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tv   The Next Revolution With Steve Hilton  FOX News  October 6, 2019 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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>> thank you. you ladies are the best. go to the app store or fox and follow the simple instructions. thank you so much for watching fox nation in depth. have a great night. >> good evening and welcome to the next revolution. i'm steve hilton. this is the home of positive populism. tonight, as promised we will bring you our swamp watch on joe biden, hunter biden and ukraine. here's the headline. the corruption is not what everyone is been talking about. it's not the firing of the prosecutor, it is different and worse. all that ahead. along side me to it break down the impeachment ms. matt gates, tammy bruce and lisa booth. iona start with what we learned. i've seen some who opposed this and dismiss it. yes he may have behaved badly
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but it's not impeachable. let's wait till the election to hash it out. okay, except that's not how this is going to go down. it looks like this will end up with the trial in the senate. as we move toward that, i want anyone who watches the show to be well informed about the details of the actual evidence , not the talking points, the evidence. we had a lot of new evidence this week and i want to take you through it. here's what hasn't changed. this week we had new confirmation from an old friend of the real motivation for all the. >> he knows he's an illegitimate president. >> he knows that he's an illegitimate president. >> they been wanting to get trump in 2016. they want to remove this democratically elected president by nondemocratic means, regardless of the evidence. so helpful of hilary to confirm that this weekend so
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much for their pious lectures on democracy and the rule of law. last sunday we went through the impeachment charges. the foreign meadowlake claim is a joke. it happens every day in washington through foreign government lobbying. the democrats are up to their neck in foreign modeling. nancy pelosi took money from ukraine lobbyists. they have no problem with it when it salacious of their campaign and jobs for their benefit when asking ukraine for dirt and when it's funding a dossier to bring trump down. in any case, elected leaders always wear their government hat and that of a politician. every conversation, every meeting there thinking about politics. the idea that donald trump can make an abuse of power is a joke. they all do it.
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i thought myself with president obama and david cameron. today, the impeachment fanatics recite dirt on the protocol arrival but with ukraine and biden it's not just any rival. if he was asking them to look for andrew yang who worked on one of his startups that would be different. we will laid out for you in detail in tonight swamp watch. is the former vice president and his family acted correctly in another country. [inaudible] the reason there so up in arms about it is that it's exposing a central feature of their
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swampy business model. what's not okay is using government policy and taxpayer dollars to push for an investigation if the motivation is purely political. the only really serious charges that president trump did that by withholding military aid unless they promise to investigate biden and he did it for purely poetical ends. last week i told you there were three reasons. trump is a well-known aid. rob portland backed up his account and according to the new york time, ukrainian didn't know the aide was held up until a month after. how can there be a quid pro quo when once i didn't know about it. we've learned more about it this week from senior diplomat text messages. turned out it was seen by strong u.s. officials as part of a purely political quid pro quo. here's bill taylor, acting
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ambassador to ukraine and i sat on the phone i think it's crazy to withhold security for help with a political campaign. the democrats think that's their smoking gun. the reply was this, i believe you're incorrect about president trump's intentions. he's been crystal clear, no quid pro quo any kind. now look. i'm just being honest. those tax on their own without context shook my faith in the white house position and of course the trump hating media were all over it. they left me wanting to know two things were they told the military aid was being held up and what was the intention to investigate biden on the grounds of corruption or because he was a clinical rival. now, as luck would have it, we've got more evidence on exactly those points. the text messages was given to congress by kirk, our special
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envoy to ukraine. he also gave him an 11 page witness statement. some call that statement devastating for the president, pointing to the fact that they debunked claims by rudy giuliani about ukraine's role and joe biden's role. it's not the whole story. it's not even the main story. his statement is indeed devastating. but not to the president. if you read the whole thing, the statement is devastating for the democrats. it pretty much exonerates the president on the main impeachment charges. kurt had been involved in every aspect of the story. he has been described by trump critics as an honest broker.
