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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  October 15, 2019 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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fisa investigation may be out as early next week. let not your heart be troubled. laura ingraham is next. have a great night. thank you for being with us. >> welcomed the fox news at night. tonight is the first democratic presidential primary debate since house democrats impeachment bush against president from the first time 1 candidates phase out all on one primary stage and tonight it wa all about taking aim at progressive senator elizabeth warren byrd the candidates kicking up the night taking turns pledging their support fo efforts to impeach president trump that moments before the debate, house speaker nancy pelosi said there will be no official vote on whether to begin formal impeachment proceedings were now. or digging into all that and of course the other topic looming large over the debate former vice president son answering
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questions about bidens family business dealings overseas. tonight, also a big night for senator bernie sanders who is back after suffering a heart attack. did he do enough tonight to e reassure his voters? it was the first time senator elizabeth warren hit the stage as a front runner surging in national bowls very did you capitalize on that momentum? weiz have team coverage tonight. working the spin room and standing by to in allies the moderators performance. let's go first to allison barbe right outside the in the first hour, alone, things started target about impeachment and thingsar got when it comes to healthcare in s the former president joe bidens talked about his son, hunter. the first question was on impeachment at the everett candidates on the stage tonight supports. here is a look at what they had to say. >> a speedy and expeditious
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impeachment process, they would have no choice, no choice but t begin impeachment proceedings h gives them more power. >> he has consistently since he won been selling out the american people. >> it's a mistake on the part o republicans. >> if impeachment is driven by the hyper- partisan interest it will only further divide. >> senator warren took the stag tonight as more of a front as runner than last time perigee has passed former vice presiden joe biden in a number of recent national bowls very tonight som of the democrats onstage went after the senator, the candidat known for having a plan for that , for not really having a plan when it comes to healthcare .ha >> ear signature senator is to have a plan for everything, except this. no plan has been laid out to explain how a multi trillion dollar hole in this medicare fo all planned that senator warren is putting forward is supposed
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to get filled and. >> at least bernie is being honest in saying how he's going to pay for this and that the taxes are going to go up. i'm sorry elizabeth, but you have notu' said that. >> i have made clear but my principles are here and that is cost will go up for the wealthy and for big corporations and fo hard-working middle-class familieson, costs will go down. >> senator warren says she supports medicare for all that she has not released a comprehensive plan of her own. a public option on the market place which a he says is is a glide past that one day leads t medicare for all others like biden talked about strengthenin or building on the affordable care act at least in the beginning heading into the debate tonight, his advisers said that he did not want to talk about himself tonight that is a conversation president trump employed democrats to hav ins the focus should stay on th presidents behavior and bigger
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issues like what's happening in syria. syria came up in a big way for his part the former vice president called president id president trumps action shamefu he said he would not have withdrawn u.s. troops, but since it happened he would want the troops protected by air cover and then work echis way b to protect. >> would have not condition i ra would be having a real lockdown conversation with t and letting him know that he's going to pay a heavy price for what he has done. >> when asked about his son, biden tried to pivot he did wit his advisor said he would do he said he felt his son statement speaks for itself and then said the focusnd needs to be on president trumps corruption. >> we will check back with you c for more debate coverage, thank you very much. wanted to make or break night for any of the 12 democrats of altogether on the stage. let's get expert analysis ancho of special report.
