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tv   Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer and Sandra Smith  FOX News  August 19, 2019 6:00am-9:00am PDT

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do some cooking. if the cheesy fries will change your life. it go go to fox & o get the recipe. >> head over to the fox nation app for the after show show. >> sandra: good morning. ice is claiming responsibility for a terrorist attack in afghanistan as the usn taliban reach an agreement, as is the right time to withdraw troops from that nation? >> i am jon scott in for bill hemmer. if now the deadliest attack in the afghan capital this year, 63 people are dead. the afghan he president vowing to crush isis safe havens. and now peace talks are on the way between the u.s. and the taliban. >> sandra: he was president trump on all of that yesterday. >> we are talking to afghanista afghanistan, both the government and also talking to the taliban. we will see what happens.
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we really got it down to probably 13,000 people, and we will be bringing it down a little bit more and then we will decide whether or not will be staying longer or not. >> sandra: benjamin hall's live in london with the latest. >> this attack even by afghan standards is brutal. it's a reminder that with or without the u.s., this is a country teetering on the brink of civil war. in so many different factions to let play. the wedding hall bomber detonated his explosives in the wedding hall with 1500 people had gathered. if he walked up to the stage of the front of the hall where children and adults were dancing and clapping and blew himself up. isis student claimed responsibility saying they had targeted minority shiites who had been viewed as deserving of death. if the attack is a reminder that isis and afghanistan are a major
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force in both the u.s. and the taliban condemned this attack against civilians, at least 63 were killed including 23 children and 200 injured. if both the bride and the groom survived but said their lives were devastated. as peace talks between the taliban in the u.s. continue and are believed to be close to reaching an agreement, many outraged afghans ask whether or not a deal with the u.s. to end nearly 18 years of fighting will actually bring any peace to long-suffering afghan civilians or whether it will lead to further conflict. openly frustrated at being sidelined from u.s. peace talks insist that the taliban are just as much to blame for the wedding attack saying that they created the platform for terrorists with their own brutal assaults on schools, mosques, and other public places over the years and we have seen a fresh violence today in the eastern city killing and wounding up to 100 people. it is a reminder this country is incredibly splintered as the u.s. and the taliban try to find
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a way forward. >> sandra: benjamin hall, thank you. >> jon: in a matter of hours, we will hear from democratic congresswoman rashida tlaib and ilhan omar as the fallout continues after israel's decision to prevent at least one of them from entering that country. a decision israel ultimately rescinded. it meanwhile, no learning senior democrats are weighing action against israeli diplomats, republican congressman says that move will be a mistake. >> it would be a huge strategic mistake on their part. it is bad politics. these two members were going and claiming to be representatives of the u.s. government but seeking to undercut u.s. foreign policy and not represent her actual stance of the government. >> jon: and britannia's live in washington with more. >> this confrontation is not going away and now members of congress are looking at taking action and may even just be the beginning. about a dozen house democrats
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are considering a number of actions in response to israel blocking congresswoman rashida tlaib and ilhan omar from visiting. among those options reportedly being discussed is issuing a statement of no confidence in israel's ambassador to the u.s., and opening an inspector general investigation into the u.s. as ambassador to israel david freeman to determine if he had any role in israel's decision to block tlaib and omar for making their trip. president trump waited on the possible democratic action last night, tweeting and part house democrats want to take action against israel because it is fighting back against two, maybe four people who have said bad things about it and the israeli people. what happened? a whole host of 2020 candidates are weighing in on this as well including senator kirsten gillibrand who stopped short of endorsing any kind of legislative action against israel on abc this week. >> i think our obligation as an ally and as a friend is to hold
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them accountable when they are wrong and i think any time you are undermining basic free-speech rights and human rights, you are going in the wrong direction. >> a handful of republican lawmakers have also criticized israel for blocking the trip but you also have g.o.p. lawmakers and democrats that have argued that tlaib and omar's support for the boat caught against his will is both dangerous for the u.s. and israel like legislative action. though it is not clear how much support there is firm leadership or the rank and file members for any kind of action at this point. >> jon: inc. you. >> the horowitz report is going to be ugly and damning regarding. it will be behavior regarding the counterintelligence operation, i want people to see how off the rails this
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investigation got, and i want people to be held accountable. >> sandra: senator lindsey graham over the weekend saying he believes the highly anticipated report will be released in the coming weeks urging doj to classify as much information as possible. if chief political correspondent for the "washington examiner" and fox news contributor, good morning to you. in addition to him saying he expects it to be damning and ugly for the doj, he says he is looking forward to when this report is made public. key word there is looking forward to. if you don't actually know what it's going to be released, it's been quite delayed and taken some time. does that tell you anything? >> these reports always take longer than originally estimated. that's just a rule in washington. on this one, we have gotten word that inspector general horowitz received additional evidence when he was in the very last stages of putting his report together. that sometimes happens as people realize this thing is about to
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come out and they have more information they want to get in it. so not a surprise but it's taking a long time. >> sandra: what is the biggest news expected to be? >> how big of a deal that will be, but i think the biggest deal will be what it reveals about the justice department efforts to spy on the trump campaign in 2016. if we know that they got a warrant to wiretap carter page. we know that they use informants like stephen to try to get information. we know they send an undercover agent who went by the false name over to london to try to tease out information out of george papadopoulos and the big question for a lot of investigators is is that it? is that more? and that's one of the things i expect the horowitz report to answer. >> sandra: lindsey graham towards the tail end of that
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interview said one other big question that he has is what role did the cia play in the surveillance of the trump campaign? here he is making that point. >> we know that the fire is application was based on a dossier made by christopher steele who was biased against trump that was unverified. what role does the cia play? who knew about this in the white house? there's a question. was president obama briefed on the fact that they were opening up counterintelligence investigation against the trump campaign? i'd like to know that. >> sandra: i know that really struck you. >> pay attention when he says he wants to know about the cia. this inspector general report we are talking about is the justice department inspector general so they can only investigate the justice department. a lot of people on capitol hill want to know what the cia and other people in the intelligence world were doing about this and that's why the investigation started by the attorney general,
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being run by the u.s. attorney in connecticut, that's why it's very important because he can look into the broad government area including the cia, not going to be in this horowitz report that should be in something that we get someday. >> sandra: want to get your final thoughts this morning on this back-and-forth with rashida tlaib and ilhan omar, israel united. delmar weighed in on his friday show and had some criticism of the congresswomen. listen in. >> bds is a purity test by people who want to appear woke but slept through history class. as if the occupation came right out of the blue, that is completely peaceful people found themselves occupied. >> sandra: rashida tlaib took that on is that i'm tired of folks discrediting equality and freedom, this is how they tried to discredit and stop the boycott to stand up against
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apartheid in south africa. it didn't work then and it won't work now. if so how does this all end? >> she is suggesting people should now boycott bill maher show. it i think it ends with people o are not in the squad, democrats and republicans trying to smooth things over a bit. israel has always taken great pride in its support in a bipartisan support in the u.s. congress and indeed, this latest delegation went over there from the house was very bipartisan, tons of republicans, tons of democrats, that's pretty unusual in the house of representatives these days. so i think israel will see that it needs to continue to have bipartisan support and will probably see efforts to calm things down with the democrats who are angry. >> sandra: we look forward to that news conference, we will move that story forward. appreciate your time this
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morning. we are going to have much more on this coming up, our headliner this morning. he says that the law shows israel was right to ban the one lawmaker and we will hear from israeli ambassador to the u.n. and joining us at 11:00 11:00 n time this morning. big story this morning. >> jon: this fox news alert, search and rescue crews working overnight off the coast of florida defined two off-duty firefighters who left on fishing trips friday night and have not been seen since. what the coast guard is reporting today. plus this. >> sandra: a tennyson situation far right and far left dueling protests in portland over the weekend. so how did things turn out? we will be speaking with a former member of antifa who will be joining us next. >> once you get into nt for, you realize how hateful and violent
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>> police did an exemplary job of de-escalating the situation, keeping the extremists on both sides separated for the most part and preventing people who wanted to engage in acts of violence from confronting each other. one method is portland's mayor praising police for keeping protests peaceful over the weekend, far right groups and far left members of antifa held dueling demonstrations in the city on saturday. it gabriel is a field coordinator for the leadership institute and also a former member of antifa. thank you for joining us. what do you think about what the portland mayor had to say there? >> it is obvious he is in damage control, it is all p.r. to him.
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like that he said for the most part. let's look at what the most part is. if you look at those examples, and t5 members try to pull people out of a bus trying to beat them up and then another incident where this gentleman who allegedly was not there for any political purposes trying to take pictures, they were harassing him and they threw his american flag on the floor and this is what antifa is. they are against anything that they don't like. >> jon: the conservative journalist who has had his own run-ins with antifa in the past said this on fox and friends this morning about that incident. >> i know they describe the events as peaceful but his metric is looking to see if anybody was killed, there were lots of people who were injured, maced, beaten, mobbed. there were people who came prepared with slabs of concrete. a lot of damage can happen before somebody is killed. >> jon: so if you're setting
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the bar at nobody being killed and that makes a successful police action, i suppose that's a pretty low bar. >> it is a low bar and unfortunately, we have to be more proactive about fighting antifa. they don't care if there is police there. there were 1,000 officers there and they couldn't contain antifa. we need action at the federal level. we need to classify them as a domestic terrorist organization. >> jon: the president has said that he is doing that. major consideration is being given to naming auntie for an organization of terror. if portland is being watched very closely and hopefully the mayor will be able to properly do his job. did the mayor get the job done, do you think? >> honestly, no. if on friday, i was praising him saying he was actually taking nt for seriously but it shows you they are a bigger threat than one city to handle and we really need action at the federal level. >> jon: you are a former
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member and you join the group back in 2012. >> they stand for antifascism and i joined thinking i was going to be doing something good but unfortunately, once you get into nt for and you start realizing what they're doing is not right, they are trying to hurt people and harass people and the reason i left was because i started asking questions and as soon as i asked questions, they started harassing me. the reason i became a conservative's i met someone from the leadership institute when i asked questions instead of him harassing me, he would be really interested and respond to them. thankfully i now work for the leadership institute and my job is to help conservative students around the country and help them defend themselves against nt for an liberal bias college campuse campuses. >> jon: when you look at the video from this portland riot, it seems like they just become their license. >> when you hide behind a black mask, it just gets you part of
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this mob mentality. this is not going to stop unless we take antifa seriously and we declare them a domestic terrorism organization. >> jon: the president says he is keeping an eye on that possibility. gabriel, thank you very much for joining us this morning. >> sandra: president trump meanwhile touting a possible deal to end the trade war with china. >> if i wanted to make a bad deal with china, the market would go up but it wouldn't be the right thing to do. i'm just not ready to make a deal yet. >> sandra: this all coming as the trump administration pushes against claims that the u.s. may be heading into recession. plus, a fisherman gets owned and a pretty big scare. we will have this for you straight ahead. ok everyone!
