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tv   Fox and Friends First  FOX News  August 30, 2019 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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i got your flag, man! i got your flag! it's geico easy. with licensed agents available 24/7. 49 - nothing! woo! heather: this is "fox and friends first". happening right now 4:00 am a fox news alert, hurricane dorian swelling into a category 2 storm threatening to make impact as a category 4. janice dean is tracking the latest as it heads for the florida coast. james comey officially out of excuses after a scathing new report confirms his leak violated several fbi policies. he is facing charges but is he out of the woods yet? live in washington. has the american dream moved to
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canada? the new op-ed the claims life is better in a land of government handouts. "fox and friends first" starts right now. good morning to you once again, you are watching "fox and friends first" on friday morning, thank you for starting the day with us. we begin with a fox news alert. hurricane dorian growing to a category 2 storm overnight as experts warned this hurricane could be deadly. >> the storm looks like it could be a very very big one indeed. heather: brushed past puerto rico and the virgin islands downing trees but from of the most part sparing the caribbean. millions in florida are bracing for impact and stocking up on emergency supplies.
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janice steen joins us with dorian at latest track. >> we get a new update at 5 am and we will bring that to you. all eyes are on dorian especially the space coast, we could have a landfalling hurricane in the next couple days but there's a lot of uncertainty with the storm system so all interests, not only florida but the gulf coast towards georgia and the carolinas need to pay close attention to the storm. the storm is going to slow down considerably and last 24, maybe 36 hours just shy of the coastline and as a category 4 hurricane bringing all the effects of major hurricane force winds, flooding, rainfall and a threat for severe storms all along the east coast. this is why we call it the cone of uncertainty. as we go out over the next couple days it gets wider. that means we are unsure what
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will happen with the storm. those its fallout? does it move inland, does it move northward and scrape the florida coastline? all these scenarios could unfold but i will tell you computer model consensus is an agreement through saturday and sunday and as we get into monday and tuesday the storm really slows down and doesn't move very quickly so this could be a harvey like situation for the florida coastline and as we get into wednesday will it finally pull northward? a lot of questions. i wish i could be more certain but all interests on the east coast, the gulf coast up towards georgia and the carolinas need to pay attention to the storm system. we will bring you the latest but this could be a potentially
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devastating storm for the east coast of florida. shannon: people need to listen to your warnings and appreciate you being here to help us out. as janice explains every county in florida is under a state of emergency. governor ron desantis taking no chances as the potentially catastrophic storm churns toward the coast. donald trump changes his plan to stay home and keep an eye on florida. >> reporter: not good when the president cancels his overseas trip, things looking worse for folks in florida. i want to show you what a category 2 hurricane looks like from space. it is getting stronger by the hour. dorian downed trees and the virgin islands. by the time you reaches the florida and southeastern georgia coast on labor day it is expected to be a dangerous category 4 hurricane. governor desantis warning folks
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now is the time to act. >> do not wait until it is too late. if you prepare and don't get affected no harm no foul but if you don't repair and you are affected that may be difficult to recover from. >> people are stocking up on sandbags, gas and food. empty bread shelves, gluten-free bread, nobody wanted that, colleges are closed coming in land hotels offering cheaper rates and no pet fees for southern border residents, evacuate the coastline right now. >> i am nervous but i will be prepared. >> i hope we don't get hit. it does get scary. >> a possibility it could hit you, be prepared. >> the president making the decision to skip his poland trip to assure the safety of americans. >> our highest priority is the
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safety and security of the people in the path of the hurricane. it is something very important for me to be here. the storm looks like it to be a very big one indeed. >> reporter: a lot of people have holiday plans to visit florida, 13 different airlines are offering waivers for anyone who booked a trip to florida this weekend, people vacationing certainly heading home early. shannon: both of those are good idea. another story that broke yesterday, former fbi director james comey violated agency policies multiple times, top republicans and rod rosenstein sounding off on the inspector general's report which we were expecting as we learn comey will not face charges. >> reporter: the justice
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department has declined to prosecute the case but it and 83 page report the watchdog -- fbi policies by failing to seek authorization from the fbi to leak memos about his conversations with the president failing to mark those memos being classified. any authorization to remove the memos, deemed government records, donald trump reacted to the news over twitter saying never in the history of our country has someone been more thoroughly disgraced and excoriated than james comey. the inspector general's report, he should be ashamed of himself but comey said he owned an apology, doj found no evidence comey or his attorneys release any classified information contained in any of the memos to members of the media. i don't need a public apology
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to defend me but a quick message with a sorry we lied about you would be nice. we heard from deputy attorney general rod rosenstein saying it is important to follow established policies and procedures when the stakes are high. we should be most on guard when uncomfortable circumstances by ignoring principles respected by our predecessors. this report as drawn reaction from republican lawmakers. >> today was a bad day. only in washington dc can you have 70 pages of bad news and expect an apology. >> reporter: we are awaiting another report from michael horowitz into origins of the russia investigation. we shall see. heather: we will talk about all of that.
