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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  August 29, 2019 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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expect? >> greg: are they okay? you should add that part. >> juan: stop the madness, set your dvrs, never miss an episode of "special report" ." >> bret: the congressman dressed as a zebra car, i like that. if breaking tonight the fbi's watchdog says a fire to director james comey broke justice department rules and set a dangerous example by drafting, leaking, and retaining memos about his discussions with president trump. the attorney general is declining to prosecute and comey was quick to point out to the report found he did not leaked classified information directly to the media. we'll get a live reaction shortly from the top republican on the house judiciary committe committee. john roberts from the white house with reaction from the president. we have details of this report.
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>> the fbi director is held to a high standard because he set the tone as the nation's chief law enforcement investigator. michael horowitz said james comey set a dangerous precedent but despite the findings, the justice department has declined to prosecute. >> in the long-awaited 83 paged report, james comey violated his own employment agreement in his handling of mentalist document taken part private conversations with the president about the russia investigation "we had previously faulted to comey for caring unilaterally and inconsistent with department policy. what was not permitted was the unauthorized disclosure of sensitive investigative information obtained during the course of fbi employment. in order to achieve a personally desired outcome." comey later told congress he
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believed his memos were his property to share. >> i understood this to be my recollection recorded of my conversation with the president, as a private citizen i felt free to share that. >> the inspector general found the memos were government records, his characterization of the memos as personal records finds no support in the law. to get the content of the memo to "the new york times" to kick-start the special counsel investigation, he used a columbia law school professor as an intermediary. he testified on the hill. >> have you ever been an anonymous source in news reports on matters relating to the trump investigation? >> never. >> have you other authorized someone else at the fbi to be an anonymous source in news reports about the investigation? >> no. >> the report found that he kept fbi records at his home in a personal safe, it states that
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the memos were ultimately determined to contain classified information at the lowest level. "he used his personal scanner and private email account to provide copies of memos to one of his personal attorneys. three days later, that attorney provided via personal email account, copies of these memos to other attorneys." the report made clear that he crossed the line with these actions. on twitter, comey claimed vindication because the ig found no classified information was shared with the media. in one of his last appearances on capitol hill, fox news pressed comey on whether he mishandled classified information. >> was there classified information when you shared the memos? >> i'm not going to talk about that. >> whether you think it is or nt i'm not going to talk about it. >> a legal analyst told fox's prior behavior should be always considered in his decision to
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prosecute, the justice department has declined, comey remains a central player in two pending investigations into alleged surveillance abuse. >> bret: it's similar. >> he colored way outside the lines in both cases taking the authority from others. >> bret: president trump is particularly unloading on comey, john roberts has that part of the story from the north lawn. >> since he fired james comey in may of 2017, president trump had tweeted or retweeted about comey 138 times ripping his armor fbi director, insisting he was right to fire him. today, president trump made it tweeted number 139. after more than two years of bashing james comey, president trump got official backup from the inspector general's report, taking to twitter to declare perhaps never in the history of
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our country has someone been more thoroughly disgraced and -- he should be ashamed of himself. the president's assessment shared by louisiana senator john kennedy. >> mr. comey is a meathead, he heard the fbi badly. >> the president's criticism of comey diverged from the inspector general's report on the issue of whether he leaked classified information to the media. in july 2017, he tweeted james comey leaked classified information, and how can he give up classified information? michael horowitz found comey didn't give any of the classified information in the memos to the media, prompting this in your face response from comey on twitter. "to all those who have spent two years talking about me going to jail and being a liar and a leaguer, ask yourselves why you
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trust people who have given you bad info for so long including the president?" horwitz said the memos were fbi property and thank him for writing them. >> these are conversations related to obstruction of justice by the president that may end up being part of criminal proceedings after the president leaves office. >> the ig report command of the spotlight work still committed to a trade talks with china. they are ongoing. >> they are talking, the fake news tried to say we weren't talking last week end of the vice premier of china said we have been talking. >> his talks with the taliban in afghanistan appear to be edging closer to an agreement, president trump to date revealing the united states will leave some forces in the region. >> we are reducing their
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presence substantially, we are always going to have a presence. >> even some of his own advisors are concerned cutting a deal with the taliban will eventually see them back in control, the taliban is pledging not to support groups will strike the u.s. president trump warned they better keep their word. appeared >> if they ever did anything from afghanistan we will come back with a force like they never seen before. >> president trump announcing hurricane dorian is bearing down on the florida coast, he's canceling his upcoming weekend trip to poland marking the 80th anniversary of the beginning of world war ii, vice president mike pence will go in president trump's place. >> bret: let's get a reaction tonight from the senior republican on the house judiciary committee, georgia congressman doug collins joins us from tucson, arizona, thanks for being here. your reaction to this ig report on james comey. >> for those of us who have
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followed for two years, it continues with the last ig report says, james comey is someone who cannot be trusted, he had a personal vendetta, he believed his role in the fbi was one, he is the ultimate arbiter of being judge and jury of anything he did or did not like. he can say anything he wants to, he can say he didn't live but we know he did. he lied to the fbi, we can tell he leaked because he used a third party mule to actually get the memos out there. he's being disingenuous because you can see right through him. this is a joke, for him to go on twitter and ask for somebody to apologize to him -- why doesn't he take his white robe that he been wearing around and when he gets those things out from lying, maybe somebody can apologize to him. >> bret: a lot of people are watching the investigations and are saying what now? where does this go? do you have any answers?
