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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  October 2, 2019 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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and the american dream, we are important for and why is the market down, tune in tomorrow morning 6:00 a.m. >> greg: i'm sure it will be great. >> is that why the elevators -- >> greg: specia "special report" with bret baier is up next. hey, bret. >> bret: good evening, i'm bret baier and tonight a question from impeachment drama decades past. what did house intelligence committee chairman adam schiff know about the infamous whistle-blower report that is fueling today's impeachment inquiry and when did he know it? we learn today schiff was tipped off days before it was filed. president trump charges that schiff may have helped write it. also president trump ramping up attacks on ship saying he may have committed treason. however democrats in congress threatening subpoenas for the presidents team and the president is blaming impeachment peers with a huge temple in the
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stock market today. he is also complaining congress is wasting time and energy what he considers and we will abbreviate, b.s. fox news coverage, robert at the white house. an attack and a shift, democrats, the media and chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge and the revelation about adam schiff, the whistle-blower and the timing of it all. >> confirmation that whistle-blower and the democrat controlled house committee, reading questions about the motivation and potential political bias. >> in a statement to fox news democratic chairman adam schiff spokesman confirmed "the whistle-blower contacted the committee for guidance on how to report possible wrongdoing within the jurisdiction of the intelligence community." the questions on timing and the whistle-blower contact occurred days or weeks before the complaint was declassified. adding "at no point did the community -- committee receive a complaint in advance."
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he doesn't know identity of whistle-blower and not met with or spoken with the whistle-blower or council. a previously scheduled news conference, the president got the story as it broke and unloaded on the democratic chairman. >> i give a lot of respect for the new york time to put it out. it happened as i walked up, he handed it to make him a big story. he knew long before. it is a scam. >> earlier in the day before the schiff whistle-blower was known, the democratic house committee and house speaker nancy pelosi said the president's own words are proof of wrongdoing. they again pointed to the transcript of the call for the ukrainian leader where mr. trump asked zielinski to alleged corruption with joe biden and his son. >> the constitution to do what he did and he admitted to me, no, it's not perfect, it is wrong. democrats with more ukraine records and the schiff expects blocks.
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>> we will have to decide whether to litigate or how to litigate. we are not fooling around here though. >> behind closed doors and secure facility, pete met the staffers offering what was characterized as an urgent briefing on ukraine. one democrat curious documents. >> simply meant to advance the conspiracy theory that mueller is finding. and in the election was speechless. >> and the administration's former envoy to ukraine, he resigned after the whistle-blower complaint, a transcribed interview with house investigators. republicans accused democrats of searching for a crime. >> trying to impeach literally the day he was elected. they know the transcript to tie the knot. >> fox news asked whistle-blower's legal team if multiple and they told us the client officially filed concerns
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in august adding "there was no contact between legal team in congress until nearly a month after whistle-blower complaint to the intelligence committee inspector general, brett. >> bret: catherine, thank you president trump unleashed furious attacks on house intelligence committee today and had tough words for others as well. it was heated at times. chief white house correspondent john roberts has that part of the story as well. john. >> good evening to you president trump's frustration with ongoing impeachment inquiry boiling over and lashing out all directions, special attention given to that revelation that the house intelligence committee chairman adam schiff had advance knowledge the whistle-blower complaint was coming. >> president trump learned of the whistle-blower meeting with schiff staff member before walking to the podium with the president today. >> the fact that that happened, schiff learned what the whistle-blower new prior. >> i think it is a scandal he
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knew before. i would go a step further and i think he helped write it. >> there is nothing to suggest adam schiff helped write the complaint, number of times the president went off on him today, also ripping schiff for embellish statement at the joe maguire hearing. >> i will say this only seven times so listen to it. i want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand, lots of it. >> he made up my conversation, he actually made it up. it should be criminal, treasonous and he should be forced to resign from congress, he has a low life. >> but the president will cooperate with subpoenas, house intelligence, foreign affairs and oversight committee is preparing to send to the white house. >> i always cooperate. this is a hoax. the news conference with the president, president trump getting testy when pressed by jeff what it was he wanted ukrainian president to do about joe and hunter biden. >> biden and his son are stone
