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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  August 6, 2019 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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most-watched, most trusted, most grateful you spent your evening with us. good night for an hour from washington. we'll be back here tomorrow at 11:00 p.m. eastern. i'm shannon bream. ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." gun control saves lives. that's what they are telling you day and night on cnn. in fact, they are having a town hall meeting tomorrow night to tell you some more. anyone who opposes gun control will tell you by implication, if not directly, that it's a bad person. a callous, cruel, probably violent person, someone who doesn't care about the safety of others. well, last night a group of progressive activists took that very message to senator majority leader's mitch mcconnell's home. here's what they said. >> we are at mcconnell's's house.
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this [bleep] about to get some rest?f not if it kills the children you are kidnapping. not if the families getting murdered can't get any rest. [bleep] mitch! he's in there, nursing his little broken arm. he should have broken his wrinkled neck. murder turtle! murder turtle! stab the [bleep] in the heart! >> tucker: stab him in the heart. break his neck. that's the message to mitch mcconnell. they are totally opposed to violence and that's why what they want to kill mitch mcconnell. if you are confused, you haven't been paying much attentionon lately. almost everything the left says these days is projection. in almost every single case, they accuse you of exactly what they are doing. and this week was no different. in the wake of two horrifying mass shootings, they've been telling us the president is ag hater. he is using race to divide us, they scream! it's wrong! well, they are right about the second part. it's definitely but using race to divide us,
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that's a core tenant of the left. identity politics is thee process of dividing people on the basis of immutable characteristics. factors they can't control. and that's what the democratic party is at this point. it's an identity politics party. they promised some americans reparations, they denounce others for their skin color. they call it privilege. the entire country, they will tell you, is fundamentally racist and therefore evil. >> this country was founded on white supremacy and every single institution and structure that we have in our country still reflects the legacy of slavery and segregation and jim crow any suppression. even in our democracy. >> we can't do blind to the impact of generations of racism and white supremacy that were written into our laws over centuries. >> tucker: so they are buffoons. yes, they are. they are dumb. of course. do they have any idea what they are really saying? probably not. but that doesn't make the cumulative effect any less
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sinister or damaging. what you are watching, what use on those tapes that you're watching every day, it's a systematic effort by the left te undermine the institutions that hold this country together. chief among those institutions in this and all societies throughout time is law enforcement. our justice system. over the past 25 years, that's been a success story. america's cops have radically reduced crime across this nation. they brought our cities back to life. if you don't know that, you are obviously under 40. ask anybody who lived in new york city in 1991 what it was like. if that person's honest, you will be grateful for what the cops did. but now, on the basis of no evidence whatsoever, the left is telling us police are racist monsters. >> i have challenged our police department to recognize all of the ways in which the uniform has been burdened by racism. >> we are going to crack down on police brutality aimed primarily
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at people of color. >> training for police officers on implicit racial biasce and procedural justice because to deny it exists is to deny folks liberty and in many cases life. >> how can we continue to lose the lives of unarmed black men in the united states of america at the hands of white police officers? that is not >> if you are young and black, you are treated differently because of the color of your skin.ed i don't believe that it's just the case of a few bad apples. i believe that the system is broken. >> tucker: imagine if you were a cop or your dad was a cop or your son was. having to sit and watch that slander day after day. again, on the basis of no evidence, they are saying that. it's disgusting. dividing us? oh, yes, they are dividing us. or how about our thousands of i.c.e. agents working to enforce law that the congress passed. congress passes the laws and then hires people. it doesn't pay them all that
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much -- to enforce their laws. now democrats are calling those people nazis. good people doing a thankless job that we need to have done only to have some pampered moron like ocasio-cortez savage them for political reasons. none of this is new, by the way. two years ago, the clinton ran an entire presidential campaign on this premise, attacking the country itself and its people as immoral bigots. >> you could put half of trump supporter's into what i call the basket of deplorables. racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic, you name it. >> tucker: that's the message of unity? no. it's the message of disunity. it's a message of hate actually. think through the implications of it. if racist, sexist, xenophobic, what you do to people like that? do you try to help them?ha to feel like they are countrymen, your brothers? no.ur they are horrible. you try to destroy them and they are trying to destroy them. yesterday, texas democratic
