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tv   Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo  FOX News  October 6, 2019 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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it's in st. petersburg, florida we'd love to see you. jedediah: lots of cool people going to be there. i will be there. though i might be delivering a baby. maria: good sunday morning everyone thanks for joining us i'm maria bartiromo. joining me exclusively straight ahead right here on "sunday morning futures" senate judiciary committee chairman lindsey graham on the democrats impeachment push, as the white house plans to send a letter to speaker pelosi tomorrow daring her to hold that vote on this matter. house intel and judiciary committee member john ratcliffe was here the congressman was in the room when he testified on friday but the controversy now is at the center of this impeachment inquiry and also the reaction to a word of a second whistleblower this morning, and he spoke to the intel community 's inspector general. plus, former trump campaign aid george papadopoulos is here, on the attorney general william barr's trip to italy amid the
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justice department's review of the origins of the russia probe. there is speculation that part of the trib concerned the man who mr. george papadopoulos says told him that russia had hillary clinton's e-mail as part often trapment. also, china expert jonathan ward is here on how beijing is eying the impeachment inquiry what impact it could have on the upcoming trade talk set to begin on october 10 all that and a lot more here right now on "sunday morning futures." and the white house is preparing to send a letter to nancy pelosi tomorrow morning, refusing to cooperate with the house impeachment inquiry, until the speaker holds a floor vote on the matter which is typical for any impeachment. here is president trump on friday. president trump: well we'll be issuing a letter, as everybody knows, we've been treated very unfairly, very different from anybody else, if you go over not
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only history, you go over any aspects of life, you'll see how unfarley we've been treated. everything to me is about corruption. we want to find out what happened with 2016 and as you know, there's a lot of work going on for that. i don't care about biden's campaign, but i do care about corruption. maria: this as pelosi defends her decision to launch the inquiry over a whistleblower complaint on the president's dealings with ukraine. >> some people say why are you doing this? he's not worth it. to divide the country, so he may not be, but our constitution is worth it. our democracy is worth it. [applause] maria: and breaking news this morning, the attorney for the first whistleblower is now confirming that his team represents what he's calling multiple whistleblowers, according to that attorney, at least one of them has firsthand knowledge of the president's july phone call with the president of ukraine. this as we wait to find out when
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the first whistleblower may testify behind closed doors. joining me right now is republican senator from south carolina lindsey graham the chairman of the senate judiciary committee. he also sits on the senate appropriations foreign relations and budget committees mr. chairman always a pleasure to eso you thanks for joining me >> thanks for having me. maria: so i've got to get your reaction to this week. it was an incredible week actually. the president is going to send that letter to nancy pelosi tomorrow. basically saying you need to hold a house floor vote for impeachment. what's your reaction to all that's taken place so far? >> well, nancy pelosi mentioned democracy in the constitution. one of the most democratic things you can do in a democracy is to have the elected representative vote on issues important to the country, so it's imperative that democrats vote to open up articles of impeachment inquiry, not just talk about it. don't hide behind nancy pelosi. it's very important that the house vote on whether or not we should go forward on impeachment
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that's the democratic way of doing business. it's the most consequential two weeks of the 2020 election. what happened in the last two weeks? joe biden who was leaking the campaign is just completely imploded. i think he's probably done. he's the biggest victim of the whistleblower complaint, because now, we know, that his son was receiving $50,000 a month from the ukraine gas company, while joe was in charge of the ukraine portfolio, and $1 billion plus from a subsidiary of a china bank based on qualifications so i think this is a nightmare for the biden campaign. bernie sanders has a heart attack, um, nancy pelosi is now trapped. she embarked on impeachment inquiry based on a transcript she hadn't read, and here is what i would like fox or somebody to do. go to every republican and ask the question do you believe the transcript itself is an impeach able offense? what the president said on the transcript is that is impeach able offense? i think history dick you had us to say that the president did