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listen to his actual evidence on page three he says at no time was i aware of or took part in an effort to urge ukraine to investigate former vice president biden. from the extensive text messages i'm providing which convey real dialogue, vice president biden was never a topic of discussion. on page six, delaying a meeting, a delay that based on the text alone, the media is evidence of trump pressuring ukraine to investigate biden. he says but i believe the president long-held negative view toward ukraine was causing hesitation in actually scheduling the meeting. nothing to do with investigating biden. exactly as he's been saying. on page seven, he reports on a meeting he arranged as rudy giuliani, after they met they
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call me to it give me their impressions. both were positive. neither said anything about vice president biden. based just on the text, they have zeroed in on talk of the statement that the u.s. side one of the ukrainians to make. again, this is cited as pressure to investigate biden. it was generic i conveyed this to the ambassador who agreed. in his view the statement should include. [inaudible] there was no mention of vice president biden. there was a quid pro quo of military aid. here's what kurt said on page nine of his statement.
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the issue also came up during the same time, i did not perceive. finally on page ten what he was told about the phone call and people who were actually on the call. i received the general readout as well as. [inaudible] they all thought it was a good congratulatory call and president trump reiterated, the man at the center of this described by trump critics as an honest broker, six times he said he saw no evidence of effort to investigate him as a
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political rival or to link that to aid in a quid pro quo. the fact that no one, literally no one has reported this just shows you how committed the media are to their empty trump narrative. it is astonishing. these people are deliberately misleading you. they their contempt for trump has destroyed their professional judgment. in a week, when we saw the unemployment rate hit a 50 year low, we were reminded why americans chose donald trump. immigration brought under control. jobs increased. china confronted after decades of sellout and surrender. the democrat obsession is out of touch and decadent. people want substance not scandal. we will explain you the impeachment evidence for his long as this goes on.
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but for god sake can the democrats please just get a grip, and this fasten focus on helping americans have a better life. now please make sure you share this. it's detailed setting out of evidence far and wide. we will post it on the web. meanwhile in the real world the trump administration has ended catch and release. acting homeland security recently announced migrants caught crossing the border illegally will no longer be released into the country to await their court date. just thought you would like to know that. don't go away. (male announcer) it's time... to get in a tree,
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nock an arrow, and disappear. this is what you live for. it's your season. now save on the gear you need from brands you trust during great outdoor days at bass pro shops and cabela's. i can'twhat? ve it. that our new house is haunted by casper the friendly ghost? hey jill! hey kurt! movies? i'll get snacks! no, i can't believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on our car insurance with geico. i got snacks! ohhh, i got popcorn, i got caramel corn, i got kettle corn. am i chewing too loud? believe it! geico could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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welcome back everyone. let's see what our guests have to say. porter congressman matt gates and fox news contributor lisa booth.
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congressman you're on the judiciary committee which if done properly, that's where this would all be handled right now. >> there's so much here, you tell me what your take is. >> if you like the country has impeachment whiplash. it was just a few months ago these very same people were saying donald trump was a russian agent. he had to be removed for exercising article to power. now it's like ukraine straight to dvd bad sequel to the russia hoax that they're currently prosecuting. why are we here? i think it's truly that adam schiff, his allies in the fake news media and radical democrats are humiliated that after the russia hoax they did not have evidence. attorney general bar investigation was really getting heated. some of those origins may have bled into the ukraine. this is precisely what the attorney general said he was going to do. he's doing his job and i think back to chuck schumer's
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comment when he said you know what president trump there are six ways from sunday that the intelligence community can get you if you pick a fight with them. the president has outlasted, he's done it for the voters and we will not allow these corrupt democrats to overturn an election where we beat the elitist in both parties. >> well said. that's exactly what's going on here. you're very suspicious tammy of the way this is fizzling out. we see this in americans don't necessarily get all the details because the media doesn't explain it to them, you've given them like a perfect framework about exactly what's happening with your monologue. but when you look at when schiff was tweeting on the 28th and everybody was wondering, once we learned about the whistleblower i was like how could w he have known. now we know there's ordination. on that date is when the text between certain individuals started to change in tone. it's almost as though they wanted certain things in writing to occur, but mostly let me just say this about
