comey, whether it's strzok and his lover page, whether it's so many other people, mccabe. whether it's president obama himself. let's see whether or not it's president obama. let's see whether or not. so rudy saw that and i can tell you rudy giuliani because he was very, very incensed at the horrible things that he saw. as are many people, okay? many republicans. and the republicans have been treated very unfairly by the democrats. i'll say this. paul ryan would never issue a subpoena. i don't care right or wrong, he wouldn't do it. he had too much respect for our
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country. nancy pelosi hands them out like cookies. i don't know these people, i don't know who at the are and never heard of some of them, most of them. but i have all these people testifying and then they leak out. they don't say the good parts. they only say the bad parts. we aren't allowed to representation, we aren't allowed lawyers or to have anything. the democrats are treating the republicans very, very badly. fortunately we have a lot of good, strong, smart republicans. but they never dealt, john, with the democrats the way the democrats deal. the republicans won't forget it. because what they're doing, what the democrats are doing to this nation is a disgrace. what they have done. the disrespect that they've shown to the presidency and it will happen to them because if the republicans have the house, which i think they will, because of impeachment. i think because of this nonsense impeachment, it is based on a perfect phone conversation. absolutely perfect phone
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conversation with the president of ukraine. a friend of mine who is a top lawyer read it and said it's perfect. did you know this was going to happen? thought it was going to happen? many people were listening to that conversation. when i speak to a leader like if i speak to the president of italy, if i speak to anybody, i know there are many intelligence people on the line. i know that. with my understanding and knowledge. i don't know exactly who but i assume there are many people. fortunately they had stenographers on the line because we have an exact copy of the report, of the call. so the call was put out immediately when i started hearing about the whistleblower. the whistleblower's report was totally wrong. the whistleblower didn't know what he was talking about or given false information or was even force than that. now all of a signed schiff doesn't want to talk to the whistleblower. quid pro quo doesn't matter. now they say in the call there was no quid pro quo.
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rudy was seeking out corruption. i think there is nothing wrong with seeking out corruption. i don't know what he did. i don't know. that's up to him. that you have to ask -- excuse me, no. you have to ask rudy those questions, don't ask me. rudy was one of many people that was incensed at the corruption that took place during that election. pure corruption. for instance, i still ask the f.b.i., where is the server? how come the f.b.i. never got the server from the dnc? where is the server? i want to see the server. let's see what's on the server. so the server they say is held by a company whose primary ownership individual is from ukraine. i would like to see the server. i think it's very important for this country to see the server. nobody wants to see it. the media never wants to see it. i'll tell you, republicans want to see it.
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so republicans aren't treated well. here is the problem. i think we'll take the house based on what's happening with the impeachment stuff. and the republicans can do the same thing in reverse if they ever have -- i hope it will be a long time. nobody has done a better job with the economy and military. i've rebuilt the military. our economy is the best it's ever been. we have numbers that just came out where not including taxes the median household income for the average american has increased $5,000 in a very short time since i've been president. nobody has ever heard of numbers like that. so people want to find out why was it so corrupt during that election? i want to find out more than anybody else. steve, go ahead. >> one of the things that has been exposed is that as many as 50 nuclear weapons are in turkey at the air base. how confident are you of those weapons' safety? >> president trump: we're
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confident. and we have a great air base there, very powerful air base. that air base alone can take any place. a large, powerful air base and turkey, just so people remember, turkey is a nato member. we're supposed to get along with our nato members. and turkey is a nato member. do people want us to start shooting at a nato member? that would be a first. that's all involved having to do with nato. [inaudible question] >> president trump: i think she has done this country a tremendous disservice. she has created a phony witch hunt. the first one failed. they're all failing. this one is just absolutely crazy. all you have to do is read the transcript of the call. read the transcript. this is an open and shut simple case. they are desperate because they know they will lose the election. they are desperate to do
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something because they know they are going to lose the election. this administration has created the strongest economy in the history of our country. we have the greatest stock market. we had over 100 times we broke the record for stock market. people's -- if you look at people's stocks, their 401ks, if you look at anything you want to look at. they're far better off now than they probably ever have been in this country. record stock markets. stock market is not just rich people, it's all people. all people own in the stock markets. new york stock exchange, all of them. they're at record highs. nobody has ever done what we've done. so they are playing games. they figure they can't win the election so maybe we can find some ground. we'll get somebody that trump never met and maybe they'll say something bad about trump and if they do really bad maybe it can stick a little bit. i don't think it is going to work. they've treated the republican party with great disrespect. okay, thank you very much.