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something wrong based on the phone call, and i think everybody in the media should go to the democrat and ask them why aren't you voting to open up an impeachment inquiry? its been a hell of a couple of weeks and the biggest beneficiary quite frankly has been elizabeth warren and donald trump. maria: and so walk us through the timeline and sort of how this played out. hypothetically speaking let's say the house does vote to impeach president trump. where does the senate fit in and then what happens? will the senate then take it up, right? >> well there's two votes. you need a vote to open up an impeachment inquiry. in 1998 we voted to open up an impeachment inquiry against bill clinton, a month before the election with 31 democrats joining us, joining in. pelosi is opening up an inquiry by herself. every democratic member of the house needs to be on record. do you agree with nancy pelosi that the transcript is enough to impeach president trump? remember when pelosi said that
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the transcript will show a quid pro quo? it does not. there's nothing wrong with this phone call. it is okay for the president and others to look into corruption in the ukraine. three democratic senators wrote a letter to the ukraine government asking them to cooperate with mueller and if you don't you may lose your aid. it's also okay to look into whether or not there was corruption in the ukraine going the other way. there's a politico article january 2017, maria, that suggests that the dnc was receiving help from the ukraine. we need a special counsel to look at whether or not the dnc was working with people inside the ukraine, and somebody needs to look at the bidens and whether or not they violated the law outside of politics. maria: yeah is there any appetite for another special counsel here? we just came off of one with the mueller probe and you say that it is important to look at whether or not the dnc worked with ukraine against the u.s.. >> well let's look at it this
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way. everybody said mueller would be an independent guy, and i think he was and what happened? he cleared trump. there was no collusion between the trump campaign, and the russians and why do we know that because mueller spent two years and $25 million looking at it. has anybody looked at the dnc ukraine connection? no they have not and i love rudy guiliani. he's a good lawyer for the president. he's defending the president's interests, but the mueller investigation is over. it's not rudy's job to find out if the bidens did something wrong. i'd like somebody outside of politics to look at the bidens like mueller looked at the trump s. remember the trump tower deal with russia? that was looked at by mueller. somebody needs to look at the bidens regarding the ukraine and china. maria: maybe but that's not happening right now. in fact the presidents skeptics are only ramping up. the president just tweeted this morning, about or last night rather about this second whistleblower and he writes this . the first so-called secondhand information whistleblower got my phone conversation almost
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completely wrong, now word is they are going to bench him and another whistleblower is coming in from the deep state. also with secondhand, meet with shifty, keep them coming! what's your reaction to the idea that there could be another whistleblower out there and the lawyer says no, it's not one i'm receipting many whistleblowers? are these all whistleblowers about one phone call that he had with the president of ukraine do you think? >> i don't know but remember kavanaugh? remember kavanaugh that started with one complaint that wound up being unverifiable, a complaint against judge kavanaugh and a party that took place in high school 30 years ago, without any notice of where it happened and when it happened, and everybody described to be there said it didn't happen, and five more allegations came after that. what did we learn in kavanaugh? that they were coaching witnesses and they were piling on to try to create an impression that judge kavanaugh was a flawed human being. this is kavanaugh all over again
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the second whistleblower if there is one, are they within the intel community and what is it about the intel community and trump that is so off base here, and did schiff do with the whistleblower the first one what they did with kavanaugh witnesses coach them up? maria: well i think you make a lot of important points and i have to go back to one or two right now because first of all when you bring up brett kavanaugh, i actually had a similar thought last week when we learned that after adam schiff said he never spoken to the whistleblower, then we learned that no, actually that was not true that in fact the whistleblower contacted his committee first, and his staff or him did in fact meet, so why that? i mean was he coaching the whistleblower the way we learned later that the intel committee and adam schiff and the democrat s spent some 30 hours with christine ford before she made her accusations against