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congressman joaquin castro -- we are not making this out -- by the way, tweeted out the names of 44 residents of san antonio who donated to the donald trump's presidential campaign. illegal activity. but then he tweeted out the names of their employers, too. why do you think he did that? you know the answer. how would you feel tonight if you were one of those people? would you feel sick? that's fine with congressman castro though. his point is really clear. you know exactly why he did that. if someone gets hurt, that's his problem.m. you can see where this is going. it wasn't that long ago that "the boston globe" ran an op-ed suggesting that restaurant workers poison the food of trump supporter and of course democrats have been calling on people to harass and scream at people tied to the trump administration for years.ra >> go to the hill today! get up and free! get up in the face of congresspeople! >> if you see anybody from that cabinet and a restaurant, and a
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department store, and a gasoline station, you get out and you tell them they are not well! >> tucker: so yes, these people are buffoons. and it's our fault, sometimes, if we are being honest, including this show, for highlighting what buffoons they are.w, because by doing that, we underplay how dangerous their rhetoric is. our democratic system only works when citizens are free to disagree. free to say to their neighbors, we're on separate n pages, we vote for different people. and not be afraid to say that. but the left is making us afraid to say that. the left demands total conformity. they don't believe in diversity. they will use censorship and threats to key people in line and in the short-term, they may work. they are hoping it works until next november. but over time, it's a big mistake. it's exactly how things fall apart. brian is a former cia officer,r, he joins us tonight. thanks for coming on.
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the tweet from congressman castro, i try not to join the outrage machine and pretend like everything that the other side does is the worst thing that's ever happened and i really try not to overstate things because i don't want to be part of the problem, but i got to be honest and say i am shocked that this guy did that. why would you do that? what is he saying by doing that? >> look, brother. this goes back, not to just his tweet, but many years ago. in the early 2000s, there was a book i was greeted by a bunch of democratic strategists that the emerging democratic majority entered for their to be a democratic base, we have to organize particularly women and people of color and gay folks and tell them a few things but one, you are persecuted, and so i can that america is fundamentally bad. so if you convince enough people that those two things are true, then the individuals who are responsible for your persecution, for making america bad, white folks, the patriarchy, men, usually
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straight folks, they are they enemy and they are bad. so the only way to rectify that is to bring all of those folks down. now, we have seen folks likeke castro and the seeds of that disgusting rhetoric now rear its ugly head but it's not of course just mr. castro. you are highlighting others in the intro. we can do more of them. new york's democratic governor andrew cuomo said america has never been that great. you recall that from about a year ago. of course, we have folks like cnn's don lemon who said that white men are the greatest terrorist threat in the country. you have this last fall, almost a year ago, the takedown of brett kavanaugh who was told that he was both a pedophile and a rapist. now, of course, ruth bader ginsburg has since come out saying he's actually a pretty good guy. and of course, less than about eight months ago,
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hocasio-cortez, the illustrious socialist, came out and said that if you are trump supporter, specifically a white, poor, rural person, she is tired about hearing about you. she's tired of hearing about your story. what she wanted to hear about were black and brown folks and cities who embraced intersexuall or whatever the hell that is. the point is, the left to use to embrace the working class has now gone down this identity politics baloney that if you don't say it, not only are you out, but you are the enemy. so, let's take this to its logical conclusion, brother. you highlighted it. it's violence. right? i mean, that's the ultimate fear but in the meantime, what are we going to get? we are going to get division. that's exactly what we've seen. black versus white, gay versus straight, christian versus muslim, if you are a country boy or a city slicker, we are now c are going to highlight the fact that you are different and you should beif different. so that is the fear that i have irrespective of the fact that i amn a democrat but i am an american. this is the end result of where this goes.
