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tv   Media Buzz  FOX News  October 7, 2019 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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it's washington's largest at almost 70,000 square feet. and that's it for today. have a great week, and we'll see you next "fox news sunday. hiff lying to msnbc, about not
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having to spoken to the whistleblower in advance when the new york times and his staff did that? next on media buzz. donald trump has been denouncing the impeachment probe as a hoax insisting he never pressured ukraine's leader to investigate joe biden in that call. talking to reporters on the white house lawn he urged ukraine to investigate the former vice president and his son. a similar appeal to another country. >> likewise china should start an investigation. what happened in china is just about as bad as what happened with ukraine. i would say volodymyr zelinsky, if it were me i would recommend
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they start an investigation into the bidens because nobody has any doubt that they weren't crooked. >> joining us from new york is a key figure in the ukraine drama. the president is repeatedly denying pressure on the july phone call. when he came out on the lawn entered china and ukraine, immediate consensus is he doesn't see anything wrong with it. didn't he undercut your defense? >> not at all, there's nothing wrong with him doing it. the president of the united states has every right to ask countries to help us in a little investigation. >> against a political opponents? >> i can't help that. supposedly political opponents committed murder? what do we do? you don't investigate him? this is not a political opponent. the media which is completely
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corrupt and completely biased, a big story will come out about how corrupt the media is. this biden stuff i have known six months, i started this investigation before he was a candidate, started in november 2018 for one single purpose. i'm his defense lawyer and it exonerates him and shows more collusion. material assisted in getting that and got his son out. and the crooked oligarch free who is running around ukraine. >> joe biden was not a candidate but everyone knew he was likely to run. >> so biden is completely immune? >> i'm not saying that. >> two years before, can't be investigated? >> let me ask the question. >> 20 years, the washington
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press corps. >> you got to let me ask. >> allegation after allegation of corruption, never looked at. james biden, hunter biden. going back to the 80s and 90s. >> got to let me ask the question. you say you were represent your client and ukraine and that is fine. i'm not sure you get that many people feel this is a role for government officials, not your personal lawyer, you make a political. >> it is. the government hasn't done it. they told me a story that still has to come out which is they tried to get it through the fbi for a year and a half, we are talking almost a year ago. the mueller investigation was still going after, all the material i could get to defend my client which i should be praised for because that is what
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a good lawyer does. i'm still worried they were going to do a collusion nonsense because i know how corrupt some of those people are like -- i had to defend my client. ukrainians came to me. i didn't go after joe biden. they handed it to me. a lot of evidence of collusion in ukraine and one of the guys involved in getting that evidence cut off his joe biden. you know what he did? i said no, i don't know what he did. they showed me the tape of the 2018 confession he made in front of the council on foreign relations which for a republican, washington press corps including you would have gone crazy. we would have had 3 months of investigation. what happens is biden covered it up. >> it is being investigated. >> it's not being investigated. let me give you an example what you covered.
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nbc put out a report, cnn put out a report that allegations against biden are not supported by anything. yes they are, they are supported by three affidavits, better than whistleblowers from ukrainian prosecutors who say joe biden bribed the president of the ukraine, put pressure on them, dismiss the case because of biden -- they could be lying. >> the federal loan guarantees. >> give the definition of bribery. bribery is offering something of value in exchange for official action. $1.2 billion loan guarantee is something of value. the official action he extorted, firing the prosecutor and there are three affidavits is whether they are telling the truth or not, it is a corrupt lie.
