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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  October 4, 2019 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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>> greg: you can't rig that game. >> jesse: you have to grab something. >> juan: that's like our facebook question if you have a few minutes... >> jesse: we'll see you back here on monday. have a great weekend, everybody. >> bret: the trump administration ignores a document deadline from democrats and will now demand and impeachment inquiry vote before working with congress. inspector general testifies on capitol hill about the whistle-blower behind closed doors. immigration and abortion had lined a new supreme court document. we will have a preview of the term. this is "special report. good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. president trump defends his call in foreign countries to investigate the bidens saying it has to do with corruption go without politics. utah senator and frequent trump
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critic mitt romney because the president's appeal to china and ukraine to investigate into biden "wrong and appalling." the trip administration drafting a letter to house speaker nancy pelosi demanding a vote on impeachment before there's any cooperation from the white house. sheep white house course by the john roberts has all the elements of impeachment news on the north lawn. >> we appear to be heading into who will blink first scenario, congress demanding documents from the white house. the white house saying they have to follow established protocol if you want them. the white house is expected monday to send a letter to house speaker nancy pelosi effectively daring her to call a vote in the full house to authorize a formal impeachment inquiry. >> we will be issuing a letter. as everybody knows we been treated unfairly. >> in nixon and clinton impeachment hearings, the full
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house voted. last tuesday, house speaker nancy pelosi simply called a news conference. >> i'm announcing the house of representatives moving forward with the official impeachment inquiry. >> the white house is worked with congress regarding subpoenas, but with the presidency potentially on the line, the white house says it will comply with subpoenas regarding impeachment without a full house vote. >> we have no right. the way they are doing it, they've taken away our right. >> in response to kevin mccarthy yesterday, pelosi dismissed the need for a full vote saying there is no requirement under the constitution, under house rules, or house precedent that the whole house vote before proceeding with impeachment inquiry. three house committees, intelligence, foreign affairs, and oversight come up a lengthy document request to vice president mike pence. among the things they ask for, a transcript of president trump's
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first phone call with president zelensky. at the u.n. last week, the president said... >> you can have any time you need it. >> they want good occasions regarding the withholding and relations of former >> we want to find out what happened in the with 2016. >> president trump also denied today he's seeking political dirt on joe biden from foreign countries, most recently saying china should also investigate biden and his son. >> no, no. let me tell you. i'm only interested in corruption. i don't care about politics. i don't care about biden's politics. i never thought biden was going to win. >> the president found vindication in text messages revealed between the ambassador to the e.u. gordon sondland and ambassador to ukraine bill taylor, said that the president
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has been crystal clear, no quid pro quo of any kind. but ads i suggest we stop the back and forth by text. >> there was no quid pro quo. that's the whole ball game. >> the new prosecutor general said today he will commit an audit of all the investigations into burisma holdings, the ukrainian national gas company that hunter biden was on the board of. but the audit falls short of the criminal investigation president trump was looking for. bret baier bret? >> bret: john, thank you. behind closed doors, lawmakers wrapped up their hearing with the intelligence communities' inspector general. michael atkinson arrived at the capital before 10:00 a.m. and faced questions from both democrats and republicans over the whistle-blower report. chief correspondent catherine herridge has that story from the hill. >> according to sources, the closed-door session with wall
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the democrat led house intelligence committee before the mid-august complaint was filed. the sources said atkinson revealed the whistle-blower was a registered democrat with a prior working relationship with a high-profile democratic politician. and i can send said he knowledge how a shift in tweets and statements mirrored the substance of the whistle-blower complaint before it was declassified and made public. >> we have not made contact with the whistle-blower. we'd like to. >> chairman schiff should be disqualified from running investigation where his committee, members or staff, are fact witnesses about contact with whistle-blower and whistle-blower process. >> but democrats say their colleagues are missing the big picture. figure this whistle-blower >> this whistle-blower is profoundly important thing by
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alerting the intelligence community and intelligence committee about what is a criminal act. >> the repaired marks with thursday's session with kurt volker shows he drew a distinct and between rudy giuliani's investigation and u.s. government policy stating, "mayor giuliani continues to have a negative view of ukraine based on assertions of acting as that in 2016 and this viewpoint is likely making its way to the president. i clear that mayor giuliani does not speak for the u.s. government." text messages indicate the discussion over the president's july 25th phone call reached a fevered pitch in september. on the first, are we now saying that security assistance and white house meetings are conditioned on investigations? call me. a time ago, atkinson left the house committee about seven that a half hours behind closed doors. fox news reached out to schiff's office of the whistle-blower's legal team and there was no
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immediate comment. bret? >> bret: thank you. impeachment is a political process and that means potential tough votes for members of the house of representatives in the swing districts. especially those members. corresponding kristin fisher looks at the democrats sweating the calls for yeas andend. >> resident trump says it's time for and impeachment inquiry phone call. the president is trying to force all house democrats, but especially the 31 in district he was back in 26 team, to go on the record if they favor pursuing impeachment. 22 are already for it, including antonio delgado. >> took some time to get to a point where i felt uncomfortable comfortable
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coming out. >> answered questions from constituents about why he now supports the impeachment inquir inquiry. >> i would like you to identify the exact crime that you think he committed. >> it is a crime to solicit anything of value from a foreign national when the seeking office or for any sort of electoral purposes. >> another vulnerable new york congress bid is well aware of the political danger he's in. >> talked to andy political expert and they'll say what i'm doing right now is not a politically astute thing. >> congressman mack rose wrote an op-ed against impeachment saying we are in danger of losing the trust of the american people if we choose partisan warfare over the lives of hardworking families, but the congressman said he had a change of heart.
