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tv   Outnumbered Overtime With Harris Faulkner  FOX News  October 2, 2019 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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t. >> melissa: point, he did and of the people. so there you go. anyway, thank you to david asma david asman. >> david: thank you very much. >> melissa: will be back in easton tomorrow. here's harris. >> harris: fast-moving developments in the impeachment fight that is roiling washington, d.c. in this hour of "outnumbered overtime" we are awaiting more remarks from president trump during a joint news conference with the finnish president. a short time ago the president unleashed on democrat impeachment inquiry, calling adam schiff to resign for what he says is the false retelling of his phone conversation with the ukrainian. the president also hits back on democratic claims that he is unfairly targeting the whistle-blower. watch. >> i think a whistle-blower should be protected. if the whistle-blower is legitimate. but the democrats in 2016, what they did was corrupt. we'll see what happens.
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>> earlier today, adam schiff, house intel chair, which gives lighthouse of attempting to stonewall the impeachment inquiry. >> he wants to make it out about the whistle-blower and suggest people come forward with evidence of his wrongdoing. that they are somehow treasonous and should be treated as traitors and spies. this is a blatant effort to intimidate witnesses. it's an incitement of violence. >> harris: of the big develop it's happening right now, democrats vowing to move quickly on the impeachment probe as they are threatening to subpoena the white house documents on the ukraine controversy. however, top house republicans kevin mccarthy has signed off on the resolution to censure house intel chair adam schiff for misrepresenting the president's call. she white house correspondent john roberts is live with more each day. this gets hotter and hotter. john? >> it's kind of reached a fever pitch it's afternoon. good afternoon to you, harris.
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the president and sauli niinisto, the president of finland, will hold a joint press conference in about an hour's time. they will probably take two questions the piece, which will likely be fewer questions than the president just fielded in the oval office. but there was no question, let there be no question as to how the president feels about the house intelligence committee chairman, adam schiff, and what he is doing in terms of trying to follow this trail of breadcrumbs ultimately down the road to impeachment. issuing subpoenas to mike pompeo, subpoenas to redo giuliani. we now hear that subpoenas will be issued to the white house. listen to what the president said after adam schiff spoke with nancy pelosi at a news conference earlier today. >> he should be forced to resign from congress. adam schiff. he's a lowlife. he should be forced to resign. he took that conversation, which is perfect, he said, "i can't read this." so he made up a conversation and he reported it and set it to
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congress and to the american people. and it was horrible, what he said. and that was supposed to be coming from me. but it was all fabricated. he should resign from office in disgrace. frankly, they should look at him for treason. >> what the president is referring to there is the opening statement adam schiff gave at that house intelligence committee hearing where joe maguire, the acting director of national intelligence, was present. the president also going off on adam schiff for his latest attacks on mike pompeo, suggesting the fact that mike pompeo was on the phone call with ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky. makes him affect menace in the case, and by trying to slow-walk this idea of having state department staffers come up to capitol hill for a deposition, he is obstructing an investigation and interfering with witnesses. listen to what the president said about what schiff said about the secretary of state.