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thank you, everyone. thank you. my meeting with the family was really beautiful in a certain way. they did not want to meet with the person in question but we had a very good meeting. they are very nice people. and we met with the full group. it was four people actually. you know how it is all broken up. the meeting took place right here at about 6:00 last night and it was very sad, to be honest. they lost their son. i believe it was going down the wrong way because it happens in europe. you go to europe and the roads are opposite. it is very tough if you are from the united states. you do make that decision to make a right turn when you are supposed to make a left turn. the roads are opposite. she said that's what happened. it happens to a lot of people, by the way. but she said that's what happened. she was in the room right out
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there. we met right here in this area. and i offered to bring the person in question in and they weren't ready for it. but i did offer. i spoke with boris. he asked me if i would do that. i did it. unfortunately they wanted to meet with her and unfortunately when we had everybody together they decided not to meet. perhaps they had lawyers involved by that time, i don't know exactly. i know the people were lovely, very nice and they were desperately sad. >> president trump: you suggest the family indicated at one point they were interested the meeting with her >> president trump: based on what i saw i thought they wanted to meet. they only want to meet if they were in the u.k. i meet the family and expressed condolences on behalf of our country. thank you very much, everybody. thank you. thank you. >> president trump: wait.
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great question i'm being asked. this is maybe the greatest question i've been asked in a long time. put the micks over here. say it again. [inaudible question] >> are you willing to give italy a break on tariffs? >> >> president trump: we're looking at italy strongly. the 7 1/2 is to be divided the way we say we've divided it up. italy has a problem with the way we divided it up. they said they had much less to do with it. germany and france had more to do with it as an example. we will look at that strongly. we'll look at it very strongly. okay, thank you. good question. i love that question. thank you all very much. >> bill: 25 minutes there the president in the white house oval office with the italian president visiting. i want to bring in rick scott who serves on the armed services committee. thank you for being patient
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here. we wanted to bring you on earlier. the news and event of the day rather is determining other things. two things i picked out. syria, strategically brilliant. our forces are out. the kurds they can fight. they are not angels, he said. with regard to china they want to make a deal. let's start with turkey and syria and what's the solution bringing this to a conclusion if you can even see one? >> the president was right to talk about the economy. it is on fire. you look at the unemployment rate being down, our economy is doing well. positive. with regard to syria we have to remember who are partners are. the kurds have been a significant partner. turkey is clearly not a partner right now. the president is right they are a nato member. i sponsored a resolution a few months ago when turkey decided to buy the russian missile defense system and we ought to look at their involvement in nato. we ought to do everything,
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sanction them to the full extent we can. they aren't being a partner. they are cozying up to russia. it is hard to understand how they can be a great nato member when nato's purpose is to stop russian aggression. i'm hopeful that the kurds have the ability to defend themselves. it also impacts our ally, israel. it is a very tough choice. i know we all want to get out of wars and we don't want to be in wars. but we do have to support our partners. >> bill: was there a better way to do it is the question i hear from republican colleagues of yours. was there? >> i think we've got to be clear that we do everything we can to help the kurds. we also have to be clear to erdogan and turkey that we are going to sanction them and have an impact on their economy. i think the president is right if we can use economic sanctions rather than our military that's a positive. but we have to -- we have to do everything we can to help our
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partners, the kurds, and unbelievable ally israel. don't put israel in a worse position. >> bill: mike pompeo and mike pence leave later today. can they find a resolution there with erdogan? he said earlier today that in terms of a cease-fire he will only negotiate with president trump. with a is your sense of take >> it's frustrating. erdogan is sitting there doing something the world disagrees with. i think we have to be -- we should have done before now very aggressive on the sanctions. ought to be very aggressive what is their involvement in nato and maybe if we had done that earlier maybe this wouldn't be going on. i'm glad that the president doesn't want to keep us in wars but we have to stand up for people that fight with us. the kurds clearly were a keying to destroying isis. we don't want isis to come back. we know isis militants have
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gotten out of prison. so -- >> bill: we believe that might be the case. some of the reporting suggests its women and children isis sympathizers who have been set free for the moment. we'll get to that. in china with regard to what's happening there. might get a deal. >> we aren't going to get a deal. bill, there is no deal with china. whatever they say they are going to do they never do it. you can look at the list of them. wto, they've never opened up the markets. they steal technology every year. they said they would buy agriculture back in january and they didn't do it. now they agreed a week or so ago. maybe not right now. look at what they're doing in hong kong. >> bill: come back to hong kong in a moment. is the administration spinning its wheels on this, then? >> i'm glad that they want to get something done. but xi is not an honest broker.