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>> that cannot distract us from the fact of the incredible gravity and seriousness of these credible allegations. >> what democrat still undecided is south carolina congressman joe cunningham. tomorrow, the national republican congressional committee is asking its constituents who are upset about impeachment to pressure him and rally, just a taste what's in store for the swing district democrats as the impeachment heats up, bret. >> bret: thank you. president trump's reaction to the impeachment inquiry is to attack some of his favorite targets. the media, democrats. in this case of the democratic chairman of the house intelligence committee, at least 1 million via an outlet has that criticism. howard kurtz looks at the coverage. >> i don't even use fake anymore, i called a fake news corrupt news because fake isn't tough enough. >> as president trump strengthens his impeachment defense, he's been upping his
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rhetoric against >> he's a lowlife. he should be forced to resign. you know who's playing into the hoax? people like you. >> some pundits are portraying the president as angry and unhinged. >> we are witnessing a presidential meltdown. >> pushing accusations against everyone. >> others say his passionate >> they should investigate the bidens. >> the media in wall-to-wall scandal mode after the president publicly urged ukraine and china to investigate joe biden and his son, u.s. diplomats pressing a promise for a probe as zelensky seeking a trump meeting. sharp contrast in the coverage. many branded mike pompeo a liar after he dodged a question about trump's call with from paynes
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dallek ukraine leader dallek ukraine leader. >> none of which i've seen. >> but later admitted he was on the call. yet it drew little attention when congressman adam schiff lied to msnbc about his staff's earlier contact with a whistle-blower. "the washington post" gave them four pinocchio. >> he expressed regret not having been more clear in his wording. >> schiff called sam stein and tweeted if you care more about this stuff than the actual substance of the whistle-blower complaint, then you are being a hack. the president in a rare move praised the paper who broke the schiff story. >> i get a lot of respect to "the new york times" putting it out. >> the news cycle seems to be on hyper-speed, completing potential attacks. but these subplots are making the drama harder to follow which could damage the democrats' desire for a clear-cut narrative. >> bret: you can catch
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fox news' media buzz sunday 11:00 a.m. eastern. advisor to the president and daughter ivanka trump spoke with fox business about the impeachment inquiry over her father paid she did not offer any direct or specific response but said the attempts will not get in the way of what's importe white house. fighting for the american people. >> everything -- we have our priorities in the white house, we are fighting every day for the american worker. we are fighting everyday to improve the quality of life for every single person in this country and we are delivering. in that fight and on that promise. >> bret: you can see the entire interview tonight on trish reagan's prime time on fbm. employers added 136,000 jobs in september. while that was short on expectations, the jobs report on the unemployment rate fell to a 53 year low to 3.5%. the markets love that those numbers today. the dow jumped 373, the s&p 500
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gained 41, the nasdaq finished ahead 110. for the week, the dow lost nearly 80%. the s&p 500 dropped a third, the nasdaq gained half a percent. for more on all the job numbers, economic worries, let's bring in susan li, fox business network in new york. good evening, susan. >> the jobs number was less than expected, stock markets loved the report because it still showed growth in the economy but not strong enough to cancel any further interest rate cuts this year. wall street still predicting a more than 75% chance of another rate cut in two weeks' time with less than 50% now expecting one in december. >> not everyone fully shares economic opportunities and the economy faces some risks overall, the economy is as i like to say in a good place. our job is to keep it there as long as possible. >> at health care to add
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ambulance as well as transport and warehousing. retail sale shaded 11,000 jobs. earlier this week, the manufacturing sector was at its weakest as the financial crisis triggered a market sell-off, but a different story was stop orders, apple ought to report it might be selling more iphones that it expected which is a positive sign for selling, google's parent alphabet, going up in session. main drivers of the u.s. economy continues to be the strong consumer and the holiday shopping season is expected to be better this year with the national retail federation predicting spending to go up around 4%. tariffs will not spoil christmas, saying their effect on the holiday spending either directly or through consumer confidence remains to be seen. meantime u.s. trade talks are next week.