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>> i think we are still there, this is one part of the inspector general's report, one part of things still left to come. i talked about this with mccabe, comey, they have a lot of things to worry about how they handle what i believe is going to be coming in the complete pfizer investigation, not just this piece that came out. i think at this point in time with the american people ought to know is after two years or more of going after president trump and having a doj that was harassing at every point, we have an attorney general who said we are going to get to the bottom of this. we have and expect her general continuing his work and a u.s. attorney looking into his wrongdoing, if i was some of the scrub cabal i would be worried. >> bret: after his book came out in april 2018, i had james comey on this show including the specific handling of these memos.
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i want you to listen to this clip and get your reaction. >> i sent mr. richmond a copy of a two page on classified memo to get it to the media. >> did you lick other things to mr. richmond? >> i don't consider what i did with him a leak, i told him about an unclassified conversation with the president. >> the unauthorized disclosure of anything related or by virtue of my official employment without prior written permission from the fbi, that you have written permission? >> no, i didn't consider it part of an fbi file. >> you wrote it as an fbi director, it was a work product. >> it was personal, i created two copies of it, i always thought of it as mine like a diary. >> bret: who else did you leak
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the memos to? >> i gave the memos to my legal team after i gave them to dan richman after i asked him to get it out to the media. >> bret: you said in the memos i don't do sneaky things, i don't leak, i don't do weasel moves, but we can argue what a leak is but that's a leak, isn't it? >> it's not. >> bret: here's what you told chuck grassley about leaking. >> director comey, have you ever been an anonymous source in a news report about matters relating to the trump investigation or the clinton investigation? >> never. >> has any classified information related to president trump or his associates been declassified and shared with the media? >> not to my knowledge. >> bret: at what point were you made aware that some of the information was classified?
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>> which information? >> bret: in the memos. >> sometime after i was fired. >> bret: when you hear all of that, your thoughts. >> it's just sad to. you talk about weasel moves, this is the ultimate weasel. to try and blame it all on other people that i didn't leak, he used a mule and that's what he's trying to portray himself as, he's not. james comey knows exactly what he's doing, he knows exactly what he did, to claim those were personal documents. he said he had no personal relationship with the president -- that tells me he's admitting right there that he was in an official capacity because he didn't have a personal relationship with the president and those notes were taken for intent because he didn't like the president, you can see from the past and i think they were used for that. for him to claim innocence and to try to go back and try to
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spin this, that is a joke and the american people see right through it. >> bret: democrats like chris murphy from connecticut say thank goodness he kept these memos, that the nation is better off for it because it produced a special counsel that detailed the russian interference in 2016 and a whole lot of other things in that report. >> i think the senator is mistaken, what he did wanted als president and make sure tk overs shoulder. the reason he kept these memos were not for noble purpose -- we need to get this out of our heads. he was not acting as captain america, he was acting as a gutter agent because he wanted his own agenda put forward. the special counsel report found there was no russian collusion, there was no time of the president did anything or his team did anything with russia that amounted to collusion. if that has been put to bed.
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if mr. mueller himself was testifying before our committee, he went through with the democrats and he would get to the other and say i don't agree with her legal conclusion. for mr. murphy to waste $30 million on the witch hunt because mr. comey didn't like the president, you need to ask what part of that was really good. >> bret: do you have any inside knowledge of what when the rest of the ig report is going to drop? >> we've been thinking in the september time frame, those of the indications that we have and i think for the american people, there was a corrupt cabal at the beginning of 2017 at the end of 2016 and the department of justice and the fbi -- they are gone. that has now been put to rest and i think we can move forward with the justice department that can be trusted unlike when you had jim comey as the fbi director who tarnish the trust of the great organization.