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so much news going on. i couple of things, first forgetting inward that it sound like congresswoman is coming in face of many ways of the young progressive wing of the democratic party it sounds like she has decided to endorse senator sanders. >> this is the event that berni sanders was talking about at th debate he was asked about his health and how he was coming back from this d heart attack a he said just wait and see going to have this vigorous campaign event andgo this is what the washington post tonight is reporting that aoc is going to endorse bernie sanders and trying to get that to the sanders campaign. moments that really stick outme me, one is vice president biden he just did not seem like he ha a great night from the beginning . they're were some answers she had none that we're just all over the map. >> i had no idea. >> as some of them, started one way and went another way byrd the big moment i think was when
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he was asked about hunter biden which is a story today because of the interview hunter biden gives to abc this morning. here is the exchange with anderson cooper. >> the question is, if it's not okay for a presidents family to be involved in foreign businesses, why was it okay for your son when you were vice president? >> look, my son did nothing wrong. i did nothing wrong great i carried out the policy of the united states government in rooting out corruption in the ukraine. if that is what we should be focusing on. what i wanted to make a point about, my son statement speaks for itself what i think is important is we focus on why it's so important to move this remove this man from office. my son statement speaks for itself rightta i did my job i never discussed a single thing with my son about anything having to do with ukraine. no one has indicated they have prayed we've always kept everything separate even when m
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son was attorney general of the state of delaware. there is no potential conflict. my son made a judgment. i'm proud of the judgment he made. >> i'm proud of the judgment he made. interesting and the phrasing of the question part anderson cooper said twice he did nothin wrong. you can argue that there was nothing illegal, but as far as wrong when it was okay for him to be it's a different kind of phrasing of the question. >> even if he's out there sayin he had poor judgment in than th vice president is saying i respect his judgment, there is lot there to unpack. who had a good night tonight? >> i think the best night tonight was. he steered the in that bunch of different ways about fighting t be the alternative perhaps to joe biden. fighting on medicare for all. and then fighting foreign polich .
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>> for i think that is dead wrong. the slaughter going on in syria is not its consequence of withdrawal and a betrayal by this president of american allies and american values. you can embrace or put an end t endless war without embracing donald trump. what is an endless war if it's not another word. >> what were doing or what we were doing in syria was keeping our word. part of what makes it's possibl for the united states to gett people to put their lives on th line to back us up is the idea that we will back them up to. overall i think mayor pete had strong night on the number of different fronts bear that was just one of them. another interesting part at the end of the debate and exchange between biden and elizabeth warren by the way senator warre had the most time by far tonigh as far as talk time. here they're talking about when
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she worked for the obama administration and he got her votes for what she was trying t do. >> i got votes for that bill. i convince people to vote for i so let's get those things straight to. >> senator warren, do you want to respond? >> i am deeply grateful to president obama who fought so hard to make sureob that agency was passed into law. >> president obama, and that's where she stopped on that answer . >> also, somebody who got a lot of attention tonight, she had plenty of time >> she had some good lines especially at the beginning of the debate i don't think anybod else broke through tom stier ha some good answers, but didn't really have the moment. cory booker didn't really figur into this debate, but she had
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some moments at the beginning where she had some great lines about protecting the election. >> i am still waiting to find out from him, how making that call to the head of ukraine and trying to get him involved and interfering in our elections makes america great again. it doesn't make america great again, it makes russia great begin. reality check to elizabeth because no one wants to protect billionaires, not even the billionaire wants to protect we just have different approaches prayed your idea is not the only idea. >> i think if you look at other candidates on the stage, you've got senator warren, senator sanders, had big nights, but i think mayor pete and then vice president biden did not have a good night overall paired. >> when senator comes into this surging, you're always the target, but it seemed like a lot of you book prepared to go toe to toe with her as we saw with bright and when he was the
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first front runner in the first couple of debates.r. >> she is going to have her tur at the barrel for some time and she continues to go up in polls. >> what we look you looking ahead to next because november 20th is the next debate. we have yet to see how many of these people end up there. you think there was some tonigh that it might have might've bee there favorite their final debate? >> you have to have a higher ba to go over and do start to look at the bank account to. how much money you're raising. we are 111 days away from the iowa caucuses and the countdown is on and all these candidates are looking at that. >> you and i always will of the people of iowa, but it's cold i january. we will be there. >> we also might be at the worl series. >> don't get started because we're a couple of fans here celebrating tonight. we will see you again in the next hour. hunter biden breaking his which has been under increasing
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scrutiny. the former vice president son saying he did nothing wrong while serving on the board of the ukrainian gas company. >> i'm a human. after they make a mistake? may be in the grand scheme of things, yes, but did i make a mistake based on some unethical laps? absolutely not. peter ducey is working the spin room tonight talking about how that is figuring into the debat tonight. it was on center stagete. >> no candidates just yet because they've got to make their way from the debate hall over here to this spin room, bu it will be interesting to ask about the very brief time that hunter biden was a subject of conversation. he can see secretary castro is comingan in, but it doesn't lo like he is ready to talk to she in us at the corner. hunter biden is barely a topic of conversation. the former vp said he was proud
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of his sons judgment which is a interesting thing to lay across what hunter biden said this morning which is that he may have had poor judgment at one point, but another layer to thi would be a few minutes later, cory booker butted into the conversation to say thattt he didn't think that it was appropriate for democrats to be attacking joe biden a statesman and part of the reason that is so interesting is because one o the only democrats on the stagec and previous debates who has attacked joe biden is cookie cory booker. the democrat seemed to mostly rally around joe biden. we will have a chance to ask them why once they get over here . >> peter, we know you are cruising the room rate that's one of the reasons we are so excited that you're extra tall. we know you will get them in th next couple of hours. we will get back to you, just ahead,d, softball, hardball, something in between. what about l,the moderators and
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their questions tonight. media analyst joins us to break it down next.