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another story with an update. we are learning how a couple wanted for murder escaped from a prison van. susan faked a medical emergency so guards would pull over as she and her husband were being excavated from new york to face charges in arizona. the couple charged those guards as they opened the door. they used shoelaces to tie them up before stealing the van and it took the guards hours to break free. police say the couple driving a red gmc pickup truck, $20,000 reward for their capture. we will keep an eye out. congresswoman ilhan omar thinks she has an answer to the crisis at the border. >> the high commissioner, an agency that has the expertise to handle refugees.
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>> the freshman democrat speaking at a former minneapolis, one of donald trump's local critics also called to abolish ice. big night of college football, the clemson tigers starting a new season with a more. >> he is loose in midfield. 20, 10, touchdown. >> 90 yards. tying the record for longest rushing touchdown in school history finishing with 225 yards and three touchdowns, tigers steamroll over georgia tech 52-14. clemson will face texas a and m next week.
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the time 10 minutes after the top of the hour and james comey set a dangerous precedent by leaking his memos. will not face, charges that is he really out of the woods? >> my word as a biden, i don't want the thing, do not put it on me, sir. heather: he defends himself after getting called out for fudging that war story on the campaign trail. tommy laren is fired up about this and more and she joins us live coming up.
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>> i asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with the reporter. i didn't do it but asked him to because i thought it might prompt appointment of a special counsel. >> that was two years ago, james comey admitting to using
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his memos to trigger a special counsel investigation. the doj inspector general says comey's actions had a dangerous example for the rest of the bureau. the doj is declined to press charges. what happens next? here with expert insight, we always enjoy having you with us. you've been with us from the beginning following this was what were your initial thoughts? >> comey's reputation is in threads. vig report confirmed the arrogance and holier than thou attitude of james comey thinking none of the rules that apply to fbi personnel apply to him and it is terrible that someone with that kind of attitude was in charge of the most powerful law enforcement
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agency in the country and he is totally unapologetic which makes it even worse. heather: not only is he unapologetic but he says he is the one who deserves the apology. he sent this tweet saying the doj ig found no evidence your his attorneys release any classified information in any of the memos to members of the media. i don't need a public apology from those who defame me but a quick message with a sorry we lied about you would be nice. >> that tweet that he's owed an apology once again shows not only his arrogance but his unwillingness to acknowledge his misbehavior. this is one of the most scathing reports i have ever seen released by an it about his unprofessional behavior at the head of the fbi.
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the ig specifically said that if other people engaged in the same behavior he did, releasing sensitive law enforcement information the fbi would be unable to do its job. heather: part of the ig report so people can see this, he said by not safeguarding sensitive information obtained in the course of his fbi employment and using it to create public pressure for official action which he admitted to comey set a dangerous example for 35,000 fbi employees and many thousands more, fbi employees who similarly have access to or knowledge of nonpublic information. it is a dangerous precedent. >> the fact that he doesn't realize that, the american public should be very happy he's no longer the end of the fbi.
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from what the ig says he never should have been the head of the fbi. heather: what happens next? will anything happened to him or is this dropped? are there more things to come with the investigation in terms of surveillance issues, the fisa warrant? >> this is not the end of the story. we have another ig report but there is a us attorney, the ability to criminally prosecute individuals looking at the opening up of this intelligence operation against the president and i think they will find very serious misdeeds. this report, we can see they had no evidence to justify opening an investigation. all they had was the steel dossier, political opposition research they never verified and to open up a serious
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investigation based on that was an abuse of their law enforcement power. heather: i encourage everyone to read that because it is scary. thank you, we appreciate you joining us. the time is 18 minutes after the top of the hour. as hurricane dorian takes aim at florida one politician is hoping the president's mara longo club takes a direct hit, outrage growing over that tweet. >> shut up! set up! >> is friends the best show ever or absolute trash? the latest debate that is dividing the internet. carly shimkus brings us that next. ♪ i'll be there for you ♪
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heather: the feds taking, multistate drug ring choosing -- seizing a fentanyl to kill 14 million people. officials arrested 39 people accused of ordering the drugs from a vendor in shanghai and unveiling it to the postal service to southeastern virginia. they find 24 guns, apps, cocaine, and $700,000. the coast guard making a massive drug bust on the high seas. stop what you are doing and watch this.
