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tv   The Next Revolution With Steve Hilton  FOX News  October 13, 2019 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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squirrels from the nearby park and has them running through the apartment as they gather up the nuts? the guy is truly an eccentric. breaking tonight, new revelations in the ukraine corruption scandal. moments away we will bring you exclusive findings from our next revolution investigation including details of a third democratic senator, now caught up in a taxpayer cash for ukraine biden allegations. good evening. i'm steve hilton. this is the home of positive populism, pro worker, pro family, pro community and always pro america. today joe biden hit back at allegations over his son hunter saying there was nothing corrupt about the firing of that ukrainian prosecutor, but that is a total dodge. the real scandal is not about the firing of a prosecutor. it's about u.s. cash for ukraine
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gas. it involves not just the bidens but former secretary of state john kerry and a growing number of democratic senators, as our special investigation will reveal tonight. these credible allegations of corruption must be investigated. of course president trump is right to pursue them, with attorney general barr and, yes, with the leader of the country where the alleged corruption took place. how can you investigate u.s. cash for ukraine gas without involving ukraine? news anchors asked republicans if they have come up with an ultimate unanswerable gotcha if president trump is so hot on corruption, can you name another american who is not being investigated? the fact that biden is running for president isn't a reason not to investigate him. it's surely the reason why the allegations must be investigated. when it comes to republicans,
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there's never any reluctance to investigate. just this week, two of rudy giuliani's associates were arrested for allegedly paying a man believed to be former texas republican member of congress pete sessions $20,000 for his help in ousting out former ambassador to ukraine who they thought was blocking their business aims. congressman sessions wrote a letter to secretary of state mike pompeo calling for the ambassador to be fired and the ambassador was eventually recalled. all of that looks dodgey and it is quite right the attorney general barr has given the green light to arrest these two men, regardless of any connection to rudy giuliani or the president. if only we had the same investigative zeal on the other side. instead, when it's a republican who wants democrats investigated, they try to impeach him. let me remind you of the details here. in early 2014, someone called devin archer who is the long time business partner of joe
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biden's son hunter joined the board of ukraine's largest gas company. on april the 16th, 2014, archer had a private meeting with vice president biden at the white house, late into the night, according to white house records, two days after that meeting, on april the 18th, hunter biden joined the board too, and three days after that, on april the 21st, vice president biden went to ukraine with promises of u.s. taxpayer cash for the ukrainian gas industry. it's been reported that in the years following joe biden's april 2014 visit, his son hunter was paid $50,000 a month for his burrisma board seat, but bank records taken from an unrelated fbi raid of devin archer's office, in 2016, show that biden and archer's firm received monthly payments from burisma with sums of over $150,000,
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sometimes even $220,000 according to fox news contributor john solomon. what was it about the spectacularly unqualified and inexperienced hunter biden that could possibly be worth that much to a ukrainian gas company? well, now we know. burisma's founder a shady character used his time as ukraine's environment minister to hand out gas licenses from which burisma would end up profiting. by 2015, he found himself under investigation for abuse of power, embezzlement and other charges. he may have faced justice if it weren't for biden's board seat, signalling to ukrainian prosecutors that he had the backing of the american vice president, who was acting like some kind of imperial consul in ukraine. his word was basically law. unbelievably, despite all the evidence of corruption, he came out of unscathed.