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>> i want to do a trade deal with china but only if it's good for our country and it could happen. >> will take place on thursday and friday in d.c. any positive or negative developments usually move the stock market, so a lot of attention will be paid from investors around the world. bret? >> bret: susan, thank you. that death toll continues to rise as iraqi security forces class with protesters. box 13 in tampa were in florida will been arrested after her parents found nearly two dozen pipe bombs in her bedroom. 27-year-old michelle cults had to 23 knives and dozens of books and dvds about mass killings, bomb making, and domestic terrorism. told police she wanted to hurt people but offered no specific target. a temporarily halted state band of the sale of flavored
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e-cigarette one day before the prohibition was due to take effect. the state board in albany expected to hear the case brought by a very big industry trade group in two weeks. this is a live look to our affiliate, a judge ruling the special prosecutor will remain in charge of examining the dismissal of charges against jesse small he donated $1,000 to kim vaux's successful run as part of his law firm's process of donating prosecutors running for office. it does not amount to a conflicts of interest. a live look from outside the beltway from the "special report." we will be right back. this is what you live for.
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>> bret: iraqi security forces fired on hundreds of antigovernment protesters in baghdad, killing at least 17. correspondent trade unions has the latest from our middle east newsroom.
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>> gun shots ring out in baghdad as security forces fire into a crowd of antigovernment forces. demonstrations erupted in iraq for the fourth day as citizens aired grievances with the country's failing economy and often corrupt government. >> we are calling for our right. what have you done for us? we have elected you into power for a day like this. you have pushed us backwards. >> in an effort to extinguish the new protest movement, the iranian backed government in baghdad has imposed a curfew and cut most internet services. at least 40 civilians have been killed this week and hundreds more injured. as the dead were buried, emotions ran high. a rock like many middle eastern countries have seen firsthand how angry populations can read to widespread change. the iraqi government will meet to meet the demands.
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abdul of the money is calling for >> we have not created unemployment and we have not destroyed the infrastructure. we have inherited and found large accumulations in every sector. >> there are serious global implications of these protests. with pockets of ices fighters reemerging and iranian backed militias operating in iraq, this could have consequences. >> bret: thank you. up next, a look at what's on the docket for the u.s. supreme court ahead of the new term starting monday. first, beyond our borders tonight. thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of hong kong as the city's leader announced an emergency ban on masks. says the semianonymous territory is not in a state of emergency and will go to legislature to
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get backing for the rule. boris johnson may be back in office to lead the european union on october 31st if there is no deal. according to documents read aloud in the scottish court, johnson will seek a delay by mid-october if the two sides are unable to come together as is required by a law passed by parliament. johnson has yet to confirm that plan publicly. in paris, an american artist unveiled a sculpture commemorating the victims of terror attacks that rocked france in 2015 and 2016. victims 'families attended the inauguration ceremony of the bouquet of tulips. jeff koons, the artist behind the sculpture called the flowers a symbol that life moves forward. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. we'll be right back. the longest lasting aa battery in the world. [confetti cannon popping] energizer. backed by science.