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>> jon: we are awaiting a news conference out of philadelphia with the district attorney is set to announce charges against the suspect in last week's hours long standoff. faces attempted murder and assault charges, accused of shooting and officers who were serving a drug warrant. the six injured officers have been released from the hospital, we will take you there the second gets underway. >> i don't think we are having a recession, doing tremendously well. we are doing better than any country or even area anywhere in the world. >> second of all, the trump program which i believe has been succeeding, lower tax rates, big
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rollback of regulations, trade reform, we are going to stay with that. demand that was the president and his economic advisor pushing back about recession in the near future saying the economy is doing well and that if there is a slow down to blame should be on china. let's bring in fox news and business anchor maria bartiromo. of all this talk of recession has got the market completely uncertain, huge swings in the market last week, it was an over or warranted? >> i think it's overdone. the whole worry that we are hearing is all about interest rates and you hear this technical term, the inverted bond yield and it's very simple, it means that short-term bond yields are higher than long-term bond yields and it basically says people are so worried about the short term that they are piling into long term so when you get that yield the where it is where there are so low on the
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short-term bond, people think recession is around the corner and often times, it does signify a recession 14 months later, not tomorrow, not next month, 14 months but it's overdone because the yields are reacting across the world. you have negative interest rates in germany, rock-bottom rates across europe so a stimulus is happening across the world. the u.s. cannot not stimulate if everyone else isn't stimulating because it is moving the dollar up and there's a big story in the journal today about how strong the dollar is and if that's going to cut into earnings. that is a serious concern because of the dollar gets stronger, it makes american products more expensive overseas and that's why when they say we want a strong dollar, they don't want a strong dollar. >> sandra: he does not want the strong dollar in any slow down that we are seeing or do you see he is saying blame china, why?
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>> we are in this fight with china because we felt is $500 billion trade deficit and the president feels that china will not agree to all of the terms that were already agreed upon. these were basic things. likes to call them the seven sins they refused to put that into law that is against chinese law to steal intellectual property. and it's a deal breaker as far as the u.s. is concerned. the dumping of products that much deeper levels, the manipulation of currency, because china is refusing to do all of these things, we can't do a deal right now so he is blaming china because of all of the uncertainty around the deal. i am not expecting a deal right now. >> sandra: some democratic candidates are talking recession, seen it last week and over the weekend, here's a sample.
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>> we have a trade war. >> very worried about a recession and more worried about the fact that whether there is a expansion, still can't get ahead. >> hasn't entered into them bt started a trade war with china. >> go back to the negotiating table with china, i think it is outrageous that he has been using our farmers and workers like poker chips. >> sandra: that was a sample of some of the democratic candidates who were worried about recession, no bad trade deals, started a trade war with china they are saying so they are putting out a lot of worry out there you say is overdone. >> this conversation has now moved into politics because do we really expect bill de blasio to say we had a 51 you're low on unemployment, we are at 4.1% growth in the second quarter of last year, this year 3.1% of the first quarter and 2.1% in the second quarter, this is a straw in the
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democratic candidates do not want to go to you. if they would much rather talk about hysteria and chaos around the stock market fell off and the potential. i am not seeing it on the groun ground. >> sandra: that had a hard time fighting back on that and getting their messaging straight. >> wages are up, the president loves to talk about this. there is this talk about they threw it out there, commented over the weekend and here's what he said on that. >> greenland got relief some how, it's a large real estate deal. a lot of things can be done, it is hurting denmark very badly because they're losing almost $700 million and strategically for the united states, it would be nice. >> it's funny to hear him say it would be nice because then he is showing his cards a little.
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he actually is thinking about this and he hasn't said no. >> sandra: really interesting stuff, thank you. markets are going to be watching that pressure. >> jon: two of california's biggest cities are facing another problem. how the homeless crisis in the golden state is also contribute into a health crisis, all of this and alive reported. >> sandra: plus the battle is on for one of the key conservative strongholds. we'll join us live next. who usk the vacation rental that led to the ride ♪ which took them to the place where they discovered that sometimes a little down time
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bathroom. following this from our west coast newsroom. >> california takes pride in -- governor gavin newsom and some big-city mayors have not been quite as vocal about another problem, homelessness and its byproduct human waste blame for giving cops in l.a. typhoid and declining tourism in san francisco which last a reported 27,000 complaints of the sidewalk. so to help, they developed an app where they could take a photo of the offending item and get the sanitation department to holloway the feces. needles and homeless encampments in san francisco which now ranks fourth in homelessness after new york, l.a., and seattle. complaints over an eight year period in san francisco. california leads the nation in
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homelessness where people camped out downtown near the beaches where panhandling is easy. last year, they downplayed reports of these cities policies on homelessness contributing to the rat infestation and typhoid among cops. an internal report said otherwise that almost misused the graded areas on the sidewalks as their bathroom to relieve themselves and that attracted rats. the problem is getting attention and in san francisco, up to 25 public mobile restrooms and homeless areas. now it is making life better for some in the golden state. >> sandra: thank you very much much. >> jon: meanwhile, the g.o.p. is trying to confront its own crisis as the golden state's conservative stronghold in orange county turns increasingly
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blue. if the g.o.p. now holds only seven of california's 53 congressional seats and both of the states seats in the u.s. senate are held by democrats. let's bring in chairwoman of the republican national committee. it was ronald reagan's home state, what's happened? >> democrats are concerned that we are going to win back those seats and that's why they have just passed a law trying to block president trump from being on the primary ballot. they know that would have a down ballot effect since i have what's called a jungle primary there where the top two vote getters go on to the general. they want to preclude the president from being at the top of the ticket to prevent republicans from getting through in these congressional races, that's why they have challenged california, rmc has fired a lawsuit, it's against the constitution. >> jon: president trump doesn't even campaign in california. it's a foregone conclusion when
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it comes to the presidential race, what about the seven members of congress that you still have among republicans and endangered species in that stat state? >> they are not an republicans want to vote for president and what gavin newsom has done is try to prevent president trump from even being on the ballot for his primary. so by taking him off the ballot, or its chances of republicans getting through in these congressional races, it is really shameful what's happening, they filed a lawsuit in every american should be taking note of what the california democrats are trying to do to prevent republicans from having a voice at all in their state. >> jon: i want to take a look at the orange county numbers, republican voters registered in orange county, these days the democrats have put the numbers in 2019, democrats versus
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541,000 registered republicans. it is that a statewide phenomenon? what is happening to the shrinking republican base in orange county? >> let's be honest, a lot of republicans are leaving california because the taxes are crazy and the state is being run by liberal progressive democrats but the republicans that are there, and they are there, are going to be voting. they want to take back these congressional seats. the rnc is going to be in play. making sure we have our nominee for president at the top of the ballot and not have democrats try to prevent the president from even competing in this presidential contest. >> jon: you could potentially lose some republicans to a joe biden came to see, there's a headline in the newspaper quoting joe biden, he says there's a lot of really good
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republicans out there. it seems that mr. biden is trying to broaden his message, are you concerned that republican voters are going to go for joe? >> first of all, i am waiting for joe to have to backtrack on that because the last time he said republicans were good, he had to apologize let's wait for that backtrack. but no, he is embracing medicare for all, taking away people's private health care plans, pushing people towards a public auction. he is embracing the socialist movement of the democrat party and that is just not going to play in states like michigan where i'm from, ohio, pennsylvania, wisconsin and president trump can run on a record of higher wages coming back. the working class in my state recognizes that trump is the one who is delivered from them not the obama and biden legacy and economies that left so many
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people in the state. >> jon: you mentioned obama and biden when he was vice president, he was a bridge builder, a quote from the hill article, meaning they were good republicans out there. any time we ever got in trouble with our administration, got set up to capitol hill to fix it, because they know i respect the other team. might winds and admiration among republicans but what are democrats going to do, saying they are good people? >> what's even more interesting is that obama this weekend had a report that he told joe biden not to run and he hasn't endorsed his former running mate. now he's trying to sell the line i didn't ask for the endorsement and that is just a flat out lie. of course he would want the endorsement of former president obama but he doesn't have it. which shows how little his former partner has faith in him and the fact that obama is not
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endorsing his candidacy speaks volumes. >> jon: ronna mcdaniel, chairman of the republican national committee. if? a multicar crash at the indy car race at the pocono raceway yesterday. >> to the inside, huge crash. a lot of cars. >> sandra: a lot of cars, five to be exact, the very first lap of the race, one driver was rushed to the hospital, none of his injuries were life-threatening. all that damage took crews about an hour to clean up, racing did resume shortly after. >> jon: and a rookie setting a national league record. >> sends went deep to left field, and that is gone! his 40th home run of the season. >> jon: mets first baseman hitting the sell the run on the
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ninth inning against the royals yesterday, now he has the most home runs for a rookie in a single season. 40 so far and the season is not over. as for the final score, the mets taking it 11-5. so that's that. did you catch it? he got the recap there. a good game that was. meanwhile, an ice terror attack in afghanistan over over the wd raising new questions about whether the president should reconsider moving forward with withdrawal. general jack keane is here and we are going to get his thoughts in reaction to that.