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but that wasn't all that hunter biden's connections had to offer. remember archer, hunter biden's business partner? he had previously been a top fundraiser for john kerry who was secretary of state at the time. and soon after devin and hunter joined the burisma board, the company channelled $90,000 to a lobbying firm called ml strategies which was headed by none other than david lighter, john kerry's former chief of staff. that's handy because then secretary of state john kerry himself has visited ukraine with promises of u.s. aid and assistance. well, lighter registered as a burisma lobbyist in mid 2014. he gave close $60,000 to democrats including a select group of u.s. senators who would later be instrumental in pushing cash towards ukraine's energy sector, directly in line with burisma's interests. he donated to senator ed markey
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four times. and to senator jean shaheen three times. a month after the last of those donations, both markey and shaheen were among four senators who wrote a letter to president obama that said we should leverage the full resources and expertise of the u.s. government to assist ukraine in improving its energy efficiency increasing its domestic production and reforming its energy markets. what's that line in there? increasing its domestic production? production of what? wind power? solar? burning household waste? no. they are talking about increasing gas production. u.s. cash for ukraine gas. and guess who benefits from that? actually we don't need to guess. they told us. burisma holdings today applauded the range of u.s. legislative support for development of ukraine's broad and untapped resources and an increase in
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transparency and good government. yeah, i bet they applauded it. and the value they got from the 90 grand they paid to their new lobbyists, the democrat political crony of their new board member devin archer and hunter biden. i suppose there could be an innocent explanation. i mean, senator ed markey could for all we know be a long-term champion of the gas industry. senator ed markey was the senate sponsor of the green new deal. he wants to shut down gas production in america, yet, he personally intervened with the obama administration to send your tax dollars to boost ukraine's gas production. and not just once, not only did he write that letter to obama, but he sponsored multiple pieces of legislation that calls for more u.s. assistance and aid specifically to help ukraine's natural gas sector, including
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one that, quote, directly oversees private investment corporations to prioritize support for investments to increase energy efficiency develop domestic oil and gas reserves and develop renewable energy sources in ukraine. a version of this bill became law in december 2014 and gave another 50 million dollars for ukraine gas. and in turn, there's another donation to senator ed markey from burisma lobbyist david lighter in 2017. oh, but as the corruption pr agencies keep telling us -- >> as president trump continues to rail against as far as the evidence shows baseless claims of corruption. >> and we don't know whether mr. trump's baseless charges about joe biden and ukraine will make bide an more sympathetic figure ---ed bien -- biden a more sympathetic figure >> there is no veracity to any of these allegations about the
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bide bidens. >> what? of course there is veracity. we just showed you that veracity. and there's more. turns out it wasn't just senators markey and shaheen in on this swampy cash for gas deal. we cross referenced the senate co sponsors of markey's ukraine gas bill with the list of democrats, burisma lobbyist routinely gave money to. found another one, senator richard blumenthal. burisma's lobbyist give money to blumenthal three times, the next year blumenthal returned the favor by backing legislation that would directly benefit burisma and hunter biden. how is any of this different to the alleged offenses for which those two giuliani cronies were rightly arrested this week? this is the quid pro quo. this is the foreign meddling, foreign interests buying up members of congress, democrat senators who hand out policy
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favors and taxpayer dollars to the highest foreign bidder. this is a massive scandal. u.s. cash for ukraine gas. senator ed markey, senator jean shaheen, senator richard blumenthal, john kerry, david lighter, devin archer, hunter biden and joe biden who was presiding over all this as it was going on. of course it should all be investigated. it will be up to our justice system to look into any criminal charges, but it is open to anyone to make referrals of suspected campaign finance violations. we reached out to and invited senators markey, shaheen and blumenthal to come on the show. but they didn't respond. those payments from burisma's lobbyists to those senators raise suspicions of money laundering and illegal foreign donations, aiming to buy influence in america's democracy. the details should be sent to the federal election commission. we'll post them soon. so please follow us @ steve
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hilton and at next rev fnc and help make sure this scandal is properly exposed. all right. let's see what our guest as far as the night have to say. former new mexico governor martinez, first time on the show. so exciting. founder of turning point usa and the host of the charlie kirk show pod cast on apple pod cast charlie kirk. and trump 2020 campaign senior advisor katrina pearson. all right. katrina, i need to get my breath back. your reaction? >> look, i think what you've uncovered is pretty significant. for a number of reasons. and it looks like joe biden actually might be the key to finally draining the swamp. but i think this is also important for a number of reasons because you hear in the media, the timeline always starts at this july phone call. >> right. >> when in fact it goes back years, prior to president trump even running for office. but most importantly, you mentioned john solomon, and the reason why that is so critical and key to this investigation is simply because in april and march of this year, you had ukrainian officials making the allegation against the bidens, not president trump.