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cold crooked. don't be rude. >> and biden punching back today. >> he is the issue. nobody ever asserted i did anything wrong. rudy hootie? >> traveling in italy today secretary of state mike pompeo acknowledges he was listening in on the call with belinsky. but criticism of pompeo for the deposition from five current and former state department staffers. >> if they will prevent witnesses from coming forward to testify on the allegations and the whistle-blower complaint, that will create an adverse inference that those allegations are, in fact, correct. >> in the oval office, president trump firing back at schiff for knocking pompeo. >> this guy was negative on pompeo. there is an expression, he couldn't care his blank strap. he has turned up the rhetoric
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against the whistle-blower or whoever gave him or her the information freely using the word spy entries end. >> do you consider anybody that opposes you a treasonous? believe it or not i will watch my words carefully. there are those that think i am a stable genius. president trump rebuild legal action against unnamed individuals in connection with the 2016 russia investigation. and he also turned up the rhetoric against media outlets he doesn't like. the president once complained about fake news. he is going all the way to lashing what he calls the corrupt media. bret. >> bret: john, it really since the beginning of his time in office, he said he's been under attack. some rightfully charges that he has been by the media and others, but have you seen him this agitated, worked up in a while? >> you know, not for a long, long time. there were a couple of flashes
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and bangs but that with jeff and reuters, really he is a solid reporter and a nice guy and very polite. that is something i've never seen before. we only played a small section of that. it got much more heated after that, but i do have to say, i've never seen the president that agitated as he was today. >> bret: the pushback continues for the white house, john thank you. the world organization says can impose tariffs on $7.5 billion worth of goods from the european union as retaliation for illegal subsidy to european plane maker airbus. that is a record war from the wto. the trump administration says it will impose the tariffs. the wto is expected to rule next year how much the e.u. can impose tariffs with a separate decision that went against u.s. manufacturer come up. bowen. losing 94 points, the s&p 500 up
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by 53, the nasdaq plunged 123 but let's get perspective on this bad day for stocks. susan lee joins us outside of the new york stock exchange tonight, good evening, susan. >> high hi, bret, the worst start to the fourth quarter since 2008, and more signs of slowing u.s. growth. today private payrolls coming in better than expected for the month, but still less than last year's manufacturing numbers that we got yesterday which were the worst for the financial crisis. and wall street is coming to the realization that the u.s. economy is slowing down. >> i just think that people are taking some risk off of the table. taking some profits and stocks with big gains of the year. and being a little bit more defensive for the beginning of the fourth quarter. >> the major drugs on the market today were the apple, boeing, visa, delta low lowering the selling guide and less than
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anticipated but let's keep things in perspective we are looking at the best recorders for the s&p since 1997. the best of the dow jones in six years and the best of the nasdaq in two years. despite the strong stock market so far this year, we have 72% of wall street anticipating another industry cut this month. and up 50% just a week ago. but if it does happen, it is a move that will likely be welcomed by the white house, bret. >> bret: susan lee, thanks. president trump tweeting about what he calls do-nothing democrats focused on impeachment alone. tonight, we look at the effort to remove the president will overshadow anything else congress might try to do this fall. >> house speaker nancy pelosi say democrats impeaching the president and work with him on policy all at once. >> like they have nothing to do with each other. >> but president trump doesn't think there will be in a deals
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as long as congress consumed with impeachment. >> 99% of nancy pelosi's time is spent in this. she should worry about lowering price of drugs. >> small steps taken towards the bipartisan deal to reduce the cost of prescription drugs for all americans. on tuesday, one of pelosi's aids and other democratic staffers talked about it with senior white house officials appear at the top domestic policy advisor to the president even called ita cordial and productive working session, but with issues as big as the i word in a room full of reporters, everything else is secondary. >> anybody in this room, do they care about the cost of prescription drugs? other priorities for republicans and democrats infant structure. the u.s. trade agreement, trying to find common ground with the president. >> she should worry about infrastructure. she should worry about the dash she's not doing anything.