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>> he just took it out of my hands! he just took it out of my hands. >> jon: lucky he didn't take your hand. the fishermen estimates that measured about 14 feet long and measured more than 1,000 pounds. >> sandra: what are you supposed to do? >> jon: the beauty of nature. >> every national security advisor for president trump is recommending unanimously that if we deal with a peace agreement with the taliban, we must maintain the ability to have a counterterrorism force with intel capability so any deal with the taliban, he will never get a deal with al qaeda and isis and that's why we need our troops over there to make sure they never come here again. if? senator lindsey graham saying we need troops to remain in afghanistan following in isis terror attack in a wedding that killed 63 people.
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it could lead to a u.s. withdrawal. a fox news senior strategic analyst and retired four-star general jack keane is here. good morning, always great to talk to you. what first can you tell us about those talks? >> first of all, those talks are coming to an end and the taliban has driven a very hard bargain because they know the united states is predisposed to pulling out of afghanistan, there's been announcements obviously to that effect now for almost a year and as a result of that hard bargain, a couple of things have come out of that. we are going to agree to make an announcement if the deal goes forward at the united states will withdraw out of afghanistan sometime by the end of 2020 and the taliban will provide a couple of guarantees for that. if one is they will negotiate with the afghan government. that is a good thing despite the huge chasm between an electoral
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representative of government in a terrorist organization. but still a good thing. the second thing is the reason we are in afghanistan to remind our viewers is because they attacked us out of that and when they offered the opportunity to give them up in 2001, they refused. so for 18 years, we have kept our foot on the third of afghanistan who have been in pakistan doing covert operations but also making a certain no safe haven again in afghanistan. so what the condition will be is that the taliban will guarantee to the united states that no al qaeda safe haven will be established and they will destroy the safe haven there. that is delusional to believe that we and our negotiators don't trust the taliban, believe me but secondly, even if they wanted to do it, they don't have the capability to do it.
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if so why are we making the announcement of a complete withdrawal when we know they're not going to be able to do it and therefore keep our troops there anyway. what will happen, the propaganda game that the radical islamists worldwide will get out for afghanistan, that announcement will be seen as to render to a radical islamist organization. secondly, and this is crucial, it will undermine the afghan military. who we deposed the taliban with back in 2001 are already organizing to take up arms against the taliban. they will pull their forces out of the afghan national security army to do that. civil war is not possible, it is guaranteed. now if that is all going to happen and you have the civil war and we saw what it looks like in syria, they read
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in there and expanded significantly and we have isis as a result of it. if that what we are facing, and expanded al qaeda in afghanistan as a result of the withdrawal announcement. >> sandra: we need at least some of our troops to make sure they never come here again. so as far as this overnight, the president made comments on this over the weekend, here is president trump. >> they very much want to make a deal. they just don't know how to call because they are proud people and i understand that but i have a feeling that maybe things could work out and maybe not. if you notice i haven't taken our ships, they have taken chips but they haven't taken our ships and they better not. >> jon: they would like to talk but don't know how to get there. only a few seconds left here but if you can weigh in on that situation and how we should proceed? >> i think part of that playbook
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at some point would be inflicting casualties on either u.s. and our facilities in the region. if that is clearly something to come. they are using everything else if they can short of that. but i don't believe they're ready to talk yet. >> sandra: general jack keane, always great to have you come i thank you very much. >> jon: a desperate search is underway for two firefighters who disappeared while fishing off the coast of florida. live with the latest on the search for them next. or this john smith. or any of the other hundreds of john smiths that are humana medicare advantage members. no, it's this john smith, who met with humana to create a personalized care plan. at humana, we have more ways to care for your health, and we find one that works just for you. no matter what your name is.
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>> jon: searches intensifying for two firefighters who went missing during a fishing trip off the florida coast. they were seen leaving fort canaveral and working overnight to try to find.
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live with more on that search. >> the brother of one of these firefighters say they are as tough as they come, a true survivor. both of the men just really loved, well-liked, and respected over the weekend. if 50 jacksonville firefighters volunteered to assist the coast guard and what has been a massive search. everyone looking for any clues, any evidence of anything but three days after they went missing, still no sign of them or their boat. the missing firefighters, lives and works in fairfax, virginia, and lives in jacksonville. reportedly heading east to go fishing at a reef. in release of security camera events from the coast. christopher columbus boat ramp which shows them outside friday morning as they backed that boat trailer into the water. the boat is a 24-foot center console, white with a black
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sunshade. >> a firefighter in jacksonville, florida, right now, he knows what he's doing. >> the maxima never showed up friday night, the coast guard was called and they've been scanning the ocean all the way north to near charleston, south carolina, . no way to be sure they made it into the gulf stream. the search has been 24/7 by boat and by air. the state of the sea where waves of two to 3 feet and had not wins which is awfully good weather to go on your boat and go fishing off the florida coas coast. >> jon: that is of concern. thank you very much. >> sandra: fox news alert as a woman accused of recruiting victims for the late disgraced financier jeffrey epstein becomes the focus in the sex abuse investigation. going to have a live report on
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that just ahead. plus, this period >> at the end of the day, what is is dealing with a barbaric and dysfunctional criminal justice system which has very little to do with justice. >> sandra: bernie sanders unveiling his ideas for overhauling the criminal justice system. within his plan, no death penalty, mandatory minimum sentences and a whole lot more. the attorney andrew mccarthy will be here to react. your sleep number setting. can it help us fall asleep faster? yes, by gently warming your feet. but can it help keep us asleep? absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. so you can really promise better sleep. not promise... prove. and now, all beds are on sale! save 50% on the 360 sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus 0% interest for 24 months on all beds. only for a limited time.
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>> sandra: oil scandal rocking the house of windstar, leasing prince andrew inside jeffrey epstein's mansion. >> jon: i am jon scott in the four bill hemmer, the encounter in question taking place in 2010 when epstein was a registered sex offender already and not the only time they had met. the duke of york already facing fire over his longtime friendship who was awaiting trial of sex trafficking charges when he died. >> sandra: the duke of york has been appalled by the recent reports of the alleged crimes. it here with the latest revelations. >> at 2010 video newly published by the daily mail shows the duke of york inside of jeffrey epstein's new york city mansion opening up the front door as he
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waves good-bye to a young brunette who has seen leaving epstein's home. moments before that, the upper eastside residents with a young blonde woman. they show them coming and going from the house. in response to the video, buckingham palace says they deploy deplore the exploitation of a human being and they would discourage any such behavior. this video is the latest proof of association between his royal highness and epstein, a convicted sex offender. in this photo, prince andrew is seen with his hand around the waist of virginia while she was a minor. she claims she was forced to have sex with andrew when she was a minor. the woman in the background is accused of being the primary coconspirator and madam.
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now she alleges she was flown on epstein's private jet to london specifically to have sex with prince andrew. buckingham palace has released previous statements that have emphatically denied that prince andrew had any contact or relationship with virginia saying "any claim to the contrary is false and without foundation." >> sandra: thank you. president trump meanwhile insisting the u.s. economy is in great shape despite recent indicators of a possible recession. the president tweeting out our economy is the best in the world by far, lotus unemployment ever within almost all categories. for prices down, helping farmers from big tariff money coming in. great future for usa. let's bring in the "america's newsroom" 18. former senior advisor to
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john kerry and james freeman, assistant editor of "the wall street journal" editorial page. i heard you chuckle, we will get to that in a second. these are great when it comes to the economy. >> given the fact that 68% of our economy is based on consumer spending, housing, health care, if you want to help the economy, let's all go out to lunch, then heavily and then go online and by her favorite. as far as it will impact the election, reading the column this morning made me to have pulled ahead of the covers over my head and cry for mom. but luckily, it is not that bad and we will see next to me with the is. i will impact where voters are. >> jon: let's see where voters are, trump is in big trouble in 2020, political and economic warning signs are there for all
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to see. and goes on to write president trump trails the top four democratic contenders, favorability rating is under water, the strong academy he touts is anything but. a lot of people are saying democrats are begging for wishing for recession. >> that's not true but what is true is all in the fox news pol poll. you see the problems they are. on the economy, donald trump said tax cuts would pay for themselves, instead he's exploded the deficit to $1 trillion in less than two years. the tariffs he admits last week by holding off on the new tariffs that they've been hurting american consumers and he's trying to save christmas. when you look at last week on the day when the market tanked 800 points and last monday, at ten to 400, the signs are all there and you can see it. >> sandra: so you are saying goals, we have to make that realization. he did not have an admission
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that the tariffs were hurting the consumer but he did say was a christmas present some of could be as that. the question is, is there any hard evidence that our economy is facing recession? >> that were recently signed, you can look at the bond market and debate that but i think the worrisome sign is corporations making investments, building new plants and equipment has really cooled off and i think that is the trade fight. as far as how this economy feels to the consumer's, consumers are employed. we still have this amazing new record level job market in terms of more than 7 million open positions, people are getting wage increases. so i would say it's a very strong consumer economy with that trade cloud which is reducing corporate investment. >> jon: there's an old saying that the stock market has correctly predicted nine out of the last five recessions, something like that but at any rate, the stock market is up 250 points as we speak on this
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monday, doesn't that signal optimism? >> the economy is good, consumer spending is good, benefits are increasing, all good positive signs. let me give you another big indicator in the presidential election. since 1900, ohio has elected the president all but twice and today, donald trump is winning ohio. >> sandra: let's talk about joe biden, the front runner still for your party, he is talking about republicans and he had some good things to say. doubling down on something he has said before. i'm reading a quote. if there was an awful lot of really good republicans out there, i get in trouble for saying that but the truth of the matter is every time we ever got in trouble with our administration, got sent up to capitol hill to fix it, me because they know i respect the other team. >> here's the problem, he has to win the democratic primary furs and democrats are in the mood to
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hear about republicans. if he could do a better job defining those republicans like republican women who voted for doug jones in alabama, republican women who voted for democrats in 2018 and gave the house back to the democrats. if that's what he needs to do what he talks about going to the senate and working with republican senators, many of them aren't there anymore because they're just not moderate republicans left in the senate and people like susan collins are going to have a hard time getting reelected. >> this is an exciting moment, this is the reason he got into this phrase. there's a need for a moderate. so about 40%, stops moving left, syncs to a 30% now this is the candidate people thought they were going to get out of biden and the key here is not the backup, not to say tomorrow i didn't mean it, republicans are all awful and this reflects the fact that there are a lot of moderates in the
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democratic party. if you look at almost 70% of the country in her journal nbc poll describes themselves as either a moderate, somewhat liberal are somewhat conservative so there is a big market out there even within the democratic party if he wants to take this more moderate course. >> they all show to gather independence towards democrats anyway so as not moderate, the ideological peace. as with other going to vote for donald trump or democrats. >> jon: he has changed so many of his long-held positions, always in favor of the hyde amendment and now he says he no longer supports. there were a lot of position changes he has made which have made him much farther left than he used to be. >> this is the first joe biden ran a comment since he got into the race. everything else has been trying to appease those activists were going to show up in iowa at the caucus ortho in new hampshire.