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>> bret: congressman, thanks. the presidents of florida and southeast georgia stocking up on food and supplies making plans to be somewhere else because of a powerful and still strengthening hurricane dorian sets at sites on the u.s. coast. phil keating is in miami with an update. >> do not wait until it's too late. if your prepare and don't end up getting affected, no harm no foul. if you don't prepare and are affected, that may be something that is difficult to recover from. >> florida governor ron desantis at for te latest on a potential monster. dorian is heading for a disastrous land fall somewhere on the state's eastern coast. it packs winds of 130 miles per hour, enough to snap trees like
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twigs and blow over power poles. category one hurricane dorian blasted through the u.s. and british virgin islands yesterday bringing rain, winds, and damage but it skimmed puerto rico saving the vulnerable u.s. territory from a direct hit the island feared. if floridians know all too well what it means to survive one of these major storms -- widespread power outages that could last days, even weeks. if every grocery store is packed with people emptying shelves of bottled water, food, batteries, and diapers. the stress and urgency are definitely rising. >> i'm nervous but i'm going to be prepared. >> i'm trusting in god and hoping we don't get hit. >> long lines are at every gas station waiting to feel of cars, trucks, and generators can be longer than 30 minutes, some gas stations have already reported running out.
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up and down the states, cities and counties are preparing and planning for the most needy and fragile. >> county workers have already become the call down list for those on our special needs list to make sure we have the right address for evacuation assistance. >> the governor said he spoke directly with the president last night and he's also asking for a free land fall major disaster declaration to facilitate faster federal relief. as of a couple hours ago, states of emergency are now in effect for all 67 counties which will make it easier to activate the national guard. >> bret: phil keating live in miami. health officials and one major american city are urging residents to stop vaping right now. we'll tell you where and why when we come back. with advil, you'll ask... what sore muscles? what pounding head?
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♪ >> bret: big day on wall street today, the dow surged 326 on the possibility of china trade going forward, the s&p 500 finished ahead 37, the nasdaq jumped 116 and a half. the criminal case against
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accused sex trafficker jeffrey epstein is officially over, a federal judge granted the government's request to dismiss charges. he was found dead in his jail cell and what officials say was a suicide. attorney general william barr has promised to pursue those who enabled epstein to carry out the assaults. the environmental protection agency is proposing to revoke many of its regulations covering oil industry leaks of methane which is considered a potent climate affecting gas. the administrator says the agency is following president trump's directive to remove regulatory burdens on the oil and gas industries, the plan would rescind many of the agreements on oil and gas sites to monitor for methane leaks and plug them. federal health officials are issuing a national warning against marijuana use by adolescents and pregnant women. the science shows marijuana is harmful to developing brains of teenagers and to the human
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fetus, it also says marijuana is getting stronger. >> today's marijuana is far more potent than in days past, the amount of thc, the component responsible for euphoria and intoxication but also for most of marijuana documented harms has increased 3-fivefold over the last few decades. this ain't your mother's marijuana. >> bret: legal marijuana has grown to a $10 billion industry in the u.s. with nearly two-thirds of states legalizing it mainly for medical use. tonight, health officials in milwaukee are urging everyone there to which the practice of vaping right now. there are suspicions it is responsible for severe lung issues but others are pointing out the jury is still out on the provable dangers. senior correspondent mike tobin looks at both sides tonight. >> the health department is urging residents to stop using
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any vape or e-cigarette devices immediately after 16 people were hospitalized for inflamed lungs or pneumonia. if there are more than 200 cases nationwide including an illinois where cases recently doubled and a man died after vaping. officials say most of the illnesses occur after using thc oil. while the specific products used by the milwaukee victims are under known, the industry is under fire. the federal trade commission is investigating that they are marketing to kids, the secretary of health and human services says there is an 80% increase of use among high schoolers in 50% with junior high. >> we are going to use every regulatory and enforcement power we have to prevent this academic from continuing. we will stop youth use of
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e-cigarettes and vaping materials. >> the ceo of jewel labs says they are marketing to those already hooked on nicotine, not children. >> we never intended our product to be used by them. i don't want my kids using the product if it's not intended for them. >> people say the industry is getting the bad rap, many credit e-cigarettes from getting them off tobacco. >> it's a lighter way of using to be able to control your nicotine content. >> are we exchanging the tar and carbon monoxide for artificial flavoring and chemicals? >> they also announced an implementation of a and e verification system, financial incentives for retailers that use it, intended to prevent young people from buying them. >> bret: up next, joe biden gets caught in another tall tale that is getting attention from
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the mainstream media, we'll take you there. here's what some of the fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. new details emerge in court from a high point university student who police say have a plan and timeline to kill people. official support he was found with two guns and ammunition ann his dorm room and had been researching mass shootings for several months. in baltimore, city officials decide to use $6 million in park and public facility funds to help pay for the recovery from a ransom where attack that crippled the city for weeks. the attack in may we told you about is estimated to have cost baltimore more than $18 million in restoration costs and delayed or lost revenue. this is a live look in los angeles from our affiliate, fox 11. a u.s. coast guard cutter returns to san pedro after seizing nearly $40 million of
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cocaine. the drug bust conducted on international waters, about 280e coast guard in the eastern pacific ocean, that is two nights live look outside the beltway from "special report," we'll be right back. with this k. [ applause ] it's an honor to tell you that liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. and now we need to get back to work. [ applause and band playing ] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ you wouldn't accept from any one else. why accept it from your allergy pills? flonase relieves your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills don't. flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. most pills only block one. flonase.