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the same reason they have been covering it up for ten years with the there isn't anyone in washington who doesn't know in 20 years there have been rumors about james biden selling -- >> i've got to ask you one more question. the former special envoy to the ukraine, kurt volcker testified you told him the back-and-forth about a public statement after the july phone call with donald trump ukraine was going to make it, you told him the general language of ukraine was not enough, they had to publicly mention burisma, hunter biden, and possible 2016 election or else -- >> i never said or else. >> it is clear from what volcker
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says, or else. let me get the question out. volodymyr zelinsky would not get a meeting with donald trump. how is that not pressure? >> even if it is pressure it is different than what biden did. the purpose of questioning is to get a little investigation about a scandal at the highest level of the government, the washington press has been covering up for three years deliberately and about which they are going after me personally. they get me, the messenger. has been a crook for 30 years. let me explain to you about -- >> i want to ask you -- >> let me answer about volcker. internal texts, they reached out to me. i finished my investigation, they reached out to me, asked me to talk, did it on their direction and control, i reported back to them, discussed
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with them, their idea, not my idea. they asked my advice. i didn't tell them he must, he should, he must, i said i gave them my advice what would -- the corrupt ukrainian government that has been corrupt for a long time, that it was willing to root out corruption no matter who it hurt, without fear of favor, the way our agency should do but don't. we have a corrupt system going on with a double standard. not broken, we will continue to have an alienated america. the wisdom to see that. >> how do you backup your charge that members of the biden family were cashing in on his political -- >> 100 newspaper articles going back to the 80s saying his brother was selling his public office. i get one or 2. his brother, people all around the world who want to invest in
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joe biden. that is james biden. we have an investment lined up. filled with cash, ready to invest in this company. the executive remembers james biden saying under investigation. you asked a question. >> i have to get -- >> the guy was doing it for years. >> okay. i don't want to move on yet. james biden in a lawsuit, politico had a story on this. >> nobody picked it up. >> i am not in favor of politicians trading on the family name. they do that in washington. >> he has been 30 years --
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>> and allegation -- >> here is the allegation, he never discussed his family business with his family. we have articles about his family business, selling his name. did he read any single one of them? signing my office, i call my brother into my office and say brother, cut it out, as opposed to i don't know, i didn't hear it. you won't by that. and you should be ashamed of your self are taking that answer. 30 years of articles. james biden selling it out. here's another one. james biden made money in ukraine. he made $500,000 from another
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ukraine and how come they make money wherever biden is put in charge? >> i have a hard break. more with the former mayor in just a minute.
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what are you doing back there, junior? since we're obviously lost, i'm rescheduling my xfinity customer service appointment. ah, relax. i got this.
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which gps are you using anyway? a little something called instinct. been using it for years. yeah, that's what i'm afraid of. he knows exactly where we're going. my whole body is a compass. oh boy... the my account app makes today's xfinity customer service simple, easy, awesome. not my thing. >> we are back with rudy giuliani. you were talking about a $5000 loan, a second mortgage to james biden, joe's brother for a florida vacation home for a company controlled by a guy, this is within politico in august, a ukrainian american businessman in delaware and longtime joe biden donor. there is no indication the loan influenced his official action and finally in the peace the spokesman says the loan was secured by a private residence,
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a 6% loan -- >> i can't hear you. >> we lost contact? >> you have to reconnect the microphone. >> let me pause for a moment. >> politico will always say that about joe biden. they didn't bother to investigate but if you put together 30 of these situations of which there are about 30 i'm asking about the business in ukraine, joe biden went there to give it and assist. it happens at the same time so you have the kid making 5 million and the brother -- i'm not connecting. i can't hear him. >> we will work on that but i will tell the audience we are talking about this case. 6% loan into market rates. the counterargument, they did
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investigate this and no indication joe biden did anything to reduce it. we will get focused on this. and our tropical difficulties, it is fair game. a person, the democratic front runner. we need to break?
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>> we bring back rudy giuliani which we have technical difficulties but he will continue in the meantime. this is live television. rudy giuliani joining us from new york, i apologize for the technical difficulty. we were talking about the second mortgage.