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and as he's pointed out, they are far more to the left and progressive than moderate democrats have an impact when it comes to the general election. hence what you see up until this comment saying things that were far more progressive than these moderate comments he made just this weekend. as we discussed at this table for months, joe biden will be out as he was the iowa caucus occurs when he doesn't win. >> sandra: meanwhile, stacy abrams indicating her openness to the g.o.p. spot. >> i am open to the conversation but we need to make sure we have a nominee first. i believe donald trump is imminently beatable that he is not the target. the target's victory for our values. >> stacy abrams, whoever the nominee is, she should be on the short-list. she's a terrific candidate, very impressive. former speaker of the georgia state house of representatives
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and the 2018 election in georgia, she would be governor. she would be a great member of either ticket would be a great job at her work to protect the election in 2020 and is incredibly important. >> jon: we haven't picked a nominee yet, is it too early to be talking about a vice presidential nominee? >> she is an immediate favorite, she lost the election fairly and squarely. why she remains in the news, i'm not sure but the point is people don't vote for vice presidential candidates so these people in the democratic field are going to have to win it on their own. they're going to have to beat trump on their own regardless of who they pick as a vp. >> they never succeed and that's what stacy abrams is doing. and maybe they can pick one that actually won whether the governor of michigan who is a democrat, the governor of wisconsin, pennsylvania, stacy abrams and despite but they continue to save, there's no
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actual evidence there was voter fraud that cost to rent out election. she laughs by 55,000 votes. >> why is the federal government forcing government georgia to l their voting machines? why are they forcing them to change their election machines? >> proof that one vote got changed. >> people couldn't vote that day, they didn't have the ability. >> we have a lawful process, there was a winner and a loser. i think probably the focus is not going to be on her over the next year, i would guess. >> sandra: we will end on this "new york times" tweet. hopefully in six years. zero credibility and are losing a fortune even now. and here we go, i'm fairly certain they will endorse me just to keep it all going. final thoughts from all three of you? >> donald trump is not getting the love from his hometown
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paper, the one he reads by hard copy and marks articles with a black sharpie. if he is always better when he has an enemy. the media is his enemy and "the new york times" as his favorite target. >> the only way is for them to endorse him and lose all their subscribers. >> if he really reads that one every day, i think there is an option, a better newspaper. it wouldn't be "the wall street journal," what it? >> sandra: we will leave it there. >> jon: in hong kong, more protests after the massive demonstrations over the weekend in the pouring rain which stayed peaceful despite some ten standoffs with police. the citywide valleys valley is now entering their 12 week period of life on the ground in hong kong for us. >> it was old one of the largest turnouts yet in the 11th week of protests in this pro-democracy movement and as you said, huge
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turn us the torrential downpour from all walks of life. young, old, families and attendants, students and professionals and an emphatic message that still over 1 million hong kong support this antigovernment movement and show this message of unity to beijing and we can send this message peacefully. >> as a pro-democracy merge coming you see the crowds turned out. so did the rain, but this is the first weekend in two months there was no teargas. >> they were threats of teargas on sunday but both sides were eager to tamp down the violence and the confrontations that has come to characterize these protests over the last two months. also, a mass turnout on sunday should be read that the residents in this city are undeterred, undeterred, unafraid of the mass chinese troops and artillery buildup that is next door along the border city.
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we also heard from president trump as well and he is warning beijing again to rethink any thoughts of military intervention. >> i think it would be very hard to deal if they do violence. i think it's a very hard thing to do if there is violence. >> protest leaders tell me that they don't have anything planned, million and a half yesterday but can't discount the fact that we might see more rallies and more protests throughout the next ten days until august 31st were again, a lot of people to take to the streets where they are hoping for 1 million plus once again. back to you. >> jon: thank you. >> sandra: officials -- next, how the fbi tracked down a man allegedly planning to shoot up a jewish community center in ohio
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next. >> jon: plus, jeffrey epstein's lawyers now taking issue with the medical examiner's autopsy results. why they are not convinced it was suicide as investigations reach all levels of government. >> when you start looking at it, it just lends itself to conspiracy theories we want to get to the bottom of it and see if we can find out and understand because it really goes to the credibility of the federal bureau of prisons. are you a veteran, own a home, and need cash?
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simple, easy, awesome. go to to get started. >> sandra: the philly d.a. has just announced charges against the barricaded government from last week for his role in the standoff, wednesday night that this happened in philadelphia resulted in six philadelphia police officer shot as well as injuries to other police officers as well. our understanding that there are four other defendants related to this case, let's listen here. >> has been charged as follows. he is the one responsible for the standoff from these of the charges. as to the officers who were actually shot, he has been charged with attempted murder which is a first degree felony, assault on law enforcement officer, aggravated assault, first-degree felony, and reckless endangerment of another
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person second degree misdemeano misdemeanor. there are some officers who were fired upon that actually escaped the house where this occurred and in those cases, he is charged with attempted murder, assault of a law enforcement officer aggravated assault, reckless endangerment. for the officers who were shot up and held captive inside the homes in the 3700 block of north fifth street, attempted murder, assault of a law enforcement officer, reckless endangerment but also unlawful restraint. a second degree misdemeanor. as for the civilians who were held captive in the home at the 3700 block, we have violations of the uniform firearms act, a number of them including a first-degree felony, we have causing or risking a catastrophe which is a third-degree felony, possession of an instrument of
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crime, first-degree misdemeanor second assault, we also have reckless endangerment and a second degree misdemeanor. people charged with narcotics offenses and charged with possession of the intent to deliver the first-degree felony. possession of drugs, paraphernalia charges and also the charge of possession of marijuana. >> sandra: that was a district attorney just moments ago announcing charges against the philadelphia standoffs aspect and for others. of course, marie's hell was the one charged on saturday with shooting six philadelphia police officers. big news on wednesday night, all of that happening just moments ago, more coming up on that. >> jon: meanwhile, lawyers are vowing to conduct their own investigation after the new york city medical examiner ruled his jailhouse death and
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suicide by hanging. it they are not ruling out the hanging as a cover-up for murder. let's bring in a professor of medicine at nyu medical center and a fox news contributor. could the medical examiner have it wrong? >> sander was bringing up a point of the brick that i want to start off with his he is really basically putting the whole reputation on the line and i'm going to assume that we haven't seen the official autopsy report but i'm going to assume she is looked over the body and hasn't seen signs of a struggle, hasn't seen signs of an attack, checked for an inside source and i know the fractures of the neck were definitely at the time of death not previously from that prior, it's not that the cellmate attacked him and led to that. but there's also the issue that in the strangulation rather than a hanging, you would see a lot
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of hemorrhaging and bleeding around there. i'm going to assume that was in there. without the lawyers suspicious and advisor suspicious is that this number of fractures in the neck around the thyroid and the cartilage in the other one over here around the adam's apple, those three taken together based on five studies i looked out around the world come anywhere between 1% to 16% likelihood and hanging. and that is not high. the question is, how do they know it's suicide? with they were a suicide note, people around that were after him, signs of a struggle. that's presumably already taken into account. i think when she comes out with that pronouncement, i'm inclined to believe it because. >> sandra: wouldn't there be a sign of struggle with the laceration, bruising? >> if this was a suffocation, of course you would see bruising
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attempt to resist and no sign of that as far as we are here and haven't heard anything about that from the beginning, so if they are saying this is hanging the cover-up and attack in suffocation, you would likely see signs of that. >> jon: 's lawyers are reportedly suspicious and we haven't seen all of the details, two of the guards who were supposed to be monitoring and supposedly fell asleep, to guards. >> i've been concerned about that from the beginning. something out of a episode, how is it that to fall asleep at once and the cameras aren't turned, and how does it go for hours without being observed? those questions still remain and they have to be answered. maybe in the interim, it comes out in favor there was a camera, maybe someone did witness. >> sandra: maybe his team wants to question those two inmates who did make threats that we know of, that's where
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they're going with this. >> sexual predators to get murdered in prison so i don't think this line of inquiry is out of line but what i am saying is it can be wrong in this kind of a case it might be wrong. >> jon: it seems like this is going to keep the conspiracy theories going for years. >> one thing i want to say is you can put undetermined as a cause of death to one of the reasons when i saw that, i was inclined to believe it is undetermined could have been put down. they have evidence to back them up presumably. but conspiracy theories are not going to go away and i think the lawyers have every right to get more answers. >> sandra: in a matter of hours, we will be hearing from rashida tlaib and ilhan omar speaking out on israel's decision to bar one of them from entering the jewish state. former attorney says israel's refusal is on solid legal ground
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and he is here to explain why. >> they consistently post anti-semitic things on their social media, they have anti-semitic relationships and associations, anti-semitic tropes. sides your sleep number setting. sides can it help us fall asleep faster? yes, by gently warming your feet. but can it help keep us asleep? absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. so you can really promise better sleep. not promise... prove. and now, all beds are on sale! save 50% on the 360 sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus 0% interest for 24 months on all beds. only for a limited time.