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some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. >> bret: the supreme court begins a new term on monday and the docket is but with hot button issues including lgbtq rights in the workplace, immigration, executive power, and abortion regulations. let's get some analysis from chief fox news legal correspondent and host of "fox news @ night" shannon brea shannon bream. >> this is what the announced dates come over they'll hear some point in the term. deals with the louisiana state law that
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the opponents of the move in the supreme court already struck down a very similar law in texas and they warn that this is a thinly veiled attempt to give the justices a chance to take steps towards chipping away at roe v. wade. planned parenthood warning, this case could decide the future of abortion access in this country. pro-life group say they are hopeful because the court has shifted with president trump's two nominees that have been confirmed since the earlier texas case has been decided. alliance defending freedom said, quote, louisiana's that ensure the maximum amount of that would be june 2020 and, bret, that's right in the middle of the present initial election. >> bret: is also packed, it's filled with hot issues. >> one of the most-watched cases of the term is coming up. justices are going to be able to
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hear if federal workplace laws but if it extends to gender identity and sexual orientation. also dac a finally gets to the high court in november, barring the deportation brought to the u.s. illegally as children. the trump administration has attempted to add this program but those efforts have been tied up in the courts. we'll finally get a decision. the courts are going to hear the first major second women's case it's had in nearly a decade. gun-control activists are worried how the additions of the new judges cavanagh and gore wrapped up and he was sworn in to his seats on the high court. shows 54% of americans approves of the judge the justices are doing, that coming after a term after the usual number of
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controversial cases. that's going to be much different in that respect. >> bret: we'll see you at 11. breaking tonight, the house oversight, centered on president trump, pressing ukraine for political help. we'll have more with the panel coming up. another breaking tonight's story, bernie sanders, the campaign says the vermont senator and democratic potential candidate suffered a heart attack this week, leading to his hospitalization for two and a half days. sanders as you see was released this afternoon and is heading home to vermont. correspondent peter doocy is in las vegas with the latest. good evening, peter. >> good evening, bret. the physician treated senator sanders was diagnosed
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with a mild cardio infarction which is a medical term according to harvard medical school for a heart attack, which means this episode was more serious than previously known. after three nights in the hospital, bernie sanders has been discharged. sanders leads all democrats in the one critical management, campaign cash. he raised more than elizabeth warren, pete buttigieg, and joe biden. this afternoon, biden campaigned in california. >> i worry what he's been going on about me and my family. i worry about what he'll do it in his next year of the presidency as this scene continues to watch on his >> the former vp does not see his son as a liability. asked by the reno gazette, well hunter campaign with you, biden said yes. ask when we'll see him, i don't know, he's in the west coast.
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he'll be teaching law school next year. >> there was no indication of a conflict of interest. >> biden warned donors that a nominee too far to the left may not beat trump, saying, "you do not need some radical, radical socialist kind of answer to any of this." was that a shot at elizabeth warren who attracted thousands in san diego last night? >> i do not view that as a shot at me. look, i believe that capitalism with the rules work. >> biden may not be calling her out by name, but trump is. >> she's a socialist and maybe worse than that. >> there is a democrat who calls himself a socialist, it sanders who plans to keep on campaignin campaigning. >> we are very happy. >> we also learned just a few minutes ago that sanders initially sought treatment this week for chest pains at a different facility and had to be transferred here to desert springs hospital, about two and
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a half miles off the vegas strip where about 40 minutes ago he walked out on his own into the front seat of a waiting suburban for a long trip back to burlington. bret? >> bret: peter doocy come alive in las vegas. thanks. microsoft says hacker is linked to the iranian government targeted a u.s. president shall campaign as well as government officials and journalists, declined citing privacy concerns. the attack concerned during a 30 day period during august and september. four accounts were compromised, none related to u.s. campaigns or officials. president trump says because reporting investigations are about corruptions, not politics. democrats push the impeachment inquiry, any subpoena lands at the white house. the panel reacts next. ...and drizzled with sweet amber honey.
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>> we feel we are on very solid ground as we move forward. >> we will i don't care about biden's campaign, but i do care about corruption. >> i am running for president for three reasons, to restore the soul of this country, bring back some decency and honor to the white house. >> bret: well, the impeachment is still kind of in full blast. in fact, moments ago the house moved to subpoena, a letter to the white house requesting documents on this whole issue. the president in the meantime is focusing on how there how the whistle-blower was handled and the talked about. listen to adam schiff. >> we have not spoken directly to the whistle-blower. we would like to. but i'm sure listen to the concerns that he has not been advised as a log required by the inspector general or the director of national intelligence to how he's to communicate with congress.