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so you just uncovered the intent behind the phone call, behind the one discussion that has been blown completely out of proportion. it's the intent to get behind what is going on. we keep hearing things about corruption. can you look into this? and no one seems to mention that the president that he was speaking to was not the president a few months ago when these allegations were being made. this is the new president of the ukraine. and the president had every right -- it is his duty to ask these questions of a new leader. >> what's been driving me crazy, apart from the details of all of this, is watching some of the republican reaction i have seen this week from two senators, when asked the question do you think it is appropriate for president trump to ask a foreign leader to investigate political rival? it is not just my political rival. -- it is not just any political rival. it was a guy who was the vice president when this was going on. of course it should be
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investigated. >> they are floundering around because they are running for reelection. i think the most telling thing about what you said it doesn't take that much to influence policy. the telling thing of your open, one of your best i have to say, you are doing the work that mainstream media should be doing. you deserve to be commended for this. we are talking about couple thousand dollar donations that steered the entire policy towards ukraine for three senators. it was so funny i was writing down in huge letters green new deal as you were saying this. >> exactly >> this is the guy that says we should cease all natural gas extraction in united states of america while simultaneously writing a letter saying we should expand domestic oil production in ukraine. i mean, it's so disingenuous. so the final thing i will say is this, you made a brilliant point, which is you have a republican administration with a republican attorney general that green lights the arrest of two individuals that are in the orbit of rudy giuliani. that's what we call is justice is blind. democrats have no such ability
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to allow themselves to have blind justice. instead the close you are you are to the democrat circles, they they are they are untouchable. >> the whole kind of cycle of money from the lobbyists to the politicians, foreign front company to a washington lobbyist, then to the senators, this is what people hate about the swamp. it's the whole thing in one story. >> of course it is. at the same time, trying to kill an industry that is in the united states when we're finally energy independent. i don't think people understand that they are providing support and policy to a different country to do the very thing that we're trying to shut down in the united states >> right, that's such a great point. >> it is. i mean new mexico is the number three in production of oil and, in the country -- oil and gas in the country which allows us to be energy independent. then we turn around, new mexico passed the first green new deal already, our governor has done that. state by state, they are going to start doing it if they can't do it nationally. we are shutting down an industry while we're giving money -- or receiving money and giving
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policy to another country. >> exactly. >> if you are talking about a couple thousand contributions -- >> but when you add that up -- this is how it works. it's literally that. >> you have said it best, anyone who is registered with these foreign countries, they shouldn't be able to contribute to these u.s. senators. >> right. >> you are supposed to go through embassies for this sort of communication. you shouldn't be able to represent foreign interests and be able to steer public policy like this. where's the "new york times" and washington post covering this, steve? your team did more in a week to uncover this than a supposed journalist -- >> i have to say, you're absolutely right. fantastic job from our team on this. that's exactly right. >> all public >> the money flow, the cash for ukraine gas is the real scandal. i wish we would focus on that and not the prosecutor thing. there's conflicting stories on that. this is a really simple story that everyone can understand. >> not only can they understand it, but at the time those allegations were being made against the bidens, he wasn't
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even a candidate. he was not a political opponent. >> yes. that's right. >> that's right. >> this is just -- he was vice president when this was going on. the idea this should not be investigated because he is now running for president, it's just laughable. >> i think it is the opposite. that's why it should be investigated >> there you are. anyway, we're out of time for this part of the conversation. a lot more ahead on impeachment. do not go away. i can't believe it. what? that our new house is haunted by casper the friendly ghost? hey jill! hey kurt! movies? i'll get snacks! no, i can't believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on our car insurance with geico. i got snacks! ohhh, i got popcorn, i got caramel corn, i got kettle corn. am i chewing too loud? believe it! geico could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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steve: welcome back everyone. let's keep talking about this -- i think what i think is the heart of the impeachment case. let's be fair to the democrats for a second and say take their case at face value; right? and they say why do we need to do this impeachment? why don't we just wait for the election next year? right? i think the way they answer that question is to say this is such a violation, what president trump did, asking a foreign country for dirt on a rival, that is so outrageous we have to take a stand on it. okay. what about the dossier then? i mean, wasn't that exactly an example of this? >> the first time they tried to get rid of president trump was the fact that it was hilary clinton and the dnc who colluded