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>> sandra: congresswoman rashida tlaib and ilhan omar to hold a news conference just hours from now. a decision to refuse one of them entry. now reports that they are considering some sort of action against israel, as larry leads y diplomats saying they are right to deny them entrance paid author of the brand-new book, and he joins us now. so why were they right to do this? >> israel has a law on the books that makes promotion if you have an alien that is a nonisraeli
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who is promoting this bds movement which is boycott divestiture and sanctions, they rightly consider that in attempts to dismantle and ultimately destroy the jewish state, they have a law on the books that says that is a reason to exclude someone from coming into their country. we have laws on our books that say someone is going to come into our country, we have good reason to believe they're going to violate the law. see you don't have a right to go into another country, it's a privilege to be allowed to come in. these were u.s. lawmakers who were not israelis who agitate against israel and who said they weren't even going to israel. they were going to palestine which neither israel nor the united states recognized as a sovereign state. so a million good reasons under israeli law. >> jon: there is no palestine, there are palestinian people.
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they did allow rashida tlaib to enter the country and then she said no. so was this about visiting her grandmother were making a political point? >> it was a political stunt from the beginning and i was glad to see that they called her on it because when she said never mind, i don't want to come in the first place, i think it put the light of the whole escapade. >> sandra: so they called earlier today to react all of this and taking the side of israel in the united states on this. >> you pledged allegiance to a foreign power, you support israel, the two of them were looking to tag team this trip in bad faith but the rhetoric and policy is all there and it wasn't good. >> sandra: is all of that backed up illegally to ban them from going there?
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>> i think so. i think they had a perfect right under their law to bar nonisraelis from coming in under the circumstances and i keep going back again to our law. i think our law is much more lax than it should be about keeping ideological opponents of the united states out of the country even under our comparatively lax laws, we would have had an immense keep non-americans who were agitating in this way against our country from coming in particularly if we knew their intention in coming in was to violate our laws, so absolutely they had a legal basis. >> jon: tlaib claims that her freedom of speech is being squelched. the comedian went on tv and made a mockery of her trip and the reasons for doing so and said let's all boycott this show real-time. wants to stifle the free speech
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rights. >> she is a leftist and this is the kind of thing they engage in, totalitarian tactics. but she is also showing as she doesn't know a lot about the first amendment. if she is still walking around free and clear and boycotting whatever else she wants to do but has not been arrested for anything and in fact, all of the agitating she wants to do, the israeli public and the people who are in their are all getting access to her ideas, hasn't been prosecuted for that. she's allowed to say whatever she wants to say as long as she stays on the right side, but that doesn't mean that her statements don't have consequences and why she can't be prosecuted, people can take a natural action in response to that. >> sandra: meanwhile, moving to 2020, democratic presidential
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candidate unveiling his criminal justice reform plan which he says is aimed at curbing the prison inflation along the highlights of the plan are these. eliminate the death penalty, stop obsessive sentencing and mandatory sentencing minimums, expand the use of sentencing alternatives. his campaign says all of this is designed to root out institutional racism and corporate profiteering. what do you think of his plan? >> it's a funny thing, i worked in the justice system for a long time. i think it's the least racist system that we have in the country, if that's possible. we are a country that's done a lot to root out racism because of the prior history of it but if you've been in the criminal justice system, it is dominated the most part by judges and lawyers who are products of
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left-leaning educational institutes there's a lot of things you can say about them but the idea that they are racist is absurd and the idea that they would be residing over a system that is endemically racist is equally absurd. the fact of the matter is, we have a lower prison population particularly a federal prison population that we've had in years and most of the provisions that he wants to take out such as mandatory minimum, in the 60s and 70s when we had tremendous crime in this country, we didn't have mandatory minimum provisions and it was judges who determine sentences unilaterally. mandatory minimums or how the american public gets to weigh in on what the sentences should be for serious crimes through their representatives in congress it if you repeal them, that is not the public that decides with the sentence has to be, if the
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judges and it is institutionally and academically tend to be much more left-leaning and much more insulated from the communities where there is high crime and average americans do. i think it's a very foolish ide idea. when that former federal prosecutor, thank you. fox news alert on the rising tensions between the u.s. and iran. tehran issues a warning about trying to seize one of its tankers recently released by gibraltar. at that ship been detained for a month over his suspicion of the allies syria, has more from jerusalem. >> that's right, the iranian tanker that was taken into british custody just last month in the strait of gibraltar has been released. the one formerly known as the
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greatest one is it set sail for greece. the development comes as the united states justice department without a warrant to seize the vessel that was rejected by the government of the british territory since they are bound by e.u. law. and in early july, it was taken into british custody as it was suspected of trying to in response, they took the british flag into their custody where it remains today. they are accusing the british flag of multiple nautical violations. tensions remain high in the persian gulf after attacks on western oil tankers and infrastructure. they continue to demand the united states needs sanctions on the islamic republic. >> because of the sanctions, they need to be very transparen transparent.
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with continued tension in the gulf, certainly we see using this newly freed vessel that would certainly increase between tehran and washington. >> sandra: could the junta still be coming to a theater near you? trying to keep that film alive despite its cancellation. >> jon: a meeting as the president is taking a look at him trade war with china. we will tell you what the ceo told him. >> sandra: a look at the markets as we kick off a brand-new week. if you put your seat belts on, another wild ride on wall street as the trump administration pushes back against recession fears. the dow up to 57. moneyman charles payne will join us next. >> the employment numbers are terrific, second of all working at much higher wages. no recession on the horizon.
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attract new customers. that's when fastsigns recommended fleet graphics. yeah, and now business is rolling in. get started at stop struggling to clean tough messes with sprays. try new clean freak! it has three times the cleaning power to dissolve kitchen grease on contact. it works great on bathtubs. and even stainless steel. try new clean freak from mr. clean.
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>> sandra: the conch controverl movie could still be released, reported depictions of elites hunting the so-called deplorable super sport. now one of its producers is telling an entertainment web site that there is definitely a chance though movie will see the light of day. no word on when yet. it will let you know what we see here. >> had a very good meeting with tim cook, a lot of respect for tim cook and tim was talking to me about tariffs, samsung is the number one competitor and it is tough for apple to pay tariffs if they are competing. if samsung is not paying tariffs because they are based in a different location. >> jon: discussing the impact of tariffs on the apple corporation after meeting with the company's ceo tim cook
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saying he made a very compelling argument to ease up the trade war with china. charles payne is a host of making money on the fox business network so what did you take away from the remarks? >> the president has had quite a few meetings and conversations with tim cook, or tim apple, if you will. it feels like it doesn't make sense to hurt this large american company, one of the largest companies in the world in the midst of all of this but by the same token, this underscores what the conundrum is. great american company making a whole lot of its products over in china. i will say the been trying to get ahead of this, put out a piece that said 2.4 million people. $60 billion last year with american suppliers, they supported 450,000 jobs. they say they provide jobs in every single state in the country because of the way they
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have brought out the supply unit and they expect to have direct contributions of $350 billion to the u.s. economy by 2023. so certainly on the offensive saying great american company, doing a lot of things in this country. >> sandra: if you look at the stock market today, not a whole lot of this very moment when you see it, but last week was a different story, it was up big one day and down even more than next. it's monday morning, we will see where the week goes. he along with the president's economic teams are making the case they do not see a recession coming trying to calm fears. we met first of all, i don't see a recession at all. and of all, the trump programs program which i believe been succeeding lower tax rates, big rollback of regulations, energy opening, trade reform, going to stay with that.
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the heart of the free enterpris enterprise. >> sandra: he does not see a recession coming at all. >> i tend to agree with him. they are going to be careful, they should report responsibly. he was the irony. in february, 42% of them saw chance of recession, that number is down to 38%. when you presented this way, the same fact, this is how their headline said, growing pessimis pessimism, they expect the u.s. recession in 2021. if that's not the story here. of the real story is that since february, this is one of the largest association of economists in this country and their guidance for next year recession went down since february. that's the headline but you won't read that anywhere.