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the guardsmen stopping the smuggling boat with 3000 pounds of cocaine in the pacific ocean. the coast guard unloading the $40 million worth of drugs in california. three are under arrest. former canadian prime minister ken campbell slammed online after rooting for hurricane dorian to hit donald trump's mara longo club in florida. carly shimkus with serious xm 115 is here with the online backlash. not like mara longo is the only thing there. >> it is a political point. i always wonder, it happens so often where adults act like such children. heather: it is the internet. >> as the hurricane churns towards florida the prime minister cause a firestorm of her own for sending a tweet about the storm rooting for a
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direct hit on mara lago. that garnered 3000 likes and plenty of backlash. beth says as a florida resident for over 25 years i am disgusted someone would wish this on any innocent city, state, county, a horrible tweet in the first tweet i have seen in a long time where every response agrees regardless of political affiliation and scott says i'm not a trump supporter but this is embarrassing for a former prime minister. campbell says she doesn't want anybody to get hurt, she is angry with donald trump for his views on climate change. she served less than five month. she should have said i shouldn't have said this. heather: that goes for everyone in the political world. carley: social media sounding off on this, i can't believe it is an argument, that friends with absolute trash or ahead of
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its time. >> this buzz feet article claims that the show was awful. i don't want to be dramatic but if i read one more headline that says could we be any more excited about friends related news, i will throw myself into the nearest active volcano, loving friends in 2019 requires a level of mental gymnastics, the show should be forgotten. remember, the author of the article doesn't want to be dramatic. a variety of opinions on this one. when twitter user says of course you hate friends, you're such a rachel. erika says they finally got something right. friends is awful. that person is not alone in their theory and another twitter user posting this meme saying friends is garbage, there you go.
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i love that show. >> this is because -- difficult to believe it is turning 25. thank you, have a great weekend. 26 after the top of the hour, joe biden's emotional war story on the campaign trail coming under fire. >> my word as a biden, he stood at attention, do not pin it on me. >> the washington post says he got it all wrong. tommy laren says this is a sign of bigger problems for the 2020 democrat and she joins us live next. we are wrapping up the all-american summer concert series. craig morgan performing live on fox square all morning long. ♪ blanket of stars and the moon ♪ i got news ♪ - [narrator] do you have less energy than you used to?
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>> half past the top of the hour and we begin with fox news alert, hurricane dorian moving to a category 2 storm overnight as it approaches florida. the storm brushing past puerto rico and the us virgin islands downing trees but for the most part sparing the caribbean but now moving -- millions in florida bracing for impact, stocking up on emergency supplies, listening to meteorologist janice dean who joins us with the latest on dorian's track. >> new advisory in moments. i can tell you as we go through time, saturday, sunday, monday, tuesday a lot of uncertainty. that's not to say you can't let your guard down across florida, the whole state of florida is in a state of emergency. what we know is not a lot in this storm's path so we are
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anticipating strengthening in the next 24-36 hours to possibly a category 4 storm moving over the bahamas and possibly being very destructive for the bahamas and then as we get into sunday, monday and tuesday, this storm slows down and we are talking 4 or 5 mph meaning the worst effects, the rain, storm surge, hurricane force windss, major hurricane knocking on the door of the east coast of florida, the space coast and that will be problematic because when you are talking a strong storm that sits there for days over warm waters that is a devastating situation for the east coast of florida. the waters are very warm so we are anticipating very fast intensification over the next 24 to 36 hours. as we get into sunday, monday
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and tuesday, so much uncertainty. that is why the whole state of florida even towards georgia and south carolina needs to monitor the system because that kind of uncertainty gets wider thursday, sunday through monday and tuesday. a bad situation about to unfold but people need to pay close attention to the forecast. the whole state of florida needs to be making their preparations and completing them in the next 12 to 28 hours. be 20 it is going to hit somewhere, no way it could avoid everybody altogether? >> that is a good point and why we have to watch it. the storm is going to slow down. a ridge of high-pressure will break down. if the storm slows down and stalls there is the potential for this to move northward into like a matthew type scenario where it skirted up the east coast. that could happen too.