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>> and then there is the issue that democrats that would be their top focus. as soon as they got back from august break. >> gun safety legislation. >> the last time speaker pelosi talked about it was during a phone call with the president of ukraine. just hours later, pelosi announced the formal impeachment inquiry. a move the white house press secretary said destroyed any chances of the progress for the people of this country. >> we are not going away until we get legislation signed into law that protects our children. >> as both sides armor of 2020, president trump is testing a line he will likely repeat on the trail. >> they are the do-nothing democrats. they don't do any work. >> republicans and democrats have to work together to keep the government open. funding runs out november 21st. if the president and congress are willing to let the government partially shut down for 35 days and relatively normal times can imagine what
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could happen in the middle of impeachment and queries. bret. >> bret: kristen thank you democratic presidential candidate bernie sanders tweeting he feels good after her procedure for a blocked artery. correspondent peter doocy on the latest on sanders from las vegas. >> something bernie sanders almost never does that campaign events, sit down. so there were signs that something was not right last night. >> get me a chair for a moment. it's been a long day. that chair works. >> sanders experienced chest discomfort at grassroots fund-raiser and the route 91 harvest festival. so we went to the hospital where senior advisor said "he was found to have a blockage in one artery and two stints successfully inserted. that means six weeks after the 78-year-old swinging for the fences at field of dreams, the campaign was canceling all scheduled events and appearances
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until further notice. and they are postponing $1.3 million of tv time to err an ad that started running yesterday. >> bernie sanders biting tool weight -- raise wages for american workers. >> the last few days look normal for sanders a rally monday. >> if it is not trump we will beat mike pence. >> a weekend visit from vermont, alexandria ocasio-cortez tweeted sending lots of love and solidarity to bernie sanders as he wrests and recovers. a lot of people don't understand how hard grassroots campaigning is for canada at alike. rest up, friend, we are with you and so is primary competitors of the presidential gun safety form which sanders had to skip. >> i called, i text and i will send best wishes. >> that is one tough guy. sandra's tweeted this afternoon thanks for all the well wishes. i'm feeling good. none of us know when a medical emergency might affect us and no one should be or going bankrupt
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if it occurs. medicare for all. he's already dealt with stitches with a shower door and lingering lost voice but bernie sanders always seems to pride himself o. >> i understand you took the weekend off from campaigning. one day, that's not the whole weekend. >> sanders keeps an ambitious schedule which means he had to cancel seven events just tomorrow and friday. it's like jane made the trip out to be by his side today. as best as we can tell, none of the rivals who reached out actually got in to see him before leaving town. bret. he won peter doocy from las vegas, peter, thank you. president trump denying a report he spoke about taking unusual measures to help secure the southern border. they include electrifying the wall, putting spikes on top of the wall, and building a mode which is with friendly and occupants. and we take a look tonight.
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>> it was corrupt reporting, okay? i don't even use fake anymore. i called the big news grub news because fake isn't tough enough. "the new york times" reports last, a president trump lashed out over the border wall. you are making me look like an idiot. mr. trump wanted border secured by water-filled trench stocked with snakes or alligators. he wanted the wall electrified with spikes on top to pierce human flesh. if migrants do rocks, they should be shot in the legs to slow them down. the president today denied saying any of it. >> never said it, never thought of it. >> hours earlier hogan gidley said there have been so many wild, inaccurate and fake news characterizations, but he sidestepped the story when it was accurate. the times claims the administration officials, mike pompeo, stephen miller, mick mulvaney and son-in-law jared kushner all witnessed the alleged rant.
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but the story only quotes one official and he was not there former acting ice director tom homan. he told fox news today the times position about what prompted the firing of kirstjen nielsen to make it look like confirmation of the story's premise. >> what i saw in "the new york times," my quote and the response to a different question is unfair, untrue, inaccurate, and it is disgraceful. >> fox news has independently confirmed a source on the room the president "shoot them in the legs." the president did mention 400 miles of border fencing is under construction. that is in california home at six native species of rattlesnakes, but no alligators. at least yet, bret. >> bret: okay, doug thank you. up next hong kong residents protest against the police with a point laying shooting of a teenage demonstration. ou that
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liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. and now we need to get back to work. [ applause and band playing ] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ you have power over pain, so the whole world looks different. the unbeatable strength of advil. what pain?
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♪ >> the jury that convicted a white former dallas police officer of murder and a fatal shooting of her black neighbor has sentenced her to ten years in prison. amber guyger said that the killing was an accident and she could have been sentenced to life in prison. california's democratic secretary of state said he will appeal a federal judge's ruling.