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what the presidents facing right now, and for the american people, this is why he was elected, ironically is that the american people realize that something was afoot that wasn't good for us, that they were looking only to themselves, that only they mattered. there was no rule of law. there was no real justice and that we wanted someone to come in to fix that. it is almost inevitable that this would occur and that they would impeach him and it proves how corrupt we were in 2016 that the big deal here is for these kinds of conversations so that it gives us another opportunity to say wait a minute, this isn't even about policy. it's not even about you don't like somebody or you do. this is the kind of corruption, god help us, that has been operating for decades with no pushback and now is the time it must stop. donald trump is clearly the right man at the right time, but his team must be clear,
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making clear these issues about what he was doing, why this matters, why these individuals are going after him in this fashion. it's not just us as observers and critics but the presidents team must see this as an opportunity. it's a shame for the country but it's an important process of drawn trend draining the swamp. >> i think the actual crime that president trump committed was getting elected. if it's not the russia investigation or what we saw with brett kavanaugh and ukraine, the intent is to delegitimize him or harm his presidency and that's what we've seen from the left and the media. you ask yourself why the media and the left are uninterested in following any storyline regarding foreign interference unless they can weaponize it against president trump. for instance the new york times noted not too long ago that the dossier was likely russian information. if we have the federal government with the fbi using
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this information that was purchased by hillary clinton and the dnc to obtain a pfizer warrant on donald trump and his campaign team, you would think that would be something we would want to get to the bottom of with russian interference but they're not interested in that. further, in 2008 they noted that the head of the national anticorruption bureau releasing the damaging information for paul manna ford who broke the law and it resulted in the meddling of the election process of the united states in 2016 and damage to the national interest of ukraine. this is the ukrainian court statement talking about this. why are we talking about that. >> there's a list so long of things like that. we will get to this. >> when you have smaller those exact questions that lisa laid out he said not my purview. i was never asked to look into those things so it begs the question when we can get these
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facts before the american people. tammy made a fascinating point. they are done debating us on policy because the policies have worked to make lives better for the american people. the whole effort is to delegitimize and destroy people would champion the america first agenda and for folks who are in the lawmaking business, it's pretty darn frustrating that we can't get that. >> there's a point i just want to make about the lack of interest in the policies. especially on the media side, they have wonderful lives in washington, their incomes have stagnated for the past 30 years. they don't care about any of that. they don't care about the positive changes. >> this action is a reflection of their obsession with themselves that they only come of that that is the only thing that matters. >> we saw this country declined so seriously over the obama years and they were fine with that because their lives continue to be better, but
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even with the joe biden dynamic, i do think, that needs to be investigated but in a way it gets into the weeds, part of this is to exhaust the average american into retreat, particularly trump supporters. they clearly underestimated us as they've underestimated the president. i didn't start out as a trump supporter. he won me over like he won the country over. in general as we look at this, it really is an imperative as the worst thing we can imagine is the fact that this is, trump they keep saying he's with the mob and it's a mafia thing. of all organized crime, they just don't want you to look back. >> i was gonna say, another aspect of the statement that you had mentioned that i think it's important to reiterate president trump's concern about corruption when you said i want me to it do me a favor, the general prosecutor at the time was out there talking about how ukrainian officials meddled in the election and
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the reason they brought hunter biden on the board to garner favor with vice president biden. this is the general prosecutor. of course president trump's gonna see that and be concerned. >> and he has a lot more to be concerned about because right fact is, every insurance company hopes you drive safely. but allstate actually helps you drive safely... with drivewise. it lets you know when you go too fast... ...and brake too hard. with feedback to help you drive safer. giving you the power to actually lower your cost. unfortunately, it can't do anything about that. now that you know the truth... are you in good hands?