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>> we don't call them shifty schiff for nothing. he's a shifty, dishonest guy. who, by the way, was critical of one of the great secretary of states. graduated number one in his class at west point. graduated top of it -- one of the top of his class at harvard law school. the most honorable person. mike pompeo. and this guy was negative on mike pompeo. there is an expression, "he couldn't carry his blank strap." i wouldn't say it because they would say it was so terrible to say. >> "couldn't carry his blank strap." in the oval office. the president clearly getting hotter about all this just before president niinisto arrives. "the do-nothing democrat should be focused on building up our country, not wasting everyone's time and energy on b.s.." but he spelled out the entire word in caps, which is what they've been doing ever since i got overwhelmingly elected in 2016. get a better candidate this
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time, you'll need it!" for the record, that is the 16th time the president has used that word in a tweet. the president also saying the whistle-blower is not a whistle-blower because the heat and accurately reflected the contents of a conversation with zelensky. the president also saying that whoever at the white house dish the information to the whistle-blower needs to be found out, because they are a spy. harris? >> harris: john roberts, thank you very much. let's get into all of the remarks now from the president. ari fleischer, former white house press secretary under george w. bush, is with me now and a fox news contributor. boy, you and i have been together on many an occasion when there is breaking news with the president. he is a fighter. that is what the nation continues to see from him. let's talk about the messaging. >> well, in my opinion, harris -- and i've given up hope for this -- i think people are more effective when they talk in more
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measured tones. i did not like it when hillary's running mate, tim kaine of regina, said in 2017 that donald trump jr. engaged in what looked like treason. that's what he said. and president trump of courses using a similar word today. i think we are all americans. you have to be able to have these disputes in a reasonable manner, even if the democrats resort to the history of impeachment. it's always stronger to come across any measured way then in such an over-the-top way. >> harris: can we just talk about some of the criticism among g.o.p. lawmakers and operatives who are not on the record but talking with sources like those of fox news, and saying things like they are concerned about the trump administration's "lack of unified response" to the democrat impeachment threat? is this an example of the president kind of going alone against the headwind? why isn't there a unified message? is not actually a fair criticis criticism? >> and speaks on the president come down that escalator in june
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of 2015, everybody knows president trump is his own cheese messenger. it has worked as an outsider to some strong effect for him. it does have downsides, too. i think what people saying is, if i wrote down mike was the white house, to mollify, to disorganize a name and identity of the white house that will be a focal point for rebutting all things impeachment. the president will still do what he says and says what he says, but i would just organize it that way. announce it that way, so people see it. i do think the republican national committee is doing a very good job, actually, putting out information about democratic attacks that are factually wrong. the six democrats are making, and examples of hypocrisy. i get those and i think it's quite an effective, rapid response. >> harris: you know how we know? chairwoman ronna mcdaniel was on with me last week. they are raising of dollars a day off of the impeachment inquiry. you know what? let's take a peek at what the president said moments ago in the oval office, and why that
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may be working. as he hits democrats. >> they are the do-nothing democrats. they don't do any work. all they want to do is try and win back the election in 2020. so they come up with this impeachment nonsense, and everyone knows. the conversation -- all based on one phone call that i had. where i'm talking to the president of ukraine. >> harris: first of all, your reaction? then we will talk about the silence from joe biden. >> i think the white house and the president's strongest argument is that this impeachment move has zero to do with the call to ukraine and everything to do with the fact that donald trump got elected. they've never liked him. that call with ukraine, as you know, i've said that one part of it was inappropriate where he specifically talked about the bidens. that's better if it goes to the department of justice and proper channels. the president shouldn't raise it himself. >> harris: i'm going to step in on you for the second, ari.
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we know secretary of state mike pompeo and others were on that phone call. who should have stepped in? ken starr has told me former white house -- excuse me, what what a council into the clintons, independent counsel, said he would have whispered in the presidency are at that point and said, "don't do that again." you know what those calls are supposed to be like. >> anybody was in the room with the president. what i would have done, after the call was over -- you can't interrupt the call -- but after the call is over i would say, "mr. president, you should not be asking for those things. this needs to be done through proper channels, the department of justice, and it should not be about any one particular individual, especially your opponent." it's unimpeachable, harris. that's the point. i don't think the president should have said it. that's why that impreza gone too far. >> harris: joe biden spoke last about the ukraine controversy regarding him last thursday. i've got
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"on this political side people are starting to wonder why biden is. considering report from him just once since last week. the president's messaging is that he's a fighter. where is joe biden? >> he doesn't want to talk about this. he has a hunter biden-sized conflict of interest in this matter. joe biden should have either step down of being in charge of anticorruption efforts in ukraine, or his son should have. it was by definition a conflict of interest for both of them to have the positions they had. joe biden can't argue against that. so he doesn't want to talk about it. he does have the advantage that most media mode asking about it, but he can't think he can hide from it. if he is the nominee, this will get hung around him and he will be called "corrupt joe biden." he will have a lot riesling to do. >> harris: he said "there has not been a shred of evidence substantiating any accusations made." this is joe biden.