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>> tucker: you're absolutely brian, great to see you tonight. thank you for that. >> pleasure, brother. >> tucker: as a part of the day in their relentless bid to divide this country, democrats have been warning about white supremacy created relentlessly.. after the el paso shooting, democrats wanted president trump to condemn this. >> white supremacist being radicalized and when the leader of the free world can't condone that, we need to hear it from that person, strongly condemning and rebuking this ideology. >> what the president has done is that he has given agency to hate. and he has yet to denounce it and we need him right now to use his platform and say that we are all americans and we need unification. >> tucker: okay. so it's not the job of this show to defend the president, everything he says. some things we are not going to but in point of fact, he never endorsed white supremacy or came close to endorsing white supremacy.
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that's just a lie. but he condemned it anyway. their response, he didn't really mean it. >> we have also called on this president to say the words that he finally said today but they rang hollow when he coddles white supremacists. >> he cannot now stand back and say, oh, i condemn white supremacy, i condemn racism, i condemn violence. >> it's the arsonist coming in saying they want to put out the fire. >> tucker: but the whole thing is a lie. if you were to assemble a list, a hierarchy of concerns, where would white supremacy be on the list? right up there with russia probably. it's actually not a real problem in america. the combined membership of every white supremacist organization in this country was able to fit inside a college football c stadium, i mean, seriously. this is a country where the average person is getting poorer and the suicide rate is spiking. white supremacy, that's the problem.
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it's a hoax. just like the russian hoax. it's a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power. that's exactly what's going on. victor david hanson knows this better than anyone. he's a senior fellow at the hoover institution and enjoys tonight. professor, thank you very much for coming on.h white supremacy, you know, i live here in 50 years and i've never met anybody who ascribes to white supremacy. i don't know a single person who thinks that's a good idea. i mean, they are making this up and it's a talking point which they are using to help them innt this election cycle obviously because russia. but my question to you is, what does it do to the country? at what cost? >> well, i mean, we are the most racially intermarried, assimilated, integrated country in the world. you and i couldn't go to china and say we are chinese because we don't look chinese. the mexican constitution has had an element inanimate in it that says it had to preserve its racial essences so what is this all about? elizabeth warren did not fake a finnish identity.
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she didn't say, i want to be the first finnish professor and harvard and beto o'rourke didn't say, i'm fritz. because i want to take advantage of all of this white privilege. and people don't trail their what's the force of around's or 23andme? it's to find us some background in this racially intermingled and assimilated society that we didn't know existed and they believe we can find something that's not white that we can translate into a careerist advantage in the fashion of elizabeth warren or c beto o'rourke or rachel dolezal, so, it's kind of a construct and when you say white supremacy, ie serves for a very liberals and i think wealthy minorities. it says, i'm authentic, even though i have privilege, it doesn't count because i'm saying that guy in bakersfield or poor white guy in appalachia is a deplorable or he is a clinger
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and he has privilege and therefore, it has career advantages obviously. and we don't even talk about class anymore. and then, here we are, justan think of it. we have cory booker, who is a child of two ibm executives and we have elizabeth harris who has all the intellectual privilege, both of her parents were phds. and we have elizabeth warren who fakes an ethnic identity who was a harvard professor and they are yelling about all of these people who supposedly have the privilege that they have feared and it's sort of become an identity policy for wealthy people in the media, politics, and that condemning on that once you say you are virtuous, and you are spotting racists under every bed and he has supremacy and privilege, you can sayay almost anything and look what's happening to the presidential race. we have cory booker who just last week threatened to beat up the president of the united states. we have biden who said he wanted to beat up the president of the united states. we have elizabeth warren who has said all sorts of things and we
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had kamala harris say that she wanted to get out of an elevator without a live donald trump in it. she wanted him dead. as angry as people got with barack obama's health care and all of that rhetoric, typical white person, get in your face, punish your enemies, i don't remember any mainstream republican candidates, not one, not a romney, not a mccain, not anybody, saying that i'd like to beat up the president of the united states. and they do that because they are virtuous because they have established this identity policy. an insurance policy, if you will. and it's tragic because why these elites are doing this in the real ground level, people are intermarrying, they are intermingling, they are assimilating, and they are trying to make what america is. there is a reason why mostly nonwhite population is trying to immigrate into a still white population. it's not because we are racist. we are not stupid people. they are coming here because they understand that there is more racial tolerance andom
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opportunity and economic opportunity than ever before. the final irony is donald trump. i mean, think about it. he's got 3% record low unemployment in peace time. >> tucker: they got to call him a white supremacy. >> you got a chance for it. the employers will bid for your employment. you don't have to beg an employer. you have an opportunity of never had and that's something i've always wanted to do. >> tucker: professor, thank you for that. that is deep. >> thank you. >> tucker: leaders of the democratic party are happy to lecture you about your moral failings but those same leaders are happy to speak in a church whose pastor says gay people are doomed. trace gallagher has that story, plus, tulsi gabbard is running for president as a democrat telling the truth left and right. she says kamala harris' entire presidential campaign is built on a lie. what is that lie? we will tell you. stay tuned.