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with foreign government. we're also talking about the ukraine who actually did try to interfere in the 2016 election to help hilary clinton. if there's principles or morals surrounding this foreign interference in our election process, where is the outrage there? why do they consistently pretend like nothing else is happening? >> that's right >> it is anything but fair. the founding fathers put the impeachment clause for an extraordinary emergency measure. it wasn't supposed to be used politically. it's only been done twice before, bill clinton, andrew johnson, nixon resigned impeachment was enacted. the founders were specific especially in their explanation in impeachment in the federalist papers. they were worried it would be used as a political tool. in the conversation of high crimes and misdemeanors, it was a much longer description and they actually put it down just high crimes and misdemeanors. it was supposed to be that it was such a high level of treason of the united states of america and if there wasn't election too around the corner -- look, the
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democrats are seeing what we're also seeing. they are seeing tens of thousands of people go to trump's rally in the great state of new mexico. they are seeing a campaign sitting at 125 million dollars in cash, one that has raised 330 million. they are seeing his approval ratings going up. they are seeing a great economy, despite their efforts to sabotage it. their hail mary is impeachment, stop the trump train, this is all they have left. steve: i think that's right. it is easy for critics to dismiss what charlie has said. that's just sort of pro trump sort of ranting and ridiculous. when you really take seriously their charge, it does fall apart. as katrina was saying because there's so many examples of them doing exactly the same thing, it's not just the hilary clinton dossier. it is the democratic senators last year, writing to ukraine, with a quid pro quo on aid saying if you don't investigate trump, we will take aid away. it feels to me that explanation is really politics. it is about them saying we can't
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let him win next time. this is the true explanation. >> it is. they have changed their game plan. before it was out in the open, the mueller investigation and having hearings. now it is in the shadows, behind closed doors. when we talk about the government employees not participating, not helping, and they mention obstruction of justice. you have to have justice first before you can obstruct it. you don't justice here. you don't have both sides being represented and participating in the process. it is not a public one. the democrats are talking about transparency. where is it today? >> a great example of that was the fuss that we had last week, the end of the previous week over the testimony of volker, the special envoy because this is exactly what happened. they released -- they selectly leak the text messages he
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provided for the worst possible case. the narrative was out there about the quid pro quo and so on and when you read his actual repaired statement, six times it exonerated the president. -- actual prepared statement, six times it exonerated the president. >> that's why pelosi won't vote to have an actual inquiry to give the president to make his case and to interview all the people they are speaking to. as we speak this week there's going to be another one. that's why they are doing it. it was first russia and collusion in search of a crime. now it is impeachment inquiry in search of a cause. that too is going to fail. at the very best case scenario, this is pelosi's way of forming some incumbent protection agency for her primaries because this is absolutely absurd and the american people are starting to see through it. steve: it is a farce. >> if the case is so good, why does adam schiff have to make up stuff? why dufr -- why do you have to
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make up a transcript? will someone in the media please seiyu crane -- please say ukraine and russia are adversaries? for two years he's a russian agent and just switch sides? and became a ukrainey agent? the republicans control the senate judiciary committee, if they are going to dare treat us and the president this way, which is an insult to democracy, that's what this really is, steve. it is an insult to democracy. we should subpoena hunter biden yesterday. he needs to be called to subpoena. you have to fight fire with fire with these people. no more sitting by, we have to wait and see and hope things get better. they are going to the absolute fabric of our country right now. steve: right, and not just hunter biden but all the senators, markey and shaheen and blumenthal. >> all of them. >> absolutely. it has to be investigated. people expect corruption to be -- i mean that's what the president was elected on.