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the prosecutor in that, trying to convince some to say something different lee. that's what we last heard from him. we will cover this as it happen happens. ari fleischer, you're driving along with the breaking news. thank you. house speaker nancy pelosi has asked democrats to be "somber and prayerful" throughout the impeachment process. but wait until you hear liberal democrat maxine waters, tweeting about president trump. ♪
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they've been trying to me from the day i got elected. i've been going through this for three years. they've been trying to impeach me from the day i got elected. you know what? they failed. >> harris: for moments ago, president trump heading back at democrats today. we await a press briefing on ukraine by the state department's watchdog on capitol hill. a briefing he requested and is calling urgent. this, as we were learning lawmakers are hoping to hear from the whistle-blower off capitol hill grounds. sometime next week, to protect that person's identity. earlier how speaker pelosi on why democrats say they believe they have no choice but to press ahead. >> we see the actions of this president being an assault on the constitution, once we had his even admission to that we had no choice but to go forward. it's hard. we want to weigh the equities. we want to be fair as we go
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forward. >> don't ask me when >> harris: chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel has more now from capitol hill. out out of that department watchdog briefing >> adam schiff says he's worried the white house will try and stonewall his investigation. schiff says he's considering battling it out in court. >> we will have to decide whether to litigate, or how to litigate. we are not fully around here, though. we don't want this to drag on months and months and months, which appears to be the administration's strategy. that they will be strengthening the case on obstruction if they behave that way. >> state department expect her general steve clinic is due to meet this afternoon with committee aids in both the house and senate on ukraine. there's been increasing tension between the democrats in the state to permit about ukraine, and a desire lawmakers have state department employees sit for transcribed interviews. tomorrow, former special envoy for ukraine is going to be
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participating in an interview with one of hers and the oversight committees. he does resign his post last friday after being named in the whistle-blower complaint. a key senate republican told fox that democrats are going overboard. >> i still don't see what the crime is. i keep saying, "show me what the crime is." no one ever says that. all of us would do things differently than other people would do it. if you are going to impeach somebody, there ought to be something wrong. >> speaker pelosi dismissed questions about the legislative agenda, but it's pretty clear ts drowning out all the of issues. >> harris: mike emanuel, thank you very much. i want to bring in utah congressman chris stewart, a republican member of the house intelligence committee. good to see you today. i know there are staff members on the hill who are expected to attend that state department
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watchdog briefing. what would you tell me about what is expected there? >> i think it's a series of interviews we can expect over the next little bit. you listen to all this, harris, everything of listen to in the few minutes i've been able to listen to your reporters and the president, there's an awful lot of fury in the democrats. and the accusations. there's very little reason and no appearance of fairness to this process. i just think at the end of the day the american people are going to roll their eyes that much of what they are seeing. >> harris: will you have staff there? >> oh, yeah. we take these very seriously. i think it's a great example -- i've no idea what we will learn from this. i don't think the democrats have any idea what they will learn. but it's a real illustration they are desperate to find something. they are desperate to find anything. there are two reasons -- and i will make this point quickly -- number one, with the precedent set is very true. they've literally been trying to impeach him from the day he was elected. the second thing is they know
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the transcript -- they look at this, the american people can read it, and like was earlier said, what is the crime? are you going to remove the president for one sentence in one telephone conversation with a foreign leader? again, i think they know they've got to have more than that. there just isn't any indication that there is anything more than that. >> harris: it's been a while since you and i have talked so i have a ton of questions. i will bring you back, but let me get to this. secretary of state mike pompeo at house democrats accusing each other of witness intimidation, after he said he wouldn't let officials be bullied and intimidated by house democrats. the chairman of house intel, adam schiff, fired back at the secretary of state and the administration a short time ago. let's watch. >> any effort by the secretary, the president, or anyone else to interfere with the congress' ability to call before it relevant witnesses will be considered as evidence of obstruction of the lawful functions of congress. the one from kristen stewart,
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does pompeo and his staff need to cooperate? >> harris: they need to cooperate in the paris fashion. mr. pompeo, who is a guy really trust and a friend of mine, he is right on this. about an tradition. if you want evidence of that, harris, oh, my gosh. go back to last me, to this despicable display that adam schiff and other democrats did with the acting dni, joe mcguire. where adam schiff fabricated, made out of thin air, this conversation that supposably took place. democrat after democrat treat joe maguire-like is a criminal. they accuse him of breaking the law, colluding with virtually no evidence. this is an honorable man who has served our country, includig being a navy seal for 36 years. he did exactly what the law required him to do. he had no choice in this. and at the democrats treat them like is a common criminal, simply because he tried to follow the law.