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you look, he never complies with anything. they don't ever comply with anything. they don't believe in human rights. the world's worst polluter. nothing they do -- we have to start saying to ourselves they aren't our friends. stop buying anything from them. we have to understand they aren't an ally. >> bill: you mentioned hong kong. how did you digest all the news? >> i was the first senator to go over there and met with protestors and met with the ceo lamb. she has taken away their rights given to them in 1997 when the british turned hong kong over -- let's remember, it's communist china. don't ever say the word china. communist china. they're acting like the total all tehran government. look at the nba. they are more worried about selling shoes and jerseys than freedom. give me a break. why don't we all care about
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other people's freedom not worry about selling jerseys and shoes. >> bill: thank you, again. rick scott on the hill. thank you for your time, sir. >> thanks, bill. >> bill: we'll speak again. >> sandra: fox news alert. general motors and union have struck a tentative deal. fox in detroit is reporting that the labor leaders will be flying into detroit in the next day to vote on the deal. we will have more on this as we get it. we'll be right back. sible about newday's va streamline refi. it's the closest thing to automatic savings that we've ever offered. at newday, veterans can refinance their mortgage with no income verification, no appraisal
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>> i don't expect anybody in this body to not have some kind of political or other bias. but the american people and i expect that unfair bias be done away with. and that's exactly why you have the rules of the house. the rules of the house are meant to protect the minority. you don't have to protect the majority. they have the votes and they can do everything they want. >> that was andy biggs a short time ago calling what he is calling the secrecy behind the house impeachment inquiry. deroy murdock is joining us. we just heard from the president as well on a variety of issues. but he did say in those words in the oval office just now schiff does not want to talk about the whistleblower. no quid pro quo. went back to the phone calls. it was a perfect phone call. >> it will continue with nancy
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pelosi and the democrats to continue this secret inquest. not only are the president's lawyers kept out of the room, the american people are kept out of the room. if we're going to go through the process of removing the president of the united states elected in november of 2016. all of us ought to see what is happening. to have this happening going on behind closed doors without the media or any representation to get this information out is appalling. >> sandra: you heard from andy biggs leading this push for the rebuke of adam schiff. do they get anywhere with this, republicans? >> i think they should have a vote. i don't know if nancy pelosi will allow it. assume democrats vote to support schiff but remember what he did at the opening of this hearing of the intelligence committee. he read this statement supposedly trump's words and i'm quoting from this. i want you to make up dirt on my political opponent. don't call me again. i'll call you when i've done what i asked. trump didn't say any of these
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things. schiff made that up at the beginning of this hearing and then when he got caught he said it's a parody. as if it was a comedy routine. nothing funny about this. totally inappropriate. he should have just read the transcript as written. whatever evidence he wants to present and put his own interpretation but to invent the damning words he ought to be censured for it. nancy pelosi is trying to protect the 31 democrats who won in trump districts. she fears if they vote for impeachment they'll be in trouble. republicans and moderate democrats and independents will vote them out of office and she will find herself as minority leader rather than speaker. that's shameful. it should be based on doing the right thing not trying to maintain political control. >> sandra: the president a few moments ago schiff got caught making up statements. he pointed to the i.g. report
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coming out soon. said the president, we have heard that can possibly be friday but we've heard a variety of days leading up to this. >> we've been hearing it has been coming out for months. i hope it comes out friday. was this russia thing started on a legitimate basis or a fraud from the beginning. ? the inspector general has a lot to tell us. i hope it comes out friday. it seems to disappear into the horizon. >> sandra: a lot has changed in the last few hours. >> bill: a lot of news coming from the white house. it continues. in a moment we heard from the president a moment ago. in a few minutes we expect a joint news conference with the italian president. turkey, impeachment, china. see the reporters want to know today. that is just a few moments away. stay tuned and we'll have it live for you as it gets underway from the white house. 300 miles an hour,
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♪ ["sweet child o' mine"] >> sandra: guns n' roses set a major milestone, their music video becomes the first video from the '80s to surpass, wait for it, 1 billion views on youtube! it was the third single from their 1987 album, "appetite for destruction," a number one on the billboard hot 100. >> bill: i thought it was "america's newsroom" was the number one downloaded video! have a great day, everybody. we will get to the bios and moment when it starts there. >> sandra: continued coverage on the fox news channel. thanks for joining us. "outnumbered" start now. the two fox news alert, we are awaiting fresh remarks from president trump amid turkeys attacks in northern syria, and growing concerns about the bloodshed there. a short time ago the present
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defending his handling of the situation so far. >> the kurds are much safer right now, but the kurds know how to fight. as i said, they are not angels. if russia wants to get involved with syria, that is really up to them. they have a problem with turkey, they have a problem at the border, it's not our border. we shouldn't be losing lives. i view the situation on the turkish border with syria to be for the united states strategically bri
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