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the whistle-blower is retaliation. >> i heard adam schiff got four pinocchios. that's good. he should've gotten that four and a half years ago. >> bret: "washington post" delivering the pinocchios, nothing wrong with dodging the question. clearly made a statement that was false. he says he was answering the wrong question but if that's the case he should've correct the record. goes on that, pretty scathing. let's bring in our panel. guy benson, political editor at and host of the guy benson show. mollie hemingway okay, thoughts on this day, this week, this moment. it changes every few? >> it's been a very long month this past week. and i am very much were ready for the weekend and i expect the president might be too, on the twitter machine, on the
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golf course. there are some very serious questions that the white house needs to answer. i think that this argument that the process around how they whistle-blower complaint was filed and how it came to be, interesting, relevant, not the main story. the main story is what the president did, what the president said, and why he did and said those things. i think it's smart, frankly, from the white house perspective in terms of how to fight back on this to make schiff front and center. i do not think he is a credible person. i think he has honesty problems as we saw with the four pinocchios award he got from "the washington post" on this. he is a lightning rod. and i think to focus on a lot of the response onto him is wise. >> bret: the president seemed to change his strategy a bit talking to reporters directly saying china and ukraine should investigate because of corruption, he insisted not politics. mitt romney tweeted out when the
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only american citizen president trump singled out for china's investigation is his political opponent in the midst of a democratic nomination process, strains credulity to suggest it's anything other than politically motivated. by all appearances, the president's brazen and a president appeal is wrong and appalling. thoughts? >> i'm going to disagree with the guy a little bit on what the manager is because it relates to all of this. there has been an effort to get rid of donald trump going back many years been the first effort failed whether it's going at the electoral college or the russia hoax which went on a long time and attempt to get him out by being upset, falsely being accused of as a traitor, he was obstructing justice. it's in the midst of this seeing how the kavanaugh fiasco played out. the people are not willing to believe what they are told is some huge problem, particularly when it's running in the exact
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same style as these other things were rotten. i think the problem for democrats is people are not really buying what they are selling about being a problem. they know enough about what happened in 2017, foreign agencies were meddling in our own election in the idea you can't investigate that without them getting in trouble again, that doesn't sit well with a lot of people. >> bret: my point is first there's the talk of the whistle-blower, the stories, the white house put out the transcript. it was right there, the transcript. they were questions about the transcript, whether it was edited or something. the president came out and talk to reporters and essentially said china and ukraine should investigate the bidens. >> not just this week, he's been saying this going back months and saying it publicly which is why people are having a hard time buying that what he was doing was somehow the various because he's been saying it clearly and it's pleasantly, he wants to get to the bottom of some of these things. i do not think people are buying it. >> i appreciate mollie's
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perspective. i agree that the american public is exhausted from these issues, they are tired talking about impeachment, russia gate, all these factors. i think when you read that transcript you look at what kurt volker put into the public domain yesterday with the very clear exchange where the president seems to be wanting to get a deal, zelensky wanted a deal to get a meeting in the white house and related to a national security issue, which is whether you provide this aid to ukraine or not. i think this goes back and we'll remember being on a stage with tom cotton at the convention of the republican convention asking him about the rumors i was hearing at the time about trying to interfere in the republican platform over aid to ukraine. this ukraine thing has been around a lot, and it matters how you see it in black and white with president doing it, it's not something you can walk away with it doesn't mean there aren't nefarious players trying to do it.
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i do think it's in -- >> we need to be accurate about what happened. what kurt volker did testify and what happened is he completely undermined the impeachment claims being put forward. he explicitly talked about what the strategy was and said there was no quid pro quo and that was not an issue the administration was dealing with. people are trying to redefine what he said as if he said something -- >> no, i think her volker was putting out the trust and integrity of joe biden. i think you are right -- he did say that. i know he said that. but he also said, as you said, the quid pro quo that many people were assuming was not there -- but i think that's kurt vogel's assumption. when you look at other pieces of the puzzle, people who are fair and judicious can make different opinion. >> the white house has been transparent. mollie, your point is taken. there has been a boy who cried
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wolf problem for many of the president's critics, but we can look at each instant individually and the polling has shifted on this. a lot of people are taking this more seriously. >> i don't even buy of that. we can't even get in the impeachment vote in the house if it were so popular i imagine we already have voted. >> bret: what about that process and that attack by the white house saying we aren't going to cooperate. >> it's hard to take it seriously when they are taking it seriously. you said it's a good idea to put schiff in front? she put schiff in front and he has a history of not telling the truth, falsely claiming he has evidence of collusion with russia, and falsely claiming, describing what's happening with ukraine. he's had so many problems it's hard to take it serious. >> bret: this is not ending anytime soon. >> no, we are going to see civil war right up to the election. >> bret: political.