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brett kavanaugh. >> well you had a witness in denver that they spent 30 hours with. you had a lot of effort by kavanaugh, people who came forward against kavanaugh i think were coached by lawyers who were out to get trump. maria: so is it possible this whistleblower was coached is what i'm saying senator? >> i don't know. that's what i'm saying. you won't know until you ask schiff. schiff made himself a witness. if he did in fact interview the whistleblower before the complaint was filed then he becomes the witness and i want to know what was said originally the bottom line here is it does remind me a lot of kavanaugh. the media, she had another accusation that wound up being fixed, two were out and out lies people are being investigated for perjury and one lady said she went to parties on nine or 10 occasions for being drugged and raped by with kavanaugh there i would think one party would probably be enough for most people so this seems like a political setup and it reminds me of kavanaugh. maria: bottom line, you have subpoena power, chairman of judiciary. are you going to subpoena this
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whistleblower? >> well here is what's going to happen. if the whistleblower's allegations are turned into an impeachment article, it's imperative that the whistleblower be interviewed in public under oath and cross- examined. nobody in america goes to jail or has anything done to them without confronting their accuser so here is what i'm going to insist upon, but the whistleblower one or two, whatever, they come forward, under oath, inform so the public can judge her credibility. if that doesn't happen in the house i'll make sure it happens in the senate. maria: okay because that's one other thing being criticized about this whole process. they are doing this behind closed doors. we'll speak with john ratcliffe in a minute and he was in the room, but the american people don't know what happened, even though there's a lot of commentary about it how he completely shot down any issues that the president did something wrong, in that meeting on friday , so you will put a spotlight on it if you see that
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it is only being done behind closed doors you will subpoena the whistleblower then? >> yeah, i'll use nancy pelosi 's words. this is about the constitution democracy. the sixth amendment allows people to confront witnesses against him. there can be no valid inquiry, unless democrats vote, and once you vote, there can be no valid impeachment process unless the president can confront the witnesses against him, who are these people, where did they come from, are they tied to brennan at all? these are questions i'd like to know. maria: i've got to ask you that john brennan because he made comments this past week saying he's concerned about a non- investigation that william barr is conducting. we'll take a short break but when we come back senator you made a promise on this program a long time ago, six or eight months ago saying you're going to do a deep dive into what happened, the origins of the russia probe. i want to know where the subpoenas are at this point we'll take a break and when we talk about that when we come back and also common john
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ratcliffe is here along with george papadopoulos follow me on twitter at maria bartiromo at sunday futures and on instagram stay with us we're looking ahead right now on "sunday morning futures." i...decided to take the dna test. and i...was... shocked. i'm from cameroon, congo, and...the bantu people. new features. greater details. richer stories. get your dna kit today at colon cancer screening for people 50 and older at average risk. i took your advice and asked my doctor to order cologuard, that noninvasive colon cancer screening test. the delivery guy just dropped it off. our doctor says it uses advanced science. it's actually stool dna technology that finds 92 percent of colon cancers. no prep, and private.
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>> a remember william barr when he was testifying in front of congress, he said he didn't understand the freddie indication of the counter intelligence investigation launched into russia's interference in the 2016 election. i don't understand this worldwide effort to tray to uncover dirt, either real, or imagined, that would discredit that investigation in 2016 into the russian interference. given that barr is now accompanying on this teens it really makes me think that the hand of politics and of trump are now being used to massage, so i am concerned. maria: wow that was john brennan
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the former cia director we're back with the chairman of the senate judiciary committee south carolina senator lindsey graham. senator that was rich. your reaction to john brennan right there? >> okay, i remember very well when mueller was working with rosenstein he had to report back to the department of justice, but look at all things trump. so the investigation, mr. brennan, was around whether or not the fisa court was lied to by the department of justice and the fbi, was the dossier credible enough to get a warrant against the american citizens? has it been verified to this day once the counter intelligence investigation opened up against the trump campaign, legitimate or was it a way to get around the law to get into the trump world? now, horowitz, the inspector general, has been looking at this for months, and he'll report back to me, i'm not going to do anything until he comes before the committee. he will tell us his view of the fisa warrant application, and