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temporarily blocking a law enforcing president trump to release his personal income tax returns. the law would punish noncompliance by keeping the president off the primary ballot in california. the judge says the law likely violates the constitution. overseas now, hong kong residents held up a poster saying "don't shoot our kids." during a shooting of a teenage demonstration. the latest escalation in a month long complement between chinese supporting government and pro-democracy forces. senior foreign affairs, greg palkot reports from hong kong. >> more anger in hong kong and thousands turning out in one neighborhood of the mothers taking to the street and across the city. all upset about the shooting tuesday by a police officer at point-blank range of an 18-year-old protester. he is now in stable condition. the play say it was self-defense against an unruly crowd. >> we really felt like his life was at threatened and he had to
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open fire to subdue the rioters are. >> more protest earlier. and central hong kong. underscoring the depth of anger in pro-democracy move and the strong red red from the leaderless campaign. >> we weren't sure the new government, every single opportunity. this means war. >> so others question how long the beijing backlog authorities will allow this unrest to continue? officials say nearly 300 people arrested in tuesday's questions. there are new calls for curfews in emergency measures. and the activists say the government increasing bands on rallies of fueling the violence. >> people feel that they do not have safety to walk on. and they have to delay their actions. hong kong park, the protest, young people reflected on recent events.
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and sounding older than their years. >> i think hong kong is even more determined to achieve the goal. if we still continue to fight, we still have a chance. >> activists acknowledges the protesters can't defeat beijing on their own. they hold out hope the international community, especially the united states in congress will support them with new legislation. not an easy fight, bret. >> bret: greg palkot early thursday morning, greg, thanks. let them air pollutant has not exactly sweating over speculation his country may try again to interfere in u.s. elections next year. here is what he had to say today. >> here is a russia has robert mueller alleged, attempting to influence the 2020 elections of the united states. >> strict confidence, yes, we are definitely going to do it to make you finally laughed properly. don't tell anybody, okay?
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>> bret: putin has denied past allegations of election interference. up next, a member of palestinian heritage said black people should only be allowed to operate an important tool for law enforcement. we will explain and tell you why. but first beyond the borders, great britain with european union a new brexit deal. the plan represents a compromise for both sides. british prime minister using -- to hold rapid negotiations towards a solution after years of wrangling. friends of slain journalist khashoggi met towards the consulate and in sampled turkey on the first anniversary of his death at the hands of saudi agents. his remains have never been found. saudi arabia said it is prosecuting 11 people for the killing. crown prince mohammed denies ordering the murder. and corruption charges against israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu underweight in his role. the attorney general recommended charging benjamin netanyahu with bribery, fraud and breach of
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trust. in three separate cases. benjamin netanyahu denied calling the charges orchestrated witch hunt. he is in the process of trying to form a new government to stay on as prime minister. beyond the borders tonight, we will be right back. there's the amped-up, over-tuned, feeding-frenzy-of sheet-metal-kind. and then there's performance that just leaves you feeling better as a result. that's the kind lincoln's about. ♪ come on! let's hide in the attic. no. in the basement. why can't we just get in the running car? are you crazy? let's hide behind the chainsaws. smart. yeah. ok.
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if you're in a horror movie, you make poor decisions. it's what you do. this was a good idea. shhhh. i'm being quiet. you're breathing on me! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. let's go to the cemetery!