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i was making the point that a 6% loan above market break, you have a lot of people around joe biden, you are saying you believe benefited from their association with the guy who rose to be vice president but by your extending it to the vice president's brother does it indicate he is facing impeachment charges in the house that you are trying to discredit or knockout one of his main rivals? >> i'm trying to get somebody to investigate massive corruption in the obama administration. a pay for play scheme that goes back to the early days in which joe biden's brother james biden, i didn't point out the fact the ukrainian american who gave $500,000 to the brother got $20 million to open the car dealership in the ukraine from the federal government and joe biden went to the ukraine to give a speech to explain what a
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good car dealer he was. you know how much this is? one after the other after the other and he flew his son to china eight days later. his son received $1 billion from the chinese government into a private equity fund where he was a partner in the nephew of whitey boulder, i am not making that up, and the chinese government while joe biden was negotiating for the united states, his son was a partner of the chinese government. since it was a private company we don't know how much the chinese government was paying. >> hunter biden says he doesn't make money from this. you find that amusing. >> nobody has investigated. donald trump says i didn't do anything wrong but you are investigating. donald trump says i didn't do anything wrong but you are
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investigating. this kid who has taken down millions for years and has a drug problem and failed out of the navy because he has a drug problem and got in the navy at 43 years old, to do that, give me a break. >> the question you are still a prosecutor. >> will somebody investigate it? listen for one second. here is the difference. we have an anonymous whistleblower who says donald trump did something wrong. donald trump says i didn't do anything wrong. >> we have the transcript of the call. >> before you interrupt me i know you want -- >> it is pathetic. listen to me just listen to me. hunter biden says i didn't do anything wrong, no
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investigation, nothing. this should have stopped when donald trump says i didn't do anything wrong if we are just going to believe him. joe biden says i never talked to my family about family business. but the family business is in the newspapers, the new york times in december 2015 rights in article how conflicted the relationship is with the kid. talk of the most corrupt oligarchy be paying the vice president's son when he was tasked by obama to give out money in the ukraine? and joe biden says i didn't know about my son's entanglement in ukraine we have to believe he didn't read the new york times. >> i got to ask you one more question. >> you won't by that. you as an investigative reporter should say to yourself when hunter biden says i never made
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money on this, no more stories -- >> there are stories about hunter biden and the washington post and new york times. >> all of which say nobody past for the records. let them produce the records, private equities. >> one more question about your role in ukraine. let me ask the question. you originally -- he told you there is no evidence of wrongdoing. and in retrospect not the best judgment to rely on this. >> he was the only guy willing to come forward. i took his evidence and the first to reveal the fact he was lying. and paid money to fix this case. if you pay attention to what i
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did last week it is someone named victor show can. that is the affidavit i put out. those three all say joe biden, he had come upon a $3 million transaction, they would not allow them to get that information out. i grant you that could be lying but a lot stronger proof than any silly whistleblower nonsense about something that is not even a crime we are going into a conniption over with a phony house investigation was why are we treated differently? why are republicans treated difficulty?
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because the press is in their pocket. >> the biden campaign. >> you should want to root it out. >> the biden campaigns that you should not have any show on television because journalists allow you to make unhinged unfounded and desperate lies. >> you don't let me get a sentence out, you contradict me immediately. watch the interview with one of the biden cronies are democratic lapdogs and they get 15 minutes to answer a question and say stupid things like hunter biden says i didn't do it, end of story. with me they contradict me before one sentence. i don't get to say anything uncontradicted. the reason they don't want me on his they know something you are not reporting on. i've got it all. there is a lot more to come out. where do we get to romania? is my concern. >> got to go.
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>> the guy is a crook and made a mockery of the united states of america. we are left it in the ukraine. they say you lecture us on corruption and your idiot press can't figure out we were paying off joe biden and what you think the chinese say? they were paying $1.5 billion to this kid who were buying the vice president. >> appreciate your coming on. >> you should do something about it. >> ahead, a couple extraordinary news conferences. immediate reaction to donald trump inviting china and ukraine to investigate biden.
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>> many journalists were stunned ever weeklong frenzy where donald trump's call with ukraine at leader, he went in front of the cameras and urged ukraine and china to investigate joe biden and his son for alleged corruption. >> you heard the president himself do it --
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>> we have a role in abuse of power unfolding on our television screens. at least nixon did a behind closed doors and taped it. >> just because joe biden happens to be running against the president doesn't make him above the law. the us government and the chinese government and the ukrainian government can't ask questions about the biden family because he is a politician? >> joining us to analyze, a fox news contributor who runs georgetown institute of politics, the media reaction to that moment on the lawn, he confessed, let's not go too far. and that is indefensible. we have to acknowledge what he said, marco rubio made that, the
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hysteria needs to acknowledge this was part of a strategy to get media coverage what biden did in china. you are not doing your audience the either in understanding what the president is doing. >> maybe the president is baiting the press are trying to normalize this notion of -- seems kind of routine or get allegations out there. and we got an earful from rudy giuliani to get these allegations out against another biden -- >> you asked what he thought about the biden campaign. working for the biden campaign i want rudy giuliani out there every day. he is the best spokesperson for those who want to impeach the president. every time he opens his mouth he
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hurts the president. >> he disagrees he is on television every day. donald trump might be a spokesperson better than rudy giuliani. we are aligned in our views on this. i wonder how much of this is strategic by the president and his allies. i think they are trying to figure out a strategy but they keep changing their argument, changing what they want to say. first it was this didn't happen, then it happened and it was perfect. then it was the other guy did it and the other guy was worse than we were. they keep changing their argument. the reality, as much as they try to obfuscate and deflect and make this about process, the
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president was on camera saying he did admitting to doing what the whistleblower and whistleblowers say he did. >> the president, urging these investigation, not offering quid pro quo, the alleged quid pro quo withheld military aid. i want to be fair about that. a pair of text messages with rudy giuliani, going back and forth after the phone call. bill taylor, a veteran diplomat appointed by bush set i think it is crazy to withhold assistance for help for a political campaign. gordon's son, i believe you were incorrect about his intentions. it was crystal clear no quid pro quo of any kind, the quid pro quo being talked about is whether ukraine would make a public statement that would
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include the bidens committing to an investigation. >> this is a key exchange that shows there's confusion behind the curtains as to what was on the table and why it was on the table and that is important because it goes to what people understood and for something to be a quid pro quo, people have to understand what is on the table and used as a bargaining chip. i don't think it helps the democrats case. >> other exchanges, other evidence has come out so far showing other thing ukrainians wanted was a meeting with the president and there was a precondition to that which was to publicly announced you are going to investigate the bidens ventilator text message where they specifically laid out the quid pro quo. >> the statement wasn't issued but let's talk about joe biden.