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the big thing is the uncertainty. we are saying a land fall somewhere between sunday and tuesday, there's potential for the storm to scrape along the coastline. florida, georgia, the carolinas need to monitor this. we will be here all weekend. heather: hope for the best and prepare for the worst. we will be watching all weekend. every county in florida is under a state of emergency. that is why governor rhonda santos taking no chances as the potentially catastrophic storm churns toward the coast. donald trump changes his plans to keep an eye on florida. >> reporter: people need to act now today. i want to show you this map, this is what the cat 2 hurricane looks like from space
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and it is getting stronger by the hour. dorian downed trees in the us virgin islands but by the time it reachedes somewhere between florida and the georgia coast on labor day it is expected to be a dangerous category for hurricane. governor desantis is warning folks this is the time to act and get ready. >> i don't want to be on the road -- people have to do a mandatory evacuation. >> i called this morning to get flights out and everything was booked. >> everyone is getting ready, stocking up on sandbags, gas, food, empty bread shelves in the stores. the president making the decision to skip his poland trip to ensure the safety of americans. >> our highest priority is the safety and security of the
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people in the path of the hurricane, something very important to be here, this storm looks like it could be a very very big one indeed. >> a lot of plans to head to florida for the weekend canceled, several airlines offering waivers. heather: joe biden couldn't get it right while telling this war story in new hampshire. >> the general want to meet up in a silver star on him. my word as a biden, he stood at attention. i want to pin it, he said i don't want the damn thing, do not pin it on me, sir, please, sir, do not do that. heather: the former vice president getting nearly every single detail wrong in that story. a dozen military campaign sources confirming the blunder to the washington post.
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joining me to react to the military mix of is tommy laren, great to have you with us, thank you. >> discuss our good buddy joe biden. heather: he combined three different stories here. >> at this point we don't really know and that is the troubling part. we don't know if he embellished on purpose or for political reasons or if he just didn't remember but it is important to note that joe biden is still the front-runner for the democratic contenders and doesn't even know what state he is in half the time. this shows the dnc is not sending their best. heather: doesn't know what state he is in and doesn't know what he did wrong. listen to this after he was confronted about it. >> i was making the point how courageous these people are, how incredible they are, this generation of warriors. these fallen angels we have
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lost. i don't know what the problem is. what is i said wrong? heather: that not what anyone was talking about. we agree with what he said there. >> never let the facts get in the way of a good story. joe biden explaining himself shows he doesn't know where he messed up because i don't know if he knows he messed up and that is the troubling part. he is running for president of the united states of america and he is the front runner. we should be concerned, he clearly is stumbling and it will get worse. heather: he has been to afghanistan. this involves him taking a trip to afghanistan to award a metal to someone to retrieve the body of his dead comrades. instead of 20 regardless. he is still leading the pack so
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what does that mean for democrats coming up with the election? >> if i were a democrat i would be scared. the democrats have been festering with their hatred of donald trump for several years since 2015. you would think they would come up with something better than joe biden and bernie sanders and elizabeth warren. you would think after all that time they would send something better but this goes to show they have nothing better. if i was donald trump i would feel comfortable right now. heather: i want to hit on another topic, at a university, they are saying this isn't diverse enough. >> everything is either racist or not diverse enough. this is brought to light by rachel maddow but for college students, images on a wall make you feel unsafe and
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discriminated against life will be difficult for you. understand life is not fair and learn to deal with it. heather: it honored all these scientists at the universities awarded big awards like a nobel prize in things like that but it wasn't diverse enough although it was factual, thank you for joining us, great to have you with us and we cannot forget to watch your show, you can see more on now interruption only on fox nation. we will be right back.
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heather: a sixth illegal immigrant arrested in a maryland county in a two month span. guzman sexually assaulted a 12-year-old girl and her younger brother. he admitted to the crimes
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against the boy telling officials it was part of a cultural joke in his home country of el salvador. he was taken into custody by ice but is out on bond. montgomery county designated itself are sanctuary status in july. donald trump's personal assistant reportedly resigned over leak to the new york times saying madeleine wester how step down after sharing surprising information about the president and his family and off the record dinner with reporters. wester house who had been the president's assistance since the start of his administration previously called this a disgraceful breach of trust. the white house is not confirmed the report. parents send their kids back to school, a texas mom posted video online of the moment she watches the driver nearly runover her child getting off the bus.