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tonight we bring you the full story of the corruption involving the bidens in ukraine. it is not about the firing of a prosecutor as everyone else been saying. it goes deeper and wider and includes two sitting senators, both of them democrats. the real scandal is tonight's swamp watch. there dependent on their energies. russia was once described as a gas station was nuclear weapons. for many years they have argued that we in america should boost our own energy production to make us and the world less dependent on gas from somewhat unsavory regimes. joe biden totally disagreed. here he was at a town hall
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recently. >> i've argued against any more oil drilling on federal land that we can end and to stop that. >> stop that. no more gas. really bad. it's funny that he made him his point person on ukraine. he pushed ukraine to boost natural gas production, even offering american tax dollars to help him do that. imagine where you'd be today if you were able to tell russia to keep your gas. it would be a very different world. >> indeed, and now i want you to pay close attention to the timeline i'm about to show you. in early 2014, someone called devon archer who is a longtime business partner of joe biden's son hunter joined the board of ukraine largest gas
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company. on april the 16th 2014, archer had a private meeting with vice president biden at the white house late into the night according to white house records. two days after their meeting, hunter biden joined the board to and three days after that on april 21 biden went to ukraine with the promise of over a billion dollars of u.s. taxpayer aid to the ukrainian gas industry. unbelievable coincidence. in case anybody thanks this is some crazy foxnews conspiracy. , let's just use the words of the washington post in a commendably pithy headline. as vice president biden said ukraine should increase gas production, then his son got a job with the ukrainian gas company. of all the companies in all the countries in the world biden son joined the board of the one company that would
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most benefit from his father's taxpayer cash in the one country where his dad was acting like some kind of imperial whose word was basically law. just a coincidence. there's no conflict of interest because. [inaudible] that's not what he said. in an interview with the new yorker, hunter biter said he did tell his father about his work and joe replied, i hope you know what you're doing. and then, look at this photo. joe biden, hunter biden and devon archer golfing together in august when he 14. to be clear, that is the president golfing with two board members of the largest gas company from ukraine as he was presiding over billions of dollars going to the gas industry. it's fine. just a nice family outing.
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they reportedly paid hunter biden over $50000. month despite having no experience in the ukraine energy sector or any energy sector. democrats are fine with that. >> the problem here was of course hunter biden receiving $50000. month from ukraine energy company. do you think that's evidence of corrupt behavior? >> no. people sit on boards and they get payments. >> sounds to me like swampy ted is perfect pairing for when he sits on board and gets monetary payment after he leaves congress and cashes in, but actually, 50 grand a month for hunter biden turned out to be great value. the company was founded by a shady person. by 2015 he found himself under investigation for abuse of power, embezzlement and other
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charges. he may even have face justice if it weren't for hunter biden's that saw he had the backing of the american vice president who is calling the shots in ukraine. incredibly, he got off scott free but hundred bidens connection still has more to offer. remember devon archer, bidens business partne partner, he had previously been the top fundraiser for john kerry who was secretary of state at this time. soon after devon archer joined the board and channel $90000 to a lobbying firm called ml strategies that was headed by david, john carries former chief of staff. he personally lobbied in washington on his behalf. that's handy because then secretary of state john kerry
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had visited ukraine with promises of u.s. aid and assistance. also handy, connections with democrat senators. around that time david gave close to $60000 to democrats including jean shane and ed markey so if 90 ground from hunter bidens gas company and then 60 grand from david to democrat members of congress. those bribes, i mean political contributions really did the business. senators markey and shaheen along with two others wrote to president obama in june 2014 that more u.s. aid be directed toward the ukraine industry saying we should leverage the full resources and expertise of the u.s. government to assist ukraine in increasing
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and reforming their energy market. and look at that, between 2014 and 2016b of the united states had $3 billion in tax dollars back to ukraine. now, can we just go back to that letter signed by ed markey, what's that line in there, increasing its domestic production, production of what, wind power, solar, burning household waste? no. they are talking about increasing gas production. ed markey was the senate sponsor of the green new deal. he wants to shut down american gas production, and yet he personally intervened with the obama administration for billions of dollars of taxpayer money to boost ukraine gas production. what possible explanation is there other than the bribe paid to senator markey by john carries former chief of staff who is a lobbyist for huntin
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hunter biden ukraine gas company. how is this not the scandal that everyone is talking about? i'll tell you how, when celebrities or big businesses get in hot water, they hire agencies known as crisis pr. today the establishment in washington had corruption pr. introducing, are you a politician whose taken bribes from foreign countries in exchange for policy favor let us take care of it with our unmatched expertise and denials and distraction. >> as president trump continues to rail against the evidence, baseless claims of corruption and we don't know whether the charges about joe biden and ukraine will make a more sympathetic figure or tarnish to the benefit of another candidate. >> there is no veracity to any of these allegations about the baggins. >> the media is doing corruption pr for the democrats. corruption pr.