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>> we've got real problems out there. the economy may be doing well but you look at the numbers, 3.5% unemployment. almost no space for it. we are going to talk about it, but people having problems with it and it's a tragedy in a way that this has to happen, it'll be a brutal and nasty fight and people are exhausted and there are other real problems in the country that we need to be dealing with. >> bret: friday lightning round, state of the economy, candidate casino, yes, we are going there. and the winners and losers.
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>> bret: 's in spite all of this, the white house celebrated today because just mentioned, u.s. jobs report, the u.s. economy adding 136,000 jobs, slower than predicted but the market loved it because an employment rate fell 3.5%, lowest in 15 years. gdp growth is down, but unemployment rates is also significant way down. most importantly, average hourly earnings up, quickly on the economy we've got a lot to get to here. >> people are coming back in the workforce which is a really good number there. so record low and a prominent 50 years as you say including a new low for his pending employment, a tied low for african-americans
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unemployment. there have been red flags in the economy that the media has really focused on, but fundamentally it's strong and we saw under the today about good projected holiday spending among consumers, so this economy is still one of the strongest assets the president has going into next year. >> republicans want to talk about it but they want to talk about impeachment too much. we are going to take a trip to candidate casino. is it there? is it still there? sometimes the candidate casino doesn't start right away, but we are there. mollie, you were denied a trip to the casino last time. >> i'm excited. >> bret: 45 >> $45 on warren but she seems to be doing well. i've got numbers on the theory that none of the potential nominees can do what it takes to beat trump.
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$10 for harris and global char >> this is your first time. would like to see an i.d. first. >> is 18 the age? i believe this is a two-person race. i put ten bucks on the field. i'm not saying everyone else is done, but i think elizabeth warren is now in pole position literally nationally in a few key states and joe biden, he is still in there. he could totally be the nominee. he is weak, he is not a good candidate. >> bret: fund-raising numbers, he's trailing too. he's slumping. welcome to the casino. i think you were denied too. >> donald trump preempted me. i'm pretty much where my colleague is, i've got $55 and elizabeth warren. she is showing some real strength, coming in a way i hadn't expected it. joe biden is slipping and looking weaker. but i'd really like andrew yang.
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he's got that guaranteed basic income, so i'm going to give them credit. $10 on the wheel. >> bret: here we go, winners and losers. guy, win their first and then lose there. >> my winner is 11 year old layla anderson, band of fan of the st. louis blues. she was part of that stanley cup run, gave her own standley championship ring, moved her to cheers, moved me to tears. her grace, her poise, or positivity throughout this ordeal has been spectacular. >> bret: loser? >> loser is kamala harris. a poll has her fourth place in her home state of california. she's dropping down to stunts which is grinning. >> my winner is brandon jean
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my loser is more aspirational than in reality, the atlanta braves. they are currently right now , i want them to lose. last night, the cardinals pulled it off in a nail-biter. >> volodymyr zelensky, he's a comedian. he is getting lot of air time. >> bret: loser? >> adam schiff. i'm surprised despite what we heard from mollie and i understand where she comes from, adam schiff cannot play this game unless he's holier -- really holier-than-thou because of the role he's trying to play. made a major mistake and how he described his interactions with the whistle-blower. >> bret: panel, thank you. this week's notable quotables. it's a big one. the unbeatable strength of advil.
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>> bret: it's friday. it's hard to believe. finally. notable quotables. >> i don't want you to go to jail. i want the best for you. can i give her a hug, please? >> we've got to start eating babies. we don't have enough time. >> nancy pelosi emma sheehan out subpoenas like they are cookies. you want a subpoena? here, take a cookie. >> are you talking to me? >> i'm not going anywhere. biden and his son are stone cold crooked. >> we have to beat him like a drum. >> china should start an investigation into the bidens. i want a moat with alligator
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never said it, never thought of it. >> bret: one week, that's it for this special report. fair, balanced, unafraid. make it a great weekend. take some time off. here's martha. >> martha: good advice. great to see you tonight. breaking just moments ago, we just received word that senator bernie sanders, candidate for the nominee for democratic party has been released from a nevada hospital, they did confirm that candidate sanders did suffer a heart attack, and that's what led to his admission to a nevada hospital. they put two stints into senator sanders and he's doing well according to all reports and has been released but conforming down the confirming what sentiment there is a heart attack, developments on that this evening.