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he's not done an interview since the ukraine story broke. he has done only six news interviews since he cleared in july. none of his aids or surrogates have been defending him. he made a couple speeches. is this weakening his defense? >> it is playing to the president's strategy which is to allow complete consumption in the news cycle of the biden ukraine story. there's been a lot of coverage and focus on that. by not coming out and facing it head on, going with this line about the president attacking his family, 60 minutes or something. >> the white house didn't put out anything today but is it a biden calculation. there has been criticism of the dnc defending biden that if he
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gets out there he will go through a long list of questions about hunter biden and his family and ukraine it doesn't want to be answering those? >> i don't know. if i were in the biden campaign i would have them out there. i think he is good at this. >> here's what is interesting that i get asked all the time. is this not hurting joe biden? the polling is not bearing that out. the polling in the past couple weeks has shown democratic primary voters in key states are rallying behind him of how unfair the attack is. we will see if that is sustainable. >> he makes the story about donald trump and joe biden taking steam from the others. donald trump branded the media corrupt and how that war of corrupt and how that war of words is unfolding and t great weather, great friends. you just saved a bunch of money by switching your boat insurance to geico. it was easy.
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>> with the impeachment drama building donald trump is unloading on what he will not a fake news but corrupt news. >> you should be ashamed of your self. we have the most dishonest media you can imagine. >> i wanted you to have a chance to answer the question i asked. >> i answered everything. it is a hoax and you know who is paying into the hoax? people like you and the fake
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news media we have in this country. >> talking to jeff mason of reuters, he was steamed over new york times report that trump privately pushed from both at the border filled with alligators or snakes and an electrified fence with spiky tops that can see her human flesh. the president mistakenly thought it was in the washington post. >> obviously it is fake because almost everything the washington post does is fake. it is a fake newspaper owned by a rich guy for the purpose of giving him power in washington. i am tough on the border but not that tough. it was a lie. >> he is denying the story that was in the new york times, chewing out jeff mason in the most vile manner, what do you make of this? >> it is proportional to the ratcheting up the media has done. in that respect it is fair. referring to the media as corrupt, if the objective of the media is cover the news of the day fairly and accurately it is
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fair to say they have been corrupted by other motivations especially when it comes to the president, those motivations are political, ideological, ratings based, i don't think the label is unfair. in this case -- >> you endorse the trump language. when journalists see that news conference and say he is angry and out of control and unhinged, some commentators say of course he is angry, they cranked up the russia story, the same with ukraine. it is not impeachable. is the coverage getting 1-sided? >> we are next ordinary times. last time we have seen times this extraordinary was watergate one another sitting president came out and called the media fake every day. they were tough, they were investigative and calling out abuses of power. we have an active investigation going on. it is all -- and large part --
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>> actually bipartisan, this one is not. >> it didn't start bipartisan. let's remember, you did not have republicans coming on board until much later against nixon. the polling, didn't hit its crescendo until days before he dropped out. this is very early. >> let me turn to the vice president, mike pence said to reporters he knew nothing about the president's attempt to pressure ukraine, pence was yanked from the inaugural delegation where volodymyr zelinsky's swearing-in, on that july 25th phone call, cnn's breanna keeler said this. >> we know from having covered pence for so long that he is lying and he knows that he is.