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at comcast, we didn't build the nation's largest gig-speed network just to make businesses run faster.
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we built it to help them go beyond. because beyond risk... welcome to the neighborhood, guys. there is reward. ♪ ♪ beyond work and life... who else could he be? there is the moment. beyond technology... there is human ingenuity. ♪ ♪ every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected, to do the extraordinary. take your business beyond. ♪ >> tucker: the leaders of the american left are very confident of who is evil. anyone who opposes them, but they hold themselves to different standards. bernie sanders and kamala harris and cory booker all stumped votes at a church whose pastor says gay people are going to hell. don't you try that at home. chief breaking news correspondent trace gallagher has more on the story. trace? >> victory missionary baptist church is just a few hours from the las vegas strip.
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it's been run by robert e fowler for years and for years reverend fowler's comments have been well documented. if you google his name on page one you will find that reverend has said repeatedly being gay is enough to send you toin hell. keep reading and you will find the reverend fowler also t believes homosexuality and child molestation are comparable sins. and yet, presidential candidates kamala harris and cory booker, both staunch supporters of lgbtq rights, were front and center this week at sunday services. last month, bernie sanders held a town hall at the church. a california political science professor who has written about lgbtq rights and religion and politics says, "no one is saying that you can't be an lgbtq rights supporter and also visit houses of worship but visiting a house of worship where the religious leaders are not supporters is a choice and it sends a message that those views are not abhorrent." they haven't yet addressed the issue but kamala harris'
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campaign told news that her support and advocacy for lgbtq equality has been unwavering throughout her career. she will continue to visit houses of worship across the country to address congregants about the pressing issues we face as a nation. equality california, an lgbtq rights group, says the candidates should have used the opportunity to educate the pastor on the importance of supporting the lgbtq community. reverend fowler says the subject never came up. tucker? >> tucker: trace gallagher, thanks. they are such frauds. it's unbelievable. stop judging other people, maybe that's the lesson. last week, congresswoman tulsi gabbard attacked kamala harris' record on criminal justice because, again, it was fraudulent. now she says harris' entire campaign is built on a lie. this is an interesting story. lisa boothe is a senior fellow
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of independent women's voice and she has more on it. good to see you. in what sense does congresswoman gabbard say kamala harris's' campaign is entirely a lie? >> it's about her criminal justice reform record and i want to pull the boat from gabbard today that she tweeted out doubling down. here she says kamala's entire campaign is based on a lie, that as attorney general of california, fighting for the repressed and criminal justice reform but her criminal justice record shows that her policies exemplified the worst aspects of her criminal justice system."in and she really put senator kamala harris on blasty last week in the second round of watch this. >> she put over 1500 people in jail for marijuana violations and then laughed about it when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana. she blocked evidence that would have freed an innocent man from death row until the courts forced her to do so. she kept people in prison beyond their sentences to use them as cheap labor for the state of california and she fought to
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keep the bail system in place that impacts the poor people in the worst kind of way. >> so a pretty brutal line of attack and tucker, as you know, senator kamala harris previously served as the attorney general of california as well as the district attorney as of san francisco, so tulsi gabbard there, putting those policies on blast, and you had an opportunity to talk to senator gabbard after the debate and for those at home who missed it, here's what she said. >> she made decisions that ended up hurting people, that ended up hurting minorities, hurting poor people in the state of california, which is concerning to me for someone who wants to be the president of the united states and, frankly, who's claiming to be a prosecutor president. >> so there is senator gabbard laying out her concern about kamala harris' record and what is interesting, if you go back to after the very first debate,, quinnipiac poll, they found