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whether it was off the rails, the counter intelligence investigation, whether it was on up and up and what is bar doing, barr is being the attorney general trying to find out how the investigation against the trump campaign began, that is the job he's doing exactly what he should be doing, horowitz is looking inside the system to see if it got off the rails and my job is to make sure it never happens again. maria: i understand but we're going to be speaking coming up with george papadopoulos, in a few minutes, and i want to show you we've got this timeline that we're going to show on screen later but i will show a little of it to you, this is the entrapment timeline and all these international "diplomats" who reached o utility to george papadopoulos, people like someone from rome, and somebody else from australia, somebody else from ukraine, and so all of these internationals that have reached out to george papadopoulos en one year's timeframe from 2016-2017, which is why your question a moment
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ago, why is it always the intel agencies that are coming after trump, and is that something that the cia would put together, gathering all of these international diplomats to reach out to trump campaign people, which was the case in 2016? >> well stay tuned. that's what horowitz is going to tell us about and i'll build on what he tells us. the dossier if you believe foreign interference is wrong in our election then you should be upset by the fact that the democratic national committee hired a former british to investigate trump by getting dirt on him from russia, the steele dossier is a bunch of political garbage unverified to this day. why was it included in the intel assessment? did brennan have anything to do with that because it is selacious garbage. so we're going to find out about all of this, and barr should be going to italy and the uk and
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australia, trying to find out if their intelligence services were working with the cia or the fbi, to investigate the trump campaign. i'm glad he's doing that. he should be doing that. maria: so no wonder the president brings this up to the leaders of these countries to try to find out, you know, how this information started and given that it was the first two and a half years of his presidency that people were up in arms over collusion. very quickly, sir, my viewers are frustrated. they want some subpoenas. they want to see you do that deep dive into what took place, when can we expect your subpoena in people and who are you going to get to come down and testify? >> well i'm going to tell you i'll do it the way i think i need to do it. i'm not going to get ahead of horowitz. this man is independent of politics, is appointed by obama. he did a good job in the past. i'm going to look at his report and then i'll build-out on it and i'm not out to get anybody. i'm trying to find out what happened so i'm not going to issue subpoenas because people are frustrated. i'm going to call horowitz
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before the committee and he will tell us about the phase a warrant application and counter intelligence investigation and i'll go wherever the facts take us but i do want every republican to be asked, would you impeach the president, based on this transcript, the phone call between the president of the united states and the ukraine president, because if you would, i think that is just in credibly bad judgment. i want romney to be asked that. as to having china look into this, i think that's a bad idea. i don't trust anything coming out of china against biden, trump, me or you, so the bottom line is i want people to do this the right way. the right way is for horowitz to come forward, to my committee, under oath, and tell us what happened, and i promise you, i'll build-out on it appropriate ly. somebody needs to look at whether or not the dnc was involved with the ukraine. somebody needs to look into biden whether or not they violated the law. they sure as hell looked at the trumps somebody needs to look at the bidens and i want this to be done outside of politics and i
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want nancy pelosi to have the courage to vote on impeachment not just talk about it. maria: we'll be watching the new developments senator good to see you. >> good! maria: senator lindsey graham the former u.s. special en view to ukraine resigned after being named a whistleblower in the complaint, we'll have john ratcliffe when we come back. next up. (male announcer) it's time... to get in a tree, nock an arrow, and disappear. this is what you live for. it's your season. now save on the gear you need from brands you trust during great outdoor days at bass pro shops and cabela's.
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comcast business. beyond fast. maria: welcome back. house lawmakers heard closed door testimony on friday from two figures from the center of the ukraine controversy former special ukraine curt voelker testified on friday and intelligence community inspector general michael atkinson earlier in the week the government watchdog who deemed the first whistleblower complaint as credible. this is the attorney for the first whistleblower confirms he is now representing multiple whistleblowers.