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♪ >> expand the number of people covered intake on the pharmaceutical companies. that is what we should be doing. instead of picking 149 people o their interns and for years. >> 12 democratic candidates on the other side of the states, three debate moderators and is frequently the case they become part of the highlight reel to. let's bring in fox news media analyst and host of media buzz. >> i think that hits on the key
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points. this would blow upright and insurance were so many might have gone there. in the view on the evening. joe biden for the first time since inquiry having to answer questions about he appears to take sides on the way he frames the question. q >> president trump has falsely accused your son. and want to point out there's n evidence of wrongdoing by heeit one of you. the question is if it's not oka for a presidents family to be involveded in foreign businesse why is it okay for your son whe you were vice president. >> my son statement speaks for itself. what i think is important is we focus on why it's so important to remove this man from office. why he believes the president's accusations about his son hunte
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are false and when he says no wrongdoing mary those no criminal wrongdoing, but even in the good morning american view you played earlier, we're hunter biden, he acknowledged that perhaps he had made a mistake. he acknowledge that perhaps he was too poor judgment. this was all orchestrated by th biden camp to air this morning on abc. >> how he, with all of that in mind, it seems like elizabeth warren not only took a lot of heat from the moderators as you would expect because now she is the front runner and there's going to be a lot of attention on her. it seems like they had toio als went afterda senator warren pra we talked about this how when you're the front runner that's going to happen, but it adds tnother layer for the moderator
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to keep control of the evening. >> you know, biden tate didn't take much flak. in fact nobody took on the hunter biden issue. elizabeth warren, he tried thre times, for the program. 'v get you have not specified how you're going to pay for the most expensive plan medicare fo all. will you raise taxes on the middle wiclass to pay for it? yes or no. >> i have made clear what my principles are here. that is cost will go up for the wealthy and for big corporations . >> she ducted again. moderators did a fine job. they pack less punch than the washington nationals scoring seven run innings tonight on their way to the world series. i think the reason the debate i not getting as much attention i that impeachment has frozen the race.
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amy klobuchar had a good one. and they are i think that they may have had some good moments, i think only if your name was joe or elizabeth. not that biden had did such a good job. the race is frozen right now. kick it we will see who is left for the next round november 20 th in georgia. thank you, we appreciate it. okay, so the hot topic in washington, tonight the 2020 democrats did not hold02 back o the issue of impeachment. why is speaker pelosi saying there's not going to be of for now. more on that next. energizer. because energizer ultimate lithium is the longest lasting aa battery in the world. [confetti cannon popping] energizer. backed by science. matched by no one.
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>> right off the bat, 2020 presidential hopefuls taking turns making clear they support the impeachment of president trump. right before the debates the breadth democratic leader of th housee the speaker says there will be no votes in the formal
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impeachment query just yet. let's turn for dc for more on the speaker's announcement. good evening, mike. >> good evening to you the whit house has opened an internal probe and the according to the new york times tonight was some expressing their concern it could be searched for a scapegoat on capitol hill house speaker nancy pelosi said there will not be a vote to formalize this impeachment inquiry at least not now. >> we're not here to wear here where to find the truth table the uphold the constitution of the nine states. it's not a game for us, this is deadly serious and we are on a path that is getting and taking us to a path to truth and a timetable that respects our constitution. >> congress is back after two weeks away with a full split slate of impeachment depositions . today as senior state departmen official raised concerns about pressure being directed at the ukraine by rudy giuliani,
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preston terms private attorney and it's clear democrats are trying to force giuliani to cooperate with this probe. >> rudy giuliani despite the fact that he's just a private citizen thinks he somehow is covered by this cloak of privilege that the president thinks he cande simply hand out friends. that's a really moving thing to see happen. >> to the crisis and terry were turkish forces of ruston to fil the void after u.s. troops were removed from the area. now the r turks are targeting kurdish groups in northern syri who helped kuthe u.s. defeat is. the senate majority leader urge them to listen s coming from washington. our common fight against isis. and embolden traditional adversaries like korean and russia.