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the kamala harris actually saw a bump and it was effective and she was pulling around 20%. so they just released a poll that has her at 7% overall but the big surprise is that back in mentioned after the first debate, among black voters she was pulling a 27%, now she is at 1%. >> tucker: wow. fascinating. that had an effect. by the way, tulsi gabbard is not yet a senator. mazie hirono is a senator from hawaii. but maybe she will be. lisa, great to see peter strzok helped launch the fbi campaign to help sabotage the presidential campaign and presidency of donald trump. strzok was fired for that. now he's suing because his firing was illegal. we will tell you the briefing. plus, hillary clinton has a new book coming out. could it be a prelude to new political ambition?de we will investigate that tiquestion next. ♪
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>> tucker: a lot people had their lives completely ruined by the russian hoax.. roger stone and george papadopoulos, for example, hurt no one. carter page was treated like a traitor. he served his country in the navy. the least we could do to remedy this is to make certain the r people responsible for the fiasco pay some price for what they did. fbi spy peter strzok was fired after he was caught in a politically biased text. now, strzok is suing the fbi saying he should not have been fired in the first place. buck sexton is a former cia "the buck sexton show," what on what grounds it sees doing? >> well, i think you have to ask a question, what did he get fired from the fbi? because he suing that his rights
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are being violated here and that he was essentially just anothere guy in government expressing an opinion. also there is due process that we set has been violated as well. here's the reality that he wasn't just a guy saying i don't like the president and normal fbi stuff, looking on cases of kidnapping and terrorism, he was investigating the president of the united states and the whole russia collusion hoax, as we now know, and saying this stuff on official devices. really have a double whammy of two things. on one hand, it's how could thie guy have ever thought it would be appropriate when he's involved in the most politically sensitive investigation probably of my lifetime. i can think of anything that would be equivalent to the edge of the waxing philosophical about how anything would be better than this guy that he's investigating becoming president of the united states bid, you also have on the op side, he's doing this on fbi devices? it's hard to imagine someone who was a 20 year veteran of the fbi being that stupid. and i think that's also -- is there a level of incompetence that can get you fired from the fbi. you add these two things together and i think they made the right call.. there were some people said he t
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should have been demoted, but if you are going to make an example of somebody, wouldn't this be an individual you would make an example of an fairness? do you they need to be above this kind of behavior. but it also would suggest a kind of entitlement. so like, he doesn't think that american taxpayers have the right not to pay him. he can give the finger to the country, make a mockery of justice, and we still are required to pay them. >> he could after the commander-in-chief and there should be no real consequences for that? for those who think he should have got more than the benefit of the doubt, i think we should ask general flynn who by the way strzok interviewed in part of that process and got him fired, got his reputation ruined and now has him facing criminal charges but we should ask general flynn if agent strzok deserves to be treated like he's somebody who didn't do anything
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that's really that bad here but also by the way, just the perception of the fbi matters and if the fbi and the intelligence committee were a stock, it would have been dropping since trump came into office because of stuff like this and they have to take action that tries to set some of his right. it isn't just this sclerotic bureaucracy where everyone thinks they get to collect a paycheck and act on their own anti-trump armada. that's not the way this is supposed to go. >> tucker: no. no. the country collapses when it goes that way, i would say. buck sexton, thank you for that. in her 2016 concession speech, hillary clinton vouched to champion the cause of women in politics. >> i know we have still not shattered that highest and hardest glass ceiling, butha someday, someone will, and hopefully sooner than we might think right now. >> tucker: well, she clearly thought about running again in 2020. no one in her orbit wanted her to and so far she has stayed out but she seems to be determined to remain in the public eye and so this week, hillary clinton
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and her daughter chelsea, who is incredibly impressive, she went to stanford, unlike you, will be releasing a new s book honoring, "gutsy women." >> "the book of gutsy women" is filled with essays that are reflections of our feelings about these women, what we think about them. >> we think it's always a great time to be celebrating and learning from and being inspired by gutsy women. >> it's been exciting, it's been frustrating, i think it's been particularly frustrating for chelsea. >> i wouldn't trade you for anything. >> [laughs] not even for a laptop. >> tucker: tammy bruce is the president of independent women's voice and reason enough toe subscribe to the service. she joins us now. to me, explain for me if you could why i felt physically nauseous watching the clip we just played. >> you aren't the only one. this is watching these two women on their perch of progressive privilege making a determination about who is worthy of being