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>> come here, wait! heather: the driver ignoring the red school bus stop sign almost thing that 5-year-old girl. her mother sharing that frightening video in hopes of reminding drivers always stop for school buses. a michigan football team playing their first game since the tragic death of one of their teammates. skyler died after collapsing during football practice doing a no contact rule. the community morning his loss. >> please join with me as we honor skyler in a moment of silence. heather: skyler's teammates wearing his number 2 on their helmets and the cheerleaders have this number as well. a stern warning to pregnant moms and teenagers, don't smoke
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pot, the surgeon general sound the alarm saying most people aren't aware of its health risk or its strength. >> not enough people know that today's marijuana is more potent than in days past. this is not your mother's marijuana. >> reporter: donald trump donated $100,000 from his salary for a new digital campaign about the drug as more states legalize it. the time is 15 minutes until the top of the hour. a 37-year-old marine has vanished but one man is giving that man's family 30,000 reasons to hope, he's known for his acts of kindness on twitter and joins us live next with an update on the search for the missing marine. 448,134 to be exact. they answered 410 questions in 8 categories
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about vehicle quality. and when they were done, chevy earned more j.d. power quality awards across cars, trucks and suvs than any other brand over the last four years. so on behalf of chevrolet, i want to say "thank you, real people." you're welcome. we're gonna need a bigger room.
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heather: a trailblazer philanthropist grabs the internet's attention in the search for missing marine last seen two weeks ago. his twitter-based benefit helped people all across the country, decided to get involved, posting a $30,000 reward for information in the case. he joined us to talk about how he is using social media for good. thanks for coming on with us. >> my pleasure. heather: you are doing a lot of great work. let's begin with the case of this missing marine. bring us up-to-date on what the family is saying. >> veterans become back, we have 22 suicide today for ptsd and otherwise and put a stop to it. this beautiful marine was
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missing, a veterans organization, i said we got to offer a reward for this guy. he fought for our country. heather: he was last seen in scottsdale, arizona. >> two weeks ago, we haven't had any luck yet. we had a privately funded businessman, privately funded two airplanes and one helicopter and that got the attention of the sheriff's office and they will be out again today and try to find the gentleman. one of the top swimmers. heather: let's hope they find him and he is safe but this isn't the only thing you have done. you have helped people all over the country, lots of veterans, donald trump retweeted you in reference to a veteran you were helping out with a car. why did you start to do this?
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>> why not? i have been successful in business and fortunate to do that, why not use this platform we call twitter for good? we have technology that can instantaneously help people these days. instead of sending a negative two the positive tweet, raise money for people, save elderly people from addiction, get people dying of cancer groceries, the list goes on in terms of what we will use technology for. heather: definitely needed in terms of social media and people listen to what you are saying because everybody joining your team and helping out. is this indefinite? >> i don't know where it will go but i am flexible where it will go. 600,000 followers i call teammates and that is a big
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team. we start with 30,000. this is starting to go international. france, britain, sweden, we are just getting started. >> i didn't know it was going international. how can people join your team? >> follow us at pulte. even if you can't give money give kindness and a smile and you feel a lot better when you give. when you give you received. heather: great message. thank you for joining us, we appreciate what you are doing, have a good weekend. the time is 8 minutes until the top of the hour. has the american dream moved to canada? this opinion he says our neighbors to the north are better off? what do you think? stay with us. ♪ the red, white and blue ♪
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♪ >> i love that song. a little craig morgan performing on fox square wrapping up the summer concert series, wraps up today so head
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to fox square and listen to craig morgan. is the american dream moving to canada? most canadians are financially better off than most americans, a study by the center for the study of living standards says kennedy is pulling away of the median household income since 2016. the article says everyone knows, quote, the us version of capitalism is, quote, reverend tougher. what do you think? not a lot of people agree. all those that said they were leaving here should be there, but they didn't go and nick says if it is so great why do canadians come here for major medical procedures? mike on facebook says ask a canadian. now time for the good, the bad
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and the ugly. what is good news? alex trebek returning to work at jeopardy as he battles pancreatic cancer. >> a lot of chemotherapy and thankfully that is over. i am on the mend. that is all i can hope for right now. heather: he announced his a diagnosis in march, he says it will be a good year, new jeopardy episodes start airing next month. a grocery store chain getting a storm of bad publicity over hurricane dorian seemed cakes. publics is apologizing, don't know who thought this was a good idea, some complained they were in bad taste. the newest bizarre shoe trend, big toad heels, this is a real thing. it is already sold out by a
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designer, they sell for around $1000 and they are ugly. that wraps up this hour. thanks for joining us, "fox and friends first" continues right now. jillian: a fox news alert, hurricane dorian gaining strength overnight, now a category 2 storm. rob: millions in florida making evacuation plans and officials warn it is time to get out. jillian: a scathing inspector general report showing the fired fbi director violated policy but won't face charges. heather: republicans worn this is the tip of the iceberg. >> up! shut up! rob: was this the best show ever or junk tv? jillian: there is an online debate giving friends the cold shoulder. "fox a


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