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>> bret: in america's election headquarters, democratic front runner has been caught in a falsehood on the campaign trail, this one involves a harrowing
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war story and it was covered but by a conservative outlet but a mainstream media staple. mike emanuel has specifics tonight. >> "the washington post" checked out his moving but false war story. >> a four-star general asked if i would go up into the forward operating base, we can lose a vice president but we can't lose many more of these kids, not a joke. he climbed down the ravine, carried this guy up under fire and the general wanted me to pin the silver star on him. i got up there and this is the truth, he stood at attention and he said i don't want the thing, do not pin it on me, do not do that. he died. >> "the washington post" in the space of 3 minutes, he got the
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time period, the act, as well as his own role in the ceremony, with then senator chuck hagel and john kerry, they flew to forward operating base rate and saw a major general david rodriguez present a bronze star for valor but not as dramatic as what he's been saying on the campaign trail. >> bret: a compilation of stories. thanks. the next democratic presidential debate, there were details that came out today. >> we expect to see all the early front runners on the same stage one night for three hours from left to right, in a clover shark, cory booker, pete buttigieg, joe biden, elizabeth warren, kamala harris, andrew yang, beto o'rourke, and julian castro. for those who didn't qualify, others are making plans.
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steve bullock says he will be campaigning in iowa instead. >> bret: republicans are pouring major resources into north carolina as they prepare for what many consider a most win special congressional election next month. >> all political eyes will be on north carolina's ninth district special election, it could be a bellwether for which party controls the house in the white house, it features republican dan bishop against democrat dan mccready, internal polls show the race to be extremely tight, immigration is a hot issue with republican blasting law enforcement officials. democrat pushing more bipartisan approach. >> several sheriffs in the the state have said that, i think it's a not only totally inappropriate in terms of ordinary concepts of cooperation but it is putting us at risk. >> it should secure our border.
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it should respect our laws and it should uphold our values. >> president trump won that district by 11% and republicans have held that seat since 1963. that was before a district court redrew the gerrymandered boundaries to correct underrepresentation, adding two g.o.p. worries the special election is only happening because last november's result a 905 vote win by mark harris was not certified, a staffer was found to have engaged in ballot fraud, he was charged with a crime. the winner ultimately quit and agreed a new election without him should take place. democrat mccready has the advantage of exposure. republicans are throwing millions of dollars in clout behind their man while attacking mccready with what promises to be a campaign theme in the coming year. >> he wants to raise your taxes,
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he doesn't care about borders, he likes open borders and he really admires socialism. >> the president will rally with bishop again september 9th, the night before the election. >> bret: up next, the panel on the inspector general's report about former fbi director james comey. beyond our borders, china's military has deployed fresh troops to hong kong and what it is recalling a routine rotation amid speculation it might actually intervene in the cities pro-democracy protest, nearly three months of fiery antigovernment demonstrations there have sparked concerns the military will be deployed in the semiautonomous chinese city. satellite images show a rocket at an iranian space center exploded on its launchpad today, this suggests the islamic republic has suffered its third failed launch this year. state media and officials have not acknowledge this incident,
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the u.s. has criticized such launches as a violation of united nations security council resolution. britain's labour party leader says the house of commons will move quickly to try to block a no deal brexit despite the prime minister's move to suspend parliament. the move is being criticized by some as dictatorial but brexit supporters say it is a decisive move to finally bring the country out of the european union three years after the 2016 referendum. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight, we'll be right back. totally realistic traffic jam. ♪ beep, beep, beep, beep children: traffic jam! announcer: and the world's first never bump bumper cars. children: never bump! announcer: it's a real savings hootenanny with options that fit your budget. that's fun for the whole family. announcer: only at progressive par... maybe an insurance park was a bad idea.