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when mr. pompeo and others look at that, i can flee understand how they would feel like, "i have to protect my people. i have to have a process that's fair, and where people are treating them as if they are fair, not presuming guilt when there is no evidence they did anything wrong at all." >> harris: last question for you, just in terms of unification among democrats -- i mean, among republicans now. the state department had pompeo among them. should he have said, "i was on the call, he did nothing wrong," from the beginning to have the president back? >> mr. pompeo characterized the call the way he saw it. he didn't think it was a few wrong. >> harris: but he did volunteer that he was on the call when he was asked about it. >> again, mr. pompeo will have to answer to those questions. there are dozens who heard this and didn't think there was anything wrong with it. they didn't report it. it was only second and third hand that we have the whistle-blower come forward. i'm not understand your question
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perhaps of why the implication of mike being on the call was anything improper. >> harris: no, from what i understand it's typical for the secretary of state to be on that call. i'm just wondering, the present has walked out fighting today with his own messaging. i'm asking a legitimate question about whether republicans are really unified behind him and what that would look like. if you are on the call, put your hand in the air like you just don't care. i don't know. i want to bring you back. congressman stewart of utah, thank you. nancy pelosi calling for a solemn and prayerful approach during the impeachment inquiry. but maxine waters maybe didn't get that message. she says the president deserves to go to prison, and there is a special place she would like to put him there. the effect of this kind of rhetoric. >> impeachment is imperative. i did express myself in ways to show how terrible i think he is, and how he really should be punished. ♪
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>> harris: get into some other news today, after marking two years since the deadly mass shooting at the route 91 harvest festival, las vegas is hosting the top ten democratic candidates for the first ever presidential gun safety for them. peter doocy's lives there in vegas. peter? >> harris, we expect to hear from most of the field here in las vegas today. not bernie sanders, though. he made it to vegas, but he had to back out of this event since he did have two stents inserted to help open a blocked artery. his team is also now, because of that, postponed a $1.3 million ad buy until he can get back out on the trail. it was an ad bought with some of the $25 million he raised in the third quarter, which leaves the field for now. although we still haven't heard numbers from biden or warren. it was an ad trying to contrast his record with those two, moran and biden. biden has been laying low mostly, still not going to any
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steps of defending himself from charges that he may have abuses officer had a conflict of interest. not at events, not in any interviews. instead he's focusing on potential wrongdoing by the current president, who they all hope to challenge next year. one issue where democrats generally do feel like they could generate a lot of enthusiasm for their side, especially with young voters, his gun control. that's the issue that has them all in nevada today. biden came out with a new gun control plan this morning, and the part about limiting ammunition stands out. he writes this. "federal law prevents hunters from hunting migratory game birds of more than three shells in their shotgun. that means our federal law does more to protect ducks than children create it is wrong." in addition to a lot of well-wishes that are coming in for senator sanders here in las vegas by the attendees who actually came out on the stage, we do expect to hear more about their specific gun-control plans throughout the afternoon. harris?
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>> harris: and of course we are with all those grieving family members from that huge massacre in las vegas in american history. two years ago today. thank you. >> we take this to be a very sad time for the american people, for our country, impeaching a president or having the investigation to impeach a president is not anything to be joyful about. >> nancy pelosi urging democrats to remain somber throughout the impeachment investigation. may be a liberal democrat maxine waters didn't get that message. she is defining the request, treating that president trump should go to prison. "i'm calling on the g.o.p. to stop trumps filthy talk of whistle-blowers being spies, and using mild language implying they should be killed. impeachment is not good enough for trump. he needs to be imprisoned and placed in solitary confinement. but for now, impeachment is the imperative." bringing in david avella, gopac
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chairman. brad woodhouse, former dnc communications director and former hillary clinton 2016 presidential campaign surrogate. i'm going to come to you first, david. waters apparently didn't get the "let's be prayerful" as they push forward with impeachment notes. you say what? >> we haven't seen this much glee of democrats since the past that terrible oak to michael mckerr and their big tax increases. they are downright giddy. >> come on. >> a a big moment came out of s press conference of nancy pelosi's, that is that she is sending democrats out to talk about drug prices and bringing down health care costs. on the eve of the president's big speech tomorrow at the villages in florida where he is going to lay out his agenda for health care. as we get to 2020, that will have more impact on independent voters than this impeachment kerfuffle. >> harris: did you catch with the president said about this today? i will come to you in a second, brad. i want to get this in.