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joining me right now is republican congressman from texas, john ratcliffe he sits on the house judiciary intelligence and homeland security committees a former federal prosecutor and he was in the room behind the closed doors on friday, with curt volker's testimony congressman good to see you thanks for joining us. >> good morning, maria. on friday, the testimony friday just for the record is clear was michael atkinson, and i was in the room in fact i led the questioning for the first 45 minutes for the republicans, that was thursday. maria: thank you for that i appreciate that. can you tell us about the testimony that you heard on friday, and tell us whatever you can, behind what happened behind closed doors, i'm looking at an article that says testimony from ukraine enjoy curt voelker directly contradicts the democratic impeachment narrative what can you tell us? >> so i would love to tell your viewers about everything about both of those interviews. the reason that i can't is
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because the person in charge of this investigation, adam schiff, has made the decision that he doesn't want those transcripts to be out there publicly. he made that decision because those transcripts aren't good for the democrats and for the narratives. what i can tell you is that i promise you that the inspector general's testimony on friday will shock you with respect to his investigation into the context between adam schiff and his staff and the intelligence committee and the whistleblower and when you see the transcript and you see what investigation was performed i think any fair person is going to agree with me that adam schiff is a material witness, his staff are material witnesses and the only way we can get good answers is to put them under oath about the type of contact, the extent of which they had with the whistleblower.
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bottom line is adam schiff is a material fact witness in the investigation. he shouldn't be running the investigation. maria: so do we know that he met with the whistleblower? initially he said we haven't spoken to the whistleblower, we want to speak to the whistleblower, but then we learned after that in fact his staff has met with him, and there are, there's speculation this morning that in fact adam schiff met with the whistleblower directly. can you confirm that? >> well, think about this maria the washington post of all newspapers had to give adam schiff four pinochios for when he said they had not had any direct contact with the whistleblower. that wasn't true so what i can tell you is that there was contact between the whistleblower and either adam schiff and his team on the intelligence committee and the details of that, we all, i think the president who is there, attempting remove from office on
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the basis of this impeachment deserves to know what type of contact there was between adam schiff and his team and this whistleblower and we shouldn't have to take adam schiff's words for it with a word smith press release or tweet. there's not much and we don't really need to look at that. he needs to be put under oath. he needs to answer the questions , and again, that is the reason that he should not be allowed to run the investigation where he and his team are central fact witnesses. maria: so let's go through that, because house republican minority leader kevin mccarthy responded pelosi's refusal to answer questions about more information about this impeachment, and he's sending a letter, he sent a letter to her last week basically saying you need to get adam schiff out of that leadership position, and you've talked to me about several reasons why you believe adam schiff cannot run this investigation. one of them is the fact that this is being done in the intel committee, as opposed to the judiciary committee.
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any impeachment process, the jurisdiction is judiciary, right >> in the 240-plus years of our history, those rare times where we have had impeachment process its always gone through the how judiciary committee because the how judiciary committee is a committee of jurisdiction over the constitution and over impeachment. it's not the intelligence committee. maria: so why do mem go to the intelligence then that adam schiff runs? >> well i think two reasons. one, i think nancy pelosi has so little confidence apparently in jerry nadler to run this the way that she wants it. the other reason is by moving it to the intelligence committee, she can accomplish what they did this week. adam schiff can say gosh, this all has to be done behind closed doors. unlike any other impeachment in our country which is public, he's conducting this behind closed doors being making up the rules as it goes, as he wants them, as it suits his purpose,
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and so you have a jurisdictional problem, a problem with transparency and worst of all the guy in charge of running the investigation is a central witness in the investigation something we don't allow anywhere in this country and never have. i mean, third world countries are shocked at the kangaroo court, banana republic make it up as you go impeachment inquiry that the democrats are running in this country. maria: which is why the wall street journal, this past week, did an op-ed in the journal, titling it what did the house intel committee chairman know, and when did he know it? because as i just spoke with lindsey graham about, if he did in fact meet this whistleblower and helped the whistleblower craft the complaint, the way we understand he did with christine ford, there will be a lot of pushback on this. congressman stay with us we want to take a short break. i've got to ask you where this is headed stay with us more with john ratcliffe coming up. (burke) at farmers insurance,
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maria: welcome back i'm back with republican congressman from texas, john ratcliffe, and congressman i want to go back to something you were just saying about adam schiff. you want him to recuse himself, step down from running this impeachment investigation, and said number one, it's because it's not in the right committee and the jurisdiction is in judiciary, not intel, and number two, you say they are being, it's being done behind closed doors in secret? >> right. unprecedented with respect to