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>> he knows he is lying. >> a good example that you can't just lay out what happened. you have to make a judgment call. they believe their job is to cover the trump presidency when they cover every other presidency by laying out the facts and letting viewers decide. viewers are smart, we are not idiots, we connect the dots and note don't need a judgment call. >> we are used to that, on the left, he is lying, which we will get to. how would the media handle the president's language. he says it is a coup. he tweets democrats are peddling bs, throws around treason. how can journalists be fair to this president? that his worst detractors are not committing treason? >> this is where the challenge of the media covering the trump presidency where this is different from nixon, this president uses rhetoric and
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language far beyond the pale and sometimes i think it is fair. sometimes it is, the role of the media to call it out. when this president, launched his political career in the back of the hopes of birtherism, it is their job to say facts don't bear that out. >> you trust the american public enough to make the judgment call you don't do it yourself. >> still to come, adam shift and mike pompeo, guess which one the
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>> adam shift leading the impeachment inquiry claimed he and his people had no contact with the whistleblower in this case, sam stein asked him the question on morning joe. >> have you heard from the whistleblower? do you want to hear from the whistleblower? >> we not spoken directly with whistleblower. we would like to. >> the new york times reported he knew about the whistleblower days before he filed the complaint, one of the democratic staffers is spoken to the cia officer and advised him to hire a lawyer and go to the inspector general, the president ripped shift but this was barely mentioned on most networks other than fox. >> he had to now admitting that would undermine the story and impeachment itself.
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>> what about sam stein, said he should have been more clear. shift did appear to lie in previously saying he had not spoken to ricky with whistleblower but if you care more about this than the amsoil substantive the whistleblower complaint then you are being a hack. cbs, abc didn't cover this on their newscast and if you only care about one side you're being a hack. >> this is evidence of how careful democrats have to be. shift came back and said my staff did speak with him. he never knew who the whistleblower was, only knew the allegations and they followed the laid out procedure that house and senate democrats and republicans use but adam shift had to be careful they don't give an inch. the president will jump all over it if there's the slightest perception of doing anything that is not -- >> the house chairman that is a falsehood, the media should jump
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all over but interestingly new york times broke the story prompting rare words of praise from the president. >> i hate to say it, the new york times, can't believe i wrote it, a lot of respect to the new york times for putting it up. >> suddenly they are news in this instance. >> i would love to see more reporting on what adam shift new. he says he didn't know at the time, there are a lot of questions to be asked on who told him what? i would love to see them report on that. >> a different situation with mike pompeo when everywhere he played his interview. >> what do you know about those conversations? >> you gave me a report about a whistleblower complaint. was i on the phone call? >> mike pompeo was on the phone call and this was a huge story,
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a little contrast. >> mike pompeo flat out said this is about being on the actual call. adam schiff needs to be more careful but this is pretty brazen as well. with all the hysteria you see from the right about adam schiff they are completely ignoring mike pompeo was on the call and pretended not to recall it. that you get as much scrutiny from the media on the right. >> cover top officials in both parties when they live. is there a double standard as evidenced by this? >> you could put it in a textbook. a very instructive parallel, this commonplace partisan evasion. if you spent weeks hammering mike pompeo, there are great complications, the disparity in
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the coverage is glaring. you could put it in a textbook about the double standard. it is that bad. >> that is the accusation against the press, that there is a double standard. impeachment is a big story, 225 house democrats have come out for it. it is a huge story and the allegations are serious but there is a perception the media have been waiting for this and are piling on a president they don't like. >> when you've got and impeachment inquiry where the president publicly admitted to doing the things the whistleblower said he did, that is a legitimate story and the story the press needs to jump on. >> there is a legitimate story about adam schiff and why he didn't say he knew what he knew and that should have gotten more attention. >> great to see you and that is it for this edition of media buzz. check out my podcast and you can subscribe that apple itunes or fox news
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and like our facebook page, original videos and on twitter. what did you think of the rudy
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happening right now at 4:00 a.m. here on the east coast, a fox news alert for you. an accused killer captured overnight in the deadly kansas city bar shooting. now an urgent hunt ramping up for the second gunman impeachment impact, the white house could be hours an way from demanding an official impeachment inquiry and senate republicans are preparing for a fight. >> it reminds me of kavanaugh all over again. it's imperative that the whistleblower be interviewed in public. heather: will a vote happen or will the president call nancy pelosi's bluff. we're