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he said nancy pelosi ought to concentrate on their own district. she was in track for decades, many years to do something about the drugs. i come to you on that "downright giddy" comment of david avella, your neighbor next door. and democrats. why nancy pelosi feels like she needs to tell people to pray and get serious. >> first of all, i think she is the person in all of this -- and chairman schiff of other relevant chairman -- that people should look to for both the substance and for the town of this debate. look, i've been with her. i was with her at a press conference, by the way, on prescription drugs. which she is very serious about bringing down the price of, last week. she is very somber. she is legitimately sad that we are doing this. heck, i'm sad. my life most of the time is working on health care policy. i would rather be talking about that that impeachment. but the president has brought us here. let me say one other thing -- let's get rid of the fake piety
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on rhetoric. this president has suggested that adam schiff should be thrown in jail. he just called him a low life he said the whistle-blower should get the death penalty for treason, and he spent four years leading a chant of "lock her up." let's set aside the fake piety on rhetoric. >> harris: i will bring you guys back, but i do have to push back with this. representative of michigan rashida tlaib is selling "impeach the mf close with teachers. and when david avella says "glee," that's an example. i will bring you back. brad, good to see. we are awaiting a joint news conference with president trump and the president of finland. our president expected to answer questions the democratic impeachment push again, that's getting more intense by the day. he's been fighting with his messaging. it will take you live to the rose garden for that. plus this. >> we have to raise their violation of constitution and civil rights. this is worse than mccarthy.
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>> harris: the president's personal attorney, rudy giuliani, threatening to take legal action against house democrats. ♪ if you have moderate to severe psoriasis, little things can be a big deal. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you.
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♪ >> we should bring a lawsuit on behalf of the president and several of the people in the administration. maybe even myself, as a lawyer. against the members of congress, individually, for violating constitutional rights. violating civil rights. >> harris: that's president trump's personal attorney, rudy giuliani, threatening to file individual lawsuits against house democrats in response to their impeachment inquiry, stemming from a whistle-blower complaint. i always like to talk to this guy. guy lewis. former u.s. attorney who served with william barr at the doj. and the george h.w. bush administration. your perspective, your connections, always good. let's start with rudy giuliani's
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threat to sue these house democrats. he, by the way, since an awful lot of time up on tv. your thoughts? >> the best defense, harris, is a good offense. make no mistake, and impeachment and what the democrats are doing here is a prosecution. it is tantamount to a prosecution. normally a prosecution goes orderly, it goes carefully, you don't issue a subpoena that calls for documents and testimony within days. you try and do interviews, you try and do your homework. you look at this and it's just the opposite. >> harris: you know what words i remember you saying months ago? we talked, you call something a "bum-rush." is that what you think is going on? is this push by rudy giuliani going to slow things down? >> i think what will happen is that you will see this avalanche
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of subpoenas, and they are going to subpoena everybody and their brother, and then everybody is going to have to get lawyers, and then they will be filing their motions to quash and go into court. that's when you have to get serious. listen -- adam schiff can't stand in front of united states federal judge and start to justify his spin and his parodies and all that stuff. the judge will look down at him and say, "well, thank you very much, mr. chairman, but this motion is granted. subpoena quashed." we went interesting. meanwhile, former attorney general eric holder has jumped in the water, criticizing the current ag william barr, saying he sacrificed his credibility by helping lead the investigation into the origins of the russia probe. let's watch. >> you not only have to be substantively neutral, you have to appear to be neutral when you are the attorney general of the united states. i fear that he has crossed a political line. >> harris: he says he's going
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to have to pay a price for that. what do you say, guy? >> well, it's interesting. i like eric. i know eric -- >> harris: you know everybody. >> well, i think he's off base on this one, harris. let me ask you this -- you are an unbelievable reported. how many times have you seen bill barr out at a podium conducting press conferences, weaving around documents and all this mumbo-jumbo? zero! he's got his nose to the grindstone. he's out there interviewing witnesses, they are collecting documents. he is asking other jurisdictions for help, either individually or, frankly, through the president. which is perfectly legitimate. we did it with noriega and other cases. nothing wrong. nothing wrong with president trump saying to