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any impeachment process, and again, the extraordinary set of talking about removing a president from office and we're doing it in a way that's never been done before in a committee that's never been done before, with rules that are being made up as he decides them, we literally found out on friday, chairman schiff, what the rules were with respect to the interview of the inspector general, and he had just made up his mind that morning on what they were going to be. we should be following the established rules in how this is and again, the most important point though, maria, is that he is a fact witness. big picture on this. the democrats have decided that it's not impeachment by collusion. it's not impeachment by conspiracy it's not impeachment by obstruction of justice and it all fell apart the minute robert mueller said i never heard of fusion gps so they've decided its got to be this whistleblower and this call that the president has and now what are we finding out? that the person in charge of running this investigation lied
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to everyone about his contact with the whistleblower and help ed start the process. this is as unfair as you can possibly imagine. it's worse than the russia collusion hoax and adam schiff and anyone on his team that has contact with the whistleblower needs to be put under oath. maria: and we know that adam schiff for two years told us that there is direct evidence in plain sight of collusion, between donald trump and the russians, which of course was completely debunked. >> still waiting on that. maria: i'm going to speak with george papadopoulos in a few minutes and we've got this timeline that i wanted to ask you about. this is the timeline that we're calling entrapment timeline, where a number, i mean, several international "diplomats" reached out to george papadopoulos, some from australia, others from britain, others from the u.s. , italy, and i want to ask you about this one that he was invited to london by stephan halper, and he
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introduced him to his"assistant" and at that meeting in september of 2016 they had a conversation and of course now we know that that he was a spy and he was wearing a wire, that conversation was halper saying to george papadopoulos it's great that russia has these e-mails on hillary clinton, you must be happy, trump has to be happy and george papadopoulos answered and said this is told to me by george papadopoulos, he answers and says that's crazy i would never do something like that . that's treason and we know that that conversation was recorded. is that the transcript that you and trey gowdy and others have suggested is exculpatory evidence not given to the fisa court? >> well if there is a transcript i think everyone would agree based on what you just said if there is a transcript of what you just related that absolutely should have been provided to the fisa court and the good news is, we'll get a definitive answer from the inspector general when this report gets issued in the next week or two, about whether
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or not that was done. i'm just telling you, that i've staked my credibility on this that i think that the information that should have been turned over to the fisa court wasn't, and that the fisa process wasn't followed, and that when james comey and adam schiff and others say that the fisa abuse idea is a bunch of nonsense that they're wrong but we'll find out, plus the other point that you've been talking about maria and are going to talk about, i mean, why is it okay for the obama administration to send people to fbi agents to rome and to coordinate with australia and great britain about foreign interference in our election but when the trump adminitration and department of justice and bill barr go to the exact same places , to determine the exact same type of things, foreign interference in our election, it's all of a sudden political, and that we shouldn't be doing it and i'll tell you what i think the answer is because i think there are a lot of folks that are worried about finding out who really interfered more
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or tried to interfere more in the 2016 election. the russians or the obama administration. maria: yeah, do you think william barr would put adam schiff under oath? >> well someone needs to put adam schiff under oath. we can't remove a president in a whistleblower process where there are legitimate questions about the role that adam schiff and his team played in that and i'm promising you that when you read the inspector general' transcript from friday, you'll agree with me that those are questions that adam schiff and his team are going to have to answer and there's no reason, maria that transcript can't be released tomorrow and it should be. maria: we will leave it there congressman always a pleasure, thanks very much. you bet. thanks maria. maria: an important note that john ratcliffe just said that the inspector general report he's expecting we will get it within two weeks that is the fisa abuse report. it is now in the hands of william barr. we'll see if we get that report that will answer a lot of questions. we are awaiting a report from
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the inspector general on the origins of the russia investigation. he just said it'll be out in two weeks. we're also learning that attorney general william barr met with intelligence officials in italy this past week, to reportedly discuss one of the central figures of the russia investigation, and that is joseph mifsid, former trump campaign aid gop said he met with the professor in 2016 after he offered russian dirt about hillary clinton's e-mails joining me is the man himself, george papadopoulos the aid from the trump campaign, author of the book, deep state target and george always a pleasure to see you thanks for joining us. thanks for having me maria. maria: so george we've been looking at this time line that we put together based on our conversations with you, and based on the documents that we have. in one years time, you had all this outreach by israeli officials, you had diplomats from britain, from the u.s. , mi