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we have headlines like this, but here's the thing. if they continue to tilt this in a certain way, they can be responsible to help create a recession. >> sandra: doesn't hurt to ask when you see what's happening in the bond market, some forward-looking indicators worth watching right now for for the time being, it's down. we will see you tomorrow. thank you. it is still ahead, 12020 democratic hopeful looking to put the lid on online hate speech by holding internet platforms responsible. if so how that could work. we will have that next. usaa took care of her car rental, and getting her car towed. all i had to take care of was making sure that my daughter was ok. if i met another veteran, and they were with another insurance company, i would tell them, you need to join usaa because they have better rates, and better service. we're the gomez family... we're the rivera family... we're the kirby family,
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>> jon: a fox news alert, getting worried about an announcement from new york city police commissioner expected about an hour and a half from now, 12:30 p.m. eastern time. we believe this announcement involves the case of officer, the officer involved in the takedown of eric garner in 2018. he was accused of using an illegal choke hold to subdue the much larger man. an administrative law judge has recommended that he be fired, but ultimately that is up to the
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police commissioner. we don't know for certain but we will have that for you at 12:30 eastern time, an hour and a half from now. >> sandra: a string of mass shootings in the u.s., beto o'rourke looking to curb the spread of hate speech online is proposing to hold internet platforms accountable for what their users post. if >> this is an odd situation. we always run into the sticky situation talking about hate speech because the immediate follow-up question is who decides what hate speech is? there are some things we can all agree on. talking specifically about section 2:30 of the u.s. communications decency act, this is a section that was put into place in the late 90s when the internet was still a new thing, it place to protect new web sites from having to be
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liable for content they were linking to. this is 25 plus years ago when the internet was very much a text-based thing with links to other articles, the core of what the web was supposed to be said this was put into place to protect an early blogger although that wasn't called a blogger and linked out to an article that was not yours, somebody found it offensive. he was the person with a primary link is held responsible. the technology companies are able to take advantage of this because they are able to step back and say we are just a platform, we are not responsible for the things our users say to a certain point, certainly would make moderating these sites harder if they change these rules around because an algorithm is not going to solve this, having a list of banned words is not going to solve thi this. >> sandra: color, religion,
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national origin, ethnicity, immigration status, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability. how do you do that? is that possible? >> was a long list of things. i would guarantee if we sacked 13 people down at a table and said what's considered offensive to this list of groups of people and give me all agree on that? we probably could but then where does the harasser have the ability to turn around and say i'm on the victim of an online bully was after someone. if someone comes after the bully and says you are doing these things. >> sandra: this would be systems that would be implemented and designed to identify and act. and then of course, there could be unintended consequences to that. >> we have not seen an algorithm that can do these sorts of things. we have algorithms, this is a difficult one. >> love to see the internet
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police force to make it effective. it's out there. thank you. if one maxim brand-new reporting, senior democrats now weighing action against israeli diplomats in response to the jewish state preventing a democratic congresswoman entry. it is really ambassador to the u.n. will be here to react. . bu. what's up with your... partner? not again. limu that's your reflection. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ there's a company that's talked than me: jd power.people 448,134 to be exact. they answered 410 questions in 8 categories about vehicle quality. and when they were done, chevy earned more j.d. power quality awards across cars, trucks and suvs than any other brand over the last four years. so on behalf of chevrolet, i want to say
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>> sandra: fox news alert now, we will be hearing from hearing from ilhan omar and rashida tlaib, two members of congress set to speak out on israel's decision to bar at least one of them from entering the country. all of this as we get word they are weighing action against israeli diplomats. welcome back to "america's newsroom," i am sandra smith. >> jon: they will hold a news conference this afternoon after israel's decision last week to deny them entry. later was granted access to the liver in the west bank but rejected that offer. now questioning the real intentions of both congresswome congresswomen, chief white house correspondence live with more. >> this has turned into a political battle now. the president and other republicans are looking at congresswoman ilhan omar and
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rashida tlaib's position on israel and saying this is not just their position but this is representative of the democratic position at large and not the democratic party. listen to what senator lindsey graham said yesterday morning. >> the policies coming out of the democratic party are dangerous. tlaib and omar calling for an economic boycott of the state of israel which will destroy them. if the reason she was not visiting her grandmother is she has embraced the description df israel through an economic boycott. >> senior congressional democrats are now considering taking action to punish both israel's ambassador to the united states and the united states ambassador to israel for initially blocking tlaib and omar from entering israel. didn't take any part in the blocking action but did come out to save the united states fully
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supported israel's decision. they are considering calling for a nonconfidence vote in opening a state department inspector general's investigation against ambassador friedman. weighing in on all of this, listen here. >> president trump is unwilling to hold anyone accountable, unwilling to stand up to any other world leaders. if you've seen it with this instance in israel, china, russia. and has really shrunk in the face of his responsibilities. >> wanted to go to the west bank to visit her 90-year-old grandmother, had some choice words for the president over the weekend, listen here. >> may god be with him. i was happy that she was coming, i was excited that she was coming for her grandmother to see her. my heart tells me that she will come.
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>> the democrats threatened to escalate this and the white house says this is nothing but politics. >> what it usually is with them which is brought politics and media attention. if there was an 80 person bipartisan congressional delegation that went israel around the time that ilhan omar and rashida tlaib were planning on going. gobbling up the media attention, 2 of 80. >> just got a quote from the white house just a second ago about this idea of a nonconfidence vote in ambassador and the inspector general's investigation of ambassador friedman let the white house deputy press secretary said congresswoman rashida tlaib and ilhan omar have a well-documented history of anti-semitic comments and anti-semitic relationships. israel has the right to prevent
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people who want to destroy them from entering the country and the professional inquiries here cannot change the law israel has passed to protect itself. if going to hear a lot more about this as the day progresse progresses. >> jon: and the arguing continues over last week's news. >> sandra: we are still a few weeks away from finding out the details from the report on the department of justice and the handling of the russia investigation. senator lindsey graham on the sunday show is predicting it would not be good. >> i believe that report is going to be ugly and damning reporting the handling of the russia probe. i would like to classify as much as possible, i want the american public to hear the story, want this to come out. >> sandra: former new hampshire governor, white house chief of staff to george w. bush, always great to see you. so the reason my lindsey graham and others including the top of
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the show this morning says this is so delayed in taking so long in lindsey graham's words every time we turn around, you find something new. so he makes the case this is going to be a very deep dive on the background of that investigation and what actually occurred, do you expect it to b be? >> it will be a deep dive, they will put out a report and they will probably be referrals. i don't know if the referrals will be for criminal actions for whatever it is within the department to deal with mishandling of process and protocol but remember, it will only be limited to the department of justice and what a lot of the folks are really interested in seeing is the mischief that was also produced by the intelligence agencies. particularly, the role in that
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whole process and the reason that's important is that they are the gateway to the obama white house and to the president himself. >> sandra: lindsey graham also made the case in that interview on sunday morning futures yesterday that he wants to declassify as much as possible. i want them to read for themselves how bad it was. how much you think they'll be actually able to see and learn? >> they should be able to see it all because there's nothing there of substance that applies to any real intelligence process. it was all a fabricated set of intelligence relationships that were being used to entrap the trump administration. i think we are going to see a great deal of it. the only person over there that i think is going to try and prevent that is christopher wray who i think has really been
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co-opted by the fbi. >> sandra: he went on to say he wants to know exactly who was ultimately responsible for the russia investigation, he went on to ask who knew about this with president obama brief, and would like know that. want to move on to 2020 2020 ie front runner. and his words on republicans as a fund-raiser on saturday. he says there's an awful lot of really good republicans out there and i get in trouble for saying that but the truth of the matter is every time we get in trouble, and they got sent up to capitol hill to fix it because they know i respect the other team. how was the front runner presenting himself as a statement like that? >> that's the first smart political statement joe biden has made since he got into the campaign. i do think independent voters, the middle voters are looking for a more civil discourse in
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this campaign than they've been treated to by the democrats over the past three years and so i think biden is separating himself in terms of style. he seems to have been from the far left in terms of substance but he's going to try to make a differentiation on the basis. >> sandra: the chairwoman of the g.o.p. and she made the case she does not believe that joe biden will appeal to swing voters. >> taking away people's health care plans, pushing people towards the public option, he is embracing the socialist movement and that is just not going to play in states like michigan where i'm from, ohio, pennsylvania, wisconsin. >> sandra: that she have a point? >> she is absolutely right on issues. if he has been moved so far to
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the left on issues that he is looking for a different vote to come back to the middle at least on the style's i think that's why he made those comments about the republicans. the democratic party has been co-opted by the progressive going to a level that middle america probably does not understand yet how bad it is, but in the middle of the campaign as a president starts defining the difference, they've destroyed their party. >> sandra: other interesting things over the weekend, some good republicans out there. he said that they are decent people, but he said conservatives were too intimidated to disagree with the president. he said they are decent people that ran because they care about things but they are intimidated right now. he said this at a fund-raiser on saturday. i don't have sound, but you can react to that. >> i think the situation is such
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that they are looking for issues where they have common ground with the president, common ground on things that were reducing regulations, they found common ground with the president almost all found common ground with the president on his effort to replace obamacare so i don't think they are intimidated, finding common ground and trying to get legislation through, but of course the democrats in this session have decided to do nothing and unfortunately, the country is suffering and does the democrats who have been intimidated by the squad and who are afraid to pass any kind of constructive legislation that might deal with issues like immigration. >> sandra: interesting stuff, beginning of another big week. always great to talk to you, thank you. >> jon: fox news alert after the bloodshed in el paso in dayton, this man is behind bars for trying to commit another
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mass shooting in a state that is still reeling from the massacre. they say they foiled three potential attacks in total in different states. how those threats were brought to their attention. >> sandra: plus, portland officials praising police for keeping protest largely peaceful after antifa protesters faced off against far right protesters. we will have more on that next. >> we spent several weeks preparing for today's events and we are grateful for every one who stayed focused on the missions without regard to politics or ideology. having to live with bad teeth for so long was extremely depressing. now, i know how happy i am. there was all the feeling good about myself that i missed. i wish that i had gone to aspen dental on day one and not waited three years. at aspen dental, we're all about yes. like yes to flexible hours and payment options.