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he was elected for -- he was going to get rid of the swamp. he was going to make sure -- and he remembers those promises every single day and is checking that box every day and making sure he's keeping his promise for those people that put him in office. and you can't blame people for supporting him in the rallies, in new mexico, he's going to places that most republicans feel uncomfortable. i was a democrat at one time. i switched because my party left me. i wasn't in line with them. and i wanted to be a republican supporting the transparency, going after corruption, regardless of where it falls. steve: right. we will leave it there. i want to wrap this up with something -- there was a col numb the "wall street journal" this week -- there was a column in the "wall street journal" this week that was so on point with this. a nice way to conclude. the headline was impeaching trump voters. it made the argument that actually this is really about the establishment in washington, and the democrats, and the media still viewing trump voters as
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deplorables wanting to overturn the 2016 election. that same day when i read that someone came up to me at the airport and said i love your show. keep doing what you are doing. and then asked me are they going to impeach us? that's how people feel about this. it goes to the heart of that 2016 vote. and that's why it's so important we keep fighting this fight. and we will. up next, gregg jarrett on the impeachment legal battle. don't go away.
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steve: welcome back. who bet tore -- who better to help us understand the legal aspect of this is fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett and the author of the book the witch hunt. let's start with the latest on the impeachment and then we will get to the new information in your book, after that, but just very clearly, what is the argument here about the legal basis for this impeachment effort? >> there is no legal basis. the criminal division at the department of justice, these are career prosecutors, the best in the nation, looked at the official record of the conversation between president zelensky and trump, and they unanimously concluded there is no crime. there's no campaign finance violation.
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so on what basis are democrats moving for impeachment? they've embraced this rather notion that it was an abuse of power because he was targeting his political opponent joe biden. this is exactly what the framers feared that an opposing party would seek for purely political reasons to try to remove a president. as you pointed out, when biden engaged in a quid pro quo, he was vice president. it wasn't running for president at the time -- he wasn't running for president at the time. and this president, any president who has reason to believe that a public office holder is engaged in a corrupt act, it is incumbent upon his department of justice or him to ask ukraine look, if you have evidence of this, please turn it over to us because it's a crime for a public office holder to confer a benefit in exchange for something of value to himself or in this case to his son. this hasn't been debunked as the
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media and biden claim. there's enough evidence here to justify looking into it. steve: and so can i just on that point ask you about the rudy giuliani role because a lot has been made of the -- here this question the whole time well if there's something to investigate here, why doesn't president trump use the resources at his disposal as running the executive, the fbi, and so on, justice department? why does he have rudy giuliani doing it? it seems to me that attorney general barr was mentioned in connection with these investigations. what are they talking about? >> well, the president can use whomever he wants. that's his right as chief executive. but it was actually bill barr, the attorney general who asked the president to please introduce him to foreign leaders to pursue his official department of justice investigation into the origins
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of the trump russia collusion hoax and any other related matter. so if giuliani runs across in his capacity as the attorney for the president information about a potential corrupt act by joe biden, he has every right to further look into it and turn it over to the department of justice, on behalf of the president. steve: all right. let's move to your fantastic book the fallout to the russia hoax witch hunt. i saw you on "fox & friends" talking about it this week. they promised three reveals in your book that were new pieces of information that we had to know about. but there was only -- they ran out of time. and we only got to two of them. can you give us all three tonight, gregg? >> sure. one of the astonishing things i found out is appointment of bob mueller of special counsel was made by rod rosenstein, not because the evidence merited it, because he got mad at trump. it was an act of vengeance and
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retaliation against the president. and rosenstein knew what he did was wrong, when confronted on the day of the appointment in his office, he literally cowered behind his desk and blubbered am i going to get fired? that's consciousness of guilt. the other reveal is that a year before mueller came out with his report, there was this ugly confrontation between trump's lawyers and bob mueller and his team of partisans in which mueller admitted there was no evidence of collusion, and trump's lawyers became angry. why don't you tell this to the american people? he refused to do it, and a shouting match ensues with trump's lawyer pounding on the desk and yelling at bob mueller. and the third reveal would be that at that time, trump's lawyers were deeply worried about the mental state of bob mueller. he seemed lost, confused,
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disoriented. he didn't understand fundamental facts about the case. he seemed to be oblivious to the law of obstruction of justice. and of course we learned a year and a half later, just this last july, when mueller testified, it was as if the -- you know, the curtain was pulled back on the wizard of oz, and he wasn't what his reputation had promised. steve: wow. well, there you go, thank you, gregg, very very -- >> these are some of the many stories in the new book "witch hunt", which just came out. steve: everyone's got to go and get it. "witch hunt". thank you for being here tonight. appreciate it >> my pleasure. steve: coming up, new laws in new mexico may make illegal immigration easier. governor martinez weighs in on fact is, every insurance company hopes you drive safely. but allstate actually helps you drive safely... with drivewise.