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thinyou can earn more whenwab: you invest your cash. you can get a satisfaction guarantee. ♪ you can also wonder why our competitors don't offer that. schwab, a modern approach to wealth management. >> my judgment was i needed to get that out into the public square and so i asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with the reporter. >> no collusion, no obstruction, he's a leaguer. >> did you have written
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permission? >> i didn't consider it part of an fbi file. i left another one with the fbi so the bureau always could have access to it but i always thought of it as mine. >> james comey kept records of these conversations with the president of the united states. >> he hurt the fbi badly. >> just because it's not criminal doesn't mean it's not sleazy. >> the department of justice out with one part of a report, this one about james comey and the handling of its information. the dissemination of certain memos violated the department and fbi policies and his fbi employment agreement. he set a dangerous example for the over 35,000 employees. he took to twitter saying for all those who spent two years talking about me going to jail and being a liar and a leaguer, ask yourselves why you still
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trust people who gave you bad info for so long, including the president. lindsey graham says the inspector general's report is a nonstunning and unprecedented rebuke of the fbi, regarding thr actions and biases towards the trump campaign of 2016. we'll bring in our panel, fox news contributor steve hayes, mollie hemingway, and jeff mason white house correspondent for reuters. >> this is a interesting report, it confirms what my publication began reporting two years ago, he disseminated information that was not his to possess, he shared it with people he was not authorized to share it with and he directed the information be leaked to the media, all of these things are shown in this exhaustive report which usually inspector general reports are pretty restrained and how they talked about these things, the language used by the inspector general to describe the actions taken by comey
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really speaks to how seriously they considered it. they did make a criminal referral based on his behavior. >> bret: it's just one part, we are waiting on the second part which is the fisa abuse part and the substance of what people are looking at >> i think lindsey graham is right, there's a lot more coming for the fbi and the doj. if you think about the tweet, the second tweet you showed on showed on the is neither a liar nor a leaguer -- it's really hard to justify that claim by him at this point. this shows what he did to orchestrate these leaks. if you look at his congressional testimony and contrast with some of the things he told you, it's hard to conclude he didn't live. what he did here is something that would get a 35,000 people in the rank and file of the fbi in serious trouble and he avoids those consequences -- trunk critics have spent a lot of time
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challenging the president's norms and his breaking of rules and i agree with them on many of those occasions but it's been interesting since this report to now see those same critics validating and justifying the breaking of rules and challenging of norms by james comey and others. >> bret: this sides with hillary clinton on what happened to her. she was told she did very bad things but there was no prosecution, no indictment on the handling of classified information. >> at least in terms of the piece of prosecution, james comey -- he says he didn't do anything illegal, there's no reason for him to be prosecuted, that's no doubt what is going through his mind. >> bret: rod rosenstein tweeted out today, it's important to follow established policies and procedures especially when the stakes are high, we should be most armed
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guard when we believe our own uncomfortable circumstances justify ignoring principles respected by our predecessors. >> of course rod rosenstein is also in a position of authority was so many of the bad actions taken against the trump administration took place -- he is not himself covered in complete glory but it is worth noting this report says james comey abused rule of law. he violated president trump's civil liberties. these people in the fbi are held to such a high standard because they protect civil liberties of people who are under investigation. he lied about whether trump was under investigation. there's so much in here including that initial meeting before the president was inaugurated where he shared a delusional theory of the dossier, he was trying to collect information while also claiming for months later that president trump wasn't under investigation. >> bret: virender kata column
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headlined "new report details comey planned to ambush ambush trump with allegation." he said he had a secure fbi laptop waiting for him and his vehicle and when he got into the vehicle he was handed the laptop and began typing as the vehicle moved, this is after he briefs the president on the dossier and the allegations. he worked on his account as the fbi car took them to the new york field office where aides had set up a secure video teleconference with mccabe, baker, and a cross fire hurricane supervisors. in his memoir, comey wrote that at the trump tower briefing, he assured the president-elect we are not investigating you. at the moment he said those words, he had the cross fire hurricane team ready for a secure videoconference on his response to the steele dossier allocation. "cross fire hurricane" the initial investigation into the
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russia allegations. >> it lays bare a lot of the inconsistencies in what he has been saying. whether he was writing them in the book, there are clearly inconsistencies and he has had a difficult time explaining them. >> bret: what's next with the panel after a quick break. and we switched to geico; saved money on our boat insurance. how could it get any better than this? dad, i just caught a goldfish! there's no goldfish in this lake. whoa! it's pure gold. we're gonna be rich... we're gonna be rich! it only gets better when you switch and save with geico. when crabe stronger...strong, with new nicorette coated ice mint. layered with flavor... it's the first and only coated nicotine lozenge. for an amazing taste... ...that outlasts your craving.