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>> police did an exemplary job keeping the extremists on both sides separated for the most part and preventing people who wanted to engage in acts of violence from confronting each other. this is our city, this is our home. we do not tolerate violence her here. >> jon: that's the mayor of portland, oregon, after a demonstration went off without serious incident on saturday. guy benson is a political editor, host of the guide bench and show, also a fox news contributor. nobody was killed, what do you think about what the male had to
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say? >> this mayor is trying to dig himself out of a hole that he has created in his city and an d his legacy, spilling out into the streets repeatedly. it does see in this particular case, they were able to separate the two groups for the most part, said he was better prepared this time to intervene but that doesn't erase the violence i did occur over the weekend and a lot of the violence that have played out in previous altercations where you had people dragged and beaten in the streets including a person of color, and lgbtq community member and journalist, and i'm pretty sure there have still been no arrests in that ongoing case, so portland continues to be ground zero for this ugliness between these extremist groups and maybe finally, steadily the city is realizing the need to take it more seriously than they
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have. >> jon: the federal government is looking at it as well. gabriel was our guest on the 9:00 a.m. hour of "america's newsroom," former antifa member and he says the federal government ought to step in here. >> there were 1,000 officers there, 1,000 officers and couldn't contain them. it just shows that we need action at the federal level. we need to classify them as a domestic terrorist organization. >> jon: the president has tweeted that he's thinking about that possibility. >> we have seen an example after example, not just in portland but in charlottesville, virginia, washington state, there have been terroristic attacks, terroristic threats made by members of antifa across the country dating back years at this point. taking a look at classifying
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that organization as a terrorist organization, i also think it's a very unhelpful the ways most of the media covers these back and forth types of confrontations where the proud boys and these all right far right groups are accurately described as far right and then antifa is described as antifascist by mainstream journalists when in fact i would say that antifa's tactics in their behavior, their conduct is extremely fascistic and often quite illegal. it had of violence and i think whitewashing one sides extremism by making it seem like these are good people standing up to bad people does not even come close to painting an actual picture of what antifa is and has been about. >> jon: when you hear the mayor crowing about lack of violence and then you look at the videotape and look at the punches that were thrown and rocks and so forth, it is pretty hard to call this a nonviolent event over the weekend.
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>> the term mostly peaceful suggest that it was violent. a peaceful protest, we understand what that is. if that's what it is in this country and has been for a long time. antifa does not engage in peaceful protest. they are not looking for a figh fight, it's why these people bring weapons with them to these street battles over not just last weekend where we did see some violence occurring but in previous confrontations as well. over the weekend, had some friends sending the stuff, there is a photo that one of my runs took up a starbucks window, had gone to get coffee and they put a warning up in their store window saying we are going to be closed for a few days because of these riots that are anticipated. so sorry, but we can't do business. another friend was on his way to the city and said there were these regular why it's happening
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and he and his friends turned around and left. i feel like all the speeding of the chest from the mayor of portland, he's got a real problem. how long will the normal people of portland, oregon, and the surrounding areas tolerate the situation where we are to violent political cosplay on the streets of portland are interrupting congress, endangering motorists and average people, and it's a really ugly situation that has been allowed to metastasize in that city and you have to imagine at some point, there will be a backlash from citizens and voters but maybe oregon the so far gone that they're willing to put up with it. >> jon: always good to get your point of view, thank you. >> sandra: aggression from north korea, a big response from the white house. so is that the right way to respond? plus, and isis attack killing at least 60 people in afghanistan. could this affect potential
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plans to eventually withdraw troops from their? >> there is no circumstance i can envision leaving afghanistan without a counterterrorism force and intel capability to protect us against another 9/11 because al qaeda and isis as well and alive in afghanistan. movie theaters, exercise rooms and swimming pools, public cafes, bars and bistros even pet care services. and there's never been an easier way to get great advice. a place for mom is a free service that pairs you with a local advisor to help you sort through your options and find a perfect place. a place for mom. you know your family we know senior living. together we'll make the right choice. you don't see psoriasis. you see clear skin. you see me. but if you saw me before cosentyx... ♪
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the best tv experience is the best tv value. xfinity x1. simple. easy. awesome. xfinity. the future of awesome. >> jon: this video is hard to watch, a tv reporter gets punched in the face and a live broadcast. it happened friday in mexico city, he was covering a protest of alleged actual assault by police officers but in the middle of his report, a guy sucker punches him, knocking him unconscious. reporters saying he has filed a
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complaint. >> sandra: sources telling fox news they will be a decision regarding new york city police officer who was accused of using a choke hold while arresting eric garner back in 2014. david lee miller is live here in new york city with that. >> the police officer fate is now in the hands of the new york city police commissioner. he is expected to hold a news conference in just over one hour's time and it is likely he is going to announce his decision concerning him. oversaw the departmental trial saying he should be fired for using a band choke hold while trying to restrain eric garner. every gardener said 11 times i can't breathe as that phrase became a rallying cry for antipolice activists as well as the black lives matter movement. the detailed report by the deputy commissioner of trials calling for him to be fired was not released to the public but was reported on and made
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available by "the new york times." it reads i find respondent guilty of recklessly causing physical injury and not guilty of strangulation with intent to impede breathing and recommend he be dismissed from the department. page 32 of the judges decision reads respondent's recklessness was a significant factor in triggering the asthma attack which contributed to mr. garner's death. now the central controversy here as you point out is whether he used a choke hold on him to try and restrain him, that technique is banned by the nypd. he did not testify during his trial but his testimony to the internal affairs department was admissible and in this regard, the judge ruled this tribunal found respondent's denial that he used a choke hold to be implausible and self-serving. if the judge went on to say i found respondent to be disingenuous when he denied using a choke hold. the judge also ruled it was not
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his intention to choke eric garner, and that is significant. if as i said, we are awaiting a decision by new york's police commissioner because it is the police commissioner here he was going to actually have final say whether or not he is going to be fired eric quickly for context i will say that they're going to have a news conference roughly thereafter. they have argued that if he is fired, that would undermine the entire police department. efforts to enforce new york city. meanwhile, the garner family has maintained they will continue acts of civil disobedience if this officer is not released from the department. to back that decision is expected one hour from now. thank you. >> jon: we are also expecting the first remarks from rashida tlaib and ilhan omar about their back and forth with israel and its allies in congress. new reaction from the white house coming up next. >> sandra: plus, taking action
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stopping potential mass shootings, the disturbing details on each of the suspects. i called and got 54,200 dollars. we called and got 55,856 dollars. i called and got 63,400 dollars. we called and we got 58,800 dollars. to get more from your va mortgage benefits, call newday usa.
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only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ >> jon: fox news alert, isis claims responsibility for a wedding blast, it killed 63 people. if this is president trump is reportedly planning to withdraw u.s. troops from the region. fox news senior strategic analyst jack keane says that move could free will the islamic states return. >> al qaeda ran in there and expanded significantly and we have isis as a result of it. that is what we are facing, expanded up al qaeda and expanded isis as a result of withdrawal announcement. >> pentagon correspondent jennifer griffin is following this from the military headquarters. >> the attack claimed by isis came at a day after the president's national security team met in bedminster and
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new york to report on the peace talks with the taliban. if they are already claiming victory in those talks. 63 people killed at a wedding on saturday where children have lined up in front of a stage where musicians were playing awaiting the bride and groom. the latest in a series of attacks including a dozen more suicide bombings today in eastern afghanistan coinciding with afghanistan's 100th independence day. >> the taliban cannot absolve themselves of responsibility because they provide the platform for terrorists. the explosion happened near the stage with the musicians were. all the children and people who where they were killed, some of them wounded and now they are in hospitals and others are dead. >> 13,000 u.s. troops remain in afghanistan and that number is likely to fall to 9,000 by the end of the year. they are demanding the number go to zero.
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angered the afghan government for leaving them out of the talks and agreeing to a deal that would allow the taliban a major propaganda victory in saying they defeated the giant u.s. military. the president does not want to be accused of handing them over to the taliban losing crucial military support. he vowed on sunday he won't allow afghanistan going back to be a laboratory for terror. >> it's tough when somebody says this is a big breeding ground and is a breeding ground and we have things under control with a small forest, we could make it smaller and then we will decide. it will depend on the taliban on the afghan government. >> the president was convinced on friday that some u.s. troops must stay in afghanistan to ensure u.s. intelligence gathering operations to strike a jihadist basis. it would lead to potential bases raising serious concerns of the
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highest level of the cia and u.s. military. >> jennifer griffin at the pentagon. >> sandra: issuing a new statement as we await a news conference from congresswoman ilhan omar and rashida tlaib over israel's travel restrictions. a well-documented history of anti-semitic comments, social media posts and anti-semitic relationships. israel has the right to prevent people who want to destroy it from entering the country. the democrats cannot change the laws israel has passed to protect itself. after an eggs now was fox news politics editor chris stirewalt. good morning to you. so what happens hours from now 3:00 eastern time when we hear from those two congresswomen on a monday afternoon following all the news from the weekend. >> i'm going to go away on a limb here and say they may not be on board with the administration's point of view and they may have some criticisms of israel, it's possible.
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>> sandra: i you're right, so lawmakers have come out, some of them against this move by israel and the support of the administration to carry out that move to prevent them from traveling there but some have taken the side of israel. it on fox and friends this morning and said this. >> israel has a law that is on the books that allows them to prevent anyone to visit their country who seeks to harm their country. these two members are going and claiming to be representatives of the u.s. government but seeking to undercut u.s. foreign policy and not represent her actual stance of the government. >> sandra: we know house democrats are planning to weigh action to take against israel for doing this. >> since we are talking about the holy land, maybe we should refer to the good book, these two and the government and
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israel, the trump administration all pants for attention for expanding this annoyance, for making this a mode of contention. it's so important to them and we think particularly hear about tlaib and omar, the need for them to have a grievance and something to complain about, the need for them to have press conferences that people will cover in which they can say they are the victim of anti-muslim bias that they are being picked on by this administration and have grievance against israel is the best for them. these are freshmen members of congress and in the universe of washington, this is a nonentity. we have determined it is somebody whose voice and vote counts for very little in washington but they have found a way of politics of outrage,
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continual outrage, they have found a way to insert themselves into the discussion at every turn and they have succeeded yet again and making themselves the topic of discussion again today. >> sandra: as we know by now, they were both banned by israel, but then tlaib was given permission to visit to see her grandmother but then decided not to. so we had a former u.s. and asked him about the legal aspects behind this and said israel has the right to do what it did. >> she's allowed to say whatever she wants to say as long as it's on the incitement but it doesn't mean that her statements don't have consequences and while she can't be prosecuted, people can take natural action in response to them. >> sandra: it's hard to imagine where they're going to go with this news conference this afternoon to come they still have everybody watching, still grabbing headlines. >> netanyahu's government is not exactly covered in glory here.