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spoken about or written about, you know, if they had any guts, which they don't, they would write a book about the greatness of margaret thatcher. that is undeniable. clearly a political position that they have not necessarily agreed with but part of being a great leader is being able to recognize the value of other people but certainly of feminism. it's supposed to be about all women and opening the doors to whomever we want to become and whatever we want to do for a living but, of course, as you said throughout the show, you are talking about people who are frauds. they are not what they say they are. and this is a good example of that. so of course, they will highlight people that they agree with, they will not highlight women like margaret thatcher or melania trump, who the entire feminist movement has workeda very hard to ignore. they are the mean girls celebrating themselves so it doesn't take much guts to be there and to experience and enjoy your progressive
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privilege. to have that protection, that largess, and to put your nose up and sniff at everyone else but it's also a message about who really counts here that you will only count if they touch you and decide that you are a person who is worthy of their attention. they are passe. they are, of course, an example of what is not feminism and what women should not become and that is why hillary clinton did not win and we will have a women president and that woman will be conservative and she will do a good job being the president. >> tucker: i think that's a prediction that is likely to come true. really quick, what's the point these are two women that have had a lot of success doing i'm not exactly sure, but they made of a ton of money. they are rich as hell. why are they doing it, do you think? >> it is certainly for the
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attention but you know, chelseaa is going to need to have a job and she's not going to want to work in a corporation i'm sure or go somewhere nine to five like most americans. they expect chelsea to take on that mantle because, you know, they do see this country as a company that they should have inherited and now they are c working very hard to work maked sure the undeserving, those who do not conform to the liberal agenda, are pushed aside. and i think that this is more than anything about chelsea and of course, she will be disappointed. chelsea has the potential, i suppose, of delivering but only if she becomes, i think, her own person and if she a herself is willing to challenge the status quo that her parents and democrats like her have moved forward for now a couple generations. she could be the one who breaks out. i would love to see that but i don't expect it. >> tucker: no. yeah. i mean, she went to stanford and worked at a hedge fund. she's honestly brilliant. take a look at her twitter feed
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sometime. amazingly revealing. thanks, great to see you tonight. >> thank you very much. >> tucker: cnn is planning yet another propaganda rallyig tomorrow night to pushed gun control. we will tell you about it so you don't have to watch it. next. ♪ ♪
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at comcast, we didn't build the nation's largest gig-speed network just to make businesses run faster. we built it to help them go beyond. because beyond risk... welcome to the neighborhood, guys. there is reward. ♪ ♪ beyond work and life... who else could he be? there is the moment. beyond technology... there is human ingenuity. ♪ ♪
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every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected, to do the extraordinary. take your business beyond. >> tucker: montgomery county, maryland, right over the border you from washington, is one of the richest places in the united states thanks to federal tax dollars pouring in. the county is also not surprisingly very liberal. voted 4-1 for clinton over trump in 2016. so with you is like that and so much money to go around, you might think they would be eager to put those views into practice and embrace diversity. but you would be wrong, of course. the average home price is more than $400,000. building new cheap homes in
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liberal areas is almost impossible so instead, the county is trying to cope by allowing residents to buy new apartments in their basements or backyards. more than 1500 residents signed a petition denouncing the plan. they said it would "alter the appearance, density, and value of our neighborhoods." oh. they complained it would make their communities feel like slums or fill them with unfamiliar strangers. in other words, it would give them a taste of what has been happening to the entire rest of the country with their approval. not in our neighborhood, they said. diversity for thee but not for me. perfect. following the parkland shooting, cnn hosted an event to discuss gun control. they called it a town hall but that is a lie. it was pure propaganda. marco rubio and dana loesch were