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if ylittle thingsate tcan be a big deal., that's why there's otezla. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. >> >> bret: breaking tonight, and california democratic donor has been indicted for two
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overdose deaths at his home and providing methamphetamines to three more men. a grand jury and -- returned the indictment by a prosecutor say he preyed on vulnerable men and pressure them to inject with drugs as part of a ritual. a democratic lawmaker from michigan said black people should only be able to run facial recognition software because nonblacks think they all look alike. that comment from rashida tlaib came from her to her by the police chief who is black. senior correspondent mike tobin has details tonight. >> we almost need to be african-american. getting on the technology, the real-time -- real-time crime centered rashida tlaib told james craig the problem with the technology is that white peoplek blacks all look like. >> i see -- i have seen it from
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the house for people calling elijah cummings john lewis and they are totally two different people. >> but he shot back and the staff and trained professionals. >> people are trained regardless of race and regardless of gender. >> the invitation for the tour a twitter jab from august and the congresswoman displayed that she had already made up her mind. you should probably rethink this whole facial recognition bowl. chief craig is concerned about misidentification and the rights of the accused. he's also concerned about the victims and their families. he admitted the technology is not perfect. >> studies have shown the software that exist today more than likely will miss identify persons of color. we understand that, and we don't take that lightly. >> that is why his analyst go through rigorous training, he said. and rashida tlaib said the analyst need to be divided on racial lines. >> why are people not qualified --
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>> no, i think there are studies out there that it's hard for african-americans can identify african-americans, latino. >> as it is being used, racial -- facial recognition is not used to convict someone but measures the distance between your eyes or cheekbones. it does not create a direct match like a fingerprint but a statistical likelihood that a guy or police are looking for walks in front of a camera at a known location, bret. >> bret: mike tobin in chicago things. a police officer in north virginia on suspension for turning over suspected illegal immigrant. two federal authorities. correspondent garrett tenney has from fairfax, virginia, good evening, garrett. >> brent, the fairfax police say violated policy by alerting eyes to a man who was wanted for missing his deportation hearing. this all came to light after a car accident a couple of weeks ago when a driver did not have a
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license. the officer ran a check of the demanding of information department of motor vehicles and showed ice had a warrant out for his arrest. so the officer alerted ice and detained the man until they arrived and took him into custody. now that officer is suspended and his chief said the incident "damages our reputation and a long-standing policy that are officer shall not act as immigration agents." the local police union today with a statement of inflammatory and demoralizing and federal officials are firing back at the county sanctuary policy with ken cuccinelli the acting director of immigration services calling it "pathetic" and suggesting despite the department policy of harboring illegal aliens. >> bret: these are officers who have sworn to uphold the constitution. and now they are being put into position whether -- where they do that or they can potentially lose their job. it's only good for signaling local politicians.
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>> i think it is commendable that the police is out there saying, hey, this is our community. we want to keep you safe and we want to do the right thing. you have been suspended for taking an action beyond the scope of your job. >> the officer involved has been relieved of his duties until an internal investigation is complete, bret. >> bret: garrett tenney and fairfax, thank you, more from the panel. house intelligence committee adam schiff probably help the ukraine whistle-blower right his complaint. schiff denies that but we will get the action on the panel when we come back. >> accident, grover? (grover) cause an accident? maybe... (bert) how do you know all this stuff? (burke) just comes with experience. (all muppets) yup.
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♪ we are farmers. ♪ bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum
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this is a hoax. just a continuation of what's been playing out. they have been trying to impeach me from the day i got elected. and this is the easiest one of all because this one is based on one conversation. >> it is unworthy of the constitution to do what he did in that call. >> bret: today, we are being told the white house is willing to step up and push back on the process starting tomorrow. a number of different fronts. in part because of the story about adam schiff. the committee chairman. this is what he said before the whistle-blower complaint came out. >> the director of national intelligence said the unprecedented decision to not share the complaint with congress and i want to think inspector general with his actions to come to the committee. we might not have even known there was a whistle-blower complaint. >> bret: he did know though. official word from the spokes
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linen, the whistle-blower contacted committee for guidance and how to report possible wrongdoing in the jurisdiction of intelligence community. consistent with the long-standing procedure, committee staff advised the whistle-blower to contact inspector general to seek legal counsel. at no point did the committee review or receive a complaint in advance. that is the statement from schiff 'staff. obviously, this is raising eyebrows in washington. tom, cofounder and president, tm bevan, susan ferrechio and charles lane of "the washington post." susan, when this head, the president jumped on it right away. and he was asked about it and said, he probably helped write the complaint and that is denied by schiff but it does reach questions of outreach. >> and probably sharing concerns for quite a while that schiff had notice about the whistle-blower. and they were belief that he orchestrated or worked with the whistle-blower to write this complaint to have it look a certain way.