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>> vice president mike pence is leading a delegation to turkey with a a goal of a cease-fire, the turkish media says has been defined sinuous sanctions on turkeyey won't force him to declare a cease-fire in south carolina lindsey graham says this is did not give her to wan a green light. >> i would urge president trump to release to the public the president he said to him urging him not to invade syria. it was a very good letter the president did not wake up one day and things he went into syria against president trump's advice and counseling, and now it's up to president trump and the rest of us to fix it without . >> invited to the white house for meeting with president trum tomorrow afternoon. it is bipartisan and is expecte to key players in both the hous and the senate. >> and know you will have all
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for this scoop for us there on the hill. thank you. with bring in fox contributors for some winners and losers and, analysis of what we have going on. this soundbite from the front runner tonight coming in here, elizabeth warren. she took a lot of tough questions from the panel and from her fellow candidates. here is what she had to say on the issue of impeachment which is the first thing they spent a lot of time talking about tonight. >> donald trump broke the law again in the summer, broke it again in this fall, and we took a constitutional oath, and that is that no one is above the law and that includes there preside of the united states. impeachment is the way that we establish that this man will no be permitted to break the law over and over without consequences.
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>> that's one of the subjects they want to talk about is impeachment. they been wanting to impeach on january 20th. they thought the mueller report would give them the me nation t do it, but it didn't pray another doing this. the difference between the report and this they should not have been talking about the president of the ukraine with his rifle.g the problem is that they're pursuing it in such a partisan way, by not having a vote, not creating a unified staff like they did in the mix in impeachment. by kicking republicans out of depositions. by not allowing the president counseled to be president cross-examined with witnesses. all three other in presidential impeachment. they're behaving in such a
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partisan way and the rhetoric tonight was so partisan that they're going to lose the american people. i don't think what he did less impeachable, ild think it was wrong, but there are certainly coming across as incredibly partisan and it is a big mistake . >> they're have been warnings across the ideological spectrum that say democrats are putting too many eggs in this basket if it doesn't pan out or if it backfires or the way that they're doing it in a way that appears to be one-sided t to subpoena the witnesses and thos kinds of things they make the president's case for him that the whole thing is rigged. >> nancy pelosi has not failed us yet and i don't believe she erll, she is being very cautiou and now we could say he won't b taking the vote. i don't know if that indicate she doesn't have the votes or she knows along it will take to get through that, t but i have problem with how the democrats are running the impeachment inquiry.
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i do have a problem with it being the first question at thi debate. you are in ohio, talk about something ohio relevant like manufacturing or at least your neighboring and iowa, talk abou farmers. they're are some many bread-and-butter issues having to do with the democrats need t be talking about so democrats can't make the argument as mark just very effectively did that we have been impeachment hungry sends donald trump's inauguration and i think that was a real shortcoming of the debate appeared there are some many issues that didn't come up until later. the framing outfit i don't thin was to our benefit. >> they did hits on the lots of things like syria,'s gun control , abortion, the supreme goal courts, trade, many other policies, but the take away from the evening was that the
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winners were clearly biden and warren because they are the front runners and nobody with biden, the whole hunter biden thing seems to have coated him with teflon paired no one wante to go after him. the moderates went after him. and none of the democrats criticized him because he's got it in this debate. very serious ethical question. and he said, i don't think they laid a glove on her either. she had good interest rate i don't think the debate none of the front runners had a knockou punch or knockdown punch thrown against them. >> okay, stick around, both of you because we have more questions for you. next to going live to the spin room floor as the candidates no file an. (client's voice) remember that degree you got in taxation?