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steve: welcome back.
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new mexico made it easier for people to get a basic driver's license eliminating requirements for fingerprints and background checks for people with no proof of u.s. residency. this is something you've been warning about for a long time. what's your take on where this has gone to? >> well, the real id act have been been passed by congress in 2005 was to make sure the authenticity of the documents that you were a resident of the state is going to issue you a document, a driver's license that will be used to get you on commercial airlines and/or in federal facilities of which we have many in the state of new mexico. my predecessor passed a law and said you can get a driver's license that looks just like an american citizens driver's license. at the time it was expected about 49,000 illegal immigrants lived in new mexico and about 80,000 have been issued. so you have clearly become a magnet to a state that is issuing driver's licenses that look no different than my driver's license. steve: what benefits does it
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confirm to have? >> you get to present it as -- it doesn't even have a stamp on it. when i passed -- i signed a law in 2016 that reversed that because we had to be compliant with the real id act law. and on the top of it, it said it is a driver's authorization card. the reason that they wanted the other law, the old law that i reversed was to make sure that you were insured, an insured driver. it showed it didn't impact that at all. it was a dumb excuse, not real, just to pass the law. steve: right. >> but you now have one that says you cannot -- this is not to be used for any real identification, but you had to bring a birth certificate, you had to bring a couple of documents that are easily forged. steve: right. >> that's the problem. steve: i mean this is going on in new mexico now, but i mean, it's a trend, isn't it, making the whole process easier for people. >> there's no value to being an american citizen anymore,
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apparently. but this particular law, i mean, the purpose was, you know, there's a sigma associated with -- stigma associated with having to come up with this documentation. when i was reading through some of the documentation that could be used, one was the number that the irs has been giving to foreigners since about 1996. well, the irs has uncovered billions of dollars in tax fraud to illegal aliens. all they have to have is one of these fraudulent documents and get an id in new mexico and be treated like everyone else. steve: this is the kind of thing that makes people so suspicious of any claims about immigration control and so on because they see all this going on, and they see all the movement in one direction. >> look, steve, you and i have talked about this and i think over time you have come to more agreement is that the democrats need a new base of voters, of non-citizens. that's eventually where this is going. in california, illegals are now allowed to vote in local elections up near san francisco. you have foreign nationals that came here illegally, that cut in
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line, that the democrats talk about fairness. how is that fair to legal immigrants across the world that had to wait in line that don't have the proximity to jump over the southern border? i understand there's highly complex issue with people brought across here at a young age. that's the exception, not the rule. there are adults that have cut in line and broke our laws. steve: every time we talk about immigration, i say the same thing. i'm pro immigration. i'm an immigrant twice over, my parents from hungary to tuk and now here in america -- to the u.k. and now here in america. i'm proud to be an american. >> i lived in el paso, texas for years. i have lived this every single day. i've seen the immigration come in throughout the border every single day and now walking right up to the border patrol agents and realizing that they're going to just be led out into the united states without any real traction, no real address, no
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real home, and what they are doing is they are clogging the system for those that have legitimate amnesty applications, and/or those that are going through the process the way they should. they are clogging up that system as well. steve: that's what's interesting. we're out of time, but watching president trump battling the system to try to bring some control here is just really interesting and he's making progress. i mean last we reported they are actually ending catch and release. you know, really big part of the problem and the incentive. sorry we're out of time. coming up the nba, china, and president trump. don't go away. ♪ (vo) the subaru crosstrek.