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now the intelligence committee democrats saying that is not the case and they followed protocol. they sent him to a lawyer, but this does have the feel of something that may be we should know about in advance and republicans have been worried for quite a while. >> bret: you just played one interview but there were numerous adam schiff interviews ad we not known about this had it not been for the ig. no, you sent him to the ig. >> there was another interview he gave where he was asked point-blank, have you had contact with the whistle-blower? we have not had contact, we come in playing he and his staff. that turns out not to be true. look, this is a gift to trump and everybody racing to frame a narrative this is a gift to donald trump in the sense that he can now muddy the waters and say, look this was a set up. this is a fraud, this is a hoax. as this impeachment racing on the tracks, it is very valuable for trump to be able to muddy the waters with this.
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>> bret: they were are are two things that adam schiff gave the president. one, the made-up statement of the call which he read in the congressional testimony which the president has denied again and again and then this story. >> there are two falls i would say. they do emphasize the fact that when you have something moving this fast, people are going to commit to their pitfalls. but i agree with the president muddied waters but the problem with muddied waters, the president however this whistle-blower, whether a set up or not, the president himself to read the transcript that supports the underlying accusation here, which is that he might have been up to no good in terms of steering, you know, conditioning aid to ukraine on doing him a favor. >> obviously the administration and the president says that was not the case. and he points to ukrainians president's comments. >> in all of this the strongest ammunition against the president whether you buy it or not has
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been supplied by the president himself in the form of the transcript. >> bret: here is nancy pelosi with a formal impeachment inquiry vote. >> have you taken off the table, or do you plan for a full house vote on impeachment? there is no requirement to be a floor vote. that is not anything excluded. and by the way, some republicans are very nervous about bringing that vote to the floor. >> bret: well, that is interesting. there are moderate democrats nervous about that vote as well. without that vote, susan comay prevents ranking members on the committee to issue subpoenas on their own. it also prevents minority from arguing the case on the house floor before that vote. and if you look at the formal impeachment queries before, richard nixon, the vote was 410-4, bill clinton 258-176 to launch the formal impeachment inquiry. so she's not unprecedented right now what she's doing. >> no, not at all.
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i think you are right about that, it does shut out the minority. they can bring it has articles of impeachment and proceed without special rules set in place. for bill clinton, there were four hearings. the minority didn't get much. they can ask for subpoenas, but they don't have the power like the majority does do just issue them. they have to get agreement from the majority. that is a little bit of a stretch. they did get the white house counsel to come on behalf of clinton so that good health, part of the impeachment inquiry. they got one of the dash but what this does is give the speaker maximum flexibility to decide how she wants to proceed. this could go nowhere. it is a formal inquiry, people expecting to come back on the floor at some point. although it looks like this is barreling towards a boat, an article of impeachment, this gives her maximum control which i know she really wants. >> bret: when i said the white house is pushing back, we hear there is formal pushback about the process, lack of a vote, lack of adam schiff stuff,
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it will come formally. >> it gives speaker pelosi maximum flexibility, but what it also does is impart to the public it's not a serious inquiry. she's not willing to take a step to make a serious inquiry. that implies it's mostly political. if democrats go down this road and all they have is this transcript has chuck mentioned, by the way the republican side and trump supporter see nothing wrong with what happened in the transcript, if that is all they've got and they were jammed this through and try to get it done by thanksgiving i think is what they are saying, that coull mistake. >> bret: on the flip side, republicans are obviously trying ranks here, but they've got concerns of their own. the president, speaking out, pushing back, angrily today, because he feels like he's been under attack for his entire presidency. >> well, it is interesting that they are finally starting to according to your reporting, organize real impeachment
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defense, which is what other presidents have done with lawyers and organize communication strategy and not the president just kind of raging and embarrassing the president of finland at this press conference. and, you know, this talking point about the house vote is one of their stronger points. because it is an exception to the past practice and so forth. but so far, i don't think that has affected what tom is saying to the public perception of those. i think the democrat, adam schiff was not kidding. the democrats are worried that this will sort of spiral on and on. they want to do something crisp and quick. that would certainly be in their political interest. >> bret: the longer it goes on and the more that is added, the more confusing it gets. >> and i think really what is going to matter here is less of a procedural all the agree with everything they are saying. once they bring up articles, this is where the rubber meets the road. here is the article vote, let's
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have it. what will matter is where these poll numbers are on the president's behavior. do people feel like he should be impeached for this? do people feel like he acted in the wrong way? that will dictate what happens on the floor of the house. >> bret: okay, next up the president on immigration, not impeachment, another lette lettm word. restay with us. uce landfill was. that's why bp is partnering with a california company: uce landfill was. fulcrum bioenergy. to turn garbage into jet fuel. because we can't let any good ideas go to waste. at bp, we see possibilities everywhere. to help the world keep advancing.