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another president of a foreign country that has some involvement in investigation, "hey, we need your help and we want you to cooperate." >> harris: i do want to get to this. sometimes history can tell you a lot. back in 2011, radio show, eric holder about when he might leave the administration. remember? because he was in fast and furious, they're a bunch of things going on. people are looking at him in contempt of congress. let's watch this. we go i'm still enjoying what i'm doing. there is still work to be done. i am still the presidents wing man, i'm here with my boy. >> harris: so why does william barr -- looked at as being too close to the president, the executive can back your thought? >> again, where you stand depends on where you sit. eric was his wing man, and it was okay, i guess. to sort it be the protector of the president. bill barr -- and this is kind fascinating. you hit on a great point. bill barr wasn't a long-time
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trumper. he was more closely associated with the bush camp. the president and the president's brother, who was trump's opponent. he is this warm and fuzzy trump cheerleader. he is a dedicated professional. he's got an unbelievable pedigree and background. the only thing he cares about, frankly, having known him for a long, long time, is the constitution and the rule of law. >> harris: guy lewis, until the next time. thank you. president trump lashing out at democrats over their impeachment inquiry, just in the last 45 minutes or so we should do to you. we watched it together. we are awaiting now new remarks from the president of the joint news conference with the president of finland. we will bring it to you live, and the almost crisis in california is growing more severe. housing secretary ben carson is with me next. ♪ 300 miles an hour,
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>> dana: hi, everyone. i'm dana perino. president trump said to hold a joint news conference as democrats power at on impeachment. the president already attacking democratic leaders and once again going after the whistle-blower, who reported on his skull with the ukrainian president. we will have the president for you the top of the hour on
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"the daily briefing." >> you have a perfect -- i mean, perfect -- conversation with a president of another country. ukraine, in this case. and they try and say, "oh, let's impeach him." you people should be ashamed of yourself. we have the most dishonest media. >> harris: that's president trump going after house democrats and the media over the impeachment investigation from last hour. we are expecting even more remarks from him during a joint news conference with the president of finland moments from now. joining me, secretary of housing and urban development, dr. ben carson. always good to have you on the program. >> always a pleasure. >> harris: first of all, i know you and the president have been had each other's year on a lot. we will get to the homeless in california in the moment. what are some advice he would give the president as he's facing facing headwind on impeachment? >> probably not to become caught
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up in the irritating thing they try to say to provoke a reaction from him, hoping he will say something that they can use. >> harris: i don't know if you caught him last hour, but he is -- well, we have he's a fighter. right? but that's his messaging right now. does that work? >> i think he has to get his side of the story out. what i want people to think about is the big picture here. if we go down a road of "let's impeach this person," we don't have anything specific. if we keep trying, we will find something. what does that do to the future of our country back with with visitors to the future presidency? think about the damage that is caused when you have a relationship with a foreign leader and you can't talk to them without assurance that this is going to be a private conversation. this is very troubling. >> harris: the president saying today he hopes he does not have to release any more of
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those transcripts. he wouldn't want to do that. secretary carson, i know you've been traveling america, implement and opportunity zones. use of the goal is to revitalize the stress and diverse neighborhoods. we talked about even more recently, you and me. there's an epic homelessness crisis in california, with some calls for a state of emergency there. president trump called out nancy pelosi a short time ago on the situation. >> our epa, which is doing a great job, is sending nancy pelosi with all the talk about epa. there's needles and drugs all over the street. there are tents, peoples who are dying in squalor. in the best location, and san francisco. >> harris: secretary carson, your reaction? >> having been there recently, and having been there other times, also, just walking by those people and looking at their faces and looking at the look in their eyes, you realize that many of them simply are in
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a position where they cannot take care of themselves. a significant number have mental disturbances, a significant number of drug-related issues. as a society, we must exercise some compassion. >> harris: why haven't they be able to do anything in california? you've been there. the president is stepping in. >> i think we could do something. if they are willing to sit down with the appropriate people, and come up with a real plan. not just talk about it. we have to get those people out of those conditions. because not only is harmful to their health, but it's potentially harmful to the health of everybody in the area. we have a responsibility. government has a responsibility. i'm talking about local government, to create the right type of environment for its people. the federal government is there to help. i hope it doesn't reach a point where the federal government has
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to step in and do the job of the local government. ideally, they can work together. don't demonize each other. just work together and keep people in mind. that's who we are doing it for. >> harris: secretary ben carson with me today on a couple topics. thank you very much. we are still awaiting brand-new remarks from the president, who has been quite fiery today in his pushback on impeachment. stay close. ♪ newday usa has some great news for veterans with va loans.