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>> bret: ♪ >> china plays a vicious game, there is a talk scheduled the day at a different level. this is having a tremendous impact on china, i don't know if it's having an impact on us, i don't think so. >> bret: president trump as the dow seemed to like with the president said today about the trade situation. this goes up and down and up and down as the talks continue. >> i think it also liked what china said today, indicating talks would go forward. that was the question earlier this month, there was a question as to whether the talks would continue at all and there was more escalation over the weekend and de-escalation and we seem to be in a bit of a de-escalation
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phase. >> bret: also talked about afghanistan on the radio show. >> we are going to keep a presence here, we are reducing the presence substantially. we made a determination and see what happens. >> bret: at times it said he seem like he wanted to pull everyone out. >> he is gone back and forth a number of times on his afghanistan policy, the broader concern is what we concede to the taliban? they have made no concessions, they still won't acknowledge denounce publicly al qaeda, they are doing the kinds of things. >> bret: is 8600 not a big
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footprint? it's more than people were expecting but i don't think it's enough to thwart the efforts of the taliban to retake the country or from groups like al qaeda and others. former secretary of defense jim mattis out with a new book, he made his case for keeping troops in syria, president trump rejected his arguments 30 minutes into the conversation, he told the president you are going to have to get the next secretary of defense to lose to isis, he handed trump his resignation letter. a detailed piece in the atlantic is a former secretary has a book coming out. >> this president was elected for his dramatically different foreign policy. he made some promises that the war in afghanistan will end, he appears to be backtracking on that, that is a huge break with what he said. he also said he opposed our involvement in syria and he has
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repeatedly said that over time. one of the things that came out one james mattis did resign, many months prior, he said he wanted a six month plan to get out of syria but when that time had expired, there was still no plan to get out of syria. james mattis is an honorable general but he is not the president. if the president gets to set foreign policy and every president deserves a secretary of defense who will follow through with commitments made. >> bret: do you think at the white house there is a sense that is the goal? pulling troops back? or he is battling with interior officials on whether that is a good idea or not? >> there's probably an internal battle, it has to do with talks with the tele- ban and a different philosophical approach with some of the people around him. certainly his instincts have been as he made clear in 2016, it was to take people out -- not everyone agrees with that plan.
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>> bret: as mattis was resigning, 1,000 troops were being pulled out and they went back in. when we come back, a police officer comes to a frightened little boy's rescue, great stor story. to treat her frequent heartburn, marie could only imagine enjoying freshly squeezed orange juice. now no fruit is forbidden. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? that life of the party look. for all-day, all-night protection. walk it off look. one more mile look. reply all look. own your look- with fewer lines. there's only one botox® cosmetic. it's the only one fda-approved to temporarily make frown lines,
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♪ >> bret: finally tonight a hero comes to the rescue, a police officer going beyond the call. officer bruce in iowa helped assure the 6-year-old that there were no bad guys and his new home. previously he shared a room with his older sister, but was having fears of staying alone and has no room so he show the officer all of these scary spots and has a room on the officer explained that nothing would hurt him. the next day even checked up on him before his first day of school to make sure he was still good with the new room. he was.
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thank you for inviting us into your home. that is it for "special report." they are, balance, unafraid. the story starts now. >> asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with the reporter. i didn't do it myself for a variety of reasons, i thought that might prompt the appointment. >> trace: it was dangerous, unauthorized, but it was not criminal. i'm trace gallagher and for martha maccallum and this is "the story." that was the name of finding today saying the admission you just heard from the former fbi director that he leaked his conversations with president trump violated fbi policy, but did not break the law. my next guest says there is another layer to this report