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look, by all means, investigate president trump but for god sakes, washington, how can you possibly ignore the facts and the evidence pointing not just that joe and hunter biden, but senator ed markey and jean shaheen and john kerry, all of this corruption of the american cash for ukraine gas. swamp watch is watching and so are the american people. share this please, these facts need to be widely known. follow us. coming up, reaction from the congressman the good news? our protection lasts all day. the bad news? your patience might not. new depend® fit-flex underwear offers your best comfort and protection guaranteed. because, perfect or not, life's better when you're in it. be there with depend®.
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welcome back. let's talk about the corruption, the biden involvement with ukraine and what this says about the system, the swamp. >> you've connected the dots between foreign money,
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american bank accounts and politicians. my only critique is you acted as if this was something operational. the reality is, on both sides of the political aisle you have far too much of this activity where foreign money ends up going through some sort of pass through. when you look at bidens, they appear to be complicit in that activity. you reference in your new yorker article, that is the most detailed profile written about hunter biden and it describes him as a man wandering around looking for cracks. i hope he is able to solve this problem, i don't want to make light of it but it's hard for me to it believe this was some international man of mystery worth $50000 a month. i don't believe any american thanks he would have been being paid $50000 if he was not the son of the vice president and here's the question the media won't ask, can hunter biden go get his owold job back, if he becomes president will this be okay? and his family members go serve on the board of foreign corporations? that doesn't sound like america first it sounds like the biden bank account first. >> right the things that
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drives me crazy, the baseless accusations how they go on how there's no evidence of wrongdoing and they specifically say there's nothing illegal here. you know what, fine. yes it looks bad but there's nothing illegal. with trump it wasn't like oh because he didn't break any laws, it's not just about breaking laws. when it's biden it's a narrow definition. >> what christopher did in getting information is treated as opposition research. if giuliani tries to get information it's treated as some sort of treasonous thing that happens or anything dealing with joe biden is unsubstantiated. there is no basis to the allegation. with trump everything is treated as a matter of fact, even though there is no evidence that president trump withheld that aid from the ukraine. they still treated as a matter of fact. >> you had to be a complete
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moron to believe hunter biden got these deals on his own accord and it had nothing to do that his dad was the vice president just like you have to be a complete moron to believe the clinton foundation was not raking it in when hillary clinton was raking it in due to the connection of her secretary of state. then you see a 15% drop the year later. let's be honest. it's blatantly clear. >> this is not investigating arrival, this is corruption of our government. >> it's a standard that is really meant to hamstring the president because pretty much everyone is his political rival. the entire establishment, with everything they are participating in, if donald trump looks at them it's like oh but you're going after arrival and it's not fair. the fact is, it really sets that standard because the question then becomes if you run for office then nobody gets to ask you questions about your past? when did that happen.
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>> especially when you were the vice president. >> and it comes down to the use of the power of the office, and ironically that is what they are accusing the president of. a lot of people are learning about projection and the fact is, whatever their accusing the president of, they have implemented, and of all people we did not know how the trump administration would unfold. donald trump is probably the one guy in washington who is not doing any of that and yet there is this cacophony of accusation that is meant to distract you from the fact that he is likely the most direct, certainly the most transparent and the most honest that we have. >> all right, we have so much to get into. i'm very caught up about the media role here because by the way that's important. if this will be played out in the court of public opinion, how the media
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all right. we will talk about the media in just a second period we were just chatting about the corruption. you made a good point about a connection with the bill that's trying to clamp down
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this type of activity. >> i've joined my friend in this legislation to reform the process by which foreign actors attempt to interfere with our politics. even democrats like david sisley have proposed meaningful changes that we are trying to advance. the problem is we will be so distracted with the bandwidth that impeachment takes up we won't be able to pass the bipartisan reforms that could actually reduce the ability of foreign entities to affect our political processes. it's lunacy. the left contributes to this. they are hell-bent on this impeachment and we won't be able to pass things like this and get infrastructure done. >> you will never be on the board. [inaudible] we know that now and impact this kind of fixes, and
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involves money and lobbying and that money, as you have discussed is personal interest in not fixing the problems of this country to some degree that benefits the president. if you have a lot of these democrats who say working to fix healthcare, working to do this, were image deliver these promises and then they had into 2020, the number one merit narrative is going to be impeachment. how do they seek reelection from those voters if they haven't delivered on a single promise 18 was a bit of a blowout. the ones that one in the red state talked about healthcare in wages they are not delivering and it's up to the opposition campaign.