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steve: the nba were exposed this week as total moneying grubbing hypocrites after sucking up to the dictators in beijing after a tweet in hong kong. for years corporate america has kowtowed to china from apple to google to marriott to delta to nike while lecturing the rest of us about their values. maybe the real answer is what president trump said in august. our great american companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to china, including bringing your companies home and making
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your products in the usa. you know, as so often charlie, you know, the president is how can you order companies to do -- he really put his finger on it. engaging with china has produced the opposite effect to what all the establishment told us. they haven't opened up. they got worse. why don't we just pull out? >> one of the most significant and longest lasting legacies of his presidency will be the focus on china. people who laughed at china five or six years ago and even democrats are taking this threat of our greatest enemy china seriously. the national basketball association they protested north carolina's law that was about single use bathrooms. remember that? and they said we will never have another basketball game and everyone freaked out oh -- and yet in china, they have muslims in concentration camps, no exaggeration, actual concentration camps millions of
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muslims nba is perfectly fine with that? they are the biggest abusers of human rights in the entire world. they are building islands in the south china sea. they are america's enemy. the nba is perfectly fine with that. it is an absolute disgrace >> violation of rights, having killed over 100 million people in 100 years because of their beliefs and to compare that to ak-47 and rail on america and saying -- or ar 15s and saying oh it is our injustices that are taking place in w the guns, etc., in the united states, we are i think 1500 people, one is too many, but that is what has -- the number of people that have been killed with that, but you look at 100 million people in a communist country and you compare them to the american government? steve: it is outrageous. i agree with what charlie said,
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the most consequential thing the president has done, with china, that's what people will talk about years from now. he was the president that really understood the threat from china and stood up to them at last. >> absolutely. most americans had no idea just how much communist china -- their influence, how much they've had over not only the nba but many companies now that we're finding out and president trump is highlighting that. we have to remember joe biden said china is no big deal. they are not a threat. -- they are not a problem. they are a great threat. steve: funny you mentioned the bidens. the trump administration issued a new blacklist of companies that couldn't work with american companies because they are a threat of america's national security on artificial intelligence, a leading company, that is part of the china deal of hunter biden. okay? so he gets around.
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he gets everywhere. >> interesting. steve: coming up, 2020 update, should we care about anyone other than warren and biden? don't go away. (male announcer) it's here. time to get in a tree, nock an arrow, and disappear. this is what you've prepared for. he's moving more in daylight and whenever you can, you'll be hunting dawn to dusk. this is what you live for. it's your season. so hurry to great outdoor days at bass pro shops' and cabela's. where you can save big on great gear from top brands like redhead, cabela's and black out. bass pro shops and cabela's. your adventure starts here.
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>> the next democratic debate is tuesday, there are 12 candidates on the stage, but this is more about biden versus warren. >> i think pete buttigieg will get really hot, he has tons of money, a great infrastructure in iowa. ted cruz was in middle pack then he came up, won iowa i think that pete buttigieg has a very interesting midwestern appeal. do i think he will get nomination? no. >> other day. president trump was out talking to reporters about the whole biden corruption thing, he said, i never thought biden was going
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to get it. he said i always some someone else in mind. >> who? >> i i don't know. i never thought that biden would get it either, i would love to see joe biden, president trump on a debate stage, having a discussion about corruption. i am pushing for biden. >> i think it will be warren. and president trump, i think that president trump will eat her lunch. >> do you. >> she does not have a plan, she said she has plans there is no meat to the bones, when she gets pushed a little bit, she can't come up with it socialism or capitalism. >> very important point. she is often described as a populist. i say no, she not a populist. she plays a populist tune in terms of inequality and a rigged system, she is right about a lot
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of that. but her solutions are socialist, they are not giving balance to people, it taking away, giving it to government. >> i think warren it the nominee, her agenda, elizabeth warren, government is corrupt it does not work, why do you want to make government bigger? i thought you just railed for -- you had me about row corrupt it is, how you want it to control our schools, attaining way the guns -- tax away the guns. >> i think that there is a chance for kamala harris to make an impact. >> i would put buttigieg above harris. >> she can't even get to double digits in her own state. >> we'll see, most important point, do not under estimate the appeal of warren message. policy agenda can be destroyed. we're out of time, mark levin is
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up next, see you next sunday, when the next revolution will be televised . hello america, i am mark levin, this is life, liberty and levin, special edition, the house goes rogue. i thought i would talk to you slowly go through the process, that we're dealing with as american citizens. the constitution article i second 2, house of representative shall have sold power of impeachment. past mutua impeachments it was l


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