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fsud obviously, claims that russia had the e-mails back in 2016 of hillary clinton. what were you thinking when all of these people were reaching out to you asking to do meet them at conferences? >> yeah, that's a really great point that you made. so essentially within 48 hours of joining the trump campaign, something that not even the washington post had reported at the time, i'm being invited to go to rome, with a woman who i used to work for in london who i later found out actually had a working relationship with robert mueller after 9/11, so that's very suspicious, and i'm invited to go to rome at this university where i'm introduced to joseph mifsud by none other than the former italian foreign minister so this happened very quickly, within 48 hours of joining the campaign before not even the american public knew i joined, so when i was being invited all of a sudden and wooed to all
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these cities and conferences, something wasn't adding up white frankly. maria: so, that first meeting when arminder invited you to go to rome and introduced you to joseph mifsud, let's just point out that when you first joined or were considering leaving your other job, you went and you got an out reach from somebody on linkedin to come work for the london center of international law practice, and arminder worked there and then you found out that she was actually a close associate or friend with bruce ohr who worked in the department of justice is that right? >> that's what our reports have subsequently explained about her it was something of course i had no idea about in march or april of 2016. maria: okay so wow, so she's working at the london center of international law practice, and she tells you she's friends with bruce ohr, of the doj.
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she sends you to rome to meet with mifsud. mifsud tells you that russia has hillary clinton's e-mails. george we want to talk more about this because there is more to come with this ig report out in two weeks stay with us take a short break and come right back. i'm your cat. ever since you brought me home, that day. i've been plotting to destroy you. sizing you up... calculating your every move. you think this is love? this is a billion years of tiger dna just ready to pounce. and if you have the wrong home insurance coverage, you could be coughing up the cash for this. so get allstate and be better protected from mayhem, like me-ow.
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maria: i'm back with former trump campaign aid george papadopoulos and george we've been showing this timeline of all of these internationalists who reached out to you between 2016 and 201r the trump campaign. i think it's really interesting that just this week you learned new information that the former prime minister of italy is threatening to sue you. this is ex-italian prime minister threatening to sue george papadopoulos. what do you think this is all about, george? >> well, i think obviously somebody's connecting dots and these dots are directly leading to rome, and rome might actually be the epicenter of this entire
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conspiracy, even more so than london which i initially thought look, attorney general barr was recently in italy along with john durham obviously looking into joseph mifsud's extensive connections to both the italian government documents, and italian intelligence services and they will probably be looking into this university link campus, and who was the prime minister while all of this was going on? now all of a sudden, they had some sort of meltdown a couple days ago, he's threatening to sue me, and he went on a rant about the president, so clearly he's feeling the heat. maria: and it feels like the cia among the agencies questioned as a result of gathering all of these people together which really makes it look like this incredible network of diplomats across the world working with the cia or the fbi. we'll see, we're getting the inspector general report in the next two weeks. let me ask you about that
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$10,000, also as part of this network of international to reaching out to you. one of them gave you $10,000, tell me about that and where is that money today? >> so there is a lot of discussion with the fbi during my first interview about the israelis and my connections and what i was up to and the energy business over there, which was all legal. and then all of a sudden as optimistic cooperating with the fbi this individual who describes himself as an israeli american businessman wants to talk to me about the energy business, in theory and i go to israel with him and all of a sudden, he's dropping $10,000 in cash in my hand, and with something i had no idea of really what he wanted it for so i give it to my lawyers after i leave israel, i thought there was something very suspicious about it and as i'm flying to back to the united states, i'm basically, you know, grabbed by
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seven fbi agents looking for money, so clearly when i was detained i thought it was about this money. i thought it was a setup, and i'm hopefully this money is going to be looked into very soon, because i think it might lead to directly to the treasury maria: wow so you think those bills are marked, the bills are still with your lawyer, and so you never accepted the $10,000, you gave it to the lawyer and that's where the money is right now? >> yes, that's absolutely right maria: george good to have you on the program thanks so much. an extraordinary story george papadopoulos. >> thank you. maria: thank you so much we'll see you soon george. meanwhile china, how is it eying this impeachment inquiry, here at home, the meeting of between the chinese and u.s. officials october 10, we're going to talk with jonathan ward an expert on china next.