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the stunt fires here are abound, so you have as was revealed, the stunt on their part but also why wouldn't they just let them in? i understand what the law says, i understand what their losses and they have the right to try to punish these people for the positions that they have taken forcing companies to divest themselves from israel. however, do you think it's working? is at silencing them in? israel punishing these people? israel is helping these people. i'm sure he's helped himself and i'm sure he is also playing to his own political base at home but talk about a goose egg. >> sandra: kevin mccarthy, marco rubio and some others that they didn't like some of the things they have said and done.
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they should have been allowed in. chris stirewalt, nice to see what a monday morning. thank you. >> jon: an ohio man arrested and accused of making an online threat against a jewish community center. he is just 1 of 3 men now in custody in three different states who expressed interest in our threaten to commit mass shootings. live from our midwest bureau with more on that. >> there were three young white men described by authorities as potential mass shooters, starting last thursday police say they were only able to affect these arrests because people out of the community are taking the warning signs of mass shootings seriously. starting with 25-year-old tristen scott of daytona florida picked up after an ex-girlfriend told police he had been sending threatening messages. if they threaten to open fire on a crowd of people, part of one message reads i'm not crazy, i just want to die and i want to have fun doing it.
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>> he did what we begged people in the community to do, if you see something, say something and let us take it from there. >> allegedly threatened to shoot up a jewish community center and was picked up by middleton police who say his instagram account was filled with anti-semitic and white nationalist content. they found semiotic weapons and anti-semitic propaganda. the panetta statement on facebook that showed an interest in mass shootings. the fbi and local police raided his place and found that he was trying to make his own rifle and purchase large capacity magazines. >> sandra: >> jon: in our chica, thank you. >> sandra: during a high-speed race. how he eventually walked away from that crash and what he is saying now. >> jon: plus, president trump
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warns china's leader he does not want the hong kong protester turn into another tiananmen square. if those demonstrations don't slow down. >> we are watching throngs of them, not a small group. and he made that very clear yesterday that he hopes there was a peaceful resolution there as well. d was in an accident. usaa took care of her car rental, and getting her car towed. all i had to take care of was making sure that my daughter was ok. if i met another veteran, and they were with another insurance company, i would tell them, you need to join usaa because they have better rates, and better service. we're the gomez family... we're the rivera family... we're the kirby family, and we are usaa members for life. get your auto insurance quote today.
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>> i know that i have made mistakes. i am sorry for harm i have caused. i have listened and i have learned a lot, and i am grateful for the many conversations that we've had together. >> sandra: that was senator elizabeth warren just a few moments ago speaking at a native american presidential forum in sioux city, iowa, and addressing her past issues with claims about her heritage. meantime, we are also monitoring
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editor bernie sanders holding a town hall event in davenport, iowa. he is in several cities over the next several days. >> jon: meantime, north korea's missile launches may be losing their shock value after six short-range missile in just three weeks failed to provoke a response from the u.s. and our allies. what's behind all this? gordon chang, asia analyst and author of losing south korea. so north korea has been testing short-range missiles in the white house is shrugging. is that an appropriate take? >> not the one that i would've done with this goes back to president obama's strategic patience just ignoring what they're doing. and at some point i think that's right. the north koreans aren't learning that much from these missile launches.
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most of this is just demonstration affect the meaning they are reducing their inventory of missiles which is not a bad thing but president trump needs to go after this and the reason is the north koreans are starting an escalatory cycle. much better to stop that cycle in the beginning rather than the end. >> jon: also demonstrating that all of south korea is in reach of their weaponry. >> they certainly are in japan is as well. 60,000 troops and other forces in japan, 28,800 and south korea and of course, kim jong un is just doing this because he thinks he can get away with it. he is winning and we are not. >> jon: he thinks he will get something from it, doesn't he? >> he thinks he can intimidate the united states into making concessions, this is typical kim family playbook. we have seen this over a three kim leaders going back several decades so we shouldn't be surprised that he is trying this on. >> jon: let's talk about the
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conversation with xi jinping. the president had words of praise and his impromptu news conference by the helicopter but also had a warning for him, what the play what the president said there. >> i think it be very hard to deal if they do violence. if it's another tiananmen square, it's a very hard thing to do if there is violence, and that's a little beyond me because i think they would be tremendous political sentiment not to do something. >> jon: the president warning against a crackdown against the protesters in hong kong. it does xi jinping listen to things like that? >> he listens, but he hears a lack of conviction on the part of the united states. if president trump were to go behind the oval office behind the desk and stare into a barrel
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of a camera until the chinese that they would be the severest of sanctions if they were to do something awful in hong kong, then xi jinping would listen. but remember, his frame of reference is that after that massacre 30 years ago, the u.s. response was extremely weak and ignore everything saying about china, ignore all the sanctions, this was really bad policy but this is a way the chinese think about us and when president trump talks about tiananmen square, it's clear that the chinese leaders are saying he doesn't really mean i it. >> jon: when max is something le more resolute would be. >> moral clarity, it would also be reaganesque and chinese leaders wouldn't do do or it wouldn't even consider a forceful crackdown in hong kong hong kong. remember, the chinese communist party came to power through violence, its maintaining disposition through violence, it
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wants to use that, but clearly you have to stop them from doing what they want to do. >> jon: thank you. >> sandra: it is that time of the morning where we go to melissa and harris to find out what is coming up at noon on "outnumbered." >> that i was a morning that we could to see you too. we await to members of the squad, congresswomen rashida tlaib and ilhan omar to hold a news conference on israel initially refusing them admission into the country. the president has ripped them as anti-israel. where is kirsten gillibrand says israel is restricting the free speech of those women. we will debate. >> fears of a possible recession. president says don't believe the hype. our economy is strong. we will debate who was right. >> i'm looking at the numbers now. >> good day so far, but it's early. >> plus, our guy on the middle.
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we call him "outnumbered," but he loves it. >> sandra: i'm sure he does. we look forward to it. see you in 10 minutes. if an intensive search underway right now for two firefighters missing after going on a fishing trip and what we know about their disappearance. with labor day deals starting from 20% off, bookers are leaving summer with no regrets. it's labor day! book a place to stay and be a booker at book a place to stay and be a booker with tough food, your dentures may slip and fall. fixodent ultra-max hold gives you the strongest hold ever to lock your dentures. so now you can eat tough food without worry. fixodent and forget it.
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>> jon: the heart-stopping moment during a motorcycle race, watch. that was british superbike star crashing his bike at 110 miles an hour, but he gets up and walks away with just a hairline fracture in his leg, even has a sense of humor about it tweeting i went that high? i can see my house. look forward to seeing you all at alton park and if you's.
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>> sandra: search crews have been working overnight trying to locate these two missing firefighters. they vanished friday during the fishing trip down to florida. phil keating is following this for us from miami. >> according to family members, this fishing trip was supposed to be one last fun day on the boat going to be put up for sale but by the end of the day, that boat and the men had not returned. over the weekend, at least 50 jacksonville firefighters volunteered to assist the coast guard and what has been a massive search and today, they were more than 100 volunteers on 34 boats out there looking. three days after they went missing, still no sign of them or the boat. missing firefighters are justin walker and brian mick looney. lives and works at the fairfax county fire rescue and as a firefighter in jacksonville. the reporter from port canaveral florida friday morning reportedly heading east fishing
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near a reef the coast guard got released this from the boat ramp which showed the men outside of the red truck friday morning as they backed the boat trailer into the water. it is a 24-foot center console boat, his brother says he is as tough as they come in a survivo survivor. >> if anyone is going to get through this, it's my brother. he knows what he's doing. we met when the men never showed up friday night, the coast guard began scanning the ocean all the way up to near charleston, south carolina. no one is sure whether or not the men made it out into the gulf stream are not. the search has been a 24/7 operation by boat and by air. already covered more than 25,000 square miles. if the state of the ocean on friday morning was actually pretty good according to the coast guard, two to 3-foot waves
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and tend not wings which is really good weather to go for a fun day fishing off the coast. >> sandra: phil keating, thank you. >> jon: this fox news alert, the dow up more than 200 points this morning, 267 right now after a rough go last week. the white house trying to reassure wall street the economy is still strong but how are americans feeling about their bottom line? you're headed down the highway when the guy in
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won't raise their rates because their first accident. liberty mutual insurance. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ ["twist and shout" by the beatles] ♪ >> sandra: that will wake you up! the fab four flashback in the "newsroom news vault" this morning with the beatles kicking off their first u.s. concert tour in california on this date back in 1964. just six months after they first took america by storm on ." sullivan show." they returned six months later for the first u.s. tour.
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screaming fans packing the arena when they took the stage that night. beatlemania exploding as the tour went on and it started 55 years ago today. a nice look back, nice to have you here. thanks, jon. thanks to all of you. "outnumbered" starts now. >> harris: we begin with a fox news alert. the stock market is continuing to rebound today. white house officials are out in full force looking to tamp down talk of a possible recession. 2020 democrats still are sounding the alarm about the economy. we'll get into it. this is to is "outnumbered." happy monday! i'm harris faulkner. here today, melissa francis. fox news correspondent gillian turner is here! host of "kennedy" on the fox business network, kennedy. >> kennedy: also fabulous. >> melissa: i don't want to cheer for one and all the other! [laughter] >> harris: let's save the chair for the n. center seat, radio host and fox news contributor, richard fowler!


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