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the designated sinners. watch what happened.. >> i think what you are asking about is the weapons ban. so let me be honest with you about that one. if i believe that that law would have prevented this from happening, i would support it. but i want to explain to you why it would not. >> could you tell me right now that you would not accept a single donation from the nra? >> i wish the nra lady i could've talk to because i would ask her how she can look in the mirror considering the fact she has children. >> let me answer the question pretty. shut me down when i'm finished. let me answer the question. he should have been barred from getting a firearm. and he should not have been able to. i would've done everything in my power to prevent that. >> you just told this group of people that you are standing up for them. you are not standing up for them until you say i want less weapons. >> i want to thank the nra and also sheriff to listen your questions.
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>> tucker: disgusting. of course, cnn won an award for that garbage. they are planning another town hall. the left is getting bolder on the subject after this week's shootings. joe biden led the charge to bring back the assault weapons ban of the 1990s. watch this. >> so to gun owners out there who say, well, a biden administration means they're going to come for my guns -- >> bingo. right. the fact is they should be illegal, period. you can't buy a bazooka. you can't have a flamethrower. >> how would you deal with all of the assault weapons that are already out there? >> i would institute a national buyback program. and i would move in the direction of making sure that that in fact was what we try to do. get them off the street. >> tucker: right. so you would turn millions of law-abiding citizens into felons
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and then send armed federal agents to their homes to take their guns away. civil war, anyone? what a nutcase. by the way, the assault weapons ban, which ended in 2004, was studied by a lot of different groups, including the bill clinton justice department and it was found in the end to have no effect on crime. so why would we want it again? great question. dana loesch is a former nra spokeswoman and host of "the dana show" and she joins us. thanks a lot for coming on. so first, to the cnn town hall, it's been a while now. i imagine you must feel bitter about it. i feel bitter on your behalf just watching that tape we played. how do you feel knowing that they are going to do this again and will you be participating this time? >> no. i wasn't asked to participate and, you know, i always go everywhere good discussion is happening or where i think i can have some kind of impact in terms of bringing factual arguments and reason-based
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arguments to the subject because it's incredibly important. so they didn't ask me. but, to be fair, i don't have the highest expectation that it's going to go well. i mean, i hope that they would have learned from some of their mistakes with the previous town hall but that's just not a good faith way to have a genuine discussion and, you know, with all due respect to andrew cuomo, or chris cuomo, excuse me -- >> tucker: the governor's brother. >> he's pretty publicly partisan about his ideas where it concerns, and the second amendment and "assault weapons" so now they're putting him in this very neutral position of being a moderator and i think that's asking a lot of viewers to sort of suspend their reality and accept him as that neutral individual. i don't think they can. >> tucker: well, there is nothing neutral about him at all. what do you make of joe biden's
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promises? what would happen if he did that? >> wow. i -- i'm amazed at this argument from individuals who say that you can't deport who enter the country illegally because there's too many of them but at the same time, they say you can go door-to-door to millions of homes and you can take perfectly legally owned, legal to own objects from law abiding innocent people. and correct joe biden, you can get a flamethrower but that is beside the point. you are getting guns by force. what is joe biden going to use? >> tucker: right. so if you cared about this country, you wouldn't say things like that. you wouldn't suggest something like that, would you? >> well, i think that not only if you care about the country, but if you care just about actual simple scientific data and you cared about research and you cared about real solutions and finding an answer to this