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♪ >> we shall not participate in the civil process of ice. >> bret: these are officer sworn to uphold the constitution but now they are being put in a position where the dash where they do that or potentially lose their job. so a terrible position from a terrible poor morale, terrible for public safety and only good for the virtual of politicians. fairfax county, virginia, the police, one police officer supposedly violated policy, alerting ice about a man who was one of her missing his deportation hearing. they say they can't work with eyes so he is suspended. here is chicago's mayor. >> if he will not cooperate with him on any of the immigration raids so that is the reality. and of course, we know that we hurt them and the ability to do
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their job in the city, so be it. that is the point. >> bret: what about this, where we are? here from chicago. >> we've been a sanctuary city for a long time. but become more and more straighten over time especially during the term presidency. the mayor was like that, and even pushing even further. this is a problem where we have federal law that says one thing and then we have states and local jurisdictions passing laws and policies that are in direct contribution -- contradiction and puts people an awful situation. sanctuary cities and we have the same thing with marijuana policies and abortion policies and this is something going on around the country. it's not a good spot, certainly not a good spot for the police in chicago. >> bret: you feel for the fairfax county police officer, suspended, just trying to call the federal authorities with a guy with a deportation hearing. >> a feel for him and i don't feel for him. there is a lot we don't know. it it is true a clear policy
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don't do this and he did it anyway. then i kind of don't feel so sorry for him because he was on notice. the key fact, and again, i repeat, there is a lot we don't know. there is the fact that he detained this person, right? he held him. >> bret: who is in the country illegally, go on. >> but there is only a civil warrant out for him for skipping deportation proceedings. and local law enforcement don't have under the constitution or anything else as far as i understand it, the authority to enforceable process. it's different from a criminal warrant. and a lot of the cities rightly or wrongly do have a policy that the local police will not detain people to enforce this. >> bret: a lot of the focus has been on what the president did or did not say about the mode, snakes, alligators, the wall, the electric wall but really this is the heart of the immigration issue that congress does not get in there and sold some of these big items. >> you are reading my mind. i think the great, untold story
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about immigration and the controversy is how it affects local jurisdiction, how it affects police officers, how it affects crime, school systems, school budget, taxes, quality of life. a lot of people leaving -- living illegally in fairfax county common pleas has around washington members of the community had paid taxes and been here a long time. the person pulled over driving on suspended license may have while had other offenses. that is often the case people pulled over like this. these are issues that local communities grapple with and they don't often know the details, what the jurisdictions are deciding in their favor. a lot of people don't realize that someone is not going to be detained by ice. the government decided t to do that. >> bret: the prospect, go ahead. >> to your point, about the confusion about the policy and principles, which resulted in the release of someone who went out and committed a homicide. so the confusion of local law enforcement is a real problem. >> bret: but the prospect of
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congress to do anything about solving the confusion, probably zero? we already have walls on the books, regarding immigration policy. local authorities are ignoring. we will not assist in enforcing those laws. >> bret: when we come back from a bunch of third grade or surprise one own. ♪
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>> bret: finally, tonight a sweet surprise. >> i love it! >> bret: when fire destroyed his family's home, tennessee third-grader daniel hunt was surprised by teachers and classmates at philadelphia elementary school. they started a secret toy drive and replaced all the toys daniel lost in that house fire. his reaction before taking a look at any of these gifts were
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to ask his classmates for a hug that you just saw there. that's pretty cool. thanks for biting and us into your home tonight "the story" hosted by martha maccallum starts right now. >> martha: good evening to you. breaking tonight, what exactly did chairman adam schiff and his staff become involved in the whistle-blower complaint? it's a very significant question in understanding this whole picture. we learned today in "the new york times" report that the whistle-blower had a colleague first conveying his concerns to the cia's top lawyer but then had information about how that card avenue was unfolding before him or her. then puts the complaint to work with adam schiff. schiff's office says they did not