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maria: welcome back president trump asking china to investigate former vice president joe biden and his son, over their business dealings in china, after hunter biden received $1.5 billion from the chinese government. how is beijing eying all of these developments amid the ukraine controversy and impeachment inquiry joining me is jonathan ward the founder of the atlas organization, author of the book china's vision of victory and jonathan good to have you thanks for joining us. thank you. maria: what do we have like a week and a half before the important trade meeting happening between the u.s. and chinese officials on october 10, how do you think china is viewing all that's gone on this past week, in the u.s. about impeachment around this president? >> sure, i think there's no question that beijing likes to see the united states struggling internally, i think it's incredibly critical that we maintain bipartisan unity on the china issue and there is a bipartisan awakening happening in the u.s. government, on china , as a problem and from both sides of the aisle people are getting the picture and we just have to stay focused on what this really means. this is the biggest challenge for our country in this century, for pretty much everybody alive today in the global arena.
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i think we just have to make sure that we're still looking at it that way. maria: this is a very serious situation. china is what you're referring to this week of course chinese are celebrating 70 years of communist rules and they don't with military parades massive, weaponry, one missile has arranged to reach the united states, anywhere in the u.s. another missile with range to reach the south china sea. what do you think this symbolize >> right so on one hand the military parade unveiled a whole bunch of new missile technology that was the 41 is a technology that can hit the continental u.s.. key thing is to understand how beijing really thinks about america. i wanted to read a brief passage from china's vision of victory. this is not my words but their words and this is in 2013 well before the trade war before donald trump. here is what they say. because the midwestern states of the united states are sparsely populated in order to improve the killing effect the nuclear killing of u.s. soft targets
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should concentrate on major cities on the west coast, such as seattle, los angeles, san francisco, and san diego. maria: oh, my god. >> the 31 a, this is an earlier version, is launched over the north pole it can easily destroy a series of large cities on the east coast and in new england such as ann ash or, philadelphia , new york, boston, portland, baltimore and norfolk. maria: oh, my god and that is one of the weapons that they were highlighting on the military parade. real quick as all of this is going on you've got protesters in the street for the 18th weekend in a row this weekend, is that putting pressure on xi-jinping because we had jimmy lion the program, and he said look ever since xi-jinping was put into place and dictator for life, hong kong changed. >> right. maria: these are live pictures in hong kong right now. >> i mean, i think these young people in hong kong are really the bravest people in the world right now. they are standing on the frontlines of rising
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totalitarian dictatorship that has global ambitions to surpass the united states ultimately defeat us in the process that they see of becoming the dominant super power. maria: really important points jonathan thanks so much have a great sunday everybody. i'll see you tomorrow on fox business. ..
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>> rudy giuliani, the president's personal lawyer is here for an interview on his role in the ukraine drama and allegations against the bidens as donald trump is ratcheting up his rhetoric against what he calls a coup, accusing critics of committing spies, lashing out at the press. >> i don't even use fake anymore. i call the fake news corrupt news because fake isn't tough enough, corrupt media in this country and it is the enemy of the people. i tell you what, he should be forced to resign from congress, adam schiff, he is a lowlife, he ld


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