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refi now at newday usa. refinance now and save. >> donald trump should have his twitter account suspended because he clearly has been abusing the terms of service and the terms of use. >> harris: democratic senator kamala harris doubling down on her bush verb president trump to be kicked off twitter. she sent a former letter to twitter ceo jack dorsey thing the president is using his tweets to "target, harass, tempt out the ukraine whistle-blower." worth noting in june twitter announced it would flag but not
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removed tweets that it deems abusive from world leaders. let's go deeper. josh kraushaar, politics editor for national journal. >> it's a sign of political desperation. she is flagging in the polls. she's trying to come up with a way to attack trump to get her some attention in the press. i think it's also important to kind of underscore how tone-deaf a proposal this is. the president has many ways to get his message out. he can give an interview. he has made many, many statements criticizing the whistle-blower, attacking him very, very aggressively. the notion that taking him off twitter is going to prevent him from having a platform to speak is pretty silly, but it seems like that is taken as a serious policy proposal these days by the harris campaign. >> harris: we are about to see one of those platforms. we were covering it live. the president said words about the whistle-blower. and if there whistle-blower is
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legitimate. you're right about that. he's got several platforms. he is the president of the united states. there have been called to do this. do you quash free speech when you say you're going to take the president off twitter? >> she's a former prosecutor. how does she defend that? >> is more instructive to come up with proposals to protect the whistle-blower. if you're worried about the whistle-blower, making sure that he's not outed, there's ways of making proposals that are focused on that, not on the free speech of the president or anyone else using twitter. there is momentum on the left. he saw elizabeth warren earlier also talking about breaking up facebook, breaking up some of the social media platforms. there's a lot of energy in the progressive movement to police the types of speech that you see on the social media platforms. this is just one other idea out there but i just think the logistics and the pragmatism of it is not there. the fact that you're trying to
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police the president on twitter when he has so many other ways of communicating seems awfully tone-deaf to me. >> harris: we are awaiting more remarks from the president. he has with the president of finland. we have heard a very lengthy answer to reporters' questions in the last hour. what do you anticipate that will continue to hear from this president as he pushes against impeachment? >> i expect to see a very feisty president trump. we saw a preview of what we're going to see when he attacked the press, he attacked the whistle-blower, went after house intelligence committee chair adam schiff who is leading the investigation. this is a president who's punching all of his enemies, his political rivals. i'm not sure how disciplined he is but he's going to be on the attack. >> harris: do you think republicans have enough of a unified message to help him? >> no. there are some of his familiar defenders in congress but there are a lot of rank-and-file members and are nervous about what's to come. they don't feel like there's a
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concerted strategy on how to defend the president, how to deal with the messaging on the ukraine, on all the scandals going on. >> harris: josh kraushaar, political editor for the national journal. great to have you. thank you very much. i am harris. here is dana. >> dana: president trump said to speak any moment as the fight over impeachment hits a new level. hello, everyone. i'm dana perino and this is "the daily briefing." president trump is about to hold a joint news conference with the president of finland but the big focus right now obviously, impeachment. the president attacking what he's calling the do-nothing democrats, accusing them of wasting time and not focusing on other issues. president trump also going after the whistle-blower who reported on his july call with the ukrainian president. >> they come up with this impeachment nonsense and everyone knows. all based on one


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