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>> we are live at haohio after fourth presidential debate. let's bring in present and real yang depressed off the stage. >> we're talking about our core issues, the fact that where the emost common jobs in the econom including hundreds of thousands right here in ohio. 4 million throughout the midwest . now we need to move our economy forward if we're going to have any chance of coming together. >> one of the most controversial . when you talk about the legalization of some opioid sit pestruck people is an interesti thing to say. heat only that his classmates had been patches on their arms they were already addicted and what could we do.n would have other countries done in this situationn some of them have massive successes with
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decriminalization of opioids fo personal use. not if you sell, not if you're dealer or a criminal but if you have opiates that you're addicted to end we get you,e w take the drugs away but that we refer you to treatment. is there some form of the drug that you would allow to be purchased say if there are a heroin addict are you saying there should be access to that? >> there is a difference betwee decriminalization and lack of regulation. a lot of things aren't legal in this country that we still regulate. >> very different fred. r but oin should be illegal, we don't actually prosecute you. and that has actually happened in some communities. that some of these opiates, the
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are already choosing to prosecute, so we need to free u our authorities to focus their resources. >> do you worry that takes away some of that the effective following criminal laws in case like this, you talk about safe induction sites as well. we talk to some cities that are adamantly fighting that they don't feel it's the best l situation for people constantly being revived. there is taxpayer money that gets tied up in underwriting these things and they don't think that's a good use of mone to allow people even their own personal choice to essentially kill themselves. >> they're killing themselves now and safe injection sites will save lives because the truth isn't someone hits rock bottom there often is no coming back. so we need to s get people to h they need to. so if someone is a true addict, instead of returning them home where they're going to do something quite possibly self-destructive or even lethal we need to bring them to a plac where they can be monitored and actually be able to service the addiction in a way that does no
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leave them in a place of no return. >> do you worry that's the kind of life they would have that they know there is a safe place they can go and shoot up, they're not going to be prosecuted for them they essentially are allowing them tt be on that spiral with no hope of recovery. >> the reality is that the ha communities are struggling with this right now. t the criminal law deterrent is not working. we need to face facts. eight americans are drying of drug overdoses every hour of th society. whatever were doing is not s working. this is a disease the governmen had a hand in creating. saying it's on the individual t recover from addiction when you know these headdictions are lik life destroying, it's hard to come back. we need to give people a fighting chance and when other countries haveve tried this, they've seen reductions in use and abuse and overdoses. >> we know there are no easy answers>>. is that something you would support for the executives, do you think they need to go to jail?
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>> i do. the fact is that americans who haven't had to a hand in killin tens of thousands of americans are in jail right now for a muc lesser crimes that many of thes executives are guilty of. >> andrew yang, always an interesting conversation. thank you for stopping by. >> bernie sanders may be pickin up some key endorsements after he returned to the stage tonigh after suffering a heart attack. prior to the debate, and it catching up with candidates, peter, what you have for us tonight? >> we're here with the latebreaking story tonight was that aoc very influential in your party and hesitant burning sanders, is that something that inspires >> i have tremendous respect fo the congresswoman, but this is about america. not one faction or parts of the democratic party. making sure that we've been abl
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to show as a member of congress the candidate for the u.s. senate that i can bring the democrats which haveve turned o in record numbers. i think that is the way that we defeat the agenda. we've done this. we talked about the issues that matter most. [inaudible] beto, o'rourke as you can say. as we look around, do you see anybody else right now. i think they candidates, everybody might be currently occupied.nt
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>> we are back live from the spin room in just a moment. amy klobuchar fresh off the stage joins us next. taal plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again.
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>> on stage of 12, it's often hard to cite yourselfit apart, but the next guest is getting a lot of a bench in an buzz on social media and beyond most notably because of taking on senator elizabeth warren number of times tonight on her policie very. >> the difference between a pla and a pipe dream is something you can actually get done. and want to give a reality chec here to elizabeth because no on on the stage wants to protect billionaires, not even the billionaire wants to protect billionaires. we just have different approaches. your idea is not the only idea. >> weil, well, democratic presidential candidates and minnesota senator joins us now. >> it isis great to be on. thank you. you were one of the folks tonight that did not hold back at all in challenging senator warren on the number of her policieswa and ideas and if tha how you think some of those further with physicians of the party are playing with potentia voters out there what is your concern?