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>> there was a lot of women who put these candidates in because they said they were going to protect healthcare, protect american families and i think this mean-spirited impeachment could actually erode a lot of the. >> last time we saw something so mean-spirited was the kavanaugh hearing. that injured the democrats hopes to also take the senate. in fact they increase the reach there. >> the parallel of the electoral college. >> americans watch and if the legacy media thanks they are controlling what americans think because were robots and they will have another wake-up call. there also has to be information that addresses the questionable things that have been spun out of context. from the talk, he has historically given that to them and he needs to continue. >> were they going to impeach kavanaugh a few weeks ago. >> kamala harris. [inaudible] i also think from the way this
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is all being presented, putting adam schiff in charge is a dumb thing. he lied about previous knowledge about the report and you saw in his opening statement, he completely made up the interaction in the call with president zelinski as well. i think adam schiff is going to end up screwing us up the democrats. >> have one last thing i think the democrats intend. i think they understand the senate is not my goal with this, but as the impeachment occurs which it very well may, and it will be inherently unfair, then you will here for a year what an impeached president shouldn't be allowed to do. he shouldn't be allowed to nominate a supreme court justice and everybody who he does will then be under a cloud because he was nominated by an impeached president. it will be a dumb argument. as you can see we didn't talk about the media because there's a lot more interesting
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things to talk about. there's an absolutely unbelievable moment from chuck todd this morning. i really want to share with you. that's coming up. don't go away. (male announcer) it's time... to get in a tree, nock an arrow, and disappear. this is what you live for. it's your season. now save on the gear you need from brands you trust during great outdoor days at bass pro shops and cabela's. come on! let's hide in the attic. no. in the basement. why can't we just get in the running car? are you crazy? let's hide behind the chainsaws. smart. yeah. ok. if you're in a horror movie, you make poor decisions.
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welcome back everyone. i just had a fantastic comment that amy showed about chuck todd. it's a bit much for tv, i'm not can i go into it but meet the press this morning, it was just so revealing. he's lamenting the state of our public discourse and how people live in these different realities, and just look how he talks about it. watch this. >> we have two sets of reality. 40% of the country is only getting fed one reality. 60% are getting what i would argue is reality. >> okay so if you agree with him that's reality, if you don't agree with him. [inaudible] >> thank goodness every sunday
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morning we have chuck todd to define our reality for us. >> he doesn't even arise how patronizing and ridiculous. >> he had john brennan on the show, the man who tragically miscalculated the fact on the mueller report. >> i also think the media, the media president trum they hate president trump, they were so used to the republicans accepting the premise of the narrative. then the media echoes it and you have people like mitt romney say i have binders full of women. trump would say that's a dumb question, neck spread further when he's being accused of sexual misconduct, he brought bill cute kittens accusers out before the debate. they're not used to republicans fighting back and being on the offense. >> when it comes to the idea of creating reality, that is what legacy media has done forever. only since the internet and frankly fox news has presented
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this broader base of information. so that's the irony, you have the three networks really reporting what it is they wanted to have people believe and that's all you were able to do. you couldn't go check somewhere where you wrote a letter to the editor. there was no place to double check when someone was saying now we have that. that is what has burst this bubble. people who thought they were going to become walter cronkite, those days are over. the american people are in charge and were making up our own mind. >> that previous era thinking that it was neutral and objective, it wasn't. chuck todd is a good example. in my view, just watching the way he ask questions, he is as much a part of that as sean hannity. at least sean is honest about it. >> you don't have control of the narrative because president trump uses twitter to get his message out. they're so used to being able to control the narrative and now they can't and that's why they hate president trump. >> there you go.
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look, were out of time. so much to say, thank you all, thank you for watching. mark within is up next when the next revolution w televised. >> america, this is life, liberty and levin. we have a great guest, robert gray. how are you. >> i am good. thanks for having me. >> former federal prosecutor, seventh district of new york, you are in private practice now but you have a lot of litigation back then at the highest levels. >> i've tried a lot of cases. >> you're here to resolve the clinton matter, ultimately. >> yes. the important question about


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