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ongoing problem, then i think that that's not something you would say, particularly when you are also, as joe biden is, trying to have this criminal justice reform as part of your presidential candidates image but the assault weapon ban, as you noted, it did not work. it was unsuccessful. and for those that try to attribute a decrease in crime, everyone needs to realize that crime was already on a downward trend beginning in 1992 and in fact, gun homicides and violent crime are down by 49% but that's not what most people in legacy media want you to know. >> tucker: it's true. and clinton justice department by the way, it was the clinton people that conceded the nra had no effect. good to see you. well, "the new york times" stepped out of character for a moment last night and tried a daring experiment. they ran a pretty objective headline. can you imagine what the left did? [laughs] "the new york times" will not repeat that experiment. we have details after the break. ♪
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♪ >> tucker: it took "the new york times," daily newspaper published in new york city, less than a day to end a bold new experiment yesterday running an objective this morning the papers print headlines summarized the president's speech in el paso and in dayton. "trump encourages unity versus racism." online, the left went crazy. cory booker accused the near times of putting lives at risk. alexandria ocasio-cortez, hampered -- the paper cave. later versions of the headline said "assailing hate but not guns."
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mark, i'm worried because every country, this one particularly, it deserves two sides that are sane and capable of rational conversation. ifif you believe "the new york times" is carrying water for right-wingers, you're delusional. >> you could think either headline was okay but the process of the headline that was factually correct and unifyingti complained about by one political faction in change, it's an astounding development in journalism. why don't they run the headlines --n why don't they run them by aoc before they run them. i've never seen anything like i it. that would be the way to go to avoid this kind of trouble. is that journalism today? i don't think so. >> tucker: i have been it for 28 years. the appropriate responses of yours. we are the paper and we will write the headline we want.
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what happened to that attitude? >> that was the old "new york times" that i knew paradise to complain when i was working with hillary and bill about the headlines. i never got one changed. maybe i got a paragraph six paragraphs down change.d they were the paper of record. they said what they thought about was that. to bed after it's printed to a political faction is to cave in a way that i think will haunt them for some time to come. >> tucker: what has changed? is it social media? >> there is social media but the paper wanted to please a constituency. and they weren't willing to stand behind their own headline and were willing to change it for that constituency. that's >> tucker: it is incredible. it is incredible. you've been in washington an awfully long time. you've known a lot of people in power. have you ever seen anybody under 30 with as much politicall power
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as alexandria ocasio-cortez? >> no. it's not political power. pelosi is right. pelosi runs the house. but when it comes to media power, and to influence across our culture and society, she's a phenomenon it's really quite powerful. change the headline on "the new york times." >> tucker: yeah. it's like a child with a it's scary. i'm glad i'm not nancy pelosi. that's probably the first time and if ever thought this. how would you like to have to deal with that? i most feel sorry for pelosi. almost. mark penn, great to see you. we're out of time sadly. life is like that. he goes by faster than you think that will be back tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m., the sure that is the sworn enemy sincerely of lying, pomposity, smugness, and especially groupthink which is everywhere in case you haven't noticed. here's our challenge to you
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tonight. dvr the show if you can figure out how to operate it. if you can, send us a letter, handwritten, tell us how you did it. in the meantime, have a great evening. sean hannity is live at 9:00 p.m. from new york city. here he is. >> sean: lying, pomposity, smugness, groupthink, all horrible adjectives for anybody. all right, tucker. great show, good to see you. all right, buckle up. welcome to "hannity." we have news all over the place tonight. multiple fronts, including a damning new discovery from our friends at judicial watch showing the absolute depths of corruption inside the highest levels of the deep state. also, we have a shocking development from the hyperpartisan, yeah, the vile, trump-hating fbi lovebirds, the guy that said hillary should win a hundred million to zero and that we are a bunch of smelly walmart shoppers. peter strzok. it will probably make your skin crawl, but we will report it. but first, we turn to the mainstream media mob. they are operating as an unofficial o


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