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>> i have a lot of respect for elizabeth and we do agree on a number of things. in this case i got tired of her always saying you aren't fighting hard enough if you weren't for her idea. i think there's other ways to make healthcare more affordable into take on the pharmaceutical industry. i've made that clear from the e beginning. this was my opportunity just toi say out loud what i have said a various ways along the way from the very beginning when i announced in the hemiddle of th river. i also wanted to make one other point that's key in that is tha i don't like how donald trump has been conducting foreign policy. i don't like what he did with the number of things and i don' think it has helped the people in the midwest including the foreign policy and trade policy and other things. there is a lot of republicans that agree with me and a lot of independent and even some conservative republicans so my messages there's more people watching the tv tonight than just our base. i love that fired up pace. i had the highest voter turnout in the country when iran, but we need to bring people with us.
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if you're interested in not having donald trump president and there are some fox viewers that don't, come with me be at. >> we have a diverse group of viewers out there and they have a lot of opinions. when you talk about that, the people surging in the bulls are senator warren, senator sanders and, senator sanders said tonight when there was talk about whether you go all in on this medicare for all he said i get tired of people defending a system which is the functional and cruel saying i'm private interns, these are the ones tha are resonating with the voters. >> it's a long campaign. nowhere out of the small states. it takes time. that is the case that i have to make to the voters. i have always one and one big b being honest with people and by going not just where it's
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comfortable, but where it's uncomfortable including doing o fox town hall. i just disagree with him on this don't want to kick 149 million americans off their current insurance and i don't want to trash obama care. that means making the premiums more affordable,e, having more competition with the public option and also allowing for less expensive drugs to come in from other countries. in minnesota we can see canada from our porch and i want to bring in less expensive state drugs to compete with l the one we have now. >> someone else who is running, john delaney didn't make the debate stage tonight he's been running longer than probably anyone. he and his wife, i've talked with them about thiss about the fact that they think that more moderate you tried to be as you have been with many of your policies, the harder itt is to get people on board. like in trying to be more moderate center.
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>> i am what i am paired people can find out more about me at amy people in my state know me that i have policies very much in line with the democratic party. a think we've got to do something about climate change.o i'm not for free college for everyone, but we need to look a the jobs we have now and make sure that people have enough of them in the minimum wage and ar able to afford childcare becaus we have a shortage of electricians in this country. we have a shortage of plumbers in this country. "we need to talk" more about that paired. >> the issue of immigration you mentioned you've been in congress for a while,n, why do think it is when democrats abandon control of the white house and both houses of congress and when republicans have been in the control of the house, there is not the ability
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to get something comprehensive done?hi >> i think you need to leader who can do it and president obama did pass a number of bill aand he came in in the middle a downturn b. w a goddess of the place we are now. when you have new challenges yo don't just gloat, you have abou workers and businesses did. it is fast over a hundred bills with the republicans were i hav been the lead democrat great i didn't get that into day, but will now. that matters. experienced matters. >> when this president points t 50 year low and un- employment, stock market gains, all kinds o things thatt are positive, wage are up, at what point does that stop being president obama's accomplishments and start being
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this presidents accomplishment.g >> here's my issue with this. this is about shared prosperity and there are a lot of people not sharing in this prosperity including democrats and republicans right here in the state of ohio. i am very concerned about what he's doing to our farm economy as a member of the agriculture committee. these soybeans are just mountin up but. i don't know if they're going t be able to get some of those back long-term contracts. with lots of lots of past republicans have done. >> because there are so many farmers impacted, are s you by fact that the chinese seem to b committing to higher now purchases of soybeans? >> let's see if it really happens because he has been so inconsistent and what he's done.
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i am here to win to build a coalition to make america which is a place of ideals, ideas and ideals. >> we are back with more live from ohio next.
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♪ >> shannon: wel >> welcome back to extended coverage, after the fourth democratic presidential debate this is extended coverage for 3 hours tonight, the democratic presidential hopefuls took turns attacking elizabeth warren on a number of policies. she is the front runner. a number of folks join us, tulsi gabbard, tom stier, a make or break moment for them, 2020 democrats taking on social issues like abortion which is one of the least talked about issues in previous debates but they got into and the debate


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